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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Freight Transport in Urban Areas : Investigating the Environmental and Societal Impacts of Increased Production Volume on Dominant Stakeholders in Urban Areas. A Mixed Method Approach

Chibsah, Alimatu Alhassan, Ford, David Thomas January 2019 (has links)
As part of an on-going trend, the greening of logistics actions in business activities has become a critical issue for companies and society. Stakeholders are asking companies to minimize their negative impacts on the environment and society, and create effective business, sustainable environment, stakeholders’ benefits and quality of life. Through a case study approach, this research study aimed to examine the environmental and societal effects of freight logistics on dominant stakeholders in urban areas as a result of a company’s production volume increased. Furthermore, the study also aimed to pinpoint and discuss the suitable research method for a multifaceted research study. A mixed- method research approach of both qualitative (case study) and quantitative (simulation) methods were applied in this study consisting of dominant stakeholders (a Swedish company, a Swedish municipality, the Swedish transport administration, and local urban residents). The research revealed that a company’s production volume increase creates development for the company, local municipalities, and residents within the company’s business environment, however, freight trucks logistics that are used in this process to deliver raw materials to the company’s production site(s) creates negative environmental impacts (carbon emission, road congestion, noise, and pollution) on routes and urban areas. Moreover, as production volume is further increased, these negative impacts also increase. The study also revealed that a mixed-method approach is suitable for multifaceted research studies that comprise of multiple conditions, variables, and data from several sources. As such, the qualitative method can be used in the first phrase to collect formative data, which can then be tested and supported for effectiveness with a quantitative method in the second phrase.

A Community-Based Social Marketing Campaign to Green the Offices at Pacific University: Recycling, Paper Reduction, and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Cole, Elaine J. 26 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

What Keeps Them Going: Factors that Sustain U.S. Women's Life-Long Peace and Social Justice Activism

McKevitt, Susan 09 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Den mobila akutläkarens roll i det prehospitala arbetet : En mixad metodstudie utifrån ambulanssjuksköterskans perspektiv

Petersson, Ellen, Johansson, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: En förändring inom ambulanssjukvården har skett där efterfrågan på vård ständigt ses öka. För att möta efterfrågan krävs innovativa lösningar för att kunna möjliggöra en god och säker vård utifrån varje patientens behov. En del i detta är införandet av en mobil akutläkare. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga utfall av genomförda uppdrag samt beskriva ambulanssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av mobil akutläkare. Metod: En mixad metodstudie med induktiv ansats genomfördes. Den kvalitativa delen baserades på tio intervjuer med öppna frågor. Deltagarna valdes genom ett strategiskt urval. Intervjumaterialet analyserades utifrån Lundman och Hällman Granheim (2017) som manifest innehållsanalys. Den kvantitativa delen baserades på variabler från det genomförda projektet med mobil akutläkare. Datan analyserades genom deskriptiv statistik. Båda resultaten integrerades sedermera för att tillsammans nå en övergripande syntes (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2017). Resultat: Resultatet pekade på ett behov av mobil akutläkare prehospitalt, vilka fördelar det har givit samt förslag på förbättringar. Det kvalitativa resultatet delades in i fyra huvudkategorier; ambulanspersonalens utmaningar, vikten av samarbetet mellan professioner, för patientens bästa och vägen framåt. Det kvantitativa resultatet kartlagde utfallet av den mobila akutläkarens uppdrag genom olika variabler vilka presenterades i procent, frekvens och tabeller. Slutsats: Behov av mobil akutläkare framkommer för att bidra med stöd och trygghet i ambulanssjuksköterskan arbete och skapa en god vård för patienten. Området kring en mobil akutläkare med ett bredare och mer generellt fokus likväl ambulanssjuksköterskans erfarenhet av detta är relativt outforskat vilket föranleder behov av vidare forskning. / Background: There has been a change in ambulance healthcare where the demand for care is increasing. In order to meet this demand, innovative solutions are required to enable good and safe care based on each patient's needs. Part of this is introduction of a mobile emergency doctor. Purpose: The purpose was to map the outcome of completed assignments and describe the ambulance nurse's experiences with mobile emergency doctors.  Method: A mixed methods study with an inductive approach was carried out. The qualitative part was based on ten interviews with open questions. The participants were chosen through a strategic selection. The interview material was analyzed based on Lundman and Hällman Granheim's (2017) manifest content analysis. The quantitative part was based on variables from the completed project with a mobile emergency doctor. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. Both results were later integrated to achieve an overall synthesis (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2017). Results: The results indicated the need for a mobile emergency physician in the pre-hospital setting, the advantages it has provided and suggestions for improvements. The qualitative result were divided into four main categories; the challenges of the ambulance nurse, the importance of collaboration between professions, for the good of the patient and the way forward. The quantitative result mapped the outcome of the mobile emergency physician's assignment through various variables which were presented in percentage, frequency and tables. Conclusion: It appears that there is a need for a mobile emergency doctor to contribute with support and security in the work of an ambulance nurse and to create good care for the patient. The area surrounding a mobile emergency physician with a broader and more general focus, moreover the ambulance nurse's experience of this is relatively unexplored, which leads to the need for further research.

