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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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魏麒原, WEI, GI-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要的研究動機,在於檢討理性決擇模式,是否能應用於解釋個人參與革命團體 的動機。尤其是以奧爾森理論為中心,所發展出的相關學說,諸如托活克的私有財理 論及歐僕的集體財理論,皆欲從個人的觀點,檢討革命團體如何誘使個人參與組織。 這檥的理論視野迥然不同於現今的革命研究途徑,不管是社會學研究法或是心理學研 究法皆然。由於理性抉擇模式基本上有其理論上的限制,所以應用在解釋政治衝突現 象時,須先釐清其理論的方法論基礎,並且探討其解釋力,以便進;步檢證其理論的 正確性。經由這樣的檢討過程,筆者嘗試著建構未來的經驗研究的藍圖,期望以個人 為分析單位的理性抉擇模式,能進一步地解釋革命發生的原因,並且擴大為以團體單 位的分析模式,檢討團體與團體之間的互動賽局,藉以了解革命性的參與行為是如何 來形成。 由於理性抉擇模式的論證過程,是採取邏輯演繹的方式,因此其解釋的方式並不同於 一般理論的經驗檢證過程,經驗法則之間的邏輯關係,可以藉著數理計算的方法檢證 其正確性,亦可以利用分析上的討論加以研究。另外,博奕理論的賽局分析,亦有助 於了解個人與團體之間互動的預期結果。 結果本研究發現,個人參與革命運動的動機,並不純然是以私有財為主要的思考依據 ,可能亦會基於集體財的考慮,參與革命性運動。因為每個人皆採取搭便車的策略, 結果可能造成集體禍害的下場,也就是每個人都靜觀其變,結果政治貪污的情況愈加 嚴重,經濟更加蕭條,人人皆受其害,此時唯有革命才可能解決此一窘境。革命若能 帶來政治清明、官吏廉潔、經濟決速發展等集體財,則個人參與革命的動機就會非常 強烈。反之,個人參與革命的意願就不是那麼的高昂。


蕭柏林 Unknown Date (has links)
政黨認同是選民對某一政黨的長期心理依附情感,是選民瞭解複雜政治世界的指引,並會影響選民的政治態度。以往選民政黨認同的測量大多是選後所進行的訪問,對於台灣選民在選舉活動頻繁且選舉過程競爭激烈的環境下,選民政黨認同是否會受到投票抉擇的影響而發生變動是較無法掌握。因此本研究試圖藉由短期選舉前後所測量的定群追蹤資料,來瞭解在選舉期間台灣選民政黨認同的是否穩定?並探討投票抉擇是否會對選民政黨認同的穩定與變遷有所影響? 研究發現,在選舉期間台灣選民政黨認同的是屬穩定,隨著選舉時程的進展,選民政黨認同有逐漸強化的情形,將近有七成的選民在訪問期間皆維持穩定政黨認同,大約三成的選民在選舉期間中,至少改變過一次政黨認同。政黨認同不穩定發生變動的情形,中立無傾向選民為最主要變動來源。且在選舉過程政黨認同發生改變的選民中,有一半的選民其政黨認同會與投票對象相符,是反映當前的投票抉擇。關於投票抉擇對於選民政黨認同穩定與變遷的影響,我們發現,在維持政黨認同穩定方面,選前有明確政黨認同的選民,當其投票抉擇方向與所認同之政黨相一致時,其是較能維持政黨認同的穩定性,但若選前有明確政黨認同的選民,當其投票抉擇方向與所認同政黨不一致時,此時是較不容易維持原先政黨認同。在政黨認同變遷方面,選民政黨認同轉變的方向則是會投票抉擇方向一致。 本文僅以初探性的研究出發,期許透過本文的發現,使得相關研究學者能夠注重台灣選民政黨認同可能會受到短期因素影響,在選後所測量的政黨認同,其中可能包含了中立無傾向選民所反映出的投票意向,並非內心對於政黨的心理依附情感。


