Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SECOND GENERATION"" "subject:"[enn] SECOND GENERATION""
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Identity-building process among Second-Generation Migrants from former Yugoslavia living in Sweden.Scibisz, Paulina Zofia January 2022 (has links)
This study discusses the process of identity-building among second-generation migrants from former Yugoslavia, living in the Southern Region of Sweden, Skåne. The findings of this study have shown that respondents' identity construction is fluid and depends on many factors that influence it, which vary from one individual to another. For instance, language, culture, values, norms, how individuals were raised and where they were born. Moreover, depending on the individuals' experiences and personal choice. Some individuals maintain and reproduce their identity by using the parent’s mother tongue to speak with their family at home and maintain the culture by making Serbian/Bosnian food and choosing to listen to Yugoslavian music. I found that some individuals born in former Yugoslavia feel belongingness to Sweden, where they grew up and were raised instead of where they were born. The feeling of belonging differed from one respondent to the other. Some respondents showed their sense of belonging through feelings and emotions they have attached to the country they were raised in (Sweden). They have established bonds that make them see their belonging to Sweden as necessary. Others attributed their belonging to their environment, place where they were born, or parent's country of origin.
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Essays on Household Behavior in the Housing MarketZhang, Yuanjie 29 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Les descendants des immigrés en France et en Allemagne / des destins contrastés ; participation au marché du travail, formes d'appartenance et modes de mise à distance socialeTucci, Ingrid 20 March 2009 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht die Partizipationsmodi der Migrantennachkommen in Frankreich und Deutschland, insbesondere junger Menschen mit einem türkischen Hintergrund in Deutschland und einem maghrebinischen Hintergrund in Frankreich. Individuen bewegen sich in gesellschaftlichen Räumen, die für das individuelle und kollektive Handeln sowohl Opportunitäten bieten als auch durch Grenzen gekennzeichnet sind. Indem die historischen, institutionellen und strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen Frankreichs und Deutschlands verglichen werden, können die Unterschiede zwischen den Partizipationsmodi junger Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund analysiert werden. Die Auswertung repräsentativer Daten für Frankreich und Deutschland zeigt, dass die Migrantennachkommen in Frankreich deutlich höhere Bildungsabschlüsse erreichen als in Deutschland, wenn gleich die Situation polarisierter ist. Diese Bildungsungleichheiten wirken sich auf die Modi der Partizipation am Arbeitsmarkt aus. Trotz der Defizite der Migrantennachkommen in Deutschland im Hinblick auf das erreichte Bildungsniveau, haben diese eine relativ bessere Situation im Hinblick auf ihre Beschäftigung. Die Nachkommen maghrebinischer Migranten in Frankreich erfahren Arbeitslosigkeit und berufliche Disqualifizierung – trotz relativ hoher Bildungsabschlüsse. Die Partizipationsmodi verweisen auf zwei unterschiedliche, jedoch sich nicht ausschließende soziale Logiken: eine soziale Distanzierung durch Relegation in Deutschland und eine soziale Distanzierung durch Diskriminierung in Frankreich. Schließlich haben der nationale Rahmen und die Diskriminierungserfahrung einen Einfluss auf die von ihnen entwickelten Formen von Zugehörigkeit. So tendieren Jugendliche mit maghrebinischem Hintergrund, die Diskriminierung erfahren eher dazu, ihre Zugehörigkeit zur französischen Nation aufzukündigen. Dagegen hat die Diskriminierungserfahrung keinen Effekt auf das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl türkischer Migrantennachkommen in Deutschland. / This doctoral thesis analyses the modes of participating of young people of migrant origin, in particular those of North-African origin and of Turkish origin in today’s France and Germany respectively. Especially, it deals with their educational achievements, their transition into the labour market and their forms of belonging (citizenship and elective participation). The results from French and German micro-data indicate that despite their severe difficulties in terms of school achievements, young people of Turkish origin have a more favorable working life than young people of North-African origin who are more successful in the educational system. The former experience unemployment, instability and declassing more frequently in their working life. Two types of processes of social distancing emerge from those results: through relegation in Germany and through discrimination in France. Those processes trace back to institutional, structural and symbolic mechanisms. Furthermore, both the national framework and experience of discrimination influence the forms of belonging of those population groups in different ways. / Cette thèse analyse les modes de participation des descendants de migrants, en particulier maghrébins en France et turcs en Allemagne. Selon le cadre national dans lequel ils évoluent, les descendants de migrants n’ont pas les mêmes opportunités et ne font pas face à des contraintes similaires. Ainsi, en confrontant les conditions institutionnelles et structurelles propres aux sociétés française et allemande, il est possible de s’interroger sur les variations des modes de participation des descendants de migrants. Plusieurs dimensions sont étudiées : les inégalités dans l’accès aux titres scolaires, les transitions sur le marché du travail, le type d’emploi et les formes d’appartenance (lien de citoyenneté et lien de participation élective). Les résultats fondés sur l’exploitation quantitative de grandes enquêtes montrent que les descendants de migrants turcs, malgré leur situation d’échec scolaire, ont une vie professionnelle plus favorable que les descendants de migrants maghrébins qui ont quant à eux des diplômes plus élevés. Ces derniers, contrairement aux premiers, connaissent plus souvent le chômage, ils ont quitté le secteur industriel dans lequel étaient concentrés leurs parents, et subissent souvent un déclassement et une instabilité professionnelle. Les résultats obtenus laissent apparaître deux types de logiques sociales : la mise à distance sociale par la relégation en Allemagne et par la discrimination en France. Ces logiques sociales renvoient à des mécanismes institutionnels, structurels et symboliques précis qui sont développés et théorisés dans ce travail. Enfin, les descendants de migrants ne développent pas les mêmes formes d’appartenance. Alors que l’expérience du rejet amène les descendants de migrants maghrébins à révoquer leur appartenance à la société française, les descendants de migrants turcs sont maintenus dans un entre-soi qui, en quelque sorte, « va de soi ».
