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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣的住戶太陽能市場: 障礙, 解決辦法與發展遠景 / Taiwan’s residential solar photovoltaic (PV) market: barriers, solutions and developmental prospects

哈溫海, Karl Wendell Haby Unknown Date (has links)
雖然台灣在太陽能PV科技製造業上位居於領先位置,也採取了FIT來推廣太陽能PV及其他再生能源,但是市場的吸收(以及新計畫的完成)至今仍是進展緩慢;因此再生能源在台灣明顯且矛盾的狀況成了本論文的研究動機 為了理解為什麼有這種狀況,本論文採用了兩個廣泛的觀點: (一)市場障礙觀點:這個觀點提供了一個簡明的總結;在經濟學上國內太陽能PV的安裝,特別是家用投資者在FIT計劃下考慮電網連接。 (二)市場轉型觀點:這個觀點確定了影響並降低台灣再生能源市場的因素或是參與者(政府機關或其他相關團體的人員)。 本論文最後一個章節中提出了可能有助於提高台灣太陽能PV或是其他再生能源的接受度的實用步驟及政策措施。 本研究結果指向複雜且費時的申請手續,反覆修改的相關法令,及設定太低的FIT為至今台灣太陽能PV市場開發成功有限的主要原因。低電價、政府與台電間所發展出的相互依賴狀況以及極力避免破壞現況的密集產業為造成這些狀況的難題。 為了解決這些缺陷,本論文建議立即將FIT上修(至少每千瓦新台幣12.6元)並恢復補貼中小型投資者的資本。削除行政與程序上的障礙是促進在地太陽能PV市場和建立信心的整體方案上非常重要的的一環。論文中的最後一章節提到一個發展框架,並且描述了 一些針對於更棘手並減緩台灣的多元化能源供應問題的可能解決方案。 / The motivation for this research stems from an obvious contradiction in Taiwan’s approach to renewable energy – that while Taiwan remains a leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaics (PV) technology, and has adopted a feed-in-tariff (FIT) to promote solar PV and other renewable energies, market uptake (and completion of new projects) has so far been slow. In order to understand why, this thesis adopts two broad-based perspectives first identified by the International Energy Agency (IEA): (i) the Market Barriers Perspective provides a concise summary of the economics of domestic solar PV installation in Taiwan, specifically for the small scale (residential) investor contemplating grid connection under the FIT scheme; (ii) the Market Transformation Perspective identifies those factors (or actors) contributing to inertia in the renewable energy market in Taiwan. A final section in this thesis is given over to describing practical steps and policy approaches which may help boost solar PV (and other renewable) capacity in Taiwan. The results of this research point to a complicated and time-consuming applications process, repeated changes to relevant legislation, and a FIT which is set too low, as the primary reasons for the limited success to date in developing Taiwan’s small-scale (distributed) solar PV market. These difficulties are compounded by low electricity prices and a mutual dependency that has developed between the government, Taiwan Power, and large energy-intensive industries to avoid any upset to the status quo. In order to address these problem areas this thesis recommends immediately revising the FIT upwards (to at least NT$12.6 per kWh) in conjunction with the reinstatement of capital subsidies for small to medium investors. Removing administrative and procedural barriers is likewise deemed essential to fostering growth in the local solar PV market and establishing confidence in overall program. A Developmental Framework in the final section of this thesis describes some potential solutions to the more intractable problems slowing the diversification of Taiwan’s energy supply.

再生能源饋網電價制度之研析 / The research of renewable energy feed in tariff

黃琪珊, Huang, Chi-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
全球目前面臨氣候變遷及能源價格不斷攀升的重要課題,為解決能源問題、維護生態環境,再生能源發展成為刻不容緩的重要政策。世界各國紛紛提出促進再生能源發展的一連串行動方案,其中常見的政策之一為饋網電價制度,透過訂定保證收購價格,提高廠商投資意願,進一步促進再生能源產業發展。然我國於民國98年正式引入該項制度,如何透過其他各國實施的歷史經驗,學習此制度的重點措施,並考量我國經濟環境,改善制度設計,為學者目前關注的焦點。 德國與西班牙發展饋網電價制度皆有一段時日,其中經歷不斷的法令修正、制度變遷,已成為目前施行饋網電價制度成功的代表性國家。本文首先彙整饋網電價制度相關理論文獻,釐清饋網電價制度基本要素,再透過德國與西班牙的施行經驗,用以檢視我國饋網電價制度設計與他國的差異並比較分析,深入探討饋網電價制度的核心精神。

