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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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孫鴻鈴, Sun, Horng-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
藝術博物館將其珍貴典藏進行跨國界的借展,已成為近年來無論國內外藝術博物館的年度盛事。然而,綜觀國內外相關文獻,多半集中在辦展經驗的陳述,較少剖析國際借展對藝術博物館本身任務所帶來的衝擊。而由於國際借展的跨國性質,並不僅是單純的藏品交流而已,事實上更廣泛牽涉到其它因素,有時因為借出入雙方的外交關係、認知差異、利益考量、法令限制及政治敏感等問題,而使展出前的交涉作業,經過多方的折衝協調,才圓滿達成任務。 有鑑於上述觀察,本研究乃嘗試結合藝術博物館國際借展的實務面與內涵面,期望以宏觀的角度,開拓更寬廣的研究視野。首先,探討國際借展的功能與角色,並瞭解影響國際借展的因素、國際間有關國際借展的發展現況,以及著名個案所衍生的議題;其次,歸納國際借展規畫與管理的原則,包括借展計畫、合約訂定、保險與司法扣押豁免的保障、借展品安全維護、包裝與運送、借展品處理與運用、經費與贊助事宜。在研究對象方面,採用文獻分析法、訪談法、個案研究法及歷史研究法,彙整國立故宮博物院歷年參與國際借展之緣起、籌備經過、作業情形及當中所發生的特殊事件,分析其政策、經營模式與效益。 最後,針對現今國內藝術博物館舉辦國際借展時所面臨的重要課題,提出八項建議:(一)修正國內相關法令與體制的缺失;(二) 解決區域性藝術資源分配不均之問題;(三) 真正落實國際間館際的交流;(四) 加強館藏文物的展示技術與教育內涵;(五) 塑造展覽評論的藝文空間;(六) 培養與訓練專業人才;(七) 設立國際藝術文化交流諮詢機構;(八) 提供借展品更完善的保障措施。

澳門藝術博物館與學校藝術教育合作之初探 / Cooperation art education between the Macau Museum of Art and the Macau schools : a preliminary study

何素珍 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

媒體與博物館合作特展之整合行銷傳播策略─以羅浮宮埃及文物珍藏展為例 / Allied strategy of integrated marketing communication in exhibitions