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Assimilation Over the Life Course? / Early Labour Market Careers of Second-Generation Turks in GermanyHartmann, Jörg 12 May 2016 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren werden die Themen Migration und Integration vermehrt diskutiert in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit und mit der steigenden Anzahl an Einwanderern steigt der Wert wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse zu diesen Themen. Die Erkenntnisse von Integrationsforschern in die zeitlichen Abläufe von Integration sind jedoch begrenzt, da Theorien zur Integration überwiegend intergenerationale Integration thematisieren und ihnen ein konkretes Verständnis der zeitlichen Dimensionen von Integration und ihrer Mechanismen fehlt.
In dieser Dissertation argumentiere ich, dass der Lebensverlauf eine zusätzliche und kritische zeitliche Dimension von Integration darstellt. Damit verbunden ist eine Kritik gängiger Assimilationstheorien für ihren Fokus auf intergenerationale Mechanismen von Integration und für das Fehlen einer systematischen Betrachtung der Lebensverläufe von Migranten. In diesem Sinn möchte die Dissertation zeigen, das die Nichtbeachtung der Lebensläufe von Migranten einen konzeptuellen Schwachpunkt der Assimilationstheorien darstellt, welcher wichtige zeitliche Integrationsprozesse und -mechanismen verschleiert.
Die Dissertation untermauert diese Argumente theoretisch und empirisch. Der erste Teil der Dissertation diskutiert Assimilationstheorien und zeigt, wie eine Lebensverlaufperspektive ein detaillierteres und adäquateres Verständnis der zeitlichen Integrationsprozesse und -mechanismen bietet. Dieser Teil schließt mit den Schlussfolgerungen, dass Integration oder Segmentation über den Lebenslauf von Migranten erfolgt, dass Lebenslaufprinzipien wie “Linked Lives” oder Endogene Kausalität adäquate Instrumente darstellen, diese Entwicklungen zu verstehen, und dass die Lebensläufe der Eltern einen Einfluss auf die Lebenschancen der nächsten Generation haben.
Der Hauptteil der Dissertation möchte die Fruchtbarkeit einer Lebenslaufperspektive für Studien zur Integration von Migranten empirisch untermauern. Zu diesem Zweck werden drei empirische Studien zur Arbeitsmarktintegration im Lebensverlauf der zweiten türkischen Einwanderergeneration in Deutschland präsentiert. Die erste Studie untersucht, ob die zweite türkische Einwanderergeneration in ähnlichem Ausmaß stabile Mittelschichtkarrieren verfolgt wie autochthone Deutsche. Damit wird eine zuverlässigere Antwort zu dieser Frage präsentiert als sie herkömmliche Querschnittstudien bieten können, welche Arbeitsmarktintegration zu einem Zeitpunkt im Lebenslauf untersuchen. Die Studie zeigt, dass die zweite Generation türkischer Einwanderer größere Probleme hat als autochthone Deutsche, eine stabile Mittelschichtkarriere zu verfolgen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Frauen der zweiten türkischen Einwanderergeneration. Dazu tragen vor allem ihr geringeres aufnahmelandspezifisches Kapital wie Bildung und Sprachfähigkeiten bei.
Die zweite Studie untersucht die Beschäftigungs- und Einkommensmobilität von Männern der zweiten türkischen Migrantengeneration sowie deren Verlauf über die frühe Erwerbskarriere. Dabei zeigt sich, dass diese Gruppe größere Arbeitslosigkeits- und Einkommensrisiken besitzt als autochthone Deutsche. Über die frühe Erwerbskarriere hinweg gleichen sich ihre geringeren Chancen auf Wiedereinstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt sowie ihre größeren Chancen auf Einkommenszuwächse denen der autochthonen Deutschen an, während ihre größeren Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiken bestehen bleiben. Auch hier zeigt sich, dass ihr geringeres aufnahmelandspezifisches Kapital die geringeren Arbeitsmarktchances von Männern der zweiten türkischen Einwanderergeneration beeinflusst. Zusätzlich zeigt sich, dass kumulative Nachteile die frühen Erwerbskarrieren dieser Gruppe beeinträchtigen.
