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多巴胺受體拮抗劑對大白鼠舔飲行為配置的影響 / The Effect of Dopamine Receptor Blockade on Licking Behavior Allocation王思涵, Wang, Szu-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討舔飲蔗糖液之成本利益情境中,多巴胺受體拮抗劑對舔飲行為配置的影響,以釐清阻斷多巴胺使行為受損的條件與所代表之意義。實驗設計為「高位置高濃度糖液+低位置低濃度糖液」雙管情境中的舔飲行為,實驗一確立高、低位置分別代表高、低成本後,實驗二至實驗七調整糖液濃度、裝盛容器與舔飲經驗,發現唯有「高位置籠外水管20%糖液+低位置伸入式水瓶15%糖液」且增加單獨對低瓶的舔飲經驗,方能建立多巴胺受體拮抗劑的「此降彼升」動物模式。實驗八確認「此降彼升」的三要件為低位置是(1)低成本:伸入式容器、(2)高利益:15%糖液、(3)充足經驗:9天舔飲低瓶。實驗九至十一的藥物測試得到前述動物模式可有效區別多巴胺受體拮抗劑、降低食量藥物與干擾動作藥物有不同影響型態。實驗十二發現單管情境與雙管情境的結果有很高的一致性。結論為(1)較低劑量的多巴胺受體拮抗劑並不減少大白鼠對糖液的總需求、不干擾兩者行為間的區辨選擇與轉換能力,(2)舔飲行為不受多巴胺受體拮抗劑干擾的要件為低成本、高利益與充足經驗三者需同時成立,(3)不符三要件之舔飲行為會因多巴胺受體拮抗劑而降低表現量,因此反駁過去認為完結行為不受此類藥物干擾的想法,(4)本研究建立的雙管舔飲情境可有效區分不同藥物作用,值得做為進一步探討多巴胺與行為之間的關係及其神經機制的動物模式。 / This study investigated the effect of dopamine antagonist on licking sucrose solution behavior under cost-benefit condition, which was designed into a 'high-cost high-benefit with low-cost low-benefit' licking test situation. Experiment 1 confirmed that the difference of licking response between high and low positions indicating the cost difference. Experiment 2 to Experiment 7, manipulating the liquid container, sucrose concentration and the experience of licking low position solution, found that rats only increased low position sucrose intake while decreased high position one in 'high tube 20% with low bottle 15% sucrose solution' condition. Experiment 8 further confirmed three factors of low cost, high benefit and plenty experience were necessary for increasing intake of low position in simultaneous contrast to decreasing the intake of high position. Experiment 9 to Experiment 11 evaluated the drug effects of dopamine antagonists, anorectics and motor relaxants on the present animal model. The results showed the different patterns of reaction for these three types of drugs. Experiment 12 revealed the results of single tube condition were consistent with those of cost-benefit condition. Together, these results demonstrated that dopamine antagonist neither decrease the drive for sucrose nor disrupt the abilities to discriminate and select between two tubes under the present model. Three factors of cost, benefit and experience are important to determine dopamine antagonist effect. Therefore, the resistance of consummatory behavior to dopamine dysfunction may be limited for specific situation. And, the cost-benefit licking model can be useful for further investigation of neurobehavioral mechanism of dopamine system.
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論元改變規則: 中文間接受詞的轉換與地方詞倒置現象 / Function-Changing Rules: Dative Shift and Locative Inversion in Mandarin Chinese黃惠婷, Huang, Hui Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以詞彙映照理論 (Lexical Mapping Theory) 為理論基礎,討論
morpholexical rule)的影響。本篇論文進而指出論元結構的改變在於詞
In the current theory of Lexical Functional Grammar, the
lexical Mapping Theory (LMT) distinguishes itself with its non-
transformational prediction of the surface structures of
sentences. This thesis demonstrates that with a revised LMT,
we gain a new insight on the syntactic account of Mandarin
dative construction and locative inversion. The revised LMT
asserts for a null intrinsic value for the goal and locative
roles, a morpholexical operation on primitive features and a
principle of underspecification. The intrinsic classifications
is motivated from the concept of prototype. The morpholexical
operation may add but not change features. The principle of
underspecification signifies the spirit of markedness. With
this revised LMT, we focus our concern on how the functional
structures of dative construction and locative inversion are to
be syntactically projected via the mapping principles that
govern the correspondence between thematic roles of the
argument structure and grammatical functions. Within the
framework of this revised LMT, the Dative Shift and
alternations between locative phrase and locative inversion are
