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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mooca: lugar de fazer casa / Mooca: locus to building home

Rosana Helena Miranda 19 December 2002 (has links)
Esta tese é uma proposta de revitalização do bairro da Mooca no seu local de origem. Enfatiza assim a importância do bairro como moradia da classe operária na primeira fase de industrialização de São Paulo e destaca a necessidade de se introduzir o estudo da memória do ambiente cultural como elemento de planejamento urbano. Para tanto, analisa os elementos de permanência da estrutura do bairro nas diversas etapas de desenvolvimento da cidade - o traçado das ruas, as edificações originais das vilas, as casas em série, os edifícios das fábricas ainda existentes enfim, elementos que devem ser inseridos no projeto de renovação urbana, propondo que se valorize a memória e o significado histórico do espaço cotidiano da população. Propõe-se aqui a reformulação do projeto do canal do rio Tamanduateí como forma de resgatar a relação da cidade com este, sendo afinal de contas um fator essencial para a revalorização dos bairros que circundam a área central. A tese ressalta que a Mooca é um espaço de resistência na cidade: primeiro porque conserva, através do trabalho da população mais pobre, seu desenho e atividade econômica originais; segundo porque carrega uma carga simbólica das lutas de resistência do movimento operário desde a Greve de 1917 e do movimento dos tenentes de 1924. A memória desses acontecimentos deve ser inserida no cotidiano da população através de projetos de recuperação e produção de novos espaços de morar e de locais para preservação da memória associados a programas sociais como a \"oficina do jovem historiador\". / This thesis is a proposal of Mooca neighborhood renewal in this original place of appearence. It emphasizes the importance of that neighborhood as dwelling of the labor class in the first phase of São Paulo industrialization and it highlights the need to introduce the memory´s studies of the urban cultural atmosphere as element of urban planning. It analyzes the elements of permanence in the structure of the neighborhood in the several stages of development of the city, as the plan of the streets, the original constructions of the villas, the houses in series, the factories buildings still existent as elements that should be inserted in the urban renewal project. It proposes the memory appreciation in the daily space of the people as soon as the historical meaning appreciation of the place for the city. It still proposes to reformulate Tamanduateí channel river project as form of rescuing the relationship of the city with the river, essential for the revaluation of the neighborhoods that surround the central area. The thesis stands out that Mooca is a resistance space in the city. First, because it conserves its original drawing preserved by the poor inhabitant and because the existent economic activity in the area. Anyway it carries a symbolic load of the resistance fights in the labor movement from the Strike of 1917 and 1924 soldiers movement. The memory of those events should be inserted in the population day by day through renewal projects and production of new spaces of living and of memory places preservation linked with social programs like as the \"young historian\'s workshop\"

A paisagem e o projeto no Vale do Juqueri em Franco da Rocha / The landscape and the project in the Vale do Juqueri in Franco da Rocha

Clara Nori Sato 22 June 2007 (has links)
O trabalho mostra que na compreensão e no sentir da Paisagem, podemos descobrir as diretrizes definidoras de um Projeto pleno de significados e valores do lugar. Mostra o caminhar da leitura da Paisagem do Parque Estadual do Juquery e do entorno imediato, ao processo do Projeto de Parques no Vale do Juqueri, junto à Rodovia Pref. Luis Salomão Chamma - SP-023. Processo de projeto em que se consideram as interfaces disciplinares do conhecimento, valoração estética, necessidades sociais, dinâmicas ambientais e urbanas. E mostra enfim o potencial transformador e ordenador que o Projeto possui; transformando lugares em melhores lugares. / The current study shows that by understanding and sensing the Landscape it is possible to unveil the guidelines defining a Project charged with local meanings and values. The study shows the path from perception of the Landscape in Juquery State Park and its immediate surroundings to the process for Vale do Juqueri Parks Project off Highway SO 023 Luis Salomao Chamma. In this projects process, the interfaces of knowledge, aesthetic values, social needs, and the environmental-urban dynamics are taken into consideration. The study unveils the Projects potential to change and to order therefore transforming places into better places.

