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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structures, processes and outcomes in preschool units with high and low proportions of second language learners of Swedish : A Comparative Study

Beteinaki, Eleftheria January 2020 (has links)
Second language learners (SLLs) are students at risk for negative outcomes in preschool. Theoretical statements from systems theory and the ecological model of inclusive education indicate that a main focus of interest when supporting children should be the preschool environment that surrounds them. The purpose of this study is to describe and compare structures and processes in preschool settings that are presupposed by theory to have an impact on children’s functioning, along with children’s outcomes in preschool units with different proportions of SLLs. A combination of questionnaire data and data from observations were used in order to describe and compare the structure of child-teacher ratio, the process-related variables of teachers’ tone, children’s proximity and verbal interaction and lastly the outcomes of involvement and social interactions in different play types between the units. Data were analyzed with independent sample t-tests and the results revealed that units with different proportions of SLLs differ regarding processes and outcomes but not the structure of child-teacher ratio. Teachers’ tone in units with low proportion of SLLs was more positive and children were more verbal to the teacher while children in units with high proportions of SLL, had more self-talk/ private speech, less social-interactions and associative play, and lower levels of involvement. The differentiations in processes and children outcomes, along with the non-differences in child-teacher ratios between units with high and low proportions of SLLs highlight the need for further research in the field in order to investigate which environmental factors affect children outcomes in attempts to intervene and safeguard inclusiveness.

“ - Cause I like working when I’m happy” : A case study of students in linguistic vulnerability and verbal interactions with peers in the social studies classroom / “-För jag gillar att arbeta när jag är glad” : En fallstudie om elever i språklig sårbarhet och verbala interaktioner med klasskamrater i samhällsorienterade ämnen

Knudsen, Lina January 2023 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med insikt i hur Mellanårsprogrammets (MYP) elever i språklig sårbarhet och deras lärare upplever verbala interaktioner i klassen med elevernas kamrater i Individer och samhällen (I&S), ett samhällskunskapsämne inom International Baccalaureate läroplan.  Forskningsfrågor · Hur ser MYP-lärare på den effekt kamrater har på elever i språklig sårbarhet under verbala interaktioner i klassen och hur stödjer dessa lärare elever i språklig sårbarhet under dessa interaktioner i I&S?   · How do MYP students in linguistic vulnerability experience and understand verbal in-class interactions with peers in the I&S classroom and how do they experience the support given to them by their teachers during these interactions?  Theoretical Framework The theoretical framework of this case study is based on the sociocultural perspective as seen in Vygotsky’s work (1987), which have been developed further by Säljö (2000) and Kozulin (2003). This perspective focuses on the understanding that individuals develop through the interaction with their environment and the people around them. The second theory used is Communicative Relational Perspective (KoRP). KoRP, a special education perspectives with three main intertwining processes; participation, communication and learning which predict whether or not a school has an inclusive or exclusive learning environment. Method In this case study two methods are used; observations and semi-structured interviews. Three I&S lessons in the MYP were observed at two different IB schools. The study uses the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP). Six semi-structured interviews are also conducted; three with students in linguistic vulnerability and three with their I&S teachers. The data collected was analysed using a thematic approach. Each case was analysed separately before being cross-synthesized.  Results The results of the cases reveal two main themes: Peer Support vs. Peer Comparisons and Peer interactions – Expected or Scaffolded? Students in linguistic vulnerability either saw peers as beneficial or a hindrance to their success during verbal interactions such as group work, where students either felt helped by peers or inadequate in comparison to their peers. This led to increased or decreased levels of participation. Teachers found it challenging knowing how to best meet these issues.  Scaffolding the activities in a way that met the student’s individual needs and creating a safe place where students felt comfortable were found to be beneficial for effective group work. The case study also found that although the use of Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol (SIOP) is advantageous as a tool, it is lacking aspects pertaining to social dynamics and the students’ individual needs.  Special Education Implications This case study shines a light on the importance of special educational needs teachers working more closely with subject specific teachers in order to make them more aware of the language expectations placed on their students during verbal interactions. This case study indicates that special educational needs teachers can use SIOP as a first step in starting a discussion with subject teachers about students in linguistic vulnerability and verbal interactions. SIOP can also be a hands-on tool to use when supporting subject teachers in the creation of more language and subject – based teaching. Nyckelord: klassrumsdiskussioner, Developmental Language Disorder, grupparbete, Individer och samhällen, International Baccalaureate, språklig sårbarhet, mellanstadiet, samhällskunskap, verbal interaktion

