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醫療糾紛之理論與實證研究 / An empirical study on the medical disputes劉惠芝, Liu, Hui Chih Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文就最高法院民事案件,分別從醫療糾紛判決背景資料之「年度」、「醫療機構層級」、「科別」、「上訴人」與「上訴結果」,以及醫療糾紛審判實務,如「醫療過失」、「因果關係的認定」、「民事責任請求權基礎及舉證責任之分配情況」、「告知義務」、「醫療鑑定在醫療糾紛應用」,進行實證分析,並依實證數據成果,提出「醫療科別屬性與醫療糾紛案件量多寡密切攸關」、「法院對於醫師在個案是否盡注意義務,應以理性醫師之注意標準綜合評價」、「針對醫療訴訟特性,適度分配醫病雙方之舉證責任」、「宜建立醫療傷害補償基金制度」、「醫事人員確切履行告知說明義務」、「健全現行病歷表之相關問題」、「關於醫療糾紛鑑定實務」暨「透過消保法填補醫療(院)組織疏失之責任」等八項結論及建議,以供實務與學術研究者未來對於醫療糾紛訴訟案件研析時之參考。 / Recently, legal cases concerning medical dispute have a tendency to increase gradually. This article tries to explore different viewpoints between practice and academic theory by empirical analysis and then briefly indicates some of my humble views. Before doing the empirical analysis, this article will briefly introduce the related literatures and theories. Firstly, explains related concepts between medical behavior and medical dispute to define the liability that doctor and medical institution should bear because of their medical behaviors. Then, discuss the basis and connotation of the civil liability for medical malpractice from the substantive law viewpoint, such as the liability for medical contract, medical tort liability, the implementation of the Consumer Protection Law and the Medical Care Act and the causality from the medical malpractice etc. Secondly, this article will discuss the basic principles of allocation of burden of proof for civil medical dispute from the procedural law viewpoint and in the same time, briefly analyze and research that whether it is appropriate to adopt the allocation of burden of proof for medical malpractice from American and German law in our own practice. Furthermore, respecting the fact that for judges to make their decisions in particular medical dispute cases, they always have to send action materials to professional medical institutes for identification, thus, this article also wants to explain the current situation of implementation of our medical identification system, and points out the problems of current medical dispute identification system accordingly.
Lastly, this article will proceed empirical analysis according to the Year, Levels of the medical institutions, Divisions, Appellant, Result of Appeal from the background of the verdicts of the civil medical dispute cases awarded by the Supreme Court and according to the medical malpractice, the determination of the causality, the condition of basis of civil title of claiming and allocation of burden of proof, obligation of informing, medical identification in the medical dispute from the medical dispute trial practice. Base upon these results, this article indicates eight conclusions and suggestions for reference for the active participants and academic researchers in future medical dispute lawsuits: the attribution of the medical care division and the number of the medical dispute cases are closely related, court should do omnibus assessment using the standard of due diligence as a rational doctor to determine whether a doctor fulfill his duty of care in a specific case, with the particularity of medical actions in mind, appropriately allocate the burden of proof between doctor and patient, it is better to establish the compensation foundation system for medical damage, medical personnel should literally perform their obligation of informing, to refine the problems of current medical record, things concerning medical dispute identification practice and using the Consumer Protection Act to fill the vacancy that caused by the negligence of the medical institutions.
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跨國專利侵權訴訟之管理陳郁婷, Chen,Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文提出一套跨國專利侵權訴訟管理之機制,橫跨最重要的兩個世界市場—美國、中國為主,法律面提供詳盡完整的如警告信發送、起訴、審前會議、馬克曼聽證會、發現程序、審判程序、專利無效程序、訴前救濟、保全措施等訴訟程序、制度規定與流程架構;企業管理面提供包含研發、生產製造、市場行銷、財務、會計、租稅、外部律師、專家、公證人等全面性管理策略,以大量實證的方式分析整理、以豐富的跨國專利侵權訴訟實戰經驗寫成,期望能使台灣產業真正打贏一場戰爭。 / Since 1980, Taiwan companies had been sued by European, U.S.A., Japan companies for patent infringements and forced to pay out enormously. Therefore, they started to invest tremendous amount of money and resources in research & development (R&D), as well as in patent prosecution. Last decade, Taiwan companies had already spent up to 190 billions New Taiwan Dollar (NTD) in U.S.A., Taiwan, and China patent prosecution and maintenance fee. Yet, if added up the cost of hundreds of transnational patent litigations, the total amount was up to 200 billions NTD and it did not include Taiwan companies had to pay out 150 billons NTD royalty yearly. 190 billions NTD for example could provide for twenty thousand employees and influence 470 thousand shareholders in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). This certainly exhibited that Taiwan companies had been invested magnificently in R&D and patent prosecution.