Architecture urbaine, cultures de projet et outils conceptuels en débats : "figure", "récit" et "scénario" dans la pensée et la représentation de la ville contemporaine / Urban architecture, urban design cultures and conceptual tools under debate : "figure", "narrative" and "scenario" for thinking and representing the contemporary city

Grigorovschi, Andreea 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne le devenir du champ de l’Architecture urbaine en France, et, plus particulièrement, les possibilités d’une réactualisation de ses approches et théories projectuelles dans le contexte des mutations et prises de conscience plurielles au regard de la ville européenne contemporaine. Elle met en lumière les évolutions dans les modes de pensée et les notions structurantes du champ depuis sa définition dans les années 1970 et propose une remise en question des fondements du projet urbain, tels qu’ils ont été formulés en France depuis les années1980. L’idée d’une nouvelle approche projectuelle, celle du projet métropolitain, est enquêtée, d’une part, à travers une relecture critique des positionnements théoriques véhiculés en France (depuis la décennie 1980), et d’autre part, à travers un regard critique prospectif, au prisme de trois outils conceptuels et opératoires : récit, scénario, figure. Leur exploration fait apparaître le propre d’une culture narrative-descriptive où nouvelles postures intellectuelles, démarches réflexives et représentations mentales contribuent à développer les nouveaux sens du projet métropolitain, entre continuités et ruptures avec l’héritage du projet urbain. / This thesis questions new developments within the field of urban Architecture in France and, specifically, possibilities for the renewal of the discipline’s project approaches and theories, taken in the context of increased awareness towards the multiple challenges presented by the contemporary European city. It thus highlights fundamental changes in conceptual frameworks (ways of thinking and structuring notions) since Urban Architecture’s first definition in France in the 1970s, and critically analyses the “projet urbain” approaches, as developed in the French context since the1980s. The idea of the “metropolitan project” as a renewed urban planning and design approach is thus investigated both from a retrospective and a prospective critical view point : on one side, by reviewing the “projet urbain”’s theories and methods; on the other, by exploring three conceptual and operating design tools – narrative, figure and scenario. Within this emerging narrative-descriptive design culture, renewed intellectual stances, reflexive processes and mental representations help develop new meanings of the “metropolitan project”, marking both continuities and points of departure with respect to the legacy of the “projet urbain”.

Pour une approche urbanistique de la conservation et de la mise en valeur du patrimoine bâti : l’expérience du canal de Lachine à Montréal

