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繰り返し変形に伴う部材挙動評価に基づく超高層建物の長周期地震動に対する安全性評価鈴木, 芳隆 23 September 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第13052号 / 論工博第4145号 / 新制||工||1657(附属図書館) / 33142 / (主査)教授 中島 正愛, 教授 川瀬 博, 教授 竹脇 出 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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インパルス列とエネルギー平衡を用いた弾塑性構造物の地震時極限外乱法小島, 紘太郎 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21064号 / 工博第4428号 / 新制||工||1688(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 竹脇 出, 教授 林 康裕, 教授 大崎 純 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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電子部品用金属化合物のX線発光・吸収分光による研究上原, 康 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第13177号 / 論工博第4168号 / 新制||工||1699(附属図書館) / (主査)教授 河合 潤, 教授 高木 郁二, 教授 杉村 博之 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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単原子層Wse₂における励起子のエネルギー構造と緩和ダイナミクスの研究 / Dissertation Energy structure and relaxation dynamics of excitons in monolayer Wse₂草場, 哲 24 November 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第23562号 / 理博第4756号 / 新制||理||1682(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 耕一郎, 教授 柳瀬 陽一, 准教授 中 暢子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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周波数偏差を伴うスペクトル拡散信号における高速同期捕捉に関する研究片山, 正昭 January 1997 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:07805037 研究代表者:片山 正昭 研究期間:1995-1996年度
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跨世紀日本防衛武力整建戰略涵義之研究鄭舜元 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束,美國國力下降、日本國力頗有增強。姑不論其軍事力量已悄然躍居全球第四、軍事支出已居世界第二的事實,其先進的科技和數一數二的外匯存底,成為國際矚目的國家,有成為更活躍參與者的本錢。但日本針對參與國際事務與分擔國際責任的程度和方式,國內和國外皆有正反不同的論辯,差異極大。主張積極參與者,都強調日本經濟實力提升之後,對國際社會應有更大的貢獻。反對的論者,則認為日本應避免在國外使用武力的原則不容輕易更動、對外活動增加可能不利對外關係或國內經濟活動;且東亞地區仍有部分國家以日本尚未真誠為侵略史實道歉,特別對日本軍力擴張和「軍國主義」復甦產生聯想,造成相當的阻力,不容日本迅速改變當前的防衛政策。日本固然小心翼翼,不願牽扯國際紛爭與分擔國際責任,但美國人民均認為美口同盟似乎不公平,指責日本坐享其成不負國際責任,是「廉價搭乘」(Cheap ride)美國安保列車。
日本在一九九五年十一月新頒布的國家防衛計畫大綱,所制定1996~2000年中期防衛武力建整計晝,即將屆滿,於二 000 年十二月十五日,日本決定再投資高額國防經費,整建2001~2005年之第二期中期防衛武力,冀望建立一支「合理化、效率化、精簡化」之適當的防衛力量,以增強其跨世紀的國防武力及對國際貢獻執行能力。新中期防計畫引進空母型護衛艦、空中加油機及其它軍事投資等,備受中共等鄰國的疑慮與關注。
美國面對後冷戰時期快速改變的亞太環境、為確保其國家戰略利益,美國除支持日本在聯合國維和任務中扮演積極角色,並藉由多邊聯盟安排逐漸引進日本軍事能力,重新定位日本在亞洲的角色,支持日本逐漸成為一個正常國家(normal state)。惟防衛力的增加,並不是單純二國內政的問題,國家之間主體的互動往往因彼此的研判與認知不同而產生誤解引發衝突,或為增強防衛能力可能引發軍備競賽,戰爭的工具增加,和平的維護變得困難和脆弱。在「安全兩難」的環境下,日本在美日安保架構增強防衛武力,區域內各國現階段的反應為何?以及當美國影響力退出本地區,權力平衡失去原來的架構時,區域內可能會有何種變化?以及日本在美國持續敦促參與國際事務,未來對外政策會有什麼新的方向?為本論文研究重點。
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台灣電視新聞頻道國際新聞節目製播策略探討---以中天新聞台為例 / The International News Program Production Strategies of 24-7 News Channels in Taiwan---A Case Study on CTITV陳昌祺, Chen, Chang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
產學界專家學者則認為理想的國際新聞節目應提供文化與地理接近性的新聞議題,並培養本地記者實地採訪,賦予國際新聞在地觀點,深入解析事件脈絡與意涵。然而國際新聞節目製播往往受限於收視率壓力,故電視台經營者應調整國際新聞長期被邊緣化的角色,並尋求企業界支持贊助節目製播經費,製作量質兼具的國際新聞。最後,產學界專家學者認為「文茜的世界周報」節目風格鮮明,可增加觀眾對國際新聞的興趣,但主持人與撰述記者的個人詮釋框架,應維持新聞公正客觀,硬性與軟性新聞應各佔一定的比例,亦可試圖將硬性新聞與觀眾生活連結,達到雅俗共賞的目標。 / This case study on CTITV is to investigate the international news program production strategies of 24-7 news channels in Taiwan. Based on the content analysis and the in-depth interview with the visual design manager, the special programming center director and the reporter in CTITV, we explored the orientation and function of the program, “Sisy’s World News”, the allocation of the personnel and resources, the production process, the news production techniques and creativity, and the vision of the development of this program. Moreover, we interviewed three professionals and practitioners in journalism so as to elaborate the elements of the ideal international news program, the alternatives for the predicament of international news production and the evaluation on “Sisy’s World News”.
