Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SMARTPHONE"" "subject:"[enn] SMARTPHONE""
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Consumer Value Perception of Smartphones : A Comparative Study of Swedish and Japanese MillennialsAkiba, Eric Adam George, Jonsson, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Background: With the emergence of smartphones being a novel and increasingly relevant occurrence, and both the Swedish and Japanese markets being highly prominent in smartphone usage and technological adoption, there exists an avenue of research that compares these two markets. This research examines the consumer value perception of smartphones in millennials, the first digital natives, comparatively between the two markets. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the consumer value perception in Swedish and Japanese millennials, to possibly identify any differences between them. This is done in order to create a greater understanding on possible differences in how consumers in these markets perceive value and motivate purchases, which can aid marketing practitioners in creating sufficient value propositions and marketing strategies for these markets. The possible findings of this research can possibly improve upon existing theories and concepts and serve as a foundation for further research. Method: This exploratory research was conducted qualitatively using the data collected from semi-structured interviews with 16 millennials, 8 from Sweden and 8 from Japan, paired with abductive reasoning as well as a thematic analysis approach. Conclusion: The results show that there are a number of differences between consumers in these two markets. Using the Perceived Value Model (Boksberger & Melsen, 2013), as well as the smartphone value perception categories (Andrews et al., 2012), four global themes were identified: Derived Value of Smartphones, Product Quality Assessment, Affects of Satisfaction and Motivation for New Purchases and their underlying categories. Through analysis, the authors identified differences in what value the consumers of both markets derive from smartphones, how the participants view price as a quality indicator, how they derive satisfaction and develop brand loyalty from their purchases as well as what values motivate new purchases.
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Smarta enheter kräver smarta användare - om riskerna med att använda mobila enheterSjösten, Dennis January 2012 (has links)
Användandet av internetstödjande enheter som kan användas överallt i det vardagliga livet har ökat intensivt på bara några få år. Informationsmobilitet är större idag än någonsin tidigare. Fler och fler människor har tillgång till information så nära som i hans eller hennes ficka. Detta beteende har både positiv och negativ potential. I studien undersöker vi hur en mindre grupp människor använder sina enheter och även hur oförsiktigt beteende kan sammankopplas med några av de stora potentiella skador som kan inträffa på mobila enheter. Frågan ”På vilka sätt kan oförsiktigt användande av mobila enheter påverka säkerheten kring information som finns tillgänglig via enheten?” besvaras med en jämförelse mellan litteratur och resultaten från en enkätundersökning. Det oförsiktiga användandet av mobila enheter har definitivt en påverkan på datasäkerheten, oavsett om informationen är personlig eller organisatorisk. / The use of devices with internet connectivity that can be used everywhere in everyday life has increased immensely in just a few years. Information mobility is greater today than ever before. A lot of people have access to large amounts of information in his or her pocket. This behavior has both positive and negative potentials. In this study we explore how a small group of people use their devices and also how inconsiderate behavior can be linked to some threats directed towards mobile devices. The question “In what ways can careless usage of mobile devices affect the safety regarding information accessible from the device?” is answered by comparing studied literature and the results of a survey. The careless use of mobile devices definitely has an impact on data integrity, independently of whether it is personal or organizational data.
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Development of a Photogrammetric Tool for Cranial Deformation Analysis in InfantsBarbero García, Inés 21 January 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La fotogrametría ha demostrado un gran potencial para la obtención de mediciones precisas en diferentes campos de estudio, incluyendo la medicina. La deformación craneal es un problema con una alta prevalencia entre lactantes durante sus primeros años de vida, esta deformación puede tener diferentes causas y riesgos asociados. La causa más común de las deformaciones es posicional, este tipo de deformaciones se han asociado durante mucho tiempo a problemas únicamente estéticos. Sin embargo, diferentes autores han puesto de manifiesto la posible relación entre deformaciones posicionales y retrasos en el desarrollo. Otro tipo de deformación craneal es el causado por el cierre prematuro de algunas suturas craneales, que puede tener como consecuencia importantes riesgos para la salud de los lactantes y a menudo es corregido mediante cirugía.
