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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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貨幣政策對貧富不均度之影響 : 以臺灣為例 / The effect of monetary policy on income inequality: the case of Taiwan

范文俞, Fan, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章的目的為,在一個含有銀行信用管道以及兩種家計單位設定的動態隨機一般均衡模型的架構之中,探討中央銀行實施貨幣政策以及技術面衝擊對於貧富不均度的影響。本篇文章主要依據Kumhof, Rancière and Winant (2015)對於兩種家計單位之設定,參考Benigo and Eggertsson (2016)加入銀行信用管道,並參考Lansing and Markiewicz (2016)將勞動內生化以及刻劃收入來源之不同,因而建構出一個封閉經濟體系,內含兩種不同的家計單位、商品生產部門、銀行信用管道、政府之課稅政策以及中央銀行之貨幣政策。本文發現,貧富不均度在面對中央銀行實施緊縮性貨幣政策以及技術面正向衝擊時會暫時性地擴大,在長期時會回到初始的靜態均衡值。 / The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the effect of monetary policy on income inequality using a micro-based dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with credit channel and two groups of households. Following Kumhof, Rancière and Winant (2015), households can be divided into two groups; moreover, we follow Benigo and Eggertsson (2016) to add the credit channel, and follow Lansing and Markiewicz (2016) to make households supply labor endogenously and characterize the difference of income source. Therefore, we build up a closed economy model with two groups of households, goods firms, credit channel, the taxation policy implemented by government and monetary policy implemented by central bank. We find that contractionary monetary policy and positive technology shock will temporarily generate a worse income inequality. In the long term, the economy will be back to the initial steady state.


廖志峰 Unknown Date (has links)
利率是影響金融市場中金融工具的主要因素,對經濟體系而言,是貨幣面與實質面的橋樑,代表使用負債資金所需支付的成本;對法人機構、投資個人而言,利率是進行任何融資、投資活動的重要參考指標。近年來,利用一般均衡、無套利評價理論來研究利率期限結構和利率或有請求權(Contingent Claims)訂價的文獻有如雨後春筍一般;另一方面,由於時間序列(Time Series)於1980年代的快速發展,諸如:ARCH家族、GARCH家族、隨機變異性(Stochastic Volatility),兩套方法互相結合運用,有愈來愈多文獻顯示,其對現實的利率期限結構具有一定水準的解釋能力。   隨著國際金融市場的多元化、自由化與無國界化,金融創新與金融商品的大量問世,如何合理估計利率期限結構,以運用於投資決策、或預測未來利率走勢,及對利率風險的管理,這都隱含利率期限結構的重要性。本文擬針對著一般均衡利率期限結構模型加以分析,並驗證在我國公債市場應用的可行性。   一般均衡利率期限結構模型,由Cox、Ingersoll and Ross(1985a、b)正式提出,其為單因子一般均衡利率期限結構模型;Longstaff and Schwartz(1992)提出二因子一般均衡利率期限結構模型,因其利率期限結構隱含一個限制式,故LS兩因子實證模型以差分形式進行,故將損失兩個參數(gamma、eta);基於此點,本文試圖採用Gibbons and Ramaswamy(1993)的實質報酬率觀念,希望經由調整物價因素後的殖利率樣本資料,可消除時間趨勢不穩定的因子,藉以判斷包含(gamma、eta)的完整兩因子一般均衡模型是否能更充分解釋利率期限結構;另一方面,亦可透過Gibbons and Ramaswamy(1993)的實質報酬率觀念,觀察二因子一般均衡利率期限結構模型所獲得的名目利率期限結構與實質利率期限結構的差異。   本文實證結果並不令人滿意,調整物價因素後的殖利率樣本資料,仍存在不穩定的情況;本文以差分與模擬的方式,建構出台灣公債市場利率期限結構。另一方面,亦發現本文調整物價因素的方法,在較長的樣本期間下並不適宜。

