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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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東周楚系文化圈考察 / The culture circle of Chu: observations on Eastern Zhou dynasty relics unearthed in yangtze river valley

陳珈貝, Chen, Chia Pei Unknown Date (has links)
本文將討論重心從傳統認知的楚文化圈,轉化為楚系文化圈,以「楚系」文化作為理解江漢流域東周文化的關鍵,而非討論楚人所進行的單面向征服。希望能透過此一研究角度的轉換,關照地域文化內部的多元族群,得以分梳政治權力與文化勢力的影響。   楚國郢都為楚系文化長期發展的重心,而郢都核心區的範圍,大體可對應為楚國的「王畿」,是以楚王居所與中央官署為中心所形成的區塊。楚國郢都行政體系已有一定規模,然而由地方勢力與封君控制的封邑,以及州的存在,阻礙中央對地方資源的徵調,致使楚王的支配權無法貫徹。   除了界定楚系文化核心的空間,本文也循楚人追溯先世之記憶,以楚人早期發展的沮漳之地,探索郢都文化的成形。沮漳河沿岸所見的大型城邑與春秋楚貴族墓群,呈現楚文化早期嘗試創新,卻受限於既有禮制之過程。戰國時期,郢都成為楚系文化繼起之重心,本文整合郢都核心區的貴族(士以上)墓葬資料,並參考楚地所出可資對照的實物,探討高等級墓葬所共享的文化特質。   本文前半部份的討論主軸在於楚國政體規畫,釐清楚國權力核心的範圍。然而,楚系文化圈之成立,政治勢力的拓展雖為其主要環節,最終仍著眼於文化圈內的住民能擁有同時性(simultaneity)的文化認知。先秦時期的政治控制與文化接受的關係複雜,兩者發展的進程是否同軌,仍需進一步考察。本文著眼於考古成果,分別探討楚人與楚系文化自郢都循長江的東、西向發展。對於西境的探討,首先整合渝東地區的出土資料,探討巴、楚文化彼此之間的採借與融合形式,以及整體峽區的物質流通。其後,再將討論焦點放於湘西與西陵峽地區,觀察楚人經營「西境」的模式。至於楚人的東向擴張,則有一段從漢東到東國的歷程,本部分討論著重探討江淮地帶的「吳頭楚尾」之地,將從楚人最初的東拓目標──漢水以東地區進行討論,再順長江而下,繼續討論楚國勢力東進至江淮間的過程,以及楚系文化於東國結構之下的發展。   戰國末期,楚作為政治實體已趨消亡,但是楚系文化圈生機未斷。楚人「東國」及其延伸的「南楚」領域,仍展現了一定的文化創制動力。此一由湘江、資水流域,經過江漢交會處的武漢,再到長江下游,循長江走向的區塊,在楚國政權亡覆前,憑藉楚系文化而有所整合。直至西漢初年,地方社群的文化表現猶能見其痕跡。當楚系文化不再依憑政治擴張的推動力量,其文化風格之延續,可作為解析早期中國地域文化發展的進一步課題。

"醒世姻緣傳"稱謂語研究 = The research on the appellation of "Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan" / Research on the appellation of Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan ;"醒世姻緣傳稱謂語研究";"Research on the appellation of Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan"

王萌 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese


李振興, LI, ZHEN-XING Unknown Date (has links)
王氏之學,廣矣,大矣。今所論者,僅就其注經之言,加以考辨,重在明其經學之怕 歸,至其他撰著,則不與也。 王氏注經,太半簡明切要,平易近人,所惜者,好攻鄭氏,「強辯求勝」,如本傳云 :「肅集聖證論,以譏玄短。」又家語序云:「鄭氏學行五十載矣,自肅成童,始志 於學,而學鄭氏學矣,然尋文責實,考其上下,義理不安,違錯者多,是以奪而易之 。」故後人每有微詞,今撰述其言,采薈眾說,是其是而非其非,苟有一言可述,則 據理申闡,使隱義彰明,苟有一字之失,亦循實責名,使名符其實。 本文之內容: 王氏注經,據史志所載,為數甚繁,惜多已亡佚,今可見諸古籍所引,及各家所輯文 之成帙者,有周易注、尚書注、詩注、三禮注、左氏注、孝經注,論語注等七經,今 依唐陸德明經典釋文之序,列章申疏,亦所以借明經之次第也。 第一章:王肅之周易學。 第二章:王肅之周易學。 第三章:王肅之詩經學。 第四章:王肅之三禮學。 第五章:王肅之春秋左氏學。 第六章:王肅之孝經學。 第七章:王肅之論語學。 此外,前列結論,以為本文之喤引,並述及王肅之生平,家世,交遊及著述,取孟子 「知人論世」之義也。後列結論,作綜合之評述,借窺王氏注經態度及其影響。最後 附錄聖證論。王氏一家之經學,今可見者,庶盡於此矣。