「合作/非合作」語用原則─論記者與消息來源之語言互動策略 / The cooperative/non-cooperative verbal interaction between news reporters and news sources

林金池, Lin, Chin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從作者實務工作曾經遭遇的兩個「威嚇語言」互動策略為起點,發現過去相關研究多屬探討記者與消息來源互動社會結構層面之「靜態論述」,鮮少觸及「語言互動」策略與內涵。本研究改以語用學之言說行動、語境概念、禮貌原則以及社會心理學之面子、面子威脅等概念為基礎,歸納出人際溝通由核心到外圍的語言互動脈絡,並依合作程度高低推演出記者與消息來源間之「合作性語言互動」(cooperative verbal interaction)與「非合作性語言互動」(non-cooperative verbal interaction)兩種不同語言互動策略。 根據訪談與個案研究資料所示,記者與消息來源語言互動過程使用之各種不同手法(如婉言相勸、閃躲、打哈哈、口頭威嚇、直接修理等),均可歸納於「合作/非合作」語言互動策略範疇。整體而言,「合作語言策略」最常出現,「非合作語言策略」在互動過程只是施壓手段,但兩種策略若像「胡蘿蔔與棍子」般地交叉運用,則常有較佳效果。 本研究亦發現,消息來源並非記者隨意擺布的「掌中棋」,亦即記者若不當使用「非合作語言策略」而將消息來源逼至瀕臨壓力邊緣之際,消息來源亦會使用「非合作語言策略」嚴厲反擊而造成反效果。因此,語言策略的尺度拿捏與技巧等語境因素,常是互動雙方能否達成目標之微妙關鍵所在。 / As previous studies in this area have long emphasized more on the social levels of reporter-source interactions, this study, based on the literature of pragmatics, facework, and impoliteness, examined how the news reporters interact with their sources on a linguistic level trying to distinguish varied verbal strategies used by these two interactants in news reporting, such as exhorting, evasiveness, verbal threatening, and verbal attacking. Research result reveals that both cooperative/non-cooperative verbal interactive strategies are common and easily observable in news reporters’ routine meetings with their sources. In principle, the non-cooperative verbal interaction can be further divided into four sublevels according to the degrees of cooperation between the two interactants. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the cooperative/non-cooperative verbal interaction model developed in this study can be used not only as a research framework to examine the reporter-source interactions in a qualitative way, but also as a practical strategy which would show that both the reporters and sources may use the model to detect and challenge, and in the meantime to counterattack, the other side in their daily encounters.

Mixité à l'école et inégalités de traitement entre filles et garçons : l’exemple de l’éducation physique et sportive dans le second degré / Coeducation and the unequal treatment of girls and boys : case study : physical education and sport at secondary school level