The result of the study discovered that CTITV has been supportive to its international news production. Hence, the international news program, “Sisy’s World News”, is independently operated by the special programming center which capitalizes the comparatively rich personnel and resources of international news. This international news program has been distinguished from its name, insightful news scripts, audio and visual presentations which comprehensively manifest the host’s unique personal style. In the future, the director and the reporters are going to enrich the contents and topics to broaden the audience’s horizons.
According to the result of content analysis, the program focused on Mainland China, European Union, North America, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. The theme was mostly related to business, politics, society, culture and education. Straight news and the news headlines which summarized the weekly news from the international press were the primary approaches of the presentation.
The professionals indicated that the ideal international news program should provide the issues with cultural and geographical proximity for the audience. More importantly, the reporters should get more chances covering the news in person to interpret the news by their own observations and perspectives. However, rating is always the restriction of the international news production. The administrators should break the myth of rating and find more budget supporters for the better quantity and quality of the international news programs. Additionally, the proportion of the hard and soft news should be near equal. The host and the reporters in “Sisy’s World News” should be objective and cautious about the interpretations of the news and try to make the hard news relevant and interesting to the audience as well.
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行動通訊產業的創新策略研究 - 以台灣行動通訊產業為例 / Research on the innovation strategies of mobile telecommunications industry – An example of Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry周明峯, Chou, Ming Feng Unknown Date (has links)
行動通訊產業隨著日韓、西歐、亞太、北美和中國大陸陸續啟動B3G行動通訊的商業運轉,全球行動通訊服務和技術的發展進入嶄新的紀元,傳輸速度的大幅提昇,行動通訊服務商積極推動多媒體簡訊、行動音樂、行動影音、行動遊戲、行動訊息和企業數據應用等服務,寄望透過多元應用服務及創新經營模式提升顧客價值與獲利能力;另一方面,行動廣播、無線寬頻、網路電話等新興技術匯流至行動通訊領域,不僅催生行動通訊技術朝IMS和All-IP網路發展,並促使行動通訊服務商在行銷、服務、帳務和網路等層面朝向行動和固網雙網融合與數位匯流的願景佈局。在政府開放營運執照後,行動通訊服務業者皆投入巨額資金經營,期藉由傳輸速度快的優勢,可以發展出更多的行動加值服務內容,以期在語音營收成長飽和之下,創造另一營收來源;但是,行動通訊產業在大規模的投資下,未產生預期的效益,產業間渴望能讓產業創新的殺手級應用(Killer Application),引導台灣行動通訊產業找到高獲利的藍海市場。本研究期望,透過分析行動通訊產業的價值供應鏈在營運發展過程中碰到的困境,及其面對創新的技術與商業模式如何評估與發展,在面對市場與技術的不確定性下,分析出產業價值鏈的廠商面對創新的競爭所必須思考的關鍵因素,提供台灣行動通訊業者經營業務的一些建議,以便協助台灣在行動通訊市場的產業創新能力,提昇業者對行動加值服務應用與行動通訊設備市場的創新決策正確性,以期推動台灣電信市場的蓬勃發展。
本研究以克雷頓‧克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen)所提出的對突破性科技的看法,利用提出的破壞性創新及資源、流程與價值理論分析模式;以傑佛瑞‧墨爾(Geoffrey A. Moore)提出的技術採用生命周期(Technology Adoption Life Cycle)模式分析五種消費者,探討行動通訊產業如何分析電信業創新的鴻溝,如何邁向康莊大道。在訪談台灣行動通訊產業價值鏈的五家廠商中,就創新的驅動方式、創新的風險評估、如何管理創新與當前產業創新所面臨的問題與解決方案等議題,做充分意見交流,再經由文獻與理論探討、行動通訊產業市場的趨勢與分析、行動通訊產業技術的趨勢與分析,與台灣行動通訊產業個案分析後,最後作成結論與建議,並提出後續研究課題的建議。
一、 政府方面:
1.基地台網路: 協調業者以共構的方式及加速整合寬頻接取技術以解決網路品質的問題。
1.投入研究行動通訊的消費者行為: 行動通訊服務業者應投入資源研究本地消費者行為,以便洞悉創新的殺手級應用。
3.合宜費率: 根據消費者所獲得的行動通訊價值與成本動因計費。 / The mobile telecommunication industry along with Japan, Korea, Western Europe, Asia Pacific, North America and mainland China, it starts the B3G mobile telecommunications commercial subscriber service launch, the global mobile telecommunications service and the technology development enter a brand-new era. Following by the transmission speed of infrastructure network is improved rapidly, the mobile telecommunications service providers are positively to promote the multimedia services, mobile music, mobile video streaming, mobile gaming, mobile messaging and enterprise data service applications. We hope the penetration multi-dimensional applications to serve and innovate the business model to promote the customer value and profit ability. On the other hand, those emerging technologies, such as mobile broadcasting, wireless broadband, IP network telephony are converged to mobile telecommunications domain. Not only expedites the mobile telecommunications technology to IMS and the All-IP network development, but also urges the mobile telecommunications service provider in all aspects of marketing, service, billing and network infrastructures migrate to the wireless and wire-line network fusion and the vision of digital convergences. After the restriction of operation licenses released by government, the mobile telecommunications service providers invest a large amount of funds on new business development. Relying on the quick transmission speed superiority, may develop more mobile value-added service content. We expect to have more another revenue increasing objects