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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Folkbibliotekariers upplevda trygghet : En kvalitativ studie

Almroth, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur bibliotekarier upplever tryggheten på sin arbetsplats och hur eventuell otrygghet kan påverka dem. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer för att komma så nära bibliotekariernas personliga erfarenhet som möjligt. Intervjuerna analyseras sedan tematiskt med grund i teorier om imagined victimisation och psykologisk trygghet. Studien visar att bibliotekarierna känner sig trygga, men att det ibland sker händelser som gör dem osäkra och otrygga. Det upptäcks också att det finns viss osäkerhet kring handlingsplaner och vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas vid otrygga händelser.

Attaining Team Psychological Safety to Unlock the Potential of Diverse Teams

Chen, Victor H. 05 1900 (has links)
Team psychological safety fosters interpersonal risk-taking and constructive debate. Yet, how psychological safety develops in diverse teams needs to be explained. I apply collective regulatory lenses to shed light on how collective prevention focus (status quo) and collective promotion focus (growth) uniquely affect team psychological safety. I believe promotion focus makes it easier to attain psychological safety, while prevention focus makes it harder. Under a collective promotion lens, teams seek growth. Under a collective prevention lens, teams desire protection and not making things any worse. A pilot study of 76 students in 17 student project teams provided initial support for individual relationships in my model. In Study 2, an experiment, I manipulated team regulatory foci in three tasks (building towers, selling a house, negotiating a salary). I did not find significant mean group differences in psychological safety between promotion (n = 17) and prevention (n = 15) teams; yet, promotion teams experienced greater team viability in the final activity. In Study 3, I employed an experimental vignette method that suggested leadership conditions (e.g., leader humility vs transactional leadership) created differences in regulatory foci and subsequent differences in psychological safety with 343 working professionals in 7 scenarios.

Enhancing Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Safety Culture Through the Just Culture Model

Solomon, Aida 01 January 2014 (has links)
An organizational culture of safety affects employees' attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values related to safe practice as well as their behaviors and level of engagement. The purpose of this project was to determine the influence of introducing the just culture model through staff engagement in an interactive workshop. A convenience sample of acute care staff were recruited for this 1-sample pretest and posttest project design. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture instrument was used to measure safety culture perceptions on 7 dimensions pre and post intervention. For the theoretical framework, Ajzen's theory of planned behavior and Kantar's empowerment theory were used. Welch's t test results showed significant improvement in perception scores overall (t = 2.7, p < 0.01), with posttest mean scores ('= 3.7) higher than pretest mean scores ('= 3.5). The dimension-specific mean posttest scores were significantly higher on 3 of the 7 dimensions including teamwork (t = 2.99, p < 0.05), feedback and communication (t = 2.14, p < 0.05), and frequency of event reporting (t = 2.31, p < 0.05). Major implications for social change include reduction of preventable errors and iatrogenic events; creating a healthcare environment that is safe, fair, transparent, and reliable; creating organizational learning through evidence-based patient safety training; and promoting the use of perception surveys to measure and improve the culture in one's organization. The project may provide a road map for just culture implementation. Future qualitative and quantitative research should explore effects of a just culture on safety reporting patterns and specific events such reducing medication errors or risk-taking behaviors.

Cultivating creativity: the relationship between inclusive leadership, psychological safety, vitality, openness to experience and creative work involvement