再生能源經濟政策工具之研究 / A Study on Economic Incentive Program for Renewable Energy

林益豪, Lin,Yi-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在能源被最終消費之前,能源的開採、運輸或轉換過程都需另以能源為要素投入來源。現今再生能源生產技術尚處萌芽階段,許多技術之生產未能通過「能源分析」而尚處於研究發展階段,此時政府若以促進再生能源總產量為政策目標,並獎勵能源生產,可能導致不具生產效率的再生能源技術被使用,進而造成能源耗竭與環境問題的擴大。 本研究提出現今再生能源補貼基礎的錯誤,會導致能源浪費的情況發生,進而造成政策目標與執行結果不一致。針對這樣的問題,本研究以簡單的模型解釋問題發生的原因,更針對問題癥結提出有效的解決方法,並得到不錯的結果。避免能源浪費具體的解決方針為,改變舊有補貼「能源粗產出」的形式,政策目標應朝社會「能源淨產出」最適的方向發展,而這也是主要的研究重點所在。最後研究仍認為,讓所有能源價格反映其生產的社會成本,才是導正能源市場扭曲最佳的方法。 / The extraction, processing, transformation, and delivering of energy all need energy itself as an input. However, the technology for producing renewable energy seldom passes the energy analysis and is still in its infancy. If the government regards promoting the total output of renewable energy as a policy goal at this moment, it may induce inefficient technology to be used and may accelerate the exhaustion of natural resources and the degradation of environment. This study found that subsidy for encouraging renewable energy production based on gross output fails to solve the problem of market failure. It will lead to a waste of energy, and then cause the policy goal to be inconsistent with social optimality. This study explicitly solved the problem with a net output model. The contribution of this study is to prove that policy goal for renewable energy production should base itself on net output instead of on gross output. The best policy for solving market failure is to let energy price reflect its social cost.

台灣綠色電價政策之關鍵因素研究 / The Study on Key Factors of the Green Power Pricing Policy in Taiwan

陳秋伶, Chen, Chiu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
為了因應全球暖化,鼓勵再生能源發展,先進國家逐步推動「綠色電價」。由於再生能源發電成本較一般傳統電力成本來得高,故再生能源電能之價格也會高於傳統電能之價格。對於高成本高售價之再生能源電能,多數國家在市場上透過用電戶自願認購方式進行銷售,並收取所謂的綠色電價,以作為綠色電力基金之來源,或作為未來發展再生能源之資金來源。透過這樣的制度,可以讓整體社會共同參與環境保護的工作,也可提高人民的環保意識和各界環境責任感,也可籌措再生能源發展所需的資金。 本研究透過問卷調查法,以網路問卷-Google Form發放,觀察並探討民眾對於綠色電價政策之購買意願,以及民眾對於當前政策之考量,透過ANOVA檢定,分析民眾填答問卷之結果,了解民眾本身對於環保問題的認知與意識,及民眾對於綠色電價政策之考量因素主要為何。根據問卷分析與檢定結果發現:多數民眾對於綠色電價的概念仍然相當模糊,但是大多會選擇購買綠色電價。 其次是對於本文所歸納的五個政策因素考量存有疑慮-政府政策宣導、綠色電價的制度設計、相關法規制定、執行單位之效能,以及支付額外的綠色電價對國人經濟上的負擔。五項當中,又以執行單位可能效能不佳之疑慮評分為最高。 本研究另外發現,民眾對於綠色電價的願付價格,接受度最高的是綠色電價比一般電價貴10%以下,意即在回收的221份問卷中,當綠電價格每度低於3.18元,一般民眾有五成以上會選購,與目前綠電價格設定3.96元存有落差。據此,在綠色電價政策推行上,和實際民眾購買意願之間,應該如何制訂一個合理的綠色電價,是需要仰賴國內產、官、學各界充分討論,以及民眾意見妥善表達,在國家與社會民眾間,取得一個平衡點,並且參考各先進國家發展自願性綠色電價之經驗。如此,方能在國家發展經濟的同時,又能兼顧環境保護和節能減碳,達到國家永續發展之政策目標。 / In response to global warming, the development of renewable energy is encouraged. Advanced countries are gradually promoting “green power pricing programs”. Due to the higher generating costs of renewable energy’s electricity than conventional one, therefore renewable energy electricity prices will be definitely higher than traditional electric energy prices. The high cost of renewable energy’s electricity pushes most countries in the market to sell this type of electricity to consumers through a voluntary subscription mode and charge a so-called green power pricing. Using green power as a source of funds or as the future development of renewable energy funding sources and with such a system, you can make the whole society participate in environmental protection work. People from all walks of life will have their environmental awareness and responsibility adequately improved. This study uses an online questionnaire-Google Form to survey, observe and explore the public’s reaction towards green power pricing policy, its willingness to purchase and its considerations for the current policies. Through the ANOVA test and the analysis of the results of the survey to understand the public’s cognition and awareness of environmental issues and the public’s main considerations towards the green power pricing policy, for most people such concept is still quite vague but anyhow they will choose to buy green. Secondly, this article summarizes five policy factors for consideration –doubts about government policy and advocacy, the designing of the green power pricing system, the related laws and regulations, the performance of the executive units and the payment of the green power pricing adding to the economic burden of the people. In the above five points, the poor performance of the units will, undoubtedly, carry the highest score. This study also found that the public is willing to pay for green power pricing and there is even a higher acceptance if the price would not exceed more than 10% of conventional electricity price. In other words, according to the response of 221 questionnaires, if the green power price lower than NT$3.18 /kWh, there will be half of people to purchase it. This study conducted a gap analysis between the current green power price-NT$3.96 /kWh and the price people accepted generally. Accordingly, the implementation of a policy on green electricity and the real willingness of the people to purchase such electricity depend on how reasonable the green tariff is. The industry, the government , the academia should all express their opinions. The state and the society must seek and strike a balance while referring to the development of green energy voluntary subscription tariffs in advanced countries. In this way, while simultaneously developing the economy of the country and taking into account the environment protection, energy saving and carbon reduction, we can reach our national goals of achieving a sustainable development.