However, examining the outcome of patent infringement litigations of Taiwan companies in last decade, it shows: (1) every year there are critical patent infringement litigations which influence the development of Taiwan industry; (2) litigations are throughout all important Taiwan industries; (3) in most of time, Taiwan companies are defendant , not plaintiff; (4) Taiwan companies reach the settlement with paying a great sum of indemnification and royalty mostly; (5) most Taiwan companies lose in the litigation.
As the above described, although Taiwan companies have invested enormous resources in R&D and patent prosecution, it does not change the situation which every year Taiwan companies are sued for patent infringement, have to pay out a great sum of indemnification and royalty, and certainly still stand in indifferent position of the R&D value chains. After all, what Taiwan companies obtain is not what they expect from their investments.
The cost of creation, protection, management of intellectual property include R&D, patent prosecution, patent litigation, royalty, and indemnification. Although U.S.A. companies invest a lot in R&D and patent prosecution, they usually earn back from patent litigation, royalty, and indemnification. However, Taiwan companies not only invest tremendous money and resources in R&D and patent prosecution, but also pay out much for royalty or the outcome of patent litigation. Obviously, Taiwan companies have some serious problems in their methodology of management transnational patent infringement litigations, thus it is very crucial to change their methodology immediately!
Taiwan theses and studies usually fall into “translating foreign papers, laws and regulations ”, “discussing the choice of some parts of cases”, or “studying theories excessively”, also almost no inquires into patent litigations in China. Consequently, the discussions and studies of patent litigations in Taiwan have never brought out the whole picture and practical actions of strategic management of patent litigations. Obviously, most studies spend too much efforts and resources on legal details and ignore the most important matter which is how international companies control and manage transnational patent litigation. As a result, Taiwan companies never learn how to win a patent litigation war.
Therefore, this thesis is different from other Taiwan theses because this thesis provides a mechanism of managing transnational patent infringement litigations. Prominently, this thesis covers patent litigation procedures and management in the most significant markets in the world—U.S.A. and China.
In the legal aspect, this thesis provides information on the complete litigation procedure in U.S.A. and China which includes cease and desist letter , service, pre-trial conference, markman hearing, discovery, trial, patent validity procedure, pre-trial injunction, protective injunction; in the management aspect, this thesis provides complete management strategies which shall be carried out as the regular basis and during a patent litigation while managing R&D, manufacture, marketing, finance, accounting, taxing, law firm and lawyer, expert, judge performing notarization. Most importantly, this thesis analyzes enormous patent litigation cases and industrial information, therefore this thesis is able to provide the first and never-seen practical structure for Taiwan companies to win a patent litigation war.
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技術標準必要專利與禁制令救濟之研究 / A Study of Injunctive Relief and Standard Essential Patent Infringement王柏翔, Wang, Bo-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
標準制訂組織(Standard Setting Organization, SSO)訂定F/RAND授權原則承諾(Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory)於其智慧財產權政策,要求標準專利權人應以公平、合理且無歧視的授權條件,向所有標準實施者提供授權。F/RAND授權原則承諾之發展,目前趨向於強調專利權人的契約義務,以第三方受益人的立場來平衡授權當事人的談判地位;如何「符合F/RAND授權原則之授權」,目前各國尚未有明文法律解釋,對於F/RAND授權原則承諾之清楚定義與規範,目前僅有法院及競爭法主管機關之見解。
在標準必要專利訴訟中,台灣廠商處於被告之身分的狀況居多。面對禁制令的威脅,如何更清楚地了解目前各管轄法院的看法以決定訴訟或談判策略更是重要。本文整理美國、歐洲及亞洲國家之管轄法院案例,加上對競爭法架構下的標準專利授權規範的分析,最後整理如何讓F/RAND授權原則承諾成為對抗禁制令有效抗辯。希望本文能為涉及標準專利訴訟之台灣廠商提供有價值的參考意見。 / Technology standardization and intellectual property protection has been an overlapping and controversial issue between Intellectual Property laws and Competition Law, particularly when it comes to infringement on F/RAND encumbered Standard Essential Patent, SEP. From both standard essential patent owner and potential licensee’ perspectives, the most questionable issue is whether injunctive relief should be available to the holder of F/RAND encumbered SEP who committed to license on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (F/RAND) terms, in order to prevent a third-party implementer from practicing a standard reading on that SEP, when such implementer is willing to take a license but the parties disagree on the terms of the license.
