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三□年代革命文學論爭之研究李權洪, LI, QUAN-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
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総合人間科「生命と環境」について : 生命倫理教育の観点からの考察(1)(特別研究)田中, 裕巳 15 October 1998 (has links)
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張繼早年革命事業之研究(一八八二─一九二七)井泓瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,中國現代史的研究逐漸蔚成風氣,其中以國民革命史的研究成績最為卓著。在國民革命史上,張繼無疑地是一位重要人物。他以一位北方人士,而能活躍於以南方人物為主導的革命陣營中,實在是值得研究革命史者的特別注意。張繼年甫弱冠,即投身於辛亥革命的巨流之中。民國肇建,又繼續匡輔中山先生,從事討袁與護法。其後在聯俄容共政策的形成與清黨運動中,尤具舉足輕重之地位。北伐完成後,復奔走各方,呼籲團結。抗戰期間,更翊贊中樞,盡瘁黨國。然而,在革命史料相繼 佈,革命人物事蹟相繼發表的今日,卻始終未見研究張繼的著作出現。筆者乃不揣才疏,多方蒐集有關史料,一探張繼之革命事蹟。惟限於篇幅與時間,本篇論文僅研究張繼早期的革命事功,以民國十六年全面清黨為斷限。北伐以後之部分,當俟諸來日。
本篇論文共分為五章;第一章「獻身辛亥革命」,從張繼的出身背景與所處時代說明他走向革命之途的緣由,並述其在辛亥革命運動中所作的種種貢獻。第二章「政黨政治的嘗試與二次革命」,敘述辛亥革命成功後,張繼輔佐中山先生籌組中華民國政府。建立政黨政治所作的努力,以及革命黨人在袁世凱的壓制摧殘下,張繼南下策動二次革命的經緯。第三章「討袁與護法的奮鬥」,探述張繼在帝制運動期間討袁之情形,以及袁世凱敗亡後,軍閥蹂躪法統,張繼襄助中山先生南下護法的經過。第四章「從聯俄容共到清黨」,首先論述張繼在聯俄容共政策醞釀之時積極支持的原因,以及熱心奔走聯絡的情形。接著敘述張繼提出彈劾共黨 ,並參加西山會議,揭櫫反共旗幟,最後終達成全面清黨目標的經過。第五章「結論」,根據張繼的事功,作一總結。
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元朝衰亡文化因素之研究張瑞成 Unknown Date (has links)
第二章,元代在國史上之地位。分三節:一、元以前中國境內之邊疆民族政權;二、元史之範圍;三、元代在國史上之特殊地位。其中引衛特福格爾(karl A.wittfogel )氏之『征服王朝』理論,解釋蒙古入主中國建立元朝之性質。並由『正統』之說,確立其在中國歷史發展過程中之應有地位,俾可以中國傳統史觀衡量其得失。
第四章,元朝衰亡之本質。分四節:一、元朝建國之特性與基礎;二、元朝文化之發展:三、秦亡之關鍵;四、元朝衰亡與主要文化因素之關係。首言元代建國之意義、規模及其隱优。次則說明元代文化『多元性』發展,尤其漢文化與西域文化互相推移與消長,所造成文化發展上之困難、弱點及其影響。繼則引湯恩比(Arnord Joseph Toynbee )「歷史研究」巨著中對對文明衰落之詮釋,藉以指出元朝衰亡之關鍵。本章即從文化特須以揭露元朝衰亡之真象。
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論職業革命家黨郭冠英 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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民初革命之研究( 民二- 民五)呂明章, LU, MING-ZHANG Unknown Date (has links)