Peiro, Catherine 17 December 2010 (has links)
La mixité à l’école est souvent considérée comme un moyen privilégié pour tendre vers une meilleure égalité entre les filles et les garçons. Si les différents dispositifs institutionnels encourageant sa mise en oeuvre ont contribué à une égalité de droits, ils n’ont pas abouti pour autant à une égalité dans les faits. La recherche analyse finement les formes concrètes que peut prendre la mixité dans l’éducation physique et sportive (EPS) dans le second degré où certaines inégalités entre les filles et les garçons sont encore souvent considérées comme « naturelles ». Allant à l’encontre de cette idée reçue, la thèse montre que si la mixité n’est pas, a priori, un obstacle à une meilleure égalité entre les sexes, les choix pédagogiques pouvant y être associés sont susceptibles de mettre en difficulté une partie des filles. Méthodologiquement, le travail s’appuie sur plusieurs dispositifs articulés entre eux : une observation ethnographique de 200 heures d’enseignement ; une vingtaine d’entretiens avec des professeurs d’EPS ; l’analyse secondaire de deux enquêtes nationales ayant permis d’interroger par questionnaire 1 954 élèves et 1 317 enseignants du second degré. La recherche montre, entre autres, que les formes de regroupements choisis, les contenus d’enseignement privilégiés (à forte connotation masculine), les interactions entre le professeur et les élèves sont autant d’éléments susceptibles d’entretenir une inégalité de traitement des filles et des garçons. En somme, le travail souligne que la mise en oeuvre de la mixité en EPS ne peut faire l’économie d’une réflexion approfondie permettant l’élaboration de dispositifs pédagogiques autorisant une réelle prise en considération des différences entre filles et garçons (que celles-ci soient d’ordre biologique ou culturel). / Coeducation is often considered an ideal way to foster equality between girls and boys. Although, in theory, various institutional initiatives encouraging coeducation have contributed to fostering equal rights, they do not always lead to equal opportunities in practice. This study focuses on the tangible aspects of coeducation at secondary school level in the specific fields of physical education (PE) and sport, where some inequality between girls and boys is still often considered ―normal‖. Countering this preconceived notion, the thesis demonstrates that whilst coeducation does not initially stand in the way of greater gender equality, the educational strategies that may be associated with it are likely to put some girls at a disadvantage. In terms of methodology, the research is based on a combination of several studies, including ethnographic observation of 200 teaching hours; some twenty interviews with PE and sports teachers; and secondary analysis of two national surveys based on questionnaires completed by 1,954 secondary school pupils and 1,317 secondary school teachers. The study shows, among other things, that the type of group activity and educational content chosen (which is often male-oriented), as well as the way teachers and pupils interact, are all factors that are likely to promote disparities in the way girls and boys are treated. Finally, the work underlines that teaching PE and sport in a coeducational environment cannot be done without careful consideration of the differences between girls and boys, and the development of educational strategies that take these differences into account (be they biological or cultural).

Aprendizagem dialógica em serviços de tutoria pela internet: estudo de caso de uma tutora em formação em uma disciplina a distância / Dialogical learning in tutoring through the Internet: a case study of a tutor during her training in a distance course

Dotta, Silvia Cristina 04 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir com o desenvolvimento das bases teóricometodológicas para a prática do diálogo a distância, a partir de uma concepção dialógica de Educação. Desenvolvemos uma metodologia para oferta de uma disciplina a distância, em que parte de seu conteúdo tratou da formação de tutores para o diálogo virtual. Criamos um software de comunicação, o Tutor em Rede, e o implementamos para a oferta de um serviço de tutoria pela internet. Monitoramos a atuação de licenciandos ao longo de três semestres, cujas atividades e interações realizadas com estudantes de Ensino Médio para esclarecimento de dúvidas de Química formaram nossa base de dados. Observamos o caso de uma estudante de MEQVT, denominada Tutora 7A, durante estágio de tutoria pela internet, de onde selecionamos uma amostra de episódios de interação entre essa tutora e estudantes que procuraram o serviço voluntariamente para realização de nossas análises. Partimos dos estudos socioculturais desenvolvidos por Vigotski, Bakhtin, Wertsch, Wells, para investigar a interação dialógica como alternativa para o diálogo a distância. Deste estudo, sugerimos que a aprendizagem dialógica é uma interessante proposta para subsidiar os processos de construção de problemas e de significados, mas que sua concretização, em serviços de tutoria, depende da criação de estratégias para compartilhar ambos os processos. Uma das estratégias adotadas pelo sujeito de nosso estudo foi o jogo de perguntas e respostas. Esse jogo mostrou-se eficiente para a problematização das dúvidas dos estudantes, na medida em que a tutora conduzia o engajamento dos estudantes ao diálogo, por meio do estabelecimento de empatia, do compartilhamento do processo de construção de idéias e da prevalência da função dialógica do discurso. Ao final, consideramos defesa de uma concepção de aprendizagem dialógica para atividades a distância que supere o paradigma da transmissão, por um da mediação, da interação. / The objective is to contribute to the development of theoretical and methodological bases for the practice of distance dialogue, from a dialogical conception of Education. We have developed a methodology to offer a distance course Metodologia do Ensino de Química Via Telemática (MEQVT) , in which part of its content dealt with the training of tutors for the virtual dialogue. We have created a communication software, the Tutor em Rede, and implemented it to offer a tutoring through the internet. We have observed students´ performance over three semesters, whose activities and interactions held with high school students formed our database. For research purposes, we have observed a student of MEQVT during the tutoring training, from where we have selected a sample of interaction episodes between that tutor and students to perform our analysis. We have taken sociocultural studies developed by Vygotsky, Bakhtin, Wertsch, Wells, as the theoretical basis to investigate the dialogical interaction as an alternative to the distance dialogue. From this study, we suggest that the dialogical learning is an interesting proposal for the processes of problem and meaning construction, but that its achievement in tutoring services, depends on the creation of strategies to share the both processes. One of the strategies adopted by the subject of our study was a game of questions and answers. This game proved to be efficient for the reconstructing the students\' questions, in that the tutor dealed the engagement of students to dialogue, through the establishment of empathy, the sharing of the construction of ideas and the prevalence of the function of the dialogical speech. Finally, we consider to support the dialogical learning concept for distance activities that exceeds the paradigm of \"transmission\" by one of mediation, of interaction.

