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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

分散式計算系統及巨量資料處理架構設計-基於YARN, Storm及Spark / Distributed computing system and big data real-time processing structure—based on YARN, Storm and Spark

曾柏崴, Tseng, Po Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著大數據時代的來臨,即時資料運算面臨許多挑戰。例如在期貨交易預測方面,為了精準的預測市場狀態,我們需要在海量資料中建立預測模型,且耗時在數十毫秒之內。 在本研究中,我們將介紹一套即時巨量資料運算架構,這套架構將解決在實務上需要解決的三大需求:高速處理需求、巨量資料處理以及儲存需求。同時,在整個平行運算系統之下,我們也實作了數種人工智慧演算法,例如SVM (Support Vector Machine)和LR (Logistic Regression)等,做為策略模擬的子系統。本架構包含下列三種主要的雲端運算技術: 1. 使用Apache YARN以整合整體系統資源,使叢集資源運用更具效率。 2. 為滿足高速處理需求,本架構使用Apache Storm以便處理海量且即時之資料流。同時,借助該框架,可在數十毫秒之內,運算上千種市場狀態數值供模型建模之用。 3. 運用Apache Spark,本研究建立了一套分散式運算架構用於模型建模。藉由使用Spark RDD(Resilient Distributed Datasets),本架構可將SVM和LR之模型建模時間縮短至數百毫秒之內。 為解決上述需求,本研究設計了一套n層分散式架構且整合上列數種技術。另外,在該架構中,我們使用Apache Kafka作為整體系統之訊息中介層,並支持系統內各子系統間之非同步訊息溝通。 / With the coming of the era of big data, the immediacy and the amount of data computation are facing with many challenges. For example, for Futures market forecasting, we need to accurately forecast the market state with the model built from large data (hundreds of GB to tens of TB) within tens of milliseconds. In this research, we will introduce a real-time big data computing architecture to resolve requests of high speed processing, the immense volume of data and the request of large data processing. In the meantime, several algorithms, such as SVM (Support Vector Machine, SVM) and LR (Logistic Regression, LR), are implemented as a subproject under the parallel distributed computing system. This architecture involves three main cloud computing techniques: 1. Use Apache YARN as a system of integrated resource management in order to apply cluster resources more efficiently. 2. To satisfy the requests of high speed processing, we apply Apache Storm in order to process large real-time data stream and compute thousands of numerical value within tens of milliseconds for following model building. 3. With Apache Spark, we establish a distributed computing architecture for model building. By using Spark RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets, RDD), this architecture can shorten the execution time to within hundreds of milliseconds for SVM and LR model building. To resolve the requirements of the distributed system, we design an n-tier distributed architecture to integrate the foregoing several techniques. In this architecture, we use the Apache Kafka as the messaging middleware to support asynchronous message-based communication.

