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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

不同光源環境下的即時膚色辨識 / Real-Time Skin Color Detection in Various Lighting Conditions

紀煜豪, Chi, Yu-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在不同的光源環境下,顏色的資訊會隨著環境而改變,因此要做到穩定的膚色辨識並不容易。先前的研究指出,人類的膚色大致上可歸納於特定顏色座標系統中的一段範圍內。但是根據我們的實驗,這段範圍會隨著環境光源的改變而產生偏移,因此運用相同的標準,無法在不同的場景下做到準確的膚色辨識與切割。針對這個議題,我們提出利用影像中非色彩的資訊,找出最符合膚色的範圍。具體來說,借重臉部偵測獨立於色度的特性,我們使用臉部偵測的結果,做為調整膚色範圍的依據。實驗所得到的辨識結果,效能與效率都足以運用在以視覺為基礎的人機介面,例如手部與指尖偵測。 / Robust detection of skin color is a difficult task since color information changes under different lighting conditions. Previous research indicated that human skin color is restricted to a small range of values in certain color coordinate systems. However, the ranges tend to shift with varying illumination according to our experiments. It is therefore unattainable to derive a universal standard for skin color detection and segmentation for general scenes. To address this issue, we propose to use achromatic features to identify the proper ranges of skin color in an image. Specifically, we utilize the result of face detection, which is independent of chromatic properties, to guide the process of skin color range selection. Experimental results have validated the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed methodology for vision-based human-computer interface such as hand and finger detection.

即時通訊軟體MSN Messenger暱稱之呈現與溝通策略 / The nickname writing of MSN Messenger: Its presentation and interactive strategies.

林玉婷, Lin,Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以即時通訊軟體MSN Messenger暱稱作為研究對象,針對以往研究中鮮少考慮到的暱稱中介呈現特性,探討MSN使用者藉由暱稱所產生的自我呈現策略為何,重點在於人們如何在他人面前呈現自己,並進而產生溝通行動,對內溝通和對外溝通的過程中是否會產生相互協商、調整的狀況。 因為即時通訊軟體是聯繫人際網絡的溝通平台,暱稱是其中展現自我的舞台。因此本研究主要以人際互動、自我呈現與暱稱等相關理論進行探討。從傳統人際互動理論切入,探討電腦中介傳播中的人際互動與傳統模式有何不同,MSN又在其中佔有什麼溝通位置。利用符號互動論及戲劇理論來理解人際互動過程中,自我、互動、符號等概念是如何交互影響,人際互動中自我呈現的策略原則,以及自我概念如何在網路環境中轉變。最後對於暱稱概念演變進行討論,並提出MSN暱稱的獨特性以彰顯本研究的關注焦點。用此部分的暱稱概念連結前兩大部分的理論概念,發展出包含四大要素(MSN科技、使用者、暱稱、人際關係)的研究架構與研究問題,作為進入現象面調查的理論基礎與操作原則。 本研究針對MSN使用者進行深度訪談,分別從筆者的朋友群和在網路上張貼公告來尋找自願受訪者,最後成功訪談十七位受訪者,從訪談和受訪者所提供的暱稱文本中歸納出五大部分:MSN的使用情形與影響、暱稱書寫與呈現、暱稱產生的溝通互動與呈現策略、暱稱的循環互動意涵。 其中得出MSN是介於傳統人際互動與電腦中介傳播間的新傳播型態,與現實的人際網絡關係緊密。暱稱中所呈現的自我意涵相當強烈,為了保護書寫自我的動機,使用者發展出多樣化的暱稱書寫策略,而暱稱中所建構出的自我意涵不同於電腦中介傳播中普遍所述之破碎、流動的自我概念,反倒接近傳統的自我論述所說的連續性建構。最後,因為暱稱與自我概念緊扣,表面看似流動性大的暱稱,在持續寫作下卻呈現出連續性的自我呈現過程,有可能成為另一種文本類型。

智慧型電腦動畫攝影編輯輔助系統 / Design of An Intelligent Camera Editing System for Computer Animation

