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宗教對話之研究─以世界宗教博物館為例楊麗芬 Unknown Date (has links)
或許二十年是一個世代,「世界宗教博物館」從構想、興建成立到營運至今十餘年(1992-2007),它代表著這個世代的產物。一個記憶著孩提時代滇緬戰爭的苦行僧, 承載著和平的渴望,結合一群大學剛畢業、未經世事的出家人, 在經濟正發達的九○年代台灣社會,迎接而來的是全球化的資訊網路時代。
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《博物志》博物書寫研究 / A Research on the Broad Learning Concerning the Nature of Things in Bowu zhi廖秀倩 Unknown Date (has links)
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各國中央銀行設立貨幣博物館之影響因素研究 / The Determinants of Establishment of Money Museum in Central Banks in the World李文豪, Lee, Hector W.H. Unknown Date (has links)
其中人口數量、地理區域、經濟自由度、人力資源及財力資源是促使各國中央銀行設立貨幣博物館的重要影響因素,而所得水準則使各國中央銀行傾向不設立貨幣博物館的重要影響因素。 / This study explores the determinants of Establishment of Money Museum in Central Banks in the World. By applying Probit analysis, 94 central banks representing 5 continents are empirically analyzed. Findings of this research indicate that population, location, freedom degree of economic, human resources and material resources are significantly and positively correlated with the determinants of establishment of Money Museum in Central Banks. Level of income are significantly and negatively correlated with the determinants of establishment of Money Museum in Central Banks.
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生態博物館與社區互動之研究—以北投溫泉博物館為例 / he Study on the Interactions between Ecomuseums and Communities--A Case Study of The Peitou Hot Spring Museum周仕桓 Unknown Date (has links)
第五章:結論與建議。研究後發現北投溫泉博物館符合生態博物館的理念,並對北投溫泉博物館的經營管理做出改善建議,研究發現期望可以作為日後生態博物館經營管理之參考。 / The ‘two-day weekend’ policy has been promulgated in Taiwan and people have more time spending on leisure activities. The increases of attending leisure activities create the developments of tourism among which the culture tourism is one of the most popular patterns. Using museums is a new trend throughout the world. However, the knowledge of understanding the functions of the museums is quite limited, where is bounded with attending indoor activities, historical and cultural exhibitions that not only impedes the patterns on sites seeing at the local level of cultures, but also lacks the interactions between the museums and communities.
Based on “anthropology”, “popularization”, “localization”, and “diversity”, “New Museum Movement” is widely adopted to enhance the knowledge of using museums. It focuses on the deconstructing the existing concept of the traditional museums activities and highlights the communal heritages. A “living” museum is built under the ideas of eco-museums, community museums, folk museums, and community empowerment which increase the interactions between eco-museums and communities.
There are five chapters in this study to analyze the interactions between eco-museums and communities, in addition, to discuss its construction, organization, and challenge of the Peitou Hot Spring Museum. The results of this study are expected to serve as the base for further research on the eco-museums in the future.
In Chapter 1 the background, motivation, and purpose of doing this research are described. The methodologies relate to this research, regarding its area, limit, and the main concept would be explained in detail. In the end of this chapter, I review the related literatures. The Chapter 2 attempts to integrate the related literatures, New Museum Movement in Europe and United States, with the development of Peitou Hot Spring Museum in Taiwan. The literatures of how the rise and evolutions which impact the local community due to the development of eco-museums are also analyzed in this chapter. The Chapter 3 will discuss the community development combined with the development of museums in Taiwan, the key factors of the museums to blend with the interactive between eco-museums and communities are illustrated. In Chapter 4 this study aims to use Peitou Hot Spring Museum as a study case to analyze its current operations. Through interviewing local key persons, museum staff, and volunteers, as well as the assessment of the visitor’s interactions between Peitou Hot Springs Museum and communities are explored in this chapter. The Chapter 5 is the conclusion and suggestion. This study finds that Peitou Hot Spring Museum is accord with the concept of eco-museums which would provides the related suggestions to improve its further operation and management.
