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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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行政契約之效力與履行-以法國法制為中心 / The Effect and Execution of Administrative Contracts -- As based in France Law Analysis

吳秦雯, Wu, Chin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
Since 1980, a wave of new regulatory reform policies washed over the world, tightly controlled industries shrugged off their chains, and public institutions were privatized. The wellspring of regulatory reform is the global trend towards liberalization and privatization. Even so, the scope of government regulation is still wide, but the processes of this type of control changed and the administrative acts diversified. Among these administrative acts, the administrative contract is much more special than others. First of all, unlike other legal concepts that were important from German or Japan, it is a unique system in French administrative law. Secondly, the special mission of administrative contracts merits attention. Although we called it an administrative "contracts", some government privileges are attached to realize the administrative object. After the enactment of Administrative Procedures Law in 1998, the administrative contract has been recognized as a formal act in Taiwan, and it is important to know how to use it. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to find the solutions given to problems arising in our administrative law through understanding how administrative contracts work in France. To understand the notion clearly and correctly, we shall find the source of administrative contracts and then study the definition. The two basic criteria of the former are that the contract relates to a public service and the contract reserves exceptional powers to the administration (the clauses exorbitantes du droit commun). In Taiwan, the definition of administrative contracts is similar, but the criteria are quite different. To learn French experience in this regard for the purpose of the improvement of our system is the topic issue in the chapter second. However, the definition is just a basis to develop my issue in this thesis. This thesis focuses on the effect and execution of administrative contracts. At the third and the fourth chapter, I will devote more space to discuss how an administrative contract is made and the value of the intentions of the parties. Because of the France has always regarded an administrative contract as essentially an arrangement between unequal parties, public authorities have powers to redefine the character of the service to performed or the work to be done in order to meet the changing needs of the public interest. How about the administrative contracts work in Taiwan? Do we admit exceptional powers to the administration? What are the differences between the regulations in France and Taiwan? After an initial research, I find that the underlying foundations of administrative contracts in two countries are quite different, so the systems appear differently. However, identifying foreign precedents on similar problems and their possible solutions will certainly provide useful insights for local consumption. In addition, of course, I deal with a review of the concept of administrative contract in the Supreme Court Justices' decisions in the Judicial Yuan to figure out the main change of our jurisprudence. Then try to organize the judgments in the Administrative Court from 1999 when the Administrative Procedure Law and Administrative Litigation Law were significant legislated. Based on the research in this study, I examine the main categories of existing contract -B.O.T.- with the comparison between Taiwan and France. So what could we do more and learn from the experience in France is the topic issues in the fifth chapter. The final chapter is the general observations. As we know, our law on administration is far less developed than that in France. Much of it remains in the realm of practice rather than law. Nevertheless, there are increasing pressures for our law in this field to develop:changes are being made by significant legislations of the Administrative Procedure Law and Administrative Litigation Law. Our scholars as well as judges work very hard to build a modern system of administrative law .As a result, the French systematization in this area will provide a much-needed guide when we facing the same problems in the future, which will be encountered as our law develops.

角色壓力與自我效能關係之研究─以陸委會所屬相關部會公務人員為例 / Research on the role strain and self-efficacy relations – A case study of the public servants of Mainland Affairs Council

黃淑鈴, Huang, Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
擺盪在兩岸間博弈賽局的「壓力球」;壓力為兩岸關係潛在危機因子,透過菁英集體腦力激盪,突破台共勢不兩立界線;兩岸關係從軍事恫嚇武戰、拉攏外交擺盪至今,為利搭橋簽訂ECFA圖在世界舞台經濟發球權。 值此,文官躍上國際舞台創兩岸關係新紀元;我國陸委會為兩岸對話窗口,行政院動員所屬部會展開跨域治理架構。國家經貿外交希冀公務員拉抬國際高度與總體經濟廣度,謀國家利益榫接國際市場。 政府引進新公共服務與新公共管理理論雙軌運行,行組織再造之勢,這攸關國家競爭力,考驗公務員角色如何從儀式主義(ritualism)變身為管理者及資源分配者角色,更須背負活化組織、創新發展之責。本研究關心公務員角色在面臨國家利益、組織期待與家庭經營等三方壓力,個體如何管理壓力?又如何擁有足夠的「能力」去「抗壓」、「解壓」甚至是「化壓」?。 本研究藉由個案組織為例,旨揭為組織進化並研究組織吸納壓力變相間關係。組織潛規則經由層級節制建置制度,正向組織效能為軟知識以溝通、休閒為工具,以調和壓力與增強自我效能。意識形態之建置,從老莊思想「圖難為大」啟迪我們立志、勵志;莊子逍遙遊則說「且夫水之積也不厚,則其負大舟也無力;風之積也不厚,則其負大翼也無力。」水不深難以乘舟,壓力是助力激發潛能,效能排除阻力以乘風、大鵬展翅;研究建議組織應樹立價值觀為管理基礎,警鐘式策動公務員滋養自我效能建立遠大目標,須知千里之行始於足下。

