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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Besittningsskyddets balansering mellan hyresgäst och hyresvärd

Helm, Johanna, Swartz, Catharina January 2017 (has links)
Examensarbetets titel - Besittningsskyddets balansering mellan hyresgäst och hyresvärd.Inlämningsdatum - 2017-05-18.Kurs - FF321F Fastighetsvetenskap: examensarbete.Författare - Johanna Helm, Catharina Swartz.Handledare - Peter Gottschalk.Nyckelord - Besittningsskydd, hyresgäst, hyresvärd, förverkandegrunder,hyresrätt, rättsfallSyfte - Syftet med studien är att analysera besittningsskyddet och se omdet är i behov av att balanseras om.Metod - Vi har valt att använda en rättsdogmatisk metod till denna studiedå den är bäst lämpad. Vi har bland annat studerat och fastställtgällande rätt, men även historien bakom besittningsskyddetsuppkomst. Detta gjordes genom att studera rättskälleläran sominnefattar lagar, propositioner, offentliga utredningar, rättspraxisoch doktrin.Gällande rätt - Vi har valt att fokusera på besittningsskyddets förverkandegrunderobetald hyra, vanvård av bostad, brottslig verksamhet samt olovligöverlåtelse. Vi har studerat rättsfall och domslut kring dessa.Analys och slutsats - Vi har kommit fram till att besittningsskyddet borde omformulerasnär det kommer till obetald hyra och vanvård av bostad. Det hadeäven varit bra om det förtydligats inom brottslig verksamhet då detär många rekvisit som ska uppfyllas. / Title - The balancing of the security of tenure between the tenant and thelandlord.Date - of submission 2017-05-18.Course - FF321F Real Estate Science: Degree Thesis.Authors - Johanna Helm, Catharina Swartz.Advisor - Peter Gottschalk.Key words - Security of tenure, tenant, landlord, forfeiture of property, tenancy,case.Purpose - The purpose of this study is to analyze the security of tenure andsee if it needs re-balancing.Methodology - For this paper we have chosen the legal method, because it is bestsuited for the purpose. We have studied and concluded the lawregarding the security of tenure and its history. We did this bystudying sources of the law, which are: the law, government bills,case law and doctrine.The Law - We chose to focus on the security of tenure´s forfeiture of propertyunpaid rent/part of rent, mismanagement of the apartment, criminalactivity and illegal transfer of tenant.Conclusion - We concluded that the security of tenure should be rewritten whenit comes to unpaid rent and mismanagement of the apartment. Wealso think it would be good if the necessary conditions for criminalactivity would be clarified.

Energilager i batterier : Möjligheter, hinder och incitament för bostadsrättsföreningar / Energy storage in batteries : Possibilities, Obstacles, and Incentives for Tenant Owners' Association

Forsgren, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Energimarknaden förändras till följd av den alltmer aktuella klimatfrågan. En ökad efterfrågeflexibilitet är en förutsättning för omställningen till förnyelsebara energikällor. Energilagring i batterier ses som en nyckellösning i framtidens elförsörjning. Ett alternativ är implementering av batterilager i byggnader hos slutkonsumenten. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka incitament som finns för en bostadsrättsförening att investera i batterilager. Resultaten visar att ekonomiska aspekter är avgörande för beslutet. Potential till minskade elkostnader samt investeringsstöd är möjligheter som värderas högst. Även hållbarhetsaspekter och miljöperspektiv ger incitament. Störst hinder för investeringen i batterilager är brist på utrymme i byggnaderna. / The energy market is changing due to the current climate issue. Increased demand flexibility is a prerequisite for the transition to renewable energy sources. Energy storage in batteries is seen as a key solution in the ectricity supply of the future. An alterantive is the implementation of battery storage in buildings at the end consumer. The thesis examines the incentives for a Swedish tentant-owner association to invest in battery storage. The results show that financial aspects are crucial for the decision. Potential for reduced electricity costs and investment support are opportunities that are highly valued. Sustainability aspects and environmental perspectives also provide incentives. The biggest obstacle to the investment in battery storage is the lack of space in the buildings.

