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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Value at risk et expected shortfall pour des données faiblement dépendantes : estimations non-paramétriques et théorèmes de convergences

Kabui, Ali 19 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Quantifier et mesurer le risque dans un environnement partiellement ou totalement incertain est probablement l'un des enjeux majeurs de la recherche appliquée en mathématiques financières. Cela concerne l'économie, la finance, mais d'autres domaines comme la santé via les assurances par exemple. L'une des difficultés fondamentales de ce processus de gestion des risques est de modéliser les actifs sous-jacents, puis d'approcher le risque à partir des observations ou des simulations. Comme dans ce domaine, l'aléa ou l'incertitude joue un rôle fondamental dans l'évolution des actifs, le recours aux processus stochastiques et aux méthodes statistiques devient crucial. Dans la pratique l'approche paramétrique est largement utilisée. Elle consiste à choisir le modèle dans une famille paramétrique, de quantifier le risque en fonction des paramètres, et d'estimer le risque en remplaçant les paramètres par leurs estimations. Cette approche présente un risque majeur, celui de mal spécifier le modèle, et donc de sous-estimer ou sur-estimer le risque. Partant de ce constat et dans une perspective de minimiser le risque de modèle, nous avons choisi d'aborder la question de la quantification du risque avec une approche non-paramétrique qui s'applique à des modèles aussi généraux que possible. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur deux mesures de risque largement utilisées dans la pratique et qui sont parfois imposées par les réglementations nationales ou internationales. Il s'agit de la Value at Risk (VaR) qui quantifie le niveau de perte maximum avec un niveau de confiance élevé (95% ou 99%). La seconde mesure est l'Expected Shortfall (ES) qui nous renseigne sur la perte moyenne au delà de la VaR.

Inferência Bayesiana em Modelos de Volatilidade Estocástica usando Métodos de Monte Carlo Hamiltoniano / Bayesian Inference in Stochastic Volatility Models using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Methods

Dias, David de Souza 10 August 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo através da abordagem Bayesiana em modelos de volatilidade estocástica, para modelagem de séries temporais financeiras, com o uso do método de Monte Carlo Hamiltoniano (HMC). Propomos o uso de outras distribuições para os erros da equação de observações do modelos de volatilidade estocástica, além da distribuição Gaussiana, para tratar problemas como caudas pesadas e assimetria nos retornos. Além disso, utilizamos critérios de informações, recentemente desenvolvidos, WAIC e LOO que aproximam a metodologia de validação cruzada, para realizar a seleção de modelos. No decorrer do trabalho, estudamos a qualidade do método HMC através de exemplos, estudo de simulação e aplicação a conjunto de dados. Adicionalmente, avaliamos a performance dos modelos e métodos propostos através do cálculo de estimativas para o Valor em Risco (VaR) para múltiplos horizontes de tempo. / This paper presents a study using Bayesian approach in stochastic volatility models for modeling financial time series, using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods (HMC). We propose the use of other distributions for the errors of the equation at stochastic volatiliy model, besides the Gaussian distribution, to treat the problem as heavy tails and asymmetry in the returns. Moreover, we use recently developed information criteria WAIC and LOO that approximate the crossvalidation methodology, to perform the selection of models. Throughout this work, we study the quality of the HMC methods through examples, simulation study and application to dataset. In addition, we evaluated the performance of the proposed models and methods by calculating estimates for Value at Risk (VaR) for multiple time horizons.