Furthermore, the definition of F/RAND has never been clearly defined by statutes or interpreted by any judiciary; interested parties could only refer to decisions or guidelines made by the judiciaries or competition authorities in different countries. It is rather common for Taiwanese companies to face F/RAND encumbered SEP law suits as the defendants. Given the even severer threat of injunctive relief, it becomes more important to understand the position each judiciary takes on this issue to have appropriate strategies on law suits and negotiation.
This thesis is accordingly written on the following perspectives: firstly, starting with discussion about F/RAND-encumbered SEP law suits in the United States, Europe and Asia; secondly, bringing in SEP encumbered disputes or investigations into framework of Competition Law from competition authorities among different countries and lastly trying to present possibilities that F/RAND commitment as a cause of action under Contract Law can be applied as defense to overcome injunctive relief sought by F/RAND-encumbered SEP licensors. Meanwhile, this thesis is expected to provide Taiwanese companies valuable strategies to law suits or disputes involving F/RAND-encumbered SEPs.
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由美國聯邦最高法院廣達案判決後最新發展探討專利權耗盡原則之演變 — 以台灣資訊代工產業為中心 / Exploring the Evolution of the Doctrine of Patent Exhaustion After Quanta Case of the U.S. Supreme Court — Centering on Taiwan’s Information OEM/ODM Industry闕河國, Chueh, Ho Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
本論文首先從經營策略及代工模式,探討台灣資訊代工產業發展與面臨的困境。其次,從專利權與專利侵害的法律規範,到專利權耗盡原則的法理基礎做一完整論述,加以美國先前相關案例的整理及類型分析,對「專利權耗盡原則」的理論與發展做一完整的探討。更進而整理廣達案判決後美國、中國大陸及台灣重要案例,探討「專利權耗盡原則」在其專利法制及實務案例的適用及影響。接著,探討在「契約自由原則」與「專利權耗盡原則」的衝突與調和下,其對於專利授權實務的操作及影響。最後,整理台灣資訊代工產業的代工類型化與廣達案前後美國、中國大陸及台灣權利耗盡重要判決之關聯性,並提出看法及建議。本文初步結論,美國法院案例可初步解析侵權風險及專利權耗盡的適用,並在專利授權談判可提出有效因應條款。廣達案後,美國各級法院均大致遵守此一判決先例,惟中國大陸及台灣法院實務判決仍未完全採取美國的判斷原則。對於後續的研究建議,新興3D列印科技發展及應用,其引發的複雜智慧財產權及「專利權耗盡原則」適用的爭議,確實值得重視。 / Quanta v. LG reaffirmed the applicable principles and standards of the "patent exhaustion principle". As the Quanta plays the lead role in Taiwan’s Information ODM/OEM industry, this US Supreme court’s decision not only limits the patent holder improper control of the industrial chain, but also affects the entire supply chain face the risks and patent license strategies. Quanta establishes the index that "unfinished finished enough to reflect the essential features of the patent and the sole purpose thereof " and "method claim" apply to patent exhaustion. However, "conditional sale or license" is still controversial. Therefore, the Post-Quanta interpretation is worthy of attention. Taiwan's IT Industries most account for the role of "manufacture or assembly" in the supply chain. Subject to the upstream suppliers of the key components or downstream brand customers, they bear all risks caused by infringement of patented products. The Quanta case and its post development will help Taiwan Information foundries to deal with international patent litigation, patent license and etc., and take it as a means to defend against patent infringement claim.