防丟器的剖面追蹤研究 / Profile Monitoring on the RSSI of Babyfinder

徐伊萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對防丟器的剖面進行追蹤分析。防丟器包含發射器及接收器,發射器會發射訊號,接收器會記錄RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Index)與發射點數,其中RSSI表示訊號的強度。在工程理論上,RSSI與距離具有函數關係;然而環境中的干擾及事件發生都會影響此函數關係,特別是事件發生會嚴重地改變此函數關係,因此論文主要目的在於區別事件是否發生。   所謂的剖面指的是變數之間的函數關係,而論文中的剖面追蹤是利用管制圖的概念,用管制圖來監控剖面的參數估計值。如果管制圖上的點子出界,則表示事件發生而導致失控。   本論文以腳踏車是否被偷為例,嘗試一些實驗後找出顯著影響的因子設計實驗,包含17種腳踏車未被偷之情境與18種腳踏車被偷情境;欲利用未被偷的實驗建立試驗管制圖,而以被偷之情境來追蹤,用以驗證管制圖之有效性。   論文中主要透過分析防丟器產生的RSSI與距離的剖面、距離與發射點數的剖面來探討事件是否發生。另外剖面追蹤其實是種事後追蹤的方法,為了能即時追蹤,本論文亦採用預測區間的方式,來追蹤事件是否發生。   本論文建議監控距離與發射點數的剖面,因該方法的表現最好,另外建議增加防丟器上能紀錄距離的功能,此方法會更加合適。   本論文提出的即時追蹤方式並沒有特別好,因此一個比較好的即時追蹤方法是未來值得研究的方向。 / The device of Babyfinder is designed to detect if an event occurs. The Babyfinder includes transceiver and receiver. The signal strength, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), generates once there are distances between transceiver and receiver. In wireless communication theory, the relationship between RSSI and distance should be expressed by the model that RSSI = a + b ln (distance) Nevertheless, some circumstance noises and user noises (or common causes), and/or events (special causes) may affect the variation of RSSI. Since the occurrence of events may change the functional relationship of RSSI and distance, to distinguish if the functional relationship is changed by the occurred events is the subject of this study. This study designs some events and noises experiments based on the real noise factors and special events. Two monitoring schemes are proposed to distinguish the occurred events and noise circumstance. One is the profile monitoring scheme, the other is the real time monitoring scheme. The two proposed approaches of profile monitoring scheme are considered to monitor the profile of RSSI and distance and that of distance and the number of transmitting points, respectively. The profile monitoring approach for distance and the number of transmitting points shows better performance. However, the profile monitoring is an after-event tracing approach. It cannot detect the occurred events in time. A better approach of real-time monitoring approach is worth to be proposed in the future study.


林弘 Unknown Date (has links)
在品牌霸權的時代中,品牌的延伸、繁殖與企業獲利息息相關,而在消費者依賴各種品牌線索作為產品選擇的前提下,瞭解消費者會採取何種訊息處理方式來進行家族品牌的聯想與評估,便成為當代行銷人員的重要課題之一。 本研究從消費者認知的角度出發,探討消費者在面對「品牌傘策略形式」以及「品牌傘旗下產品種類相似性」等兩種不同特性的家族品牌資訊時,會如何進行資訊處理以形成對家族品牌之整體評價,此外也探討「資訊可及性」以及「企業聲望」等兩項變數對於消費者在進行資訊處理時所造成的調節作用。 本研究經由三次前測,選擇出八個企業及其旗下各五種產品類別,藉此分別代表不同企業聲望、不同產品種類、不同品牌傘策略形式之資訊處理標的,此外也選出足以代表正、中、負訊息之產品相關敘述,作為判斷消費者採取何種資訊處理模式之證據來源,最後再加上資訊可及性的操弄,因此共形成2(品牌傘策略形式:以企業名稱命名、以企業名稱加上產品線名稱命名)× 2(產品種類相似性:高、低)× 2(企業聲望:高、低)× 2(資訊可及性:高、低)2 ×(正負訊息出現先後順序)等三十二種版本的問卷施測於445位受測者,並以6-way MANOVA進行檢定,藉此判斷各因子間的交互效果為何。 研究結果顯示:一、消費者在面對「以企業名稱命名」的品牌傘策略形式以及「產品種類相似性高」等一致性較高的品牌傘策略特徵時,有較多的證據顯示消費者會傾向於採用即時性資訊處理模式。二、在資訊可及性高的情形下,對於消費者在面對「以企業名稱命名」的品牌傘策略形式以及「產品種類相似性高」等一致性較高的品牌傘策略特徵時,更傾向於採用即時資訊處理模式。三、企業聲望對於消費者之資訊處理過程有相當大的影響,當企業聲望高時,消費者較不會考慮相關之品牌傘策略特徵,而會根據過去對於該企業之整體印象,採取記憶基礎的資訊處理模式來處理相關資訊;但消費者企業聲望較低時,反而會較注意品牌傘策略特徵,而以其一致性高低來決定採用何種資訊處理模式。 整體而言,消費者在面對不同的品牌傘策略特徵時,會採取不同的資訊處理模式,同時也會受到企業聲望與資訊可及性的調節,因此企業欲採取品牌傘策略時,應將消費者之資訊處理模式納入考量,作為制訂品牌傘策略時的參考依據,藉此提高企業進行行銷時的成效。