風險基礎資本與涉險值運用在保險監理上之比較 / The Comparison of RBC and VaR in the Insurance Regulation

林姿婷, Lin, Tzy-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
確保保險公司之清償能力是保險監理單位之首要目標,監理單位使用各種不同的監理制度以確保保險公司的財務體質,並防止保單持有人因為保險公司失去清償能力所遭致之損失。在各種監理制度中,RBC監理制度主要是衡量保險公司的資本適足性並且提供監理單位採取相關監理行動的準則;VaR監理制度則是目前銀行業之監理所嘗試採取的新監理方式,而且VaR也被廣泛運用在銀行內部的風險管理系統中,由銀行監理的發展趨勢看來,可以預期保險監理將來也會以VaR監理制度為主。 本研究的主要目的在於探討VaR監理制度適用在保險監理制度上的可行性以及與現行RBC監理制度的比較。在探討VaR監理制度的可行性前,本研究先就VaR監理制度運用在保險監理的前提以及影響保險公司失去清償能力的原因進行探討。 在瞭解影響保險公司失去清償能力的原因後,本研究分別對於在VaR監理制度下保險公司如何分別針對各種不同的風險因子決定所需持有的資本額度。經過相關文獻的探討以及考慮保險業的行業特性,本研究建議市場風險與核保風險可以用VaR計算其資本額度;信用風險由於尚未有十分完善的量化模型,所以本研究建議應以徵信方式因應此一風險,而業務風險則是以規定一固定比率的資本額度因應之。本研究也建議待保險公司累積足夠的VaR使用經驗後,保險監理制度可以開放使用預先承諾法。 在運用VaR於保險監理上時,本研究也建議監理單位必須注意有關VaR的實行風險與模型風險的影響,同時也強調監理單位的檢核與市場制度的力量是VaR監理制度能夠充分運作的必要條件;此外,由於制度實施的初期,無法驗證模型與資料的可用性,所以仍必須輔以最低固定比率的要求,以確保保險公司的清償能力。 在探討VaR運用在保險監理制度上的可行性後,本研究將進一步比較VaR與現行RBC監理制度的比較。本研究主要是由制度實行的難易程度、衡量資本適足的準確性,以及監理的成本三方面進行比較。制度實行的難易程度主要是比較VaR與RBC制度的複雜度與可行性,以及與公司內部風險管理和全球金融監理趨勢的整合程度。衡量資本適足的準確性主要是比較二種制度何者更可以衡量保險公司所面臨的各種風險、清償能力的效力,以及保險公司投資組合的風險分散效果。至於監理的成本則可分為監理者、保險公司與社會成本三方面來探討。 透過本研究的比較結果發現VaR監理制度除了在制度的複雜度與可行性較RBC制度差以外,其他項目皆優於RBC監理制度。除此之外,VaR與RBC都各自有其監理上的道德風險。本研究建議如同銀行監理一般,保險監理制度應朝向VaR監理制度的趨勢前進,以更可以確保保險公司的清償能力以及投保大眾的權益。 / Assuring insurance company solvency has always been the focal point of insurance regulation. Regulators use various methods to promote insurers' financial strength and protect policyholders from losses due to insolvency. Among these methods, risk-based capital (RBC) is used to measure the insurer's capital adequacy and provide the relative action rule for the regulator, and the VaR (value-at-risk) regulation is new regulatory type the bank regulator attempt to adopt. Besides the regulatory application, VaR is also used in bank's risk management system broadly. We can expect the VaR-type regulation will be the new insurance regulation in the future according to the development of bank's regulation. The methodology of this study adopt is literature review. The most important purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility of VaR-type insurance regulation and compare the VaR regulation with current RBC regulation. Before the regulation system examination, this study firstly discusses the presupposition of the VaR regulation application and the causes of insurer insolvency. For the purpose of developing the VaR-type capital requirement in insurance regulation, this study proposes that market and underwriting risk capital requirement can be directly calculated in VaR; credit and business risk capital requirement should be regulated a fixed-rate capital amount. This study also proposes the application of precommitment approach when the regulator assure the insurer accumulate good experience in VaR. In addition, this study also addresses some points for attention of VaR insurance regulation. The other purpose of this study is to compare the RBC and VaR through the regulatory implementation, solvency measurement, and regulatory cost. The result of this study indicates that VaR is superior to RBC in any aspect, besides the complexity and feasibility. In addition, VaR and RBC both have their own regulatory moral hazard. This study suggests VaR should be used in the insurance regulation as other financial regulation in the future.

