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北京大學研究所國學門早期的發展(1922-1927)--兼論中國現代學術研究機構的興起陳以愛 Unknown Date (has links)
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從北平到北京—主題攝影創作 / From Peking to Beijing—Shao Qianwen's photography邵千文, Shao, Qian Wen Unknown Date (has links)
現如今,生活在北京的人們同時處在或跨越著不同的的城市空間。在北京的 城六區,人們可以看到摩天大樓、立交橋、地鐵構成的現代建築和縱橫交錯的胡 同以及四合院式的「都市裡的村莊」。而在五環以外,既有房地產宣傳畫冊上遠 離塵囂依山傍水的高檔別墅群落,也存在一排排城郊平房組成的小社群。昔日的 皇城「紫禁城」,車水馬龍的西直門立交橋,高級住宅鱗次櫛比的城郊花園,自 家磚瓦堆砌的戶外廁所,這些都是北京。
再度來到北京,創作者藉由每天的行走與思考、拍攝與交談,進而仔細瞭解 北京這座城市,再現城市化發展進程中北京真實的城市形態。並通過搭地鐵漫遊 北京,通過鏡頭記錄北京。地鐵和照相機的組合讓創作者更加深入地瞭解北京的 每一個角落,捕捉這座城市的表情,記錄那些平日被我們忽略的畫面。
整個主題以攝影作品、故事分享會及民謠彈唱會三個部分所組成的主題攝影 展來呈現。 / In modern times, people in Beijing live in different city landscapes. The central six districts are constituted by modern buildings, such as skyscrapers and flyovers, together with traditional ones, or ‘urban villages’, such as quadrangle courtyard. However, on the edge of Beijing, luxurious villas and small bungalows stand together and contrast each other. The once-thrived palace, the busy flyovers and urban gardens, with huge differences, yet, all of these are parts of Beijing.
Back to Beijing, the author has gained more understandings about this city and represented the real city landscape during the urbanization process through daily walking, thinking, taking photos, and talking. With the author’s camera and taking the subway, the author has been enabled to capture the every single corners in Beijing, having those ignored scenes documented.
The entire work has been consisted of photography, story-sharing, and a un-plug mini concert.
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重新聚焦家庭: 中国北京青少年问题网络行为背后的家庭因素探析 = Bring family back in : familial influences on problematic internet use among Beijing adolescents. / 中国北京青少年问题网络行为背后的家庭因素探析 / Bring family back in: familial influences on problematic internet use among Beijing adolescents / Familial influences on problematic internet use among Beijing adolescents / Chong xin ju jiao jia ting: Zhongguo Beijing qing shao nian wen ti wang luo xing wei bei hou de jia ting yin su tan xi = Bring family back in : familial influences on problematic internet use among Beijing adolescents. / Zhongguo Beijing qing shao nian wen ti wang luo xing wei bei hou de jia ting yin su tan xiJanuary 2014 (has links)
随着经济的快速发展与社会的重大转型,青少年网瘾问题成为中国大陆困扰家庭的社会问题。对于这种新兴的青少年越轨行为,已有研究往往关注青少年自身的心理因素及同伴影响,从社会学角度对青少年问题网络行为及其背后的家庭因素进行系统分析的研究相对缺乏。因此,本研究重新聚焦家庭,整合社会资本理论与一般压力理论,深入地探究家庭对于青少年问题网络行为的影响,并进一步比较家庭和同伴对于青少年上网行为的作用。 / 研究数据来自于2008年的"北京青少年上网行为调查"项目,该项目在海淀区14所中学中抽取697名初中二年级的学生,最终获得有效问卷668份。结合数据,我们将样本划分为安全群体、危险群体及网瘾群体,三个群体占样本总数的比例分别为37.6%、46.4%及16.0%。通过回归分析发现,产生于家庭内部的一般性社会资本(比如孩子对父母的依恋)会对青少年问题网络行为产生显著的负向效应,而功能性家庭社会资本(比如父母与孩子共同上网的行为等)与青少年问题网络行为之间并未出现显著的相关关系。同时,来自于父母的家庭压力(比如孩子遭受父母虐待等)以及越轨同伴都对青少年问题网络行为有显著的正向影响。另外,本研究进一步探究了家庭和同伴的互动关系,并发现因上网而越轨的同伴作为中介变量,跟孩子与父母的负面关系(包括孩子遭受父母虐待及孩子与父母之间的冲突)共同对青少年问题网络行为产生影响作用。本研究还结合了定性分析,对青少年从"正常"到"成瘾"过程中家庭因素的影响做了更深入和全面的分析。不仅从理论层面填补了社会学领域以家庭为焦点解释青少年问题网络行为的空白,而且也为实证领域对青少年网瘾进行有效的预防和疏导提供了重要参考。 / With the rapid economic development and great social change in Mainland China, Internet Addiction among adolescents has become a serious social problem disturbing families. Concerning this rising adolescent deviant behavior, previous studies mainly emphasized the individual psychological factors and some peer influences, but few studies have systematically explained the familial influences behind the adolescent problematic Internet use from sociological perspective. Therefore, this study has returned back to family, combining Social Capital Theory and General Strain