Mavrokordatos, Amanda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Organisations are rapidly discovering the invaluable influence of creativity and innovation at work. An individual’s capacity to engage creatively with his or her work is becoming increasingly recognised as integral for organisational success and competitive advantage. The quest for an increase in creative output is driven by the following question: what causes variance in creative work involvement? The purpose of this study was to address the question of variance in creative work involvement across a variety of industries. In order to do so empirically, a structural model was developed after an interrogation of the literature to present the hypothesised relationships suggested through previous research. In essence, this study explored the significance of four relationships: (1) the effect of psychological safety on creative work involvement, (2) the effect of inclusive leadership on psychological safety, (3) the effect of openness to experience on creative work involvement, and (4) the moderating effect of vitality on the relationship between psychological safety and creative work involvement. The research approach was a quantitative study in which an ex post facto correlation research design was used. A total of 39 organisations participated in the study; they are located in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Gauteng provinces in South Africa. An electronic self-administered survey that consisted of six sections and 39 items was distributed to employees in varying roles and across different industries. Participation was voluntary; 519 employees engaged in the survey. Multiple regression analysis was used in order to evaluate the data collected. Creative work involvement, psychological safety and vitality were measured by utilising the measurement items presented by Kark and Carmeli (2009). Inclusive leadership was measured using nine items from Carmeli, Reiter-Palmon and Ziv (2010). Lastly, openness to experience was measured using the HEXACO-60 survey (Lee & Ashton, 2004), of which only the 10 items pertaining to this construct were included in the survey presented to the participants. The findings reveal that psychological safety had a significant effect on creative work involvement, and inclusive leadership was shown to have a significant effect on psychological safety. In addition, there was a significant positive relationship between openness to experience and creative work involvement. Moreover, vitality was shown not to have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between psychological safety and creative work involvement. It also was found that the relationship between vitality and creative work involvement was significant. The discussions and implications of this research suggest a number of implementations with which managers can engage in order to stimulate creative behaviour and further encourage creative work involvement through strategic decision making at a variety of organisational levels. Greater levels of creative work engagement can be achieved for the overall success of the organisation, which could have an impact on the global community at large. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Organisasies besef toenemend die onskatbare waarde van kreatiwiteit en innovasie in die werkplek. ’n Individu se vermoë om kreatief met sy of haar werk om te gaan, word toenemend erken as noodsaaklik vir ’n organisasie se sukses en mededingende voordeel (Florida & Goodnight, 2005, soos Bissola & Imperatori, 2011). Die soeke na ’n toename in kreatiewe uitset/produksie/opbrengs/vermoë word gedryf deur die volgende vraag: wat veroorsaak variansie in kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid? Die doel van hierdie studie was om die vraag oor variansie in kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid in ’n verskeidenheid industrieë aan te spreek. Om dit empiries te doen, is ’n strukturele model, na bestudering van die literatuur, ontwikkel wat die hipotetiese verhoudinge uitbeeld wat deur vorige navorsing gesuggereer is. In wese verken hierdie studie die beduidendheid van vier verhoudinge: (1) die effek van sielkundige veiligheid op kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid, (2) die effek van inklusiewe leierskap op sielkundige veiligheid, (3) die effek van ontvanklikheid vir ervaring op kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid, en (4) die modererende effek van lewenskragtigheid op die verhouding tussen sielkundige veiligheid en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid. Die navorsingswerkswyse is ‘n kwantitatiewe studie waarin ʼn ex post facto-korrelasionele navorsingsontwerp gebruik is. ’n Totaal van 39 organisasies, geleë in die Wes-Kaap, Oos-Kaap en Gauteng, het aan die studie deelgeneem. ’n Elektroniese selfgeadministreerde vraelys, bestaande uit ses afdelings en 39 items, is onder werknemers in verskeie rolle en in verskeie industrieë versprei. Deelname was vrywillig en 519 werknemers het die vraelys voltooi. Meervoudige regressie-analise is gebruik om die ingesamelde data te evalueer. Kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid, sielkundige veiligheid en lewenskragtigheid is gemeet met behulp van die metings-items wat deur Kark and Carmeli (2009) voorgestel is. Inklusiewe leierskap is gemeet met nege items van Carmeli, Reiter-Palmon en Ziv (2010). Laastens is die ontvanklikheid vir ervaring gemeet met gebruik van die HEXACO-60 opname (Lee & Ashton, 2004), waarvan slegs die 10 items wat betrekking het op hierdie konstruk ingesluit is in die vraelys wat aan die deelnemers voorgelê is. Die bevindinge het getoon dat sielkundige veiligheid ’n beduidende effek op kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid het en dat inklusiewe leierskap ‘n beduidende effek op sielkundige veiligheid het. Bykomend hiertoe is ’n beduidende positiewe verwantskap tussen ontvanklikheid vir ervaring en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid gevind. Verder is aangedui dat lewenskragtigheid nie ’n beduidende modererende effek op die verwantskap tussen sielkundige veiligheid en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid het nie. Daar is ook bevind dat die verwantskap tussen lewenskragtigheid en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid beduidend is. In die bespreking en implikasies van hierdie navorsing word ’n aantal voorstelle gemaak wat bestuurders kan implementeer om kreatiewe gedrag te stimuleer en kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid verder aan te moedig deur strategiese besluitneming op ’n verskeidenheid van organisatoriese vlakke. Groter vlakke van kreatiewe werksbetrokkenheid kan bereik word wat die oorkoepelende sukses van ’n organisasie bevorder, wat dan weer ’n impak op die globale gemeenskap kan hê.

