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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


賴木湧 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的經濟發展與中小企業的萌芽、茁壯、繁榮有著緊密相連的關係。國內外學者對於台灣中小企業之所以能成功的原因多歸結為「台灣經驗」,而為了維持優勢的存在,中小企業與政府相關部門不斷思考策略形態如何調整,希望能由不同的經營策略創造出中小企業所獨特擁有的競爭武器。 本研究主要是以台灣紡織產業上、中、下游廠商為樣本,藉由廠商深度訪談的方式,從生產作業面來瞭解紡織產業供應鏈所面對的環境、目前所採行的生產策略、本身所具備的生產競爭優勢,以及產業供應鏈所結合的策略與優勢。其目的就是從實證的角度,來探討紡織產業上、中、下游廠商生產策略與競爭優勢間的互動關係。 為了探究強勢競爭廠商的關鍵成功因素,本研究擬就訪談廠商所提供之生產實務做法,根據文獻所整理出之理論上學者們所認為的最適搭配關係,來主觀推論廠商在理論上已採行的策略與衍生的優勢。本研究根據個案分析所提出的策略涵義為:(1)廠商在規劃所欲採取的生產策略時,可利用本研究提出之矩陣來思考供應鏈整體的策略目標;(2)產業供應鏈的每個成員應重視「彼此關係可以長期建立」的關鍵因素;(3)供應鏈廠商對於生產競爭優勢之選擇,應視本身條件的限制,配合生產策略之不同作搭配與調整。 最後所得到的結論如下:(1)產業供應鏈的優勢分別來自個別廠商、或上、中、下游間因合作關係所產生的綜效;(2)當內、外部環境發生變化時,廠商會在成本優勢和「非價格」價值的優勢間作選擇;(3)供應鏈廠商在個別企業政策目標的指導下,可能導致生產策略的不當搭配而造成競爭優勢的負面影響;(4)產業供應鏈印證了資源依賴理論的觀點。

台灣免稅市場威士忌銷售創業計畫 / Whisky business in Taiwan duty free market

張斾欣, Chang, Philip Unknown Date (has links)
台灣免稅市場威士忌銷售創業計畫 / Whisky business in Taiwan duty free market By Philip Chang Taiwan duty free whisky market total Scotland whisky consumption was 162K cases (Or 1.9M Bottles) in 2007, with 6% strong growth against 2006. Blended whisky has 68% share, estimated NTD3.8 billions market value; in contrast malt whisky has rest 32% share with estimate NTD3.9 billions market value. Total 2007 Taiwan DF Scotland whisky market value was NTD7.7 billions market value. PNP will entry Taiwan duty free market as a first step to build its business by introducing new whisky brands to the market. PNP aims to grab 2% whisky market share (NTD154 million) in 6 yrs. PNP will then move to next step to enlarge its business into great China region (China and Hong Kong), and the third step will to expand its business into Asia Pacific region. PNP is now found three potential new brands such as Balblair (Scotland distiller of the year 2008), Old Pulteney (Scotland’s most acclaimed independent bottler of single casks of rare malt whisky) and Port Charlotte ( New premium Islay whisky). PNP is now on the way to approach those three brands for dealership negotiation. Besides current three brands, PNP is also keep searching other potential brands to strengthen its product line.

直銷成長的商業模式──以台灣賀寶芙的營養俱樂部為例 / A business model for growth in direct selling: the case of Herbalife’S nutrition club in Taiwan

許琇涵, Hsu, Stacy Unknown Date (has links)
直銷成長的商業模式──以台灣賀寶芙的營養俱樂部為例 / As the prominence of social networking and direct interpersonal means of communication have swept the modern Internet era, the means by which consumers are marketed to have dramatically changed. Currently, in Taiwan there is no shortage of products to consume or information about those products to understand. Therefore, the concept of the Herbalife Nutrition Club in Taiwan has prompted a dynamic shift in the way Taiwanese consumers are introduced to, learn about, consume, and become brand loyal to the health and nutrition products offered by the company. The foundation of the nutrition club concept is built upon the Direct Selling industry, which is an outgrowth of decades of studying customer value perception, product promotion localization, and recently social networking. This study explores the Herbalife Nutrition Club business model in Taiwan and how it is radically providing product and service experiences to customers to garner consecutive years of double-digit growth in Taiwan since 2006.

