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「三菱」の創業に見る日本近代企業文化の形成と展開 - 創始者岩崎弥太郎のモラルとそのバックボーンを手掛かりに-王, 紅梅 31 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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日本松下與京瓷之經營哲學溯源探討 / Research on the origins of Japan's Panasonic and Kyocera's management phylosophy白偲琳 Unknown Date (has links)
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大陸地區中小型台商企業流程再造工程(BPR)應用研究 / BPR 企業E化林振明, Lin ,Cheng Ming Unknown Date (has links)
一、 經由實際輔導中小型台商經驗及觀察其內外在經營環境之演化,並藉由SWOT分析, 流程再造工程(BPR),將有助於提升其總體競爭力.
二、 歐美企業與台商企業民族性不同,因此在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異.
三、 中大型企業與中小型企業組織規模不同,在流程再造工程導入方法論上存在高度差異.
四、 不同型態的中小型台商企業受限於企業文化及組織氛圍,企業主的經營理念及管理風格,管理團隊之管理素質與溝通及執行能力,甚至行業特性等,都將對於在應用流程再造工程(BPR)方法論上,存在高度差異.
流程再造工程(BPR)之應用,對於中小型台商企業間,存在高度差異性,本研究亦試圖從過去協助多家企業,規劃與導入流程再造工程之實務中,歸納及整理出一套,對於不同型態中小型台商企業在導入流程再造工程時,可以參考之實用性架構,已上種種僅希望對於中小型台商企業之未來競爭力有所助益. / For over the past ten more years, Taiwan’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) had been struggling with immature business environment in China, whatever on the aspects of macro economy, sociality or politics. However, the significant achievement that Taiwan’s SMEs had established in China is undoubtedly hard to be ignored.
Thanks to early contribution of Taiwan’s SMEs and some Hong Kong’s companies, China has progressed step by step in all respects. Therefore, China attracts further capital injection from large-scale multinational companies and Taiwan big companies for the purpose of investment, factory expansion or business vertical consolidation. In addition, because of the full support of China government and the know-how transfer from Taiwan and Hong Kong’s enterprises, China’s companies have also grown to begin capturing most of the market and human resources originally owned by Taiwan’s SMEs. Thus, Taiwan’s SMEs have begun to face the survival challenges due to the severe market competition and easy to be copied technology resources that they have.
In reflection of aforementioned uncertainty and squeezed profit in the current business environment, Taiwan’s SMEs in China are suffering the threat again, which is similar to the same situation when they were forced to move their business into China ten more years ago, or even worse. Fortunately, Taiwan’s SMEs in China have accumulated a certain capital and resources,which are solid enough to help them overcome the difficulties gradually. However, Taiwan SMEs still need to think and defend against a looming problem, i.e. how to enhance their overall competitiveness in order to face current and future more stringent business environment.
This dissertation is issued based upon 1) my personal practical and consulting experiences at Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 2) continuous observation about the internal and external business environment faced by Taiwan’s SMEs in China, 3) the learning methodology and results of EMBA course, 4) deliberation upon the implementation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) theory at medium to large scale international and local companies.
And according to my practical experience and many years of observation in China, I have summarized my research results from four dimensions as follows:
1. By way of SWOT analysis, it is found that the implementation of BPR theory is indeed able to help enhance overall competitiveness of Taiwan’s SMEs in China.
2. Due to cultural and national difference, there is high difference existing between western multinational and Taiwan’s companies in the implementation of BPR theory.
3. Due to economic scale difference, there is high difference existing between large and small to medium companies in the implementation of BPR theory.
4. Even for the SMEs as a whole, there is still high difference existing in implementing the BPR theory among different small to medium sized companies, which are due to the difference in the quality and style of management, communication and execution effectiveness of the organization, and corporate culture and industry characteristics of the company itself, etc.
Through different case study analysis, the paper is intended to modify the current BPR theory applied at large scale western and Taiwan companies, and help to establish a concrete proposal to benefit different Taiwan’s SMEs in China. Finally, I sincerely hope that the paper could give Taiwan’s SMEs in China a practical reference guide and help them enhance their overall competitiveness in the future.