Elementos motivadores no design instrucional e nas interações verbais em um programa de apropriação do Moodle

Casarin, Márcia Lygia Ribeiro de Souza 15 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:24:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Lygia Ribeiro de Souza Casarin.pdf: 1405171 bytes, checksum: 5311fee30866b37d333de1509adcd325 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-15 / Inserted in the Applied Linguistics area, in the line of Language, Education and Technology research, this work aims to detect the presence (or absence) of motivational elements in the instructional design and in the verbal interactions between researcher and participant-teacher of a Moodle instrumentalization program. Enhancing motivation when teaching in virtual contexts has been emphasized by several authors, such as Vafa (1999), Figl and Bauer (2008), Kim (2009) and Keller (1983). Selection of adequate tools and preparation of instructors must be associated for the elaboration of interesting environments which strengthen motivational aspects that promote and sustain participants engagement and, additionally, favour the appropriation process. In this program, the researcher guided the participant teacher in a Moodle site specially built to this end. From the moment the participant-teacher displayed a reasonable degree of autonomy, her practice was directly carried out in the actual context of application, that is, in the elaboration of Moodle sites to supplement her face to face classes. Keller s (1983) contributions assisted in the analysis of the guidance site and Kerbrat- Orecchioni s (2006) theory was taken as the basis for the linguistic-discursive analysis of the e-mail verbal interactions. Marcushi s (2002) reflections on electronic speech justify the choice of Kerbrat-Orecchioni s (2006) contributions. Action research was chosen as the general methodological approach. The results of the analysis confirmed the presence of motivational elements in the guidance Moodle site. According to ARCS Model, elements classified in the categories of attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction were detected. Moreover, motivational elements were detected in the verbal interactions between researcher and participant, materialized in linguistic manifestations of politeness, according to Kerbrat-Orecchioni s (2006) proposal. These two sets of motivational elements, in our view, were decisive in the participant s Moodle appropriation / Este trabalho insere-se na área da Linguística Aplicada, linha de pesquisa Linguagem, Educação e Tecnologia e tem com objetivo detectar a presença (ou ausência) de elementos motivacionais no design instrucional e nas interações verbais entre pesquisador e participante docente de um programa de instrumentalização do Moodle. A ênfase na motivação, aplicada ao ensino realizado em contextos virtuais, tem sido dada por vários autores, como Vafa (1999), Figl e Bauer (2008), Kim (2009) e Keller (1983). A seleção de ferramentas adequadas e o preparo dos docentes devem estar combinados para a elaboração de ambientes interessantes que privilegiem aspectos motivacionais que promovam e sustentem o engajamento dos participantes e que favoreçam o processo de apropriação. Nesse programa, a pesquisadora orientou a professora participante em um Moodle especialmente construído para esse fim. A partir do momento em que a participante-docente apresentou autonomia razoável, sua prática realizou-se diretamente no contexto real de aplicação, isto é, na elaboração dos ambientes Moodle que seriam utilizados como apoio às suas aulas presenciais. Os aportes de Keller (1983) subsidiaram a análise do ambiente de orientação e a teoria de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006) embasou a análise linguístico-discursiva das interações verbais via e-mail. As idéias de Marcuschi (2002) sobre o discurso eletrônico justificam a escolha dos aportes dessa autora. Como abordagem metodológica geral foi utilizada a pesquisa-ação. Os resultados da análise confirmaram a presença de elementos motivacionais na construção do ambiente de orientação. De acordo com o Modelo ARCS, foram detectados elementos classificados na categoria da atenção, relevância, confiança e satisfação. Além disso, foram detectados elementos motivacionais nas interações verbais entre pesquisador e participante, consubstanciados nas manifestações lingüísticas da polidez, de acordo com a proposta de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006). Esses dois conjuntos de elementos motivacionais, a nosso ver, foram decisivos para a apropriação do Moodle pela participante