我國公務人員公共服務動機之研究:影響因素與其變化 / A Study on Public Service Motivation of Civil Service in Taiwan: Influencing Factors and Changes

王品惟, Wang, Pin Wei Unknown Date (has links)
摘要   公共服務動機理論在1990年被提出後,迅速成為了公共行政研究的熱點,不同於新公共管理主張公務人員是理性自利,若無利可圖將不會採取行動的觀點,政府的「公共性」特徵,合理化了公共服務動機理論主張公務人員應重視內在性的激勵誘因,包含公共服務對他們的吸引力、對公共價值有所承諾、具有同情心或願意為公共利益自我犧牲等,隨之陸續發展出各家論點以及不同的動機測量方式。   在相關研究中,使用多構面的量表測量最具規模,然而公共服務動機相關研究已有二十餘年,實有必要獨立進行質性研究以獲得更紮實、深入的瞭解,因此,在無前例可循之下,本研究在現有量表基礎上,自行設計訪談大綱,並選擇我國中央及地方行政機關10位業務單位公務人員作為研究對象,除了瞭解我國公務人員的公共服務動機程度外,更重要的是,探討成為公務人員後,影響個人公共服務動機的組織內、外部因素及動機變化情形。   研究結果發現,我國公務人員展現較多「同情心」與「自我犧牲」特質,「公共服務的吸引力」與「公共價值的承諾」則相對較難察覺,且隨著年資增加,其公共服務動機逐漸遞減者居多,在影響因素上,機關首長與主管的領導方式、業務內容、考績獎懲制度、組織文化,以及公務人員社會信任與形象、年金改革的過程與爭議都在不同階段、以不同方式不同程度地影響其公共服務動機。本研究據此分別提出短期、中長期的實務建議如下,以提升我國公務人員公共服務動機:短期可分為營造良好的組織文化、建構友善公務環境、使公務人員感知自身業務的「價值」三大建議,並分別可從加強各層級主管的教育訓練、落實工時與休假制度、依政府財政狀況適時給予物質性誘因、以尊重與關懷方式鼓勵業務輪調、按實際需求辦理教育訓練等層面著手;長期則提出合理調整俸給結構、建立公平合理的獎優汰劣機制,以及對公務人員的尊重應先由政府自身做起等建議,期能提供作為一政策性參考。 / Abstract Since 1990 when Public Service Motivation (PSM) was brought out, it quickly became a hot study among the study of Public Administration. Unlike New Public Management (NPM), where it claims that public servants to be rational and self-interest based, and that no action would be taken if a situation being unprofitable, the “Publicness” of a government rationalizes the PSM theory where it claims that public servants should value internal incentive, including the attraction of public service, the commitment to public value and compassion or self-sacrifice for public interest, from which different theories and motivation measurement methods are developed accordingly. Among relevant researches the scale measurement using multidimensional construct are of largest scale. However it has more than twenty year history since the study of PSM and is necessary to conduct qualitative study for more solid and deeper understanding. Therefore, under unprecedented circumstance, with existing scale basis and self designed interview outline, the study chooses public servants from 10 Taiwan central and local government authorities as subjects for the purpose of the PSM level of our public servants, and more important, the internal and external organizational factors and motivation changes that affect individual public service motivation after becoming a public servant. According to the research, Taiwanese public servants show more qualities of “empathy” and “self-sacrifice”, less “the appeal of public service” and “the commitment of public value”, and the longer one serves as a public servant, the more the decrease of public service motivation. On the affecting factors, the leading methods of authority chiefs and directors, public affairs genres, audit, awards and punishment, organizational culture, the process and dispute of annuity reform have all affected the public service motivation at different stages with different ways, and on different levels. To offer as a policy reference, the study makes shot-term, mid-term and long-term practical suggestions accordingly so as to enhance PSM of Taiwanese public servants: 3 short-term suggestions are, a positive organizational culture, friendly public affairs service environment, allowing the public servants to feel the “value” of their own service. To start with, enhance trainings for supervisors of different levels, the implementation of working hours and off-day system, proper material incentives based on government financial status,encouraging internal job rotations in a caring and respectful manner, arranging trainings according to actual needs; for long-term suggestions, reasonable adjustment of payment structure, fair and reasonable award and elimination system, and the government itself to pay respect to the public servants.

