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台北關稅局人員核心能力與人力資源發展之研究 / Research on core competency and human resources development何慧如 Unknown Date (has links)
透過問卷調查的方式針對台北關稅局人員進行問卷調查,共發出500份問卷,回收419份,扣除廢卷及填答不完整者17份,有效問卷為402份。並運用次數分配、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析及迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。
2. 不同官等在人力資源發展、教育與發展上達顯著差異。不同服務年資在人力資源發展上達顯著差異。不同年齡在人力資源發展及訓練上達顯著差異、不同教育程度在教育與發展上達顯著差異。
3. 人力資源發展各面向與核心能力各面向間有關聯性。
4. 教育與發展與基層、中階、高階之間有顯著的預測力。
1. 關員最需具備核心能力以「業務知能」、「溝通協調能力」、「法規知能」居前三位,可見這三種能力對關員而是最需要具備的核心能力。
2. 關員對訓練方式強化的看法:對於安排訓練課程及時間言,關員有
4. 關務人員在人力資源發展中個人生涯發展之看法:大多數受訪者認為透過工作輪調來歷練關員,幫助關員生涯發展。
最後根據研究發現,分別就機關政策面、機關人力資源發展、海關核心能力強化上三方面提出建議,提供其他機關參考。 / This thesis examines the Core Competency and Human Resources Development of Taipei Customs Officers by using questionnaires and interviews. The research findings are summarized as follows:
Ⅰ.Quantitative Questionnaires Results
Out of 500 questionnaires handed out, 419 were returned, of which 17 were invalid or partially answered, resulting in a total of 402 effective surveys. We used frequency distribution, t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and regressive analysis to conduct statistical analysis.
1.Customs Officers of different job levels and seniorities displayed significant differences in Core Competency at basic level, middle level and high level. The factor of age also demonstrated significant differences in Core Competency at middle level and high level. The education levels also displayed significant differences in Core Competency at basic level, middle level and high level.
2.Customs Officers of different job levels displayed significant differences in Human Resources Development and Education aspects. Different seniorities show significant differences in Human Resources Development. Different age groups demonstrate significant differences in Human Resources Development and Training. Different education levels reveal significant differences in Education and Development.
3.All aspects of Human Resources Development have direct correlation with the aspects of Core Competency.
4.There is a significant predictability between education & development and career levels (basic, middle, and high).
II. Interviews
1.Through the interviews, we concluded that the top three qualities of Core competency are business competency, communication competency, and regulation competency. These are apparently the most valuable elements of Core competency in a custom officer.
2.On intensive training: regarding the training schedule and content areas, most officers have understandings and flexibilities of diversification according to the needs of the trainees and their areas of expertise.
3.On Human Resources Development and Education: Most custom officers hold positive attitude towards continuing education of officers as means of human resource development.
4.On career development: most officers agree that regular job rotations are beneficial to the career development of custom officers.
5.On new officer orientation enhancement and recommendation: regarding the training of new officers, the majorities agree that the most important training is to improve business expertise Core competency.
Based on the above findings, the author concluded by making recommendations for Taipei Customs based on administrative policies, human resources development, and the improvement of Core competency and thus provides references for other government agencies.