Payette-Hamelin, Mathieu 10 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle avec l'Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III / Depuis quelques décennies, nous assistons au Québec à la multiplication des friches industrielles. Ces lieux constituent des espaces de prédilection au redéveloppement urbain. Leur positionnement au sein d’ensembles urbains consolidés motive leur réoccupation et leur reconversion. Cependant, ces processus n’apparaissent pas uniquement motivés par leur emplacement, mais également par l’intérêt patrimonial qu’ils suscitent. C’est à partir d’un intérêt pour les anciens bâtiments industriels et les lieux de production que s’intensifie alors la transformation de ces espaces. Dans notre thèse, nous cherchons à identifier les moyens et les modalités qui permettent d’intégrer des dimensions urbanistiques dans l’élaboration d’un projet visant à mettre en valeur un ensemble urbain patrimonial. Celle-ci a pour but d’éclairer les composantes d’une approche urbanistique de la conservation du patrimoine bâti. À partir de l’étude de neuf projets de valorisation patrimoniale situés le long du canal de Lachine, à Montréal, nous questionnons l’apport du discours actuel de la conservation à la revitalisation des milieux urbains anciens. Notre regard porte plus spécifiquement sur les dimensions morphologiques et sur les différentes vocations des espaces abordés par ces projets. Notre recherche repose sur l’hypothèse suivante : que l’arrimage entre le maintien de l’identité des lieux et la transformation de la ville passe avant tout par la diversité et la complémentarité des différentes vocations et usages des espaces de la ville. Le regard que nous posons sur les projets retenus a pour principal objectif d'identifier les éléments par lesquels ces derniers se situent dans une perspective de projet urbain. Constituée en réaction à une pratique urbanistique décontextualisée, cette notion s’appuie sur les travaux reliés à la question du patrimoine urbain, notamment ceux de Gustavo Giovannoni et de l’école italienne de typomorphologie. Puisque les projets étudiés misent sur une approche sectorielle de la transformation de l’ancien corridor industriel, ainsi que sur son unique arrimage à une échelle régionale de l’organisation du territoire, ceux-ci se différencient d’une perspective de projet urbain. Nous identifions en quoi ces projets s’éloignent d’une telle approche et comment le discours patrimonial ici développé empêche l’intégration du corridor du canal de Lachine aux dynamiques urbaines locales. / For a few decades now, we are witnessing in the province of Quebec a multiplication of industrial wastelands. If those spaces represent predilection sites to urban redevelopment, their location in the core of the city encourages their reoccupation and their reconversion. However, their transformation doesn’t appear to be solely motivated by their emplacement but also by the historic interest that they arouse. In this thesis we aim to determine how we can integrate urbanistic dimensions to the elaboration of a project which intends to preserve an old urban area. This thesis has for main objective to enlighten elements of an urbanistic perspective of heritage conservation. From the study of nine projects of heritage preservation located along the Lachine canal in Montreal, we question the contribution of the actual discourse on heritage conservation to the revitalization of old urban areas. We consider more specifically the morphological dimensions and the vocational activities of those projects. Our research is based on the following hypothesis: that the integration of heritage conservation issues to the transformation of the city results from the diversity and the complementarity of the vocational activities and from the different uses of the urban spaces. The study of those projects is conducted in order to identify how they take place in an urban project’s perspective. Constituted as a reaction to decontextualized urban planning practices, the notion of urban project is based on works related to the concept of urban heritage, specifically those of Gustavo Giovannoni and the Italian school of typomorphology. Because the projects that we have studied insist on a sectorial approach of the transformation of the old industrial corridor, and only on its integration to a regional scale of the organization of the territory, we can’t consider that they take place in an urban project’s perspective. We show how they differ from such an approach and how the discourse on heritage conservation developed in those projects forbids the integration of the Lachine canal corridor into local urban dynamics.

Revisão urbanística das perimetrais. As avenidas perimetrais da área central como suporte para o transporte público de São Paulo / An urbanistic review of the ring roads. The perimetral routes as a public transport infrastructure

