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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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経済成長-不平等-貧困削減 の三角関係に関する一考察

大坪, 滋, OTSUBO, Shigeru 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Granger Causality between Economic Growth and Income Inequality in Post-Reform China / 改革後中國之所得不均等與經濟成長之間的Granger因果關係

蔣村逢, Chiang, Tsun-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
自從中國實施經濟改革之後,其經濟快速成長。從1978到2002年之間,中國的年平均成長率為8.07﹪。但同時期,中國的不平等卻顯示不同的變動趨勢。在1980年代,經濟改革似乎同時促進經濟成長與不平等程度的下降。然而1990年代之後,不平等卻呈現向上爬升的趨勢。本論文的研究目的,即是探討改革後,中國經濟成長與不平等間的因果關係。 根據之前的文獻,經濟成長和不平等之間可能相互影響,但影響方向卻不確定。本論文研究方法採用Granger因果檢定,估計成長與分配的因果關係以及影響方向。本研究採用Toda and Yamamoto (1995)所提出的向量自迴歸程序,對Granger因果模型進行卡方檢定的統計推論。Toda和Yamamoto證明,研究者能夠估計一個k+dmax階的向量自迴歸模型,其中dmax是時間數列變數最大整合階數,k為落差期數。然而,進行統計推論時,研究者只需利用卡方統計量檢驗前k階的迴歸係數是否顯著,而不需檢驗最後的dmax階迴歸係數。利用此研究方法,本論文發現以下結果:一、經濟成長會正面且顯著地影響不平等;二、不平等不會影響到經濟成長;三、實證結果是穩健的,其不因使用不同的所得不平等指數或落差期數而有所變化。 會產生第一種結果的主要原因,在於中央政府傾斜政策的實施。與先前文獻完全集中研究自由經濟或計畫經濟不同,中國經濟正處於轉型過程,可能是本研究不能發現所得不均等對經濟成長的主要因素。 本研究的政策意涵為,由於經濟持續增長,使得不均等的情況更加惡化。因此,中央政府應該取消向東部沿海傾斜的政策,並且增加對中西部地區進行投資的意願。但是,將資源投入在中西部,使得到的收益遠遠小於投入在東部者。因此為了促進持續經濟成長,不建議採取某些能迅速降低不平等的政策,例如財政移轉。 / Ever since economic reform has been carried out in China, its economic growth rate has been remarkable. Its annual growth rate of per capita GDP was about 8.07% for the period 1978-2002, but its income inequality level presented a different moving trend during this time. In the 1980s, it seemed that economic reform decreased this inequality successfully, but the situation of income distribution started to deteriorate beginning in 1990. The purpose of this study is to research if the relationship between economic growth and inequality exists in post-reform China. According to previous literature, economic growth and inequality can influence each other, but their influential directions are uncertain. This study adopts the Granger-causality test as a methodology to estimate their relationship and influential directions. This study tests Granger-Causality with the chi-square statistic, which was proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). They wrote that researchers could estimate a (k+dmax)th-order VAR where dmax is the maximal order of integration. Only the first k coefficients have to be jointly tested with the chi-square statistic, and the last dmax coefficients are ignored. This study finds the following results: (i) growth positively influences inequality; (ii) inequality does not influence growth; and (iii) the results are sturdy no matter what inequality index or what lag lengths are used in the empirical test. The result (i) can be attributed to the biased central government policy. Differencing from previous studies, which focused on democratic or undemocratic economies, this study researches a transitional economy. It could be the reason why this study finds no evidence of the effect of inequality on growth. The policy implications of this study are that China’s government has to give up biased policies and increase the incentives of investing in inland regions. Besides, in order to promote sustainable economic growth, some policies like fiscal transfers, which can reduce inequality quickly, are not recommended.