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實質匯率,外人直接投資與中國對外貿易關係之研究邱如伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的在於研究中國近年來對外貿易之主要決定因素,尤其是深入探討實質匯率以及外人直接投資在中國對外貿易發展中所扮演的角色。由於美國以及日本為中國最主要的貿易夥伴,本論文的研究內容聚焦於中美與中日貿易決定因素之比較研究。本論文之主要創新在於實證模型之建構。本論文的實證模型與過去文獻的主要差異有數點:1. 本論文建立聯立方程體系以分析出口供需之相互影響。2. 在供給面本論文考慮了外人直接投資以及進口中間財對中國出口供給或其進口產業之國內生產的可能影響。3. 在進出口需求函數中,除了雙邊實質匯率,本論文也考慮了第三國匯率以及外人直接投資可能產生的間接影響。4. 在中國進口需求函數中本論文將實質所得拆解成國內需求與加工出口兩部分,以比較中國國內需求與加工出口在進口傾向上的差異。
至於實質所得對進口的影響方面,本論文實證結果顯示,中國的國內需求提升雖然會誘使來自美國或日本的進口增加,但是相對幅度有限,而因中國的加工出口所引發的進口增加卻十分顯著。此外,美國實質所得提高而誘發美國自中國進口的彈性相當可觀,日本實質所得提高而誘發日本自中國進口的彈性則相對有限,而中國國內需求提升對自美進口的效果更是微不足道。此結果顯示,中國與其主要貿易夥伴在消費者偏好上的差異,也對中國對外貿易收支失衡有一定的影響力。 / The emergence of China’s economy has changed territorial boundaries on the global trade map. China’s recent external trade imbalance, especially its huge and persistent trade surplus with the U.S. and its deficits towards Japan, has provoked serious critique from the U.S. on China’s exchange rate policy and at the same time has attracted research interest in the issue: Can a Renminbi (RMB) revaluation improve China’s problem over its trade imbalance? Because of the development of the global production network in recent years, some studies have found some puzzles in the relation between the RMB’s real exchange rate and China’s foreign trade, which are inexplicable from the viewpoint of traditional trade theory. There is no consensus on the effectiveness of a RMB revaluation in adjusting China’s trade imbalance either.
The objective of this thesis is to study the determinants of China’s external trade, particularly the roles played by the real exchange rate of the RMB and foreign direct investment (FDI) into China. Because U.S. and Japan are two major trade partners of China, this dissertation focuses on comparing the determinants of Sino-U.S. trade and Sino-Japan trade. The main contribution of this dissertation is its construction of novel empirical models, which differ from most previous studies in the following aspects: 1. We construct a system of equations to examine the demand-supply relationship; 2. On the supply side, the effects of FDI and intermediate imports on China’s export are considered; 3. On the demand side, in additional to bilateral real exchange rates, the indirect effects of a third-country’s exchange rates and FDI on China’s exports and imports are also incorporated into the models; 4. In China’s import demand function, we decompose real income into domestic demand and export demand, with a view to comparing the effects of China’s domestic demand and export processing due to their differences in import propensities.
This thesis’ empirical results indicate that the real appreciation of the RMB against the US dollar can reduce China’s exports to the U.S., however, the decrease in exports causes a larger decline in China’s imports of intermediate goods from the U.S. for export processing purposes. Hence, the real appreciation of the RMB seems ineffective in improving China-U.S. trade balance. Moreover, the real depreciation of the RMB against the Yen has similar counterbalancing effects: it stimulates China’s exports to Japan and at the same time increases China’s intermediate goods and capital goods imports from there. As a result, China’s trade deficits might not be improved significantly from the real depreciation of its currency. The empirical evidence of this thesis reveals that changes in third-country’s exchange rates can also bring about indirect effects on China’s trade imbalance either through their impact on the import costs of intermediate goods from those countries or their substitutive or complementary relationships in the final good markets in the U.S. and Japan. Therefore, China seems unable to adjust its trade imbalance unilaterally through an exchange rate policy.
As for the impact of FDI into China, we show that Japanese FDI towards China stimulates China’s exports to Japan, but also raises its import demand from Japan, because of the processing production of Japanese enterprises in China. As a result, Japan’s FDI makes the Sino-Japan trade imbalance even worse. On the contrary, FDI from the U.S. into China does not stimulate American exports to China, but does increase China’s imports from the U.S., which can improve Sino-U.S. trade balance. Third-country FDI into China significantly enhances China’s exports to the U.S. on the one hand, while its products become substitutes for U.S. exports into China’s market on the other. Hence, it is another driving force for the aggravation of Sino-U.S. trade surplus. In a nutshell, FDI has played a very important role in China’s trade imbalance problem.