Muzi, Alessandro Moreno 27 May 2014 (has links)
O objeto de estudo deste trabalho são as avenidas perimetrais da Área Central da cidade de São Paulo descritas a partir do seu desempenho atual. A descrição das avenidas as aborda a partir do entendimento de como sistemas de mobilidade podem ser avaliados e descritos do ponto de vista urbanístico. A partir desta afirmação discuto alguns aspectos para sua caracterização, levando em conta a importância do transporte coletivo para os espaços da Área Central. Neste sentido, discuto a articulação entre perimetrais e radias, elementos que as vinculam ao sistema de transporte metropolitano; a existência de uma rede de espaços públicos na Área Central conflitantes com sua utilização como suporte das redes de transporte que atingem a Área Central; e, finalmente, a ideia de que as vias perimetrais não são um conjunto coerente de vias. Em outro eixo de análise, estudo o histórico de formação da área, visando o entendimento das condicionantes de projeto que foram responsáveis pela construção dos trechos que a compõem. Este histórico é pautado pela ideia de que é possível entender a formação da área através não só da construção de seus espaços mas também de como estes espaços foram utilizados como suporte das redes de transporte metropolitano. Finalmente, apresento alguns estudos de caso sobre a relação entre mobilidade e projeto urbano, agrupando projetos em duas linhas de discussão: a primeira, sobre projetos que tiveram o automóvel e sua relação com a cidade como referência; e a segunda sobre transporte coletivo sobre pneus e oportunidades urbanísticas advindas da reestruturação viária. A partir das análises sobre o desempenho atual e o histórico de formação das perimetrais faço considerações para o estabelecimento de parâmetros urbanísticos para intervenção na área. / The subject of this study are the perimetral routes of São Paulo\'s Central Area, which are described based on their current performance. The subject is addressed from the understanding that mobility systems can be described and evaluated from an urbanistic point of view. From this statement on, some aspects for it\'s characterization are discussed taking in consideration the importance of public transport to the Central Area. In that sense, the articulation between perimetral and radial routes is discussed, as well as the elements that bind them to the metropolitan transportation system; the existence of a network of public spaces in the Central Area that conflicts with it\'s use as a support to transportation networks; and finally, the idea that the perimetrical routes are not a coherent system of routes. Another analytical axis is the historical development of the area toward an understanding of the project\'s determining factors responsible for the construction of the sections that comprises it. This background is guided by the idea that it is possible to understand the formation of the Central Area, not only through the point of view of it\'s spatial construction but also trough the analysis of how these space were used as support to the metropolitan transport network. Finally some case studies are presented pertaining the relationship between mobility and urban projects, gathering projects in two lines of thoughts: the first being projects that had the relation between automobiles and the city as reference; the second about public transportation and urbanistic opportunities arousing from busways. Based on the analysis of the current performance and historical consolidation of the perimetral routes, considerations are made for the establishment of urbanistic parameters of intervention in the Central Area.

Revisão urbanística das perimetrais. As avenidas perimetrais da área central como suporte para o transporte público de São Paulo / An urbanistic review of the ring roads. The perimetral routes as a public transport infrastructure

Alessandro Moreno Muzi 27 May 2014 (has links)
O objeto de estudo deste trabalho são as avenidas perimetrais da Área Central da cidade de São Paulo descritas a partir do seu desempenho atual. A descrição das avenidas as aborda a partir do entendimento de como sistemas de mobilidade podem ser avaliados e descritos do ponto de vista urbanístico. A partir desta afirmação discuto alguns aspectos para sua caracterização, levando em conta a importância do transporte coletivo para os espaços da Área Central. Neste sentido, discuto a articulação entre perimetrais e radias, elementos que as vinculam ao sistema de transporte metropolitano; a existência de uma rede de espaços públicos na Área Central conflitantes com sua utilização como suporte das redes de transporte que atingem a Área Central; e, finalmente, a ideia de que as vias perimetrais não são um conjunto coerente de vias. Em outro eixo de análise, estudo o histórico de formação da área, visando o entendimento das condicionantes de projeto que foram responsáveis pela construção dos trechos que a compõem. Este histórico é pautado pela ideia de que é possível entender a formação da área através não só da construção de seus espaços mas também de como estes espaços foram utilizados como suporte das redes de transporte metropolitano. Finalmente, apresento alguns estudos de caso sobre a relação entre mobilidade e projeto urbano, agrupando projetos em duas linhas de discussão: a primeira, sobre projetos que tiveram o automóvel e sua relação com a cidade como referência; e a segunda sobre transporte coletivo sobre pneus e oportunidades urbanísticas advindas da reestruturação viária. A partir das análises sobre o desempenho atual e o histórico de formação das perimetrais faço considerações para o estabelecimento de parâmetros urbanísticos para intervenção na área. / The subject of this study are the perimetral routes of São Paulo\'s Central Area, which are described based on their current performance. The subject is addressed from the understanding that mobility systems can be described and evaluated from an urbanistic point of view. From this statement on, some aspects for it\'s characterization are discussed taking in consideration the importance of public transport to the Central Area. In that sense, the articulation between perimetral and radial routes is discussed, as well as the elements that bind them to the metropolitan transportation system; the existence of a network of public spaces in the Central Area that conflicts with it\'s use as a support to transportation networks; and finally, the idea that the perimetrical routes are not a coherent system of routes. Another analytical axis is the historical development of the area toward an understanding of the project\'s determining factors responsible for the construction of the sections that comprises it. This background is guided by the idea that it is possible to understand the formation of the Central Area, not only through the point of view of it\'s spatial construction but also trough the analysis of how these space were used as support to the metropolitan transport network. Finally some case studies are presented pertaining the relationship between mobility and urban projects, gathering projects in two lines of thoughts: the first being projects that had the relation between automobiles and the city as reference; the second about public transportation and urbanistic opportunities arousing from busways. Based on the analysis of the current performance and historical consolidation of the perimetral routes, considerations are made for the establishment of urbanistic parameters of intervention in the Central Area.