Psykologisk säkerhet i scrum-team : en fallstudie om kulturella skillnader

Caiman, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte - Att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur kulturskillnader påverkar arbetet med scrum, med specifikt fokus på psykologisk säkerhet. Metod – En kvalitativ fallstudie med induktiv ansats har gjorts där semistrukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med observationer har använts för att samla in data. Tillsammans med litteratur har sedan en innehållsanalys gjorts.  Resultat – Studien har identifierat tre dimensioner som är viktiga att beakta vid arbetet med scrum. Dessa dimensioner är Inställningen till människan, Hanteringen av människan och Beteenden av människan, och belyser hur kulturskillnader skapar olika förutsättningar för psykologisk säkerhet i scrum-team. Vidare kan dessa insikter leda till ett förbättrat arbete med scrum och i förlängningen skapa mer innovativa och konkurrenskraftiga scrum-team och organisationer.  Teoretiska implikationer – Studien bidrar till litteraturen om psykologisk säkerhet med en empirisk förankrad teori som visar hur kulturskillnader skapar olika konsekvenser för psykologisk säkerhet. Mer specifikt visar den hur dessa kulturskillnader hänger samman och påverkar varandra. Ett andra bidrag som den här studien gör är att skapa djupare förståelse för hur implementering av scrum och agil övergång med fördel bör ske i en ny kultur, som karaktäriseras av hög maktdistans, osäkerhetsundvikande och kollektivism. Praktiska implikationer – Studiens resultat visar att de identifierade kulturskillnaderna hänger ihop vilket innebär att samtliga behöver adresseras för att skapa ett psykologiskt säkert scrum-team i en ny kultur. Psykologisk säkerhet är en förutsättning för självorganiserade team, så som scrum-team, och därmed är studiens resultat av intresse för gruppchefer på samtliga företag som arbetar med scrum, både i olika nationella kontexter och med multinationella team samt i globala virtuella team. / Purpose – To create a deeper knowledge for how cultural differences influences the work with scrum, with specific focus on psychological safety. Method – A qualitative case study with an inductive approach have been carried out where semi-structured interviews together with observations have been used to collect data. Together with literature a content analysis was then preformed. Result – The study has identified three dimensions that are important to consider when working with scrum. These dimensions are Attitude to the human, Managing the human and Behaviors of the human, and these show how cultural differences creates different basis for psychological safety in scrum teams. Moreover, these insights can lead to improved work with scrum and in turn create more innovative and competitive scrum teams and organizations. Theoretical implications – The study contributes to the literature about psychological safety with empirical theory that shows how cultural differences creates different consequences for psychological safety. More specifically, it shows how these differences in culture are related to one another and affects each other. Another contribution of this study is that the result creates a deeper understanding of how the implementation of scrum and agile transitioning best can be done in a new culture, specifically that is characterized by high power distance, uncertainty avoidance and collectivism. Practical implications – The study shows that the identified differences in culture are related to each other, which means that all needs to be addressed to create a psychological safe scrum team in a new culture. Psychological safety is a prerequisite for self-organized teams, such as scrum teams, and thus the result is of interest for group managers in all companies and organizations working with scrum, both in different cultural contexts and with multinational teams as well as in global virtual teams.

Med hälsan som insats : Projektledares uppfattning om och agerande för främjandet av arbetsrelaterad hälsa i projekt inom offentlig sektor / Health at stake : The perception and action of project managers when it comes to work-related health in projects within government agencies.

