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中港CEPA的影響分析 / The Impact Analysis of China-Hong Kong CEPA王德麟 Unknown Date (has links)
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區域經濟整合對我國產業之影響與因應策略 / The Impact of Regional Economic Integration on Taiwan’s Industry and Coping Strategies汪書宇 Unknown Date (has links)
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東亞區域經濟整合與兩岸經貿自由化--以兩岸簽署經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)為例 / East Asian Economic Integration and Cross-strait Economic and Trade Liberalization--ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)陸萍 Unknown Date (has links)
二十多年來兩岸經濟關係演變與發展,與經濟全球化和國際產業分工深化發展密不可分。目前,兩岸經濟關係已成為兩岸參與經濟全球化進程的重要平臺,推動了兩岸經濟的轉型與發展。面對臺灣被排除在東亞經濟整合體制之外的嚴厲挑戰可能是臺灣生存危機,但也可能是臺灣發展契機,端視臺灣的因應思維與回應戰略,以及臺灣政府的決心與能力。東亞經濟整合體制的發展是全球貿易、投資與生產要素流動更加自由化的契機。因此,東亞經濟整合體制的建構正提供臺灣一個絕佳的揮灑舞台。臺灣在全球經貿表現有目共睹,臺灣面積不到世界萬分之3、人口僅占千分之4,但按貿易總額,為全球第16大貿易國,按GDP,是全球第18大經濟體;另臺灣居全球投資風險排名第5名、全球競爭力排名第8名,投資環境評比全球排名第4名,另在晶圓代工、IC封裝、光碟片、Mask Rom、電解銅箔等全球市占率第1,惟過去因為國際政治處境特殊,一直被排除在亞太或其他地區經濟整合之外,對臺灣經貿造成一定衝擊,特別是亞洲各國積極投入FTA的簽署,而臺灣卻被排除在外無法參與最為明顯,但在兩岸於2010年6月29日完成洽簽經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)後,已開啓臺灣與其他重要貿易夥伴的經濟整合之門,為臺灣經濟前景創造新的契機。ECFA後,臺灣從此邁入嶄新的經濟時代,除加速兩岸經貿正常化外,還將開啟參與國際及區域整合,逐步邁入自由貿易島。
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後冷戰時期美國的東亞經濟戰略探討 / The U.S. Post-Cold War East Asia Economic Strategy林夢庭 Unknown Date (has links)
而冷戰結束後,美國柯林頓、小布希總統面對「東亞區域經濟整合」因素,有不同經濟戰略,本論文分析兩政府之區域戰略─APEC及雙邊戰略─FTA異同。柯林頓政府視區域APEC戰略為途徑來進行多邊貿易系統工具,針對東亞與ASEAN國家的區域主義盛行現象,利用軸心與輪輻式(hub and spoke)拆解來進行拆解;而小布希政府對東亞地區主要的經濟戰略與柯林頓政府仍舊相同,係以APEC及ARF作為美國在東亞地區之兩大主軸。惟因受911攻擊事件影響,整體經濟戰略朝反恐進行,但在洽簽雙邊FTA之成就上卻相當卓越。
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中日韓自由貿易區可行性之研究周作姍 Unknown Date (has links)
自1990年代以後,受到歐盟(European Union, EU)以及北美自由貿易區(North American Free Trade Area, NAFTA)進程的刺激以及WTO多邊貿易自由化進程受阻的影響,全球區域經濟整合的趨勢愈見明朗。但是東亞國家的速度是相對較為緩慢的。在2002年以前,亞洲的主要貿易國家包括中國、日本、韓國及台灣等均未與任何國家或地區簽署FTA。
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台日中區域經濟整合之機遇與策略研究 / The Opportunities and Strategies of Regional Economic Integration among Taiwan, Japan and China林香吟, Kogin Hayashi Unknown Date (has links)
在客觀環境上,台灣是海島型經濟,全球化與區域經濟自由貿易是目前左右全球經濟發展的兩股潮流。近年來,台灣薪資成長率與經濟成長率皆居亞洲四小龍之末以及產業升級瓶頸難以突破等問題,皆導致台灣經濟減速或失去動能等現象。基本上,台灣目前所處時代潮流,外有世界性或區域性經濟整合風潮,內有產業結構轉型瓶頸有待突破。因此,就外環境衝擊研究,本文擬對區域經濟整合做觀察與描述性探討,並在區域經濟整合基礎上,本文提出「兩岸經濟轉型理論」(或稱兩翅理論,以隱喻兩岸經濟之起飛)以為消解內部轉型困境之方,或為台灣產業轉型提供建言,並擬就兩岸目前既有或未來進一步的經濟合作做出理論性探討。在產業合作與未來展望上,本文提出以台灣服務業結合大陸經濟發展,以進軍全球市場。 / Today, under the regional or global economic integrational trend, Taiwan's economic development is closely dedicated by two neighboring countries, China and Japan. From the past, Japanese scholars has advocated from the flying geese paradigm for interpreting on Taiwan's economic miracle to the industrial transformation model. However, in recent years, the total national income in China has overtaken Japan to become the world's second largest economy, while Taiwan's economic stagnation causes the bottom of Four Asian Tigers.