Procedimento para ensinar respostas verbais espontâneas e variadas em crianças com desenvolvimento atípico / Procedure to teach spontaneous and varied verbal responses in children with atypical development

Braide, Priscilla Simi 16 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:18:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pricilla.pdf: 2458431 bytes, checksum: 1bfd76c9f082316d621fa2a7ae8edbe2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-16 / This research aimed at investigating a procedure to install a chain of verbal responses that initiated verbal interactions about objects toys (non-verbal discriminative stimuli) , and that had varying topographies. Such chain had three links, and for each link three topographies were trained: (a) the first link was composed of the following topographies: What is this? , Which is the toy? , and What are we going to play with? ; (b) the second link consisted in the training of the following topographies: May I see? , Show the toy , and I want to see! ; and (c) in the third link the following topographies: I want to touch! , Give it to me. , and Can I play? . The emission of each link produced a specific natural consequence. The first was followed by the name of the toy hidden in the box; the second received as consequence the visualization of the toy, and the third produced access to the toy and the possibility of playing with it for 20 seconds. A procedure of training of fading out of the verbal model for the responses that should be installed was used. In such procedure the researcher provided, at first, the complete verbal model for the sentence (step 1) and the participant emitted anechoic response; gradually, parts of the model were withheld (in several steps), and the participant s responses were transferred to an intraverbal control. Applying a multiple baseline design between topographies, the training, carried out in individual sessions of approximately 40 minutes, was started with the last link in the chain. At first, two topographies in this link were trained, and at the end of the training, a procedure to establish variability of the responses was carried out. In such procedure, named variability training I, the reinforcer was delivered only when the response topographies varied in relation to the response emitted in the previous attempt. Then both trainings fading followed by variability I were carried out for the topographies in links 2 and 1. During training, all the links in the chain took place in each attempt, either on baseline condition or on training condition (that was maintained for the links already trained). Finally, another procedure to establish variability, variability training II, was carried out in order to generate responses differing from the ones that had been trained. In this procedure, the training for a third topography for each link was carried out. Once the training was over, two generalization test sessions were carried out for two of the participants. The first of such sessions was held by another researcher, and the second was carried out by the same researcher present at training in a setting that was different from the one in which the training sessions were held. Results indicated that the procedure of fading out of the verbal model was effective in installing the nine different topographies of spontaneous verbal responses. However, the number of independent responses in the three topographies of each link varied; usually there was a preponderance of one of the trained topographies. Among the links, topographies referring to the third link in the chain, that produced access to the toy, were the most emitted. The variability I procedure generally produced variation in the trained topographies, manly in the second and third links of the chain. It is possible to say that the responses of topographies that were not trained were emitted more frequently after variability II training, in spite of this happening before this training, especially in the case of one of the participants. There was evidence of the effects of variability trainings I and II, carried out in one link of the chain, over the varied responses of the other links. During the generalization tests, the participants did not emit three of the trained topographies (two in the first link and one in the second), and the most emitted were the ones in the third and second links in the chain / A presente pesquisa pretendeu investigar um procedimento para instalar em três crianças com desenvolvimento atípico, classificadas com autismo, uma cadeia de respostas verbais que iniciavam interações verbais sob objetos brinquedos (estímulos discriminativos não verbais) e que tinham topografias variadas. Essa cadeia continha três elos e para cada um, treinaram-se três topografias: (a) o 1º elo foi composto das topografias O que é isto? , Qual é o brinquedo? e Com o que vamos brincar? ; (b) o 2º consistiu do treino das topografias Posso ver? , Mostra o brinquedo? e Quero olhar! e (c) no 3º elo as topografias Quero pegar! , Dá para mim? e Posso brincar? . A emissão de cada elo produzia uma conseqüência natural específica: o 1º elo era seguido pela nomeação do brinquedo escondido na caixa; o 2º recebia como conseqüência a visualização do brinquedo e o 3º produzia o acesso e a possibilidade de brincar com ele por 20 segundos. Foi utilizado um procedimento um de treino de fading out do modelo verbal das respostas a serem instaladas no qual inicialmente o experimentador fornecia o modelo verbal total da frase (passo 1) e o participante emita uma resposta ecóica; gradativamente partes do modelo foram sendo retidas (em vários passos), passando o responder do participante a um controle intraverbal. Empregando um delineamento de linha de base múltipla entre as topografias, o treino, realizado em sessões individualizadas de aproximadamente 40 minutos, foi iniciado pelo último elo da cadeia. A princípio duas topografias deste elo foram treinadas e ao final deste treino, um procedimento para promover a variabilidade das respostas foi realizado. Em tal procedimento, nomeado treino de variabilidade I, o reforço só era liberado quando as topografias de respostas variavam em relação àquela emitida na tentativa anterior. A seguir, ambos os treinos de fading seguido pelo de variabilidade I foram realizados para as topografias dos elos 2 e 1, respectivamente. Durante o treino ocorriam todos os elos da cadeia em cada tentativa, ou em condição de linha de base ou em condição de treino (que se mantinha para os elos já treinados). Finalmente, outro procedimento para propiciar a variabilidade, treino de variabilidade II, foi realizado com o objetivo de gerar respostas diferentes das treinadas. Nele, ocorreu o treino de uma terceira topografia para cada elo. Depois de encerrado o treino duas sessões de teste de generalização foram realizadas para dois participantes. A primeira foi conduzida por um outro experimentador e a segunda foi realizada com o mesmo experimentador do treino em um ambiente diferente daquele onde as sessões de treino ocorreram. Os resultados indicaram que o procedimento de fading out do modelo verbal foi efetivo para instalar as nove topografias diferentes de respostas verbais espontâneas. Entretanto o número de respostas independentes nas três topografias de cada elo variou, houve, em geral predomínio de uma das topografias treinadas. Verificou-se , entre os elos, as topografias referentes ao 3o elo da cadeia, que dava acesso ao brinquedo, foram as mais emitidas. O procedimento de variabilidade I produziu, em geral, variação nas topografias treinadas, principalmente nos 2o e 3o elos da cadeia. É possível dizer que as respostas de topografias não treinadas foram mais emitidas após o treino de variabilidade II apesar de, especialmente para um dos participantes isto ter ocorrido antes deste treino. Ficou evidente que os treinos de variabilidade I e II realizados em um elo da cadeia tiveram efeito nas respostas variadas dos outros elos. Durante os testes de generalização, os participantes não emitiram três das topografias treinadas, (duas do 1º elo e uma do 2º) e as mais emitidas foram as do 3o e 2o da cadeia