Exploring the Role of the Mixed Methods Approach in Facilitating an Improved Understanding of Food Access in Masiphumelele

Mbambo, Thandeka 29 March 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the food environment of Masiphumelele and seeks to understand how mixed-method approaches could be employed to facilitate an advanced understanding of food access in Masiphumelele. Masiphumelele was chosen as the case study for this research project as this work is sponsored by the IDRC-funded Nourishing Spaces project, which works in Masiphumelele. Based on the food-environment framework, this thesis embarked on the valuation of food environment literature to establish the interconnections between the four pillars of food security, food environments, and food systems in the urban context. The findings of this study endorse other work on food environments that issues of access should not only be understood through the physical and socioeconomic lens but also consider related social aspects that shape, enable or constrain food choices and behaviours in urban contexts. The findings of this thesis underscore the need for the reconceptualization of food environments beyond the simplistic physical and economic access framings which dominate earlier food environment work characterized by food deserts. Following the assessment of existing literature on food security, the discourse revealed that adopting the mixed-method approach that integrates participatory and retail mapping is an applicable conceptual framework for exposing socio-spatial dynamics influencing food utilization and food accessibility in the urban context. Building on the growing scholarly and policy interest of mixed methods approaches this thesis endeavours to establish the significance of the mixed-method approach in facilitating an improved understanding of food access in Masiphumelele.

Orsaker till felaktiga patientbedömningar av ambulanssjuksköterskor vid hänvisning till egenvård : resultat från en mixad metodstudie

Johansson, Helena, Lundgren, Kristin January 2021 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har antalet ambulansuppdrag samt inflödet av patienter till landets akutmottagningar ökat. Det är en orsak till att arbetssättet inom ambulanssjukvården har utvecklats kring hänvisning av patienter till rätt vårdnivå som exempelvis akutmottagning, direktspår till specialistsjukvård, primärvård eller egenvård i hemmet. Det förändrade arbetssättet har lett till utmaningar i bedömningen av patienter. Syftet med studien var att undersöka bakomliggande orsaker till felaktiga patientbedömningar av ambulanssjuksköterskor vid hänvisning till egenvård. Resultatet kan bidra med ökad patientsäkerhet genom ökad kunskap om begångna felbedömningar. Studien utfördes med en mixed method 3-fas-design. Lex Maria-fall, internutredningar och händelseanalyser gällande hänvisning till egenvård från två regioner i sydöstra Sverige under åren 2015–2020, granskades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I analysen framkom tre gemensamma teman; “bedömning av patienten”, “riktlinjer” samt “omgivning och organisation”. Den kvalitativa analysen låg till grund för den kvantitativa analysen av ambulansjournaler. Efter den kvalitativa analysen togs ett granskningsprotokoll fram med 34 variabler som användes för granskning av 240 slumpmässigt utvalda ambulansjournaler under år 2020 där patienter hänvisats till egenvård. Slutligen sammanfördes granskningarna i en syntes. Resultatet visade att de synpunkter som framkommit i Lex Maria-fallen återfanns vid granskningen av ambulansjournaler. Det finns brister i anamnestagningen samt i antalet utförda riktade undersökningar. Checklistan för egenvård samt informationsbladet som ska lämnas till de patienter som hänvisas nyttjas ej. Totalt gick ambulanspersonal utanför gällande riktlinje för hänvisning till egenvård i 34% av de granskade ambulansjournalerna. Åtgärder behövs för att garantera den ökande mängden patienter som hänvisas till egenvård en patientsäker bedömning, framförallt när det kommer till äldre, multisjuka patienter.

Data for evidence: Defining, collecting and analysing specific data from pedelec accidents as an example of individual, targeted road safety work for new forms of mobility