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生命的斷裂與轉化:一位癌症病人之敘說及其陶養意涵之探究林靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以人生如歌的意象將章節結構分為三部分。第一篇《前奏曲》可視為進入慧心生命故事前的準備,共分為兩章。第一章「緒論」 從研究者之生命經驗出發,回溯自身對死亡與生命意義之怖畏與好奇,並探究自病痛將主體推至多重乃至終極的斷裂(死亡)中,主體創造與尋求出口的「轉化」與「超越」的能力與可能性。第二章「生命的陶養」則提出陶養理論,論述自古典陶養理論對「人之本質」、「自我陶養」,「個人與他者及世界的關係(從異化到回返自身)」的討論,到後現代陶養理論所持之「去目的」、「自我學習」、「自我理解」與「自我創造與轉化」的觀點。第三節「病痛的生命故事敘說」則解釋本文之研究方法、研究目的與問題,並簡介訪談對象之背景。
第二篇 《如歌的行版》包括有三章。第三章「慧心生命歷程分析」首先描述三次訪談歷程與內容,並從「時間性」之向度分析文本結構,第三節則描繪文本中所浮顯之敘說者慧心形貌,並給出一慧心生命故事速寫,筆者並以同樣身為女性的、女兒的、妻子的、思索生命意義與死亡者、以及研究者之不同角度與身份,後設地剖析自身與慧心之間的關係,以及對其文本詮釋角度所帶來的影響。第五章之後則開始正式進入文本解析與討論,探究慧心在生命不同時期的自我發展與轉化過程。第四章「自我的澄明與追尋」主述慧心在染患病痛(癌症)前的生命歷程中,如何在追隨模仿他者與婚姻生活中迷失與覺醒,最後藉由投身於藝術世界之行動來追尋自我。「尋找我之所是的生命圖像」的生命追求因而浮顯,並貫穿於三份敘說文本中,成為其終極關懷。第五章「病痛的挑戰」則解析慧心面對病痛與死亡威脅所帶來的挑戰,成為自己的英雄,並如何以信仰為最大的精神支持系統與治療方式,逐步重新詮釋病痛、死亡與生命意義,由生命圖像由「悲劇英雄」漸轉化為「修行者」。
在第三篇 《無名之歌》裡,第六章「療癒」以「生命主控權的重獲」與「愛與願」兩節解析慧心的療癒與轉化歷程。藉由1.將病因自我歸因、2.重新掌握對病因、治療方式、待治療對象的詮釋權、3.自身的修行、4.關懷他者、5.重詮苦痛經驗等五項要素,慧心得以將「治療」轉為具積極性的「自療」,因而重獲生命的主控權。同時,她也得以化解原伏藏於內心身處的恐懼,將其轉化為對他者的大愛,從自利轉為利他的願力進而萌發,成為懷抱大愛與大願之「願者」。第七章「成為一個人」則綜合整析慧心自我陶養的歷程,尤重其在歷經病痛與死亡威脅後自我陶養之可能性與內涵。本章並就「存在目的」、「人生觀」、「對病痛的詮釋」、「人我關係」、「新世界之生成」、「生死觀」五向度,討論慧心從「悲劇英雄」、至「修行者」到「願者」的轉化歷程中在此五向度上的轉變,並融塑出屬慧心之「信、愛、願、行」的生命特質。其次,本章並根據研究結果形構一慧心自我陶養模式,包括下列七項因素:1.「對界限處境的體驗與正視」、2.「調適變動的策略」、3.「新世界的構作」、4.「自我解離與自我反思能力」、5.「非線性、盤旋而生的陶養歷程」、6.「宗教作為支持系統的輔助與啟明」、7.「敘說、重詮與創化」。本章最後則進一步根據本研究發現進一步省思陶養教育實踐的可能性,並特別針對生死(生命)教育的進行提出建議。 / By interviewing a cancer patient, Huai-shih’s life story, this thesis aims at exploring how the subject re-interprets the meaning of disruptions in her life, including illness and the ultimate disruption-death, and how she transforms the meaning of life. Research data were collected over two years from the year of 2005 to 2007. All these so called disruptions evolve Huai-shih’s life transformation and constitute the process of Self Bildung.