銀行法規開放與會計穩健性之關聯 / The relation between banking deregulation and accounting conservatism

徐筱淳, Hsu, Hsiao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國證券市場為樣本,探討銀行業之法規開放是否對非金融業公司之會計穩健性造成影響。銀行法規開放可使銀行透過併購於州內擴張,借款公司可能面對之銀行議價能力上升,使得銀行要求融資顧客出具高品質之財務報表。另一方面,州際銀行法規開放可能使他州銀行進入本地金融市場,進而提高金融市場之競爭度。由於會計穩健性可降低管理階層與投資人的資訊不對稱,被視為高品質的財務報表,本文推測銀行業法規鬆綁會影響公司會計穩健性。實證結果顯示,州內銀行法規開放與會計穩健性間具有顯著正向關係;然而,州際銀行法規開放與會計穩健性間具有顯著負向關係。額外分析顯示,大型企業更傾向於對銀行法規開放作出反應,而較依賴發行公司債融資方式之公司在面對銀行法規開放時則減少財務報導中認列損失之即時性。 / This study uses US banking deregulation as a research setting to examine whether banking deregulation has an impact on the degree of accounting conservatism of non-financial firms. Since banking deregulation would enable large banks expand within states through merge and acquisition, bank’s bargaining power to lenders may increase. Banks may require their clients to provide higher quality of financial statements. On the other hand, banking deregulation may increase competition in local financial markets by enabling large banks to enter into local markets. As accounting conservatism could alleviate information asymmetry between management and investors, and serves as an indicator of high quality of financial statements, I expect that banking deregulations would have an impact on firms’ reporting conservatism. I find that there is a significantly positive relationship between intrastate banking deregulation and firms’ timely loss recognition. In contrast, interstate banking deregulation has a significantly negative influence on firms’ timely loss recognition. Additional analyses reveal that large firms are more likely to respond to the banking deregulation and that firms that rely more on public debt financing respond to the banking deregulation by decreasing their degree of timely loss recognition in financial reporting.

串流玩轉:論電子遊戲實況的嬉戲與遊戲 / Stream, Play and Games : Playing and Gaming in Video Game Streaming