La detección precoz de estas deformaciones es importante para asegurar los mejores resultados futuros, ya que el cráneo es especialmente maleable durante los primeros meses de vida. La correcta monitorización de los pacientes también hace posible la evaluación de los diferentes tratamientos posibles y asegura una mejor evolución.
Las metodologías actuales para la evaluación de la deformación craneal pueden dividirse en tres grupos principales: 1) Mediciones de bajo coste, realizadas con dispositivos simples como cinta métrica y calibre, o mediante un simple análisis visual; 2) Pruebas radiológicas, en concreto Tomografía Computerizada e Imagen por Resonancia Magnética, son consideradas la opción más precisa pero tienen un alto coste y son invasivas y 3) Soluciones basadas en imagen o escáneres 3D, que no son invasivas pero si tienen un alto coste y, como consecuencia, no están presentes en la práctica clínica habitual.
En esta tesis doctoral se han estudiado las posibilidades de la fotogrametría como método para evaluar la deformación craneal en lactantes y se ha desarrollado una herramienta para llevarlo a cabo. La herramienta presentada es de bajo coste, objetiva y no invasiva, ya que no es necesaria la sedación de los pacientes. El mayor reto de este proyecto fue la obtención de datos con lactantes en movimiento durante una consulta médica rutinaria.
En primer lugar, se utilizó cámara réflex para crear modelos 3D de la cabeza de los lactantes. La metodología generó modelos con una precisión adecuada pero la toma de datos requería largos periodos de tiempo y el montaje de diferentes dispositivos.
El procesado de los datos también requería un largo periodo de tiempo al ser totalmente manual y requería de la intervención de un experto.
Se han estudiado las necesidades para el desarrollo de una herramienta capaz de obtener de forma automática modelos 3D de las cabezas de lactantes en movimiento, y se ha desarrollado una herramienta innovadora. Esta herramienta consiste en un gorro codificado, que funciona junto a una aplicación móvil y guía al usuario durante la toma de datos, como consecuencia, no es necesario ningún conocimiento de fotogrametría por parte de este. Los datos son procesados en un servidor, obteniéndose el modelo y los parámetros de deformación en un tiempo aproximado de 4 minutos y con una precisión de 2 mm. Con el objetivo de hacer la herramienta útil para el personal médico, diferentes índices y parámetros de deformación se obtienen de forma automática a partir del modelo.
La fotogrametría es una técnica válida para obtener datos de gran calidad y superar los retos que supone esta aplicación en concreto. Junto con el software desarrollado, la fotogrametría es la base para de una herramienta totalmente automatizada y optimizada para su uso en clínicas y hospitales. La herramienta desarrollada es altamente coste-efectiva y mejora considerablemente las opciones disponibles, ya que permite precisiones similares a soluciones complejas, pero con la ventaja de ser totalmente portable y de bajo coste. / [CA] La fotogrametria ha demostrat un gran potencial per a l'obtenció de mesuraments precises en diferents camps d'estudi, incloent la medicina. La deformació cranial és un problema amb una alta prevalença entre lactants durant els seus primers anys de vida, esta deformació pot tindre diferents causes i riscos associats. La causa més comuna de les deformacions és posicional, este tipus de deformacions s'han associat durant molt de temps a problemes únicament estètics. No obstant això, diferents autors han posat de manifest la possible relació entre deformacions posicionals i retards en el desenrotllament. Un altre tipus de deformació cranial és el causat pel tancament prematur d'algunes sutures cranials, que pot tindre com a conseqüència importants riscos per a la salut dels lactants i sovint és corregit per mitjà de cirurgia.
La detecció precoç d'estes deformacions és important per a assegurar els millors resultats futurs ja que el crani és especialment mal·leable durant els primers mesos de vida. La correcta monitorització dels pacients també fa possible l'avaluació dels diferents tractaments possibles i assegura una millor evolució. Les metodologies actuals per a l'avaluació de la deformació cranial poden dividir-se en tres grups principals: 1) Mesuraments de baix cost, realitzades amb dispositius simples com a cinta mètrica i calibre, o per mitjà d'una simple anàlisi visual; 2) Proves radiològiques, en concret Tomografia Computeritzada i Imatge per Ressonància Magnètica, són considerades l'opció més precisa però tenen un alt cost i són invasives; i 3) Solucions basades en imatge o escàners 3D, que no són invasives però si tenen un alt cost i, com a conseqüència, no estan presents en la pràctica clínica habitual.
