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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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服務導向企業中之資訊科技與企業契合度之評估 / Assessing IT-business alignment in service-oriented enterprises

蕭祥恩, Hsiao, Shiang En Unknown Date (has links)
Nowadays more and more enterprises transform into service-oriented infrastructure to sustain their competitive advantage. Although IT is an enabler of service-orientation, IT must align with business strategies to deliver expected value. In order to ensure the investment of service-oriented IT can improve the quality of customer service effectively, we aim to develop an IT-business alignment framework to assess the quality of alignment in the context of service-oriented enterprises. In our framework we propose three components of IT-business alignment: strategic alignment, operational alignment and social alignment. The strategic alignment is the degree to which the business process and information can support corporate service strategies. The operational alignment is the degree to which information systems fulfill the information and process needs of service orientation. The social alignment is the degree to which a common service climate is shared between IT and business units. Our data is collected from web questionnaires. The total data set constitutes a representative sample of n=300. Among all returned questionnaires, 96 were found to be complete and usable; this represented a response rate of 32 percent. From this research we get four conclusions: (1) Regardless of customer integration level, strategic alignment plays a significant role in improving customer service quality. (2) Strategic alignment is particularly influential to customer service quality when the enterprise is not service-oriented. (3) Operational alignment is not significant; however with the increasing of data integration level, enterprises increasingly emphasize the operational alignment. (4) Regardless of service-orientation; social alignment effectively helps enterprises make good customer service quality and retain customers. / Nowadays more and more enterprises transform into service-oriented infrastructure to sustain their competitive advantage. Although IT is an enabler of service-orientation, IT must align with business strategies to deliver expected value. In order to ensure the investment of service-oriented IT can improve the quality of customer service effectively, we aim to develop an IT-business alignment framework to assess the quality of alignment in the context of service-oriented enterprises. In our framework we propose three components of IT-business alignment: strategic alignment, operational alignment and social alignment. The strategic alignment is the degree to which the business process and information can support corporate service strategies. The operational alignment is the degree to which information systems fulfill the information and process needs of service orientation. The social alignment is the degree to which a common service climate is shared between IT and business units. Our data is collected from web questionnaires. The total data set constitutes a representative sample of n=300. Among all returned questionnaires, 96 were found to be complete and usable; this represented a response rate of 32 percent. From this research we get four conclusions: (1) Regardless of customer integration level, strategic alignment plays a significant role in improving customer service quality. (2) Strategic alignment is particularly influential to customer service quality when the enterprise is not service-oriented. (3) Operational alignment is not significant; however with the increasing of data integration level, enterprises increasingly emphasize the operational alignment. (4) Regardless of service-orientation; social alignment effectively helps enterprises make good customer service quality and retain customers.

運用 IT 投資組合理論以決策 IT 投資優先順序:個案研究 / Using the portfolio method to justify IT investments: a case study

張至善, Chang, Chih Shan Unknown Date (has links)
現今的社會,由於企業經營環境的高度全球化,及資訊科技進化的速度愈來愈快,企業所面臨的挑戰是日漸提升的,也因而對資訊科技/資訊系統的仰賴程度大幅提高。更甚者,企業不僅僅是運用所謂的資訊科技/資訊系統來應付大環境的挑戰,同時也希望能運用資訊科技/資訊系統來提高自身的競爭優勢。就在這樣的背景下,對於企業來說,如何去定義一項IT/IS 的真正價值,及如何運用有限的資源並投資在正確的 IT/IS 上成了一個很重要的議題。為了滿足企業對於這樣的需求,本研究旨在運用 IT 投資組合理論,彙整過去學者及研究的結果,並予之修改,提出一套藉由三項衡量指標: IT alignment, Business Value, 及 E-readiness 來決策 IT/IS 投資優先順序的方法論。最後,我們將我們提出的方法論實際導入並運用在一個挑選的個案中,藉此來驗證本方法論的實用性及可行性。我們相信本研究的結果可以供未來的企業在評估IT/IS 投資計畫時使用,同時也可幫助後續欲研究 IT 投資組合的學者,在我們所提出的架構上繼續建構。 / Nowadays, as firms operate in a much more competitive environment due to the rapid speed of globalization and evolving technologies, firms rely on IT/IS much heavier than before. They use IT not just to cope with the environment, but also to gain competitive advantages. Therefore, it is important for firms to justify the real value of an IT/IS and to invest on the right while also critical IT/IS with limited resources. To fulfill this need, this research aims at developing an IT portfolio method to evaluate and determine the priorities of each IT/IS investments based on three criteria: IT alignment, business value, and e-readiness. A case study was applied to verify the reliability and feasibility of our proposed framework in real business practices. We believe the final findings are helpful to (1) practitioners who can use this framework to justify their IT investments; and (2) researchers who can build upon this model to further examine the application of IT portfolio methods.