Le paysage fluvial, nouveau vecteur de projet dans les villes européennes : le cas de deux villes rhénanes : Strasbourg et Bâle / The River landscape, new vector of project in European cities : the two Rhenish cities case : Strasbourg and Basel

Boudeffa, Abderrahmane Mehdi 24 May 2018 (has links)
La mise en place de politiques de « reconquête » des bords d’eau marque aujourd’hui le nouvel engouement de l’Europe Rhénane pour son fleuve. Les villes de Bâle et de Strasbourg redécouvrent le Rhin et ses rivages, dont elles avaient dénié toute qualité urbaine, pour en faire désormais un atout majeur dans leur politique de développement et d’aménagement global. Les nombreux exemples de revalorisation en cours posent la question de l’existence d’un modèle commun d’aménagement des berges et des fronts d’eau. Notre étude s’inscrit dans une perspective comparative à l’échelle Européenne. A partir de cela, nous avons évalué le processus du retour au fleuve par le biais du paysage. Le recours à différents axes d’analyse a eu pour objectif de mesurer le degré d’intégration du fleuve dans la structure des villes étudiées. Le regard sur des projets régionaux récents, relatifs au Rhin, et le recueil de récits d’acteurs, nous a permis d’articuler les différentes représentations du fleuve pour une vision plus concrète. Cette étude nous emmène sur les traces d’une histoire culturelle qui mesure l’importance des facteurs politiques, économiques et sociaux par rapport au cours d’eau. / The establishment of policies to “reconquer” the edges of water, marked today the new craze of the Rhenish Europe for its river. Cities as Basel, Strasbourg… etc… are rediscovering the Rhine and its shores which they had denied the whole urban quality, to make it now, a major asset in their development policy and their overall development. The many examples of the current revaluation raise the question of the existence of a common model concerning the development of the shores and the fronts of water. Our study is part of a comparative perspective on a European scale. From this point, we have evaluated the process of return to the river through the landscape. The recourse to various axes of analysis aimed to determine the integration level of the river in the structure of the cities studied. The look, on many recent regional projects, relating to the Rhine and the participants’ collection of stories have enabled us to articulate the different representations of the river in order to get a more complete vision about. This study takes us on the traces of a cultural history which evaluates the importance of political, economic and social factors in relation to the river.

Analyse du retour d'expérience et optimisation de la recherche opérationnelle maîtrise d'ouvrage pour les quartiers durables en milieu tropical / Analysis of feedback and optimization of operational research project management for sustainable neighborhoods in tropical environment