王柔文, Wang, Jou Wen Unknown Date (has links)
電影是門用畫面說故事的藝術,除了劇情上的編排,導演也必須思考如何運用鏡頭配置和運鏡技巧來渲染氣氛並傳達故事。電影拍攝製作上一直都是件費時費力的工程,儘管現在有不少電影後製工具,但專注在根據電影內容提升或改善拍攝手法的工具卻不多。本研究目標為開發智慧型電腦動畫攝影編輯輔助系統及互動操作平台,透過圖示化攝影機拍攝的結果作為選項的介面和推薦系統,讓使用者可以快速簡單的設置虛擬攝影機,配合智慧型回饋提醒系統檢查各鏡頭間是否違反拍攝規則,以達到輔助攝影初學者的目的,提供創新有效的動畫電影拍攝輔助工具。我們透過實驗讓不同攝影背景經驗的使用者操作,以驗證我們系統的可用性。 / Movie is the art of "storytelling." In addition to arranging story elements in a movie, a di-rector must also consider how to present the story by shots arrangement and operations. Filmmaking is a time-consuming process. Although there are many post-production tools available in the market, it is rare to find a tool focusing on facilitating shot arrangement to improve the quality of a movie. In this work, we have developed an intelligent camera editing system for computer animation, in which users can easily set up virtual cameras through se-lecting shot icons recommended by the system. It can also provide intelligent feedbacks to novice users and check if the shots selected by the users violate the rules in virtual cinema-tography. In order to show that the system is an innovative and effective tool for making an animation film, we have conducted an evaluation study by inviting participants with different photographic backgrounds to experience the system and verify the usability of our system.

TutorES: 線上輔導平台 / TutorES: Online Tutoring Platform

傅新雅, Garcia, Cyntia Unknown Date (has links)
For many years, Latin America has faced many socioeconomic problems. The lack of education and the limitation of access to information have been highly harmful to people with limited economic resources. As a consequence of these two inequalities, the crime ratio in the region has surpassed the global average ratio, and the development growth rate is low compared to other developing economies. Many educators around the world have concluded that the root of the problem is the bad structured educational systems in many of these countries, where not only the lack of well trained teachers, but also the limitation of opportunities is evident. As a result, Latin American people face many problems to compete and to excel in different fields in this globalized society. TutorEs is an online platform which desires to lessen the gap between the different socioeconomic status in terms of education quality. By providing open access to high quality educational material and taking advantage of information technology and the Internet; the company desires to empower people with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed and to create a positive impact to the Latin American society as a whole. Besides providing teaching sessions, TutorES will also be able to create job opportunities through the offering of informal job positions, where people with the right skills can provide their service as tutors and receive a payment. The special feature of TutorES platform is the free online tutoring sessions provided by people who want to donate time and efforts to learners who cannot afford a learning session at an academic institution which requires a monthly payment for the service. TutorES believes that education is a powerful tool that will promote a positive change in the Latin American region.


劉玄達, LIU,XUAN-DA Unknown Date (has links)
整合電腦及通訊網路技術之分散式系統(Digtributed System),係將分散各地的電腦 系統及相關的資訊設備透過通訊網路連接在一起,以形成能夠相互效換資訊,分享資 源,並具備分散式處理能力的系統。由於電腦及通訊網路技術突破性的進展,在許多 情況下,已使分散式系統較傳統的集中式系統具有低成本、高可靠度、容易擴充、效 能較佳等優勢。 本研究根據分散式系統的基本架構,使用排隊網路(Queueing Network)分析技術,建 立一套一般性的分散式系統模式,此模式可用以評估分散式系統運作之效能(Perfor- mance),探討影響分散式系統效能的因素。同時,本研究進一步利用系統模擬(Syst- em Simulation)技術分析分散式系統模式,並進行分析結果的比較與驗證,以做為規 劃與設計分散式系統的參考依據。為說明其應用,我們並以校園線上即時選課資訊網 路系統為例,找出影響其效能的主要因素及可接受的設計方案,以做為校園資訊網路 整體系統架構設計決策的參考依據。 本研究之預期貢獻主要在於提供一套簡單經濟且具有相當程度準確性的方法,藉以模 擬、預測或評估分散式系統之行為與效能,這套方法可以廣泛應用在各種不同組態下 的分散式系統。

MSN狀態列內容自我揭露的性別差異 / Gender differences in self-disclosure in the away message of MSN