Die dritte Studie untersucht, ob sich die Chancen auf Erwerbstätigkeit, Arbeitslosigkeit, und Hausfrauentätigkeit von Frauen der zweiten türkischen Generation mit denen von autochthonen deutschen Frauen über die frühe Erwerbskarriere hinweg angleichen. Es zeigt sich, dass Frauen der zweiten türkischen Generation öfter in Hausfrauentätigkeiten und weniger oft in Erwerbstätigkeit zu finden sind als autochthone deutsche Frauen. Über die frühe Erwerbskarriere hinweg gleichen sich die Chancen auf Erwerbstätigkeit und Hausfrauentätigkeit jedoch zwischen den beiden Gruppen an. Diese Entwicklung wird dabei überwiegend durch den späteren Eintritt der autochthonen deutschen Frauen in Mutterschaft verursacht, womit autochthone deutsche Frauen in der Regel die Erwerbsarbeit ruhen lassen.
Zusammengefasst tragen die Studien zur empirischen Literatur zur Integration von Migranten bei, indem sie den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Migranten der zweiten türkischen Generation aus einer Längsschnittperspektive heraus untersuchen und Belege für die Bedeutung von Lebensverlaufsprozesse für die Integration von Migranten finden. In theoretischer Hinsicht stellen die Studien den Fokus klassischer und neuerer Assimilationstheorien auf intergenerationale Assimilation infrage und liefern gute Gründe für die Betrachtung von Integration aus einer Lebenslaufperspektive heraus.
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L’insertion professionnelle des Haïtiens de deuxième générationGarcon, Cynthia 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur l’insertion des Haïtiens de seconde génération sur le marché de l’emploi. L’insertion professionnelle est la condition principale permettant une intégration sociale. En effet, avoir un emploi a des répercussions au niveau économique, social et psychologique. Les écrits ont montré que les jeunes et particulièrement ceux faisant partie d’une minorité visible ont plus de difficulté à s’insérer sur le marché du travail. C’est dans cette optique que nous nous sommes penchés sur la condition des Haïtiens de deuxième génération. La littérature fait état des multiples difficultés sociales et économiques auxquelles est confrontée cette tranche de la population. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés aux caractéristiques de l’insertion professionnelle des ces Haïtiens de seconde génération. Nous avions comme objectif général d’analyser la trajectoire d’insertion de cette population sur le marché du travail.
Notre démarche de type qualitatif s’est basée sur une série d’entrevues réalisées à l’hiver 2010 avec des hommes et des femmes Québécois d’origine haïtienne. Les thèmes abordés durant ces entrevues nous ont menés à des résultats différents de ceux recensés dans la littérature académique portant sur les Haïtiens de deuxième génération. En effet, nous avons rencontré des hommes et des femmes qui ont rencontré certains obstacles et qui continuent à faire face à des difficultés en lien avec leur vécu comme individu ayant une origine ethnique différente de celle de la majorité. Ces difficultés se manifestent également dans leur insertion en emploi. Cependant, cela n’a pas empêché ces enfants d’immigrants haïtiens de surmonter les obstacles et réussir leur intégration aux plans professionnel, économique et social. / This thesis focuses on the integration of second-generation Haitians on the job market. Integration on the job market is the main condition for social integration as being employed has impacts at the economical, social and psychological levels. The literature has shown that young people, particularly those belonging to visible minorities have more difficulty in entering the labor market. With this in mind, we examined the status of second-generation Haitians. The literature reports of multiple social and economic difficulties faced by this segment of the population. We are therefore interested in the characteristics of the experience of these second-generation Haitians in the workforce. Our main objective was to analyze the general trajectory of insertion of this population in the labor market.
Our qualitative approach was based on a series of interviews conducted in the winter of 2010 with men and women of Haitian origin. Topics discussed during these interviews led to different results from those identified in the academic literature on second-generation Haitians. Indeed, we have met men and women who have encountered some obstacles and continue to face difficulties related to their experiences as individuals with an ethnic background different from that of the majority. These difficulties manifest themselves in their experience on the labor market. However, this has not prevented these children of Haitian immigrants to overcome obstacles and succeed in their integration at the professional, economic and social levels.