explained with the operation of morpholexical rules. In this
thesis, kernal dative constructions and locative phrase are
defined as structures without morpholexical rules whereas the
derived dative construction and locative inversion are
interpreted as sentence structutes mediated by morpholexical
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台灣地區社會犯罪住戶面受侵害者模式之研究 / Study in the Social Criminal Victimization's Model on Housing Unit in Taiwan謝志偉, Hsiesh, Jyh Woei Unknown Date (has links)
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凸函數最佳化在統計問題上的應用 / Convex optimization: A statistical application劉世凰 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,凸函數最佳化相關的理論與實務已漸趨完善並廣泛應用在各種不同的領域上。已知針對限制條件下之最大概似估計量(Maximum Likelihood Estimator,簡寫MLE)求解的統計問題,一般都是先求解在無限制條件下之全域最大概似估計量(global MLE),若所求得之解能滿足給定的限制條件時,則代表我們的確得到所要的結果;但若所求得之解不能滿足限制條件時,我們就必須考量於此限制條件下之求解區域的最大概似估計量(local MLE),而其計算通常趨於複雜。在本研究中,我們嘗試藉由凸函數最佳化的理論與方法在受限最大概似估計量的求解上。首先針對一組2X2列聯表(contingency table)資料,給定限制條件為勝算比(odds ratio,簡寫OR)不小於1情況下,欲求各聯合機率之受限最大概似估計量。接下來則討論針對3X2列聯表資料,給定兩個區域勝算比(local OR)皆不小於1之限制條件,求取各聯合機率的受限最大概似估計量。我們最終整理歸納出一套分析方法,並將此歸納結果拓展到對於任意J不小於2之JX2列聯表中之受限最大概似估計量計算問題上。本研究中所提出的求解方法包括將決策變數重新參數化,忽略原始的線性限制等式,並另外在原始目標問題中加入某個懲罰項,使其新的最佳化問題滿足凸函數最佳化問題的條件。接下來利用凸函數最佳化之理論,列出其Karush-Kuhn-Tucker 條件,再藉其中的互補差餘條件(complementary slackness)來分析求得理論最佳解。最後我們得出當懲罰項之相對應的係數為n時,則其所求得之最佳解即為此統計問題中之受限最大概似估計量。
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影響企業採用整合通訊系統之因素探討 / A study on the factors affecting the implementation of unified communications in an enterprise陳秋正 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊通訊技術的快速發展,Internet已成為全世界最重要的資料乘載工具,以IP為基礎的多媒體通訊架構,逐漸取代傳統電話的溝通模式,成為企業快速佈署與協同運作的最佳選擇。透過整合通訊系統(Unified Communications, UC)的導入,企業可以將網路電話、視訊會議、電子郵件、即時通訊與行動裝置等通訊系統整合在同一個平台上,以大幅提升企業協同運能力,並有效的提升企業運作效率。
關鍵字:Unified Communications,UC,IP Phone,整合通訊系統,TAM,科技接受模型,VoIP,網路電話 / Along with the fast development of the information technology technique, combined with the adoption of Internet that made the Internet the most important transmission tool for communications, the IP-based multi-media communication framework has gradually replacing the traditional fixed-line telephone systems and has become the optimum option for the enterprises for their business establishments and their organizational synchronization. By applying the Unified Communications (UC), enterprises are able to integrate their IP Telephony, Video Conference, e-mail, Instant Message and Mobile Communication devices into the same platform; as a result, the systematic integration has greatly advanced the level of synchronization and improved the efficiency of the business operation.
The multiple communication equipment being used such as the traditional telephone, fax, MSN and Skype are for the purposes of enhancing the efficiency of communication and reduce costs. However, the information security and compatibility amongst different systems may become problematic if the integration is not being carefully organized.
The adoption of UC was proven to be a success by many international enterprises that has integrated it into their business practices. Therefore, Taiwan, with its good reputation of an island of technology and one who is renowned with its creativity, should keep up to speed with the world in adopting the prevalent information technology. We should keep maintaining our competitive advantage that we have developed over the years.
This Study was conducted through interviews with large bank, electronic product manufacturer and consulting services company. The research was based on the TAM framework to analyze the five aspects of the external variables namely, individual, organization, technique, mission and environment. In addition, this Study intends to seek a result that will provide an enterprise a future reference about the factors that can influence in making a decision on the feasibility and applicability of adopting the Unified Communications.