Olovlig andrahandsuthyrning : En analys av gällande lagstiftning / Illegal subletting : An analysis of current legislation

siroki Murati, devleta January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Internal Leasing of Student Housing with Outsourced Economic Administration: Social and Economic Sustainability : A study of the implications / Intern uthyrning av studentbostäder med inköpt ekonomisk förvaltning: Social och ekonomisk hållbarhet : En studie av implikationer

Dahlbäck, Sofia, Widlund, Helena January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish rental system is governed by multiple legal frameworks encompassing laws and regulations that dictate the rental relationships between landlords and tenants. Student residences operate similarly to regular rental accommodations and therefore fall under the same regulations. Various leasing strategies are employed by Swedish real estate companies, including outsourcing, insourcing and block leasing. The introduction of a new regulation, SFS 2022:1515, has brought new challenges for real estate companies leasing their student accommodations to educational institutions.  The purpose of this master thesis is to explore the challenges associated with managing student housing rentals internally with an external entity handling the economic administration, with a focus on social and economic sustainability. To fulfil the purpose of this thesis, a mixed-method approach was employed including semi-structured interviews and surveys. The interviews involved real estate companies, universities, and students, and the surveys were exclusively aimed at the students. Additionally, a literature review was conducted. The results indicate that an organization’s decision between outsourcing and insourcing is influenced by various factors. The choice is situational, as it heavily relies on the organization’s nature, strategy, and core competencies. Results also show a strong correlation between tenant satisfaction and tenant’s perception of their landlord, where tenant satisfaction is greatly affected by both physical attributes as well as quality of the tenant-landlord relationship. The cases of block leasing analyzed in this study proved to succeed in delivering social management and tenant satisfaction among students, as the strategy fosters close contact with the block tenant, serving as a beneficial aspect of the arrangement. Furthermore, the level of tenant satisfaction proved to be similar for the internal leasing strategy. The anticipated challenges of transitioning from block leasing to internal leasing with outsourced economic administration include challenges of upholding the same level of social management, reduction in the operating surplus, addressing additional resource-intensive tasks, and handling possible principal-agent conflicts with the external party. / Det svenska hyressystemet styrs av flera rättsliga ramar som omfattar lagar och förordningar som reglerar hyresrelationerna mellan hyresvärdar och hyresgäster. Studentbostäder fungerar på liknande sätt som vanliga hyresbostäder och faller därför under samma regler. Svenska fastighetsbolag använder sig av olika uthyrningsstrategier, inklusive outsourcing, insourcing och blockuthyrning. Införandet av en ny förordning, SFS 2022:1515, har medfört nya utmaningar för fastighetsbolag som hyr ut sina studentbostäder till utbildningsinstitutioner.  Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att undersöka de utmaningar som är förknippade med att hantera studentbostäder internt, med en extern part som sköter den ekonomiska förvaltningen. Målet är att utreda detta ur ett hållbart perspektiv, med fokus på både ekonomisk och social hållbarhet. För att uppfylla syftet med denna uppsats användes en mixad metod som inkluderade semistrukturerade intervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Intervjuerna involverade fastighetsbolag, universitet och studenter, medan enkäten riktades exklusivt till studenterna. Dessutom genomfördes en litteraturstudie. Resultaten visar att organisationers beslut mellan outsourcing och insourcing påverkas av olika faktorer. Valet är situationsbundet, eftersom det i hög grad beror på organisationens natur, strategi och kärnkompetenser. Resultaten visar också en stark korrelation mellan hyresgästnöjdhet och uppfattningen av hyresvärden, där hyresgästnöjdhet påverkas av både fysiska attribut och kvaliteten på hyresgästens relation till hyresvärden. De fall av blockuthyrning som analyserades i denna studie visade sig vara framgångsrika när det gäller att leverera social förvaltning och hyresgästnöjdhet bland studenter. Detta eftersom strategin ofta främjar nära kontakt mellan blockhyresgästen och studenterna, vilket är en fördelaktig aspekt av arrangemanget. Nivån av hyresgästnöjdhet visade sig dessutom vara liknande för den interna uthyrningsstrategin. De förväntade utmaningarna vid en övergång från blockuthyrning till intern uthyrning med inköpt ekonomisk förvaltning inkluderar svårigheter att upprätthålla samma nivå av social förvaltning, minskning av driftsöverskottet, hantering av ytterligare resurskrävande uppgifter samt att hantera eventuella principal-agent-konflikter med den externa parten.