台灣太陽光電競標市場研究 / The Study of Solar Energy Bidding Market in Taiwan

江柏珊 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著油價上漲,核能發電的安全性受到質疑,越來越多人關注再生能源發電的可行性,而台灣石油及煤礦等天然資源缺乏,再生能源變成可行的替方案。有鑑於此,政府開始透過政策補助以創造再生能源使用的經濟誘因,2009年「再生能源發展條例」通過後,我國綠能發電市場產生重大變化,其中發展最快速的即是太陽能發電市場。由於台灣太陽能產業發展多年,上、中、下游產業鏈佈局已經成熟,以地理環境條件來看,太陽能無論從成本、維護跟可行性來看都是再生能源中最適合於國內深耕的選項,因此在政府提出補助政策後,太陽能發電市場快速活絡起來,太陽能發電成為最新的企業或個人投資管道,形成國內一股安裝太陽光電的熱潮。 本文即以太陽能發電是否為合宜的投資標的為研究目標。首先從觀察市場的角度出發,說明我國太陽光電產業結構、下游發電系統類型、太陽能電廠案件的開發流程,接續介紹競標市場的形成背景、法令依據,並且逐步歸納歷年來補助政策調整對市場所造成的影響以及說明整體政策調整的方向,讓有意於電廠領域深耕之業者能夠對競標市場本質有完整認識。另外,為求找出影響競標市場變化的關鍵因素,本研究也蒐集各期得標資訊,包含折扣率、件數、容量等,用統計圖表方式呈現歷年來各指標變化,觀察競標市場的成長速度、影響折扣率變動之因子以及推論業者的競標策略。最後以目前已完成競標的折扣率資訊和假設的成本條件,試算歷年投資太陽光電的投資報酬率變化,藉此推判現在進入太陽光電競標市場,是否仍然有利可圖?研究結果提供給有意進入此市場的投資人與相關政策制定者作為參考。

