Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] POSTER"" "subject:"[enn] POSTER""
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La Roumanie postcommuniste au prisme des théories de la transition démocratique / Postcommunist romania regards to democratic transition theoriesOfrim, Dorina Maria 17 December 2012 (has links)
Le sujet central de la thèse concerne la Roumanie postcommuniste, dont la transition est analysée àla lumière des théories de la transition démocratique. Prise dans la vague des transitionsdémocratiques qu’ont connues les pays de l’Europe Centrale et Orientale après 1989, la Roumanieest le seul pays qui a vécu un changement violent de régime ; elle est aussi celui qui a connu latransition démocratique la plus longue et la plus sinueuse de la région. La thèse présente unetypologie générale des théories de la transition démocratique, élaborées avant et après 1989. Lespremières tentent de dégager les facteurs de transition, avec des approches centrées, soit sur lesstructures, soit sur les acteurs. Les secondes insistent sur les facteurs d'incertitude propres à toutetransition et aussi sur les choix rationnels des acteurs. La confrontation du cas roumain auxthéories de la transition constitue un test de validité des différentes approches et souligne, en toutehypothèse, les spécificités de l'itinéraire suivi par la Roumanie pour sortir du régime communiste.La thèse, qui éclaire à la fois la genèse et le cheminement complexe de la transition roumaine,souligne les limites des théories de la transition démocratique, celles d'avant 1989 comme cellesd'après 1989, dans l'explication du processus transitionnel roumain, démontrant par là lacomplexité du cas roumain. / The central issue of this thesis concern post communist Romania and deals with the Romaniandemocratic transition regard to democratic transition theories. Part of the democratic transitionwave that experimented counties of Central and Eastern Europe, Romania is the only country toexperiment a violent regime change and a democratic transition known to be the longest and themost twisting. The thesis presents a general typology of democratic transition theories existingbefore and after 1989. The first theories attempt to identify the transition’s factors with centredapproaches either on structures or on actors. The latter emphasises the uncertainty inherent to anytransition, as well as on the actor’s rational choice. The confrontation of the Romanian case to thetransition theories is a test of the validity of different approaches and underlines the specific of theroute that Romania followed to escape communism. The thesis, which stresses both the genesisand the complex process of Romania’s transition, highlights the limitations of democratictransition theories, those before 1989 as well as those after 1989 in explaining the Romaniantransition process, thus demonstrating the complexity of the Romanian case.
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Design gráfico e a mobilização social: cartazes contra a guerra do Iraque / Graphic design and social mobilization: posters against the war in IraqFlávia de Barros Neves 04 September 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação conceitua e analisa o campo do design gráfico socialmente engajado. A partir do levantamento de dados sobre o design gráfico dedicado a ações de melhoria social, constatamos que o cartaz é o principal suporte visual utilizado. Sendo assim, iniciamos este estudo com um panorama da história do cartaz, de modo a comprovar o papel deste suporte gráfico como um reflexo de seu período histórico e da evolução da comunicação visual. Em seguida, apresentamos o design gráfico socialmente engajado através da fundamentação teórica, a partir de textos de pensadores do design, e de um apanhado histórico com exemplos da utilização design gráfico em iniciativas de melhoria social. Ao final, apresentamos um estudo de caso com a análise gráfica de cartazes da campanha contra a guerra do Iraque, de modo a conceituar algumas estratégias visuais utilizadas na linguagem gráfica de protesto. / This MA thesis conceptualizes and analyzes the field of the socially committed graphic design. Throughout the collect of data about graphic design committed to actions of social improvement, we have checked that the poster is the most used visual support. So, we have begun this study with a broad view of the history of the poster as an attempt to prove its role as a reflex of its historical period and the
improvement of visual communication. After that, we show the socially committed graphic design through a theoretical foundation by showing texts of design philosophers, and a historical synthesis with examples about the use of graphic
design in enterprises of social improvement. To finish, we show a case study with the graphic analysis of posters of the campaign against the war in Iraq, as a way of conceptualizing some visual strategies used in the graphic language of protest.