Utmaningar med hyressättning efter renovering : En analys av lagstiftningen kring hyreshöjningar vid renoveringar inom miljonprogrammet / The challenges of the rent setting system during renovation : Analysis of Legislation on Rent Increases During Renovations Within the Million Programme

Mikho, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Bostadshusen från miljonprogrammet är i behov av genomgripande renoveringar. Samtidigt riskerar detta att medföra omfattande hyreshöjningar för hyresgästerna som utgör en socioekonomiskt utsatt grupp i samhället. De hyreshöjningar som hyresgästerna står inför, och som har stöd i rådande lagstiftning, kan resultera i en renovräkning som innebär att ett flertal hyresgäster behöver lämna sina hem.  Syftet med detta arbete är att erhålla en djupare förståelse för hur hyressättningssystemet i samband med renovering fungerar för att undersöka dels rimligheten i de hyreshöjningar som sker, dels om rådande lagstiftning skyddar hyresgästen i samband med detta. Främst fokus har riktats mot hyreslägenheterna som tillhör miljonprogrammet. Tre centrala frågeställningar har väglett arbetet: Vilka lagar och regler styr hyreshöjningar vid renoveringar av lägenheter inom miljonprogrammet? Hur bedöms rimligheten i en hyreshöjning efter renoveringar ur ett juridiskt perspektiv? Skyddar dagens lagstiftning hyresgäster från markanta hyreshöjningar? För att besvara samtliga frågeställningar har en rättsdogmatisk ansats tillämpats, där utgångspunkten har tagits i lagstiftning, rättspraxis, lagförarbeten, viss rättshistoria och doktrin. Vidare har tillhörande litteratur samt rättsfall studerats för att undersöka hur hyressättningssystemet kring renoveringar ter sig i praktiken.  Arbetet konstaterar att hyreshöjningar följt av renoveringar kan få betydande konsekvenser för hyresgästerna, speciellt i områden som tillhör miljonprogrammet, som präglas av socioekonomisk utsatthet. Rådande regelsystem möjliggör betydande hyreshöjningar där hyresgäster har ett begränsat inflytande trots de skyddsregler som idag finns för att tillgodose ett skydd för dem. Dagens lagstiftning står därmed inför stora utmaningar, inte minst när det gäller att tillgodose behovet av en rimlig bostadsstandard samtidigt som hyresgästens ekonomiska situation ska beaktas. / The residential buildings from the Million program are in need of extensive renovation. This can lead to substantial rent increases for the tenants, who represent a socio-economically vulnerable group in society. The rent increases, which are supported by current legislation, may result in renovation eviction, where several tenants are forced to leave their homes due to rent increase. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how the rent setting system during renovation works, in order to examine both the reasonableness of the rent increases and whether current legislation protects the tenant in such cases. The focus has been on rental apartments from the Million program. Three central questions have guided this work: What laws and regulations govern rent increases when renovating apartments from the Million program? How is the reasonableness of a rent increase after renovations assessed from a legal perspective? Does current legislation protect tenants from significant rent increases? To answer the questions presented, different methods, including a legal-dogmatic approach, have been applied, where the current legislation, case law, selective legislative history and doctrine have been studied. Other literature on the subject have also been studied, in order to obtain an insight of the rent setting system during renovation, both from a theoretical and practical perspective.  This work finds that rent increases followed by renovation can have significant consequences for tenants, especially in areas belonging to the Million program with high socio-economic vulnerability. The current legislation allows for extensive rent increases where tenants have limited influence despite the current influence that is supported by law to provide protection for them. Today's legislation thus faces major challenges, not least when it comes to meeting the need for a reasonable standard of housing while taking into account the tenant's financial situation.