徐甄慧, Xu, Zhen-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟結構的轉型與教育機會的提昇等因素,已有越來越多的女性在各職場領域中一展長才,晉升至企業中高階主管之職位。本研究欲透過對以下諸問題的探討,瞭解女性擔任企業高階主管之個人與社會方面條件的配合與影響情形: 1.影響女性擔任高階主管之人格特質方面因素為何? 2.角色衝突情形對女性擔任高階主管之影響為何? 3.傳統社會價值觀對女性人格特質之形成有何影響? 4.傳統社會價值觀對女性角色衝突程度之影響為何? 5.個人任職公司之企業文化對女性擔任高階主管有何影響? 本研究以台灣地區之企業女性高階主管為研究對象,透過問卷衡量與訪談之方式,彙整出以下結論: 1.傳統社會價值觀會影響個人人格特質之形成。受傳統社會價值觀影響較小之女性,其性別特質之類型越趨向於男性化或兩性化,且會具有較高之個我取向成就動機。 2.傳統社會價值觀對個人之角色衝突程度有所影響。自我與重要他人對傳統社會價值觀之看法越相近時,其角色衝突之程度會越低。 3.個人之人格特質對女性擔任企業之高階主管有所影響。屬於內控取向、高度自我監控、男性化與兩性化性別特質與高度個我取向成就動機之女性擔任企業之高階主管比例較高。 4.角色衝突程度越低之女性,對其擔任企業高階主管越有正面影響。 5.個人任職公司之企業文化對女性擔任高階主管有所影響。任職公司之母國文化對女性越持有平等對待之看法時,對女性在企業擔任高階主管越有正面影響。 最後,本研究提出幾點建議以作為在職女性與企業界之參考: 1.對在職女性之建議 (1)突破傳統窠臼,追求自我實現 (2)事先做好職涯規畫,並積極尋求支援 (3)慎選投入之行業與企業 2.對企業界之建議 (1)塑造男女平等之企業共同價值觀 (2)透過人才延攬與升遷獎酬等制度之設計以落實男女平等之價值觀

中型銀行之策略探討─以E銀行為例 / The corporate strategy of a local middle-size bank - E bank

張宏維 Unknown Date (has links)
政府在1991年核准十六家新銀行的申設,台灣的銀行自此進入戰國時代。長期管制下的銀行業,由於缺乏對於新種金融商品及業務的創新能力,最後只能以價格為競爭手段,且對於風險的控管與日下降,種種激烈競爭的結果,使個別銀行市佔率偏低,產業利潤每況日下,資產品質逐年惡化。 銀行業除追求利潤外,經營策略之差異化,與所負之社會責任和帶給社會大眾之觀感亦已成為顧客選擇銀行之重點與目標。本文以E銀行為例,E銀行強調企業文化與重視服務品質,並榮獲國家品質獎之殊榮。本研究探討E銀行經營策略之研擬,引述國內外文獻分析E銀行目前所處的總體與產業狀況,並解析E銀行競爭力之優劣勢分析產生之機會與威脅,探討如何運用自身競爭優勢來擬定競爭策略。 研究結論特別引述野村總合研究所(2008),「服務,決勝金融大未來:野村金融產業大趨勢」,其中提到未來金融業決勝之關鍵在服務。在銀行業激烈競爭下,因為商品大同小異,如何傾聽顧客的聲音,以顧客的需求為導向,再輔以優質的服務創造顧客之價值,並且重視公司治理與社會責任之品牌形象,以獲取顧客之信賴感與忠誠度。 在愈趨競爭之產業環境下,各銀行唯有不斷思考自身之經營特色,競爭優劣勢,在競爭環境下找到機會,增加獲利之穩定與成長性,方能在此環境下擁有競爭優勢並得以繼續生存。