Svensson, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa projektledares upplevelser och agerande för arbetsrelaterad hälsa i projekt inom offentlig sektor. Via explorativa intervjuer med nio projektledare från sju olika myndigheter beskrivs allt från det organisatoriska klimatet och förutsättningarna för hälsa i projekt samt deras eget bidrag i sin roll. Resultatet visade på upplevelser av bristande förutsättningar inom organisationerna i stort beskrivna i temat ”Som ett löv för vinden”. Otydlighet i vem som bär ansvaret för hälsa på arbetet illustreras via temat ”Var det inte din tur att vattna?”. Deras reflektioner kring det egna bidraget och goda förutsättningar som finns inom projektets ramar beskrivs som ”Den goda jordmånen”. Slutsatser som dras är att det finns behov av att hitta ett systematiskt sätt att främja och belysa hälsa, tydliggöra ansvar och öka kunskapen om hur hälsa uppnås och vinsterna med dessa. / The aim of the study was to investigate the experiences and actions for work related health in projects within government agencies. By exploratively ask nine project managers from seven different governments of work-related health they describe everything from the climate of the government and conditions for health and their own contribution in their own role as a leader. The results showed that there is an experience of deficient conditions within the government described as “Like a leaf to the wind”. Unclarity when it comes to responsibility for health at work illustrated in the theme: “wasn’t it your turn to nourish the soil?”. Their own thoughts of their contribution and the good conditions within the project described as “The good soil”. The conclusions of the study showed that there is a need of finding a systematic way of working with and spread light to health, make responsibilities even more clear and raise the knowledge how to contribute to health at work and the profits of it.

Agile transformation, from classical- to agile project management in a multidisciplinary production environment, a case study / Agile transformation, from classical- to agile project management in a multidisciplinary production environment, a case study

Haghshenas, Nima January 2021 (has links)
The increase for project efficiency has led to some businesses adopting the agile project management model. This research project has studied how a project-oriented manufacturing company has introduced the agile model in its Research &amp; Development organization. The report here is based on qualitative analysis of 9 interviews with respondents and intends to evaluate how far the agile transformation in the Research &amp; Development organization has progressed. The report further aims to describe how the respondents have perceived and have been affected by the agile transformation.  The respondents in this study have been working as developers and have experienced the agile transformation in the organization from day one. The respondents´ experiences have been analyzed using Self-Determination Theory and the mediating role of psychological safety. Furthermore, previous studies on project transition and agile transformation have been used in the analysis.  This research study has also sought to learn how the temporary organization has introduced internal improvements in its organization through the introduction of the agile model.

Comparing the use of technology-based vs traditional team building interventions in developing group problem-solving and learning behaviours: insights from two experimental studies

Sellier, Matthew 16 March 2022 (has links)
The increasing reliance on technology for communication seems to have shown that nontechnology or traditional team building activities may not be effective in improving certain interpersonal skills (Klein et al., 2009). The researcher investigated whether the use of a serious game, i.e. an educational video game, is a better mode of delivery to improve group problem solving, team cohesiveness, team learning behaviours and, perceived team psychological safety rather than traditional team building intervention, i.e. a non-technology-based team building intervention (Emsley &amp; Rumeser, 2018; Edmondson, 1999). The researcher conducted two post test only quasi-experiments to compare the methods of team-building. In Study 1, four teams of university students (n=15 total students) took part in either a serious game or a traditional team building intervention. The serious game was based on a scavenger hunt mobile application while the traditional team building activity was an obstacle course. Each team was assessed, after the team building interventions, on their group problem-solving skills and team cohesiveness in order to determine if there was a significant difference between the scores of the two dimensions above for intervention groups. Study 2 consisted of six teams of university students (n=30 total students) participated in either a traditional online team-building activity or an online team-based serious game. The traditional online team-building activity was a spectrum mapping activity, and the online team-based serious game was an online escape room. Each team then participated in the same thought experiment and were finally asked to answer a questionnaire. Furthermore, a field researcher participated in both activities and her experiences were noted through an interview. There did not seem to be sufficient evidence to support the hypotheses for the second quasi experiment. However, the was evidence collected throughout both quasi-experiments that suggests that serious games are more enjoyed by participants and there seems to be a clearer initiative to utilise the interpersonal skills acquired in the future.