Theory in a sociological framework, to explore the interactive mechanism between familial factors and adolescent problematic Internet use. Furthermore, we compare the influences of family and of peers on such deviant behavior. / This study used the data collected by the project of Internet Use among Beijing Adolescents in 2008, which sampled 697 students in Junior 2 from 14 middle schools of Haidian District and finally got 668 valid questionnaires for analysis. We divided the sample into three groups according to the risk degree of their Internet use, i.e., safe group, risk group and addicted group, and the percentages of the three groups to the whole sample are 37.6%, 46.4% and 16.0%. With the regression analysis, we found that the general internal-family social capital (e,g., attachment to parents) was significantly negatively related to the adolescent problematic Internet use, while the functional family social capital (e.g., aligned Internet use between parents and children) had no significant effect on adolescent problematic Internet use. And, both family strain (e.g., experience of parental maltreatment) and deviant peers had significant positive influence on adolescent problematic Internet use. Furthermore, we explored the interactive relationships among family strain, deviant peers and adolescent problematic Internet use, and found deviant peers, as a mediating factor, together exerted influences on adolescent problematic Internet use. / This study also combined the qualitative analysis to explain the deeper familial reasons in the process of adolescent becoming "addicted". It not only filled out the gap in sociological research area with focusing on family to systematically explore the social influences on adolescent problematic Internet use, but also provided important references to the practical prevention and treatment of adolescent Internet Addiction. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 孟宏. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-137). / Abstracts also in English. / Meng Hong.
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2008年北京奧運與中國對大國外交的互動黃藹岑 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國家庭教會獨立登記的問題: 以北京守望教會為案例. / Issues on the independent registration of Chinese house churches: a case study on Beijing Shouwang Church / Zhongguo jia ting jiao hui du li deng ji de wen ti: yi Beijing Shou wang jiao hui wei an li.January 2011 (has links)
陳潔怡. / "2011年5月". / "2011 nian 5 yue". / Thesis (M.Div.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 47-51). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Chen Jieyi. / Chapter 一. --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 1. --- 引言 --- p.2 / Chapter 2. --- 本文探討範 圍 --- p.4 / Chapter 二. --- 政教關係所產生的問題 --- p.8 / Chapter 1. --- 黨國對基督教的控制 --- p.8 / Chapter 1.1 --- 不同時期的概況 --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2 --- 控制方法 --- p.10 / Chapter 1.3 --- 基督教兩會的出現 --- p.10 / Chapter 2. --- 導致兩種型式的教會出現 --- p.13 / Chapter 2.1 --- 三自教會 --- p.13 / Chapter 2.2 --- 家庭教會 --- p.15 / Chapter 3. --- 家庭教會與宗教政策的衝突 --- p.17 / Chapter 3.1 --- 違犯了的法則 --- p.18 / Chapter 3.2 --- 不公平的「行政法規」 --- p.19 / Chapter 4 --- 小結 --- p.20 / Chapter 三. --- 從守望教會個案中看獨立登記的問題 --- p.22 / Chapter 1. --- 家庭教會對獨立登記的訴求提高 --- p.22 / Chapter 1.1 --- 家庭教會邁向公開化及組識化 --- p.22 / Chapter 1.2 --- 教會出現財務及資產合法管理的需要 --- p.25 / Chapter 2. --- 守望教會被拒絶申請的原因 --- p.26 / Chapter 3. --- 其他教會人士對守望教會個案的回應 --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1 --- 曾發表的回應 --- p.30 / Chapter 3.2 --- 問卷調查 --- p.32 / Chapter 4. --- 小結 --- p.35 / Chapter 四. --- 獨立登記對黨國管治的影響 --- p.37 / Chapter 1. --- 政治的層面 --- p.37 / Chapter 2. --- 結社自由與社會團體管理模式的層面 --- p.38 / Chapter 3. --- 五大宗教的愛國宗教團體的壟斷地位的層面 --- p.40 / Chapter 4. --- 小結 --- p.41 / Chapter 五. --- 結語 --- p.42 / Chapter 1. --- 《社團條例》的放寬 --- p.42 / Chapter 2. --- 宗教立法 --- p.44 / Chapter 3. --- 家庭教會團結的力量 --- p.45 / Chapter 六. --- 參考書目 --- p.47 / 附件一:北京守望教會申請登記發展時間表 --- p.52 / 附件二:海灘區民族宗教僑務辦公室的審查意見書 --- p.54 / 附件三:「國內家社教會獨立登就為合法宗教團體」調查問卷 --- p.56 / 附件四:「國內家庭教會獨立登記為合法宗教團體」調查結果 --- p.58