An evaluation of the proposals of the green paper on public housing subsidies to tenants of public housing

Wu, Shuk-yin, Wendy., 胡淑賢. January 1986 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work


曾翊瑋, Tseng,I Wei Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻少有探討不動產的收益穩定性,多重視市場租金或市場空置率的變化,但隨著辦公大樓證券化投資風潮,個別大樓的租金和空置率變化,以及大樓租金收益穩定性成為投資的重要判斷指標,而其中租戶結構更是辦公大樓租金收益穩定的主要來源,也是大樓空置率的重要影響因子,成為本文研究之焦點。本文實地調查台北市主要辦公室商圈中90棟辦公大樓,並以三階段最小平方法(3SLS)聯立模型分析影響個別辦公大樓租金及空置率的因素,研究結果發現,空置率增加1%將使每坪月租金減少13.09元,但每坪月租金增加100元會造成大樓空置率上升1.55%。其次,平均每層租戶數目多、租戶平均面積大、租戶以外商公司為主體、企業平均利潤率高、「金融及保險、不動產及租賃、專業科學及技術服務業」等行業佔大樓面積比例愈高等因素,皆能有效降低辦公大樓空置率,使投資人的租金收益更穩定。由此可知,成功的辦公大樓投資或證券化,租戶結構對於空置狀況的影響應加以重視,方能確保未來擁有穩定的租金收益。 因不動產證券化發展,辦公大樓投資組合情況也應受到市場重視,本文以90棟辦公大樓進行兩兩任意組合模擬,在現有資料下,結果為相較於個別辦公大樓投資,若將辦公大樓採兩兩投資組合,能獲得較高報酬及較低風險。而分析組合內容可發現,重視大樓的建物品質比重視租戶品質更能達到效率組合,若選擇「好建物」的大樓納入投資組合中,將能提高組合的報酬;若選擇「好租戶」的大樓納入投資組合中,將能降低組合的風險。 / Previous literatures mostly focus on the change in market rental and vacancy rate of office buildings, but rarely discuss the rental income stability of real estates investment. However, with the prevalence of office building securitization as investment targets goes on, the rental income stability of individual real estates has become an important indicator for investment purposes. Among many, tenant structure, the main focus of this study, is the major source of income stability of office buildings, and also an important factor to building vacancy rate. This study makes researches of ninety office buildings in the major business areas of Taipei, applying three stage least squares(3SLS) methods to analyze the factors that affect the rental and vacancy rate of individual office buildings. The empirical results of this study suggest that increasing per 1% in vacancy rate shall make decrease monthly rent by 13.09 $NTD/ping and increasing per 100$ NTD/ping in monthly rent shall make increase1.55% in building vacancy rate. Moreover, there are many factors, such as the average number of tenants on per floor, average rental size from per tenant, foreign firms are the main tenants of office building, the average firm return rate, can all efficiently lower the vacancy rate of office buildings, and make rental returns more stable for investors. Besides, if the industries of finance and insurance, real estate and rental, science expertise and technical service make up a high proportion of total floor surface will lower the vacancy rate.Therefore we know that, for a successful office building securitization or investment, the effect of tenant structure on vacancy rate should be more recognized in order to ensure a future possession of stable rental returns. Due to the development in the Real Estate Securitization, the situations in portfolio of office buildings should receive its share of attention from the market. This paper simulates 90 office buildings into random pairs and finds out that, in contrary to stand-alone investments, investing in pairs shall yield a higher return at a lower risk. Analyzing the contents of the portfolio, we can find out that, paying more attention on the quality of the building rather than on the quality of tenants can more easily attain efficiency. Putting a “good building” into an portfolio shall increase return, and putting in a building with “good tenants” shall reduce risk.