An investigation into the moderating role of psychological safety on the relationship between job demands and job resources and intention to quit

Domela- Serobanyane, Malinda 16 March 2022 (has links)
Background Employee turnover has been a major concern for organisations as far as a global competitive advantage is concerned. Amongst the proximal antecedents of turnover, intention to quit has been determined to exhibit the feelings and perceptions of employees concerning alternatives for the possibility of quitting the current employment relationship. Globally, an increasing portion of employees experiences some form of work overload, emotional and technological demands at the workplace, consequential in the feelings of being vulnerable and insecure. The current study, therefore, investigated the moderating role of pf psychological safety in the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. The rationale for the research study Knowledge as to whether job demand and job resources have implications for employee retention will make it possible for practitioners to devise strategies to ensure that employees' level of intention to quit is reduced. For instance, to ensure that job demands are managed to prevent emotional and physical drain and consequently intention to quit. To ensure that employees are offered access in terms of resources to improve their motivation, and thereby reduce the intention to quit. Moreover, knowledge and consideration of the moderating effect of psychological safety on the relationship between job demands and job resources will allow managers to enhance retention strategies and thus provide assurance for higher organisational productivity. Aim of the study The current research study was an exploratory attempt to investigate the moderating effect of psychological safety on the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. Whereas the existing literature on conservation resources theory provides valuable frameworks for understanding intention to quit, few researchers have investigated how the intention to quit may be influenced by job demands and job resources, through the mediating effect of psychological safety. Research Design, Sampling, and realised sample The cross-sectional study was used in the current research study as a quantitative approach through descriptive statistics to measure the relationship between intention to quit, job demands, and resources, and this associated being moderated by psychological safety. In other words, by applying descriptive statistics, the cross-section design was used in the current study to enable a detailed analysis of the variables in a systematic and standardised manner (ZangirolamiRaimundo, Echeimberg, &amp; Leone, 2018). This research implemented a structured questionnaire method to get primary data. In other words, the respondents were asked to respond to similar questions in a prearranged manner (Doyle, 2009). A realised sample of n= 114 from the central banking environment was obtained using a convenience sampling approach. Statistical analyses To statistically analyse data, the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) programme was used. Exploratory Factor Analysis discovered common factors among the items; factor analysis was used to identify common variances. Through direct extraction and rotation methods to improve the interpretation of the factor loadings to reduce ambiguities in the initial analysis. The reliability and validity of the intention to quit, job demands-resources, and psychological safety were assessed through coefficient alpha and factor analysis. In other words, in evaluating the results, the test of reliability data was conducted to determine the Cronbach alpha, which would be acceptable when found to be at a minimum of 0.7 (Taber, 2018). Descriptive and correlational designs were used to provide analysis of data. First to classify and summarise data, and secondly to determine and test for the relationship between intention to quit, job demands-resources and psychological safety as variables of this study Results In investigating the association between job demands (work overload and technological demands) and intention to quit, correlation analysis results indicated a weak and negative relationship between technological demand and intention to quit. to determine whether job resources (job autonomy and performance feedback) would be able to predict the intention to quit, the multiple regression model was performed. Although a weak and negative correlation between job resources and intention to quit existed, there was no sufficient evidence that job resources could be a good predictor of intention to quit since the regression model highlighted an insignificant value of 0.411 which is greater than 0.05. The multiple regression highlighted that when psychological safety was introduced, it was found that combined psychological safety and job demand were good predictors of intention to quit and it was significant at 0.05 since the significance level of the model was 0.03. The multiple regression highlighted that when psychological safety was introduced, it was found that combined psychological safety and job demand were good predictors of intention to quit and it was significant at 0.05 since the significance level of the model was 0.02. Findings The findings from the results supported various discussions and studies in the literature and practice, that psychological safety moderates the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. Further evidence was also found in support of the conservation of resources theory. Managerial Implications The results of the present research study embrace a practical implication for organisations in that the findings support the literature suggesting that psychological safety moderates the relationship between job demands, job resources, and intention to quit. The findings further contribute to a growing body of knowledge surrounding intention to quit, job demands, job resources, and psychological safety fields of research.

An Exploration of Factors Influencing First-Generation College Students' Ability to Graduate College: A Delphi Study

Gray Benson, Ashley C. 10 March 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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