公部門職業選擇:以公共服務動機做為調節變項 / Choosing Public Sector as a Career:The Moderation Effect of Public Service Motivation

謝向婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討考生或公共行政相關系所及一般大學高年級學生(大學三、四或研究生)在目前社會氛圍下,影響其報考公職意願之因素,經以公務人員工作保障、公務人員形象、公務人員年金改革方案接受程度等為自變項,公務門職業選擇意願為依變項,公共服務動機為調節變項,瞭解其報考公職的關鍵因素。本次以立意抽樣及便利抽驗方式並搭配網路等方式選取樣本。 研究發現公務人員的工作穩定仍是民眾報考公職的重要因素、公務人員的正面形象有助於提升報考意願以及瞭解年金改革方案甚至認同政府改革方向之考生,會提升其報考意願。經將公共服務動機及公務人員年金改革方案接受程度以其次構面分析,發現對制定國家公共政策有興趣、喜歡分享公共政策看法的人或因制定政策而使他人獲得利益而產生成就感者,則其公部門職業選擇意願越高;具有公共利益承諾高的受測者而言,即對制定公共政策有興趣者或喜歡與他人分享公共政策看法者,會增強其接受公務人員年金改革方案的程度;對認為職責優先於個人或願意承擔個人損失去幫助他人的人而言,在公務人員年金改革方案接受程度對公部門職業選擇意願造成影響之情形下,自我犧牲高者,更認同年金改革方案,反之不認同。 本研究認為相關單位在建立公務人員執業之形象上,可透過考試科目與職系說明書裡的工作內容做對照分析,考試制度除了筆試之外,可加入面試或心理測驗,以瞭解報考公職者之報考動機,有助於拔擢真正有意願從事公職服務或真正具有專業能力的人,並開辦與業務相關之專業訓練課程,提升公務人員業務能力,以營造公務人員專業形象。建議後續者針對公務人員年金改革對公部門職業選擇進行實務研究。 / This study mainly explores factors that influence potential public servants’ willingness to choose public services as their career with the current social ethos. Job security and quality of public work, image of public servants, and acceptance of the civil service retirement system reform are adopted as the independent variable. In addition, public service motivation (PSM) is hypothesized as a moderator variable between the previous independent variables and public career intention. Purposive and convenience sampling, along with the use of online survey, are conducted in this study to collect data. As a result, the study demonstrates that the stability of civil service remains the most important factor for the career choice. The positive image of public servants would help to improve the willingness to apply for public service. Also, people who understand or even agree with the public pension reform would increasingly attempt to work in the public sector. Through analyzing the PSM dimensions and the degree of acceptance of civil service retirement system reform, it is also found that those who are interested in formulating public policies or sharing their viewpoints would be more likely to choose public service as a career. Those who have the higher public interest commitment, interested in developing public policy or sharing with others, would enhance their acceptance of civil service retirement system reform program. For those taking the public precedence over the individuals, or those willing to take personal loss to help others, the higher the self-sacrifice, the higher degree of their acceptance to the public pension reform, and vice versa. The research results imply that the government could establish the career image of civil servants through the comparative analysis of national examination subjects and job contents. In addition to written examinations, the government could introduce face-to-face interviews or psychological tests to understand potential public servants’ PSM and select those who are actually willing to engage in public service or have professional competence. Moreover, proper training courses should be provided to help public servants enhance professional capacity and build professional image of civil servants. Future studies may aim for practical research on the influence of the civil service retirement system reform on the intention of choosing a public service career.