林宜標, Lin, I Piao Unknown Date (has links)
國內的文化大型特展,從1990年代開始蓬勃發展,一般為期三個月的大型特展需要投入大量的人力、經費及宣傳等資源才有成功機會;而原本是博物館的專業策展,隨著公立博物館的策展經費不足、大量的宣傳需求等因素,台灣的大型特展發展產生了媒體參與的特殊現象;平面報紙集團挾著豐沛的資金及宣傳工具兩大資源,逐漸投入大型特展的運作之中,其中就以聯合報系及中時報系最具代表。 媒體與博物館的合作,造就了國內這十餘年來,有機會引進全世界知名的藝術品及古文明,不少特展的參觀者更達到數十萬人,原本不去博物館的民眾受看展風潮感染而走進博物館,但此現象引發許多研究討論,認為媒體插手大型特展,大多以商業考量的負面論述。 本研究就以聯合報系在2000年至2004年間,在國內舉辦四大古文明展之「羅浮宫埃及文物珍藏展」為例,探討媒體與博物館合作大型特展,各自的思考模式,以及展覽的整合行銷操作模式,藉以闡述媒體的參與,對於博物館、社會大眾、參觀者及展覽本身,是否都是弊多於利? 本研究試圖尋找以下問題的解答: 一、 無論對博物館和媒體而言,大型特展所欲達成的目標,不外是吸引參展人潮及提升正面形象這兩點,而透過整合行銷傳播,是否真能達成上述兩個目標? 二、 當整合行銷傳播之標的物為藝文性展覽時,如何透過整合行銷傳播策略,將短期的展覽塑造為品牌,以及將這種難以量化及具體化的產品傳達給消費者。 三、 大型特展經常被批評為假文化之名,行商業之實的利益做法,透過整合行銷傳播,是否有可能達到經濟收益、參觀者效益、以及社會大眾效益的三贏局面? 研究結果顯示: 一、 在吸引人潮方面,透過參與媒體大量的宣傳、較活潑的行銷操作手法,確實能帶動更多人參觀特展,從近十餘年來國內創人數紀錄的特展都有媒體參與即可証明;提昇正面形象部分,經常舉辦大型特展的博物館及媒體受到民眾較大的關注及認識,也因此建立「大型特展」品牌權威,即可印証。 二、 古文明特展本身就有強烈的文化特性,加上民眾從小在課本中就會接觸古文明歷史,無形中累積了特展的品牌印象,加上媒體大量的整合行銷策略,自然能達到事半功倍的效果。 三、 大型特展動輒超過數千萬元以上的經費,以目前政府編列給博物館的預算根本無法支應;而媒體本身則是營利單位,在現實環境與媒體特性的綜合下產生博物館與媒體合作模式,造就大型特展得以舉辦、透過媒體專業的整合行銷達到宣傳效果,吸引民眾走入博物館,所以應是經濟效益、參觀者效益及社會大眾效益三者利多於弊的三贏局面。 本研究全文共分為五章,第一章為緒論,有研究動機、研究背景、研究問題、研究架構、研究問題與限制;第二章文獻探討,討論「大型特展」、「博物館行銷」、「媒體與博物館合作」之狀況、國內外「整合行銷傳播」之理論;第三章為研究方法,採個案研究法、深度訪談法及次級資料分析法,並佐以研究流程圖說明。 第四章為個案分析,以聯合報系「羅浮宮埃及文物珍藏展」台北場為分析對象; 第五章為結論與建議,綜合前述個案之資料整理、分析探討之後,除了總結對本研究問題的解答,並分別提出對媒體方和博物館方的建議,以及未來研究建議。 / The large-scaled cultural exhibition market in Taiwan has enjoyed a boom since the 1990’s. Successful mega exhibitions lasting three months in average require the investment of large amount of manpower, funds and promotion. Usually, the public museums own the know-how to plan and execute cultural exhibitions. However, public museums in Taiwan have failed to hold these events due to the lack of budget and channels of promotion. One specific phenomenon has appeared -the media involvement. Print media with two advantages- sufficient funds and promotion tools, have gradually devoted themselves into the mega cultural exhibition market. Among all the media, United Daily News Group (Udngroup) and China Times Group are the most well- known. The cooperation between the print media and museums created the chance to bring the world famous artistic master pieces and the legacies of ancient civilizations to the general public in Taiwan. Many of these exhibitions attracted several hundred thousands of people. It has been found that many people who do not fit the profile of “museum-goers” had been influenced by the popularity of some cultural exhibitions and were willing to-join the events. However, many relevant researches had judged that the investments of the media on the cultural exhibitions are mostly based on commercial considerations. By the case of “The Ancient Egyptian Art from Musée du Louvre” exhibition holding by Udngroup in National Science and Technology museum from 2000 to 2004, this research illustrates the thinking pattern of the organizers and the integrated marketing operation. Furthermore, this research elaborates whether the involvement of the media has more pros than cons to the museums, the general public, visitors, and the exhibition itself. Following are questions of this research : 1. For the organizers (museums or the media), the major objective of holding mega cultural exhibitions is to attract visitors and build up positive images. The question is whether those two objectives can be actually achieved by the operation of integrated marketing communication. 