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企業文化對於勞資互動規則影響的研究:以在台日資企業主管領導風格為對象高貴敏 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業領導人特質、企業文化與品牌個性間之相關性--長期歷史觀點研究 / The relationship between the leader's personality, corporate culture, and brand personality: A historical viewpoint劉吉傑 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 四位企業領導人之個性,均以「嚴謹性」為最突出,其他特質彼此有差異。
2. 四家企業文化所重視的價值觀差異:
(1) 企業文化的「社會責任」及「表現績效」與公司的國際化程度有關
(2) 企業文化的「卓越創新」及「甘苦與共」與公司的創立年代有關
3. 四家企業的品牌個性,多集中於「有能力」、「真誠」與「興奮」,少出現在「雅緻」、「粗獷」與「平和」三個構面。
4. 領導人個性、企業文化與品牌個性,部分具有關聯性:
(1) 領導人個性的「正直誠信」、企業文化的「正直誠信」與品牌個性的「真誠」有正向關係。
(2) 領導人個性的「開放性學習」、企業文化的「卓越創新」與品牌個性的「興奮」有正向關係。
(3) 領導人個性的「可信度」、企業文化的「科學求真」,與品牌個性的「有能力」有正向關係。
(4) 領導人個性的「權力需求」與企業文化的「團隊精神」有負向關係。 / Although a considerable amount of research discussed the factors affecting brand personality, there was limited research that focused on how a corporate leader’s personality and corporate culture affects brand personality. Corporate culture significantly influences employee values and decision-making. Likewise, brand personality may also be strongly influenced by corporate culture. In the past, most studies utilized consumer questionnaires to measure brand personality, but such a method only retrieves data at the present moment. Nevertheless, brand personality data may be acquired through analyzing the historical development of advertisements, which is a key media communication tool. Hence, this study investigates advertisements to measure brand personality and discusses the relationship between a corporate leader's personality, corporate culture, and brand personality.
The chosen method of study is content analysis and the data sources are composed of 212 newspaper and magazine articles from the year 1967 to 2008 about corporate leadership personality and corporate culture. Four companies including I-MEI Food Co., King Car Food Industrial Co., Tatung Co., and Giant Bicycle Inc. were selected for study. In addition, the study also collected 509 related advertisements of these four companies ranging from 1981 to 2009. Through observing variable trends and referencing previous supporting research, this study attempts to find the relationship between these variables. The research results are listed below:
1. The most outstanding personality among the four chosen corporate leaders is “conscientiousness”, however, other attributes differ amongst them.
2. There is difference of corporate culture among these four companies:
(1) There is a strong relationship between a corporate culture’s “social responsibility” dimension, “performance-orientation” dimension, and the company’s degree of internationalization.
(2) There is a relationship between the corporate culture’s “excellence & innovation” dimension, “cohesiveness” dimension, and the year in which the company was founded.
3. The four companies’ brand personalities tend to focus more on “competence”, “sincerity”, and “excitement” dimensions and less on “sophistication”, “ruggedness”, and “peacefulness” dimensions.
4. There is relationship between the corporate leader’s personality, corporate culture, and brand personality.
(1) There is a positive relationship between the “personal integrity” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “integrity” dimension of corporate culture, and “sincerity” dimension of brand personality.
(2) There is a positive relationship between the “openness to experience” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “excellence & innovation” dimension of corporate culture, and “excitement” dimension of brand personality.
(3) There is a positive relationship between the “dependability” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “scientific proof” dimension of corporate culture, and “competence” dimension of brand personality.
(4) There is a negative relationship between the “need for power” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality and “teamwork spirit” dimension of corporate culture.
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企業文化與知識管理類型對企業智慧資本構成之關聯性研究賴冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果亦顯示企業文化及人力資本、創新資本均與財務績效有顯著的關聯性。本研究結果所發現企業文化、知識管理、智慧資本以及財務績效四者間的關係,隱喻企業文化是企業推行知識管理及提昇經營效能的關鍵,亦即企業在推行知識管理前應先檢視本身的企業文化。此外,揭露具認知重要性之智慧資本各構面衡量指標似有助於傳遞企業隱藏價值給投資人。 / Measuring and managing intellectual capital through knowledge management (KM) has been perceived the most important issue in knowledge-intensive companies. It has been suggested that a supportive corporate culture cornerstones not only a successful implementation of KM system but also the effectiveness of an organization. It is essential therefore to enhance our knowledge in interrelationships among corporate culture, KM, intellectual capital and operating performance. Using a sample of firms listed in TSE and OTC and a questionnaire as research tool, this thesis explores the typologies of corporate culture and KM, and their impacts on intellectual capital and financial performance.
The empirical evidence indicates that the attributes of corporate culture are significantly associated with the attributes of KM activities. Both corporate culture and KM shed significant impacts on cognitive importance of intellectual capitals. Firms with distinct corporate culture, placing more foci on human resource development, innovation and market competition tend to have more intensive knowledge management activities, information technology utilization, and exchange and lash of knowledge between the members of the organization. Compared to firms with low innovative-bureaucratic culture, firms with high effective-supportive culture concentrate more on all aspects related to human capital and innovation capital.
Compared to other firms in the sample, firms with high flexibility-high degree of knowledge management activities focus more on human capital, innovation capital, and process capital. Compared to firms with high control-low degree knowledge management activities, companies characterized with humanistic-medium degree knowledge management activities emphasize more on innovation capital.