林一民, LI,YI-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
政治參與的問題, 一直是民主理論中各家爭議不休的焦點; 而參與式民主理論的主張 , 無論在理論上或現實中, 亦有其參與上「質」與「量」的兩難困境。因此, 從參與 者的角度來探析此一問題, 應是合理的方式之一。何錶投票參與是參與式民主運作中 最重要的一環, 所以選民投票參與行為乃成為學者研究政治參與時所不可或缺要項。 本文研究目的即於應用理性抉擇論(Rational Choice Theory), 以探討臺灣地區選民 投票參與行為。一方面著重於選民理性投票模型的理論分析, 另一方面亦從事理論驗 證工作; 嘗試尋求具解釋力的變項, 以建構一較能解釋臺灣地區選民長期投票行為的 理性模型。 理性投票理論主要承襲Downs-Tullock(1957,1968)、Riker Ordeshook(1968) 和Fer- john-Fiorina(1974)等三個主要理論途徑而發展。其研究重點依分析層次可區分為: 探討個人投票或不投票之理性計算模型與探討投票率之理性行為模型。至今理論建構 已愈趨完整, 同時亦獲得充分經驗事實的支持, 對於選民投票行為具有很高的解釋力 。 應用此一分析傳統, 我們著重於探討投票率之理性行為模型。研究發現: 無論是在增 額區域立委或縣市長選舉方面, 均具有相當的解釋力; 同時隨著國內政治、社會、經 濟環境的發展變遷, 此一趨勢愈為明顯。其中尤以最近一次選舉(78 年),大體均能驗 證理性模型的假設。此一研究結果, 相信對國內選民投票行為之研究必有相當的助益 。

對外關係的國內根源:兩岸經貿交流中的利益、符號與威脅 / Domestic Roots of Foreign Relations: the Interests, Symbols, and Threats of Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges

陳映男 Unknown Date (has links)

精神障礙者職業抉擇歷程與復元 / Career choice process and recovery of mental disorder

何孟諠, Ho, Meng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
目前國內針對精神障礙者就業相關文獻,主要著重於就業影響因素。因此,本研究以復元統合模式為架構,探究精神障礙者在職業抉擇歷程裡有哪些影響因子以及其與復元之關係。本研究為理解精神障礙者如何解讀自己曾經歷的職業抉擇歷程,採半結構訪談之方式訪談七位具有多年就業經驗的精神障礙者,研究結果如下: 1.精神障礙者職業抉擇影響因素包含: (1)個人因素:清楚身體現況、過去就業經驗、職業倦怠。 (2)家庭因素:家人促進職涯發展情況與家人阻礙職涯發展情況。 (3)非正式支持因素:朋友與宗教組織提供就業資訊與建議。 (4)工作環境因素:交通、工作穩定性、職場友善度、工作機會。 (5)正式支持因素:就業服務單位協助轉介、就業服務員之協助。 (6)社會大眾汙名化:雇主對於精神障礙者的不友善、民眾對於精神障礙者的偏見與歧視、疾病自我汙名化。 2.職業抉擇歷程與復元:從受訪者的生命故事裡得知精神障礙者的求職之路蜿蜒迂迴,呼應復元是一個來來回回的過程。而本研究發現雖然工作動機並不一定影響精神障礙者的職業選擇,但在復元過程裡是重要激發強健心理能量的來源。本研究亦看到生涯成熟度對於精神障礙者職業選擇的影響。 3.精神障礙者就業與復元:精神障礙者在參與工作的過程裡,會發展個人策略及尋求相關資源協助,從而增強工作效能。而穩定就業讓精神障礙者得以提高生涯自主性、開始關注生活品質,及具有回饋社會的能力,這都是一種復元的展現。 最後,研究者結合上述研究結果與復元統合模式,嘗試繪製出精神障礙者職業抉擇與復元統合模式之關係,並提出本研究限制與建議,提供精神障礙者、精神障礙者之家屬、服務提供者和政策制定者。 / This research has based on the unity model of recovery to explore the factors affecting career choice of people with mental disorder, as well as to illustrate the relations between these factors and one’s recovery. Departing from domestic correlational literature that mostly underlines the factors impacting employment of people with mental illness, this study aims to shed new light on this research area by employing the framework above. Thereupon, semi-structured interviews are conducted with 7 interlocutors of multi-year working experiences to establish elaborated understandings of their self-narratives on the career choice process. The findings are: 1.Factors influencing the career choice of people with mental illness are as follows: (1)Personal factor: including clear understanding of personal health condition, past employment experiences, and occupational burnout. (2)Family factor: varied conditions where family members may be encouraging or discouraging in one’s career development. (3)Informal supporting factor: such as employment information and advices from friends or religious organizations. (4)Work environment factor: including transportation convenience, job stability, workplace friendliness, and job opportunities. (5)Formal supporting factor: referral from employment service providers, assistance from employment service officers. (6)Public stigma: such as antagonistic attitudes received from employers, prejudice and discrimination from the public, and even more, self-stigma one experiencing. 2.Career choice process and recovery: From the life stories disclosed by the interlocutors, their twist-and-turn paths toward employment could clearly be seen, echoing that of the recovery “is not a perfectly linear process”. Although work motivation might not be the determining cause of their career choice, it is crucial for inciting mental strength during recovery process. Furthermore, this research has also demonstrated the influence of career maturity towards career choice of people with mental disorder. 3.Employment and recovery: During their participation in employment, people with mental illness would develop personal strategies and seek for assistance from related resources in order to thrive at work environment. Moreover, stable employment aids one’s recovery in many ways, such as promoting one’s career autonomy, instilling life qualities, and also strengthening one’s potential to give back to the society. In accordance with the findings mentioned above, this study has made an attempt to depict the relations between career choices of people with mental illness and the unity model of recovery. Lastly, research limitations along with suggestions for further research are subsequently raised, in the hope of serving as a reference for them with mental illness, their families, mental health services providers, and policy makers.