2. When promoting intangible products, such as short-term exhibitions, it is essential to transfer the non-quantitative and intangible cultural concept into certain “brand image” in order to communicate with consumers more effectively. This research illustrates how to manage this process by using integrated marketing communication strategies. 3. Mega exhibitions are usually criticized because organizers tend to focus more on commercial benefits than cultural values. This research attempts to assess that via integrated marketing communication, whether it is possible to benefit organizers with financial earnings, visitors with cultural satisfactions, and the general public as a whole at the same time and create an all-win situation. Following are findings of this research : 1. In terms of attracting more visitors, to promote intensively by the media with more lively marketing strategies is proved effective. The evidence is that successful exhibitions in past decades were all involved with the media. In terms of building positive images, organizations holding exhibitions frequently have set up the strong brand authorities due to the recognition of the general public. 2. Strong cultural features of ancient civilizations, plus people’s basic knowledge deriving from the education since their childhood have made it easier to promote cultural events. With the markup of the intensive promotion of the media, brand images of exhibitions are built up quickly. 3. The plan and execution of mega cultural exhibitions frequently require large amount of funds, usually more the ten million NT dollars. The budget distributed by the government to the museum can’t afford to hold these exhibitions. The media are profitable organizations with sufficient funds and the know-how in marketing and promotions. The cooperation pattern between museums and the media have resulted in more successful events with numerous visitors. It can be concluded that this pattern has created the all-win situation which has benefited organizers with financial earnings, visitors with cultural satisfactions, and the general public as a whole at the same time. This research paper includes five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, demonstrating the research motivation, research background, questions, structure, and limitations. The second chapter is the literature review collecting and critically analyzing the theories relevant to “mega exhibitions”, “museums marketing”, “cooperation between the media and the museums”, and the international and domestic researches on integrated marketing communication. The third chapter is the research methodology. This research adopts research methods including case study, interview, and secondary data analysis. Important concepts are also demonstrated with clear flow charts. The forth chapter is the case study in depth. The chosen topic is “The Ancient Egyptian Art from Musée du Louvre” exhibition holding by Udngroup in Taipei. The fifth chapter includes the conclusions and recommendations. This chapter presents the findings of the research and recommendations to organizers- both the media and the museum, and the future researcher. Keywords: Cultural exhibitions, integrated marketing, media, museum.