蔡昀霆, Cai, Yun Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文分析近年盛行的電子遊戲實況活動。從分心、不專注於電玩的現象開始,本文以「如何玩」這個提問來引導論證「嬉玩」與「遊戲」這組概念在分析上的效力,藉此,本文論證了電玩實況活動中的心智狀態與活動是游移在電玩活動與嬉鬧互動,在嚴肅遊戲與嬉戲玩耍之間游移,這樣的分神狀態之中也產生了有樂趣、具有實效的遊戲性。 從技術架構的觀點來看,以即時串流的技術為基礎,電玩實況活動結合了即時傳輸與即時互動。使用者所獲致的遊戲聆賞經驗以及互動是即時且與他人同步,便也構成了網路媒介之下的共時經驗,實況中以電玩活動為對象的起鬨也便具共在的實感。本文從聊天室起鬨、技術戲耍挪用等現象中論證了基於遊戲性旨趣的共謀嬉玩。嘲諷、干擾的對抗性是為了製造分神的條件,從中產生張力並獲致遊戲性,而包括實況主在內的所有參與者,皆是在這樣的分神狀態中嬉玩,維繫歡騰的共感情緒。 電子遊戲具有將遊戲性限定在其中的封閉性質,也因此對於電玩的遊戲經驗多有私密、個人的想像,即時串流的電玩實況活動便是打開了這樣的封閉性質。透過網路媒介將人匯聚在遊戲活動周圍,不僅共享了電玩活動本身的樂趣,也在即時串流之下共時的互動跟聆賞經驗中以遊戲為對象群聚嬉戲。這樣的網路活動之所以盛行,顯示了人對遊戲性的需求不僅是來自遊戲中,也來自與他人玩在一起的連結共感,電玩實況便是實現了這樣的需求。 / Taking the prevailing "video game live streaming" activities as research object, this thesis takes "play" and "game" as a set of core concepts, and begins the exploration into their conceptual effect. Setting out the arguments with "How to Play" question, this thesis concludes that the mentality and activities in video game live streaming are in an "in-between" condition. Between video game activity and playful disturbance, seriousness and playfulness, there are gameplay with actual effect. Taking the technical conditions into consideration, video game live streaming consists of live media transportation and live interaction. Users' experiences synchronize with each other, thus contribute to the "togetherness" mediated through the Internet, and also the carnivalistic interactions and disturbance in the live channel. From the fuss and disturbance in the chatroom to the appropriation of streaming "plugins", this thesis argues that these actions conducted by streamer and users contribute to the "distractive" scenario, and the conducts are all based on "the interest of play". Different from serious and immersive mentality which is deemed as the fundamental of playing and gaming, the gameplay in live stream is based on distraction, which is the core condition that brings tension and thus playfulness. All the users in video game live streaming, the streamer included, are connected and forged into a synchronized togetherness by this kind of distractive, carnivalistic playfulness. Digital video games have tributes of enclosure, which require concentration, seriousness and absorption. Video game live streaming opens up this kind of enclosure, and brings people in and around the video game activities. In the live channel, users experience the joy and fun of the game itself together in a synchronized way, and also act on the interest of play, creating distraction and disturbance that bring to playful experiences, and that explains why this kind of Internet activity prevails. This thesis shows that the need of gameplay comes not only from game activities themselves, but also from the desire to "play together". In a digital age, video game live streaming is just the fulfillment of this kind of desire.

即時自動產生人體下半身動作的運動計劃 / Real Time Planning for Humanoid Lower Body Motion

陳培鋒, Pei-Feng Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在製作動畫上,模擬人體的運動一直是困難的課題;但在如線上遊戲等急速成長的虛擬環境應用中,人物運動的動畫常是不可或缺的一環。過去在此方面的相關研究雖然為數不少,但大多數的系統皆只適用於某特定的地形或事先給定的腳步落點;能根據地形特徵而自動產生對應之行走運動者並不常見。本論文提議的系統,便是一個能即時模擬人體走路動作的運動計劃器。我們以反向關節運動的方式,分析人體在不平路面上行走時的運動特徵,並以貝茲曲線表示懸浮腿的運動軌跡。透過貝茲曲線控制點的調整,可以讓下半身的肢體避免碰觸到凸起的路面。其次,此系統也包含了腳步計劃的機制,讓虛擬人物能以行進效率為準則,計劃未來數步內保證可行的步伐。再者,我們根據實際測量的資料與觀察,找出行進過程中每個階段在時間分配上的差異,並利用製作動畫的原理,加入緩入與緩出的概念,以調整行走步伐的節奏,使動畫更具真實感。最後,我們將此模擬系統套用於「線上模擬」與「即時操控」兩種不同模式的應用系統,以驗證此系統之即時性與實用性。 / Simulating human motion has been an important and challenging topic in computer graphics for many years, especially after the booming of virtual environment applications such as on-line games. Although there has been much research on this topic, most previous systems are only capable of generating a realistic locomotion for a set of given footsteps on a flat ground in an off-line manner. The system we propose in this thesis is a lower-body motion simulator for humanoid capable of planning efficient footsteps and automatically generating collision-free locomotion in real time. First, we observe and analyze the motion characteristics of human walking and use Bézier curves to represent the trajectory of a floating leg during a stride. We use an inverse kinematics approach to compute the corresponding joint angles for a given leg trajectory. By adjusting the control points of the curve, we can change its shape to avoid collisions with the ground. Second, the system also includes a footstep planner that can generate successful and efficient gaits over an uneven terrain with an empirical energy consumption model. Third, according to observation and measured data, we use the “ease-in” and “ease-out” techniques and appropriate timing for each phase of a walking cycle to generate more realistic motions. Finally, we have applied this motion simulator to a virtual environment system with two types of operation modes: on-line simulation and real-time navigation which are verified the efficiency and practicability of such a system.