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Design gráfico e a mobilização social: cartazes contra a guerra do Iraque / Graphic design and social mobilization: posters against the war in IraqFlávia de Barros Neves 04 September 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação conceitua e analisa o campo do design gráfico socialmente engajado. A partir do levantamento de dados sobre o design gráfico dedicado a ações de melhoria social, constatamos que o cartaz é o principal suporte visual utilizado. Sendo assim, iniciamos este estudo com um panorama da história do cartaz, de modo a comprovar o papel deste suporte gráfico como um reflexo de seu período histórico e da evolução da comunicação visual. Em seguida, apresentamos o design gráfico socialmente engajado através da fundamentação teórica, a partir de textos de pensadores do design, e de um apanhado histórico com exemplos da utilização design gráfico em iniciativas de melhoria social. Ao final, apresentamos um estudo de caso com a análise gráfica de cartazes da campanha contra a guerra do Iraque, de modo a conceituar algumas estratégias visuais utilizadas na linguagem gráfica de protesto. / This MA thesis conceptualizes and analyzes the field of the socially committed graphic design. Throughout the collect of data about graphic design committed to actions of social improvement, we have checked that the poster is the most used visual support. So, we have begun this study with a broad view of the history of the poster as an attempt to prove its role as a reflex of its historical period and the
improvement of visual communication. After that, we show the socially committed graphic design through a theoretical foundation by showing texts of design philosophers, and a historical synthesis with examples about the use of graphic
design in enterprises of social improvement. To finish, we show a case study with the graphic analysis of posters of the campaign against the war in Iraq, as a way of conceptualizing some visual strategies used in the graphic language of protest.
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Gêneros acadêmicos, letramento e interdisciplinaridade : o pôster científico no ensino fundamental IISilva, Kelly Cristina Oliveira da 14 October 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation is the result of a literature research supported for the contributions of Textual Linguistics and Enunciative Studies (Bakhtin, 1999; Marcuschi, 2008 e 2009) as well as literacy studies (Tfouni, 1995; 2008; 2012), Street (2014) and in the Socio-Discursive Interctionism, specially in Schneuwly and Dolz (2004) and Bazerman (2011 e 2015). In this studies, using the principles of research-action (THIOLLENT,1997; ABDALA, 2005), we have searched for the theoretical basis required to the formulation of a didactic proposal that contemplates the teaching of the academic genres, more specifically the scientific pôster as a literacy tool in Portuguese classes, in the final years of Elementary School. The research has as main lócus a state school in the municipality of Catu, Bahia, Brazil, and the research subjects were 7th grade students. In order to achieve the goals, there were applied thematic reading projects with the purpose of taking students to: 1) develop autonomy and critical competence in their writing productions through the reading and analysis of several texts; 2) produce and apply in the local community survey questionnaires refering to the research theme and 3) produce na academic pôster according to the structure of the genre with a view to disseminating research results in scientific events locally and in the state. Through this experience, we can highlighted as principal gains: improving the reading of academic genres and reconition of their characteristics; improve in the coordination between different genres; development of the capacity of reality observation and authorial speech by students. / Este Trabalho de Conclusão Final (TCF) é resultado de uma pesquisa bibliográfica amparada nas contribuições da Linguística Textual e dos estudos enunciativos (Bakhtin, 1999; Marcuschi, 2008 e 2009), bem como nos estudos de letramento (Tfouni, 1995, 2008 e 2012); Street (2014) e no Interacionismo Sóciodiscursivo, especialmente nos estudos de Schneuwly e Dolz (2004) e Bazerman (2011 e 2015). Nesses estudos, e utilizando a metodologia da pesquisa-ação (THIOLLENT, 1997; ABDALA, 2005) buscou-se o embasamento teórico necessário à construção de uma proposta didática que contemple o ensino dos gêneros acadêmicos, mais especificamente o pôster científico, como instrumento de letramento nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa, no âmbito dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental II. Para tanto, foram aplicados projetos de leitura temáticos e interdisciplinares, com o propósito de levar os alunos a: (1) desenvolver a autonomia e a competência crítica em suas produções escritas a partir da leitura e análise de textos diversos; (2) produzir e aplicar na comunidade local questionários de pesquisa referentes ao tema pesquisado e (3) produzir pôster acadêmico respeitando a estrutura composicional e estilo do referido gênero, com vistas à divulgação dos resultados da pesquisa em eventos científicos municipais e estaduais. O trabalho teve como lócus uma escola da rede estadual, no município baiano de Catu, tendo como sujeitos alunos do 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental matriculados na unidade escolar. A partir desta experiência, destacamos como principais ganhos: melhora na capacidade de leitura dos gêneros acadêmicos e reconhecimento de suas características; melhora na articulação entre diferentes gêneros textuais; desenvolvimento da capacidade de observação da realidade e desenvolvimento de discurso autoral por parte dos estudantes. / Itabaiana, SE