博物館行動導覽系統設計影響因素之探討與評估 / Review and evaluation of design factors for museum mobile navigation system

林佑純 Unknown Date (has links)
現今社會裡,現代人之生活及工作壓力相當大,故國人常常利用閒暇之時間安排休閒遊憩活動,政府亦極力推展國民旅遊等活動,因此有社教功能的遊憩地區成為民眾閒暇及假日休閒好去處,故現代人也愈來愈注重利用遊憩體驗機會,尋找可以達到放鬆身心、運動休閒效果的場所與活動。而國立故宮博物院,具備可以放鬆、休閒、體驗、育樂及教育等功能,是屬於多功能之遊憩場所。 數位科技與文化觀光的結合已是發展趨勢,然而配合新興科技之興起,例如行動智慧型手機之應用,遊客不再只是單純被安排進行參訪,相反的更有選擇性進行導覽,但因此必須要思考導覽系統如何設計,吸引遊客主動地使用行動導覽系統,已改變過去傳統的語音的應用侷限,提供給博物館參觀的遊客更直接的資訊提供與教育服務,是目前及未來建置互動式的行動導覽系統必須要探討的議題。 本研究以博物館行動導覽系統設計影響因素之探討與評估為主題,將國立故宮博物院為研究範圍,透過相關文獻與國內外博物館個人數位導覽系統發展現況為架構發展基礎,建構七個主準則與三十八個可能影響因素作為遊客使用導覽系統之影響因素之考量,而本研究首度運用層級分析程序法與灰關聯分析法的分析結果做一比較;發現,當面臨有多個因素需要作選擇排序時,層級分析程序法與灰關聯分析法兩種皆是適合的方法,能以具體數值顯示各個因素的優先順序。而為了總結兩種分析的結果,本研究利用結合分析層級程序法以及灰關聯的相對權重,來取得兩者之綜合權重的數據及排序,並依此排序進一步的探討因素。

博物館文物展示網站的服務品質:以國立故宮院為例 / Service quality of museum website displaying artifact: the case of National Palace Museum