依附、負向情緒調適預期和壓力因應對情緒經驗的影響歷程之探討:以大四學生的生涯抉擇壓力為例 / The Influence of Attachment, Expectancies for Negative Mood Regulation, and Coping on Emotional Experiences: The Stress of Career Choice for Senior College Students

楊雅惠, Yang,Ya-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在整合依附理論、負向情緒調適預期和壓力因應三種理論觀點,建構面臨生涯抉擇的大四學生之情緒經驗歷程模式。研究採問卷調查法,以台灣八所大學783位大四學生為對象。研究工具包括依附風格量表、負向情緒調適預期量表、生涯抉擇壓力因應量表、快樂感受量表和憂鬱量表。資料分析方法為因素分析、信度分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及結構方程模式。 初步模式驗證發現,初始模式與觀察資料間無法適配,故根據修正指標,刪除不適當路徑、整併觀察變項、將部分觀察變項的殘差連結後,產生三個理論模式。進一步進行模式適配度考驗,顯示三個模式與觀察資料間適配度良好,並能有效解釋變項間的關係。模式一:依附會影響負向情緒調適預期;依附會透過正向壓力因應影響情緒經驗。模式二:依附會影響負向情緒調適預期;依附會透過負向壓力因應影響情緒經驗。模式三:依附會透過情緒焦點因應影響情緒經驗;依附會透過負向情緒調適預期和情緒焦點因應影響情緒經驗。 三個模式的共通處為:依附會影響個人的壓力因應;個人的壓力因應會影響其情緒經驗;依附並不會直接影響個人的情緒經驗,但依附會透過壓力因應而對情緒經驗產生影響;依附會影響個人的負向情緒調適預期。 研究建議為:宜積極發展生涯輔導方案與生涯探索課程;協助個案瞭解依附、負向情緒調適預期和壓力因應對其情緒經驗的影響;針對不安全依附者提供預防介入;以不同性別和不同依附型態者為對象,進行模式的建構與驗證;採焦點團體法或縱貫研究法進行研究;將其他重要變項納入模式中,或探究變項間的關係;依附和情緒經驗等測量工具的改進。 / The purpose of the study was to integrate attachment theory, coping theory, and the perspective of expectancies for negative mood regulation (NMR) to develop the process model of emotional experiences for senior college students encountering the stress of career choice. The participants of the study were 783 senior college students in Taiwan. The participants were evaluated by Attachment Style Scale, NMR Scale, Coping Scale, Happiness Scale, and Depression Scale. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, Cronbach α analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and SEM. In the primitive model testing, the original model couldn’t fit with the observed data. Adjustment is thus made, in accordance with the modification index, to delete the unsuitable paths, combine the observed variances and line the error variances of some observed variances. Three models are generated. As shown in the result of model testing, the three models coordinate with the observed data, explaining the relationships among main variables. Model one: Attachment can affect NMR; attachment can affect emotional experiences through positive coping. Model two: Attachment can affect NMR; attachment can affect emotional experiences through negative coping. Model three: Attachment can affect emotional experiences through emotion-focused coping; attachment can affect emotional experiences through NMR and emotion-focused coping. The similarities in the three models were as follows: Firstly, attachment can affect coping. Secondly, coping can affect emotion. Thirdly, attachment can’t affect emotional experiences directly, but attachment can affect emotional experiences through coping. Fourthly, attachment can affect NMR. The suggestions were as follows: 1.The programs of career guidance and the curriculum of career exploration should be developed. 2. The clients should be assisted to understand the influence of attachment, NMR, and coping on their emotional experiences. 3. The preventive intervention should be provided to students of insecure attachment. 4. The models should be developed and tested according to the participants of different gender and attachment styles. 5. The focus group interview and the longitudinal method should be adopted. 6. Other important variables should be added to the model; alternatively, the relationships of these variables be explored. 7. The instructions of measurement in attachment and emotional experiences should be improved.