Panwinkler, Tobias 19 December 2022 (has links)
Cycling, as one of the oldest forms of mobility, is currently experiencing a renaissance. It supports active mobility and can have a positive influence on public health, the environment, climate and the traffic situation. Pedelecs (bicycles with an electric motor supporting the user up to a speed of 25 kmph) represent a new form of active mobility and are currently enjoying great popularity as they have the same benefits compared to conventional bicycles and, in addition, make cycling accessible to new user groups. With the growing number of pedelecs, however, potential for conflict also increases. Unfortunately, the majority of accidents cannot yet be analysed accordingly, as pedelec-specifiic characteristics are missing from the accident data. This fact in itself has already been proven as a barrier. Most accident studies focusing on pedelecs are based on police data from standardised accident forms [e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4]. Their findings can be summarised in the following key statements: Accidents with pedelecs are less frequent but more severe than those with conventional bicycles. For both, accidents on urban roads dominate, but pedelec accidents occur significantly more often on rural roads than conventional bicycle accidents. And: injured pedelec users, especially those fatally injured, are on average significantly older than injured users of conventional bicycles. But, standardised accident forms were initially designed for accidents with double-track motor vehicles, in particular passenger cars. Accidents with bicycles (especially pedelecs), are difficult to categorise with this systematic as important information is missing. For example, 'falling on ground' is not an accident category as cars normally won't do so, but for pedelec accidents, this information is fundamental. This acts as a barrier as bicycle-specific causes of accidents cannot be analysed. However, accident statistics are the most important basis for evidence-based measures in road safety work. The aim of this paper is therefore to identify and categorise pedelec-specific accident characteristics and to evaluate pedelec accidents on the basis of these characteristics to identify frequent and severe accident constellations. [From: Introduction]

Evaluating leadership development and practices: an empirical study of the banking sector in Kuwait.

Malallah, Ammar A. January 2010 (has links)
In recent years the important of leadership in the organization has become an area of interest. Leadership has been noted to impact corporate culture, employee commitment and response and the overall performance of the organization. Given the fact that leadership is such an important part of organizational development and discourse, effective methods for developing effective leadership in the organization are needed. Without definitive methods for leadership development, organizations will not be able to optimize the outcomes of leadership in the organization. Thus, there is a clear impetus to delineate what works best in the context of leadership development. This study used concurrent qualitative and quantitative research to understand better the effect of cross-cultural influences on the leadership development programmes and leadership practices development in a study population consisting of managers and supervisors in the Kuwaiti banking industry. Although Kuwaiti organisations employ many international employees and operate foreign subsidiaries, they have not created leadership development programmes to improve cross-cultural leadership skills for managers. As a result, Kuwaiti managers often rely on traditional transactional methods and an authoritarian style of leadership that may be less effective with employees from different nations and cultural backgrounds. The qualitative phase of the research collected data from Kuwaiti bank managers through interviews while the quantitative phase of the research collected data with survey instrument. The quantitative phase of the study also tested the validity of a conceptual model and hypotheses using structural equation modelling and regression analysis. The research was guided by distributed leadership theory, which considers leadership as a series of interactions between leader and follower with the follower sometimes adopting an informal role as temporary leader. The theory also considers the context in which the leader operates as a critical factor for motivating leadership practise. The testing and validation of the theoretical model in the study led to the acceptance of a new 'Effective Cross Cultural Leadership' (ECL) model. This model describes the relationship between the exogenous or independent variables of cultural differences, training and development in traditional Kuwaiti leadership, cross cultural leadership development programmes and international leadership practises with the endogenous or dependent variables of leadership development programmes and leadership practises development. The testing of the hypotheses of the study showed a statistically significant relationship between the four independent variables and the two dependent variables with exception of the relationship between the independent variable of international leadership practises and the dependant variable of leadership programmes development. The quantitative findings also indicated that demographic variables do not have a moderating effect on the model. The qualitative findings of the study determined that cultural differences between employees and managers influence the managers' leadership behaviours and their understanding of the type of leadership development programmes to improve their cross-cultural leadership skills. Managers with greater experience or knowledge of foreign cultures adopt more flexible leadership practises when leading international teams. The qualitative findings also determined that front office managers are more willing to use participative leadership styles in leadership practises, while back office managers rely on authoritarian leadership styles focusing on tasks in their leadership practises, indicating that the context influences leadership styles and practise. The findings of the study including the development and validation of the Effective Cross-Cultural Leadership (ECL) model contribute to the theoretical and practical knowledge of cross-cultural leadership in Kuwait that can be extended to other Middle Eastern nations. In addition, the study finding extends cross-cultural theory by indicating that international influences both internal and external to the organisation affect leadership styles despite national norms and preferences. These findings implied that Kuwaiti organisations experience significant pressure to adopt some international leadership practises and styles to accommodate the expectations and needs of the many international workers employed in Kuwait. The practical implication of these findings showed that Kuwaiti managers would benefit from leadership training emphasising that no standard or correct approach to leadership exists and that it can be acceptable for leaders to use participative styles when warranted by the situation.