Εκτίμηση μέγιστης δυνητικής ζημίας (VaR) σε χαρτοφυλάκια

Δημητράντζου, Χριστίνα 05 February 2015 (has links)
Η πολύπλοκη μορφή που απέκτησαν οι χρηματοοικονομικές αγορές κατά τη διάρκεια των δύο τελευταίων δεκαετιών, είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την απώλεια πολύ υψηλών κεφαλαίων από τις επιχειρήσεις και από τις τράπεζες. Η ανάγκη για συστηματική μέτρηση του χρηματοοικονομικού κινδύνου οδήγησε στην επινόηση του μεγέθους της αξίας σε κίνδυνο (Value-at-Risk, VaR). Η μέθοδος αυτή παρέχει στον ενδιαφερόμενο έναν αριθμό που εκφράζει τη μέγιστη αναμενόμενη ζημία μίας επένδυσης για δεδομένη χρονική περίοδο και δεδομένο επίπεδο εμπιστοσύνης. Παρά το γεγονός ότι η VaR έχει κάποιους περιορισμούς που απαιτούν τη χρήση stress test και scenario test, συνολικά, η VaR είναι η καλύτερη ανεξάρτητη τεχνική μέτρησης των κινδύνων που είναι διαθέσιμη. Στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μέτρηση της VaR ενός χαρτοφυλακίου. Επιπλέον, μέσα από αυτήν την εργασία θα γίνει κατανοητό τι είναι η VaR, πώς μπορεί να υπολογιστεί, ποια είναι τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά της και ποια είναι τα πλεονεκτήματα και τα μειονεκτήματά της. Τέλος, ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίνεται στην παρουσίαση των μεθόδων υπολογισμού της VaR. / The inextricable form of the financial markets during the last two decades result in the loss of high capital from the businesses and banks. The need of a systemic measurement of the financial risk leads to the invention of the Value-at-Risk method. This method provides the interested person with a number which expresses the potential maximum loss of an investment for a given period of time and a given confidence level. Despite the fact that VaR has some restrictions demanding the use of stress test and scenario test, altogether, VaR is the best independent measuring technique of the risks that it is available. The aim of this dissertation is to measure the VaR of a portfolio. Moreover, it will be registered what VaR is, how it can be measured, which are its main characteristics, its advantages and disadvantages. Lastly, more emphasis is given to the presentation of the measuring methods of VaR.

Modelagem de perdas com ações trabalhistas em instituições financeiras

Rachman, Luciano 07 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Luciano Rachman (lucianora@uol.com.br) on 2013-09-03T14:15:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Luciano_Rachman.pdf: 1167975 bytes, checksum: da1c59096eda72630b44358c1d1e0b0f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2013-09-03T14:52:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Luciano_Rachman.pdf: 1167975 bytes, checksum: da1c59096eda72630b44358c1d1e0b0f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-09-03T15:05:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Luciano_Rachman.pdf: 1167975 bytes, checksum: da1c59096eda72630b44358c1d1e0b0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-07 / As perdas trabalhistas nas Instituições Financeiras representam um valor considerável que devem ser consideradas no modelo de capital regulatório para risco operacional, segundo Basileia. A presente dissertação demonstra uma forma de mensurar o risco às quais as Instituições Financeiras estão expostas nesse tipo de perdas. Diversos tipos de distribuições são analisados conforme sua aderência tanto na frequência como na severidade das perdas. Para os valores de frequência, foi obtida uma amostra de dados real, enquanto para a severidade foram utilizados valores obtidos de relatórios de instituto de pesquisa que serviram de insumo para os cálculos de ações trabalhistas conforme legislação brasileira vigente na CLT (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho). / According to Basel, the labor losses in Financial Institutions represent a substantial value that should be regarded in the model of regulatory capital for operational risk. This dissertation demonstrates a way to measure the risk to which Financial Institutions are exposed to in this type of loss. Several types of distributions are analyzed according to their adherence both in frequency and severity of losses. For frequency values, it was obtained a sample of actual data, whilst for the severity were used values given from reports of research institute which served as an input for the calculations of labor actions according to the present Brazilian legislation in CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws).