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Válečný plakát a propaganda v období II. světové války / World War II Posters and PropagandaStudený, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The thesis offers semiotic analysis of the World War II poster. It examines the fundamental rhetorical and visual examples based on specific ideological context. The thesis presents the representative war posters of the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United States of America and Nazi Germany. Selected samples of the Czechoslovak posters are also included.
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Art Nouveau on acid : Om interaktionen mellan psykedeliska rockaffischer från 1960-talet och det sena 1800-talets Art NouveauIngemarsson, Klara January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how psychedelic posters from the 1960’s relate to postersfrom the late 19th century Art Nouveau, and how their similarities and differences are expressed in imagery and experience. The method applied is Peter Gillgrens theory about performativity, which is how we interpret art based on its experience, and Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf's theory about how to interpret imagery. This applies to a selected number of posters from the 1960’s and from the Art Nouveau period that bears great similarity, after having gone through the historic background of the different eras and what connects them.The results show that there is a difference between Art Nouveau and 1960's poster art, despite their similarity, that is expressed through the imagery and experience. The posters from the 1960’s shows independence from Art Nouveau by expressing an original type of art thatcaptures the counter culture of the 1960’s, and therefore uses Art Nouveau as a way of appropriation.
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"I Wish to Be, I Wish to Give, I Wish to Go, I Wish to Meet": Make-A-Wish and the Construction of Disability, 1980-PresentWauthier, Kaitlyn E. 11 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Ny standard - Nytt resultat : IAS 1 ”Utformning av finansiella rapporter”Kristianson, Micaela, Lenander, Karolina, Tolo, Jelena January 2008 (has links)
<p>Sedan 2005 har tillämpning av den internationella standarden IFRS/IAS varit obligatoriskt för alla svenska noterade bolag i deras koncernredovisning. Trots det relativt nya införandet av standarden sker hela tiden ändringar och tillägg i rekommendationerna. I januari 2009 kommer en ny reviderad version av standarden IAS 1 ”Utformning av finansiella rapporter”. Den nya versionen innebär att även de transaktioner som tidigare enbart redovisats direkt mot eget kapital, och som inte är hänförliga till ägarna, nu ska redovisas över resultaträkningen. Detta innebär bland annat att fler orealiserade värdeförändringar kommer att inkluderas i resultaträkningen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur revisorer ser på införandet av IAS 1 och ställa det i relation till IASB:s officiellt uttalade grundintentioner. För att besvara vår forskningsfråga har vi valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och intervjua kvalificerade revisorer på tre av Sveriges större revisionsbyråer. I empirin redovisar vi resultaten av den genomförda undersökningen. Vår slutsats är att revisorernas synpunkter skiljer sig i en del frågor från IASB:s officiella uttalanden, samt att syftet med den nya resultaträkningen inte till fullo har tillfredställt den generella användargruppens behov. Däribland märks särskilt de mindre företagen som mest upplever reglerna som omständliga och svåra att tillämpa. Det återstår att se i framtiden, om de potentiella positiva effekterna av den nya standarden även kommer att bli märkbara för företagen.</p> / <p>Since 2005 the international IFRS/IAS standards have been applied, and they are required for all Swedish public companies in their consolidated financial statements. The introduction of the new standards is still relatively new, but there are constant changes and amendments to them. In January of 2009 a new and revised version of IAS 1 will come into force. This new version means that transactions, that before were reported in the balance sheet but not applicable to the owners, now will be reported in the statement of income and expense. One of the effects that will come from this change is that more unrealized value changes will be included in the statement of income and expense. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the accountants view on the changes of IAS 1 and put that in relation to the published statements made by the IASB concerning their intentions of the changes. To answer our research question we have chosen to use a qualitative strategy and interview accountants from three of the larger accounting firms in Sweden. The results of the interviews will be presented in the empirical chapter. Our conclusion is that the accountants’ views are different from the published statements made by the IASB, in some areas of their intention. The new statement of comprehensive income have not fully satisfied the needs of general users, among which especially for smaller companies that mostly find the rules as being difficult and hard to apply. The future will show whether the potential positive effects of the new standards will be noticeable for the Swedish companies.</p>