台灣會展產業永續性之挑戰- 以ISO 20121為解決方案 / The Challenges of the Sustainability in the MICE Industry in Taiwan - Using ISO 20121 as the Solution

賴柏宏 Unknown Date (has links)
會展產業(又稱MICE)具有整合多方資源的特性,能為當地帶來可觀的經濟效益,因此有火車頭產業之稱。但近年來研究發現MICE對經濟、環境社會帶來許多負面衝擊,應該進行永續發展以降低風險。2012年,倫敦奧運採用國際標準ISO 20121永續活動管理系統後,國際上廣泛地討論該標準的發展可能改變MICE既有的商業模式,更能落實永續發展。 本研究問題為「台灣MICE產業如何透過使用ISO20121發展其永續活動?」本研究認為,MICE使用ISO20121之過程應該要瞭解到相關利害關係人之觀點,才能夠深入瞭解企業使用ISO 20121的決策因素。本研究以「經營需求」、「競爭需求」、「發展需求」三個觀點進行分析,發現目前台灣MICE因為缺乏完整發展的綠色供應鏈而對標準使用造成了阻礙。本研究建議,為了使MICE能夠發展永續活動管理,政府與企業領導人應該與「多方共同合作培養成功案例」、「提倡MICE的合法性」、「發展綠色供應鏈」、「提供獎勵誘因」等方式增強市場對於永續需求的強烈信號。 / With the integrated features of multiple resources, event industry (also known as MICE) could bring considerable economic benefits for the local economy. However, recent studies have found that MICE can also cause negative impacts on economic, social and environmental aspects. To reduce the risk, MICE industry should address the sustainable development as a solution. After adopting by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games, ISO 20121, the standard of sustainable event management, have been extensively discussed in global society, which was considered to change the existing business model in MICE industry. This study aims to answer research question, “how can ISO 20121 benefit the MICE industry in Taiwan to develop sustainable event service?” This research finds out identifying differnet perspectives of stakeholders clearly is crucial so as to understand the decision factors that affect the use of ISO 20121. By examining “business needs”, “completion needs” and “development needs” perspectives, this study discovers that the lack of well-established green supply chain can hold back the sustainable development in the MICE industry in Taiwan. In order to develop the sustainable event service in MICE industry, this study suggests that the government and business leaders should cooperate with different sectors to create successful case study, advocate the legality, establish green supply chain and provide incentives as strong signal to stimulate the demand of sustainability in MICE market.

全面品質管理之高階領導透過企業文化以提升顧客滿意度之研究 / Total Quality Management: How Does Top Management Leadership Enhance Customer Satisfaction through Corporate Culture