LUCIANA SCHMID BLATTER MOREIRA 23 March 2015 (has links)
[pt] Um dos principais desafios no mercado financeiro é simular preços mantendo a estrutura de correlação entre os inúmeros ativos de um portfólio. Análise de Componentes Principais emerge como uma solução para este último problema. Além disso, dada a incerteza presente nos mercados de commodities de derivados de petróleo, o investidor quer proteger seus ativos de perdas potenciais. Como uma alternativa a esse problema, a otimização de várias medidas de risco, como Value-at-risk, Conditional Value-at-risk e medida Ômega, são ferramentas financeiras importantes. Além disso, o backtest é amplamente utilizado para validar e analisar o desempenho do método proposto. Nesta dissertação, trabalharemos com um portfólio de commodities de petróleo. Vamos unir diferentes técnicas e propor uma nova metodologia que consiste na diminuição da dimensão do portfólio proposto. O passo seguinte é simular os preços dos ativos na carteira e, em seguida, otimizar a alocação do portfólio de commodities de derivados do petróleo. Finalmente, vamos usar técnicas de backtest, a fim de validar nosso método. / [en] One of the main challenges in the financial market is to simulate prices keeping the correlation structure among numerous assets. Principal Component Analysis emerges as solution to the latter problem. Also, given the uncertainty present in commodities markets, an investor wants to protect his/her assets from potential losses, so as an alternative, the optimization of various risk measures, such as Value-at-risk, Conditional Value-at-risk and Omega Ratio, are important financial tools. Additionally, the backtest is widely used to validate and analyze the performance of the proposed methodology. In this dissertation, we will work with a portfolio of oil commodities. We will put together different techniques and propose a new methodology that consists in the (potentially) decrease the dimension of the proposed portfolio. The following step is to simulate the prices of the assets in the portfolio and then optimize the allocation of the portfolio of oil commodities. Finally, we will use backtest techniques in order to validate our method.


陳嘉敏, Chen, Jia Min Unknown Date (has links)
本文提出了一個新興風險衡量的工具的概念-期望尾端損失值(ETL),其有別於風險值為百分位數且未考慮報酬分配的尾部風險(Tail Risk),本研究期望能透過ETL的估計可以更完整表達投資組合所有可能面臨的風險,對於市場風險能更有效控管。 本文實證討論有關VaR與ETL穩定度的部分,VaR雖然在理論上證明無法滿足次可加性這個條件,但是在本研究實證中,即使在分配具厚尾狀況下,VaR仍滿足次加性的性質。這也表示,我們在現實生活中很難因VaR理論上缺乏次可加性,而捨棄VaR這個風險衡量工具,然ETL也有其貢獻性,其較VaR多考慮尾部資訊,可視為風險值外另一參考指標,此為本文貢獻一。 本文實證也探討移動窗口中歷史資料長度的不同,是否造成VaR與ETL估算準確性的差異,本文由實證結果發現:在歷史窗口的資料長度越長(1000日)下,並沒有正確預估VaR與ETL,而本研究中以移動窗口為500日下,使用內部模型較具正確性,故在使用風險值模型時,應謹慎選擇移動窗口之長度,此為本文貢獻二。

台灣產險業實施風險基礎資本額制度之適當風險係數探討 / An Analysis of Risk Factors of RBC System for Property-Liability Industry in Taiwan