Inspired by the metaphor that life is as a graceful melody, the whole thesis is divided into three volumes. The first volume-“ Prelude ” can be concerned as a preparation before going into Huai-shih’s life story. Three chapters are included in it. The first chapter traces back from the researcher’s anxiety and curiosity of life and death from her own life experience, and intend to enquire the possibilities of the subject seeking for transcendence. The second chapter aims at the theory of Bildung, several concepts such as“ human nature”, “self-Bildung”, “relationship between self and others and the outer world ”, “self-understanding” , “self- learning” and “self-transformation are discussed. The history of life education in Taiwan is also articulated in this chapter. The third chapter is to present the research method, research purpose and research question. Our interviewee, Huai-shih is also briefly introduced in this chapter.
The second volume is named as “Andante Cantabile”. The fourth chapter analyzes and constitutes the structure of text and portrays a vivid image of Huai-shih’s character. The fifth chapter analyzes the process of how Huai-shih struggled to find her self-identity from the marital relationship before she contracted breast cancer. A main life picture of a subject who works hard to find the answer of who I am has emerged and become Huai-shih’s ultimate concern. The sixth chapter analyzes how Huai-shih adopting her attitudes to face illness and the threaten of death. With the empowerment of religion, she reinterprets the meaning of illness, death and life, and initiates new life belief and inner power. Here Huai-shih is not a “tragic hero” as she named herself before, she has already transformed into a “practicer” who dedicated herself into the faith of Buddhism and practice.
Three chapters are included in the third volume. The seventh chapter focuses on how Huai-shih re-controlling her life and digging out that there is a strong love inside her life. She learns to love not only people around her and also strangers again and wishes all human beings can find their happiness and leave far away from sufferings。“Self attribution”, “Re-interpreting the cause of illness and the meaning of therapy ”, “Self-practice”, “Caring for others”, “Re-interpreting personal suffering and illness experiences ”are main elements that enforcing the process of life transformation. She becomes the one who has love and willing of helping others. In the eighth chapter, with the following elements a model of self-Bildung of Huai-shih is constituted : 1.“Facing up to the boundary situations”, 2.“ Adjustment strategies of changes ”, 3.“Constitution of new worlds”, 4.“ The ability of self-detachment and self-reflectoin ”, 5.“A non-linear, spiral process of self-Bildung ”, 6.“ The illumination and support of religion”, 7.“ Narrative, repretation, and creation”. Through this clarification and analyzing of life and death phenomena, the conclusion intends to enrich the field of life and death education and create the possibilities for learners to proceed their own self-learning and understanding from others’ life stories.
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年齡別死亡率對兩性平均餘命成長與差異之影響分析: 1950-2004 / Decomposition Analysis of the Gender Differences in Life Expectancy at Birth in Taiwan: Evolution and Changes,1950-2004郭貞蘭, Kuo, Chen-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將Arriaga(1984)所提,用以分解兩相異之平均餘命,而以不同年齡別中兩性死亡率差異分別對兩性預期壽命差距所作之貢獻加以表示時,發現,兩性在40-79歲間死亡率的差異是造成兩性壽命差距最主要的貢獻年齡別,其中以60-69歲組為最。此外,面對0-9歲組中兩性死亡率差異狀況對該時期兩性預期壽命差距之貢獻型態於1960年前後所呈現之相異性時,一方面有對該時期兩性死亡率之資料加以檢定之必要性外,其所可能象徵之女性生存狀況受其地位改善之影響,抑或為男性存活狀況變化等推測的驗證雖不在本研究所觸及之範圍內,然而透過本研究分析結果中所掌握造成兩性壽命差距之年齡組別,則有助於日後在企圖釐清造成兩性壽命差距之因以進一步改善兩性存活狀況時一切入點。 / Life Expectancy of human beings, one of the indices of human development, has been generally growing since the beginning of the 20th century and the increase in the life span of human is also taken as the result of the improved medical techniques and social conditions. In the face of the growth in life expectancy at birth both of the male and female populations in Taiwan during the past 55 years, 1950-2004, the gender differential of life expectancy at birth or at any other specific age still exited and even got expanding. The difference in life expectancy at birth between the male and the female was 2.64 years and in the year of 2004, it came to be 6.24 years. Suppose the growth of human life expectancy at birth or at any specific age in both female and male populations implies that social changes and developments brought positive impacts not only on the female but also on the male during the observation period of 55 years. Obviously, the existing and expanding gender differences in life expectancy somewhat indicates that the impact of the social changes and developments on the male and the female weren’t comparable in qualities.