中韓自由貿易協定之研析 / Study of a free trade agreement between China and South Korea

吳惠娟, Wu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
中國與南韓正在從事自由貿易協定之洽簽程序,本篇論文的目的即在於評估其經濟效果。本文應用多國多部門之一般均衡模型,模擬二國農工商品完全自由化在靜態及考慮資本累積之動態效果。 實證效果顯示,上述二種模擬情境下,中國與南韓的整體社會福利都有正面效益,因此本文建議中韓應儘速完成可行性研究階段並開始諮商。如此,中國可以早日扮演建立東亞經濟整合的領導角色,而南韓也可以享受中韓自由貿易協定加上美韓自由貿易協定所產生之綜效。 目前亞洲任何一個已形成或是正在洽簽的自由貿易協定皆不包含台灣,故台灣應積極參與多邊體系下的貿易談判,以減低自由貿易協定所帶來的歧視,並應採納多樣化的協定而非拘泥於自由貿易協定之形式。同時應優先考量可以避免中國政治壓力及可擴大台灣經濟利益的議題,例如:雙邊投資協定及避免雙重課稅協定,以為洽簽正式之自由貿易協定鋪路。 關鍵字:中國、南韓、自由貿易協定、多國多部門之一般均衡分析 / China and South Korea are in the process of pursuing a free trade agreement. The purpose of this study is to assess its economic effects. The paper employs CGE models and the GTAP database to conduct a simulation with full elimination of tariffs in all sectors. Two CGE models are used. One is a static CGE model that captures the short-run effects, and the other captures the static effects as well as the capital accumulation effects arising from higher savings and investment induced by the static gains. The study finds that both South Korea and China will enjoy the welfare gains from the deals. We suggest that China and Korea complete feasibility studies and start the negotiation process at the earliest possible time for the purposes that China can play a leading role in building an East Asian economic integration and that Korea can enjoy the effects of multiple FTAs due to the Korea-China FTA plus Korea-US FTA. In addition, none of the bilateral agreements in Asia includes Taiwan. Taiwan should aggressively engage in trade negotiations under a multilateral system to decrease the discrimination caused by the free trade agreements and adopt diversified forms of agreements instead of focusing on “FTAs” only. Besides, Taiwan should prioritize the issues that can avoid the political pressure from China and expand Taiwan’s economic benefit, such as Bilateral Investment Agreement and Double Taxation Agreement, in order to pave the way for a formal FTA. Key words: China, South Korea, Free Trade Agreement, GTAP

東協自由貿易區形成對我國經貿之影響-可計算一般均衡分析 / The Economic Impact of ASEAN Free Trade Area On Taiwan -- CGE Analysis

許炳(方方土), Hsu, Ping-Kun Unknown Date (has links)
東協自由貿易區(AFTA)即將於2002年成立。本研究應用之模型為美國普渡大學發展之全球貿易(GTAP)模型,此為一多國多部門之一般均衡模型。從可計算一般均衡分析方法(CGE)的模擬分析,說明東協自由貿易區之形成對我國經貿的影響。 本文實證結果顯示,東協自由貿易區之形成對台灣總體經濟的影響十分有限。就國內生產而言,將使台灣的GDP下降0.01%,物價水準下降0.07%。台灣的出口量和進口量將分別小幅下降0.07%和0.21%,貿易順差增加約1千3百萬美元。貿易條件小幅降低0.08%,以Hicks等價變量所衡量的社會福利約減少1億4千8百萬美元。 東協自由貿易區之形成對台灣各產業的影響程度也不大。生產受到不利影響程度最大的是紡織業。出口方面,石油產品的出口增加率最大,飲料菸酒的降幅最可觀。進口方面,所有產業的進口量均下降,降幅最大的為石油產品。台灣各產業出口地區結構方面,出口到東協國家的比重大多呈現下降的情形,但是對區域外國家的出口比重則增加,很多原本出口到東協國家的產業都將移往中國大陸、北美地區、歐盟、和日本。


黃銘世, Hwang Ming-Shyh Unknown Date (has links)
以往財務理論在討論財務市場行為時,均是在完全市場( e market)的假 設上做分析。但是從現實的角度來看,由於時間 (time)與不確定(uncertainty) 等因素,導致市場往往是不完全的(incomplete);亦即資產或證券的數目往往小 於未來各種可能發生的不確定狀態的數目。當各種不同狀態事件發生時,如果沒有足夠的 資產或證券工具來涵括(span)所有投資人所欲達成的跨時所得移轉,則有某些風 險因子不能以既有的財務工具來複製,此時投資人將無法完全地規避該項風險。 本文的分析方法屬於微分拓樸數學工具的應用。從基本可微分流行(differentiable manifold) 性質,我們可得到整體性的觀點,優於以往在歐氏空間,Hilbert 空 間等拓樸空間只考慮在局部的性質.首先由最基本平滑流形(smooth manifo-[念 切入,介紹平滑流形與歐氏空間的關係。再由市場均衡的定義找出均衡流形( equilibrium manifold)。結合Debreu(1970)與Balasko(1976,1988) 建立的正 規經濟,探討其性質.加入財務市場時,透過正規經濟的理論,證明不完全財物 市場均衡generic 存在性。最後,利用不完全財務市場均衡generic的存在性,證明單 一商品及多商品的資本資產定價(CAPM);並且建立一以消費為基礎的資本資 產定價模式。

