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實現公車即時電視經營架構之研究 / Bus operators framework to achieve real-time TV Study李世揚 Unknown Date (has links)
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證券市場即時交割制度之研究陳上民 Unknown Date (has links)
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網際網路上即時股價預測類神經網路系統之研究葉榮明 Unknown Date (has links)
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即時通訊與社交平台之國際化發展:以WeChat為例 / International Development Of Instant Messaging & Social Platform--A Case Of WeChat葉上齊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,企業在發展平台策略時,先進者將享有明顯的網絡效應(Network Effect),而後進者除非能提供使用者「非用不可」之理由,否則將很難突破使用者被專屬陷入的問題。另外,跨國(境)的網路效果並非絕對顯著有效。其次,當平台在母國市場成熟之後,下一階段的國際化過程中,會遇到文化、使用者習慣之差異、品牌來源國的效應等挑戰,特別是即時通訊與社交平台,因為牽涉到不同文化的語言模式差異,以及東西方文化在價值觀上的差異。第三,平台國際化的行銷策略中,推式行銷策略比起拉式行銷策略效果更顯著,因為平台的成功來自網絡效果的建立,唯有透過用戶之間彼此的吸引力,即「用戶拉用戶」的模式,才能快速達到關鍵多數(Critical Number)並轉化為長期用戶。第四,即時通訊與社交平台的國際化策略,不能只從企業的角度思考機會、威脅以及成長策略,也必須換位站在使用者的角度思考為什麼要放棄已經建立社交網絡的平台,並付出轉移成本學習新的平台。企業必須幫助使用者降低轉移成本、提高非用不可的動機。第五,即時通訊與社交平台的優勢如果是建立在母國市場的完整生態系,在國際化過程中會遇到生態系無法跨國(境)複製的問題。第六,即時通訊與社交平台的國際化發展是一個動態的過程,不一定能在第一代產品就成功,有時候,是在既有市場深化的過程中,藉著發展新產品和服務的策略,找到更適合海外市場的服務,再重新出發。
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即時線上通訊系統創業企劃 / Business Plan for the Web Instant Messaging Service徐世強, Hsu, Ellie Unknown Date (has links)
Currently SMS is the most popular one for text messaging market, and the traffic of SMS was 5.9 trillion messages in 2011 which occupies 64.1% of the global text market. According to the research from Informa, the market share of SMS will down to 42.1% in 2016. At the same time, global mobile instant messaging traffic will increase from 1.6 trillion messages in 2011 to 7.7 trillion messages in 2016, doubling its share of global messaging traffic from 17.1% in 2011 to 34.6% in 2016.
The number of IM users in 2011 reaches 2.6 billion and there are various kinds of instant messaging application available in market already. Each IM application tries to focus on the different features to differentiate from other competitors. Some IM applications are focusing on the computer users like MSN or Skype and others are focusing on the mobile device users like Whatsapp or Line. ChatInn provides a new way to help people to keep communication between different platforms.
Whatsapp, one of the major competitors of IM service provider, after reaching 1m users by the end of 2009, Whatsapp’s downloads increased tenfold during 2010. The company does not reveal its current user numbers but analysts assume it is in the tens of millions.
ChatInn is a web base instant messaging service which can work on the computers and the mobile devices. ChatInn’s goal is to provide a quick, simple and a safe way for person who wants a quick short meeting or chatting. Not like other IM applications, ChatInn doesn’t require the installation or the complicated registration to be able to use this service. For the new user, the only required information is the username and password, no other personal information is needed. To host or start a short meeting or chatting, the user only needs to send out the meeting url link which is generated by ChatInn to the target contact. The target contact could just simply click on the link from the computer or mobile device to enter the meeting or chatting. ChatInn also provides the app for mobile device users which allow the user could be always contacted online just like other IM apps.
ChatInn is expected to reach 100K users in 6 months and more than 1 million users in the 3rd year of operation. Advertising will be the major profit center, and it highly depends on the size of user base. There will be net profit in the end of 2nd year and will generate net profit of 5.29M. When the active users keep growing steadily, ChatInn would start global marketing promotion as well in order to keep expending the business scale.
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我國壽險資金運用於不動產投資模式之研究 / A Study on the Real Estate Investment in Life Insurance Funds蘇睿信 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣網際網路使用者對即時通訊之認知與實際使用狀況魏碧梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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《只為快一秒》劇本創作 / The Film Script of "All for One Second"曾懿晴 Unknown Date (has links)
劇本背景設定在2016年,傳統媒體面對新媒體的到來仍在找尋轉型方式,故事主角由傳統報紙記者試圖揭發一起台鐵連續弊案,探討傳統新聞定義、資訊蒐集方式,與過去大不相同的可能性,記者在數位匯流時代的工作方式轉變以及即時新聞焦慮症,進一步呼應整個社會對於資訊不確定性的焦慮,並預言新聞未來的可能發展類型。以劇本為表現方式,意在期盼對於新媒體的未來發展,在媒體型態不斷革命的今天,能有更多的想像及展現空間,找到更多的可能。 / As the network, smart phones and other mobile devices are booming in recent year, there are dramatic changes in domestic mass media. In attempt to cater to increasingly diverse audiences in the Internet era, old-branded newspapers, dominating the main public opinion in the past, is developing real-time news on the Internet thoroughly. Those traditional mass media corporations seem to suffer from anxiety disorders of real-time news competition, and consequently conclude that real-time news should be the first step for them to transform.