En esta tesi doctoral s'han estudiat les possibilitats de la fotogrametria com a mètode per a avaluar la deformació cranial en lactants i s'ha desenrotllat una ferramenta per a dur-ho a terme. La ferramenta presentada és de baix cost, objectiva i no invasiva, ja que no és necessària la sedació dels pacients. El major repte d'este projecte va ser l'obtenció de dades amb lactants en moviment durant una consulta mèdica rutinària. En primer lloc, es va utilitzar càmera rèflex per a crear models 3D del cap dels lactants. La metodologia va generar models amb una precisió adequada però la presa de dades requeria llargs períodes de temps i el muntatge de diferents dispositius. El processat de les dades també requeria un llarg període de temps al ser totalment manual i requeria de la intervenció d'un expert.
S'han estudiat les necessitats per al desenrotllament d'una ferramenta capaç d'obtindre de forma automàtica models 3D dels caps de lactants en moviment, i s'ha desenrotllat una ferramenta innovadora. Esta ferramenta consisteix en una capelina codificada, que funciona junt amb una aplicació mòbil i guia l'usuari durant la presa de dades, com a conseqüència, no cal cap coneixement de fotogrametria per part d'este. Les dades són processats en un servidor, obtenint-se el model i els paràmetres de deformació en un temps aproximat de 4 minuts i amb una precisió de 2 mm. Amb l'objectiu de fer la ferramenta útil per al personal metge, diferents índexs i paràmetres de deformació s'obtenen de forma automàtica a partir del model.
La fotogrametria és una tècnica vàlida per a obtindre dades de gran qualitat i superar els reptes que suposa esta aplicació en concret. Junt amb el programari desenrotllat, la fotogrametria és la base para d'una ferramenta totalment automatitzada i optimitzada per al seu ús en clíniques i hospitals. La ferramenta desenrotllada és altament cost-efectiva i millora considerablement les opcions disponibles, ja que permet precisions semblants a solucions complexes, però amb l'avantatge de ser totalment portable i de baix cost. / [EN] Image-based and range-based solutions have great potential for accurate measurements in many different fields, including medicine. Cranial deformation is a problem with high prevalence among infants during their first months of life. Cranial deformation has different causes and associated risks. Most common deformations have positional causes and have long been considered to cause aesthetical problems only. Nowadays, authors are pointing at these deformations as a possible indicator of future developmental delays. Another type of cranial deformation is caused by the early closing of cranial sutures, that can lead to important health risks and is usually corrected by surgery. Early detection of the deformation leads to better development prospects, as cranium is especially malleable during the first months of life. Good monitoring also provides better data for evaluation of the different correction procedures, improving the outcome of the patients over time.
Cranial deformation evaluation methodologies can be divided into three mean groups: 1) Low-cost measurements carried out by simple tools such as calliper and measuring tape and even visual assessment; 2) Radiological tests (Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)), considered the gold standard, but costly and highly invasive; and 3) Image-based and range-based commercial solutions, non-invasive but too costly to be implemented as part of the clinical routine in many hospitals and clinics.
In this doctoral thesis, the possibilities of photogrammetry as a method for cranial deformation assessment has been studied and a novel tool has been developed. The tool was required to be low-cost, objective and non-invasive, so no sedation would be required. The main challenge of the project was dealing with the movement of the infants during the consultation.
In the first place, single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras were used to obtain head models of the patients. The methodology provided the required accuracy but the data acquisition was time-consuming and required an important setup. The data processing was also time-consuming, being totally manual and requiring expert users.
The necessities to automatically obtain accurate 3D models from moving infants were studied and a novel tool was developed. The developed tool consists of a coded cap that works together with a smartphone app to guide the user during the data acquisition. Therefore, no expertise is required for data acquisition. The data is later processed on a server and the model and deformation parameters are made available to the user in less than 4 minutes with an accuracy of 2 mm. In order to make the model valuable for doctors, automatic measurements and deformation indexes are extracted from the model.