黃珂, Huang, Ke Unknown Date (has links)
企業文化作為組織內部成員廣泛接納的價值觀和行為準則,潛移默化地控制和改變著企業內部人員的行為方式,從而對組織績效產生影響,因此企業文化的變革對於組織行為的調節有相當重要之作用。在全面品質管理的成功實施因素討論中,往往集中討論科技和資訊等方面的貢獻,卻相對缺乏對於軟性的企業文化的作用之研究。本文利用高績效工廠計劃第三輪蒐集之資料,利用偏最小平方法,分析了205家製造型企業的調查問卷結果,以探討公司高階管理者,應如果調整企業文化,來實施全面品質管理,提升組織的績效和顧客滿意度。本研究的自變量為高階領導的參與和支持,中介變量為企業文化,因變量為顧客滿意度;而其中中介變量又可以分為持續改善與學習、顧客導向、全面參與和團隊合作四個構面。 本研究發現,在公司高階管理者對品質管理有高度支持和參與時,組織內部會形成傾向顧客導向、重視全面參與和團隊合作、以及持續不斷改善與學習的組織文化,而這種組織文化最終都會提升最終顧客的滿意度。本研究之結論表示,在全面品質管理的實施過程中,高階領導者應透過全面變革其組織的文化,形成上下一體、協同合作、不斷關注顧客需求達成、利用經驗不斷改善品質和精益求精的價值觀,才能更好地完成顧客滿意度提升之目的,達成企業的競爭優勢。最後本研究亦提出對應的管理意涵、研究限制和未來研究的方向。 / As widely accepted values and codes of conduct inside of a corporation, the organizational culture controls and changes the way employees behave, influencing the corporate performance and customer satisfaction. Thus, the culture change is vital to regulate organizational behaviors. Total Quality Management is a philosophy that organizations can use to improve their performance but, often there is an over-emphasis on its tools and techniques, which may take precedence over the need to create a culture, that is open to change. This study collected the High Performance Manufacturing Round 3 data that contain 205 cases to analysis how can the top management change corporate culture to fulfill TQM and enhance customer satisfaction by using Partial Least Square. The independent variable would be Top Management Support and the dependent variable would be Customer Satisfaction. Corporate Culture would be mediating variable that contains Continuous Improvement and Learning, Customer Focus, Full Participation and Teamwork and Cooperation. This study suggests that if the top management highly support and commit to TQM, it is better for them to foster a Total Quality Culture that stressed on continuous improvement and teamwork spirit to improve customer satisfaction. Management implications, study limitation and future study suggestion and included in the end.

威權領導與知識分享意願相關性研究 - 知識分享文化的干擾效果

張瓊玉, Chang,Chiung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的蓬勃發展,地球村世界的來臨,提供現代人快速取得知識的平台,也促成了急速轉變的全球性競爭的環境,使企業面臨了非常重大的挑戰,迫使企業開始重新思考組織核心能力,以滿足隨時可能產生變動的市場需求;企業必須作出更快速的決策,以適應全球化腳步發展。越來越多的企業警覺到知識分享對於員工累積經驗與企業正向發展的重要性,因而透過不同的方式來鼓勵員工知識分享建構具競爭力的學習型組織。 多數的研究報告皆在探討轉換型領導風格 (transformational leadership) 和交換型領導風格 (transactional leadership) 對於組織文化、組織策略執行力…等的相關性研究,尚未有探討過威權式的領導風格對於員工知識分享意願的影響。威權式的領導風格是否影響員工知識分享意願、企業具備知識分享的氛圍,是否干擾在威權式領導風格之下之員工分享知識與經驗意願 ? 有鑑於此,本研究針對威權式的領導風格如何影響員工知識分享意願,並以知識分享之企業文化為干擾因素,尋找過去相關文獻資料加以整理,歸納出假設與模型,並依照此模型進行分析與探討,以提出對實務界有效的建議與學術界未來的研究方向。 本研究採問卷調查法,在不同產業中挑選頗具盛名的公司,針對其員工進行便利抽樣,並採用Lisrel 和 SPSS軟體來進行資料的分析。從威權式領導風格、知識分享企業文化、知識分享意願三個構面,探討主管威權式的領導風格如何影響員工的知識分享意願,並以知識分享的企業文化為干擾因素。以研究結果歸納出相關結論,以提供相關建議,供實務界在推行知識管理時一個主要的關鍵成功因素,以提高知識分享的可行性。亦供學術界進行組織氛圍研究之參考。 本研究結論如下: 1. 威嚴式領導與員工知識分享意願呈現負相關。 2. 知識分享的企業文化與員工知識分享意願呈現正相關。 3. 知識分享的企業文化,干擾在威權領導風格下之員工知識分享意願程度。 / In the past, research on the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals lacked discussions on authoritarian leaderships. Therefore, this research demonstrates how authoritarian leadership and or-ganizational culture affect the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals. The purpose of this research is to focus on an authoritarian leadership’s effect on the knowledge-sharing behavior of individu-als that is influenced by innovation and a sound organizational climate. Questionnaires were administered to employees from various in-dustries in order to gather information regarding individuals’ be-havior under an authoritarian leadership. The author used conven-tional sampling methods and 233 out of 250 participants provided relevant information. The findings of the research were as follows: 1. The more a leader tends to express authoritarian leadership, the less an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing behavior. 2. The more an organization demonstrates a knowledge-sharing culture, the more an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing be-havior. Such a culture, especially, encourages ‘innovation, sharing and learning’. 3. Organizations that possess a culture that is highly oriented to-wards knowledge sharing influence the knowledge-sharing be-haviors of individuals under authoritarian leaderships.