台灣特用化工未來競爭策略 / Taiwan's future competitive strategy with the chemical

鐘大智 Unknown Date (has links)
石化工業為當年帶領台灣經濟貣飛的火車頭,對於台灣產業經濟 影響舉足輕重,近年隨著兩岸局勢及國際環境改變,化工產業也面臨 到前所未有的挑戰,如何能發揮台灣化工業之競爭優勢並在市場中永 續經營是所有相關產業最重視的問題。本研究透過質性研究,深入產 業實地研究,透過分析產業特性及外部環境之轉變,尋找適合台灣化 工產業未來發展之策略。本研究結論認為,產業未來佈局應以全球化 創新策略取代中國化市場之導向,並整合台灣產業其核心研發、創新 等能力,創造差異化之商品尋找未來國際市場新商機,才為化工產業 能在產業繼續保持競爭力之關鍵。


顏伊屏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文援引Chang and Coulson(2001)之實證模型設定,藉由向量自我迴歸模型,將全球景氣、全球產業、大陸與台灣景氣之特性排除後,獨立出兩岸產業衝擊效果,分析台灣與大陸兩岸產業間之互動關係。本研究所使用之資料為製造業與非製造業兩種產業之就業人數季資料,涵蓋範圍為1994年第一季至2005年第三季。實證研究發現,台灣與大陸產業間互動情形大致呈現大陸產業影響台灣產業,而台灣產業對於大陸產業之影響 力則較弱。其中,大陸製造業因供給面衝擊,將受台灣製造業所替代;大陸非製造業則因需求面衝擊,而與台灣非製造業呈現互補現象。台灣製造業短期下因需求面衝擊,將被大陸製造業所替代,然而長期卻能轉型與大陸製造業並存發展;台灣非製造業則因規模限制,將受大陸非製造業替代。最後,大陸產業對於台灣經濟之反應為負向,而台灣產業受到大陸整體衝擊時,卻因需求外溢效果呈現正向關係,然而長期下,大陸之磁吸作用將不利於台灣非製造業發展。 / This paper applies the model established by Chang and Coulson (2001) to investigate the interaction of industries across the Taiwan strait. This paper constructs a vector autoregression model in an attempt to isolate the shocks of the world, industry, China and Taiwan which may have an influence on industries between Taiwan and China. Data are quarterly employment series for manufacturing sector and non-manufacturing sector from 1994 Q1 to 2005 Q3. The results of this study are that China industries has a lager influence on Taiwan industries. Because of the supply shock, Taiwan manufacturing sector has a negative impact on China manufacturing sector. In contrast to the manufacturing case, there is a complementary relationship between non-manufacturing sector due to the demand shift effect. Taiwan manufacturing sector is substituted by China manufacturing sector in the short run, but there is a positive effect in the long run owing to the structural change in Taiwan. Without the advantage in economics of scale, Taiwan manufacturing industry is also substituted by China non-manufacturing sector. Finally, business cycle in Taiwan has a negative influence on China industries, and a shock in China has a positive impact on Taiwan industries from the demand spillover effect. However, the impact will be harmful for the development of Taiwan non-manufacturing sector in the long run.


彭心玉 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的證券市場中,散戶投資人佔高達八成的比例,其在市場的參與程度影響證券市場的發展;本研究針對自民國七十九年市場崩盤後,散戶投資人繼續參與市場或離開市場的情況進行長達15年的追蹤分析。 研究發現民國79年2月12日的崩盤跌幅雖然曾高達83%,但是離開市場的比例並不大,高達九成的人在後續的年度仍然繼續進出市場,且其交易次數與平均交易金額都逐漸增強,顯示持續積極參與市場外,也是市場主要的穩定投資人;在分析中可以發現,不論在交易金額或交易次數的分析上,樣本群在市場崩盤後的各波段交易上,反應程度都比整體大盤投資人大。 對存活者、非存活者在崩盤前的交易次數、交易金額分析中,發現存活者為平均交易次數、金額較高者,但是變異數很大,且崩盤後後續交易記錄也顯示存活者群中,存在高交易次數、低單次交易金額與低交易次數、高單次金額兩類,與台灣證券市場散戶實證研究中,周轉率與報酬率呈U型分配,交易次數特別高及特別低的兩群樣本投資人,可能報酬較佳,所以得以存活於市場的情況相呼應。 / 80% investors in Taiwan Stock Market are individual investors. In that, their participations have great impacts to the stock market prosperity. This research focuses on the market crash which has happened since 1990 and tracks the individual investors’ trading activities of the following fifteen years. In research we found that, although the market index has decreased 83% since Feb.12, 1990, there are 90% individual investors remained trading in the market. Besides, we found the individual investors who keep trading (the survivor) increase both in their trading frequency and in trading amount which shows the survivors play an important role in the stock market during the following years. In further analysis, we also found the survivors had greater responses to the rises and falls of the stock market than total market individual investors’ average. When we analyze the survivors’ pre-crash characters, which showed survivors were those who had greater average trading frequency and average trading volume. Besides, there also existed big variances in the survivor group. Both evidences showed there existed survivors who were high trading frequency with low trading volume and those who were low trading frequency with high trading volume. These proved the prior research evidence of individual investors’ character that the return and trading frequency distribute as U shape in Taiwan stock market. Investors in highest trading frequency group and lowest trading frequency group could get better return to survive.