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以博物館行銷觀點探討博物館形象建立 / On building museum image from the viewpoint of museum marketing張瑜倩 Unknown Date (has links)
行銷源自企業界,而行銷大師菲利普,科特勒(Philip Kolter)將行銷應用於非營利機構中,除了可以開拓財源之外,更可以有效地達成非營利機構中重要使命(Mission)。
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打造新博物館體驗:國立故宮博物院個案研究鄭巧玟 Unknown Date (has links)
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數位時代博物館經營模式探討-國立故宮博物院個案研究 / The Study of Museum Business Models in Digital Era -A Case of National Palace Museum郭鎮武, Kuo, Chen Wo Unknown Date (has links)
RFID 運用於博物館館務作業,不但可節省人力、時間,還可以將資料做妥善的應用,增加擴大博物館的服務範圍層面。本研究就應用 RFID 全方略導入博物館經營模式,建議基本上可分為下列五項:門禁管理、自動導覽、典藏管理、盤點管理及出版發行管理。研究指出 RFID 應用於博物館的魅力在於協助導覽、增進學習效果、加速盤點作業與安全管理上,皆充分的展現出其優異之特性。因之,博物館業界,當應善加運用 RFID技術,並融合資訊科技,設計出適合博物館各自的經營模式與功能需求,以嶄新且多面向的展示,呈現予觀眾。 / The cultural relic preservation at National Palace Museum (herein referred to as NPM) is the essence of Chinese arts and crafts and the critical treasury of historical research. Under the U-Taiwan project, by establishing the basic equipment of a u-NPM (providing mobile appliances, RFID, wireless sensor networks and etc.,), digital contents and critical information and communication technology related to graphical user interface, NPM expects to: set readily available network service systems, cooperate with the application of NPM cultural ID sensor internet access, popularize the tag application of NPM-related value-adding products, construct the u-NPM products and the mechanism of service safety and trust, advance the equipment of wireless sensor networks in NPM and the application service industries, develop the key u-technologies, promote the digital contents of u-NPM and the daily applying penetration of value-added products to assist in reinforcing the competition of how museums making use of information technologies.
The high quality demonstrative park of u-NPM will be created in the coming future so that the exquisite cultural relics with u-technologies in NPM will be closer to people and seen by the world. The achievements of u-technologies and applications in museums in Taiwan will be shown to the people in Taiwan and abroad.
“Ubiquitous” represents a concept which means “God exists everywhere”. At the era of information technology, by using all kinds of information products and networks, the word represents that the ubiquitous information ideal world can be realized. To harmony with the U-Taiwan project, the u-construction in Taiwan is mainly based on the technologies of wireless sensor and RFID. With RFID being applied in the management at museums, manpower and time can be saved and the data can be properly used to increase and enlarge the service ranges of museums. The research introduces the full application of RFID into museum management models. Five basic suggestions are listed: entrance guard management, tour guide, preservation management, inventory management and publication management.
Indicated by the research, the amazing parts of RFID application in museums are assisting tours, enhancing learning effects, and accelerating the inventory and safety management which all fully represents its outstanding characteristics. Therefore, the industry of museums should take a good use of the RFID technology and integrate information technology into RFID to design the management models and function needs fit for museums respectfully and display with new and multi-dimensions for audience.
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博物館智能障礙導覽研究--以台北市立美術館為例王婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
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以生態博物館觀點推動社區總體營造之影響研究-以「十三行博物館」為例 / Research on the Influence of Integrated Community Construction from an Eco-Museum Perspective-A Case Study of Shihsanhang Museum黃麟惠, Huang, Lin-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:生態博物館、文化觀光產業、十三行博物館 / The primary focus of this thesis is to provide a thorough investigation and understanding of Shihsanghang Museum and its surrounding community, the town of Bali. As an eco-musuem, Shihsanghang utilizes “integrated community construction,” a model based on a local community’s competency to increase cultural tourism for their area. To better understand this topic, an explanation of the evolution and history of the concept of museum is presented, with special focus on the concept of the eco-museum.
As a museum, Shihsanghang has access to multiple channels of communication, including the government, experts and specialists of the field, and the local community. Not only does this give Shihsanghang access to many different resources, but it also puts the museum in a position to expand its function, becoming a coordinator and mediator of government bureaus involved in Bali and a communication window between government and local residents. Being in such a position is vital to the success of an eco-museum, as it allows the museum the opportunity to develop from the “bottom up.” The idea behind such a process is that the museum, by interacting with the community, can utilize resident input to guide government action, versus the traditional notion of the government having complete say over the development of a museum.
At first, Shihsanghang was not particularly effective in employing such a process. Gradually however, through influencing and interacting with the public and allowing the local community to slowly gain appreciation for the region, the museum was able to gather more and more feedback and participation from the residents. This in turn also opened up more resources to support local tourism.
As for helping to develop the local cultural industry however, Shihsanhang has had limited success so far, and should continue to develop and become an agent between local industry and culture.
Although Bali currently has many tourism channels and resources, it lacks a powerful unit to integrate all these promoting units. Furthermore, the surrounding environment still requires much improvement. For example, Shihsanhang hopes to improve tourism by “eco-museumising” Bali’s Left Bank and making it more attractive. Shisanhang has the ability and should begin integrating all the relevant promoting units, opening up opportunities for cooperation and creating a holistic approach to Bali’s tourism industry. If Shisanhang is able to achieve this, then it should proceed with a short-term, middle-term, and long-term plan. For the short-term, it should design tourism packages that target specific demographics as to increase a tourist’s visiting length. For the middle-term, it should develop “pathways” (themed-routes of Bali), as to make the sites visited by tourists in Bali more relevant to their interests. And for the long-term, it should make an entire development plan for Bali, helping to create high-value added local industries.
Keywords: Eco-Museum, Cultural Tourism, Shihsanhang Museum
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台灣非營利映演機構經營策略分析 ─以新竹影像博物館與高雄電影圖書館為例 / A study of management strategy for nonprofit film exhibition institutions in Taiwan陳庭舜 Unknown Date (has links)
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