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Efektyviai dirbančių pradžios mokyklos vadovų - lyderių raiškos galimybių empirinis tyrimas / Empirical research of expression possibilities of effectively working primary school leadersPalubinskas, Vaidas 09 June 2006 (has links)
Today, during the society’s democratization process, the role of the primary school head teacher has not lost its significance, on the contrary, it has developed into a qualitatively new level. Now the head teacher is not only an efficient doer, but also the initiator of the institution’s policy and the guarantee of successful team work. The success and efficiency of the organisation activity depends on leader’s personality and qualified management: planning, organization, supervision control. So, the head teacher of nowadays is a strategist, manager, administrator, leader, etc.
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Tėvų dalyvavimo ugdant vaikus ikimokyklinėse grupėse ypatumai / The features of parents involvement in a nurture of children in preschool groupsPetrulionienė, Raminta 21 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of a master's work- the features of parents involvement in a nurture of children in preschool groups.
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Mokyklos vadovas - humaniškos mokyklos kūrėjas / School leader - a creator of humane schoolMajauskaitė, Laura 09 June 2005 (has links)
The relevance of the work is revealed both in present literature of philosophy, management, psychology and education, and works of thinkers of the past. Humane education must help for the personality to grow, develop, and feel its own value. Though, traditional school, the functions of which are to educate human, ignores the most of aspects of person who studies, but also the life itself is viewed schematic, simplified or even primitive. Hence, what alternatives are possible for traditional, didactic, lost touch with the life school? I think that humane school, i.e. the one, where everything is oriented into person – both studying and working there. Consequently it is necessary that school leaders would look after these processes.
The object of the research – activities of school leaders in forming of humane relations at school.
Hypothesis of the research – school leaders really pay too little attention in order to create humane relations at school, because they are not tend to follow flexible policy of command, do not consider pupils as partners, pay little attention to self-expression, they are not tend to consider human individuality, do not stimulate communication, they spend too little time for communication with teachers and pupils.
The aim of the work – to define the abilities of school leaders in forming of humane relations at school.
Key research objectives: 1) to ascertain the essence, meaning, managing assumptions of education of... [to full text]
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Švietimo įstaigos vadovo valdymo motyvacijos formavimo psichologiniai ypatumai / Psychological features of formation of motivation of authority of the head of establishment of educationFrolova, Natalija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Valdymo motyvacija iškyla kaip viena iš svarbiausių švietimo įstaigos vadovo asmenybės charakteristikų. Ji iš esmės įtakoja jo profesinės veiklos charakterį ir specifiką, apibrėžia gyvenimiškos ir valdymo elgsenos strategiją. Amžiaus ir lyties skirtybės, gimimo tvarka ir vaikų šeimoje skaičius yra valdymo motyvacijos formavimo proceso psichologiniai faktoriai, užtikrinantys valdymo siekimo ir vengimo lygį, pasireiškiantį švietimo srities valdymo veiklos būdo specifikoje. Egzistuoja tarpusavio ryšys tarp švietimo įstaigos vadovo valdymo motyvacijos išreiškimo lygio ir tokių psichologinių faktorių, kaip pedagoginės veiklos stažas ir vadovaujamo darbo patirtis. / Motivation of authority acts as the important characteristic of the person of the head of establishment of education; it essentially influences character and specificity of his/her professional work, defining strategy of vital and administrative behavior. Age and gender distinctions, the order of birth and number of children in the family represent itself as psychological factors of process of formation of motivation of authority, providing a level of aspiration and avoiding of the authority, shown in specificity of style of administrative activity in sphere of formation.
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Švietimo įstaigų vadovų ir pedagogų veikla, taikant aktyviuosius mokymo metodus / Die Tatigkeit die Leiter der Bildungsanstalten im Anerziehung der aktiven UnterrichtsmetodenDasevičienė, Ramunė 17 June 2005 (has links)
Die Tatigkeit die Leiter der Bildungsanstalten im Anerziehung der aktiven Unterrichtsmetoden.