台灣臉書使用者的隱私權管理 / Facebook users’ privacy management in Taiwan

林宜萱, Lin, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
Given the high penetration rate of Facebook and more than 10 million daily active users in Taiwan, the subject of Facebook became an important focus of study. This thesis attempted to examine how factors such as gender and gender, time spent on Facebook, personal privacy orientation, knowledge, negative experiences and privacy concerns would predict users’ profile privacy settings and their use of privacy protection strategies. By utilizing the Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), individuals and collectives would develop the rules, known as boundary. In the process of managing one’s privacy, they would coordinate the boundary and also mitigate the disruption to the rules established, known as boundary turbulence. A survey of 1,102 Facebook users in Taiwan through an online questionnaire was conducted over a two-week period from April 29 – May12, 2014, and yielded a confidence level of 95% and a 3% confidence interval. Results showed that 48.6% of respondents were males, while 51.4% were females. Respondents that fell between the age group 25-34 also made up the biggest group among users. Respondents had spent an average of 4.71 years on Facebook at the time of the study, and reported that they spent an average of 3.06 hours on Facebook per day. Facebook users in Taiwan were privacy-oriented, had partial knowledge to Facebook’s privacy policy, and were concerned about their privacy on Facebook, particularly how Facebook utilized their personal user information. As for negative experiences users had on Facebook, over three quarters of them reported the negative experience of being invited into the spammed shopping groups. Respondents also utilized different privacy settings based on the nature of the information on their profiles. Through performing linear hierarchical regression analyses, results showed that gender, time spent on Facebook, users’ personal privacy orientation, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy and negative experiences served as predictors to the strictness of users’ profile privacy settings. On the other hand, gender, age, knowledge toward Facebook’s privacy policy, negative experiences and privacy concerns served as predictors for users’ privacy protection strategies. This thesis contributed to the current research pool in the following ways. First of all, the sample in this thesis was representative of the population of daily active users in Taiwan. Secondly, while numerous previous studies have focused on predicting users' privacy management via privacy settings or the frequency of updating their privacy settings as dependent variables, this thesis also considered privacy protection strategies, such as deleting Facebook friends, un-tagging photos, and turning off cookies on computers. Thirdly, this thesis also considered users' negative experience on Facebook, and confirmed that it was a significant predictor to both users’ privacy settings on profiles, and privacy protection strategies. Keywords: Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), Facebook, privacy, boundary management, Taiwan

台灣省工作委員會相關政治案件之研究(1946-1961) / no English title

梁正杰 Unknown Date (has links)
白色恐怖政治案件是國民黨為反共而產生的政治產物,1950年代台灣省工委會相關政治案件可說是國民黨政府「反共抗俄」實質績效之一,欲了解國民黨政府在1950年代如何將台灣建立成其宣傳的「反共抗俄復興基地」,就必須對省工委會相關政治案件作一番了解,於此不僅能探究出國民黨政府對於「反共抗俄」國策的落實面,更能從中窺見國民黨政府如何藉製造政治案件以確立其在台灣之政權。且國民黨政府在1949年以後的台灣社會塑造一個「恐共」的氛圍? 筆者希望藉由探究這段國家利用公權力迫害基本人權的歷史,唯有體現國家暴力以何種方式迫害人民的基本人權,才能夠真正記取歷史教訓,珍惜基本人權並極力保護這個普世價值,這是本論文的宗旨也是努力的方向。