The findings also show that both corporate culture attributes and components of human capital and innovation capital are significantly associated with financial performance. The results thus suggest that corporate culture is important to company success in implementing knowledge management system and business performance. It implies that companies may need to nurture a more supportive corporate culture prior to implementing a knowledge management system. The intellectual capital indicators suggested in the study may also be helpful in disclosing the hidden value of the firm to their investors.
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名古屋大学学生のための就職セミナーの成果と課題 : 『地元企業経営者から学ぶ「愛知の仕事」セミナー』の試みTORAIWA, Tomoka, WATANABE, Rumi, 虎岩, 朋加, 渡部, 留美 24 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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從企業機制及內部環境研究跨國公司知識分享實務, 以美商3M及德商Degussa公司為例吳宏智 Unknown Date (has links)
在高度競爭的全球化市場,如何創造差異化以及強化核心競爭力是現今企業非常迫切的課題。二十一世紀的產業競爭已從成本、產品導向轉變為服務與知識的競爭。 本研究的中心議題──建立有利於知識分享的機制及企業環境,是一個值得企業深思與努力的課題。筆者從研究中發現,一企業若能努力做好下列建議的工作,必可在知識分享工作中獲得較佳的成效。
七、適任的知識統籌員發揮知識中心(hub) 的功能,強化企業內部知識的
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營建廠商組織變革個案研究陳啟斌, Chen, Chibin Unknown Date (has links)
個案研究之主要發現為:缺乏變革管理經驗的企業,初期嘗試推動組織變革,傾向於採用「基本策略」變革為主要取向;在習於服從權威的組織環境中,領導者的視野與意志貫徹,為企業進行組織變革的關鍵成功因素;成功的組織變革需要涵蓋全面,藉由系統化的策略思維,將各項變革作為加以互相連結;客觀、全面、正確而深入地檢視與診斷組織既有問題,是有效達成組織變革的必要手段;企業面對惡質化的市場競爭,需透過策略再思維重新定義經營領域,以提升經營效能;封閉產業廠商面臨產業環境國際化變局,需進行涵蓋較多層面的組織變革,以因應變局挑戰;對於採取「基本策略」變革而言,推動既深且廣、符合策略目標的企業流程再造,為達成變革目標的關鍵;明確、與變革策略相結合的績效管理,是推動「基本策略」變革的有效工具。 / For decades, the construction industry of Taiwan has undergone its underdevelopment, with its scale, technologies and managerial capabilities backward to the average of worldwide competitors. Such competition posture has turned severer as the local construction market opened to global competition since Taiwan entered WTO. This research studies the strategic thinking, contents, the process and performances of organizational changes initiated by a leading company (“The Company”) of Taiwan construction industry while facing the harsh impact on business environmental changes.
Reacting to industrial changes, in year 2000, CEO of The Company initiated to re-mold its corporate culture, to advocate new corporate values and to re-define business approaches. To execute rethinking approach of change management, The Company adopted the strategy of “selection & focus” to target on system integration of infrastructures, buildings and hi-tech factories as core business, with strategic competences of SI, risk management and fast-track skills to be cultivated.
To achieve strategic objectives, The Company facilitated business process reengineering, which centered on performance management mode and process reengineering, including management by objectives, organizational restructuring, adopting ERP for engineering planning & management, budget control and reestablishment of information system of human resource management, for the enhancing of operational efficiency. Such managerial effort has led The Company to financially outperform local competitors for the latest three years.
What this research reveals can be an inspiration to business execution. The overall commitment of the corporate is essential to the success of an organizational change since the change requires the comprehensive coverage. The leader’s vision and perseverance are critical to the fulfillment of organizational changes. It is pivotal to facilitate such changes with systematic strategic thinking. The subjective, comprehensive, extensive and precise survey and diagnosis on the existing problems of an organization is necessary to effectively reach the objectives of organizational changes. To set out suitable competition strategies in accordance with environmental factors and organizational conditions is indispensable to enhance business effectiveness. The performance management which aligns with strategic objectives is the important means to execute the organizational change.
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內部行銷塑造企業安全文化--以杜邦公司為例 / Building Safety Culture Through Internal Marketing -- DuPont Case Study何宏聲 Unknown Date (has links)
企業文化是企業成功的關鍵因素(Key Success Factor) ,但是非常抽象、含糊,難以定義。而建立企業文化相較於擬定營運計畫或行銷計畫更加困難,因為營業利潤具有量化數字而企業文化較難量化,因此常被企業經營者忽略;企業文化始終無法有效建立。
本研究擬以邱志聖教授著作之策略行銷分析 (2006) 一書中所探討的內隱交易成本作為組織內部行銷策略之基礎,配合 Ahmed & Rafiq 二位學者所著內部行銷 (2002) 一書為輔,結合杜邦公司二百年來的安全管理實務作為個案分析,以了解、評估及探索在不同的安全文化階段下,企業可以採取哪些內部行銷方法促使員工改變觀念與行為,並驗證不同的安全文化階段所使用之內部行銷策略也將不同。
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