Finally, empirical results from the effects of real income on import demand indicate that China’s import demand stimulated by its export processing activity is very significant. In addition, while the relationship between China’s domestic demand and its imports from the U.S. or Japan is positive, the magnitude is rather limited. In contrast, the income elasticity of U.S. import demand from China is very high, but the income elasticity of Japan’s import demand from China is relatively small. To sum up, China’s trade imbalance problem seems attributable to the differences in preference among consumers in China and its major trade partners to some extent.
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公務人員高普考試考選與任用制度之研究 / The study of civil service examination with personnel recruitment and selection system裘明娟 Unknown Date (has links)
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投資人情緒是否影響股票市場?以共同基金流量檢視 / Does Taiwan stock market walk with investor sentiment?- Examination on mutual fund flows馬嘉蓉, Ma, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
In this paper, we find evidence that the mutual fund flows could be a good measure of investor sentiment, and inventors in Taiwan have independent sentiments about domestic and foreign markets. We further construct a sentiment index by principle component analysis, and show that investor sentiment measured by fund flows has no significant impact, although the sign is positive as expected, on concurrent market return. The results also suggest different sentiments embedded in mutual fund flows and stock market in Taiwan.
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台北市小型養護機構發展與政府政策關係之研究 / A Study on Relationship between the Development of Nursing Institution and the Public Policy in Taipei吳素霞 Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,政策空窗期,小型養護機構不需立案、政府無法可管,機構自主性最高可以隨意發展;政策蘊釀期,台北市雖擬以地方法規規範小型養護機構,但因為没有罰則及強制力,機構配合度不高,政府政策對機構缺少制約力;政策緩衝期,老人福利法及子法已經修正通過,小型養護機構面對公權力即將強力規範,仍試圖抗爭以拖延政府管制時間,此階段機構與政府之間關係充滿衝突;政策完備期,政府對於小型養護機構從立案、評鑑、督導等各項法制完備,小型養護機構自主性大幅降低,發展意願也逐漸降低;政策變革期,老人福利法經10 年後再次修正,機構自主性再次限縮,許多理想性修法結果,尤其硬體設備部分對於屬都會型之台北市小型養護機構產生配合困難。本研究同時發現,對小型養護機構之管理政策,中央政府透過法制規範全力主導,地方政府自主性也相對降低,也就是政策完備期開始,影響小型養護機構發展之政策主要在於中央政府之法規。
本研究依據訪談結果,剖析後分別對相關人員提出建議如下,對政策制訂者:應正視台北市小型養護機構減少趨勢規劃因應策略、對於評鑑制度應檢討修正評鑑指標去蕪存菁、規劃小型養護機構專業分級制度、適時修正與小型養護機構發展扞挌之法令規章;對小型養護機構建議:關心政策對小型養護機構發展之影響、運用創新思維營造小型養護機構獨特競爭力、加強小型養護機構組成協會之整合資源能力、加強小型養護機構正面功能宣導;社會大眾則建議利用評鑑指標共同監督機構服務品質。 / With the change of the domestic society as well as the population structure, the small community nursing centers have been established as many family members or even no one can take care of the disabled elderly person. The development of the small nursing center was raised in the unregistered period. Since 1997, the “Senior Citizen Welfare Act” was revised and the government started to systematically manage the small nursing centers by regulations. As a result, the number of the nursing center decreased from 203 in 2001 to 154 in 2009. According to the statistic of the Department of Social Affairs in June 2009, the accommodating rate of the nursing bed of all nursing centers in Taiwan is 73.84% and 82.37% in Taipei City. In June 2009, the ratio of the senior population is 10.52% in Taiwan and 12.43% in Taipei City. It indicates that the proportion of the senior citizens in Taipei is greater than the national proportion. In addition, the accommodating rate of the nursing bed in Taipei is also greater than the average number of the country. Based on the above reasonable estimations, the demand for the nursing centers in Taipei City is greater than other cities and counties. However, the statistic shows that the number of the nursing center in Taipei gradually decreases. When the owners of the nursing centers in Taipei continuously emphasizing the government policy has created barriers to manage the nursing centers in Taipei City, this study aims to study how the government policy changes in each stage, and discuss how the policy change procedure and the remaining factors affect the development of the nursing centers.