Firstly, this thesis explores the development of Taiwan's information ODM/OEM industry and the difficulties of its business strategies and ODM/OEM models. Secondly, it turns to discuss the development of the "patent exhaustion doctrine", and then reviews US critical cases of "patent exhaustion doctrine". In addition, it analyzes post-Quanta cases of the United State, China and Taiwan to discuss the application and impact of the "patent exhaustion doctrine". Furthermore it explores its operation and effect on patent license practice under the conflict and reconciliation of "freedom of contract" and "patent exhaustion doctrine". Then, it identifies Taiwan’s information OEM/OEM industry in a variety of models and associates the models with the important cases of the United States, China and Taiwan regarding patent exhaustion, and makes remarks and suggestions. Finally, this thesis preliminarily concludes that US court cases basically resolve the risk of infringement and patent exhaustion application, and patent license negotiation may be made to respond effectively to the situation. After Quanta, US courts are substantially in compliance with this precedent judgment, but not for China and Taiwan. For subsequent study suggestion, it is worth attention about dispute of the emerging 3D printing technology development and application, which link complex intellectual property rights and the application of "patent exhaustion doctrine".
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藥品的核准前專利爭端解決程序- 美國專利連結為借鏡 / Pre-Approval Patent Resolution Process of Drug Product- Lessons From U.S. Patent Linkage吳東哲, Wu, Tung-Che Unknown Date (has links)
美國作為醫藥技術的領導者,為了確保其利益,並維持其領導地位,不斷在各種貿易談判場合,向世界各國施加壓力,要求提供醫藥品更強力的智慧財產保護。台灣當然也不例外,在加入跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協議 (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, TPP)、簽訂臺美貿易暨投資架構協定 (Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, TIFA) 的壓力下,我國政府從2014年開始積極推動專利連結,雖然獲得美國商會肯定,但卻在國內業界卻引起十分強力的反彈。
專利連結,本質上只是核准前專利爭端解決程序 (Pre-Approval Patent Resolution Process) 的其中一個類型而已。核准前專利爭端解決程序,就是在特定產品上市核准的准駁中,把專利侵權問題作為准駁的考量。國際上類似的制度主要出現在人用藥品、動物藥品中,通常是在允許引據他人安全性、有效性資料的藥品中 (類新藥、學名藥)。
我國目前對類似制度的了解並不深,尤其缺乏對制度原生國-美國的全面性研究。本研究選擇以發展最早的藥品專利連結作為研究標的,並全面、深入分析其中每個機制的目的、立法/修法歷史 (含行政法規)、法院判決,探求其爭議的發展過程。在這個基礎上,本研究就引進的必要性、各種立法手段的選擇與優劣,提出「修正版柔性專利連結」,主要特徵在排除了自動停止核准期、重定核准日條款,使藥品審查和專利爭端大致維持獨立,並符合TPP的要求。希望本研究能夠幫助台灣建立一套明確、合理,且符合我國國情的核准前專利爭端解決程序。 / As the phamaceutical industry’s market leader, the United States continues to call for strengthening patent protection for pharmaceutical products during every trade negotiation, to preserve its national profit and leadership. Taiwan, being highly interested in joining “Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement” (TPP) and signing “Trade and Investment Framework Agreement” (TIFA) with the United States, Taiwan's government is actively promoting the “patent linkage” since 2014. Althougn the effort done by Taiwan's government is extremely welcomed by American Chamber of Commerce, the domestic industry, which is mainly organized with generic drug manufactors, has expressed their opposition resolutely.
Patent linkage, as a kind of “pre-approval patent resolution process”, considers the possibility of patent infringement as a factor when issuing market approval. Such process are normally found in those countries that are trade partners of the United States, and espetially during the approval prosses of human-use drug products, animal drug products, which permits persons to rely on evidence or information concerning the safety and efficacy of a product that was previously approved.
Our current knowledge of pre-approval patent resolution process is limited, especially on how it was oranginally created in the United States. This research will focus on the purpose, enactment, amendment, court decisions, development, and issues of patent linkage, the first-of-its-kind which is established in 1984. On this basis, the reseach will then look back to what Taiwan has faced now, and provides recommendations on whether there is necessity of introdution, how to adjust the prosses, and how to enforce it, without serious abuse. This research propose “revised soft patent linkage”, which excludes automatic stay and re-date remedy, generally keeps the independence between drug approval and patent infringement, and at the same time meets TPP requirement. The research hopes to help Taiwan establishing its own pre-approval patent resolution, fair, clear and meet the need of domestic and public the industry.
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民法上抗辯權之研究阮詠芳, Juan, Yung-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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