穿戴式互動展演創新應用與姿態感測技術研究 / Interactive Performance Using Wearable Devices: Body Skeleton Detection Technology and Innovative Applications

蘇冠榮, Su, Guan Rong Unknown Date (has links)
近年來人體姿態感測的技術與應用愈來愈熱門。許多電玩及電影大多是藉由攝影鏡頭偵測人體姿態,但效果容易受到外在因素的影響,如陽光、遮蔽物等,特別是用在舞台展演方面就不適合了。因此本篇論文希望設計穿戴式裝置來感測人體姿態,並結合新一代無線網路藍牙4.0做為數據傳輸方式,以進行即時互動展演。本論文研究開發以Arduino結合六軸姿態感測器,設計此穿戴式裝置雛型。而實際在展場上表演,此裝置必需具有一定的穩定性、可靠性且方便穿戴。本論文設計出的裝置與系統,已實際參與數場即時互動展演,並且供觀眾親自體驗,反應熱烈。未來期許能將此系統擴大應用於多人異地互動展演上、能有更大的擴充性、多樣的互動體驗。 / Recently, human body skeleton detection technology and its applications are becoming more popular. Many computer games and movies detect human body skeleton by cameras. However, the detection will be affected easily by sun light or obstacles. Especially, this is not suitable for the applications on stage performance. The goal of this thesis is to design wearable devices to detect body skeleton and uses BLE 4.0 for data transmission to interactively real time art perform. We put 6-axis motion detector on Arduino to develop the wearable device prototyping. These devices for performing in practice should be stable, reliable and convenient for wearing or taking off. The devices and system we developed have been used in several real time interactive performances and for audience experience. In the future, this system can be expanded to people performing in different locations and has better scalability and varieties of interactive experience.

網路即時新聞 對電視新聞工作者之影響 / The Impact of Online Real-time News on TV journalists

王偊菁 Unknown Date (has links)
匯流使電視產業面臨更大的競爭壓力,電視新聞產業及新聞產製流程出現巨大改變,電視新聞使用網路素材成為常態,「刷即時新聞」更成為電視台記者跑新聞最快速也最取巧的方式,然而,網路即時新聞及素材使用過度也使新聞內容品質下降,使電視新聞工作者深受其害。 本研究根據九位受訪者的採訪經歷,透過深度訪談的質化研究,分析網路即時新聞出現後及大量的網路素材成為現成新聞,對整體新聞產業、新聞內容的影響及改變,進而對電視新聞工作者造成之身心壓力。 研究發現即時新聞出現後,電視台競爭對象從過去其他家電視台,變成網路即時新聞與公民記者,電視台開始紛紛成立新聞網站,要求記者抵達現場立刻用手機拍攝現場實況供電視台新聞網站使用,並複製抄寫內容農場文章,希望吸引流失觀眾重回電視機前,但因此也加重記者工作量。 電視台長官開始依據點閱率做新聞,新聞內容出現廉價、綜藝化等現象,影響記者新聞自主性;新聞產製過程變得繁複,電視台記者被長官被要求緊跟即時新聞訊息,每天受即時新聞及通訊軟體內容轟炸,造成身心出現健康狀況,轉職、離職率高,電視台記者年齡層出現斷層。 / The recent media convergence has put much pressure on the TV industry and led to a drastic change in the production of TV news. It is thus not uncommon to find TV news stories made out of online resources nowadays. Browsing online real-time news on a smart phone has become one of the easiest ways to produce a news report. However, the overdependence on online real-time news and online resources has also had a negative impact on TV journalists and undermined the quality of TV news. Based on the interviews with nine TV journalists and in-depth qualitative analysis, the current study investigates how the emergence of online real-time news and the overwhelming reliance on online resources have influenced and changed the content of news report and the entire industry and how this change has further created the physiological and psychological pressure on TV journalists. Results show that after the emergence of online real-time news, TV stations now have to compete with not only other stations but also online news and citizen journalists. Each TV station has also started to construct news websites and ask journalists to rush to the scene and take photos with their cellphone for the use on the website. The reporter also needs to duplicate the content of content farm articles, in the hope of attracting the audience that TV news has lost back. This, however, has significantly increased the work load of TV journalists. Our findings also suggest that phenomena such as easy news stories, infotainment tendencies, and TV station administrators’ overreliance on click-through rates have exerted great impact on higher professional autonomy. The production of TV news has become more complex and laborious: TV journalists are asked to follow online real-time news closely, bombarded with real-time news and instant messages every day. This has resulted in the health problems of journalists, high turn-over rates, and a lack of new blood in the TV news industry.