高層管理團隊多元化與家族企業績效之關係研究:以中國家族企業為例 / The Influence of Top Management Team Diversity on Family Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese Family Firms

韓靖 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管很多文獻探討了高層管理團隊多元化與企業績效之間的關係,但所得結果卻不一致。我們將高層管理團隊多元化分為分離型、多樣型以及不平等型三類,以中國194家家族企業為研究樣本,分別討論不同類型多元化對家族企業績效的影響。具體來說,年齡分離型多元化對企業績效沒有顯著影響,但基於社會網絡理論分析后卻發現績效與教育背景分類型呈現先低後高的U型關係;性別以及職能背景多樣型多元化對企業績效均沒有顯著影響;由於社會比較的存在以及錦標賽理論的負面效應,薪酬不平等型多元化對企業績效有負向影響,但股權不平等型多元化卻有利於績效的提升,因為股權集中於家族手中益於家族企業目標的實現,加強家族成員對企業的認同感,並減少代理成本,避免權力衝突。我們基於不同的理論,檢驗了在中國文化背景下不同種類的多元化與企業績效之間的關係。我們在考察了中國情境下的管理理論運用的同時,也發現多元化本身帶有「雙面刃」的性質,需要區別對待不同多元化指標對企業績效的作用。 / Despite a lot of literature examining the relationship between the top management team diversity and firm performance, the evidence is mixed. To reconcile the conflicting results, we divide the TMT diversity into separation, variety and disparity to discuss the relationship between them and the family firm performance in China. Results from a sample of 194 Chinese family firms indicate that there is no relationship between age separation, gender variety, functional variety and firm performance. Based on the social network theory, the relationship between educational separation and firm performance is U-shaped. In addition, considering social comparison theory and the negative impacts of tournament theory, we find that salary disparity is negatively related to company performance. However, family firm performance benefits from share disparity because the concentration on the equity allows the family to achieve the family’s goal and reduce agency cost, finally contributes to enhancing the family members’ identity and avoiding the power conflicts within the organization. Base on different theories, we examine the relationship between different aspects of diversity and family firm performance under Chinese culture background, and also find the “double-edged sword” of diversity.

Issues of Outsourcing and Cross-Strait Trades / 委外代工與兩岸貿易的經濟分析

黃依珮, Huang, Yi-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣製造業委外代工至大陸已是十分普遍的現象。從國外購買中間財貨、到國外設立跨國公司、購買國外製成品以國內的品牌進行銷售、或到國外找尋特殊投資關係合夥人等,都包含在委外代工的定義內。委外代工帶來了二個值得探討的議題:第一是委外代工對勞動市場的影響,包括失業問題和相對薪資的變化;第二,委外代工和經濟邊緣化問題之間存在尚未澄清的關聯,例如委外代工是不是會導致台灣經濟邊緣化、產業空洞化?因此,本論文分成兩大獨立的結構分別討論上述問題。 關於委外代工對勞動市場的影響,文獻上大多觀察下列現象(Feenstra and Hanson, 1995; Wood,1995):製造業的就業規模是否縮減、整體製造業的技術勞動就業比例是否逐漸增加、整體製造業的非技術勞動就業比例是否逐漸下降、以及技術勞動和非技術勞動之間的薪資差距是否也逐漸擴大(反應出就業比例的改變)。本文對台灣的勞動市場進行研究,的確發現上述現象的產生。根據研究結果顯示,政府沒有理由限制傳統產業外移到大陸,反而要創造更好的高科技環境,積極地留住台灣的高科技產業。亦即,不同的產業需要不同的產業政策加以因應,雙向產業政策將是需要的。例如傳統產業,政府可以將政策提升到「委外代工國」的立場考量,讓獲利率低、生產不效率的產業委由大陸製造;對高科技產業政策政府則可試著採取「被委外代工國」的立場,積極創造更科技的產業環境,留住台灣科技產業和保住台灣科技產業代工王國的版圖。 對委外代工與台灣邊緣化議題的探討,主要源起於泛藍和泛綠在兩次總統大選中的兩岸政策的爭議─是否要「三通」。事實上,針對台灣是否會被邊緣化兩大陣營均尚未整理出一個完整的說明。透過Krugman and Venables(1995)模型闡述可以清楚地了解:邊緣化只是運輸成本下降的一個過程,不會是最終的結果。同時,運輸成本的下降並不是會造成邊緣化的唯一決定因子。產業關聯性和產品之間的替代程度都扮演相當重要的角色。因此,對不同產業設定特定政策才能達到抗邊緣化的效果。 / Outsourcing is the current trend between Taiwan and Mainland China in recent decade. Inclusive of importing intermediate inputs, setting up multinational firms, purchasing final goods produced abroad, outsourcing brings two topics worthy to discuss. My thesis is structured into two independent projects: one is to discuss the effects of outsourcing on unemployment and changes in relative wages, and the other focuses on the issue of whether outsourcing leads to Taiwan deindustrialization. The main findings in the first project are consistent with the major conclusions suggested by several studies(Feenstra and Hanson, 1995; Wood,1995)that: declining share of manufacturing employment in total employment, increasing share of skilled workers’ in total manufacturing employment and in total wage bill, while the converse in unskilled workers. Therefore, we have no reasons to limit the unprofitable and traditional industries to move out. What we should do is to develop and expand the higher-skilled sector and to encourage high-technology industries to upgrade the production with the most comparative advantage. Different industrial policies applicable to different features of each industry are necessary. To announce a rough and uniform policy will probably do more harms than goods. What unearthed from the second project is that concerns of economic periphery voiced by Pan-KMT and Pan-DPP alliances did not tell the full story. Krugman and Venables(1995)can be applied to show that economic periphery is just one of the points in the process of a dynamic development with reducing transportation cost. Besides, transportation cost is not the only contributor to “core and periphery” pattern. Share of intermediate input and elasticity of substitution for manufactured goods are also playing important roles. Therefore, different industries should be applicable for different policy arrangement.