Photogrammetry is a suitable technique to obtain high quality data and overcome the limitations. Together with ad-hoc developed software, it is the base of a fully automatic tool that is optimised for its use in clinics and hospitals. The developed tool is considered highly cost-effective and an important improvement as it provides similar data as existing costly setups, but it is also low-cost and portable. / This project was founded by a predoctoral fellowship from Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund, grant number ACIF/2017/056. / Barbero García, I. (2020). Development of a Photogrammetric Tool for Cranial Deformation Analysis in Infants [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160024 / Compendio
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Eyetracking: estudio experimental del diseño de noticias en smartphones. El caso de El País DigitalFortanet, Christian 28 June 2017 (has links)
A través de un estudio experimental con eyetrack, descubrimos los patrones de navegación visual en smartphones a la hora de consumir información en un diario digital. El caso que hemos llevado a estudio es el de El País Digital. Sobre él hemos realizado los ensayos con eyetrack, obteniendo las métricas necesarias para definir los comportamientos visuales comunes de los usuarios al navegar por la portada digital de este diario en teléfonos móviles.
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Health-Outcomes Related to Smartphone Use in the College Student Population: A Scoping ReviewDeglomine, Gregory 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: A scoping review was employed to consolidate what is currently being studied and reported on concerning interactions with smartphone devices and correlated negative health-outcomes, specifically within the college student population. We are specifically concerned with this population due to the unique demands of technology use coupled with free time use of smartphone devices. Information such as study focus, study design, and summarized results are be provided within this compilation of available data. Results: The existing data findings are heavily skewed in favor of a positive correlation between smartphone use and negative health-outcomes. Sampling 17,069 total participants across 41 studies, which utilized 36 various tools and scales in at least 4 different study designs, only 2 articles found a lack of correlative evidence for negative health-outcomes within this population. Designs were commonly cross-sectional, which can only assign correlation and not causation. The top scales utilized were the Neck Disability Index (NDI), the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ), and the Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-SV). Conclusions: Due to the variable nature of Smartphone use and lack of gold standard tools to clearly define, measure, and intervene in this area of study, goals to create and apply such standards are imperative in securing a high level of understanding to contribute towards an improved Health-Related Quality of Life for this population. Correlative findings are currently what has been found to be available. There is a critical lack of temporality within available work as a result. Causative findings are required to fully grasp and rectify the problems surrounding smartphone overuse. Note that the oldest article included was published in 2014 with a slow increase in volume of work leading into 2024, which is a positive trend in concern but is still not enough to fully understand the scope of risks involved.
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Discovering Location Patterns in iOS Users Utilizing Machine Learning Methods For Purposes of Digital Forensics InvestigationsMilos Stankovic (9741251) 06 August 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The proliferation of mobile devices and big data has put digital forensic investigators at a disadvantage. Despite all the technological advances, the tools and methods used during the investigations must catch up. With smartphones becoming integral to crime scenes, often containing multiple instances, courts and law enforcement offices greatly depend on their data. In addition to traditional data on smartphones, such as call logs, text messages, and emails, sensor data can drastically increase the chances of resolving and painting the complete picture of the events required for a successful investigation. While sensor data are collected frequently, it often creates a lot of noise due to the amount of entries over some time. In attempting to decipher the data and link them to the relevant events, digital forensics investigators are prone to missing or simply disregarding the data extracted from smartphones. Interpreting sensor data such as location and various phone activities already collected and extracted can lead to finding two main links required for the investigation: time and location. Knowing an individual's time and location can significantly improve the investigation process and aid in the final outcome. Despite smartphones being capable of collecting sensor data and discovering these two variables, data interpretation and correlation between them still need to be improved. The statement is particularly true for smartphones with newer operating system versions. Due to the special forensic software required to extract the data and the ability to interpret them, digital forensic investigators are either strained for time or are unequipped for processing them.</p><p dir="ltr">In order to mitigate the gap, automation of the process capable of handling large amounts of data while classifying the time and the location appropriate for the investigation is necessary. Reducing investigation times and increasing prediction accuracy will allow faster resolving times while freeing up desperately needed resources for digital forensic investigators. Therefore, this study presents a novel approach to identifying and predicting user locations using machine learning based on various sensor data collected from multiple smartphones. As the first step in achieving the goal, a user study was conducted, collecting real-world data for training and testing of the machine learning models. The process includes engineering the necessary procedures and methodologies required to extract raw data and process them for successful model training. The results showed that the models are capable of differentiating between the three different locations using XGBoost with score test accuracy over 0.88. Additionally, Random Forest Entropy and Random Forest Gini achieved accuracy over 0.85. As for for the results where only two locations were predicted Random Forest Entropy and Random Forest Gini achieved accuracy test score per model over 0.97. </p>