連婉儀, Lien, Wan-I Unknown Date (has links)
行政院會於民國八十八年十二月十六日通過保險法修正草案,修正草案中針對強化保險業之監理機制與增進保戶大眾之權益係以強化其資本適足性為其修法目標,所採之方法即建立風險基礎資本額制(Risk-based Capital, RBC)。而保險法修正案於民國九十年六月二十六日業已經立法院三讀通過,基於保險法相關條文規定,RBC制度將於民國九十二年中實施。 另一方面,美國經濟、社會及投資環境和台灣不盡相同,若將此制度直接或稍加修改即套用於台灣,將可能造成不切實際與誤導的作用,其結果不僅可能無法有效規範及避免保險公司失卻清償能力,亦可能因而造成龐大的社會成本,反而和當初建立RBC制度之原意背道而馳。因此,本論文即依循台灣產險業之產業特性制訂一套合宜之產險RBC制度,其中包括各個適當之風險項目及所屬之風險係數。 本論文在資產風險部分結合風險值(Value at risk, VaR)來計算資產之風險係數;在準備金風險以及自留保費收入風險則依照美國RBC制度之原始公式重新計算得來,惟準備金風險部分實因資料取得限制無法順利求出,為求模型完整性此部分本論文以財政部草案取代之;而於自留保費收入風險方面是採險種別及公司別。 研究結果發現:台灣產險的風險係數確實和美國產險的風險係數是有相當的差異,並且須根據台灣產業的經驗及配合我國的社會、經濟、投資環境並經由實際的運算才能得到適切的風險係數;而以論文所建立之RBC模型試算於各公司之風險基礎資本比則多有偏低之情形。 / Legislative Yuan has pass the draft of Insurance Law on June 26, 2001. In order to strengthen insurance regulation mechanism and to protect the insureds' benefit, the Risk-based Capital will be implemented in Taiwan Insurance market in 2003. On the other way, the economic environment and investment markets in United State are different from those in Taiwan. If we directly imitate their RBC system in Taiwan, the outcome would be impractical. It not only can't regulate the insurers effectively, but also may cause huge social cost. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to establish a suitable risk items and suitable risk factors for Property-Liability insurance in Taiwan by our own empirical data. This study finds that risk factors are significant different between Taiwan and American for Property-Liability insurance industry. The risk factors of the RBC system in Taiwan must depend on our own empirical data. I used the RBC model built in the thesis to test every Property-Liability company in Taiwan, and found that calculated Risk-based Capital ratios were relatively low.

會計揭露對於市場風險之資訊內涵 / How informative are accounting disclosures about market risk?

魏向璟, Wei,Hsiang-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
基於SEC之要求,越來越多美國金融機構於其財務報表附註中揭露金融交易資產之風險值;然而計算風險值涉及到許多假設,於是導致過去部分文獻對於風險值資訊揭露之可靠性產生質疑。本研究以風險值之揭露對於報表使用者之資訊價值作為研究課題;為求與附註揭露之風險值資訊比較,本研究以公司帳列之金融交易資產(Trading Assets)、金融交易收入(Trading Revenue)為基礎,利用蒙地卡羅模擬法模擬帳列金融交易資產於次期可能產生之最大潛在損失,並且透過OLS regression及panel data model探討: (1)風險值及金融交易資產潛在可能損失是否可以預測次期金融交易收入波動 (2)風險值與金融交易資產潛在可能損失資訊之提供是否影響次期股票交易量 (3)風險值與金融交易資產潛在可能損失資訊是否可以有效預測次期股價報酬 率變異。 實證結果顯示,風險值之揭露與金融交易資產潛在可能損失之資訊對於預計次期金融交易收入之波動與股價報酬率變異均呈現顯著正相關;易言之,上述兩種資訊之揭露均提供增額之資訊價值。惟另方面,風險值之揭露與金融交易資產潛在可能損失之資訊卻與次期股票交易量呈正相關,也就是說上述兩種資訊的揭露反而會造成投資人降低長期投資持有的意願。 / Financial institutions in the United States are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to disclose their Value at Risk (VaR) in the footnotes of the financial statements. Over the years, VaR has been used by institutional investors, industry consultants, and regulators as one of the key measures of market risk. However, there are a number of approaches to calculating VaR and some of them may involve various statistical models and assumptions. Due to the fact that different models and assumptions may be used, the VaR numbers produced by different institutions are difficult to compare with one another. The usefulness of these numbers is therefore decreased. This thesis examines the usefulness of disclosures of VaR information. In order to compare with VaR disclosures, the implied potential maximum losses of trading assets are simulated by using Monte Carlo simulation. We then employ the OLS regression and the panel data models to investigate the following research questions: (1)whether VaR and implied potential maximum losses of trading assets disclosed by financial institutions are instrumental in predicting the variability of trading revenue for the next quarter; (2)whether VaR and implied potential maximum losses of trading assets disclosed by financial institutions affect investors' investing decision; (3)how useful are VaR and implied potential maximum losses of trading assets in predicting the volatility of daily stock return next quarter. The empirical results indicate that VaR and implied potential maximum losses of trading assets are significantly related to the variability of trading revenue and the volatility of daily stock returns next quarter. This evidence suggests that both types of disclosures provide incremental information on predicting the variability of trading revenue and investment risk in the future. Nevertheless, we also find that both VaR disclosures and implied potential maximum losses of trading assets are positively associated with future average stock trading volume, implying that investors tend to trade stock more frequently when the market risk information is disclosed.