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[pt] A pesquisa Cartazes do cinema brasileiro: imagem e imaginário social reflete sobre o universo imagético contido nos cartazes do cinema brasileiro, e tenta identificar imagens de referência ou recorrentes (ícones) que teriam contribuído para a construção do imaginário social sobre o país no cinema nacional, procurando identificar as origens da identidade social brasileira, como seria formado o imaginário nacional e se ele poderia ser representado por imagens dos cartazes de cinema brasileiros. A reflexão se desenvolve, principalmente, a partir das relações entre sociedade e cultura, o campo da arte e seus sistemas de produção. Tais relações colocam em evidência o fato de que as representações são construídas através da história social, a partir de configurações simbólicas que definem a sua forma final e a partir de conceitos pré-estabelecidos – as convenções –, que promovem facilidade de reconhecimento para quem observa, e
faz com que os produtores de imagem possam ter certo controle sobre o seu uso. A existência de uma cultura visual evidencia as práticas culturais dentro da sociedade, enquanto a indústria cultural utiliza as convenções para formar um conjunto de imagens que acaba por definir o universo visual moderno, permitindo perceber quando uma imagem tenta fugir de um padrão instituído. A tese desta pesquisa se configura sobre um caminho que tenta delimitar teoricamente o que constituiria a identidade social brasileira, em relação aos tipos de representação do brasileiro e do país; sobre pensamentos acerca da indústria do cinema nacional e seus mecanismos de distribuição e divulgação, que determinam, entre outros fatores, o design dos cartazes e também os tipos de representação da imagem; e finalmente, sobre as representações sociais e imagens dos cartazes de cinema pertencentes aos filmes nacionais. Fazendo parte de um universo onde as representações se baseiam no imaginário estrangeiro dos filmes, o cinema brasileiro se encontra encerrado entre uma prática que procura imitar as produções internacionais e seus padrões de imagem, ou buscar elementos da cultura brasileira para tentar construir um imaginário próprio, reforçando mitos e reafirmando a cultura nacional. O cartaz de cinema brasileiro se encontra no mesmo paradoxo: repetir os padrões gráficos consolidados pela indústria cinematográfica internacional e impostos pelas distribuidoras estrangeiras, ou buscar um padrão gráfico que possa ser considerado nacional. / [en] The study Posters of Brazilian Cinema: Image and the Social Imaginary reflects on the imagistic universe contained in the posters of Brazilian cinema, and attempts to identify recurrent (icons) or reference images that could have contributed to building the social imaginary about the country in national theater, seeking to identify the origins of Brazilian social identity, how the social imaginary was formed and if it could be represented by certain images from posters of brazilian cinema. The reflection is mainly developed from the relations between society and culture, the field of art and its production systems. Such relationships provide evidence of the fact that the representations are constructed through social history, from symbolic configurations that define its final form and from pre-established concepts – conventions – that promote ease of recognition for the observer , and gives the image producers some control over its use. The existence of visual culture highlights the cultural practices within society, while the cultural industry uses conventions to form a set of images that ends up defining the modern visual universe, making it possible to notice when an image tries to escape tthe established patern. The thesis of this research is set on a path that attempts to theoretically define what would constitute the Brazilian social identity in relation to the types of representation of the Brazilian people and the country; it encircles thoughts about the national cinema industry and their mechanisms of distribution and dissemination, which determine, among other factors, the design of posters and also the types of image representation; and finally, the social representations and images of movie posters belonging to brazilian national films. As part of a universe where representations are based on foreing imagery of films, Brazilian cinema is closed between a practice that seeks to mimic the international productions and its image patterns, or find elements of Brazilian culture to try to build an image of it own, reinforcing myths and reaffirming the national culture. Posters of Brazilian cinema finds itself in the same paradox: repeat graphic patterns consolidated by the international film industry and imposed by foreign distributors, or seek a chart pattern that can be considered national.