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當代北京新型基督教的興起及其公共性尋求: The emergence of new forms of protestantism in contemporary Beijing and their publicness. / Emergence of new forms of protestantism in contemporary Beijing and their publicness / Dang dai Beijing xin xing Jidu jiao de xing qi ji qi gong gong xing xun qiu: The emergence of new forms of protestantism in contemporary Beijing and their publicness.January 2014 (has links)
1990年代以來,尤其是進入2000年,中國基督教開始在復興,但其發展表現出極大的地方差異。較之於其他城市,作為中國政治與文化中心的北京,其基督教發展呈現出廣泛的公共性。本文以北京不同類型教會為研究對象,主要探討基督教與公共性的關係。 / 本文認為城市基督教的復興是當代中國社會政治與文化結構性變遷帶來的結果。發展中的北京基督教存在多重意涵的公共性,而這多重公共性創造出北京基督教的不同社會與政治面貌。雖然黨國試圖壓制非官方基督教的發展,將其限制在私人領域,但基督教不僅復興,且以不同形式──公共論域、公民共同體及公民不服從參與建設中國的公民社會。 / Since the 1990s, Protestantism has been experiencing the revival in urban China. However, the development path of urban Protestantism varies in different in different areas. Compared to other cities, Beijing Protestantism is showing the new forms and has a significant impact on the public realm. / By using the most updated data obtained from years of fieldwork, this dissertation attempts to study the rising and the publicness of Beijing Protestantism with case studies of different types of churches.This study argues that the revival of urban Protestantism results from the structural transition of contemporary Chinese society, politics and culture. According to various theories on publicness, the developing Protestantism in Beijing has indeed demonstrated a variety of publicness, in the forms of its parpicitation in public sphere formation, civic community building and civil disobedience, etc. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 袁浩. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 298-311). / Abstracts also in English. / Yuan Hao.
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從雅典到北京-二00八年北京奧運文化理念分析葉韋君, Yeh,Wei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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危改或保存? 北京市胡同拆遷中的利益競合 / To Rebuild or Converse? Beijing Hutong Demolition of Competing Interests郭中蒨 Unknown Date (has links)
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控制與吸納:北京市政府向社會組織購買公共服務分析 / Under Control: Government Purchase of Services Analysis in Beijing, China倪顥芸 Unknown Date (has links)
為了滿足民眾對公共服務提供上多樣化和複雜化的特點,中國政府開始關注社會組織在公共服務供給上的作用,近年來各地不斷推行政府購買社會組織公共服務的嘗試、探索和實踐,是中國創新社會管理當中最引人注目的改革,是政府推進轉變職能、加快社會體制改革、建構「小政府、大社會」治理格局的服務型政府的重要措施。中國公共服務購買的首例得追溯到1995年的上海。當年上海市浦東新區社會發展局向上海基督教青年會委託養老服務,是中國政府最早向社會組織購買公共服務的探索。 此後,中國各地區政府如廣東、江蘇、北京、四川、浙江等地紛紛都展開了政府向社會組織購買公共服務的推廣探索,公共服務購買的內容和範圍逐漸擴大到醫療衛生服務、教育服務、社區服務、培訓服務、就業服務、計劃生育服務等諸多公共服務領域。
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A Study on Supporting System for the Elderly at Home of the Community Level in Beijing: Through the Comparative Study of Three Cases / 北京市における社区高齢者支援システムに関する研究 - 三つの事例調査とその比較分析を通じてXu, Fang 23 March 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15355号 / 工博第3234号 / 新制||工||1486(附属図書館) / 27833 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 髙田 光雄, 教授 小林 正美, 教授 川﨑 雅史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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