中國大陸威權政體轉型的研究-以台灣經驗之對照 / A Study on the Transition of the Authoritarian Regime in China - A Case Study of Taiwan

陳佳梅, Chen,Chia-Mei Unknown Date (has links)


張宇韶 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係研究除了在方法論、理論概念層面中出現「宏觀結構」與「微觀理性」的衝突外,針對兩岸的交流互動的發展模式、政策動力、具體影響又衍生出「國家中心」與「社會中心」的爭議。這使得學術社群在解釋胡錦濤對台政策的內內容,出現了「蕭規曹隨」與「制度創新」以及「政治主宰」與「經濟誘導」等兩組對立的問題群組。 為了從方法論上建構研究分析的新框架,處理「理性與結構」的衝突,本研究採取「歷史制度主義」的認知觀點,假設「胡錦濤的理性抉擇及其政策行動,是鑲嵌於歷史情境與結構轉型的系絡內容中」。這意味胡錦濤的對台政策並非是在憑空與任意的環境條件下進行,其理性抉擇是歷史情境與結構轉型下的產物,具有「情境理性」的屬性。更重要的是,結構轉型的過程與內容,不僅提供對台政策作為的「初始條件」,也產生了「路徑依賴」的變遷與發展軌跡。 此外,中共對台政策固然有其合法性的政治邏輯與前提,但是不能忽略經濟社會因素對於政策產出的輔助性、補充性的思維;經濟社會的誘因功能雖然促成兩岸關係的互賴整合,卻難以取代國家權力的主導性作用。更重要的是,對台政策的分析,不可能孤立或外在於中國大陸政治、經濟社會發展脈絡中,應當與改革開放以來的整體規劃互為接軌。因此,「國家統合主義」的思維提供了本研究理論的切入點換言之。

俄羅斯內外在環境因素對俄中貿易之影響 / Russia's internal and external conditions' influence on Russian-Sino trade relationship