野水, 勉, 田中, 智一 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:09640721 研究代表者:野水 勉 研究期間:1997-1998年度

プラント・オパール中の炭素抽出とその14C 年代測定の試み

Matsuda, Ryuji, Sugiyama, Shinji, Toyama, Shuichi, Tazaki, Hiroyuki, Udatsu, Tetsuro, Nakamura, Toshio, 松田, 隆二, 杉山, 真二, 外山, 秀一, 田崎, 博之, 宇田津, 徹朗, 中村, 俊夫 03 1900 (has links)


溝口, 常俊 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:14580084 研究代表者:溝口 常俊 研究期間:2002-2003年度

冷戰後中共周邊外交策略之研究-對東南亞區域戰略佈局之分析 / Research of Communist Party’s neighboring foreign policy and strategy after Cold War Era-Analysis of the strategy layout in the Southeast Asia region.

王佩陸, Wang, Pci Lu Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰時期,東南亞區域發展受限於美蘇軍事力量的影響而互有對峙。直至21世紀初,隨著美、蘇兩國在東南亞部署的部分軍事力量移轉,加上中國大陸持續經濟成長與綜合國力的提升,使得在深化與東南亞周邊外交關係發展上,創造出有利條件,中共藉由經濟合作與軍事手段執行其在東南亞地區的睦鄰政策,以符合其在亞太地區周邊外交的戰略作為。 中共對東南亞國家周邊外交,主要係以政治和睦、經濟互利、安全互信等三個面向為基礎目標,試圖建構一個和平穩定的亞太周邊環境。首先在政治上,主要作法是強化與周邊國家政治關係,透過領導人出訪與各領域、各層級工作會議召開以及各國政治協定的簽署,全面提升與東南亞各國雙邊關係;其次在經濟上,主要在雙邊與多邊關係上加強與周邊國家的經濟合作,推動區域經濟一體化,並透過自由貿易區的計畫,次區域合作與經濟援助,強化在東南亞的影響力,藉成立「中國-東協自由貿易區」拉攏東協各國家;再者在安全上,加強解決與周邊國家解決在領土與領海主權上的爭議,與周邊國家建立雙邊軍事互信機制,參與多邊安全機制,如:參與「東協區域論壇」,及《東南亞友好合作條約》的加入等,藉以營造區域內負責任的大國形象。 中共在周邊外交戰略中,在東南亞區域議題是基於國家周邊安全與區域安全的考量,與中美大國關係的建立重要議題。在2009年美國總統歐巴馬上任之後,宣示美國「重返亞洲」企圖,並啟動多項亞太政策,著墨於區域多邊途徑,其政策亦正逐步落實中,美國對亞太區域發展影響力隨之增加。然而因美國在亞太長期的戰略影響力,重新關注東南亞地區,並以東南亞為軍事戰略重點,也使得中共在制訂對東南亞區域戰略過程與考量,須同時考慮美國影響因素的存在性。 同時,在中國大陸本身國家安全戰略考量之下與東南亞各國家合作,將有利於其國家整體發展與國家核心利益的維持,然中共在東南亞區域的整體戰略,同時牽動中共整體的周邊外交戰略。 / During the Cold War Era, the development of Southeast Asia region was limited and caused confrontations because of the influence of military power posed by Soviet-American arm race. Not until the beginning of 21st century, Soviet Union and United States’ transition of parts of military deployment in Southeast Asia region, couple with Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) continual economic growth and developing overall national strength, have created favorable conditions for CCP in developing and deepening diplomatic relations within Southeast Asia region. Moreover, through economic cooperation and military means, CCP carries out neighborhood policy in accordance to its diplomatic strategy in Southeast Asia region. CCP’s good neighbor foreign policy in Southeast Asia region mainly focuses on political harmony, economic common benefits as well as security and mutual-trust. All the above are fundamental goals in order to construct a peaceful and stable Asia-Pacific region. First, to start with politics, CCP strengthens political relations with neighboring countries through Key leader engagements, working conferences in all fields and levels as well as signing political agreements to enhance bilateral relationship among Southeast Asia countries. Second, followed by economics, in bilateral or multi-lateral economic cooperation with neighboring states, to promote regional economy integration and strengthen the CCP’s influence in Southeast Asia by plan of free trade area, sub-regional cooperation and assistance of economy. Also, CCP establishes ASEAN–China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) in order to win ASEAN over. Third, in terms of security, CCP endeavors to resolve territory and maritime territory disputes with neighboring countries, sets up a bilateral military mutual trust mechanism, and participates in a multi-lateral security mechanism. For instance, CCP’s participation as a member of ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) is able to create an image as a responsible rising power in the region. In CCP’s strategy of neighboring diplomacy, the issues are based on national and regional security in Southeast Asia region and how to built Sino-American relations. After the inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009, he declared the intention of pivot or rebalancing towards the Asia-Pacific region, and launched several Asia-Pacific policies describing the regional multilateral approach and gradually implementing policies as result of increasing of United States’ influence in Asia-Pacific region. However, the long-term strategic influence of United States of America in Asia, US’s pivot to Southeast Asia region, and military strategy focusing on Southeast Asia force CCP to consider the factors of influence of United States when CCP formulates Southeast Asia region strategies. In the meantime, under the consideration of CCP’s national security strategy, to cooperate with Southeast Asia countries is beneficial CCP’s overall national development and in maintaining national essential interests. In short, CCP’s overall strategy in Southeast Asia affects its neighboring diplomatic strategies simultaneously.