合作國家理念對進出口行政管制法制化之影響—以高科技貨品進出口管制為例 / The concept of cooperative state and its impact on the regulations for trade administration-a focused examination on control over high-technology commodities in Taiwan

賴國星, Lai, Kwo Shing Unknown Date (has links)
2001年美國遭受921恐怖攻擊,國際貿易由著重自由化、便捷化轉而強調貿易安全,高科技貨品進出口行政管制係悠關國際貿易及供應鏈安全,益受各國關注,世界主要國家更透過國際合作強化出口管制,如世界海關組織(WCO)所倡議之「全球貿易安全與便捷之標準架構」(Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade,SAFE)即為顯例。 全球化趨勢下,我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制不再是國內事務,須配合相關國際管制組織之規範實施相關管制作業,善盡地球村一份子之責任,才可避免受到國際制裁或抵制,影響我國貿易利益。 再者,處後現代時期,新保守主義興起,政府管理新思潮(如新公共管理、新治理)風起雲湧之際,各國進行政府再造工程,建構「小而能」之政府,惟國家任務雜,人民對政府之需求不斷增加,政府人力及預算有限情況下,「公協協力」、「合作國家」理念所倡導,引進私部門資源協助執行行政任務,乃成必須之選擇。本論文爰以行政法學之「合作國家」理念,析論我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制法制並提出評論與建言。 / After 921 in 2001, international trade had shifted its importance to trade security from emphasizing on trade facility. The export control of high-technology commodities involving security of global trade and supply chain, has been worldwidely raised concerns. Many countries have strengthened cooperation on export control of high-tech commodities through relevant international arrangements, for instance, “Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate global trade” initiated by the World Customs Organization. In globalization paradox, the export control of high-tech commodities is not only subjected to the national rule, but shall be also to comply with the relevant international regulations. Otherwise, it would be boycotted by other nations and cause damage to its trade benefits. Moreover, with neo-conservatism and emerging movement in public administration, which called “New Public Management” or “New Governance”, Governments have seek to reform in order to better meet citizens’ needs by limitation of manpower and budget. Consequently, the concept and resolutions of “Public Private Partnership” or “Cooperative State” in public administration and public law become the best option to response above mentioned conditions. In conclusion, this study attempted to analyze the legal framework of Taiwan export control of high-tech commodities with the concept of Cooperative State and tried to make suggestions and submit feasible resolutions for export control institution.

行動政府 行?不行?-- 臺灣群眾對公部門Line公共服務類官方帳號 接受因素的調查分析 / Investigating Factors Affecting Adoption M-government in Taiwan: a Case Study of Public Service Line Official Account