吳宗勳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊及通訊(資通訊)技術的進步,越來越多的博物館服務提供者開始思考如何應用資通訊的技術。位於台灣的國立故宮博物院(故宮)也不例外,已經建置了自己的網站。對於一個博物館網站,可以並可能提供的功能是相當多。而故宮網站期望能提供的功能之一,即是展示文物。傳統的設計方式,網站通常被建置以圖文的方式來展示文物。在這份研究中,我們呈現了一個故宮提出的影音服務提案及原型,the iPalace Video Channel(the iPalace)。這個服務主要藉由影音來展示中華文物,並有著隱喻式設計介面。現在這個由資通技術訊所促成的博物館服務提案就開始被建置,而故宮的管理人員希望知道是否值得發展並建置這個新服務。除此之外,當決定正式佈署這個服務時,故宮的管理人員也希望從已建置的服務原型了解這個服務的優缺點。因此,這份研究特別針對用於展示文物的博物館網站設計了問卷來測量其服務品質、顧客滿意度和行為意向。我們並藉由網路上發放此問卷來調查實驗組(the iPalace)以及對照組(圖文式網站)的使用者。藉由分析問卷測量的結果,我們得到了四個重要的服務品質因素:功能性、內容及使用性、系統穩定性和介面呈現。除此之外,藉由T檢定來分析問卷的測量結果,觀察the iPalace及圖文式網站在這些服務品質因素上,所測到的服務品質、顧客滿意度和行為意向是否存在著統計上顯著的差異。而結果顯示,因為較佳的功能性及介面呈現服務品質,the iPalace的使用者有較高的滿意度,他們也較願意推薦並再次使用這個網站。然而the iPalace於系統穩定性服務品質上的表現較差,原因為較差的反應時間。 / Following the advancement of information and communication technologies (ICT), more and more museum service providers begin to take the ICT applications into considerations. The National Palace Museum (the NPM) in Taiwan is no exception and has built its own website. For a museum website, there are many possible functions which can be provided. One of the NPM website’s desired functions is to display artifacts. With the traditional design, the website is built for displaying artifacts mainly through texts and pictures. In this study, we present the iPalace Video Channel (the iPalace), a new video-based service proposed by the NPM, that displays Chinese artifacts mainly via videos and has a metaphorical interface design. When a new ICT-enabling museum service proposal is initialized, the manager wonders whether it is worthwhile to develop and deploy the new service. And, as soon as we had decided to develop and deploy the service and have obtained a prototype system, the manager would further wants to know the advantages and disadvantages of the new service before full launching it. Thus, this study derives the instrument for measuring the service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention regarding the museum website displaying artifacts. Through an online survey that applies the derived instrument to measure the iPalace and its text-based counterpart, we identify the following four important service quality factors: FULFILLMENT, CONTENT & USABILITY, SYSTEM RELIABLITY and INTERFACE. From the t-test on the survey data, we also assess whether there are statistically differences on each service quality factor between the iPalace and its text-based counterpart. And the result shows that, owing to the better performance on the service quality factors of FULFILLMENT and INTERFACE, the iPalace users are more satisfied with the website than the text-based website users. And they are more willing to recommend and reuse the website than the text-based website users. However, the iPalace has a lower performance on the service quality factor of SYSTEM RELIABILITY due to the slower response time.

近代タイにおける王国像の創出 -ダムロン親王によるバンコク国立博物館の再編過程に着目して-

日向, 伸介 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第20487号 / 地博第206号 / 新制||地||73(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科東南アジア地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 玉田 芳史, 教授 小泉 順子, 教授 髙木 博志 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM


吳淑瑛, Wu Sue-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本論文希望透過研究故宮博物院於1961年前往美國進行的「中國古藝術品展覽」,解釋今天故宮的特殊角色與定位。除了期望說明故宮代表中華文化的論述如何形成與建立,同時也解釋故宮如何透過展覽的陳列與解說,來呈現國家與國族的形象與想像。通過研究故宮發展、故宮藏品與國家政權之間的互動,對於文化藝術與權力之間的關係作更深刻的思考。 今天故宮不僅被視為中華文化的象徵,甚至將故宮藏品當成「國寶」。但是如果我們嘗試分析故宮藏品,不難發現這些文物僅是中國皇室收藏的珍奇異品。不過最近幾年,由於台灣社會、政治的變遷,故宮的獨尊地位開始受到挑戰。現任故宮院長杜正勝就質疑前任院長秦孝儀塑造故宮為華夏民族博物館的作法,否定台北故宮和北京故宮有前、後繼承的關係;並主張台北故宮的典藏政策不需要依循「國寶」的脈絡。由於這樣的質疑與轉變,使得故宮在中國文化上所代表的正統與典範地位,以及故宮和國家、政權之間的關係得以被重新思考。 今天,我們之所以認為博物館能夠傳達國族或文化的概念,主要正是因為博物館將收藏的文物「有意識」的重新加以排列展示,因而得以將國家、文化的發展脈絡,具體的呈現在人們眼前。國家對於藝術品的保存與展示,逐漸變成定義一個國家、文化傳統的重要媒介。展覽不僅呈現文化遺產,還進一步將國家發展歷史「展示」出來,經由重新脈絡化來宣揚國族與文化。例如日本過去經常藉由博覽會與展覽貶抑中國,並積極塑造日本成為「亞洲藝術遺產的守護者」。而故宮對外展覽,其實正是開始爭取中國對外形象的塑造以及發言權,甚至彰顯中國在東方藝術與文化上的重要地位。 因此本論文以1961年故宮前往美國五大城市舉行為期近一年的「中國古藝術品展覽」為例,探討故宮如何透過展覽的展示與解說,塑造中國國族的歷史與想像,同時建立中國藝術的「經典」,因此影響了西方對於中國藝術的論述與評價。這場展覽是中華民國政府播遷到台灣之後,國家級文物首次大規模的出國展覽。不僅由創辦《時代》(Time)、《財星》(Fortune)、《生活》(Life)等刊物的媒體鉅子亨利魯斯提出邀請,並出任贊助人。同時,中、美兩國元首擔任名譽倡導人,展覽期間更是備受官方與學術界的矚目。但此時世界局勢不穩,似乎沒有必要大張旗鼓安排故宮文物前往美國展覽。另一方面,由於中華民國與中華人民共和國政府互相爭奪正統,雙方都透過外交與司法途徑互相角力,爭取中國的代表權。如果中共借題發揮,這批參展文物極有可能被中華人民共和國政府收回,因此故宮赴外展覽的動作,格外引人矚目。 故宮博物院從建館以來,受限於經費及政治因素,對於收藏文物展示的時間並不長,研究工作也無從展開,只能偏重於清點工作。可是為了赴外展覽,必須編寫展覽目錄,勢必集合學者著手檢討文物的真假、年代與作者。也因為要對外展現「中國」,而必須對文物重新編排、解釋。因此,故宮赴外展覽確實是一個討論與觀察中國近代國族建構論述形成的特殊視角。故宮如何對外呈現、宣揚「中國」文化與藝術,其實正是具體展現故宮如何形塑與建構「中國」國族與文化的論述與想像。尤其是在前文所述的特殊歷史時空下,究竟展覽中呈現出怎樣的「中國」圖像,應該是一個相當值得探討的議題。因此,這個深受各方重視,又在敏感時機出國的展覽,如何選擇足以代表中國藝術與文化的作品,並以怎樣的方式展示,標示出民族國家框架下定義的中國,便是本研究試圖探討的議題。 本文希望強調故宮赴外展覽往往和國族形象的建構以及文化外交有密切的關係,因為展覽的特殊目的,因此影響了故宮在文化與藝術上的意義。也就是說,故宮今天獨特的地位和赴外展覽中的國族論述以及審美的展示方式有密切關係,而也正是因為故宮的特殊背景,賦予這些藏品更深的民族、國家意涵。 / The National Palace Museum has generally been considered as representing the culture of China and, for many years, the collection of the National Palace Museum was considered representative of traditional Chinese art. It has also been used by the Nationalist government in Taiwan as a symbol of legitimacy for the Republic of China. However, the society and politics of Taiwan have changed recently leading to an introspection for the foregoing opinions. The current director of the National Palace Museum, Tu Cheng-sheng, has questioned the transformation of the institution from the prototype of an imperial museum into a national art museum. Because attitudes about nations and cultures have changed, we can rethink why and how the National Palace Museum took on its role as representation of Chinese culture and the significance of its role in the history of modern China. Museums are important in shaping knowledge, in defining identities, and in representing culture. Since the late eighteenth-century in Europe, the modern museum has been a powerful apparatus for supporting the idea of the nation-state by exhibiting culture. Many recent studies on the establishment of the Louvre and other European national museums have demonstrated how these museums and their collection represent culture and establish canons through exhibitions. But in the past research, there has not been much discussion about how the National Palace Museum practices representation of culture through the images of art works displayed or exhibited in the museum. In 1961 The Chinese Art Treasures exhibition toured five major cities, Washington D.C., New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. This exhibition of works from the National Palace Museum was organized on the invitation of the United States government for the purpose of instilling cultural understanding. At the same time, the exhibition was organized with a clear political agenda—to counter the threat from the Communist government who wanted to take back the collection. This paper will discuss how the exhibition The Chinese Art Treasures was used to define the Republic of China’s national sovereignty and to represent Chinese culture. The exhibition was held during the period when the conflict between the Republic of China under the Nationalist (the KMT) and the People's Republic of China over political legitimacy was the most heated and tense. This paper hopes to illustrate how the KMT employed the exhibition to proclaim the Republic of China’s firm stance in its claim of sovereignty over China and to demonstrate how the exhibition solidified the National Palace Museum’s role as the representation of the five thousand-year cultural legacy of China.