中國企業育成中心(科技企业孵化器)之研究 / Technology Business Incubators in China

蘇羚毓, Su, Ling-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
創新及創業被認為是現代社會緩解經濟遲緩、促進經濟增長、引領自主創新的一帖良藥。在中國,以培育科技型中小型企業、促進區域經濟發展的「科技企業孵化器」被視為中國落實「大眾創業,萬眾創新」政策的載體,更被用以促進中國經濟穩定增長的重要舉措之一。本研究試圖透過相關重要文獻及次級數據,輔以極具代表性的深圳及武漢地區之孵化器為案例,再透過財務政策及法律改革等相關數據,系統性地分析科技企業孵化器在中國經濟成長下所扮演的角色,以及中國政府在引領並推進此一創新載體所發揮之作用。研究發現,中國科技企業孵化器可做為促進科技創新與經濟增長之媒介-催化劑,為新創企業匹配早期所需之資源(包含知識移轉、社區實體及關係網絡對接),直接與間接地促進區域經濟轉型升級,證明了科技企業孵化器有能力促進國家創新能力與經濟可持續增長,並成為推進中國經濟轉型的助力之一。同時,中國政府扮演主導推進孵化體系發展的政策指導者,通過一系列資源及政策支持,指導科技企業孵化器的發展路徑及進程,同時促進了政府職能的轉變。總結本研究結果,科技企業孵化器是中國創新體系的一部分,其與政府之間存在著不可分割的關係。政府對科技企業孵化器的支持參與度越大,科技企業孵化器與政府的相互依賴度就越大。作為中國創新和科技發展政策框架的重要組成部分,科技企業孵化器正推動經濟可持續增長並建立一個技術創業的生態系統,同時重塑政府、市場、社會之間的關係。本研究結果可提供未來相關研究探討科技企業孵化器的可持續發展之創新能力。在中國經濟新常態下,探就可持續性的科技企業孵化器有助於全面了解中國科技與經濟成長之關係,相關研究值得後續進一步分析實證。 / Innovation and entrepreneurship are regarded as an economic tool to promote independent innovation and economic growth in the sluggish economy. In China, the Technology-based Business Incubators (BIs) focusing on promoting technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and regional development are viewed as the innovative carriers under the initiative of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. This study attempts to systematically analyze the role of BIs in Chinese economic growth and the role of government play in advancing BIs development through the important literatures and secondary resources, complemented in part with incubation case studies in Wuhan and Shenzhen, and the implementing results of the financial policies and legal reforms. Findings demonstrate that Chinese BIs serves as the catalyst to accelerate S&T development and to provide matching service at technopreneurial functions on the resources of knowledge (high-tech research to patents), communities (high-tech SMEs, universities, and relevant entities), and networks (accessing government, investors, and entrepreneurs), which have promoted regional economic transformation. Meanwhile, the role of Chinese government plays a policy guidance in incubation system, while promoting the transformation of government functions. To conclude this research, BIs are part of the Chinese innovation systems. There is an inseparable relationship between Chinese BIs and the government. The greater the government involvement in BIs support, the greater the interdependence of the BIs and the government. BIs are one of the important factors to facilitate the self-reform of the government, remodeling relations among the government, market and society. In the background of China's “new normal”, the findings of this study provides a future direction to investigate the innovation capability of BIs sustainability. To understand the overall picture of China's rapid growth economic development, the innovation capability of BIs sustainability is worthy of further investigation and discussion.

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