蕭彩含, Hsiao, Tsai Han Unknown Date (has links)
時至今日女性教育程度提高,但女性在勞動力市場獲得的職位並沒有因此提升,大部分的女性仍然傾向集中在以女性居多的劣勢職業,並且薪資明顯低於男性居多的職業。相關研究提醒我們注意接觸工作出缺訊息的管道在進入勞動力市場前就已經出現性別化的現象,男女性的社會網絡並不相同,並且不同性別的求職者傾向動員不同性別的中介人。但究竟是原因使得女性求職者持續進入待遇較差的女性主導職業?Lin(1999)認為男性之所以比女性在勞動力市場的職業獲得更具有優勢,是因為女性求職者存在資本欠缺與回報欠缺,所以只能動員到較劣勢的女性中介人、獲得較差的工作。但從資料分析顯示,女性求職者並不存在資本欠缺,女性求職者擁有的社會資本量並不比男性求職者少,真正導致女性承受回報欠缺的原因在於兩點勞動力市場對於女性的貶值與性別化社會資本的差異。由於勞動力市場對女性求職者本身的歧視,即使女性求職者動員到擁有較多資源的男性中介人也無法有效的脫離求職劣勢。其次,女性求職者透過性別化社會資本尋職而承受回報欠缺的因素在於女性化可觸及社會資本,女性化可觸及社會資本直透過接與間接的效果同時限制女性求職者獲得較好的、女性比例較低職業。但女性化可觸及社會資本對男性求職者只能產生間接影響,且男性求職者擁有的女性化可觸及社會資本比女性求職者來得少很多,女性化可觸及社會資本能發揮的效果並不多。 總結來說,對於女性求職者而言,回報欠缺主要來自於性別化可觸及社會資本以及雇主對女性能力的貶值、統計歧視等,即使接觸到男性中介人也無助於女性跳脫求職劣勢。對於男性而言則是性別化可動員社會資本才是主要直接影響獲得職業女性比例的關鍵因素。

原、漢族群工資差距之探討:人力資本與勞動市場條件的再分析 / The wage gap between aborigines and han chinese in Taiwan: a reanalysis of impacts of human capital and labor market conditions