蕭雯純 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解博物館實施員工訓練之概況,並進一步探討博物館人員專業訓練施行後的成效、不同背景的博物館人員對訓練實施成效看法有無差異,以及主管階層對員工訓練實施成效的看法,以期研究所得能作為國內博物館規劃及人員訓練的參考。 為達研究目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,分析博物館人員專業訓練的相關資料;其次,透過個案研究國內自籌備設館以來即有計畫進行人員培訓、且為國科會數位典藏計畫主要成員之一的國立自然科學博物館,以了解該館數位化工作人員專業訓練概況;最後,則以問卷對數位化工作人員進行調查,以了解員工接受專業訓練的成效、不同個人背景與工作部門對員工訓練成效的影響,以及各組主管對員工訓練實施成效的看法。 研究結果發現:(1)數位化工作人員的專業訓練偏重在技術應用層面;(2)數位化工作人員對訓練軟硬體設施普遍感到滿意,但對訓練的評估及後續的升遷與福利等方面滿意度較低;(3)數位化工作人員在受過訓練後,在「數位化相關知識與整體概念」、「與業務有關的專業技能」及「工作目標認知與合作態度」等方面的學習皆有很大的進步,同時也能夠學以致用,確實應用在實際工作上;(4)數位化工作人員對訓練不滿意的原因以課程內容安排不當、未能切合自身工作需要及受名額或班次限制為主;(5)個人背景因素及工作組別不會影響數位化工作人員對訓練成效的看法;(6)主管多認為員工在接受訓練後,不僅在知識技能、工作態度等方面有明顯進步,對組織整體營運也有很大的助益;(7)數位化工作人員認為未來訓練課程的規劃仍應加強〝技術方面〞的課程,主管人員則認為可再加強與相關單位進行經驗交流。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,作為培訓單位、國立自然科學博物館日後辦理數位典藏相關人員訓練業務之參考:(1)加強「資訊技術」方面的訓練課程,考量報名學員的背景設計課程內容深度;(2)課程主題應時有更新,對於報名踴躍的課程可增加開課班次或名額;(3)實行職務代理人制度,確定員工的訓練需求,提供員工將訓練所學應用在工作上的機會;(4)重視員工訓練成效評估,明確制定訓練的賞罰,給予員工適當的回饋,以激勵增強其學習動機。 / This research is to provide a general understanding of the staff training in a museum, an evaluation of staff training, and the responses of managerial level in the hope that it might be a reference for the museum management in Taiwan. Firstly references related to staff training in the museum are collected and analyzed with the National Museum of Natural Science studied for a deep and practical understanding of the staff-training program. This museum is a member of the digital museum project, and its staff-training program is well established. Then the feedback from the staff of the digital museum project is analyzed to understand the effect of staff training, the influence to the training from different personal backgrounds and varied departments, and the evaluation from managers. The findings of this research include: (1) the emphasis of the training of the staff of digital project is in skill application; (2) the staff of digital project are generally satisfied with the training of hard- and soft-ware equipment, but less satisfied in the evaluation and the promotion and welfare after training; (3) the staff of the digital project have a huge improvement in the knowledge and the whole concept about digitalization, related professional skills, the recognition of targets and goals, and the attitude in cooperation. In the meantime the trainees are also able to apply what they have learned to their work; (4) the staff are dissatisfied with the content of the training program, the irrelevance to their job needs, and the limitation of the number of applicants or training sessions; (5) personal backgrounds and the different departments won’t affect the perception of the staff; (6) managers mostly approve the huge improvement of the staff in the knowledge and the attitudes to work, as well as the great benefit in organization; (7) the staff of digital project consider that the future training should still focus on skills and techniques, while managers consider that it should emphasize in the exchange of experiences with other organizations in the digital project. According to the result of this research, the following suggestions are offered to staff training centers as well as National Museum of Natural Science for the future training sessions for the staff of digital project: (1) Training sessions about information technology should be emphasized and the contents of sessions should be designed with the consideration of staff’s backgrounds; (2) The subject of the session should be updated, and more sessions and applicants should be provided in popular subjects; (3) The agent system should be established, the needs of trainees assured, and opportunities offered for the staff to practice what they have learned; (4) There should be the serious evaluation of staff training, the regulations for rewards and punishment, and proper encouragements to the staff to intensify their learning motives.