顏雅玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從韓劇發光發熱的現象中,反思台灣電視劇近幾年來的發展,發現台灣電視劇產業面臨諸多窒礙與難題,然在政府推動文化創意產業之際,電視劇實是相當具有外銷潛力的文化產品。要加強外銷,首先要作的便是提升本土自製電視劇產品與品質。   因此,本研究援用文化經濟的理論角度剖析具文化特質的電視劇,包含文化投資心態、文化產業政策之擬定、文化經濟具有之特質等,透過理論的分析,深入了解電視劇的文化與經濟價值。   研究方法方面,本研究以文獻分析及深度訪談雙重研究方法,對台灣電視劇發展進行多元且深入的解析。   有鑒於韓劇在亞洲市場獲得極大的成功,本研究希冀從韓劇發展模式中獲得啟發,因此,藉由比較分析台灣與韓國電視劇之電視生態、節目製播法規、文化產業政策、節目特色與經濟效益等,發掘台灣電視劇發展之困境與難題,並找尋可向韓劇取經之處。   而為求能更深入了解台灣電視台業者經營電視劇之實際狀況,研究者以深度訪談的方式訪問電視台從業人員以獲得內部資訊。   結合韓劇的發展經驗與訪談電視台從業人員的結果,本研究提出革新我國電視劇之建議,包含提升我國自製電視劇產量與品質,及促進節目出口。最重要的是需要產、官、學、民四者的搭配,政府單位必須打造適合產業發展的環境、擬定促進產業發展的條例;學術界也必須與產業合作,進行戲劇節目產銷相關之研發工作、培育產業需要的人才;民間也需要支持本土戲劇節目、投入產業價值鏈的操作、活絡產業資金。 / Due to Korean culture content industry produces huge amount of values, and Korean drama is one of the most important culture products exported, so this study would analyze the policy of culture content development in Korea in order to capture some guides that we can learn how to improve Taiwan TV producing and marketing from their experiences. This study would focus on how to raise the amount and quality of Taiwan self-produced television drama. The study-method used are literature-analyzing and profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel. We find that Korean dramas were produced in rational competition structure. And Korean government have well-designed producing-marketing policy. So, not only the competition structure but also the government protection policy, both lead Korean drama develop well. Moreover, the genre of Korean drama has high cultural correlation with other Asian countries, it is also the key success factor. By profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel, this study finds that there are many problems in producing and marketing our TV drama. Like limited producing cost, the lack of original script, the lack of enough professional personnel, the lack of program survey, etc. In order to create cultural economics by TV drama, this study combines the analysis of Korean drama and profound interview of Taiwan TV personnel, and advocates advises to reform Taiwan self-produced TV drama. These advices are proposed below. In raising the amount and quality of Taiwan self-produced TV drama: search more gateways to increase producing expenses、enlarge the script space and theme of TV drama、institute performing arts education、establish related regulations by government、further program survey、quality control of program-producing organization. In pushing programs exported: capture the critical juncture of increasing needs of Asian cultural goods and grasp the cultural proximity with other Asian countries、increase international media cooperation、establish Taiwan drama brand and position, etc. The most important is that government、industry、academic community、general public should struggle together because the benefit created by TV drama would spread all.

臺灣氣候變遷與經濟成長之關係 / Climate change and economic development in Taiwan

楊雅婷, Yang, Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近來氣候異常與極端氣候災害發生的頻率不斷上升,為了解氣候變遷對我國經濟成長是否有影響,本文採用臺灣1961年至2010年共50年的氣溫、雨量等氣候資料,以及淨固定資產形成、儲蓄率和人口為解釋變數,來探討同時期的全國和農業部門經濟成長是否受到氣候變遷的影響。 實證結果顯示,臺灣近50年來的年平均氣溫有上升情形,且其變異程度和全距皆減少,顯示氣溫往高溫集中,確實存在暖化現象。而年平均降雨量、其變異程度以及全距,都有上升傾向,表現出臺灣降雨量有增加趨勢,且降雨的變動幅度也上升,代表氣候波動幅度增大。依ARMAX模型檢測得知,氣候因子並不顯著影響全國的經濟成長和農業部門的經濟成長,而是經濟解釋變數較顯著,故應以經濟因子來解釋經濟成長較為恰當。

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