There are bottlenecks in economic transition crisis. Taiwan should maintain the traditional trade and economic relations with Japan. On the other hand, Taiwan should strengthen economic cooperation with the Mainland China in order to achieve Taiwan's economic growth momentum. However, regardless of the economic cooperation between Taiwan and Mainland China or Taiwan with Japan, their relationship becomes coopetition (a kind of both cooperation and competition) in a dynamic environment. Since Taiwan is an island-based economy, economic globalization and regional free trade is currently on the board. In recent years, Taiwan's economic growth rate and wage growth rate are far behind Four Asian Tigers and difficult to break through the bottleneck of industrial transformation. These are all leading to Taiwan's economic slowdown or loss of kinetic energy.
Basically, in the current trend in which Taiwan and outside global or regional economy, there are industrial restructuring bottlenecks to be breakthrough. Therefore, in this paper on the regional economic integration, I observe and describe based on the proposal of "cross-strait economic transformation theory" (also known as Liang Chi theory, the metaphor of cross-strait economic takeoff ) that digests the internal party difficulties in transition, or provides suggestions for Taiwan's industrial transformation, and intends to maintain good relationships of two sides (Japan and Mainland China) for the further economic cooperation. On industrial cooperation and future prospects, we propose to combine service industry (finance, cultural and creative industries and so on) of Taiwan’s experience learnt from Japan, and the vast developing space in Mainland China’s service market, there is a chance to enter the global service market.
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兩岸簽署ECFA對我國國家發展之影響研究 / A study on the impact of Cross-Strait ECFA on ROC national development陳麗雯, Chen, Li Wen Unknown Date (has links)
但從ECFA議題拋出到簽署實施,各界的爭辯從未停止,究竟ECFA對臺灣是危機還是轉機?是幫助臺灣走向世界還是被鎖進中國?值得深入研究,因此本文藉由國內外相關文獻來探討簽署ECFA對我國政治、經濟社會以及國家安全層面的影響,以增加閱讀者對ECFA的了解,也能成為政府推動ECFA的參考。 / Since 1990s, the number of the region trade agreements has been doubling, and until now there has been a total of 230 FTAs around the world. However, due to political factors, Taiwan has been dismissed outside the regional economies conformity, which will bring many obstacles toward the economic development in Taiwan. If our country intends to walk away from the dilemma and raise our competiveness, some steps must be taken. Therefore, while running for the presidency, President Ma Yingjiu brought up, 〝Links with the world, participates in the whole world regional economies conformity〞 as his economics and trade policy. By fully making using at the mainland China’s existing resources and markets, it was a must for Taiwan to sign the region trade agreement with china. After several official and unofficial communication and coordinating, on June 29, 2010, the Cross-Strait ECFA was signed officially in Chongqing, and implemented in the same year on September 12.