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A study to assess the feasibility of using a novel digital animation to increase physical activity levels in asylum seeking communitiesMontague, Jane, Haith-Cooper, Melanie 02 October 2021 (has links)
Yes / The mental health benefits of physical activity and exercise are well-documented and asylum seekers who may have poor mental health could benefit from undertaking recommended levels of physical activity or exercise. Digital mobile applications are increasingly seen as feasible to precipitate behaviour change and could be a means to encourage asylum seekers to increase their levels of physical activity and exercise. This paper reports on a study that aimed to assess the feasibility of asylum seekers using the digital animation as a tool to change behaviour and increase their physical activity and exercise levels. A feasibility study underpinned by the principles of the COM-B behaviour change model was undertaken in West Yorkshire, UK, in 2019. Thirty participants were purposively recruited and interviewed. Peer interpreters were used as necessary. Deductive thematic analysis was undertaken to analyse the data. Overall, participants were positive about the feasibility of asylum seekers using the application as a behaviour change intervention. All expressed the view that it was easy to follow and would motivate them to increase their physical activity levels. Participants identified facilitators to this as the simplicity of the key messages, the cultural neutrality of the graphics and the availability of the mobile application in different languages. Identified barriers related to the dialect and accents in the translations and the over-simplicity of the application. This study has identified that a targeted digital animation intervention could help asylum seekers change their behaviour and hence improve their health and well-being. In designing such interventions, however, researchers must strongly consider co-design from an early stage as this is an important way to ensure that the development of an intervention is fit for purpose for different groups. / University of Bradford Research Development Fund
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Det mobilanpassade id-kortet : En behovsanalys och modell för framtida utveckling / The smartphone based ID card : A demand analysis and model for future developmentPeterson, Lukas, Johansson, Samuel January 2016 (has links)
Mycket av plånbokens innehåll och funktion, såsom medlemskort och betallösningar, är idag ersatt av mobila lösningar. Däremot finns det i Sverige ingen mobil lösning för id-kort som kan användas på samma sätt som det fysiska id-kortet. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka huruvida svenska myndigheter ser ett behov av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning och, om detta behov konstateras, föreslå en modell för hur en sådan lösning skulle kunna utformas. För att undersöka detta ämne har tre intervjuer med svenska myndigheter (Elegitimationsnämnden, Polismyndigheten och Transportstyrelsen) samt en litteraturstudie genomförts. Uppsatsens resultat består av tre kunskapsprodukter: en behovsanalys, en kravsammanställning och en infrastrukturmodell. Behovsanalysen undersöker behovet av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning, sett från de intervjuade myndigheternas perspektiv. Denna analys visar att myndigheterna ser ett behov av en sådan lösning. Kravsammanställningen består av krav på en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning som härletts från de genomförda intervjuerna samt från uppsatsens huvudsakliga teoribas: Kim Camerons The Laws of Identity (2005). Infrastrukturmodellen är utformad efter dessa krav och beskriver hur en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning skulle kunna utformas för att passa in i den svenska infrastrukturen för digital identitetshantering. Modellen är även utformad för att följa Hanseth och Lyytinens (2010) designregler för informationsinfrastrukturutveckling och den visar att utveckling av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning i Sverige är tekniskt genomförbar. / Much of the contents and functionality of the traditional wallet, such as membership cards and payment solutions, have been replaced by smartphone solutions. Yet, in Sweden there is no smartphone based solution for ID cards that can be used in the same way as the physical ID card. This paper examines whether the Swedish authorities see a need for a smartphone based ID card solution and, if such a need is identified, suggests a model for how such a solution could be designed. To explore this topic, a literature review and three interviews with Swedish authorities (the E-identification Board, the Police Authority and the Transport Agency) have been conducted. The results of this report consists of three knowledge products: a demand analysis, a requirements specification and an infrastructure model. The demand analysis examines the need for a smartphone based ID card solution, as seen from the interviewed authorities' perspective. This analysis indicates that the authorities see a need for such a solution. The requirements specification consists of requirements for a smartphone based ID card solution, derived from the conducted interviews and Kim Cameron's The Laws of Identity (2005). The infrastructure model is designed to meet these requirements and describes how a smartphone based ID card solution could be designed to fit into the Swedish infrastructure for digital identity management. The model is also designed to follow the design rules for information infrastructure development derived by Hanseth and Lyytinen (2010) and shows that the development of a smartphone based ID card solution in Sweden is technically feasible.