Key Words: Unified Communications, UC, IP Phone, TAM(Technology Acceptance Model), VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol), IP Telephony
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從創新擴散的觀點探討企業在Inbound Marketing的導入 / Adopting inbound marketing:the perspective of innovation diffusion陳治平, Chen, Chih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
社會與科技的快速發展,促使網際網路的使用普及化,也影響到公司與消費者間的溝通及行銷模式。行銷創新:Inbound Marketing也是在這樣的情境下誕生。而近來台灣大量公司也採行Inbound Marketing作為重要的行銷手段時。讓公司不斷採納Inbound Marketing的理由及想法應該有可解釋的背後因素,所以本研究期望藉由研究的結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素為何?(2) 行銷創新擴散主要因素為何?(3) 不同產業在採用行銷創新上的異同為何?
本研究藉由文獻與學理的回顧,進一步探討Inbound Marketing行銷創新。以創新擴散、科技接受模式及兩階段理論作為基礎,發展出個案研究的基礎架構。研究架構將創新採用的過程,以創新決策流程作為基礎,區分為動機、啟發、執行及常規化等四個階段,並結合科技接受模式及兩階段理論中所討論的要素,進一步發展出構面。動機構面中含括創新、環境及組織等要素,啟發構面則包含設定標的及尋求創新等項目,執行構面則有重新定義及釐清兩個步驟,最後的構面則是常規化階段。本研究採用多重個案研究法,依前述的架構構面與變項進入深入的探討。
本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1) 資源、環境及競爭要素是影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素。(2) Inbound Marketing的高創新可近性是行銷創新擴散的主要因素。(3) 消費性電子及連鎖餐飲業在Inbound Marketing行銷創新採用的比較中,產業差異並不顯著。本論文最後進一步提出實務上及後續研究上的建議。 / Studies in innovation distribution and diffusion field have been researched for decades, but most innovation target will focus on technology innovation. Marketing innovation is still a new issue in innovation diffusion field. The study wants to be a base for following research in this topic.
Internet quickly developing has totally changed communication tools between customers and companies, and forced new marketing method (or “marketing innovation”) “Inbound Marketing” was generated. And in these years, more and more companies adopt inbound marketing as a regular marketing tool. This study tries to explain the factors and motivation of company adopts marketing innovations, main reason of marketing innovation diffusion and differences of marketing innovation adoption between different industries.
This study review innovation, marketing innovation related research, and make sure study target” Inbound Marketing” as a marketing innovation. And the study frame combines innovation diffusion, technology adoption model and two stage theory to analyze all study cases.
The study structure is divided into four stages: Motivation, Inspiration, Execution and Routinization. Motivation contains “Innovation”,” Environment” and “Organization” factors. Inspiration includes “setting targets” and “seeking innovation”. Execution has ” Re-define” and “clarify” two stages. Finally companies adopt innovation and “Routinization”.
The study finds “Resources”, “Environment” and “Competition” would be the main reason of marketing innovation adoption. And the high accessibility of inbound marketing with “Environment ” and “Competition” is the main factor of marketing innovation diffusion. Finally ,comparing “ Consumer Electronics Industry” and “ Chain restaurants” two industries, the difference in marketing innovation adoption is not obvious.
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壓力的神經行為機制-探討大腦前額葉皮質在單次高台壓力引發場地制約偏好現象中的角色 / The Neurobehavioral Mechanism of Stress--The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in the Single High Plate Stress Induced Conditioned Place Preference沈映伶 Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關壓力的研究指出,當對實驗動物施予單次禁錮、足部或尾部電擊或是實驗者的抓取動作等壓力源時,其大腦中的前額葉皮質、杏仁核、依核或是紋狀體等處會有隨壓力源產生的多巴胺分泌量增加現象。相對於壓力源對腦中神經化學物質的探討,壓力源對與學習制約有關的行為影響的相關研究證據迄今如缺,因此本研究企圖建立單次壓力源操弄對場地制約偏好行為的動物模式。實驗一A對大白鼠施予單次30分鐘的高台壓力源,發現確實可建立場地制約偏好行為。實驗一B操弄單次高台壓力源觀察其對實驗動物自發性活動量的影響,結果發現其對於實驗受試在大動作持續時問上具有抑制效果。實驗一C操弄單次高台壓力源後的0、30、60及120分鐘時採取實驗受試的前額葉皮質、海馬體、杏仁核、依核及紋狀體等五處組織,檢驗其多巴胺、血清張力素及代謝物的含量。結果發現除海馬體外的四個部位的多巴胺量及其代謝物分別在不同採集時間點有不等的顯著增加現象。血清張力素的變化量在各個部位不及多巴胺。實驗二及實驗三分別經由周邊或中樞前額葉皮質微量注射多巴胺D<sub>1</sub>與D<sub>2</sub>專屬受體拮抗劑,結果發現其可抑制曲單次高台壓力源操弄所建立的場地制約偏好行為。綜合上述結果,單次高台壓力源的操弄確實可引發大白鼠大腦中的多巴胺量增加藉以形成場地制約偏好行為,而此場地制約偏好行為所依賴的多巴腰量增加位置推論其是依核而非前額葉皮質。另外,多巴胺D1與D2受體對此高台壓力源引發的場地制約偏好行為所扮演的角色相當。 / When experimental animals under single stressor, such as restraint, foot, or tail-shock, or handing, an immediate and robust releasing of dopamine appears in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, nucleus accumbens, or striatum. In contrast to these neurochemical findings, the behavioral effects under stress are rarely studied and remained uncertain. The purpose of this study was to establish an animal model of single stress-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Experiment 1A found that the CPP can be induced by a single high-plate stressor. Experiment 1B investigated the effects of this single high plate stressor on rats' locomotion, this stressor was found to inhibit the large movement as measured by duration. Experiment 1C investigated the timing course of this stressor on dopamine, serotonin, and their metabolities in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, nucleus accumbens, and striatum. The results showed that all the areas, except hippocampus, had distinct patterns of changes on dopamine, serotonin and their metabolities at different times' after stress. Experiment 2 and 3, examined the effects ofdopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonists, administered respectively via intraperitoneal or local infusion into the prefrontal cortex, on the CPP formed after high-plate stress. The results showed that these drug manipulations can inhibit stress-induced CPP. Taken together, these results indicated the CPP formed after high-plate stressor is developed on the immediate increase ofdopamine releases in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. These neurochemical alterations are more profound in the nucleus accumbens than the prefrontal cortex. However, the dopamine D<sub>1</sub> and D<sub>2</sub> receptor in the prefrontal cortex are also important for the formation of CPP after high-plate stressor.
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公務人員利益衝突迴避法制研究王品清 Unknown Date (has links)
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個人的懷舊傾向與創新接受度對 不同廣告訴求與新舊品牌的喜好度 差異性之研究 / Discuss consumers' attitude toward different advertising appeal with brands through individual personalities: nostalgia prone and innovativeness陳姿伶 Unknown Date (has links)
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行動二維條碼在台灣的接受因素與發展應用之研究 / Acceptance, development and application of QR code in Taiwan: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model康皓鈞, Kang, Hao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
行動二維條碼在日、韓的發展應用已相當成熟,過去台灣推行二維條碼時期由於手機的支援以及QR code的應用都尚未成熟,使得二維條碼在台灣並不普及。近年智慧型手機的發展逐漸普及,將能大幅提昇二維條碼更多元的應用,不僅是傳遞資訊給使用者,甚至結合了地圖導航、行銷及購票等功能。
本研究透過科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)結合社會影響、促進條件、知曉型知識、操作型知識、知覺價格等影響台灣使用者意願之因素,透過問卷調查並經由結構方程模式進行驗證,分析台灣使用者的接受模式與影響因素的重要性,並給予政府、電信業者及商家在推行QR code應用上的建議。
本研究結果顯示「社會影響」及「促進條件」為最主要影響「使用意願」之因素,其次為「知覺易用性」及「知覺有用性」,「知曉型知識」與「操作型知識」則會影響「知覺易用性」及「知覺有用性」並間接影響到使用意願,台灣民眾希望使用的二維條碼服務前三名依序為取得商店及旅遊資訊、優惠卷下載、快速名片與電話輸入。因此行動業者再推行二維條碼時可考慮從社會媒體、智慧型手機的支援著手,並提供旅遊資訊及優惠卷等相關應用。 / The development and application of QR code is quite advanced in Japan and Korea; in contrast, at the time when QR code was introduced in Taiwan, lack of mobile phone support and the and the limited applications of QR code meant that it was not immediately popularized in Taiwan. In recent years, the growing popularity of smart phones has enhanced the various applications of QR code, not only providing the information to the user, but also performing navigation, marketing and ticketing functions, to name a few.
This study is based on the Technology Acceptance Model, with Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Awareness Knowledge, Operation Knowledge and Price as the usage factors, and by verifying the structural modeling through public surveys and analyzing the importance of the Acceptance Model and other influences of users in Taiwan as the driving factors in incorporating QR code applications in the government, telecommunication carrier and business spheres.
The study results indicate that Social Influences and Facilitating Conditions are major influencing factors of Intention to Use, followed by the Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness; the Awareness Knowledge and Operation Knowledge affect the Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness, and indirectly affect the Intention to Use. The top three QR code services that users in Taiwan are interested in relate to information about shops and tourist points of interest, coupon downloading and the fast input of business cards. Therefore, support of the continued development of public media and smart phones, the provision of tourism information and coupons along with other applications of QR code would be factors for consideration by a telecommunication carrier proposing to integrate QR code in its services.
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