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Serbliš kao hibridni jezik među srpskom dijasporom u Kanadi: svojstva i upotreba / Serblish as a Hybrid Language Among theTI Serbian Diaspora in Canada: Properties and UseDamjanovski Nela 12 September 2013 (has links)
<p>Ova disertacija se usredsređuje na jezičke i vanjezičke opise srpsko-engleskog ili englesko-srpskog hibridnog jezika serbliša koji upotrebljavaju pripadnici mlađe generacije srpske dijaspore u Vankuveru. Tema zahvata oblast kontaktne i kontrastivne lingvistike, sociolingvistike, psiholingvistike i pragmatike i bavi se istražvanjem i opisom navedenog varijeteta na morfosintaksičkom, leksičkom (semantičkom i pragmatičkom), fonološkom i grafološkom nivou.<br />Teorijsku podlogu ovog rada čine brojna proučavanja jezičkog kontakta sa lingvističkog, sociolingvističkog, pragmatičkog i psiholingvističkog aspekta, kako u svetu, tako i kod nas − u bivšoj Jugoslaviji i u Srbiji.<br />Prvu fazu istraživanja predstavljalo je pilot-istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo pisane izvore na srpskom jeziku u Vankuveru, od kojih su najvažniji i najobimniji novine Kišobran koje su petnaest godina (od 1997. do 2012.) izlazile u Vankuveru. Podaci dobijeni ovim istraživanjem poslužili su kao osnova za sastavljanje upitnika za drugu fazu istraživanja.<br />Analiza i opis serbliša kao varijeteta srpskog jezika zasniva se na građi dobijenoj u drugoj fazi istraživanja putem intervjua sa dvojezičnim ispitanicima i upitnika koji su ispitanici popunjavali. Prikupljena građa je analizirana i u odgovarajućim poglavljima predstavljena su svojstva ovog varijeteta na navedenim nivoima. Na kraju su izvedeni zaključci o svojstvima serbliša među pripadnicima mlađe generacije iseljenika, utvrđen je intenzitet i način uticaja engleskog jezika u konkretnoj kontaktnoj situaciji, ustanovljeni su slučajevi u kojima promene u jeziku nisu rezultat delovanja engleskog jezika, već nedovoljno naučenih aspekata srpskog jezika ili unutrašnjih tendencija u srpskom jeziku u matici i utvrđene su sličnosti i razlike u upotrebi jezika između dve ispitivane pogdrupe mlađe generacije govornika serbliša.<br />Disertacije je podeljena u pet poglavlja. U prvom, uvodnom poglavlju dat je prikaz teme i ciljeva istraživanja i objašnjenje osnovnih termina. Drugo poglavlje daje prikaz teorijskih postavki istraživanja i pregled preovlađujućih stavova u literaturi. Metodi istraživanja, profil ispitanika, etički aspekti istraživanja, jezik na kojem je istraživanje vođeno, kao i prikupljanje i obrada podataka za korpus predstavljaju se u trećem poglavlju. U četvrtom poglavlju daje se analiza korpusa i diskusija dobijenih rezultata. U poslednjem, petom poglavlju daju se zaključna razmatranja sa rekapitulacijom rezultata istraživanja i implikacijama za dalja istraživanja.</p> / <p>This dissertation focuses on a linguistic and extralinguistic description of the Serbian-English or English-Serbian hybrid language Serblish as used by the younger generation of the Serbian diaspora in Vancouver. It encompasses the domains of contact and contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics psycholinguistics and pragmatics and analyeses and describes this language variety at the morphosyntactic, lexical (semantic and pragmatic), phonological and graphological levels.<br />Numerous studies of language contact from the linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and psycholinguistic aspects conducted around the world, as well as in the former Yugoslavia and in Serbia form the theoretical framework of this dissertation.<br />The first stage of the research was a pilot research of written sources in the Serbian language in Vancouver, the most important and extensive being the Kišobran newspaper published in Vancouver over 15 years (from 1997 to 2012). The data obtained in this pilot study formed the basis for creating a questionnaire to be used in the second stage of the research.<br />The analysis and description of Serblish as a variety of the Serbian language is based on the material obtained in the second stage of the research through interviews with bilingual research participants and through a questionnaire filled out by the participants. The collected material was analyzed, and the properties of this variety are presented in the corresponding chapters for each linguistic level. Finally, conclusions were drawn about the properties of Serblish as used by the younger generations of immigrants, the intensity and ways of the influence of English in the given language contact situation were specified, cases were determined where the observed changes are not a result of English influence, but stem from imperfect learning or from internally motivated changes in the Serbian language in the home country, and similarities and differences in the use of the language between the two generations were determined.<br />This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first, introductory chapter outlines the topic and goals of the research, as well as introducing the basic terminology. The second chapter presents the theoretical framework of the research and reviews the prevailing perspectives in the literature. Research methods, profile of the research participants, ethical issues and language mode in the research, as well as gathering and processing the corpus material are presented in the third chapter. The focus of the the fourth chapter is an analysis of the corpus and a discussion of the obtained results. The final, fifth chapter provides concluding remarks, summarizing the research findings and outlining implications for further research.</p>