蕭萱茵, Deike Lautenschlaeger Unknown Date (has links)
Although a substantial body of research exists on gender differences in Computer Mediated Communication, relatively little empirical attention has been directed toward the special case of CMC - Instant Messenger (IM) and the area of self-disclosure. This study analyzes gender differences and relationships in self-disclosure in the away message of MSN of 329 male and female Taiwanese university students. Applying the five subscales of self-disclosure by Wheeless and Grotz (Wheeless, 1978; Wheeless & Grotz, 1976) and the six topic areas of self-disclosure by Jourard and Lasakow (1958) revealed the following results: Findings show that males and females often do not show the gender differences anymore, which were previously found in face-to-face communication on certain aspects of self-disclosure e.g. frequency, depth, breadth, honesty or accuracy and valence of self-disclosure. However, findings pointing out the different motives and the use of self-disclosure on IM are similar to face-to-face communication, such as females prefer discussing their “personality” while male MSN users prefer “work or studies” especially the more buddies they have. Also males disclose with awareness and intention suggesting the make use of selective self-presentation (Walther, 1996) for rather males than females. Female MSN users write more impulsively in their away message, however they are found to be more selective than males in to whom they chose to disclose or not by blocking buddies. The number of buddies on the buddy list seems to have hardly any effect on males’ and females’ self-disclosure. The gender of buddies on the buddy list as a moderating factor showed that males feel more comfortable (honest and less understated) when disclosing to females. Extra findings include that for both gender self-disclosures on IM is not less honest and not exaggerated, rather understated. Previous findings in face-to-face communication on preferred topics of self-disclosure of both genders of Asian background were confirmed on IM. On IM, self-disclosure by males and females seem to be free of the importance of the degree of social distance within Chinese society as hardly any primary groups and secondary groups but almost only mixed groups of buddies on buddy lists were found.

偵查中之羈押審查 / Court review of detention under investigation

朱曉群, Chu Hsiao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
1995年12月22日司法院釋字第392號解釋意旨,本於憲法第8條正當法律程序精神,採取2年定期失效解釋方式,將偵查中羈押權回歸法院審查,嗣於1997年12月19日刑事訴訟法修正實施後,偵查中羈押決定權正式歸由法院審查,乃絕對法官保留原則。誠然,羈押為干預人身自由最為劇烈之強制處分,自1997年12月羈押權悉歸由法院行使已逾13年,期間不乏因檢察官羈押聲請案件衍生實務爭議問題,甚而引發社會輿論沸沸揚揚之討論,究其因乃刑事訴訟法第十章關於被告羈押之規定固計有21條;然法官對於偵查中之羈押審查,所應踐行之審查程序,例如:偵查中羈押聲請是否涉及管轄權、羈押庭的法院組織係採合議制或獨任制、檢察官應否到庭、辯護人在場權之行使(得否以偵查不公開為由暫時拒卻辯護人於羈押庭在場),及羈押審查之範圍與界限為何,均乏明文,而此亦為實務個案中所呈現爭議。 偵查中羈押實有其秘匿性與急迫性,法官如何於檢察官呈現之證據資料,於極短暫時間,判斷被告或犯罪嫌疑人是否該當條文所示之羈押事由及其必要性等各環節,如何於法制規範未完備之際,妥適審斷。本文擬先藉由羈押制度之基本概念說明,再依循法院於受理偵查中羈押案件,自程序審查之開端俟至羈押理由要件審查,實務上曾產生個案爭議之介紹,及對於不服偵查中羈押裁決之救濟模式,兼論修正草案內容,試以突顯現行條文規範偵查中羈押審查之缺漏,作為日後羈押制度修法的借鏡,以期符合國際間對於被告人權保障的落實。

大中華地區跨域實境事業之創新經營模式─以KTV產業為例 / An Innovative Business Model of Across Area Service - A Case Study of KTV Industry

李旗川 Unknown Date (has links)
在大中華地區,與親朋好友至實體店面KTV唱歌是極為常見的娛樂方式,但近年來至外地念書以及至外地工作的情形屢見不鮮,因此要與親友齊聚一堂、共同歡唱實屬不易。本研究的目的乃是要提出一種創新服務的經營模式,藉由現有攝影、投影和軟體技術的組合與改良,搭配空間情境的塑造,打破地域的限制,滿足不同地區親友與網友跨地域聚會歡唱的需求。 為了找出可行的商業模式,本研究透過實地訪查臺北、北京、深圳以及雲南等地的實體店面KTV,以比較各地經營模式與服務內容的差異性;並透過實際嘗試使用線上KTV網站,以了解目前線上KTV的營運模式與優缺點;更透過訪談各類潛在消費者以及問卷調查與分析,來確認目標客群並評估目標市場的大小。本研究從調查中發現,此種跨域實境的服務除了可以滿足各地親友互相聯繫的需求外,還可滿足商業溝通、愛唱歌者媒合以及陌生網友聯誼等需求。本研究針對這四種需求的目標客群,設計不同的行銷計畫與收費方式,並提出階段性的事業發展計畫。 / In the Greater China region, singing at KTV with friends and family members is a very common entertainment. Studying and working outside the hometown has become very popular recently, so if you want to sing and gather with family and friends it may be quite difficult. The purpose of this study is to propose an innovative service business model, by combining and improving the existing photography, projection and software technology. The purpose will be achieved by shaping space scenarios, creating innovative goods and services that can break the geographical restrictions, and will give people opportunity to gather together. In order to find the viable business model, in this study I will compare differences between business model and services in KTVs in Taipei, Beijing, Guangzhou and Yunnan. I will try to use the online KTV site to learn the operating mode, pros and cons of online KTV, interview potential consumers, use the questionnaire survey, and then evaluate the size of the target market, identifying target customers and a viable business model. After being verified and amended repeatedly, this service will not only satisfy the demand of those, who want to gather with relatives and friends, but will also satisfy the demand of commercial communication, matching the people who love singing, and will also satisfy the activities of unfamiliar netizens. In this study, according to the demand for these four target customers, different marketing plans and charging methods will be designed, and phased development plan will be proposed.