政府支出之生產與最適公債比例 / Government expenditure in production and the optimal debt ratio

莊仲霖, Chuang, Chung Lin Unknown Date (has links)
2011年,美國政府在經歷次級房貸和高軍事支出的雙重壓力下,爆發高度財政赤字的問題,造成歐巴馬政府面臨調高債務比例與債務上限的壓力。然而,在眾多的輿論聲中,美國民主黨與共和黨在八月底達成下列協議,減少政府支出、提高債務比例以及增加債務上限等;但是,是否這些方式將改善美國經濟?本篇文章在動態隨機一般均衡(DSGE)架構下,建立一個封閉經濟體系,並將政府支出加入私人廠商部門,透過公共投資,幫助私人廠商增加產出;並且在政府僅採行公債和徵稅融通下,找出一個最適的債務持有比例,使國內福利為最高。而本文發現政府進入生產部門時,將影響最適債務持有比例。即是,隨著政府支出生產彈性越大,最適債務持有比例也會上升,而在基準參數下,我們將會得到最適債務持有比例為百分之十的結論。 / In 2011, under the pressure of subprime mortgage and high military expenditure, the U.S. government accumulated high fiscal deficit, and the Obama government faced the pressure of raising debt ratio and raising debt ceiling. However, among the huge debates, the Republican Party and Democratic Party reached the deal in August which included cut-down government expenditure, raise debt ratio, raise debt ceiling, and so on. But, will these ways improve the U.S. economy? This paper follows the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework to construct a closed economy, which the government helps private firm to production through public investment. Besides, given that government only undertakes debt financing and tax financing, we try to find an optimal debt ratio which makes the highest domestic welfare. In our finding, if the government enters private production sector, the optimal debt ratio will be influenced. That is, the optimal debt ratio will increase with the production elasticity of government expenditure. Under the benchmark parameter, the optimal debt ratio is 10 percent.


SOMEYA, Masakazu, 染矢, 将和 29 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

稅制改革之可計算一般均衡分析-Ramsey與Overlapping Generation model 之比較 / The Effect of Tax Reform in a Computable General Equilibrium Framework - Ramsey vs. Overlapping Generation Model

廖如敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用台灣2001年資料以Ramsey與OLG假設分別建立區分四部門別與八部門別之動態可計算一般均衡模型,進行「提高間接稅(消費稅、環境稅)、降低直接稅(資本、勞動所得稅)」之稅制改革模擬分析。結果發現若以單一時點比較靜態方式分析可能迥異於動態長期分析結果;其次以Ramsey分析所欠缺的代際分配影響結果在OLG分析中可以察見,特別是進行以消費稅或環境稅替代資本所得稅模擬時;再者OLG因代際傳遞效果可能較Ramsey假設下反應緩慢,故也可觀察到Ramsey模型面對衝擊後若干變數增減幅度會較OLG模型陡峭。最後特別在環境稅替代所得稅模擬中經由替代稅率變化發現,活在初期世代雖可享受所得稅下降好處但卻也面臨排放稅課徵,因此福利水準增減變化不大,惟屆至排放稅課徵瀕至臨界點需使用原所得稅來平衡稅收時,此為另一波必須為減量政策付出代價的時點與世代。 / Based on a thorough comparison of the basic assumptions and economic underpinning of the Ramsey and Overlapping generation (OLG) model, this study builds both static and dynamic computable general equilibrium tax policy models to analyze the effect of tax reform on Taiwan’s economy. The new tax structure considers mainly a replacement of some parts of direct tax - labor and capital income taxes by indirect tax- consumption tax or environment tax. The benchmark year of the model is 2001, and the economy is divided into four and eight sectors. The modeling framework is implemented on top of MPSGE, which is a special module within the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS).Our simulation results show differential outcomes for static and dynamic models. The slower speed of transition inherent in OLG model has caused variables such as welfare, capital stock, and replacement consumption tax rate change less than that in the Ramsey model when the tax reform policy is imposed. And the intergeneration effects of different tax burden between young and old generations can be found in the OLG model but not in the Ramsey model. Finally, we find as the income tax rate coming lower and the environment tax going up when simulation of tax replacement, causing the welfare does not change much at the beginning of shock, and generations especially born in the near future when environment tax does not grow and revenue neutrality needs to be meet are another cost payers of abatement policy.