楊銘源, Yang, Ming Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
新的俄羅斯聯邦成立以來,不論俄美或者是俄歐的經貿關係都遠比俄中的經貿關係來得重要,但是,俄羅斯政府卻一再地透過公開宣示要盡力發展同中國間的經貿關係,並且雙方的領導人、政府高層每年還定期會晤來商討相關的事宜。所以,俄中經貿關係的研究就顯得有其重要性與時代性,尤其是俄羅斯聯邦成立之初,在國外不僅面對西方國家有意的圍堵;國內還面臨了嚴重的經濟挫敗與政治亂局,使得俄羅斯必須選擇其他對她可能有幫助的國家,而這也突顯了俄羅斯在俄中經貿關係的發展中是扮演著主導的地位。因此,本論文旨在探討俄羅斯內外在的環境因素對俄中經貿關係的影響,並且從俄羅斯的觀點來探討她的的決策過程。   本論文認為:獨立後的俄羅斯所面臨的國際局勢已非過去兩極化的國際體系,在無法完全得知西方國家對於新的俄羅斯所採取的態度情況下,俄羅斯唯有在維護其國家尊嚴與利益的前提,選擇可以令其經濟復甦的政策。由此原始命題可以演繹下列三個邏輯命題:(一)面對美國主導的北約東擴的潛在性威脅,以及西方國家對於經援俄羅斯的態度總是百般刁難、口惠而實不至,造成俄羅斯聯合與她友好的中國,並調整其決策目標取向。(二)在經濟改革上遭到了重大的打擊,並因為外交上的的挫敗所引起的政治上的鬥爭,使得俄羅斯領導階層意識到必須要改變其原本合作的對象,轉而與有共同利益的中國發展政治與經濟的關係。(三)現實上,西方國家已非完全可以信任的合作夥伴,所以,俄羅斯便傾向於選擇在歷史上與情感上較能與自己合作的中國。   上述的三個子命題構成本論文的主要核心論點,第壹章:為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍、文獻回顧、研究途徑與架構。第貳章:理性抉擇之檢析,這一章主要為討論理性概念之發展與在「理性抉擇典範」下發展的幾個主要的理論,以及理性抉擇在國際關係上的分析運用。第參章:為國際環境因素的分析,這一章主要為分析俄羅斯在這一段期間所面臨到的國際環境因素對她所造成的影響,包括經濟、政治與戰略等層面的衝擊。第肆章:為國內環境因素的分析,這一章主要為分析俄羅斯在這一段期間所面臨到的國內環境因素對她所造成的影響,包括經濟改革挫敗、政治上府會的鬥爭與俄屬遠東地區開發等因素的互動關係,第伍章:為俄中經貿關係發展的前景,這一章主要為探討前面兩章對於俄中經貿關係發展所造成的影響,並對於俄中經貿關係發展的前景做了一番期許與建議。第陸章結論。 / Even though Russian government always openly declarethat they will develop trade relationship with China, and both of their leaders set a date to discuss thease matters. Since Russian Federation were founded, Russian-U.S. and Russian-E.U.’s trade relationship were been far more important than Russian-Sino trade relation. So, research of Russian-Sino trade relationship has it’s significance and urgency. Especially when Russian Federation were established. Externally the Federation face with western countries’ block, internally, they face serious economical failures and chaotic political situations, which force Russia to search for potential aid. Such situation appear that Russia play the leading role in Russian-Sino trade relation. Therefore, this thesis is purporting the discussion of Russia’s internal and external conditions and it’s influence on Russian-Sino trade relation. Also from Russia’s point of view to discuss their decision-making process.   Unlike the past polarization world, this thesis consider that after Russia’s independence, Russia faced a new international situation. And unknown to western countries’ policy, Russia have to preserve their national majesty and interests, to choose relevent policy in order to revive their country. From this original topic, I’ll deduction the following three logically propositions: (1) Due to U.S. led NATO expansion eastward, and western countries’ unfriendly manner to aid Russia. Russia ally with their friendly neighborhood-China. Then, Russia will adjust their decision objective. (2) Russia suffered serious economic downturn during “Shock Therapy”, and political conflict caused by Russia’s diplomatic failures. Russia’s leading class realized that they must change strategic partners. Providing political and economical relationship with China would be a better choose for Russia, as they have common interests. (3) Russia tend to choose China, due to historical and emotional factors, as they can't completely trust western world.   These three logically propositions above are core topic of this thesis. In accordance with these three points, the thesis will be discussed in six chapters. Chapter one, introduction, it’ll explain the purpose, scope and approaches of this study. Chapter two, an analysis of rational choice, will discuss the concept of ration and some major theories under “rational choice paragon” which analyze on international affairs. Chapter three an analysis of international conditions. This chapter will discuss economical, political, strategic problem it given the change in international environment. Chapter four an analysis of domestic environment. This chapter analyze the changing domestic conditions including failure of its economical reform and political instability. Chapter five outlook of Russian-Sino trade relationship, this chapter provide an insight outlook of potential development of Russian-Sino trade relations. Chapter six conclusion.

選舉制度與競選策略的研究-一個空間理論的分析 / Electoral Systems and Campaign Strategies - A Spatial Analysis

許超俊, Sheu, Chau Jiunn Unknown Date (has links)
本文主旨在以空間理論的方法,探討選舉制度與競選策略的關係。即是以形式化的演繹方法,討論候選人或政黨在不同的選舉制度下,各種策略的選擇會導致何種結果,從而推論出候選人或政黨所應採行的最適策略。全文共有五章,分別略述如下:   第一章導論,第一節介紹研究的動機與目的,第二節介紹研究的範圍與方法。   第二章則是選舉制度,競選策略與空間理論基本模型的說明。   第三章討論單一選區制下候選人的競選策略,包括多數決的二人爭一席模式,相對多數決的多人爭一席模式,與絕對多數決二段投票制。   第四章討論非單一選區制下的政黨競選策略,包括頓特最高平均數法名單比例代表制,單記可讓渡投票制,與單記非讓渡投票制。   第五章結論,第一節總節主要的研究結果,第二節則提出研究的限制與對未來研究的建議。

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