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Pagrindinės mokyklos veiklos galimybės siekiant mažinti mokinių nubyrėjimą / The possibilities of a basic school in decreasing the drop-out of the school childrenVilūnienė, Viktorija 17 June 2005 (has links)
The permanent and intensive changes taking place nowadays in societal, social, economical, organizational and even private lives shift a great responsibility on a comprehensive school that has to create equal opportunities for every learner to acquire education and abilities to adapt in a constantly changing environment. The implemented educational reforms constituted a significant progress of the educational system of the Republic of Lithuania, however, the increasing number of learners that do not acquire qualitative comprehensive education are not able to compete in society and face social exclusion. The following are thought to be the most urgent educational problems in European Union and Lithuania: qualitative education, education for all, as drop-out of every child from a formal education system is a great loss for a state in terms of demography, morality, economy, culture and etc.
With consideration to all the mentioned above, the following research problem has been formulated – what are the possibilities of a basic school in decreasing the drop-out of the school children.
The object of the research - the possibilities of a basic school in decreasing the drop-out of the school children.
The aim of the research is to analyse the possibilities of a basic school in decreasing the drop-out of the school children.
The following objectives assist in revealing the aim of the research:
1) Carry out the theoretical analysis of school children drop-out from school by... [to full text]
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PEDAGOGŲ PASIPRIEŠINIMAS POKYČIAMS IR JO RAIŠKA BENDROJO LAVINIMO MOKYKLOSE: VADOVŲ NUOMONĖ / Pedagogues resistance for alterations and its expression at comprehensive schools: opinion of leadersVaičiulis, Aurimas 03 September 2010 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų veikla pokyčių sąlygomis analizė. Supažindinama su pokyčių realizavimo kliūtimis ir kaip mažinamas pasipriešinimas pokyčiams.
Iškelta hipotezė : Tikėtina, jog mažinant atsparumą pokyčiams bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose lemia mokytojų asmeninės savybės bei vadovų vadybiniai gebėjimai valdant pokyčius.
Pedagogu konservatyvumas, novacijų prasmės nesuvokimas, informacijos stoka, stabdo novacijų atėjima i ugdymo įstaigas. Todėl yra labai svarbu pedagogų švietimas šiuo klausimu. Taip pat yra reikalinga vadovų ir pedagogų kolegialumo principu paremtas bendravimas, problemų susijusiu su naujovių atėjimu sprendimas, norint išvengti bet kokio pasipriešinimo diegiant novacijas.
Tyrime dalyvavo 150 vadovų iš įvairių Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų (darželiai, pradinės mokyklos, vidurinės mokyklos ir gimnazijos). Tyrimas vyko 2009 – 2010 metais.
Svarbiausios tyrimo išvados :
1. Mokytojai edukaciniams pokyčiams šiandieninėje mokykloje dažniausiai priešinasi dėl pačių mokytojų asmeninių savybių. Vadovai įvardija mokytojų neapibrėžtumo grėsmę, baimę rizikuoti, per siaurą požiūrį į problemą, negebėjimą identifikuoti problemos, nepasirengimą numatomiems pokyčiams, jų kompetencijos trūkumą, mokytojų konservatyvumą. Tačiau didžiausią problemą vadovai įžvelgia pedagogų nesidomėjimą novacijomis ir informacijos stoką.
2. Vadovų pastangos įtraukti darbuotojus į pokyčių planavimą ir diegimą gerinant ir tobulinant pedagogų žinias ir kompetenciją... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theoretical analysis of the activity of basic education schools acting under the conditions of reforms has been carried out in this research. The obstacles of the realization of reforms and the decrease of the resistance for changes have been presented.
The following hypothesis: It seems likely that individual features of teachers and managerial abilities of leaders while controlling alterations determine reducing the resistance for alterations at comprehensive schools.
Conservatism of pedagogues, incomprehension of novation meaning and lack of information stops the coming of novations to comprehensive schools. That is why the education of pedagogues is so important aspect. Also the interaction based on leaders and pedagogues principle of collegiality, solutions of problems concerned with coming innovation on purpose avoiding any resistance while implanting novations is really required.