黃宇萱, Huang, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
「行動革命」到來,智慧型手機、平板或各式行動載具滲透人們日常生活,對人類的傳播模式產生了極大的變化。同樣的,這場行動革命,也襲捲到了公部門,「行動化」趨勢改變了政府現有的傳播方式。 在臺灣近年的行動媒介環境中,Line成為最普及的大眾化通訊程式,臺灣公部門也藉Line此行動平臺,試圖突破過往的傳播方式,公部門在Line平臺中的公共服務類官方帳號也先後上線。隨著行動裝置成為不可或缺的工具,這樣的行動官方帳號,更已成為臺灣政府在行動媒體時代資訊發布的重要管道。 基於上述研究背景與動機,本研究擬達成之研究目的為:(1)瞭解臺灣Line公共服務類官方帳號使用者的輪廓形貌;(2)調查臺灣群眾對於Line公共服務類官方帳號的使用行為;(3)瞭解影響臺灣群眾採用Line公共服務類官方帳號的因素;(4)建立並驗證描述「知覺實用性」、「知覺易用性」、「資訊內容品質」與「使用滿意度」之因果關係的假設和觀念性架構。 最終,以436份網路問卷資料,經結構方程模型驗證,本研究的5項假設均成立:Line公共服務類官方帳號中,使用者的「知覺實用性」、「知覺易用性」和「資訊內容品質」,皆對Line公共服務類官方帳號使用者的「使用滿意度」有正向且顯著的相關性。此外,研究中也檢驗出Line公共服務類官方帳號的「知覺易用性」以及「資訊內容品質」皆對於其「知覺實用性」有正向且顯著的關係。其中「知覺實用性」,是影響使用者採用Line公共服務類官方帳號的最重要因素。 本研究構建並驗證影響臺灣群眾對Line公共服務類官方帳號採用之因果模型,當中各構面之間皆具顯著相關,因此,以TAM為基礎,並加入「資訊內容品質」 的擴增模型,在預測臺灣群眾對Line公共服務類官方帳號的採用上,具有顯著效果。 / The development of mobile access technologies and the rapid growth of mobile broadband along with explosion of the mobile application ecosystem have created a new communication channel between the public administration and citizens. With mobile devices being one of the main tools of communication, Taiwan government agencies are increasingly using Line, one of the most popular messaging Apps in Taiwan, in a bid to increase effective communication with their citizens. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to (1)understand the behavioral and demographic attributes of the Public Service Line Official Account users; (2)propose an integrated model of Public Service Line Official Account acceptance by integrating perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use from Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), information quality theory and user satisfaction theory. The model and relationships were tested and validated with the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM), using data gathered from 436 users of Public Service Line Official Account in Taiwan. The results suggest that user satisfaction is directly influenced by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and information quality, whilst perceived usefulness is directly influenced by perceived ease of use and information quality. In addition, perceived usefulness to be a major influence on the adoption of Public Service Line Official Account in Taiwan.The implications of these findings are discussed.


溫喜富 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以新加坡為例,探討新加坡文官制度之內涵在此間運作的相關議題。筆者從新加坡文官制度的發展歷史、法令規章、社會政經等因素的相互關係上,探討新加坡文官制度在靜態面、動態面所衍生出各種面向與特色。 新加坡同其它英屬殖民地一樣,沿襲英國文官制度的傳統與設計,在二次世界大戰後英屬殖民地國家紛紛獨立,但這些國家戰後似乎並未在國家發展與經濟建設上,締造出如同爭取殖民獨立一樣的奇蹟,唯獨新加坡能以一彈丸小國,在風雨飄搖中建國成功,並締造傲人的國家發展與經濟成就。新加坡成功之道當然很多,對於新加坡之研究大多涉及政治與經濟領域為多,對於文官制度的探討則甚為少見,文官制度的行政運作與政府政治的關係密切,兩者可說是一體兩面,彼此影響甚大,文官制度可以說是政府行政運作最主要的組織,對於新加坡文官制度的建立、組織、內涵、運作、特色等等,在本篇論文中即針對這些議題加以論述,使我們一步瞭解新加坡的文官制度,同時並提出一些看法及見解。 第一章「導論」。本章說明筆者的研究動機與研究目的、研究方法、研究資料收集與研究限制等論文寫作要項,並對文官制度所關聯的一些名詞作概念、定義與界定,以作為建構本篇論文的分析架構。 第二章「文官制度之形成與發展」。本章簡述新加坡的現況、政府組織與文官結構,並從新加坡的歷史發展瞭解文官制度的演變過程,探討殖民地到自治建國時期,文官制度的概況與文官制度的重建,從本章節中,筆者將描繪出殖民地時期文官的角色、功能及政治立場與心態,並探究文官制度在新加坡自治到獨立建國過程中,採取的具體方法與措施,如此對於新加坡文官制度健全的法制化,將有一全面性的瞭解。 第三章「人事行政機關」。本章節中將就新加坡主管文官的權限機關作一分析,探討新加坡文官制度屬於哪一個體制類型的機制,這樣對我們瞭解文官制度的權力運作,人事主管機關的對應位階有所瞭解,在章節中也將分析現行新加坡各級文官的人事行政機關,以及各級機關組織的設立、成員、功能與權限劃分。 第四章「文官制度的內涵」。本章節中將針對新加坡文官制度運作的人士機關製作--說明,諸如文官的聘任、考核、訓練、俸給、分類、福利、獎懲、退休、服務制度、肅貪廉政等都包括在內,從這些制度的運作過程中,對我們瞭解新加坡文官制度法制面的規範與實際運作,提供一個檢視比較的範圍。 第五章「文官制度的特色」。本章節中分別就文官制度在新加坡發展運作過程中,呈現的特色分別說明,包括(1)一級政府之行政組織;(2)菁英主義與功續制度的結合;(3)快速晉升與高薪政策;(4)專家行政的增加等四個部份,新加坡之所以被人稱為行政國家自有其一定的道理,從這些特色中可以讓我們發現新加坡行政效率成功之道,也可以發現在成功背後人才流失的危機,文官快速晉升與高薪政策的行程因素,以及專家行政的形成。 第六章「文官相關問題研究與探討」。在瞭解新加坡文官制度的歷史沿革,各級人事行政機關,文官制度的內涵與文官制度的特色後,在本章節中將進一步深入探討與評析文官制度對新加坡整體國家發展的影響與貢獻,文官在政治、社會、經濟領域的功能與角色扮演為何?在我們常強調的行政中立問題上,新加坡文官政治立場是否受到影響,以及文官在運作過程中所採取的政策與措施,不可能完美無缺,其所引申的弊端與問題為何?藉由這些問題的探討,提供我瞭解新加坡文官制度運作與發展的借鏡及參考。 第七章「結論」。本章總結筆者將整篇論文的一些要點概略地整理歸納出來,使讀者很容易對新加坡文官制度的瞭解進入狀況,同時並提出一些建議,作為我國在文官制度的參考。