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The Estimation of semi-structural dynamic models of the labor market : essays on schooling decisions, employment contracts and promotions / L'estimation de modèles dynamiques semi-structurels du marché du travail : essais sur les choix d'éducation, les contrats de travail et les promotionsPoinas, François 07 December 2009 (has links)
This thesis contains three essays in microeconometrics and applied labor economics. In the first two essays, we estimate dynamic models of schooling choices and employment contract outcomes of the French population. The first essay focuses on the comparison between second-generation immigrants from Africa and their French-natives counterparts. We show that the gap in higher education attainments between those two sub-populations is mainly explained by parents' background and that schooling investment is the main determinant of the gap in permanent employment. The second essay investigates the role played by educational attainments on the employment contract transitions in the early career. We find that a first fixed term contract has a positive impact on the probability of employment in a permanent contract, except for a limited set of the population endowed with particular schooling attainments and unobserved characteristics. Globally, schooling attainments account for around one third of the variance in the probability of permanent employment. The third essay is devoted to the analysis of intra-firm promotions of American executives. We estimate a dynamic model of promotions, in which we disentangle the spurious and the causal impacts of the speed of past advancement. We find that the principal determinant of promotions is unobserved heterogeneity and that the speed of past advancement in the firm's hierarchy (fast tracks) does not have a causal impact on promotions. Functional area has a high explanatory power in promotion outcomes. / Cette thèse présente trois essais en microéconométrie et économie du travail appliquée. Dans les deux premiers essais, nous estimons des modèles dynamiques de choix d'éducation et de contrats de travail en France. Le premier essai s'intéresse à la comparaison entre immigrés de deuxième génération originaires d'Afrique et natifs de parents français. Nous montrons que l'écart dans l'accès aux diplômes d'éducation supérieure entre ces deux sous-populations est expliqué principalement par l'environnement parental et que l'investissement en scolarité est le principal déterminant de l'écart dans l'accès à l'emploi permanent. Le deuxième essai s'intéresse au rôle joué par la scolarité dans les transitions entre contrats de travail en début de carrière. Nous trouvons qu'un premier contrat à durée fixe a un impact positif sur la probabilité d'emploi dans un contrat permanent, excepté pour une partie limitée de la population, dotée de niveaux de scolarité et de caractéristiques inobservables particulières. Globalement, le niveau de scolarité atteint explique environ un tiers de la variance de la probabilité d'emploi permanent. Le troisième essai est dédié à l'analyse des promotions intra-firme de cadres américains. Nous estimons un modèle dynamique de promotion dans lequel nous séparons l'effet causal de l'effet artificiel de la vitesse des avancements passés. Nous trouvons que le principal déterminant des promotions est l'hétérogénéité individuelle inobservable et que la vitesse antérieure de progression dans la hiérarchie de la firme (fast tracks) n'a pas d'impact causal. La division d'appartenance dans l'entreprise a un fort pouvoir explicatif dans les promotions observées.
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Identificação das principais enzimas hidrolíticas de Aspergillus fumigatus quando crescido em bagaço de cana-de-açúcar / Identification of main hydrolytic enzymes of Aspergillus fumigatus when grown in sugarcane bagasseBernardi, Aline Vianna 09 March 2017 (has links)
A biomassa do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar é composta de material lignocelulósico, principalmente celulose e hemicelulose, os quais são constituídos por açúcares de alta energia que podem ser convertidos a etanol. No entanto, a associação recalcitrante dessa biomassa impõe um grande desafio para a produção de biocombustíveis de segunda geração, devido à dificuldade em recuperar esses açúcares sob a forma de monômeros com elevado grau de pureza. Na natureza, muitos microrganismos realizam a degradação da biomassa de plantas através da ação de múltiplas CAZymes. Dentre esses, os fungos filamentosos se destacam devido a sua capacidade de produzir misturas enzimáticas altamente específicas para os substratos com que se deparam e, por essa razão, são a principal fonte das enzimas utilizadas nos coquetéis enzimáticos comercializados, em especial a espécie T. reesei. Contudo, esses coquetéis precisam ser otimizados e, para tanto, é necessário investir no estudo de outros fungos, como o A. fumigatus. Apesar de patogênico, o mesmo é considerado um importante produtor de enzimas lignocelulolíticas, cujas eficiências são aumentadas devido ao efeito sinérgico entre elas. Dessa forma, uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos utilizados por esse fungo durante a exposição a biomassas vegetais é necessária. Nesse sentido, a determinação das atividades de celulases e xilanases após diferentes tempos de incubação foi realizada nos sobrenadantes das culturas do A. fumigatus crescido em SEB e em frutose, resultando em valores 21, 59 e 271 vezes maiores para as celulases e 150, 541 e 74 vezes para as xilanases, após 24, 48 e 72 horas de cultivo, respectivamente, na presença do bagaço. Para verificar se as enzimas estavam efetivamente hidrolisando a biomassa, foi realizada a dosagem dos açúcares redutores nos sobrenadantes das culturas em SEB, tendo