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Operational effectiveness of connected vehicle smartphone technology on a signalized corridorMjogolo, Festo 01 January 2019 (has links)
Over the last decade, extensive research efforts have been placed on performance evaluation and the benefits of innovative CV applications. Findings indicate that CV technology can effectively mitigate the safety, mobility, and environmental challenges experienced on transportation networks. Most of research evaluated CV technology through simulation studies. However, a field study provides a more ideal method of assessing CV technology effectiveness. Therefore, a field study to obtain the actual effectiveness of CV technology was warranted, to validate previous findings, and to add to the body of knowledge surrounding this topic. This thesis presents both a field study and simulation evaluation of the effectiveness of CV smartphone technology on a 1.1 mile segment of State Road 121, containing five intersections, in Gainesville, Florida. Field observations were conducted using a CV application, developed by Connected Signals, Inc., that uses a smartphone application, called EnLighten, to communicate intersection information to driver’s smartphone, which serves as a vehicle on-board unit.
Traffic operation and safety performance was evaluated using start-up lost time, discharge distribution model, and speed harmonization. Findings show that the CV smartphone technology improved intersection performance with a reduction in start-up lost time of approximately 86%. Additionally, driving safety improved with a reduction in speed variability by nearly 61% between vehicles in a specific lane for a 100% CV penetration rate. Cost analyses of deploying CV smartphone technology indicate that implementation may result in an average total economic cost savings associated with crashes of nearly $6.8 million at the study site, and approximately $5.6 billion statewide.
Findings of the simulation evaluation revealed that the CV technology improved performance of intersections operating at a Level of Service (LOS) B or better, compared to lower operating levels. Operational performance improved at intersections operating at a LOS C with a 30% to 60% CV penetration rate.
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消費者生活型態、生活風格與智慧型手機品牌形象關聯性研究 / A Study on Relationship among Consumer Life Style and the Brand Image of Smartphone王彥荏, Wang, Yen-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
此外研究亦發現智慧型手機各品牌之間的品牌形象,與不同智慧型手機品牌偏好消費者,在本國中心主義傾向上均有顯著差異。最後,本研究針對不同集群下的智慧型手機消費者,根據本研究所論述之生活型態、生活風格和品牌形象等因素,提出相關行銷建議與策略。 / Smartphone have gained considerable popularity in daily life because of the cheap cell phone plans and the Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) convenience. While many people use smartphone to make and receive calls, a great segment of society has view smartphone as a stylish device conveying the their own lifestyles and personal image. Previous studies show that the lifestyle and the lifestyles of users as well as the brand image of smartphone are the three reasons that guide the consumer choice of smartphone. To understand consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice, this study conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate Taiwan mobile users’ habits and preferences.
The survey asked respondents for their smartphone usage behaviors by online questionnaires. One thousand and eighty-five questionnaires were returned. Six factors of the lifestyle scale are extracted by the factor analysis, including pursuing fashion trends, demanding for health and sustainability, proactive for new products, having challenges and creations, and searching for information. Six factors of the lifestyles scale include the desire to own a smartphone, the attraction of the best design smartphone, the experience of pleasures, the preference of brand, and the attraction of commercial. Brand image scales include three factors: Functional, Symbolic, and Experiential.
The respondents are divided into four clusters by the three reasons and the population characteristics, including stylish teenagers, function-orientated consumers, domestic products embracers, and fashion-orientated women. The results showed that four clusters of respondents have significant different preferences between the mobile phone brands.
In addition, the brand images and consumers with different preferences of smartphone brands have significant difference in ethnocentrism tendencies. This study would conclude consumer buying decision process and the factors affecting consumer choice to address the marketing strategies of smartphone.
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