古明泓 Unknown Date (has links)
寬頻網路發展的日趨成熟,讓即時通訊成為許多網路族開機後必使用之軟體,本研究乃運用「使用與滿足」理論,探討即時通訊使用者的使用動機、使用行為、使用滿足,以及三者之間的關係。 經由資料分析發現,使用者在使用即時通訊上,有三大使用動機因素,分別為「同儕交流動機」、「新奇娛樂動機」、「生活便利動機」;有三大使用活動因素,分別為「影音導向活動」、「訊息導向活動」、「文件導向活動」;有三大使用滿足因素,分別為「情緒管理滿足」、「關係維繫滿足」、「問題解決滿足」。本研究以使用動機因素為基礎,將樣本資料進行集群分析,結果獲得三大使用族群:「無的導向群」、「交際導向群」、「功能導向群」,再以統計檢定三大族群在「人口變項」、「使用行為」、「使用選擇」及「使用滿足」上的特徵差異描述。本研究亦發現即時通訊的兩大主流為MSN、Yahoo,兩者之使用人數即佔了有效樣本98.7%。 本研究的結果發現,三大族群在「使用動機」、「使用行為」上均有顯著的差異,但在「使用選擇」上則無顯示出特別的選擇偏好;三大族群的「使用動機」、「使用行為」與其「使用滿足」均有正向的關係,亦即是使用動機、使用行為表現得愈強烈,其所獲得之使用滿足也就愈強烈;另外,三大族群中選擇使用MSN、Yahoo的使用者,在「使用滿足」上亦呈現出不同的滿足情形。