Riviere, Pierre-Alexandre 03 November 2017 (has links)
L’application du concept de développement durable à l’urbanisme suscite de nombreuses questions tant les contours de « l’urbanisme durable » et des « quartiers durables » paraissent flous. De nombreux outils ont été développés pour aider à la conception des « quartiers durables », souvent dérivés des outils de conception des bâtiments (LEED, BREAAM, HQE etc…) ; ils restent largement proposés et conduis par les Maîtres d’Oeuvre (MOE) et les Assistants à Maîtrise d’Ouvrage (AMO). Dans ce contexte, une question émerge, celle de savoir quel peut-être l’impact de ces outils sur les décisions et la conduite du projet urbain par la Maîtrise d’Ouvrage Urbaine (MOU). De plus, le projet urbain qui a pour objet la création d’un quartier ou « morceau de ville », fait appel à un large jeu d’acteurs et les questions soulevées par les outils d’aide à la conception dépassent largement le champ d’action de la MOU. Ceci posé, si le couple MOE et AMO peut « se contenter » de l’utilisation d’outils existants au regard de leurs missions respectives, la MOU, du fait de son rôle central et moteur dans le « quartier durable » a de son côté besoin de nouveaux process pour répondre aux enjeux de la durabilité posés par ces outils : comment travailler avec les différents acteurs en vue d’objectifs communs et/ou convergeants ? Se pose alors la problématique de l’évolution des méthodes de travail de la MOU au fil des opérations d’aménagement durable ; comment ne pas avoir de « pertes en ligne » et ainsi continuer à progresser entre deux opérations d’aménagements : la capitalisation des savoir-faire du « chef d’orchestre » qu’est la MOU est alors un questionnement central. / The application of the concept of sustainable development to urban planning raises many questions as the contours of "sustainable urbanism" and "sustainable neighborhoods" appear to be unclear. Many tools have been developed to help design "sustainable neighborhoods", often derived from building design tools (LEED, BREAAM, HQE etc ...); they remain largely proposed and led by the Project Managers (MOE) and the Assistants to Project Managers (AMO). In this context, a question arises, which is to know what may be the impact of these tools on the decisions and the conduct of the urban project by the Urban Contractor (MOU). In addition, the urban project, which aims to create a neighborhood or "piece of town", involves a wide range of actors and the questions raised by the Neighborhood Sustainable Assement (NSA) go well beyond the scope of action of the MOU. If the MOE and AMO couple can "be satisfied" using the existing tools regarding their respective missions; the MOU, because of its central role and driving force in the "sustainable neighborhood" is in need of new processes to meet the challenges of sustainability requested by these tools: how to work with the different actors aiming a shared vision with common and / or converging objectives? Then naturaly the problem of the evolution of the working methods of the MOU is posed: during the conduct of the neighborhood development, how not to have "losses online" and thus continue to progress between two neighborhood development: the capitalization of the know-how of the MOU starts to become the central question.

Projeto urbano como instrumento de desenvolvimento local: seis estudos de caso em análise / Urban project as an instrument for local development: analysis of six case studies

Pugliese, Livia Louzada de Toledo 16 February 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho busca refletir sobre as aproximações e afastamentos entre as políticas que se utilizam de projetos urbanos e as de desenvolvimento local. Para isto debate os conceitos de desenvolvimento local extraindo seus elementos definidores para serem utilizados como categorias de análise dos estudos de caso selecionados. O conceito de projeto urbano também foi objeto de discussão, destacando sua faceta de instrumento de gestão e o princípio de apoiar o desenvolvimento de segmentos da cidade de modo amplo, promovendo melhorias físicas, econômicas e sociais. Foram selecionados seis estudos de caso, bastante diversos entre si, com o propósito de discutir a amplitude da prática dos projetos urbanos, suas aderências ou não com o desenvolvimento local e as contradições entre a teoria e a prática. Foram selecionados o Puerto Madero e o Distrito de Design em Buenos Aires, na Argentina; o Complexo Estação das Docas e o Complexo Ver-o-Peso em Belém, capital do Pará; o projeto Eixo Tamanduatehy em Santo André-SP; e o projeto Centro Vivo em São José dos Campos-SP. Este último possibilitou a reflexão sobre a prática da intervenção urbana, uma vez que a autora participou de sua elaboração, enquanto os demais propiciaram uma reflexão a partir da análise feita por outros autores sobre os projetos. Ao final do estudo é possível esboçar a ideia de que o projeto urbano, dependendo das características que assume, pode ser um exemplo territorializado de desenvolvimento local. / This work aims for a reflection about the correspondences and dissimilarities between the policies that utilize urban projects and those of local development. In order to do that, it debates the local development concepts and extracts its key defining elements so these can serve as categories of analysis for selected case studies. The concept of urban project is also an object of discussion, specially its role as a management means to support the development of segment of a city in an ample way, thus promoting spatial, economical and social improvements. Six diverse case studies were selected with the goal of discussing the amplitude of the practice of urban projects, its similarities or not with local development and the contradictions between theory and practice. The selected case studies were Puerto Madero and the Distrito de Design in Buenos Aires, Argentina; the Complexo Estação das Docas and the Complexo Ver-o-Peso in Belém, capital of Pará (a state in Brazil); the project Eixo Tamanduatehy in Santo André, a city in the state of São Paulo in Brazil; the project Centro Vivo in São José dos Campos also a city in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. The latter case allowed a reflection about the practice of urban intervention from the perspective of the author who participated in its elaboration. The other five case studies supported a reflection based on the analyses performed by other authors. At the end of this study, it is possible to outline the idea that the urban project, depending on the characteristics that it assumes, can be a territorialized example of local development.