Nevertheless, since the ECFA was carried out and signed, the debates from all walks of life has never come to an end. Is ECFA a crisis or a turning point for Taiwan? Does it the help Taiwan to move toward the world or to be locked within China?It is worthwhile to conduct a research to clear out the doubts. This article dims to take a deeper look at how ECFA is influenced on Taiwan n terms of politics, economy, and national security. So that not only can the readers have a better understanding of the ECFA but also the government refers to it while the implementation of policy.
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亞太經濟合作(APEC)架構下推動區域經濟整合途徑之研究 / A Study of the Ways Toward Regional Economic Integration in APEC Architecture陳郁淇, CHEN, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從APEC的本質、原則及精神逐步探討至亞太自由貿易區及區域經濟整合議程兩個途徑的可能走向及發展限制等。對於採取條約式具約束性的亞太自由貿易區而言,獨自進行談判的機率極低,最可能透過太平洋夥伴協定擴大而成。而區域經濟整合議程則是便捷化的成果大於自由化,透過降低供應鏈障礙或通關經商便捷措施,亦可節省交易成本,應加以廣化及深化。我國在兩個途徑的參與上,在亞太自由貿易區的成型過程應完全參與,以避免我國被排除在外的可能性,至於區域經濟整合議程,則應加強在會務運作及貿易暨投資委員會及所屬次級論壇的力道,方能妥善運用我國少數擁有正式會籍的國際經貿組織為我國融入區域經濟創造有利的條件。 / The Doha Development Agenda (DDA) gained little progress by the WTO since 2001. Many countries including those in the Asia Pacific area changed their policy and decided to join themselves in free trade agreements (agreements which were smaller scale and faster to complete) in comparison with the DDA. Upon noticing this trend by APEC, the establishment of Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) was proposed in 2004 by the APEC Business Advisory Council. It became one of the topics in the APEC agenda in 2007. However, the progress of FTAAP was not as expected, members in APEC had their own focus thereafter. The United States focused on the Tras-Pacific Partership (TPP), ASEAN members developed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and members in Latin America targeted on Pacific Alliance. Within APEC, the discussion of FTAAP till now has reached a consensus on the definition as a high quality and comprehensive trade agreement, that builds on the sub-regional trade agreement. Besides, there is another topic as regional economic integration agenda (REI agenda) which is subject oriented and non-binding to APEC members. Both FTAAP and REI agenda are ways for the realization of Bogor Goals.
This study starts from the APEC content, principles and visions to the possible directions and restrictions of the development of the FTAAP and REI agenda. With regard to FTAAP, it's rule-based and it has little possibility to launch negotiations in a short term, and it could be accomplished by the expansion of TPP. In regard to the REI agenda, the accomplishment of facilitation is more important than liberalization. It should deepen and broaden the trade facilitation measures, such as supply-chain connectivity, customs procedures, transparency...etc.
Finally the suggestions for Taiwan's participation in those two areas are as follows. To participate fully in the activity and the realization of FTAAP, this will avoid the possibility to be excluded from the FTAAP. Taiwan should invest a bigger effort in the Committee of Trade and Investment, its sub-flora and the meeting operation. We should make good use of APEC considering is one of the few international organizations Taiwan possesses full membership of to create a positive environment that will enable us in the economic integration.
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論我國自由經濟示範區的政策與推動 / Policies and Associated Measures to Implement Free Economic Pilot Zones in Taiwan李麒祥 Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國在經過亞洲金融危機、次貸風暴、歐債危機…等事件後,經濟遭受重創,各國為求經濟成長,區域經濟整合(Regional Economic Integration,REI)逐漸盛行成為趨勢,透過自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement, FTA)盼能吸引外資熱錢長期投資以增進成長動能,於是藉由規劃自由經濟區(Free Economic Zone,FEZ)做為貿易競爭的工具,以提昇國家競爭力。
我國因特殊的政治因素及獨特的地理環境因素,導致加入國際組織的困難及必須依靠對外貿易以獲得資源。自由經濟示範區(Taiwan Free Economic Pilot Zones,
本研究藉由在貿易上與我國在國際間既合作又競爭且具有密切關係的中國大陸、韓國、日本等三國,藉由研究其自由貿易區政策之內容及推動現況,與我國政策進行比較分析,期能發現不足之處,進而參考借鏡提出相關建議,期許其未來發展得以更臻完善。 / The world's economy has been plagued by a series of financial disasters in recent years, including the Asian financial crisis, subprime mortgage crisis, and the European debt crisis. To revive economy, countries around the world have been seeking deeper cooperation through regional economic integration (REI). Governments have signed free trade agreements (FTA) to draw long-term foreign investments in an attempt to jumpstart growth. They have established free economic zones (FEZ) to boost international trades and improve national competitiveness.