150 directors from various basic education schools in Lithuania had participated in this research (kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and gymnasiums). The research was performed in 2009-2010.
The most important findings of this research:
1. Mostly teachers resist for educational alterations at modern-day schools regarding their own individual features. Leaders mark the threat of teachers’ indetermination, fear to risk, too narrow view to problem, incompetence to identify problem, no forwardness to predictable alterations, lack of teachers competences, conservatism of... [to full text]
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Pasipriešinimo edukaciniams pokyčiams mažinimas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose : vadovų požiūrio aspektas / The decrease of resistance for educational reforms in basic education schools: the aspect of the approach of directorsVaičiulis, Aurimas 28 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų veikla pokyčių sąlygomis analizė. Supažindinama su pokyčių realizavimo kliūtimis ir kaip mažinamas pasipriešinimas pokyčiams.
Iškelta hipotezė : tikėtina, jog vadovų pastangas mažinti pasipriešinimą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose lemia mokytojų asmeninės savybės, pasitvirtino.
Norimi pokyčiai mokykloje bus intensyviai diegiami, sėkmingai valdomi ir duos rezultatą, jei patys jų veikėjai – mokytojai norės keistis ir pritars kaitos kryptims. Jei daugelis mokytojų sutiktų su būtinybe keistis ir manytų, kad vykdomi pokyčiai yra reikšmingi, tada vadovai sulauktų mažesnio pasipriešinimo vykdydami pokyčius mokykloje ir jų rezultatas būtų artimas laukiamam.
Tyrime dalyvavo 100 vadovų iš įvairių Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų (darželiai, pradinės mokyklos, vidurinės mokyklos ir gimnazijos). Tyrimas vyko 2008 – 2009 metais.
Svarbiausios tyrimo išvados :
1. Mokytojai edukaciniams pokyčiams šiandieninėje mokykloje dažniausiai priešinasi dėl pačių mokytojų asmeninių savybių. Vadovai įvardija mokytojų neapibrėžtumo grėsmę, baimę rizikuoti, per siaurą požiūrį į problemą, negebėjimą identifikuoti problemos, nepasirengimą numatomiems pokyčiams, jų kompetencijos trūkumą, mokytojų konservatyvumą.
2. Vadovai supranta, kad sėkmingas pokyčių vadovas taip pat turi teikti kuo daugiau informacijos apie galimus rezultatus. Taip pat sėkmingas pokyčių vadovas, jų nuomone, yra tas, kuris jau sėkmingai įgyvendinęs ne vieną reformą.
3. Vertinant geras... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary
The theoretical analysis of the activity of basic education schools acting under the conditions of reforms has been carried out in this research. The obstacles of the realization of reforms and the decrease of the resistance for changes have been presented.
The following hypothesis: it is expected that the struggle of the directors in decreasing resistance for changes in basic education schools are resulted by the personal features of teachers has been approved.
The desirable changes in schools will be intensively established, successively managed and will give results if their agents – teachers wish to change and accept the directions of changes. If most of teachers would agree with the necessity for changes and think that reforms are meaningful, the directors then would attain less resistance in implementing changes at schools, and the results would be approximate for those expected.
100 directors from various basic education schools in Lithuania had participated in this research (kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and gymnasiums). The research was performed in 2008-2009.
The most important findings of this research:
1. Teachers at present usually resist reforms in schools because of their personal features. Among those features of teacher directors name the threat of uncertainty, fear of risk, narrow approach toward the problem, failure to identify problems, failure to get ready for future changes, the lack of competences and the sense of... [to full text]
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Vidaus auditas, kaip švietimo kokybės valdymo instrumentas, mokyklose / Internal audit as the instrument of education quality control at schoolsJanuševičiūtė, Žiedūnė 26 February 2009 (has links)
Kokybės siekimas šiandien aktualus ne tik įstaigoms, gaminančioms produktus ar teikiančioms paslaugas, bet ir švietimo įstaigoms. Lietuvoje švietimo kokybe susirūpinta atkūrus nepriklausomybę. Tačiau švietimo kokybės įvertinimas problematiškas dėl šių pagrindinių priežasčių – kokybės sąvokų gausos, įvairumo ir dėl to, kad dalis rezultatų paaiškėja po tam tikro laiko (pvz. integracija į darbo rinką).
Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje kokybės siekiama decentralizuojant švietimo sistemą, diegiant strateginį valdymą, švietimo vadybą, mokyklų įsivertinimo ir įvertinimo sistemą (vidaus ir išorės auditą). Ši reforma apima tris etapus:
1992-1997 m. – švietimą reglamentuojančiose dokumentuose užsimenama apie švietimo kokybę;
1998-2002 m. – kuriama vidaus audito metodika, eksperimentuojama;
2003-2012 m. – vidaus auditas tampa privalomas mokykloms; tobulinama metodika.
Apibendrintai vidaus auditą galima apibrėžti taip: tai objektyvi priemonė, kurios tikslas – skatinti švietimo kokybę išnagrinėjant mokyklos veiklos aspektus (privalumus, trūkumus, problemas), rengti veiklos tobulinimo planus. Magistro darbo tikslas – teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti vidaus audito, kaip kokybės valdymo instrumento, panaudojimą mokyklose. Teoriškai VA – mokyklos valdymo dalis: vadybos funkcijų, strateginio valdymo aspektu atlieka kontrolės funkciją, kurios metu gautieji rezultatai – veiklos tobulinimo planų kūrimo šaltinis. Siekiant empiriškai atskleisti VA panaudojimą mokyklose, atliktas tyrimas ( anoniminė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today the quality aspiration is relevant not only for the companies which produce products or offer service, but also for education institutions. In Lithuania the issue of education quality was raised after the recreation of independency. But the evaluation of education quality is problematical because of the following major reasons such as abundance and variety of quality concepts and because the part of audit results comes out only after particular period of time (e.g. integration to labor market).
In Lithuania the quality in education system is aimed with the help of education system decentralization, instillation of strategic administration, education management and the system of self evaluation and assessment at schools (internal and external audit). This reform is comprised of three stages:
1992-1997 y. – education quality is mentioned in the documents which regulate education;
1998-2002 y. – internal audit methodology is created, experiments are carried out;
2003-2012 y. – internal audit becomes obligatory at schools, the methodology is being improved.
In general, internal audit can be defined as the objective means the aim of which is to promote education quality in order to explore the school activity aspects (advantages, disadvantages, problems) and prepare the plans of activity improvement. The aim of this work is to prove theoretically and empirically the use of internal audit as the instrument of education quality control at schools. Theoretically IA is a... [to full text]
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Personalo ugdymas įvairaus tipo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / The training of the staff at different schools of general trainingSkliaustytė, Beata 03 January 2007 (has links)
Modern dynamic society constantly raises new requiremant towards existing education systems. One of the most important factors determining the implementation of alteration are both the readiness of a teacher to alter and rise of shoolmasters qualification, that is the understanding of a new role, permanent training, the ability to think, interpret and find the most proper decisions solo.
In this work is analyzed the problem: What reasons determine the involvement of schoolmasters in qualification improvement events?
The purpose of the work is to analyze the training of staff in at different schools of general training. To reach this purpose the following tasks are projected: 1) to fulfill the analysis of literature sources studying the training of staff; 2) to unfold the attitude of school administration towards staff training; 3) to unfold teachers attitude towards staff training.
Fulfilling practical research the aim is either to deny or to confirm the hypothesis that teacher take part in qualification improvement event stimulated with their inner motivation of qualification improvement.
The objects of the research are gymnasium, secondary, common and primary schools and their teachers and heads. The research has been fulfilled with the help of questionnaires and interviews.
The work consist of the following parts: content, preface, 3 chapters, conclusions and offers, the list of literature and annotation. In the first chapter the analysis of literature sources... [to full text]
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