Projeto urbano como instrumento de desenvolvimento local: seis estudos de caso em análise / Urban project as an instrument for local development: analysis of six case studies

Livia Louzada de Toledo Pugliese 16 February 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho busca refletir sobre as aproximações e afastamentos entre as políticas que se utilizam de projetos urbanos e as de desenvolvimento local. Para isto debate os conceitos de desenvolvimento local extraindo seus elementos definidores para serem utilizados como categorias de análise dos estudos de caso selecionados. O conceito de projeto urbano também foi objeto de discussão, destacando sua faceta de instrumento de gestão e o princípio de apoiar o desenvolvimento de segmentos da cidade de modo amplo, promovendo melhorias físicas, econômicas e sociais. Foram selecionados seis estudos de caso, bastante diversos entre si, com o propósito de discutir a amplitude da prática dos projetos urbanos, suas aderências ou não com o desenvolvimento local e as contradições entre a teoria e a prática. Foram selecionados o Puerto Madero e o Distrito de Design em Buenos Aires, na Argentina; o Complexo Estação das Docas e o Complexo Ver-o-Peso em Belém, capital do Pará; o projeto Eixo Tamanduatehy em Santo André-SP; e o projeto Centro Vivo em São José dos Campos-SP. Este último possibilitou a reflexão sobre a prática da intervenção urbana, uma vez que a autora participou de sua elaboração, enquanto os demais propiciaram uma reflexão a partir da análise feita por outros autores sobre os projetos. Ao final do estudo é possível esboçar a ideia de que o projeto urbano, dependendo das características que assume, pode ser um exemplo territorializado de desenvolvimento local. / This work aims for a reflection about the correspondences and dissimilarities between the policies that utilize urban projects and those of local development. In order to do that, it debates the local development concepts and extracts its key defining elements so these can serve as categories of analysis for selected case studies. The concept of urban project is also an object of discussion, specially its role as a management means to support the development of segment of a city in an ample way, thus promoting spatial, economical and social improvements. Six diverse case studies were selected with the goal of discussing the amplitude of the practice of urban projects, its similarities or not with local development and the contradictions between theory and practice. The selected case studies were Puerto Madero and the Distrito de Design in Buenos Aires, Argentina; the Complexo Estação das Docas and the Complexo Ver-o-Peso in Belém, capital of Pará (a state in Brazil); the project Eixo Tamanduatehy in Santo André, a city in the state of São Paulo in Brazil; the project Centro Vivo in São José dos Campos also a city in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. The latter case allowed a reflection about the practice of urban intervention from the perspective of the author who participated in its elaboration. The other five case studies supported a reflection based on the analyses performed by other authors. At the end of this study, it is possible to outline the idea that the urban project, depending on the characteristics that it assumes, can be a territorialized example of local development.

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