In this war of transforming traditional media, newspaper companies and broadcasting television all have to change their strategies. It has seemed to bring more free, pluralistic, and open-minded choices since brand new media emerging. In spite of breaking through the way of getting information, information explosion has turned people into deep anxiety for getting it. Anxiety is regarded as an epidemic, partucularly in this era. Facing uncertain future, it does not only make media anxious, but also the audience.
This article emphasizes on journalists who felt anxious about real-time news while they encountered the transformation of media. Meanwhile, it describes information anxiety among modern people. This article further figures out possible solutions, and assumes the mechanism of news in the future. It includes two traits, the big data analysis and crowdsourcing intelligence, as for the mechanism of news. The more appropriate form of news can be developed not only on the way of accumulating information, but also the screening of removing repeated information. Thus, we could be much closer to reality.
Presented via the form of a script writing and based on a story in the year of 2016, the script describes that traditional media is struggling to figure out a way toward successful transformation, while facing the confrontation of the new media. The main character of the story, a newspaper journalist, tried to uncover a scandal of Taiwan Railway Administration. By following the journalist's work, this article discusses about definition of traditional news, the way of collecting information, and the differences how journallists are working in the digital convergence era, reflecting the entire society's anxiety toward uncertainties of information. This article also tries to predict possible development of news in the future by storytelling. In this continuing evolution of media nowadays, we hope that society can embrace more imagination and possibilities.
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穿戴式互動展演創新應用與即時追蹤技術研究 / Interactive Performance Using Wearable Devices: Real-time Tracking Technology and Innovative Applications鄭仲祐, Cheng, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文運用穿戴式裝置與新一代無線網路藍芽4.0,提出即時追蹤技術套用於這類表演,可使得演出更加豐富並且能即興創作。然而,目前受限於穿戴式平台上的藍芽訊號強度更新頻率每秒只有5至10次且傳輸容量有限,所以本篇論文結合體態感測裝置輔助無線網路藍芽4.0,提升對穿戴者的即時追蹤能力。實驗結果與真實位置只有0.3至0.5秒的延遲時間,並在校內進行兩場互動式展演作驗證成果。未來期許可以將此技術運用於多人展演場,讓更多使用者可以互動體驗。 / Recently, more and more interactive performance technologies appear such as Avatar or virtual-character integrated art perform. Such performs are based on pre-made animations and physics simulations. However, this kind of shows need a lot of practice, and it is impossible that audience or performers play with or interact with the virtual characters. In addition, many moviemakers use high quality cameras to distinguish body postures. Although cameras can record anything with high precision, it is constrained on the light and obstacles of the environments.
If we, somehow, can capture the motion of the performers in real time, then we are able to interact with virtual characters and make improvisation possible. This thesis aims to use the wearable sensors and the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) of BLE to track in real-time. However, the update rate of RSSI is limited to 5~10 per second. This thesis proposed a tracking technique which combines with wearable motion sensors to assist BLE localization. The tracking lag can be reduced to only 0.3~0.5 seconds, and also real performance was experimented in the campus. In the future, we hope to use this technique on interactive performance with many people in different places.
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網路人際的隱性人格理論之初探:以網路聊天室為例 / A Primary Study of Implicit Personality Theory in Internet Human Relations-The Case of Internet Relay Chat羅懷慈, Lydia Lo January 1990 (has links)
人際傳播重要的「認知、過濾」理論-隱性人格論(Implicit Personality Theory),常被用於解釋人際互動間進展及是否持續接觸的重要理論之一,它牽涉到訊息蒐集、篩選、判斷等認知處理過程,同時也被引申到人際傳播的效果闡述上,經過多年來的論證已顯示此理論對於人際交往及傳播的影響層面是無庸置疑的,不過當面對被視為未來趨勢的虛擬網路世界時,隱性人格理論是否仍在網路交往過程中扮演一重要角色,抑或是會產生本質的改變,還是根本毫無影響,目前似乎沒有任何具體答案,因此如何將已精粹成形的人際傳播理論運用在網際網路中的人際傳播上,相信該是「人際傳播學」在21世紀開啟的此時最迫切的課題。
經本研究歸納深度訪談內容及訊息,顯示「隱性人格理論」在虛擬的網路世界中的確存在且有其不同層面的影響力,不僅在互動過程中該理論的現象發生得更早,並且牽涉到更多自我主觀的認知判斷,但相對真實世界而言,該判斷是比較脆弱且易變的,也間接顯示出網路人際關係與現實世界中的交往是有本質上的差異。 / THESIS ABSTRACT
The interaction among people is no longer limited by distance or space according to the development of new technology for information and transportation. The concept of ‘Global Village’ has been formed and ‘interpersonal communication behavior’ is getting more and more complicated and important as it is among the regions and across boundaries. For instance, serious attacking event of ‘911’ was caused by incorrect ‘communication strategy’ and different cultural background; and the ‘Ms. Chu event’ was also caused by inappropriate interpersonal relationship. These great sufferings could be avoided if the people or governments involved in those two events could have clarified the problems and taken proper ‘communication strategies’ in advance.