However, due to political and geological environment, Taiwan faces a great challenge when trying to join international organizations. Besides, the country has to rely on international trades to acquire necessary resources for growth. The launch of Taiwan Free Economic Pilot Zones (TFEPZ) demonstrates the government's determination to attract foreign investments and play a more important role in the global economy. Yet, given the international political hurdles, risks of economic marginalization, and constant gridlock between the ruling party and the opposition parties in Taiwan, it will be a great challenge for the Legislative Yuan to relax related regulations after a series of fierce debates.
This research investigates policies and implementation results of FTZs in South Korea, Japan, and Mainland China—one of Taiwan's close trade partner and competitor. By analyzing and comparing FTZ policies in Taiwan, Mainland China, South Korea, and Japan, this research aims to find some aspects of improvement and provide constructive suggestions for the better development of Taiwan Free Economic Pilot Zones.
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區域經濟整合對貿易流量影響之研究---引力模型之驗證 / The Effects of Regional Economic Integration on Trade Flows: The Empirical Evidence in Taiwan under Gravity Model Analysis陳明潔, Chen,Ming-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本實證研究發現影響二國間貿易流量的因素分別為出、進口國之國民生產毛額及人均國民生產毛額,以及距離。區域經濟整合具有明顯的貿易創造效果,而貿易轉向效果則隨經濟整合的緊密程度、區域內產業分工型態及與區域外國家出、進口結構及產業間相互競合程度不一而產生不同的影響。在上述六個區域經濟整合中,北美自由貿易區及南方共同市場對台灣產生貿易轉向的現象。本研究亦針對上述之結果與區域經濟整合實際進展現況進行交互分析。最後,本研究將就政策面及後續研究的方向提出建議,俾供參考。 / Globalization and regionalization have been the two main trends in international economic development in recent years. Already, many countries have signed Free Trade Agreements to achieve the goal of regional economic integration. This integration allows members of the region to virtually eliminate all tariff and non-tariff trade barriers and, as a result, increase trade volume between member countries. This phenomenon is called trade creation. On the other hand, trade volume between members of the region and non-member may decrease, a phenomenon called trade diversion. All of this will affect international trade flows, the allocation of international resources and change the pattern of the international industrial division.
In order to learn how regional economic integration influences trade flows, this paper deals first with the definition and regulation under the GATT of regional trade agreements, the present situation and the development of regional economic integration. We also examine the current state of import and export trade between Taiwan and the main regional economies in the world. This paper reviews the relevant literature on the gravity model, a model that can effectively analyze trade flows between two countries, then proceeds to use this model with NAFTA, EU, AFTA, MERCOSUR, ANDEAN Community, and CER (Closer Economic Relationship between the Australia and New Zealand) as regional dummies. This allows us to test alterations in trade flows between members and other members as well as between members and non-members (especially Taiwan) in these six regional trade blocs for the 13 years between 1990 and 2003. This model also analyzes the main factors affecting trade flows.
We find first that the main factors influencing trade flows between two countries are the GDP and per capita GDP of the importer and exporter as well as distance. Secondly, while regional economic integration clearly brings with it trade creation, the degree of trade diversion is affected by such factors as the degree of regional economic integration, the pattern of industrial division in the region, the structure of imports from and exports to non-member countries and the level of competition and cooperation in various sectors. The empirical evidence shows that NAFTA and Mercosur have resulted in trade diversion away from Taiwan. Based on our findings, we offer policy suggestions and suggestions for further research.
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