從新公共服務觀點探討我國電信普及服務制度之研究 / A Study on Universal Telecommunications Service in The View of The New Public Service

蔡炳煌 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電信自由化發展,我國電信市場已由公營獨佔變為競爭的局面,但高山、離島或偏遠地區,由於營收偏低或建設費用較高,電信業者在一般商業條件下,較無經營意願,極易造成偏遠地區通信建設落後及數位落差;即使業者正常經營,勢必大幅提高電信服務費用。如此,必然影響該偏遠地區之國民基本通信權益,故須輔以「電信普及服務制度」的政策,以照顧偏遠地區的弱勢族群。 我國電信普及服務制度自2001年6月實施迄今已屆5 年,本研究將從電信普及服務制度之理論基礎研析開始,以新公共服務之觀點針對我國電信普及服務制度提出探討研析,並經由文獻分析、參與觀察及深度訪談等研究方法,評估近年來我國電信普及服務之實施成效及衍生之相關問題,而進行理論及實務的分析和探討。 最後,針對我國電信普及服務制度之綜合研析,以作者的認知,試圖拋磚引玉,提出以下政策建議,以期使我國電信普及服務制度更趨完善周延,並作為我國電信普及服務制度未來規劃方向之參考: 一、 電信普及服務制度 應為我國電信自由化過程中,追求「效率與公平」的配套機制。 二、 以新公共服務觀點,電信普及服務應是政府及業者共同應該分攤的責任。 三、 電信普及服務之合理分攤原則,應以提供「電信服務」所創造的「公共利益」為共享主體,不宜將早期屬國營公司之海岸電台通信、教育推廣數據及社會福利補助等業務納入。 四、 歷年電信普及服務的實施成果及實施計畫之查核機制,僅有例行性的服務品質查核與成本稽核機制,未來應有更積極周延的獎勵誘因及激勵措施。 五、 檢討電信普及服務的實施範圍,應避免衝擊過大,宜採漸進方式調整為宜。 (一)不經濟公用電話宜採限縮於偏遠地區。 (二)應排除海岸電臺船舶遇險及安全通信服務為普及服務提供範圍,而改由政府部門編列預算負責推動。 (三)全國中小學校、公立圖書館之數據通信普及服務,宜採漸進方式限縮於偏遠地區。 (四)提高偏遠地區電信數據普及服務補助金額比例,初期可以寬頻未達之偏遠地區村里作為建設試辦點。 六、 應整合政府各單位有效資源,以建立更公平周延的電信普及服務制度。

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