Situation sociale de développement et interactions entre jeunes en difficulté et formateurs : vers une approche de didactique socio-professionnelle / Social situation of development and interactions between young people in great difficulty and trainers : towards an approach of socio-professional didactics

Heshema, Gladys 26 September 2014 (has links)
Nous menons une enquête longitudinale dans un dispositif de pré-formation auprès des formateurs et des jeunes peu qualifiés et ainsi en difficulté d’insertion sociale et professionnelle. Nous relevons les marqueurs d’apprentissage et de développement des jeunes par l’analyse des interactions verbales et des entretiens. Les résultats montrent l’importance de la socialisation du jeune novice par son interaction verbale avec le formateur expert des situations sociales. Dans le sens de Vygotsky, l’interaction est considérée comme une « Situation Sociale de Développement » qui vise à ce que le jeune apprenne les situations par leur ré-interprétation par le formateur. Ce travail mène à la transformation de ses activités cognitive et opératoire nécessaires à la maîtrise des situations et à l’adoption appropriée des règles qui régissent les espaces physiques, sociaux et culturels, avec des personnes étrangères à l’environnement social habituel du jeune. / We conduct a longitudinal survey in a scheme for pre-training for trainers and youth with poor skills and thus in great difficulty of social and professional integration. We identify markers for young people’s learning and development of the verbal interactions and interviews. The results show the importance of socialization of young novice through his verbal interaction with the trainer who is expert with social situations. As discussed by Vygotsky, interaction is considered "Social Situation of Development" who aims to ensure that young people learn the situations through their reinterpretation by the trainer. This work leads to the transformation of young people’s cognitive and operational activities necessary for controlling situations and to the appropriate adoption of rules that govern the physical, social and cultural spaces, with people outside the usual social environment of young people.