多租戶雲端應用程式之中介軟體框架 / A Middleware Framework for Multi-tenant SaaS Applications

陳俊傑, Chen, Jiu Jye Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,雲端運算中的軟體即服務(Software as Service,SaaS)穩健與快速地成長。SaaS服務提供者在建置服務的過程中,無不希望盡可能地讓租戶共享資源,避免租戶擁有特殊資源,需要獨立維護,以降低維護營運成本。另一方面,也要能讓租戶們擁有一定程度的客製化能力,以製做出屬於租戶私有之服務邏輯。因此如何讓租戶在共有一切資源的前提下,又能提供客製化能力,將是SaaS服務提供者的一大課題。本研究所提出的中介軟體框架將在共用硬體及資料庫與單一應用程式的共用架構下,採用Force.com Universal Table資料架構,並提供三大特色功能,Tenant Aware、Data Access以及Tenant Customizability,來解決隔離性、存取Force.com Universal Table資料架構以及提供租戶客製化能力三大議題。透過此中介軟體框架應可幫助SaaS提供者,建置出一個資源共享、租戶具有客製能力與維護性高的多租戶雲端軟體服務。 / In recent years, Software as a service (SaaS), the service model of cloud computing, has been growing healthy and rapidly. When SaaS providers build service, they want tenants to share same resources, and not to have its own special resource which will cause providers to maintain it separately. SaaS providers want tenants sharing the same resources to reduce maintenance cost. But the current trend is to provide the customizability to tenants for customizing its own service. How to share resources under the premise of providing customizability to tenants will be the main challenge to SaaS providers. In this thesis, we propose a middleware framework based on shared hardware、database with a single application instance. Our framework will use the Force.com Universal Table schema as the foundation. The key features of our framework are Tenant Aware、Data Access and Tenant Customizability. These features will address the issues of isolating tenants, accessing the Force.com Universal Table schema and providing customizability to tenants. This middleware framework will help SaaS providers to build a resource-sharing, customizable multi-tenant SaaS with lower maintenance cost.

A funcionalização do contrato de fiança: proposta de revalorização do instituto / The functionalization of the suretyship: proposal to revalue the institute

Segalla, Alessandro Schirrmeister 10 June 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa o contrato de fiança no Código Civil brasileiro, bem como a sua utilização na locação de imóveis urbanos. No campo das garantias contratuais a fiança representa a modalidade mais utilizada no Brasil, notadamente pelas facilidades práticas em sua constituição, bem como pelo caráter gratuito da sua prestação. No entanto, ao longo dos anos o contrato de fiança, tal como fora moldado pelo legislador, vem sendo desafiado pelos tribunais que ora suavizam as suas regras em benefício do fiador ora fortalecem a posição do credor, gerando profunda insegurança social e instabilidade jurídica. Por esta razão, neste trabalho procuramos discutir se as regras atuais relativas à fiança são adequadas à sociedade brasileira ou se estão a merecer uma profunda reforma para torná-las efetivas, funcionalizando-as de acordo com a finalidade a que se destinam: um reforço ao adimplemento em favor do credor; assim, defendemos que a confiança gerada pela promessa manifestada pelo fiador de que irá efetivamente garantir o adimplemento de um contrato deverá ser efetiva, por ser um instrumento a serviço do credor, visando pô-lo a salvo de riscos. Neste trabalho foram comparados os momentos históricos em que surgiram o Código Civil de 1916 e o de 2002, e apresentadas as origens históricas da fiança. Posteriormente, a dogmática do instituto foi apresentada com a sua análise nos planos da existência, validade e eficácia, bem como foram apresentadas as questões controvertidas envolvendo o contrato, com a apresentação de soluções que foram refletidas e julgadas adequadas, inclusive no campo da fiança à locação, posto que o instituto é de larga utilização no mercado imobiliário, tendo ainda sido analisada a Lei n.° 12.112/09 que reformou a Lei do Inquilinato. Por fim, foram apresentadas propostas de alteração do perfil dogmático do contrato de fiança, na esperança de torná-lo uma segura garantia contratual da qual poderá o credor se valer como um adequado reforço ao efetivo adimplemento aguardado e que seja dotado de efetiva força vinculante. / This paper analyzes the contract of suretyship in the Brazilian Civil Code, and its use in the leasing of urban property. In the field of contractual guarantees suretyship is the most widely used in Brazil, especially because of the practical facilities in its constitution and by its characteristics of gratuitous guarantee of ones performance. However, over the years suretyship as it had been molded by the legislator is being challenged by the courts that sometimes soften its rules in favor of the guarantor and sometimes strengthen the position of the creditor, creating deep legal insecurity and social instability. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss whether the current rules relating to the suretyship are adequate for the Brazilian society or if they need a radical reformation to make them effective, functionalizing them according to the purpose for which they are intended: a reinforcement to the performance in favor of the creditor, so we sustain that the confidence engendered by the promise shown by the guarantor that will effectively ensure the fulfillment of a contract shall be effective as an instrument in the service of the creditor in order to keep him safe from risks. In this study we compared the historical moments that emerged in the Civil Code of 1916 and 2002, and presented the historical origins of suretyship. Subsequently, the dogmatic of the institute was presented with its analysis in the field of existence, validity and effectiveness, and controversial issues involving the contract were presented with solutions that have been thought and deemed appropriate, including in the field of suretyship of a lease, once the institute is widely used in the real estate market. We have also analyzed the Law n. 12.112/09 that reformed the Landlord and Tenant Act. Finally, proposals were made to change the dogmatic profile of suretyship, hoping to make it a secure guarantee of the contracts which the creditor may avail as a suitable reinforcement of the expected performance and to be endowed with effective binding force.