sido observado um aumento na concentração desses açúcares à medida que o tempo de exposição ao bagaço aumentava. Com o propósito de compreender o mecanismo envolvido na hidrólise do bagaço, foi realizada a análise transcricional do A. fumigatus por RNA-seq, quando esse fungo foi crescido na presença desse substrato, assim como em frutose. A análise dos dados revelou 144 CAZymes induzidas em SEB, frente a 65 reprimidas nessa biomassa. Dentre os genes induzidos, foram identificados muitos potencialmente envolvidos na desconstrução da lignocelulose, como aqueles que codificam endoglucanases, celobiohidrolases, glucosidades, xilanases, xilosidases, manosidases, LPMOs, pectinases, entre outros. Para verificar se essas proteínas estavam sendo secretadas pelo fungo, o secretoma do mesmo foi analisado por espectrometria de massas LC/MS. Com isso, identificou-se uma gama muito maior de proteínas na presença de SEB (130) em comparação ao crescimento em frutose (44), sendo a maioria CAZymes (59%). Todos esses resultados evidenciam o potencial do A. fumigatus na hidrólise do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, podendo suas enzimas contribuir para a produção de coquetéis enzimáticos mais eficientes e, consequentemente, para a produção de etanol de segunda geração / Sugarcane bagasse biomass is composed of lignocellulosic material, mainly cellulose and hemicellulose, which are composed of high energy sugars that can be converted into ethanol. However, the recalcitrant association of this biomass imposes a major challenge for the production of second-generation biofuels, due to the difficulty in recovering these sugars in the form of monomers with high purity. In nature, many microorganisms perform the degradation of plant biomass through the action of multiple CAZymes. Among them, filamentous fungi stand out for their ability to produce highly specific enzymatic mixtures for the substrates they are in the presence of and, therefore, they are the main source of enzymes used in commercialized enzymatic cocktails, especially T. reesei. However, these cocktails need to be optimized and, for this reason, it is necessary to invest in the study of other fungi, such as the A. fumigatus. Although pathogenic, it is considered an important producer of lignocellulolytic enzymes, whose efficiencies are increased due to the synergistic effect between them. Thus, a better understanding about the mechanisms used by this fungus during exposure to plant biomass is necessary. In this sense, the determination of cellulases and xylanases activities after different incubation times was performed after collection of supernatants from A. fumigatus grown in SEB and fructose cultures, resulting in 21, 59 and 271-fold higher values for cellulases, and 150, 541 and 74-fold higher values for xylanases, after 24, 48 and 72 hours of cultivation, respectively, in presence of the bagasse. To verify if the enzymes were effectively hydrolyzing the biomass, the supernatants from SEB cultures were collected and the reducing sugars were quantified. An increase in the concentration of these sugars was observed as the exposure time to the bagasse increased. In order to understand the mechanism involved in bagasse hydrolysis, the transcriptional analysis of A. fumigatus grown in the presence of this substrate and in fructose was performed by RNA-seq. Data analysis revealed 144 CAZymes induced by SEB, compared to 65 repressed by this biomass. Among the induced genes, many potentially involved in the lignocellulose deconstruction, such as those encoding for endoglucanases, cellobiohydrolases, glucosidases, xylanases, xylosidases, mannosidases, LPMOs, pectinases, among others, were identified. To verify if these proteins were being secreted, the secretome of the fungus was analyzed by LC/MS mass spectrometry. Hence, a much larger range of proteins was identified in the presence of SEB (130) as compared to growth in fructose (44), most of them being CAZymes (59%). All these results show the potential of A. fumigatus in the hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse and its enzymes can contribute to the production of more efficient enzymatic cocktails and, consequently, to the production of second-generation ethanol
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Réélaboration des récits du traumatisme et projet de vie des jeunes Cambodgiens actuels : impact différencié du sens accordé au traumatisme familial suite au génocide des Khmers rouges / Re-writing the trauma stories and the life project of young Cambodian today : differential impact of meaning accorded to the family trauma following the genocide of the Khmers rougesOp, Vanna 05 July 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le contexte Cambodgien où les traces de la tragédie du génocide des Khmers Rouges sont restées inscrites ; sous ce régime, les Cambodgiens ont subi massivement la violence, la menace de mort, la séparation parent-enfant, la torture, la malnutrition, la suppression des religions et le fait d'une mortalité énorme et ainsi pendant cette période, la configuration de la famille khmère a été gravement touchée. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’étudier comment les modalités dynamiques d’élaborations psychiques des jeunes Cambodgiens actuels influencent la manière dont ils construisent la représentation et le sens par rapport au récit traumatique porté par leurs parents suite au génocide et comment le sens accordé à ce traumatisme influence la construction de leur projet de vie.Nous avons effectué notre recueil des données auprès de 152 étudiants en première année de l’Université Royale de Phnom Penh : 77 filles et 75 garçons, âgés de 17 à 24 ans, 75 étudiants en formation de sciences sociales et humaines et 77 étudiants en formation de sciences exactes. De plus 16 entretiens cliniques ont été effectués : 9 sujets sont en formation de sciences sociales et humaines et 7 sujets en formation de sciences exactes. La dynamique d’élaboration psychique du sujet a été évaluée à l’aide de l’épreuve projective TAT, la représentation a été évaluée à l’aide d’échelles spécifiques et d’entretiens. Le projet de vie a été évalué à l’aide des échelles construites par Rodriguez-Tomé (1987), et d’une technique construite par Safont, De Léonardis et Oubrayrie (1994). L’étude quantitative montre que les sujets de notre échantillon ayant un éventail défensif « souple et varié » qui trouvent la bonne distance entre fantasme et réalité permettant de construire de manière modérée des représentations des conduites symptomatiques des parents, sont capables de s’engager dans des projets réalistes même si l’anxiété est présente. Concernant les sujets ayant un éventail défensif « univoque » (contrôle ou laisser-aller), ils construisent beaucoup plus fréquemment des représentations des conduites symptomatiques des parents. Ils peuvent tout de même s’engager de façon réaliste dans des projets même si l’anxiété est également présente.Notre analyse qualitative montrent l’existence d’une pluralité des discours représentatifs des traces traumatiques portées par les parents : 1/ la désorganisation dramatique de la maisonnée khmère actuelle ; 2/ le rapport aux conduites symptomatiques des parents et 3/la construction d’une mémoire en tant que fait historique, il existe également deux autres discours construits par le sujet, qui représentent la construction du projet : 4/ la construction des stratégies vers les études pour sortir des obstacles et 5/ des choix de formations vers les métiers, pour se réaliser. / This research study is part of the Cambodian context where traces of the tragedy of the genocide of the Khmer Rouge remain inscribed; under this regime, Cambodian people have been subjected to massive violence, death threatening, parent-child separation, torture, abuse, suppression of religions and the fat of enormous mortality during this period, the pattern of Cambodian family has been seriously affected. The aim of our research is to study how the dynamic modalities of psychic elaboration of young Cambodians today influence the way they construct representation and meaning in relation to the traumatic narrative carried by their parents following the genocide and how the meaning accorded to this trauma influences the construction of their life project.The psychic development dynamic of the subject was assessed using the TAT projective test, and the representation was assessed using specific scales and interviews. The life project was evaluated using the scales constructed by Rodriguez-Tomé (1987), and a technique elaborated by Safont, De Leonardis and Oubrayrie (1994).The quantitative study shows that the subjects in our sample with a "flexible and varied" defensive range that find the right distance between fantasy and reality to construct moderately representations of parental symptomatic behaviors, are able to engage in realistic projects even if anxiety is present. Concerning the subjects with a "unequivocal" defensive range (control or letting go), they construct much more frequently representations of the symptomatic behaviors of the parents. They can anyway realistically engage in projects even if anxiety is also present.Our qualitative analysis shows the existence of a plurality of representational discourses of the traumatic traces carried by the parents: 1/ the dramatic disorganization of the current Khmer household; 2/ the relation to the symptomatic behavior of the parents and 3/ the construction of a memory as a historical fact, there are also two other discourses constructed by the subject, which represent the construction of the project: 4/ the construction of the strategies towards the studies to get out of the obstacles and 5/ choices of training towards the professional skills, to be realized.
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Improvement of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by hybridization for increased tolerance towards inhibitors from second-generation ethanol substrate / Obtenção de linhagens de Saccharomyces cerevisiae mediante hibridação para tolerância aos inibidores presentes no hidrolisado de bagaço para produção do etanol de segunda geraçãoBasso, Thalita Peixoto 06 February 2015 (has links)
Global climate change and volatility of petroleum price have driven the necessity to reduce fossil fuel utilization and replace it by renewable energy. Bioethanol production in the United States and Brazil from cornstarch and sugarcane, respectively, is already established. However, the bioethanol industry appears unsustainable in view of the potential stress that its production places on food commodities. In contrast, second-generation biofuels produced from cheap and abundant lignocellulosic biomass, has been viewed as one plausible solution to this \"food versus fuel\" problem. Sugarcane bagasse is an abundant source of lignocellulosic biomass in Brazil and is generally recognized as a very promising feedstock for lignocellulosic ethanol production. Nevertheless, inhibitors such as furfural, 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) and carboxylic acids are formed during an acid thermochemical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass, which has a negative effect on the fermentative microorganisms - Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Second-generation (2G) ethanol in Brazil has the possibility to use a novel substrate, prepared as a blend of sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate and cane molasses. Molasses supplements the nutritional deficiencies of bagasse hydrolysate, contributing with minerals, amino acids and vitamins. However, molasses also contains additional inhibitors, such as HMF, sulfite, and toxic concentration of some minerals (K, Ca), which affect S. cerevisiae fermentation performance. The goal of this work was to generate tolerant derivatives of S. cerevisiae industrial strains that are able to cope with inhibitors present in bagasse hydrolysate and molasses, by means of sexual hybridization and adaptive evolution, which can be used for 2G-ethanol production. The industrial strains PE-2, CAT-1 and SA-1 were sporulated, and haploids were irradiated by ultraviolet (UV) light in order to increase genetic and phenotypic diversity. After direct mating and screening in molasses and hydrolysate media, 234 hybrid strains were selected for further study. In parallel, mass matings (intra and interlines) of PE-2, CAT-1 and SA-1 from non-irradiated haploids were performed and the generated strains were subjected to adaptive evolution for about 100 generations. The 120 strains derived from mass mating and adaptive evolution were then screened for growth in molasses-hydrolysate media. Six isolates showed good fermentation properties compared to the reference strains, showing that hybridization and adaptive evolution of Brazilian industrial yeast strains was a good strategy to develop new tolerant strains for 2G-ethanol production. To better utilize all the sugars present in bagasse hydrolysate, a cassette containing the three genes responsible for xylose fermentation (xylose reductase, xylitol dehydrogenase and xylulose kinase) was integrated into the genome of a haploid derivative (272-1a) of one of the six selected hybrids (272), which had the highest tolerance to Miscanthus x giganteus hydrolysate. Fermentation studies demonstrated that this engineered strain was able to metabolize xylose into ethanol. Finally, the haploid 272-1a was analyzed by quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping to identify the genetic basis of hydrolysate tolerance. Although the causative gene(s) were not identified in this work, a number of QTL peaks were identified that will serve as the starting point for future fine-mapping studies. / Mudança climática global e a volatilidade do preço do petróleo tem impulsionado a necessidade de redução e substituição de combustíveis fósseis por energias renováveis. A produção de bioetanol nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil a partir de milho e cana-de-açúcar, respectivamente, está estabelecida. Todavia, a produção de bioetanol mostra-se insustentável, pelo fato da utilização de produtos alimentares para tal produção. Em contrapartida, biocombustíveis produzidos a partir de resíduos lignocelulósicos têm sido vistos como uma solução plausível para o problema \"alimento versus combustível\". No Brasil, o bagaço de cana é uma fonte disponível de biomassa lignocelulósica. No entanto, inibidores como furfural, 5-hidroximetil-furfural (HMF) e ácidos carboxílicos formados durante o prétratamento ácido da biomassa lignocelulósica, têm efeito negativo sobre os microorganismos fermentadores - Saccharomyces cerevisiae. No Brasil, o etanol de segunda-geração (2G) tem possibilidade de utilizar um novo substrato, preparado a partir da mistura de melaço e hidrolisado de bagaço. O melaço será um adjuvante para suprir a deficiência nutricional do hidrolisado, contribuindo com minerais, aminoácidos e vitaminas. Por outro lado, o melaço apresenta alguns inibidores, como HMF, sulfito, e concentração tóxica de alguns minerais, como potássio (K) e cálcio (Ca), que afetam o crescimento e desempenho fermentativo de S. cerevisiae. O objetivo deste trabalho foi gerar descendentes tolerantes de linhagens industriais de S. cerevisiae, capazes de lidar com inibidores presentes no melaço e no hidrolisado de bagaço, por meio de hibridação e evolução adaptativa, para produção do etanol 2G. As linhagens industriais PE-2, CAT-1 e SA-1 foram esporuladas, seus haplóides foram irradiados por luz ultravioleta (UV), objetivando o aumento da diversidade genética e fenotípica das linhagens. Após cruzamento direcionado, 234 híbridos foram selecionados pelo crescimento (DO570nm) em meios de melaço e hidrolisado. Em paralelo, cruzamentos massais (intra e interlinhagens) de haplóides não-irradiados de PE-2, CAT-1 e SA-1 foram realizados e submetidos a evolução adaptativa por cerca de 100 gerações. As 120 estirpes de cruzamentos massais seguidos de evolução adaptativa foram selecionadas pelo crescimento em meios de melaço e hidrolisado. Seis isolados apresentaram boas características fermentativas em comparação às cepas referências, mostrando que hibridação e evolução adaptativa de linhagens de leveduras industriais brasileiras são boas estratégias para desenvolver novas linhagens para produção do etanol-2G. Para uma melhor utilização dos açúcares do hidrolisado, a cassete contendo os três genes responsáveis pela fermentação de xilose (xilose redutase, xilitol desidrogenase e xiluloquinase) foi integrada no genoma do haplóide segregante (272-1a) de uma das seis estirpes selecionadas (272), que apresentou a maior tolerância em hidrolisado de Miscanthus x giganteus. Estudos de fermentação mostraram que a estirpe foi capaz de metabolizar a xilose em etanol. Por fim, o haploide 272-1a foi analisado por quantitative trait loci (QTL) afim de identificar a base genética da tolerância ao hidrolisado. Apesar, do(s) gene(s) causativos não terem sido identificados nesse trabalho, os picos do mapa de QTL identificados servirão como ponto de partida para futuro mapeamento.
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