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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virtual Validation of Autonomous Vehicles : Virtualizing an Electric Cabin Scooter

Arvidsson, Christoffer, Andersson, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
This thesis report presents a study on the virtualization of an Electric Cabin Scooter used to validate the feasibility of converting it into an autonomous vehicle. The project aimed to design, develop, and test a virtual model of the car that can navigate from points A to B while avoiding obstacles. The report describes the methodology used in the project, which includes setting up the workspace, construction of the virtual model, implementation of ROS2 controllers, and integration of SLAM and Navigation2. The thesis report also describes and discusses related work, as well as the theoretical background of the project. Results show a successfully developed working virtual vehicle model, which provides a solid starting point for future work. / Detta examensarbete presenterar en studie om virtualiseringen av en elektrisk kabinscooter. Den virtuella modellen används för att validera genomförbarheten av att omvandla den till ett autonomt fordon. Projektet syftade till att designa, utveckla och testa en virtuell modell av bilen som kan navigera från punkt A till B medan den undviker hinder. Rapporten beskriver metodiken som används i projektet, vilket inkluderar att sätta upp arbetsytan, konstruktion av den virtuella modellen, implementering av ROS2-kontroller och integration av SLAM och Navigation2. Rapporten diskuterar även relaterat arbete, samt teoretisk bakgrund till arbetet. Resultaten visar en framgångsrikt utvecklad fungerande virtuell fordonsmodell, som ger en solid utgångspunkt för framtida arbete.

Indoor Navigation For The Blind And Visually Impaired: Validation And Training Methodology Using Virtual Reality

Wang, Sili 24 March 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we propose a navigation instruction validation tool and an user training tool for PERCEPT system. The validation tool evaluates the navigation instructions using a virtual reality environment by ensuring that each path in the virtual environment can be traversed by following the navigation instructions. This validation tool will serve as a first automatic validation of navigation instructions prior to testing them with blind and visually impaired users. The user-training tool enables the blind user to explore and get familiar with the real environment by using the virtual environment generated in the Unity3d based game. The user interacts with the game using PERCEPT Smartphone client just like the user would interact in the real environment. Motion in the game is emulated using the keyboard. Motion directions follow the navigation instructions obtained through the Smartphone. This user-training tool will improve the users experience in the real environment by enabling them to explore and learn the environment a-priori to their arrival in the physical space.

Categorical bias in transient and enduring spatial representation

Thrash, Tyler 19 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Student-Directed Inquiry: Virtual vs. Physical

Moore, Tonia L. 17 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Immunology Virtual Reality (VR): Exploring Educational VR Experience Design for Science Learning

Zhang, Lei 14 May 2018 (has links)
Immunology Virtual Reality (VR) project is an immersive educational virtual reality experience that intends to provide an informal learning experience of specific immunology concepts to college freshmen in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech (VT). The project is an interdisciplinary endeavor between my collaboration between people from different domain areas at VT: Creative Technologies, Education, Biological Sciences, and Computer Sciences. This thesis elaborates on the whole design process of how I created a working prototype of the project demo and shares insights from my design experience. / Master of Fine Arts / Immunology Virtual Reality is an immersive educational virtual reality experience in which a user takes on the role of an immune cell and migrates to fight off pathogen invasions at an infection site in the human body. It explores levels of interactivity and storytelling in educational VR and their impact on learning.

Creating Broadcast Interactive Drama in a Networked Virtual Environment

Earnshaw, Rae A., Flerackers, C., Van Reeth, F., Vanischem, G., Alsema, F. January 2001 (has links)

NeuroGaze in Virtual Reality: Assessing an EEG and Eye Tracking Interface against Traditional Virtual Reality Input Devices

Barbel, Wanyea 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
NeuroGaze is a novel Virtual Reality (VR) interface that integrates electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye tracking technologies to enhance user interaction within virtual environments (VEs). Diverging from traditional VR input devices, NeuroGaze allows users to select objects in a VE through gaze direction and cognitive intent captured via EEG signals. The research assesses the performance of the NeuroGaze system against conventional input devices such as VR controllers and eye gaze combined with hand gestures. The experiment, conducted with 20 participants, evaluates task completion time, accuracy, cognitive load through the NASA-TLX surveys, and user preference through a post-evaluation survey. Results indicate that while NeuroGaze presents a learning curve, evidenced by longer average task durations, it potentially offers a more accurate selection method with lower cognitive load, as suggested by its lower error rate and significant differences in the physical demand and temporal NASA-TLX subscale scores. This study highlights the viability of incorporating biometric inputs for more accessible and less demanding VR interactions. Future work aims to explore a multimodal EEG-Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) input device, further develop machine learning models for EEG signal classification, and extend system capabilities to dynamic object selection, highlighting the progressive direction for the use of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) in virtual environments.