The main concern of this article is about the change of the differences in life expectancy at birth between the male and the female in Taiwan during the past 55 years, 1950-2004. Dismissing the discussion and investigation of the practical and real causes of the gender difference in life expectancy, the researcher intended to give the reason to the expanding gender difference in life expectancy by comparing the way male and female life expectancies evolved. In addition, adopting the decomposition method developed by Arriaga(1984) originally for decomposition of changes in expectation of life at birth, the researcher was using this method to decompose the gender differential in life expectancy at birth and evaluated the contribution of the gender differential in mortality within each specific age group to the ultimate differential in life expectancy at birth between the male and the female each year during the observation period and the shifts in the significance of these age groups in the past 55 years. In this article, the researcher separated a person’s life into several age groups,0-9,10-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79 and 80 above, to symbolize the different stage of a person’s life.
The male and the female experienced similar pattern in the changes of life expectancy. However, the improvement of female life expectancy was greater than that of the male’s in any specific period of the past 55 years , which caused the increasing difference in life expectancy between the male and female in Taiwan. The higher the age is, the less the gender difference in life expectancy at that specific age is. As the male is able to live long enough to a higher age, they are more likely to overcome the survival predominance of the female and the gender difference in life expectancy at a specific age would diminish.
In addition, as for the contributions made by each specific age group, during the observation period of 55 years, gender differential life expectancy at birth had been coming from the gender differential in death rates within 40 to 80 years old. The contribution made by the age group of 60-69 made had been the most significant one. Mostly, the living ability of the female was much more superior to that of the male at any specific age even if the significance, each age groups held, somewhat had been shifting during the 55 years. Noticeably, the type of the contribution, age group of 0-9 made, was very different after 1960. Before 1960, men demonstrated a better survival ability than women did within this age group; however, after 1960, the superiority of men came into disappearance. As for the change of the contribution this age group of 0-9 made, we need to have more information and data to gain the further ideas it might bring about.
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工作餘命的變遷──兼論教育擴張與退休制度的效應 / The Transformation of Working Life- Concurrently Discussing the Effect of Educational Expansion and Retirement System張巧旻, Chang, Chiao Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究企圖以鉅視模擬(macrosimulation)之途徑,在生命表方法的基礎上建立「工作生命表」(working life table),並以此探究臺灣歷年來工作餘命的變遷。工作生命表在方法論上係屬「多重遞增遞減生命表」(multiple increment-decrement life table),除了死亡的情形,所有成員皆可以在不同狀態間自由進出而改變其身份。在多重遞增遞減生命表中,由於事件轉移率的數據獲得不易,因此以古典之Sullivan盛行率法最廣泛被使用;但由於盛行率法所建構之生命表,可能不足以呈現現實中複雜且變化劇烈的勞動參與歷程實際樣貌,故本研究將使用1979年到2009年之人力資源調查資料,嘗試以間接估計事件轉移率之方法,以瞭解三十年間臺灣在勞動參與歷程的動態變遷過程,期望能找出在既有資料的限制之下,最能夠確實反應勞動者實際勞動參與歷程之變化情形的一套方式。最終,透過工作生命表的建立,並加入教育擴張與退休制度的效應分析,期能對歷年臺灣勞動者工作餘命的變遷,有更深入的了解。
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理性抉擇與革命參與魏麒原, WEI, GI-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
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