臺灣生質燃料產業發展策略之研究 / Development Strategies in Biofuel Industry:Taiwan’s Experience

張宗顯, Chang,Tsung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
石化能源逐漸耗竭引人關注,再加上「京都議定書」對溫室氣體排放之全球性管制,促使世界各國重視各種新能源與替代性能源,並積極投入應用與研究開發。生質燃料已成為全球許多國家的戰略性資源,其發展除可開發自產綠色能源,提高能源自主比例,並能結合能源、農業、環保、產業等共同發展。面對全球生質燃料產業急速成長,台灣自不能自外於節能減碳的永續發展趨勢。 為驗證政府推動生質燃料政策的環境條件及業界投入狀況,本研究以次級資料分析方法進行國內、外之發展現況及趨勢分析;透過學者、專家、政府業務執行主管及業者之深度訪談,藉由訪談之資料歸納國內發展情形,對照現有生質燃料政策推動目標之發展模式,並以五力分析架構及SWOT評估方法評估生質燃料產業發展之競爭力。 本研究的主要發現包括:1.影響我國生質燃料的發展,最主要的關鍵要素是料源成本、價格補貼及市場保證;2.在推廣生質燃料的策略作法上,絕大多數主張應依政府政策規劃目標循序漸進推動;3.業者在發展生質燃料過程中,面臨最大的困難在於政策的不確定及原料的掌握不足;4.產業發展初期仍應以國內產製優先,不足部分再開放進口;5.生質柴油料源中,目前以廢食用油最具價格競爭力,麻瘋果油次之,藻類則是長期看好的料源。生質酒精部分,依國內廠商最可行技術而言,以甘蔗酒精較具價格競爭力,狼尾草居次,纖維素作物則是長期看好者。6.現階段的政策目標,在生質柴油部分的推廣比例仍以B2為佳,生質酒精則以E3為國產料原的最大量。長期來看,生質燃料產業的擴展,一定要以非糧食作物為優先,關鍵環節在於纖維酒精技術及藻類開發技術有突破,推廣比例及市場規模才有再擴張的空間。 就研究分析所得,提供下述政策建議:1、政府需訂定明確的政策目標;2.成立再生能源國家型計畫,加速推動生質燃料發展;3.政府率先投資第二代生質燃料產業;4.需建構生質燃料永續發展的制度性設計;5.確立以本國產製為優先之政策宣示;6.強化節能減碳教育宣導,讓消費者建立信心並接受。在業界策略上建議:1.必須提升料源掌握度與開發多元料源,並降低生產成本;2.業者須加強與通路商籌組供油策略聯盟;3.生質酒精業者可採合資或合作生產方式切入市場,取得先占地位;4.積極參與第二代生質燃料的研發與技術銜接。 / Petrochemical energy shortage is an issue that has been gradually gaining attention. Global regulation of greenhouse gases emission set by the Kyoto Protocol has also called attention to new and alternative energy sources, as well as the active involvement of individual countries in new energy application and research development. Biofuel has now become a strategic resource in many countries. Additional development of alternative energy can not only help increase the amount of domestic green energy and its ratio to traditional energy, synergy is also created causing the equal development of energy, agriculture, environmental production, and industrial growth. In face of the rapid growth of the biofuel industry worldwide, Taiwan must not exclude itself from the trend of sustainable development in energy conservation and CO2 reduction. To access the conditions of government policy in biofuel promotion and industry involvement, this study used secondary data analysis methods to analyze the current trend and status of national and international development. Through information gathered from in-depth interviews with academics, experts, government executives, and industry members, current domestic developments are compared to existing models of biofuel policy, promotion, and objectives. The competitiveness of biofuel industry development is further evaluated using SWOT assessment and Five Power Analysis. The main findings of this study include the following: 1) The key elements affecting national biofuel development are raw material costs, price subsidies, and market guarantees. 2) In biofuel promotion strategies, a vast majority should be made gradually and according to government policy planning objectives. 3) In biofuel development, the biggest challenges the industry faces are policy uncertainties and the lack of raw materials. 4) In initial industry development, domestic production should be a priority, allowing imports only when in demand. 5) In raw materials for bio-diesel, recycled oils are currently the most competitive in value, followed by Jatropha oil, while algae is seen as having long-term potential. According to the most viable technology offered by domestic manufacturers, sugarcane ethanol is the most competitive in value for bio-ethanol, followed by Chinese Pennisetum, while agricultural waste is seen as having long-term potential. 6) In the current stage of policy objectives, B2 is still more adequate in the promotion of bio-diesel, and E3 is the main domestic raw material for bio-ethanol. In the expansion of biofuel industry in the long run, priority must be given to non staple crops, while the key lies in cellulosic ethanol and algae oil development technology. Only then can there be room for further expansion in promotional proportion and market scale. The following policy recommendations are provided based on analysis of the study: 1) Clear policy goals must be set by the government. 2) Establish nation-wide plans for renewable energy, and accelerate the promotion of biofuel development. 3) Government must take initiatives in second-generation feedstock investments. 4) A systematic design must be built for the sustainable development of biofuel. 5) Policy declarations must be made to ensure the priority of domestic production. 6) Strengthen education in energy conservation and CO2 reduction, and build consumer confidence and acceptance. Recommendations for industry strategies: 1) It is essential to increase control of raw materials, develop multi-source materials, and lower production costs. 2) The industry must strengthen its strategic alliances with distributor in oil supply. 3) The biofuel industry may partake in joint ventures or cooperative efforts to get a head start when entering the market. 4) Actively participate in the research and development and technology adaptation of second-generation feedstock.