大學圖書館應用社會性軟體之研究 / The Application of Social Software in the Academic Library

王盈文, Wang,Ying-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊(Instant Messaging,IM)和部落格(Blog)是近來廣受應用的社會性軟體(Social Software, SS)。面對網路世代的發展趨勢,圖書資訊學界亦開始探討網路科技對資訊服務所帶來的衝擊,特別是以年輕族群為服務對象的大學圖書館,若能適當地利用社會性軟體,不僅可做為館員與使用者溝通的橋樑,亦有助於館員組織其工作,成為促進圖書館在網路時代拓展服務和提高價值地位之利器。 本研究旨在瞭解社會性軟體在大學圖書館的應用,以即時通訊和部落格為研究對象,探討國內大學圖書館員的使用情況,並分析館員對兩者應用於圖書資訊領域之看法,進而針對美國與臺灣地區大學圖書館的即時通訊參考服務和圖書館部落格進行分析,藉以做為圖書資訊領域整合及應用社會性軟體於資訊服務和工作業務之參考。在研究方法上,透過「文獻分析法」、「網路問卷調查法」和「個案研究法」,從量化與質化的方式,探討及分析即時通訊與部落格的使用情況、應用看法及建置模式。 本研究發現:一、我國大學圖書館員多已使用即時通訊,惟以私人用途為主。二、即時通訊可做為圖書館組織溝通及數位參考服務之用。三、圖書館應用即時通訊為資訊服務發展趨勢,但亟需重視人力及管理之配套措施。四、我國大學圖書館員已有建置個人部落格經驗,並多採用免費服務平臺。五、大學圖書館建置部落格,做為圖書館服務的延伸。六、圖書館部落格可做為資訊服務的新入口,但須同時配合人力資源、教育訓練與維護管理等考量。七、美國大學圖書館在即時通訊參考服務與圖書館部落格發展上已具規模,可供國內未來應用參考。八、即時通訊參考服務應提供多種軟體類型及跨假日之彈性服務方式,以供使用者擇取。九、圖書館部落格應善用各種部落格功能,與圖書館服務的結合,拓展資訊服務的能見度。 最後建議:一、大學圖書館應積極推動與行銷即時通訊參考服務,實踐圖書館數位參考服務理念。二、針對館員的即時通訊參考服務技巧與能力加以訓練,培育參考諮詢服務優質人選。三、利用即時通訊暢通組織交流,並研訂明確管理辦法,以提升館內同仁協調合作績效。四、建置圖書館部落格,拓展圖書館實體與虛擬服務機會。五、圖書館部落格應結合RSS功能及連結圖書資訊領域部落格,開展即時和新穎的資訊服務。六、開設不同層次的部落格教育與訓練課程,培養館員管理維護知能。七、掌握和分析社會性軟體之發展和應用趨勢,並定期審核與評估實施效益。八、圖書資訊學教育應開設社會性軟體相關課程,鼓勵師生學習和使用。 / Instant Messaging (IM) and Blog are two kinds of the Social Software extensively used recently. While facing the trend and development of network generation, the field of library and information science also began to discuss the impact of network technology on information services, especially the academic libraries of serving young undergraduate. If used appropriately, social software not only can bridge the communications between librarians and users, but also benefit librarians to organize their works effectively. Moreover, it can become the powerful tool of facilitating libraries to extend services and enhance value in the network age. The purpose of this study is to investigate the applications of social software in the academic libraries. Using IM and Blog as subjects, the study tries to understand how academic librarians use those two social software, analyze their viewpoint of applying both in the field of library and information science, and further discuss the issues of using IM reference services and Library Blog at the academic libraries in the United States and Taiwan for the application of social software in the field of library and information science. The “Internet questionnaire” and “Case study” were used, followed by quantitative and qualitative method to discuss and analyze the use, viewpoint and the application models of IM and Blog. The findings shows: (1) Academic librarians had used IM extensively, but rather for personal matters; (2) IM can be used for communications among library organizations and digital references services; (3) IM application is the trend of information services, but manpower issues and management must be addressed; (4) Academic librarians had experiences in Blog establishment and most librarians built their Blog based on free service platforms; (5) Library Blog can be used for the extension of library services; (6) Library Blog could be a new portal of information service, but the human resources, maintenance, management and education training need to be seriously considered; (7) The application of IM reference services and Library Blogs had been highly developed in American academic libraries which can be good models for the libraries in Taiwan; (8) The IM reference service would achieve better success if it goes across work day an holiday, and provides diversified software , downloading and manuals for users’s option; (9) Library Blog shall well employ Blog functions to combine with library services and enhance the visibility of information services. Finally, the conclusions were made: (1) Academic libraries should actively promote IM reference services; (2) Training librarians for IM reference service skills, develop talented person for reference consulting services; (3) Using IM to communicate and coordinate among library staffs; (4) Establish Library Blog to provide virtual service; (5) Library Blog should properly use RSS and link the Blogs within the field of library and information science to develop real-time and innovative information services; (6) Design Blog educational training courses for different levels to develop maintaining and managerial skills of librarians; (7) Observing the trend of social software development and evaluate its implementation periodically; (8) Library and information science schools should conduct course on social software, and encourage teachers and students to apply it effectively.

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