陳蓉萱 Unknown Date (has links)
MSN Messenger(以下簡稱MSN)為當前電子傳播科技的種類當中,廣受使用者青睞的溝通工具之一。透過這項電腦中介科技,可能衍生的人際互動議題,可謂添加了「人際溝通」這個研究領域的豐富性。本研究鎖定MSN的其中一項功能-「在場訊息」,或稱「線上狀態」,根據使用者運用這項機制的策略,本研究試圖勾勒出因應新傳播科技所發展的溝通型態。 使用者透過在場訊息有機會向他人彰顯本身的「溝通可得性」。這個溝通的可得性同時指涉時間與空間的概念,亦即使用者「在不在?」以及「有沒有空?」根據先驅研究的初步發現,在場訊息讓使用者有探索的自由度;這個自由度植基於科技特有的「符擔性」,因而賦予使用者在限度之內挖掘科技本身的可能性。本研究特別關注的是具有過往互動歷史、由線下衍生到線上的人際關係;這種特性的關係型態在與科技特性交會之後,是否可能誘發人際互動的新視野? 本研究同時採取人際網絡滾雪球法,以及透過網際網路公開招募的方式,總共募集21位受訪者。透過深度訪談的方式,發現在MSN的情境裡,「科技」與「關係」交會之後,在場訊息的功能因而衍生出新的使用意義,從單純表彰個人溝通可得性的工具,成為使用者之間用來衡量或評估人我關係親疏遠近的工具,透過介面特性反覆確認人我對於關係的定義。當這項機制的意義被延伸之後,使用者也產生因應之道,發展相關溝通策略。最後,回應本研究一開始所欲探討的,亦即運用MSN在場訊息對於人際互動的啟發。研究結果顯示,在新的科技中介溝通情境當中,使用者對於自身溝通主動權的看重與掌控。


李銘智 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路給中國大陸社會帶來言論自由的空間,因為網路自主與跨國界的特性,使中共政權無法有效在內容上管制不斷漫延的言論。倘採取更嚴格管制措施,如域名劫持、封鎖網址等方法,反而會帶來負面的效應。若對網際網路的言論持續不斷的管制、規範,只會激起網民更強烈的反彈。 網路傳播由於其所展現的全球觀是具有無國界、去中心化、匿名、隱私、便利等特性,因此更加對共黨集權統治下的中國大陸社會體制形成一定程度的影響。新的挑戰接踵而來,像網路犯罪問題防處;因為網路人口增多,各種新型態的「博客」、「播客」興起,網民民主參與程度增加;再者網路文化競合問題,也是對中共政權的挑戰,同時對中共國家安全也產生重大影響,這些問題都是中共進行網路管制的難題。 面對種種發展網際網路後產生的難題,由於擔心喪失網路輿論的這個重要陣地,中共領導當局始終未放任網際網路自由發展,更將網路空間當成宣傳國家政策的另一項工具與手段,藉以延伸其政治力量控制的版圖。 中共為了處理面臨的難題,加強了網路管制,建立了世界上最嚴密的「網路長城」。設置了數量龐大的網路警察,並希望在下一代的網路建設中,成為與美國並駕的科技大國。 本論文在探討中國大陸網際網路發展時,對於網路規範及言論管制作法;也從各種新興網路軟體及運用方式變化來觀察所產生問題及對大陸民主化影響,並以此作為我網際網路發展與管制上之參考。

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