A construção discursiva do sistema de cotas na revista "Caros Amigos" / Discursive construction concerning the system of quotas in the magazine "Caros Amigos"

Freitas, Irene de Lima 11 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Irene de Lima Freitas.pdf: 12331661 bytes, checksum: 98e3a0aaa0b640521f329bf8bea765c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims at discussing how the construction of the discourse concerning quotas in Brazil happens in the media, and how it is fits into the debate about exclusion/inclusion of the Negroes in the Brazilian society. Due to the vastness of the issue, the object of the study was chosen, taking into consideration, firstly, the year 2002, the period of most commotion in the media, relating to the discursive impact of exclusion, having as the background the issue of the quotas. During this year, a publication that systematically wrote about the subject was the magazine Caros Amigos. Thus, considering that the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro instituted quotas of up to 40% for the access of the Negro and dark population to the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, based on Law number 3,708, dated 9 November 2011, the magazine was the one chosen to be analyzed, as from the editions published in the months of June to November 2002. Before the analysis in itself, and in order to fundament it historically, we searched for information about the antecedents of this policy called affirmative action aiming at understanding which elements helped to bring about the fact of such measures being taken up in Brazil. Secondly, we chose, in the total of editions selected, 5 articles, 6 letters from readers and 6 magazine covers, all dealing with the matter of quotas and we considered each one of them as verbal and/or verbo-visual utterances. We understand utterances as discursive practices that enable the study and understanding of their functioning as from the crisscrossing of the materiality of the language present in them, as well as the conditions of production, circulation and reception that serve as background. The basic theoretical and methodological perspective is the dialogical theory/analysis of discourse, as put forward in the works of M. Bakhtin and his Circle, especially in that it refers to the notions of verbal interaction, utterance and forms of presence in the discourse of the other. The social relevance of this research is due to the importance that the policy concerning quotas took on in the Brazilian society and also due to the fact that it explores the issue in a dialogic perspective, in other words, understanding interaction as the founding principle of language which articulates in specific historical, social and cultural contexts. It is also relevant to investigate verbal and verbo-visual texts/discourses considering a culture magazine, in this case, Caros Amigos. As a result of the study, it may be stated that the multiple voices and senses present in the texts that make up the corpus - magazine covers, articles, letters from readers - show that the magazine builds up its editorial positioning before the object of discourse, as from the value that interlocutors attribute to its construction; the polemic is part of the magazine editorial line of thought; the opposition between interlocutors determines the construction of the statements; while opening up space for discussions concerning different visions of the world, it contributes to social transformation; the dialogic analysis of the statements in the media contribute to a better understanding of the social nature of discourse as well as the subjects which are relevant to society, like the quota issue / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo discutir como se dá, na média, a construção do discurso sobre o sistema de cotas no Brasil e como ele se insere no debate sobre a exclusão/inclusão dos negros na sociedade brasileira. Dada à amplitude da questão, o objeto de estudo foi escolhido tendo em vista, primeiramente, o ano de 2002, período de efervescência, na média, do embate discursivo da exclusão, tendo como pano de fundo o tema das cotas. Nesse ano, um periódico que sistematicamente se ocupou do assunto foi a revista Caros Amigos. Assim, considerando que a Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro instituiu cotas de até 40% para as populações negras e perdas no acesso à Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e à Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, com base na Lei no 3.708, de 09 de novembro de 2001, a revista foi a escolhida para ser analisada a partir dos números veiculados nos meses de junho a novembro de 2002. Antes da análise propriamente dita, e para poder fundamentá-la historicamente, buscamos informações sobre os antecedentes dessa política denominada ação afirmativa, com o objetivo de entender que elementos colaboraram para que medidas nessa direção fossem sendo adotadas no Brasil. Em seguida, escolhemos, no universo dos números selecionados, 5 artigos, 6 cartas de leitores e 6 capas, conjunto voltado para a questão das cotas, e consideramos cada um deles como enunciados verbais e/ou verbo-visuais. Entendemos enunciados como práticas discursivas que possibilitam o estudo e a compreensão de seu funcionamento a partir do entrecruzar da materialidade da língua neles presente e das condições de produção, circulação e recepção que os abrigam. A perspectiva teórica e metodológica de base é a teoria/análise dialógica do discurso, conforme depreendida dos trabalhos de M. Bakhtin e do Circulo, especialmente no que se refere às noções de interação verbal, enunciado e formas de presença do discurso de outrem. A relevância social dessa pesquisa deve-se à importância que a política de cotas assumiu na sociedade brasileira e, também, ao fato de explorar o tema em perspectiva dialógica, ou seja, concebendo a interação como o principio fundador da linguagem que se articula em contextos históricos, sociais e culturais especificas. E relevante, ainda, investigar textos/discursos verbais e verbo-visuais, considerando uma revista de cultura, no caso, Caros Amigos. Como resultado do trabalho, podemos afirmar que: as múltiplas vozes e sentidos presentes nesses textos que compõe o corpus - capas, artigos, cartas de leitores demonstram que a revista constrói seu posicionamento editorial diante do objeto do discurso, a partir do valor que os interlocutores atribuem à sua construção; a polêmica é constitutiva da linha editorial da revista; os embates entre os interlocutores determinam a construção dos enunciados; ao abrir espaço para discussões de diferentes visões de mundo, e contribui para as transformações sociais; a análise dialógica de enunciados da média contribui para uma melhor compreensão da natureza social do discurso