“Can someone tell me the way” : A study on human wayfinding behaviour under incorrect information

Devlin, Roisin, La Greca, Filippo January 2019 (has links)
Finding the right path is a key aspect for successful navigation through the environment, with technologies such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) having improved this. However, human navigators can still be met with incorrect information either from devices or peers. The literature on how individuals then successfully navigate is limited. The current study attempts to fill in some of the gaps, assessing both individual and group differences. The navigation performance of twenty-five young adults was tested using a Virtual Environment (VE) built with Unreal Engine 4. Participants’ self-assessment of spatial ability, trait anxiety, and wayfinding preferences was further assessed through a series of pre- and post-test measures. Using quantitative data analysis, no significant differences in wayfinding strategies when given incorrect information were found and furthermore there was no interaction between trait anxiety and navigational performance. However, participants in general experienced increased difficulty when the incorrect information given was with regards to landmarks. Furthermore, males had decreased accuracy compared to females but only when given incorrect turn information. Even with this lower performance in terms of accuracy, males still rated themselves higher with regards to spatial ability. These results are particularly interesting for human navigation research and might be used to improve GPS-devices or other technology used for navigation (e.g. taking into account gender differences). Further research is needed due to some limitations present in the current study including a limited sample size. / Att hitta rätt väg är grunden för att lyckas hitta rätt väg genom sin omgivning och modern teknologi som GPSen (Global positioning system) har förbättrat detta. Dock så kan en mänsklig navigatör fortfarande presenteras med felaktig information, vare sig det är från teknologiska enheter eller andra individer. Den litteratur som är tillgänglig angående hur folk anpassar sig till detta och ändå försöker finna rätt väg är  begränsad. Denna studie är till för att fylla denna kunskapslucka, både på individuell och på gruppnivå. 25 unga vuxnas navigationsförmågor undersöktes med hjälp av en virtuell miljö skapad i Unreal Engine 4. Deltagarna självutvärderade också sina spatiala förmågor, ångestbenägenhet samt preferenser när det kommer till att utforska och hitta rätt väg. Något som i sin tur komplementerades både före och efter själva experimentet. Kvantitativ dataanalys uppvisade inga märkbara skillnader i navigeringsstrategier när felaktig information hade getts och ingen koppling kunde etableras mellan ångestbenägenhet och prestation. Det fanns dock en trend i upplevda svårigheter när felaktig information angående milstolpar angavs. Män presterade sämre med lägre precision än kvinnor vid missvisande information om svängtillfälle. Men trots detta hade männen en tendens att betygsätta sin spatiala förmåga högre än kvinnor. Dessa resultat är av specifikt intresse för forskning inom navigation och kan användas till att förbättra GPS-enheter samt annan teknologi som utnyttjas för liknande syften (t.ex. för att ta hänsyn till könsskillnaderna). Men mer forskning krävs på grund av vissa begränsningar i undersökningen, inklusive en begränsad provstorlek.

Précision spatiale d'atteintes manuelles vers des cibles virtuelles : effet du contexte visuel et du vieillissement normal

Fortin, Stéphane January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Développement et validation d'un modèle de simulation numérique personnalisé à une athlète de plongeon

Crépeau Rousseau, Ariane 08 1900 (has links)
Les entraîneurs en sports acrobatiques disposent de peu d’outils permettant d’améliorer leur compréhension des saltos vrillés et la performance des athlètes. L’objectif de ce mémoire était de développer un environnement graphique de simulation numérique réaliste et utile des acrobaties aériennes. Un modèle composé de 17 segments et de 42 degrés de liberté a été développé et personnalisé à une athlète de plongeon. Un système optoélectronique échantillonné à 300 Hz a permis l’acquisition de huit plongeons en situation réelle d’entraînement. La cinématique articulaire reconstruite avec un filtre de Kalman étendu a été utilisée comme entrée du modèle. Des erreurs quadratiques moyennes de 20° (salto) et de 9° (vrille) entre les performances simulées et réelles ont permis de valider le modèle. Enfin, une formation basée sur le simulateur a été offerte à 14 entraîneurs en sports acrobatiques. Une augmentation moyenne de 11 % des résultats aux questionnaires post-test a permis de constater le potentiel pédagogique de l’outil pour la formation. / Coaches need tools to better understand the mechanics of twisting somersaults and improve their knowledge and their athletes’ performance. The aim of this thesis was to provide them with a computer simulation model of aerial movements. An elite diver was modelled as a 17-segment 42-degree of freedom angle-driven model. The model was personalised to the diver so that simulation outputs could be compared with her actual performance. Input data were recorded by a 17-camera motion capture system sampled at 300 Hz. The joint angle time histories were reconstructed using an extended Kalman filter. The model was successfully evaluated and shown to produce realistic movements, with overall root-mean-square error of 20° (somersault) and 9° (twist) between reconstructed body kinematics and the corresponding simulations for eight dives. Finally, a workshop based on the simulation was offered to coaches and showed potential to improve their knowledge since the mean post-test result was increased by 11 %.

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