電動汽車產業價值鍊與商業模式之探討-以西門子企業為例 / Research on value chain and business model of electromobility industry -A case study of Siemens Group

王蜀英, Wang, Su Ying Unknown Date (has links)
電動汽車產業是近年來發展的新興產業,這個產業的發展,代表了全球開始省思長期使用石化燃料,對我們生存的環境,產生的諸多嚴重不良影響,空氣品質的汙染,有毒氣體的排放,尤其因大量二氧化碳的產生所造成的地球溫室效應所引發的全球氣候急遽變遷的問題,是我們全體人類不能逃避且必須正視的課題。另外,對石化燃料永續性的疑慮,也是引發全球各個先進國家亟欲尋求解決方案的原因,新能源或再生能源的開發,結合其潔淨且永續的特質,將對任何一個國家的未來發展,產生深遠的影響。而電動汽車產業,正是再生能源應用上最直接且最有價值的範例。 雖然,再生能源發電,無論是太陽能發電亦或是風力發電,有其潔淨與永續性的優點,但是,其分散、間歇性、無法預測且不穩定的發電特質,造成再生能源發電,在實際應用上產生問題。尤其當再生能源發電與傳統電力系統整合使用時,其發電率不穩定的特性,將對既有電力系統造成嚴重的影響。此時,電動汽車產業適時的提供了解決方案,使再生能源發電在未來,得以順利地與傳統電力系統一起進行商業運轉。 由於電動汽車產業為新興產業,因而發展出新的產業價值鏈,也造就了許多傳統汽車產業價值鏈的涉外企業,有機會涉入汽車產業領域,尤其是與機電工業相關的企業,挾其在機電工業所厚植的核心能力,使其擁有相對的競爭優勢。又因為電動汽車與再生能源在商業應用上的關聯性,使得與電力產業相關的企業,亦有機會跨足到電動汽車這個新興產業內,尋求業務發展的機會。 中國政府已從電動汽車產業訂定其國家發展策略,以其與美日歐等先進國家在電動汽車產業上,接近齊頭發展的位置,與擁有廣大的汽車市場為其發展的後盾,期望能在短時間內,取得電動汽車產業的世界領導地位。而有鑑於對能源需求的迫切性,以及對未來能源取得的風險管理,再生能源的開發與在產業上的應用,也成為中國政府能源政策的重要議題。 身為全球重要的機電工業與電力產業供應商之一的西門子企業集團,以其在發電、再生能源、輸配電、終端電力應用、電動驅動、以及通訊與資訊科技等領域所累積的核心能力與經驗,也積極地朝電動汽車產業,尋找未來的策略定位與發展方向。該企業已訂定了其在電動汽車產業的商業模式,與應厚植的核心能力,並實際參與諸多相關的產業計畫,目的是為了培養並累積其產業經驗。 本論文將以個案研討的方式,以中國政府以及西門子企業集團發展電動汽車為背景,探討電動汽車新興產業,其產業結構、價值鏈、商業模式、其未來的成長動能與發展契機、以及西門子企業集團所發展的電動汽車產業商業模式在中國市場上的應用。

新能源經濟的創新商業模式之研究 ─ 以資訊科技產業為例 / A Study on Innovative Business Model in the New Energy Economy ─ Taking IT Industry as an Example

沈建銘 Unknown Date (has links)
能源的議題牽繫人類文明的發展,在開發與運用的同時,也伴隨相當的代價。當代所因應發展的新能源經濟,在全球範圍內希冀提供人類前進的方案。 在新能源經濟的浪潮中,三個主要支柱分別是可再生能源,智慧電網與智慧家庭,以及電動車。我們解構產業的組成與價值鏈,分析產業的發展現況,並探究可行的技術運用與商業模式。 最終希望結合我們所擅長的資訊科技,在經濟層面為這片土地作出貢獻。