Faktorer som kan påverka röntgensjuksköterskans kommunikation med patienten. : En litteraturstudie / Factors that may impact radiographers’ communication with the patient. : A literature review

Allén Oltegen, Pia, Rosengren, Katarina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige har alla personer rätt till lika vård. För att kunna utföra sitt arbete krävs en god kommunikation mellan röntgensjuksköterskan och patienten. Kommunikation innefattar verbala- och icke verbala uttryck, som är ytterst essentiellt för arbete inom vården. Genom omdöme, kunskap och noggrannhet måste röntgensjuksköterskan kunna ge adekvat information som berör undersökningen eller behandlingen. Informationen bör anpassas utefter patientens förmåga och vitala tillstånd att tillgodose sig denna. Syfte: Syftet var att sammanfatta faktorer som kan påverka kommunikationen mellan röntgensjuksköterskan och patienten. Metod: Denna studie genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie där databaserna PubMed och Cinahl användes. Totalt inkluderades och analyserades 10 artiklar i studien.  Resultat: Studiens resultat sammanfattades i 7 olika faktorer; professionalism, språk, information, hög arbetsbelastning, tid, sjukdom och ångest/rädsla. Alla faktorer kunde förbättra kommunikationen, men också försvåra den. Slutsats: Mer kunskap och medvetande om kommunikation hos röntgensjuksköterskan behövs, samt ett samarbete med kollegor för uppmuntran till kommunikation som är individanpassad. Att sammanfatta dessa faktorer kan hjälpa röntgensjuksköterskan i dennes arbete med kommunikationen till patienten i olika situationer. / Background:In Sweden, all persons are entitled to equal health care. In order for the radiographer to carry out their work, good communication between the radiographer and the patient is required. Communication with both verbal expressions and also body language which is necessary when working in health care. Through judgment, knowledge and accuracy, the radiographer must be able to provide adequate information regarding the examination or treatment.The information should be adapted according to the patient's ability and vital condition to accommodate this. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to summarize factors that may affect communication between the radiographer and the patient.Method: In order to achieve this, it was decided to make a qualitative, general literature study using the PubMed and Cinahl databases. A total of 10 articles were selected for the thesis. Results: The results were summarized in 7 different factors; professionalism, language, information, high workload, time, illness and anxiety/fear. All factors could improve communication, but some parts could also make it difficult. Conclusion: More knowledge and awareness of communication skills is necessary for the radiographer, as well as collaboration with colleagues to encouraging individualized communication. Summarizing these factors can help us as radiographer in our work on communicating to the patient in different situations.

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