This research found that the development period of the small nursing center in Taipei City can be divided into 5 stages according to the time order; the first stage(vacancy period): before 1991, there was no policy to regulate the nursing centers; the second stage(preparation period): from 1991 to 1997, Taipei City Government announced the “Private Elderly Nursing Center Establishment Steps of Taipei City” and started to regulate the small nursing centers in Taipei City; the third stage(initial period): from 1997 to 1999, the small nursing centers started to be regulated after the “Senior Citizen Welfare Act” has been revised; the fourth stage(completion period): from 1999 to 2007,the small nursing centers were officially regulated by the acts; the fifth stage(reform period), after 1997, the “Senior Citizen Welfare Act” was once again amended. The researcher conducts several in-dept interviews of the owners of the nursing centers, local and central government policy makers, scholars and professionals of each stage to understand how the government policy affects the development of the small nursing center in each stage.
In the completion period, the government has set up a complete system from registration, evaluation to supervision. As a matter of act, the independence of the small nursing centers significantly decreased which has resulted in a decrease of their willingness for development. During the reform period, the Senior Citizen Welfare Act was revised again after 10 years. The independence of the organizations was once again restricted. Many small nursing centers in Taipei City have had difficulties to cooperate with the ideal revised results such as the hardware facility. This study also found that the central government fully controlled the small nursing centers through the management policies while the local government started to lose the power of control. In the beginning of the completion period, the central government regulation was the key to affect the development of the small nursing centers.
It is found that the registration was not required for the small nursing center in the vacancy period. The organizations were highly independent and could develop according to their interests. In the preparation stage, Taipei City has drafted the local regulations to regulate the small nursing center but the centers were not willing to cooperate due to the lack of penalty and government power over the restriction. In the initial period, although the Senior Citizen Welfare Act has been revised, the nursing centers still attempted to extend the government’s restriction. There were a lot of conflicts between the government and the nursing centers in this stage.
Based on the interview results, this study provides the following recommendations to the related personnel after the analysis. To the policy makers: it is necessary to plan the strategies to cope with the decreasing trend of the small nursing center in Taipei City, review the evaluation system, revise the evaluation index, plan the professional classification of the small nursing centers and appropriately amend the regulations for the development of the small nursing center. To the small nursing centers: they should concern about the impact on the development of the small nursing centers, apply new thinking to create the competitive advantage, and improve the resource integration ability of the small nursing center association and the positive promotion of the small nursing center. It is recommended that the public should monitor the service quality of the organization based on the evaluation index.