Essays on asset allocation strategies for defined contribution plans

Basu, Anup K. January 2008 (has links)
Asset allocation is the most influential factor driving investment performance. While researchers have made substantial progress in the field of asset allocation since the introduction of mean-variance framework by Markowitz, there is little agreement about appropriate portfolio choice for multi-period long horizon investors. Nowhere this is more evident than trustees of retirement plans choosing different asset allocation strategies as default investment options for their members. This doctoral dissertation consists of four essays each of which explores either a novel or an unresolved issue in the area of asset allocation for individual retirement plan participants. The goal of the thesis is to provide greater insight into the subject of portfolio choice in retirement plans and advance scholarship in this field. The first study evaluates different constant mix or fixed weight asset allocation strategies and comments on their relative appeal as default investment options. In contrast to past research which deals mostly with theoretical or hypothetical models of asset allocation, we investigate asset allocation strategies that are actually used as default investment options by superannuation funds in Australia. We find that strategies with moderate allocation to stocks are consistently outperformed in terms of upside potential of exceeding the participant’s wealth accumulation target as well as downside risk of falling below that target by very aggressive strategies whose allocation to stocks approach 100%. The risk of extremely adverse wealth outcomes for plan participants does not appear to be very sensitive to asset allocation. Drawing on the evidence of the previous study, the second essay explores possible solutions to the well known problem of gender inequality in retirement investment outcomes. Using non-parametric stochastic simulation, we simulate iv and compare the retirement wealth outcomes for a hypothetical female and male worker under different assumptions about breaks in employment, superannuation contribution rates, and asset allocation strategies. We argue that modest changes in contribution and asset allocation strategy for the female plan participant are necessary to ensure an equitable wealth outcome in retirement. The findings provide strong evidence against gender-neutral default contribution and asset allocation policy currently institutionalized in Australia and other countries. In the third study we examine the efficacy of lifecycle asset allocation models which allocate aggressively to risky asset classes when the employee participants are young and gradually switch to more conservative asset classes as they approach retirement. We show that the conventional lifecycle strategies make a costly mistake by ignoring the change in portfolio size over time as a critical input in the asset allocation decision. Due to this portfolio size effect, which has hitherto remained unexplored in literature, the terminal value of accumulation in retirement account is critically dependent on the asset allocation strategy adopted by the participant in later years relative to early years. The final essay extends the findings of the previous chapter by proposing an alternative approach to lifecycle asset allocation which incorporates performance feedback. We demonstrate that strategies that dynamically alter allocation between growth and conservative asset classes at different points on the investment horizon based on cumulative portfolio performance relative to a set target generally result in superior wealth outcomes compared to those of conventional lifecycle strategies. The dynamic allocation strategy exhibits clear second-degree stochastic dominance over conventional strategies which switch assets in a deterministic manner as well as balanced diversified strategies.

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