Accessible UX in digital 3D application solutions on the example of the planning experience by IKEA : An empirical mixed-method approach beyond accessibility

Nguyen, Hoang Dung January 2023 (has links)
The research investigates the feasibility of applying 2D accessibility guidelines to enhance a 3D digital planning tool's accessibility for individuals with visual impairments. Three primary research questions guide this study. It incorporated a mixed-method data collection approach to comprehensively investigate these questions. The study began with a designer interview to understand the current state of accessibility within a 3D planning tool, how designers ensure compliance with guidelines, guideline adherence, and implementation strategies.Subsequently, empirical user testing was conducted involving six participants with visual impairments. This methods aimed to obtain diverse user perspectives, emphasizing the user-centered nature of the study. The designer interview highlighted four critical accessibility issues: keyboard accessibility, information clarity, clear labeling, and focus visibility. Addressing these issues aligned the 3D planning tool with WCAG 2.1 guidelines and resulted in significant enhancements in it's accessibility.Empirical user testing revealed varying degrees of success among different users with visual impairments, highlighting both the successes and challenges of implementing accessibility features, and emphasizing the complexity of designing for individuals with visual impairments. The study identified key features that contributed to an enhanced user experience, including accessibility through assistive technology, effective scanning navigation strategies, and challenges for improvements in areas such as clear descriptions and interaction feedback. This research has broader implications, impacting both the practical and scientific fields of accessibility. It offers practical significance for companies like IKEA, emphasizing the importance of a user-centered approach to empower users and gather unique insights from individuals with disabilities. Contributing inclusivity and user-friendliness in 3D planning tools.The findings highlight the significance of accessible user interface elements and the importance of compatibility with assistive technologies. A need for inclusive design methods in the development of 3D planning tools and the creation of specific accessibility guidelines designed for 3D environments. In conclusion, this research demonstrates the feasibility of applying 2D accessibility guidelines to enhance the accessibility of 3D digital planning tools. The research contributes to both practical design considerations and the scientific understanding of accessibility challenges in 3D environments.It holds the potential to improve the industry, empower users, and enhance overall accessibility standards. The findings underscore the importance of user-centered design, the complexity of designing in 3D context and to diverse user needs, the interplay between accessibility and usability, and the ongoing need for improvements to enhance the user experience, to create more inclusive and user-friendly 3D digital planning solutions for everyone.

Together We Stand? Spanish and Italian LGBTQIA* organisations crossing boundaries through social media

Perego, Aurora 16 June 2023 (has links)
This dissertation examines emergent forms of digitally enabled boundary-spanning by considering the within- and cross-field interactions developed by LGBTQIA* organisations on social media. Within scholarship on collective actors characterised by strong collective identities, LGBTQIA* collective action fields have been conventionally found to be rather fragmented and polarised, as well as isolated from other fields. Nonetheless, recent studies have shown evidence of the emergence of cooperative and solidarity efforts by LGBTQIA* actors, suggesting that such LGBTQIA* organisations may actively engage in crossing categorical boundaries and overcoming differences in the attempt to achieve social change. Within this framework, information and communication technologies (ICTs) may provide LGBTQIA* communities with spaces to converge, share experiences, and articulate politicised identities also through the connection with other collective actors. Despite these findings, we currently lack a systematic understanding of the extent to which LGBTQIA* collective actors span field boundaries through the development of digitally enabled interactions, of how such ties evolve over time, and on the circumstances that may favour or inhibit their emergence and duration. Furthermore, the role of ICTs in supporting the emergence of boundary-spanning processes has so far been rather understudied. This dissertation addresses these concerns by conducting a mixed-method comparative research on LGBTQIA* actors based in Madrid and Milan. In particular, it focuses on different types of interactions (mentioning, sharing, and promoting collective action events) developed by such organisations on their Facebook public pages during the 2011-2020 decade. To examine the role of both cultural patterns (collective identities and framing strategies) and structural circumstances (political opportunities and threats), this study combines network and text data, analysed through social network and frame analysis. The findings provided by this research show that Spanish and Italian LGBTQIA* organisations increasingly crossed categorical boundaries through social media between 2011 and 2020, thus suggesting that ICTs do play a role in sustaining boundary-spanning processes. Moreover, they find that collective framing and networking are inextricably entangled, and hence contribute to shedding light on both symbolic and behavioural dimensions of digitally enabled boundary-spanning. To conclude, they show that actors embedded in different socio-political contexts engage in networking and framing, thus emphasising the role of contextual opportunities and threats in moderating the nexus between ICTs and boundary-spanning, as well as between framing and networking. This dissertation contributes to both social movement literature and gender studies. On the one hand, by shedding light on emergent forms of boundary-spanning processes enabled by ICTs, it not only contributes to examining the role of ICTs in empowering marginalised communities, but also further elaborates the entanglement between digital, hybrid, and on-the-ground collective actions. On the other hand, by systematically investigating an emerging phenomenon over time and across contexts, it contributes to generating knowledge on the circumstances encouraging collective actors to overcome differences and cooperate. Understanding this is of utmost importance, since cooperative relations provide collective actors with additional and diverse resources and experiences, as well as political legitimation, to resist processes of democratic erosion and achieve social change.

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