林季蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內在地方發展上逐漸重視「生態旅遊」,並引入「生態博物館」之地域發展理念應用於地方特色的保存與社區發展之規劃,加上政府「地方文化館計畫」之政策推動,未來應該會有更多具地方特色之「生態博物館」推出,故本研究預期國內未來將興起「生態博物館化之生態旅遊」風潮。 藉由文獻的探討,瞭解到在這體驗經濟的時代,以「體驗行銷」方式為遊客創造有價值之體驗,進而提高遊客之旅遊滿意度與忠誠度,對帶動地區之觀光吸引力而言,應是可行之路,故本研究採用體驗行銷觀點,透過對「生態博物館化之生態旅遊」的遊客進行體驗價值、滿意度與忠誠度之探討,提出「生態博物館化之生態旅遊」的體驗行銷策略建議,期望藉此行銷策略建議提升遊客的體驗價值,達到良好之遊客滿意度及忠誠度,繼而帶動地區「生態博物館化之生態旅遊」的發展,並經由觀光經濟回饋,促進地方之永續發展。 「八里左岸」地區是台灣首次完成以博物館為核心所推動之環境整體規劃地區,且為正式營運中較早有核心館及具網絡規模之「生態博物館化」地區,故為發展「生態博物館化之生態旅遊」的代表地區,本研究乃以其作為個案研究地區。經由問卷調查及統計分析方法,對「八里左岸」地區遊客之體驗價值進行實證研究,以獲致研究結論,並就該實證結論,從「體驗行銷」觀點,以Schmitt所提出之體驗行銷策略計畫(體驗矩陣)為基礎,分別從七種「體驗媒介」及五種「策略體驗模組」等二大構面,研擬「八里左岸」地區之體驗行銷策略建議。 茲就本研究對「八里左岸」地區旅遊所提出之體驗行銷策略建議,分別從「體驗媒介」構面及「策略體驗模組」構面敘述如下,提供政府部門未來對「八里左岸」地區或其他地區發展「生態博物館化之生態旅遊」的行銷策略參考,更期能擴展應用於其他類型之生態旅遊行銷。 一、從體驗媒介構面 (一)在「旅遊或活動訊息之新聞宣傳或廣告」(溝通媒介)方面:建議旅遊訊息多增加以電視播出之曝光率,並設置網上旅遊會員,主動提供即時旅遊訊息,且在成本或人力有限之考量下,可鎖定台北縣市、已婚且中高收入群之會員為主要服務會員。 (二)在「以八里左岸命名」(視覺口語識別媒介)方面:建議對旅遊地區之命名應突顯其獨特之地方特色並蘊含人文意象。 (三)在「區內各景點間以網絡連結方式呈現」(產品呈現媒介)方面:建議在各主要景點設置數位看板顯示網絡連結特色,並在導覽或解說服務及旅遊券之發行上,以帶領或導引方式讓遊客親身體驗景點間以網絡連結之特色。 (四)在「與企業共同建立品牌之方式」(共同建立品牌媒介)方面:建議以置入性行銷方式,提供旅遊地區為企業活動場地或商品拍攝之場景,間接帶動地區旅遊發展;並與推廣自然或人文之團體共同行銷在地特色,讓遊客體會旅遊地區對自然與人文景觀保存之用心。 (五)在「區內旅遊景點之建築與景觀規劃」(空間環境媒介)方面:建議增設地區生態教育之專責中心,負責生態環境介紹、保存及維護,並規劃吸引遊客更親近接觸生態之體驗動線。 (六)在「十三行博物館的多媒體服務(如解說系統或網站)」(網站與電子媒體之媒介)方面:建議於網站增設討論或聯誼性社群交流區,並對館內之多媒體解說系統提供更活潑、富趣味及參與性之內容與方式,且在門票或一日旅遊券販售同時提供解說服務之訊息。 (七)在「區內服務人員提供對當地特色之瞭解與協助」(人之媒介)方面:建置導覽員制度、培養導覽志工,並在各景點定時巡迴解說及導覽。 二、從「策略體驗模組」構面 (一)在感官策略體驗模組方面:著重並加強服務人員或多媒體系統在解說時,內容活潑化與方式多樣化上的吸引力。 (二)在情感策略體驗模組方面:著重在景點之建築及規劃應能保存在地特色,並重視環境維護,以增加遊客對空間環境的好感。 (三)在思考策略體驗模組方面:著重在建立服務人員與遊客間互動模式之導覽,藉此讓遊客對導覽內容產生興趣並加以討論。 (四)在行動策略體驗模組方面:提供遊客更直接貼近並瞭解當地特色之深度體驗的空間或動線,讓遊客想親身體驗。 (五)在關聯策略體驗模組方面:著重在服務人員提供對當地特色之瞭解與協助上,強調藉由親切、溫馨氛圍的解說,讓遊客放鬆體驗地方用心保存的自然或人文景觀,能在緊張繁忙的都會生活中,找到ㄧ處清涼滋潤的心靈歸鄉。 關鍵字:體驗行銷、體驗矩陣、體驗媒介、策略體驗模組、生態博物館、生態旅遊

上博楚簡書法研究. / Study of the calligraphy of the Chu bamboo slips in the Shanghai Museum / Study of the calligraphy of the Chu bamboo slips in the Shanghai Museum (Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Shang bo Chu jian shu fa yan jiu.

January 2004 (has links)
洪娟. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 附參考文獻 (p. i-xii). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in English. / Hong Juan. / Lun wen (Zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Fu can kao wen xian (p. i-xii).

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