詹智涵, Chan, Chin-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨是從人力資本理論以及勞動市場條件的觀點,來探討原、漢族群的工資不平等之現象根源。長久以來,原住民從成長、學校教育,到進入職場,莫不受各種條件的不足所制,以至於與主流社會的社經處境有難以克服的落差。本研究採用2007年「社會變遷基本調查第五期第三次」階層組以及休閒組調查,和2007年「臺灣原住民社會變遷與政策評估調查研究」,三筆具代表性且規模相近的面訪資料、共2393位私部門受雇者來加以比較。透過群體加權校正,本研究首先透過多元迴歸與交互作用分析,來探討兩族群的人力資本和勞動市場條件與工資取得高低之間的關係。接著,再以經Heckman校正Blinder-Oaxaca差異分解,來分析兩族群工資落差中的結構與現象差異。 研究結果顯示,人力資本和勞動市場條件能說明原住民族與漢人之間,確有工資上的族群歧視現象。原住民教育的工資報酬率在義務教育階段後即無顯著效果,而不同於漢人能持續成長;不論是年資、職業聲望或是工作型態,原住民的工資報酬率都顯著也比漢人低落,且影響更勝教育差異。這些現象即使是在差異分解校正結構差異後依舊存在。是故,既有量化研究除了從教育面向來探討原、漢族群社經不平等之外,實應持續重視原住民族進入職場後,所面對的勞動市場問題。 / The aim of this research is to study the wage gap between aborigines and Han Chinese in Taiwan. The research explores the impacts of human capital and labor market conditions on the wage gap. Throughuot the life course trajectories of schooling and labor market participation, aborigines in Taiwan persistently face dire straits, resulting in insurmountable soci-economic gaps with Han Chinese. The data sources of the research are from Taiwan Social Changy Survey (TSCS) 2007, Phase 5, Wave 3: The Social Stratification module and The Leisure Time module, and Social Change and Policy of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples Survey (TIPS) 2007, which are representative to the adult population in Taiwan. The total sample sizes are 2393 employees in private sector and roughly equal in size between two ethnics. With weighting, regression interaction effects were estimated to analyze the impacts of human capital and labor market conditions on wage differences between aborigines and Han Chinese. Moreover, the research uses two-steps Heckman selection model to correct selection bias of labor marke participation as well as Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to analyze the ethnic disparities in wage. The finding of interaction models show that human capital and labor market conditions can explain the wage gap and reveal the negative effects of discrimination against aborigines. While only the compulsory education has positive effects on aborigines’ wage, Han Chinese could benefit from all stage of education. Job tenures, occupational prestiage, and employment types are more benefitical to Han Chinese than to aborigines, and the impacts of these factors on wage are greater than education. These results are also consistent with decomposition analysis. Other than education inequality, the finding of this research suggests that future studies of ethnic disparities in soci-economic inequality should concern more about ethnic differences in labor market conditons.

中国の所得格差に関する調査研究 -深圳市家計調査を中心に

薛, 進軍, 荒山, 裕行, 園田, 正, 下田, 憲雄, 戴, 二彪 05 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B) 課題番号:17402025 研究代表者:薛 進軍 研究期間:2005-2007年度

Post-election violence and governance in Kenya : the rise and fall of the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) / ケニアにおける選挙後の暴力と統治:真実正義和解委員会(TJRC)の興亡 / ケニア ニオケル センキョゴ ノ ボウリョク ト トウチ : シンジツ セイギ ワカイ イインカイ TJRC ノ コウボウ

室仁 多日帝, David Muroni 19 September 2020 (has links)
この論文は、ケニアの選挙後の暴力の年表に焦点を当てています。それがどのように始まり、頂点に達し、減少、そして再発を探ります。ケニアで2008年に創設された真実、正義、和解委員会は、独立後35年間の過去の人権不正と不正行為を文書化に行なった。複数の要因が組み合わされ、複数政党の大統領選挙で暴力を引き起こします。政府が問題の一部であるため、委員会による良心的な最終報告書と勧告は保留中です。 / This thesis focuses on the chronology of post-election violence in Kenya. It explores how it started, peaked, faded, and returned. The Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission created in 2008 in Kenya documents 35 years of past human rights injustices and malpractices from independence in 1963. Multiple factors combine and trigger violence in multiparty presidential elections. The conscientious final reports and recommendations by the Commission remain in limbo as the government is part of the problem. Unequally shared land resources and a grave presidential contest cause post-election violence. Empowering the Supreme Court is a necessity for fair justice. / 博士(グローバル社会研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Global Society Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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