伊藤, 潤一, ITO, Jun'ichi, 吉田, 正人, YOSHIDA, Masato, 奥山, 剛, OKUYAMA, Takashi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

影城進駐商圈與周邊住宅價格關係之研究 / The Study of Relationships among Cineplex, Cinema Stationed-in Commercial-District, and Neighborhood Housing Price—by Taipei and New Taipei City Cases.

張庭華, Chang, Ting Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近年來影城結合商場、娛樂及餐飲,如雨後春筍般出現,建商售屋亦常以影城為吸睛廣告,對消費者而言,影城對周邊住宅價格影響是否存有關聯性係其購屋選擇關心條件之一,然而現今影城的類型大不相同,且觀察到影城大多座落於商圈內或是與百貨商場結合。因此,本研究將影城、商圈與住宅價格的相關程度做交叉分析,以初步了解其關聯程度,並應用集群分析以控制異質樣本,使得形成同質性的房屋屬性來看影城效果,再透過複迴歸模型分析,探討不同類型的影城、商圈與周邊住宅價格之影響關係。 透過複迴歸模型實證結果得知,影城對台北市周邊住宅價格是有影響的,以總價1,000萬元房屋,平均而言,正向的價差介於41萬元至310萬元之間,負向的價差則介於30萬元至271萬元之間,並且正向的價差高於負向的價差。進一步將影城依經營模式及服務方式分類進行實證,採連鎖經營模式的影城周邊房價價差約為40萬元,而提供複合式服務或僅提供單一式服務的影城,對房價的影響差別不大。該結果可提供消費者在評估購買房屋時之參考,亦可作為開發商與銷售業者在預售屋訂價策略及廣告遵循原則。 此外,由於消費型態的改變,消費者習慣將看電影結合其他休閒活動,這些由百貨公司以及電影院異業結盟的商圈更得消費者青睞,影城進駐與商圈發展之關係相輔相成,進而影響新北市周邊住宅價格,以總價1,000萬元房屋,平均來說,影城進駐商圈後能提升房價139萬元。 / These years combination-area of cinemas, malls, recreation and catering are springing up as well as being the eye-catching advertisement of building-contractors. In terms of house-buyers, the correlation between cinemas and the neighborhood housing price is one of the conditions they care. Nevertheless, with the variety of the cineplex-cinema currently and mostly locate in business districts and department stores, our study make a cross analysis between cineplex, cinema, business districts with residential price for their correlation. With cluster analysis to control the heterogeneous samples and to evaluate the price-effect of cineplex-cinemas under the homogeneous housing. Furthermore to multiple regression analyze cinema stationed-in commercial-district and their neighborhood housing price. Our study confirmed the cineplex-cinemas are influential to the Taipei City surrounding-area residential price. For the ten million house, averagely the positive-impact is between four hundred ten thousand to 3.1 million. Negative-impact is between three hundred thousand to 2.71 million. Besides, the housing price different positive effect is higher than the negative one. Further to verify type-mode cinemas: the price difference in neighborhood-area is four hundred thousand with franchise management type-mode. However, there is no price difference with complex and single-service type-mode. Housing-buyer can take the result as consideration during purchasing houses as well as real estate developers and salesman in pricing strategy and advertisement principles of pre-sale houses. Additionally, with the change of consumption patterns, consumers get use to watch movies together with other recreation. Thus commercial-districts combining with department stores and cinemas are more favored. The cinema stationed-in and commercial-district development are complemented each other, therefore to affect the neighborhood housing price in New Taipei City. For the ten million house, averagely, the positive price-different effect is one million and three hundred nighty thousand after the cinema stationed-in.

Synthetic Studies on the Al=Al Doubly Bonded Species and Elucidation of Their Reactivity / アルミニウム間二重結合化学種の合成研究とその反応性の解明

Nagata, Koichi 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第19523号 / 理博第4183号 / 新制||理||1601(附属図書館) / 32559 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 時任 宣博, 教授 丸岡 啓二, 教授 大須賀 篤弘 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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