Keywords: small nursing center, evaluation system, senior citizen welfare
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EFG銀行的商業模式 / A business model of "EFG" bank吳曉雲 Unknown Date (has links)
在2008年首先由次貸風暴帶動的金融大海濤,造成了世界金融市場紊亂,信用市場緊縮,經濟景氣急凍,追究其原因為在2008年金融海嘯爆發前的世界經濟大環境是由太寬鬆的資金政策所主導,所以造成了過多市場資金亂竄,同時信用過度膨脹之後,而造成了風險的增加; 而且同時期,各金融機構為了搶食市場充裕的資金,無不努力的進行金融創新,而產生了許多複雜的金融商品,包括次貸後面所包裝的各種證券化商品,結構債及連動債等等,這些商品在一連串包裝之後,變或多重環結,使得投資人根本不容易了解並掌握其背後可能的風險,而一般金融機構及其從業人員在財富管理這一領域中為了能增加手續費收入,或礙於本身的金融知識不足,而草率的推銷給不適合的投資人,現在在次貸風暴暴發後,不僅已造成許多銀行本身嚴重的虧損,甚至到破產的程度,而且也造成許多投資人和金融機構的訴訟與紛爭,現在已經有些國內銀行紛紛更改其公司組織架構,使得財富管理四個字,在銀行新組織下都不見了,例如永豐銀及中信銀就是這種情形,他們不再只做300萬以上的財富管理客群,而且不再強調VIP專屬的財富管理服務,而是著重維繫大小客戶的觀係。
財富管理服務以瑞士最為悠久及正統,其中三大瑞士銀行的第一大之瑞銀(UBS)及第二大的瑞士信貸銀行( CREDlT SUISSE) ,都在這波金融風暴中,產生巨大虧損,而第三大的EFG銀行(個案公司) ,卻能持續維持獲利及高成長,所以本研究將以此個案公司的特有之企業經營模式探討其成功的關鍵因素。
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風險、資訊不對稱與機構投資人之持股之研究 / Risk-taking, information asymmetry, and institutional investors' holdings徐曉君 Unknown Date (has links)
機構投資人持股比例越高。本研究認為,此乃機構投資人身為精明的投資者,利用自身資訊優勢的利基,能洞悉公司盈餘品質不佳背後的真正原因,並挑選具成長潛力的公司進行投資之結果。此外,風險承擔與機構投資人之持股呈顯著負相關,即公司風險承擔能力越高,機構投資人持股比例越高。具有成長導向的風險承擔能使公司價值提升,而機構投資人在進行投資選股時,會選擇具有較高風險承擔能力的公司。於公司價值部分,本研究實證指出,若三大法人上一期持股越高,則下一期公司價值會有顯著改善。然若個別檢視三大法人之影響,則發現僅投信對公司價值有顯著提升,外資法人與自營商對公司價值雖有正向影響,但其結果並不顯著。總體而言,本研究認同機構投資人為積極投資者的持股角色,會積極介入公司營運管理,並改善公司價值,為股權的擁有者(owner)而非短視近利的短暫持有者(transient holder)。
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宜蘭縣公立國民中學人力資本之衡量 / A study of human capital in public junior high schools in I-Lan County王虎存 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討學校人力資本的內涵,並發展較為完整的學校人力資本衡量方法,據之調查宜蘭縣公立國民中學人力資本現況。本研究以問卷調查法為主,輔以深度訪談法,研究工具採用自編的「公立國民中學人力資本調查問卷」,以等比例抽樣法,抽取1/3宜蘭縣公立國民中學的教職員進行施測,共計發出447份問卷,回收有效問卷410份,有效問卷率為92%,問卷資料運用SPSS 12.0統計套裝軟體建檔整理,以敘述統計、t檢定及單因子變異數分析等,呈現宜蘭縣公立國民中學人力資本的實際情形,另透過訪談資料分析,藉以探討各該現況的形成原因並尋求可能的因應方法。本研究結論為:學校人力資本是全體教職員知識、能力、經驗、創新學習、工作態度、團隊精神的總和;學校人力資本衡量方法分為四個面向及10項指標;目前宜蘭縣公立國民中學整體人力資本情形堪稱健全,教職員具有年齡低、學歷高、年資淺等特質;不同性別、年齡、學歷、在校年資、總年資、職務的教職員在部分人力資本指標有差異存在。本研究所建構的衡量工具可供各級公立中小學組織診斷及人力規劃之用,各項研究發現亦可做為學校人力資源管理的重要參考。
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晚明月令書研究──以《月令採奇》和《日涉編》為中心 / The yue ling books in Late Ming-Focus on the "Yue ling cai qi" and "Ri she bian"鄭曉波, Cheng, Hsiao Po Unknown Date (has links)
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清中葉青樓筆記之文化考察 / A Study of Mid-Qing Courtesan-Note郭穎瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
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