SoLuz: 宏都拉斯Bay Islands的太陽能計畫 / SoLuz: solar energy project for the Bay Islands in honduras

柯嘉比, Castro, Gabriela Unknown Date (has links)
In the emerging countries access to electricity is still an issue for many families and this is the reality for most of the underprivileged households in Honduras. Approximately, 21% of the families living in rural areas are out of the electric grid of the country, and matters added to this, is that these individuals live with USD 1.90 (WorldBank, 2017) per day reducing their possibilities of affording alternative solutions to gain access to electricity. SoLuz provides a fast and affordable substitute to the conventional sources of energy, through the solar panel home systems, which families with low income, whom most of the times are not reliable sources to obtain credit at financial institutions, can purchase a solar panel home kit. Through a daily mobile payment of USD0.50, a household will now have access to electricity to improve not only their lives conditions but also boost the economy, as is the case for people living in the Bay Islands in the northern part of Honduras which depends on tourism for its subsistence. Focused on being a B-Corp since the beginning and a pioneer in the region, SoLuz wishes to cover in a three-year period the 100% of the rural areas in the Bay Islands with the solar energy home systems and through the recycling programs cooperate in the protection and maintenance of the environment in the area.

全球暖化與台灣的氣候政治-以《溫室氣體減量法》為例 / Global warming and the politics of climate change in Taiwan

施奕任, Shih, Yijen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著氣候變遷及其不利影響的科學證據日益明確,國際社會與主權國家從1980年代以來關懷思考如何因應氣候議題。台灣受限於特殊的國際地位,難以參與《氣候變遷綱要公約》與《京都議定書》為主的國際氣候談判,但是台灣如何因應氣候議題,對於國內與國際都具有重要性。對於國內而言,氣候變遷產生議題連結的效果,加劇環境退化現象,觸發極端氣候事件的頻率與程度,衝擊處於生態脆弱的台灣。對於國際而言,台灣屬於主要的排放溫室氣體國家,意謂台灣是否願意承諾積極的減排責任,對於全球氣候行動舉足輕重。然而,當台灣從2005年推動《溫室氣體減量法》的立法過程,卻採取消極的政治立場,不僅不願意建立積極的減量目標與期程,同時立法院也不願意通過該法以因應全球氣候倡議。本研究討論不同國家面對國際氣候行動採取各自的政治立場,台灣為何選擇消極的政治立場。 在研究理論與方法上,本研究提出修正的利益解釋模型,該模型認為有兩個因素得以解釋國家因應國際環境倡議的立場。第一個因素是風險認知,其認為國家面對國際環境倡議的政治立場,考量國內民眾對於生態脆弱性的風險認知。第二個因素是考量污染減量經濟成本,國內決策者基於各自的成本與利益考量,在決策過程中彼此協商,形塑國家減量成本與利益盤算,當減量成本越低,則國家越傾向於支持國際環境行動,反之亦然。基於修正模型的假定,本研究利用不同的研究方法與資料,分析上述兩項因素。在風險認知面向,本研究利用中央研究院社會學研究所進行台灣社會變遷基本調查2010年六期一次問卷Ⅱ環境題組的實證資料進行統計分析。在減量成本面向,本研究就《溫室氣體減量法》立法過程涉及相關行為者進行深度訪談,透過質化分析理解不同行為者在決策過程的互動。 在研究結果上,本研究發現在風險認知上,台灣民眾儘管認知氣候風險的嚴重性,但是考量氣候變遷的不利影響與後續因應都具有長期特性,降低民眾支持台灣採取積極的政治立場以因應氣候議題的意願。在減量成本上,因應氣候議題的決策形成一種姿態政治(gestural politics),儘管積極倡議台灣必須因應國際氣候議題,但是卻不願意制訂涵蓋積極減量目標與總量管制的《溫室氣體減量法》,其原因在於氣候決策嵌入能源與產業結構的挑戰。在能源結構上,台灣面對核能使用的政治爭議,加以再生能源短期難以巨幅成長,使得台灣仍然呈現以化石燃料為主的能源結構。在產業結構上,既有發展型國家的思維使得政治菁英傾向於強調發展的重要性,依賴高污染、高耗能與高排碳產業推動國家經濟發展,而難以透過調整能源價格等政治策略,改變依賴高排碳產業的產業結構。

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