新凱因斯模型下,貨幣政策與總體審慎政策對於資產價格泡沫的影響 / The effect of monetary policy and macro-prudential policy on asset price bubbles in a new Keynesian model

潘冠中, Pan, Kuan Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建立含資產價格泡沫的隨機動態一般均衡 (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium, DSGE) 模型,並以此討論貨幣政策與總體審慎政策的效果。泡沫存在於不動產的股票價格上,且不動產與一般資本皆為生產要素。研究顯示,在隨機衝擊下,一般資本的投資與不動產投資呈現負相關。融資擔保率的調控為總體審慎政策的範疇,本文另研究融資擔保率對經濟變數的影響。結果顯示,當擔保率調升時,產出增加、泡沫減少且不動產的股價 (資產價格) 下跌。本文亦討論依循泰勒法則下的貨幣政策與總體審慎政策對產出與資產價格波動的影響;結果顯示,在經濟景氣時實施緊縮貨幣政策可同時減少資產價格與產出的波動,其效果優於總體審慎政策。 / This study established a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model, which contains asset bubble price, and employed DSGE to discuss the effect of the monetary policy and the macro-prudential policy. Bubbles exist in the stock price of the real estate. Real estate and general capital are both the factors of production. The study indicates that, under stochastic impulse, a negative correlation exists between the investment of the general capital and the investment of the real estate. The study also discusses the operation of the collateral rate, a perspective dealing with macro-prudential policy, and how it influences economic variables. The results present that when collateral rate rises, output increases, bubbles decreases and the stock price of real estate (asset price) declines. The study further investigates how monetary policy, which follows the Taylor rule, and macro-prudential policy affect the vibration of the output and the asset price. The result indicates that during economic prosperity, the implementation of tight monetary policy presents better effect than that of macro-prudential policy since it simultaneously decreases variances of output and asset price.

最適傳統與非傳統貨幣政策 / Optimal Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy

蘇醒文 Unknown Date (has links)
在面臨2008年金融危機後嚴峻之需求面衝擊下,多國央行紛紛調降利率,甚至調降至零利率,以期望國家能盡速脫離經濟衰退。在利率調降的過程中,由於受零利率下限的限制,單純藉由傳統貨幣政策之調控,仍可能無法使經濟從嚴峻的需求面衝擊下恢復。因此,非傳統貨幣政策也在美國、日本、英國、歐元區等國家被央行所採行做為對抗經濟衰退的政策工具。在此背景下,我們想了解如何實施最適非傳統貨幣政策。 在最適貨幣政策理論發展中,最適傳統貨幣政策發展較早,因此也較為完備。而在最適非傳統貨幣政策方面,前瞻指引(forward guidance)這項政策工具已被引入最適理論中來進行討論,但量化寬鬆(quantitative easing)直至今日還未被引入最適理論中來討論。 因此,本文建構一個封閉的新興凱因斯模型(New Keynesian),開創性的將量化寬鬆引入最適貨幣政策理論中,來討論最適傳統與非傳統貨幣政策,也藉此與過去文獻比較施行量化寬鬆與未施行量化寬鬆之影響。 / After financial crisis occurred in 2008, countries, such as United States of America, United Kingdom, Japan and the euro area, have been mired in slow economic growth, compared with long-term, and have confronted with severe negative demand shocks which can’t be offset by zero interest-rate policy. Under the circumstance where zero lower bound was present, unconventional monetary policy was implemented by central bank of each country to end up the economic recession prospectively. As a result, we are interested in how to implement optimal unconventional monetary policy. The literatures regarding implementing conventional optimal monetary policy under demand shock were developed maturely. Forward guidance, one of unconventional monetary policy, was already developed in field of optimal monetary policy under impacted by demand shock, but quantitative easing has not been conducted in the theory of optimal monetary policy so far. Thus, we construct a close-economy by New Keynesian model to conduct quantitative easing into the theory of optimal monetary policy to discuss the optimal conventional and unconventional monetary policy, and to compare the difference corresponding to the previous literatures which without quantitative easing.

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