while the voice-only service revenue mutuality. Nevertheless, the mobile telecommunications industry under the large-scale investment has not had the anticipated benefit, the industry hope we can let the industrial innovation to produce the “Killer Applications” that guides the Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry to find the high profitable blue sea market. The research expects that, by the penetration analysis mobile telecommunications industry value supply chain the difficult position which bumps into in transport business developing process, and how faces the innovative technology and the business model appraised and development, is facing the indefinite market and the technology, analyzes the industrial innovation the competitive strategy and the key success factors, provides Taiwan the mobile telecommunications entrepreneur to manage the business strategies and suggestions. In order to assist Taiwan in mobile telecommunications market industrial innovation ability, promotes the entrepreneur to the value-added service field and motivates the communication equipment market innovative decision-making accuracy, impels the Taiwan telecommunications market by the time the vigorous development.
The research is based on the viewpoint of disruptive technology issued by Clayton M. Christensen to leverage the analysis model of disruptive innovations and resource, process and value theorem; analyzes the five types of consumers by Technology Adoption Life Cycle model issued by Geoffrey A. Moore to investigate how telecommunications industry analyzes the chasm of innovations and how to adopt the early majority of market. In the interview of 5 enterprises across Taiwan mobile telecommunications industrial value chain, we make good communications and share opinions about all the issues of the method of innovation driven, risk assessment on innovations, how to manage innovations, to face problems and resolutions on industrial innovation. By leveraging the entire reference thesis, issued papers and theorem, the trends of market, analysis of market, and technology issues in the mobile telecommunications industry, collaborate with case study of Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry to study and make comments and conclusions on this topic. Also, we provide the suggestions on governing policies, industry strategies, and further research direction.
1.Nearby the front end of industry value chain, technology driven innovations methodology is highly enhanced and focused; Nearby the rear end of industry value chain, market driven innovations methodology is highly enhanced and focused. Disruptive technology is possibly occurred in any section of industry value chain.
2.The two major risk factors, market and technology, need to be handled together while manage disruptive innovations. It would make success to assess at least one of two major risk factors and they are all related to financial variables.
3.Innovation is always occurred in the border of organizations which is supported by key performance indicator setting of different major products and necessary financial funding.
4.The mobile telecommunications industry grows by major inferences of correct governing policies and proper regulations issued by technology management department of government.
1.For government:
a.Base Station System: Coordinate all operators to co-construct the system to speed the integration of broadband wireless access technology to resolve the network quality issues.
b.Technology platform and content industry: Collaborate with the enterprises of industry chain to support the research and development by proper industry regulations.
2.For wireless operators:
a.Research on wireless consumer behaviors: Coordinate all operators to invest subscriber behaviors and statistic analysis in local market to learn how to produce the killer applications.
b.Content and service platform: Proactively involve the content service developing and technology platform integration to develop the content industry as win-win purpose.
c.Proper subscriber fare: Charge wireless consumers by the value of requisition and cost driven factor.
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鉄製品の放射性炭素年代測定と試料調製Yamada, Tetsuya, Ohta, Tomoko, Nakamura, Toshio, 山田, 哲也, 太田, 友子, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)
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電源供應器業創新經營策略之研究-以T公司個案為例 / The business strategies of power supply firms emphasized on innovation-A case study of T corporation周青麟, Chou, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
台灣歷經過去幾十來在電子工業的蓬勃發展,帶動了供應鏈上各種產業聚落的形成。舉凡終端產品如個人電腦、筆記型電腦、無線通信及影音設備等。關鍵電子零組件如電源供應器、印刷電路板、積體電路代工業等。電源供應器(Power Supply) 提供各種電子產品穩定的電壓電源,隨著各式電子產品的演進,電源供應器產業的公司也不斷的進行各種創新研發與經營策略的調整。
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