‘Implicit Personality Theory’, an important theory of ‘recognition and filtering’ in interpersonal communication, is a theory that was commonly applied to explain the progress of interpersonal interaction and to confirm the continuous connection. It involves in the process of handling recognition on information collection, screening, and judgment, etc. Other than that, it is also extended to elaborate the effect of interpersonal communication. After years of expound and prove, it is obviously that this theory has been demonstrated a deep impact to interpersonal association and communication. However, when facing the so-called future trend of virtual cyber world, there is still no concrete solution whether ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will play an important role in the cyber world? If there an essential change will be occurred, or even no any influence at all. Consequently, it is considered the most urgent issue in the opening of 21st century that how the maturely formed ‘interpersonal communication theory’ can be applied to interpersonal connection in the cyber world.
This study tried to get in from the different phases of AIDA in the process of handling information, and from an in-depth interview of several heavy users of IRC to explore the process of virtual interpersonal interaction to the chatting partner in internet chat room and further to understand if the phenomenon as described in ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will be occurred in the process of cyber association, just the same as that in the real world, or if there any other party and object will be impacted.
It was demonstrated that ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ exists in virtual cyber world and impacts to different parts throughout the induction of the contents and information from the in-depth interviews. The phenomenon of this theory not only appeared earlier in the process of interaction, but also more involved in judgment of recognition from self subjective. However, for the real world, this kind of judgment is weaker and easier to change, and indirectly shows that there were essential differences between cyber interpersonal relationship and real world communication. / 目錄
第一章 概論
第一節 研究動機..................... 1
第二節 研究目的..................... 3
第三節 研究問題..................... 4
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 人際傳播之定義.................. 5
第二節 人際傳播的理論基礎................ 9
第三節 隱性人格理論...................10
第四節 網際網路與人際傳播................16
第五節 網路人際傳播...................17
第六節 網路即時聊天...................21
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構-A-I-D模式............... 27
第二節 研究方法.....................29
第三節 研究對象.....................31
一、 設定合格受訪者條件............31
二、 受訪者選取................33
第四節 研究設計.....................35
一、 研究工具.................35
二、 進行程序.................37
第四章 研究發現
第一節 研究對象共同特性 ................ 41
第二節 第一階段-“A”ttention注意 ............. 42
一、 在IRC中..................42
二、 在真實世界中................46
第三節 第二階段-”I”nterest興趣 ............. 47
三、 在IRC中..................47
四、 在真實世界中................55
第四節 第三階段-“D”esire欲望...............56
一、 在IRC中..................57
二、 在真實世界中................60
第五節 總整理.......................61
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論......................66
第二節 檢討與建議.....................69
參考文獻............................ 72
附件一:1996∼2001年蕃薯藤網路使用行為大調查........ 78
附件二:一對一深度訪談過錄文稿............... 83
附件三:受訪者背景與網路即時聊天室使用經驗簡介....... 111
圖2-1-1 傳播金字塔 5
圖2-1-2 5W公式 6
圖2-1-3 人際傳播的基本概念 8
圖2-3-1 交際關係的六個階段 13
圖2-5-1 微軟Out-look的e-mail 19
圖2-5-2 台北科技大學紅樓BBS資訊站 19
圖2-6-1 IRC多對多互動聊天畫面 22
圖2-6-2 IRC「悄悄話」一對一聊天房間 22
圖2-6-3 可針對特定對象,選擇擬人化動作 25
圖3-1-1 隱性人格理論的內向傳播過程 27
圖3-1-2 AIDA模式 28
圖3-1-3 研究架構 28
圖3-3-1:英國網路重度使用者定義圖示 32
表2-1-1 人際傳播理論 9
表2-5-1 網路人際傳播介面比較表 20
表3-2-1 質化研究與量化研究的取向觀點 29
表3-2-2 質化與量化研究的差異 29
表3-3-1 網路使用時數描述性統計結果 33
表3-3-2 網路上癮者與非上癮者網路使用時數t檢定 33
表3-3-3 受訪者簡介 34
表4-5-1 兩種場域「推測性格」行為不一致的受訪者 41
表4-5-2 兩種場域「意願受影響」行為的差異 41
表4-5-3 受訪者與陌生人接觸的差異化比較表 42
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