A funcionalização do contrato de fiança: proposta de revalorização do instituto / The functionalization of the suretyship: proposal to revalue the institute

Alessandro Schirrmeister Segalla 10 June 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa o contrato de fiança no Código Civil brasileiro, bem como a sua utilização na locação de imóveis urbanos. No campo das garantias contratuais a fiança representa a modalidade mais utilizada no Brasil, notadamente pelas facilidades práticas em sua constituição, bem como pelo caráter gratuito da sua prestação. No entanto, ao longo dos anos o contrato de fiança, tal como fora moldado pelo legislador, vem sendo desafiado pelos tribunais que ora suavizam as suas regras em benefício do fiador ora fortalecem a posição do credor, gerando profunda insegurança social e instabilidade jurídica. Por esta razão, neste trabalho procuramos discutir se as regras atuais relativas à fiança são adequadas à sociedade brasileira ou se estão a merecer uma profunda reforma para torná-las efetivas, funcionalizando-as de acordo com a finalidade a que se destinam: um reforço ao adimplemento em favor do credor; assim, defendemos que a confiança gerada pela promessa manifestada pelo fiador de que irá efetivamente garantir o adimplemento de um contrato deverá ser efetiva, por ser um instrumento a serviço do credor, visando pô-lo a salvo de riscos. Neste trabalho foram comparados os momentos históricos em que surgiram o Código Civil de 1916 e o de 2002, e apresentadas as origens históricas da fiança. Posteriormente, a dogmática do instituto foi apresentada com a sua análise nos planos da existência, validade e eficácia, bem como foram apresentadas as questões controvertidas envolvendo o contrato, com a apresentação de soluções que foram refletidas e julgadas adequadas, inclusive no campo da fiança à locação, posto que o instituto é de larga utilização no mercado imobiliário, tendo ainda sido analisada a Lei n.° 12.112/09 que reformou a Lei do Inquilinato. Por fim, foram apresentadas propostas de alteração do perfil dogmático do contrato de fiança, na esperança de torná-lo uma segura garantia contratual da qual poderá o credor se valer como um adequado reforço ao efetivo adimplemento aguardado e que seja dotado de efetiva força vinculante. / This paper analyzes the contract of suretyship in the Brazilian Civil Code, and its use in the leasing of urban property. In the field of contractual guarantees suretyship is the most widely used in Brazil, especially because of the practical facilities in its constitution and by its characteristics of gratuitous guarantee of ones performance. However, over the years suretyship as it had been molded by the legislator is being challenged by the courts that sometimes soften its rules in favor of the guarantor and sometimes strengthen the position of the creditor, creating deep legal insecurity and social instability. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss whether the current rules relating to the suretyship are adequate for the Brazilian society or if they need a radical reformation to make them effective, functionalizing them according to the purpose for which they are intended: a reinforcement to the performance in favor of the creditor, so we sustain that the confidence engendered by the promise shown by the guarantor that will effectively ensure the fulfillment of a contract shall be effective as an instrument in the service of the creditor in order to keep him safe from risks. In this study we compared the historical moments that emerged in the Civil Code of 1916 and 2002, and presented the historical origins of suretyship. Subsequently, the dogmatic of the institute was presented with its analysis in the field of existence, validity and effectiveness, and controversial issues involving the contract were presented with solutions that have been thought and deemed appropriate, including in the field of suretyship of a lease, once the institute is widely used in the real estate market. We have also analyzed the Law n. 12.112/09 that reformed the Landlord and Tenant Act. Finally, proposals were made to change the dogmatic profile of suretyship, hoping to make it a secure guarantee of the contracts which the creditor may avail as a suitable reinforcement of the expected performance and to be endowed with effective binding force.

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