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[pt] A iconografia de Luís XIV foi um exemplo de representação
da soberania
onde a separação espacial e o acabamento perfeito das
figuras refletia a
organização social e política que a produzia. Contudo,
fora da Igreja e do Estado,
desenvolveram-se ao longo da modernidade, expressões
estéticas opostas à
representação do poder transcendental. Ao final do reinado
de Luís XIV, surgiu
um discurso histórico-político que, após revelar as
múltiplas nações que lutam sob
o Estado, autodialetizou-se quando, ao reivindicar uma
função totalizadora, o
Terceiro Estado retomou, de certa maneira, a tese
monárquica onde a nação
residia inteiramente na pessoa do rei. Esse movimento
explicaria uma certa
continuidade do discurso visual do poder - dos portraits
monárquicos aos
republicanos - por um lado e, por outro, a multiplicidade
das formas de
resistência: os cartazes políticos de maio de 68 foram a
expressão das diversas
nações contestadoras dos poderes e saberes constituídos
daquele momento,
manifestando o desejo de proximidade social e de renovação
política através de
elementos próximos da estética carnavalesca. Na transição
contemporânea de uma
soberania moderna para uma soberania imperial, a crise
político-estético entre
transcendência e imanência perdura. Por um lado, monarquia
e aristocracia
imperial apresentam a unidade transcendental através de
recursos estéticos
semelhantes. Por outro, no terceiro nível do Império,
encontramos expressões
estéticas que se afastam radicalmente das representações
do poder e que
denominamos manifestações de potência a partir da
definição sociológica, política
e ontológica de multidão. / [en] Louis XIV´s iconography was an example of sovereignty
representation in
which the spatial separation and the perfect finishing of
figures reflected the social
and political organization that produced it. However,
outside the Church and the
State, aesthetic expressions opposed to transcendental
representation were
developed all along modern times. At the end of Louis
XIV´s reign arose a
historical-political discourse that, after revealing the
multiple nations which
fought under the State, dialectized itself when the Thiers-
États, in the process
of claiming a totalizing function, resumed to a certain
extent the monarchic thesis
in which the nation dwells entirely in the person of the
king. This movement
would explain on the one hand, a certain continuity of the
visual discourse of
power - from the monarchic to the republican portraits -
and, on the other hand,
the multiplicity forms of resistance: the May 1968
political posters were the
expression of the diverse nations, contestant of the
powers and knowledge
constituted at that moment, and displayed the desire of
social proximity and
political renewal, through elements close to the aesthetic
of Carnival. In the
contemporary transition from a modern sovereignty to an
imperial one, a politicalaesthetic
crisis between transcendentalism and immanentism subsists.
On the one
hand, monarchy and imperial aristocracy introduce the
transcendental unity
through similar aesthetic resources. On the other hand, in
the Empire third level,
we find aesthetic expresions which fundamentally deviate
from the
representations of power and which we designate display of
potential power from
the sociological, political and ontological definition of
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