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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣旅遊活動的階層區分現象 / Stratified and Stratifying Differentiation of Tourism in Taiwan

劉怡伶, Liu, Yi-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
旅遊風氣在台灣日盛且趨於普遍,且是重要的消費活動現象。台灣的旅遊活動支出在2001年已經高達5780億元,休閒渡假風氣日漸普及。而過去的旅遊觀光研究多以行銷、或是觀光景點的規劃為主要目的,以社會學角度進行研究者在國外雖已有所累積,在中文世界裡仍屬少數。因此,本論文以社會學中階層品味區分的角度探討台灣的旅遊活動,針對2001年交通部觀光局所做的「國人旅遊狀況調查」進行量化分析的二手資料研究,並輔以歷史資料的縱貫面分析。透過上述材料,討論不同階層間的旅遊活動品味差異,以及旅遊發展過程中的階層化過程。 在研究中,以階層化作為主要的分析主軸。在量化資料中,依因素分析區分出四類的旅遊喜好:都市旅遊、文化旅遊、大眾自然旅遊與深度自然旅遊。這四類型的旅遊分別進行迴歸分析,統計發現,經濟資本的收入變項並未發揮品味的影響力,世代性的年齡因素以及正式教育制度的文化資本則能解釋旅遊喜好的品味差異。回顧台灣的旅遊活動脈絡發展,透過制度上的發展以及群體間的運作,產生了因文化資本差異所形成的階層差異,旅遊活動的意義不只是個人主觀心理層次的好惡,亦可反映出客觀階層的群體效果。是故,本研究解釋不同階層者選擇不同旅遊活動的原因,另檢證學者所提出的品味理論以及旅遊社會學的相關分析,提出台灣旅遊活動的階層化發展過程以及目前的品味區分現象,說明台灣旅遊現象的發展以及現況。 / More and more people in Taiwan spend lots of time going traveling and tourism gradually becomes one of the most important consumption activities. In 2001, total fee of citizens’ traveling expenses was 5780 hundred millions Taiwan dollars. The fact shows that tourism is an influential social phenomenon and we should understand it as deliberately as possible. Actually, lots of researches about tourism in the perspective of sociology have been published in the world but there is few in Taiwan. Therefore, this thesis takes a sociological approach that adopts the theory of hierarchy and distinction of taste. This research used the quantitative analysis with the sample data collected by Tourism Bureau in 2001 and the qualitative analysis with historical data. This study describes the process of stratified and stratifying differentiation of tourism in Taiwan. Four types of tourism , urban tourism、cultural tourism、scenic tourism and deep scenic tourism are found in the data through factor analysis. The data demonstrated that cultural capital, not economical capital effects people choosing types of tourism in the regression model. The difference of cultural capital in this thesis represents the difference between age、educational capital and occupation of people. Consequently, the choice of the type of tourism is not only a casual or random choice, but a choice with the stratification of the society. Finally, this research examined the theory about taste and sociology of tourism to combine with the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis.

高達美美學中的品味概念及其對康德的批評 / The Concept of Taste in Gadamer's Aesthetic and its critique of Kant

熊慧芬, Hsiung, Huei Fen Unknown Date (has links)
藉由比較高達美的美學與康德判斷力批判中的品味(鑑賞)概念,探討此一概念對於現代人的意義。 / This dissertation attempts to discuss the implication of “taste”in Kant's Critique of Judgment and in Gadamer's Aesthetic.

誰在散播時尚的秘密? 數位時代的時尚話語流動 / Who’s Spreading the Secret of Vogue ? The Flow of Fashion Discourse in the Digital Age

陳曼薇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究援引Bourdieu的文化中介者及其資本概念,探討傳統時尚雜誌、時尚部落客,以及原生資訊網站編輯的競逐關係。三種媒介無不利用自身資本傳播時尚訊息,並爭奪時尚的詮釋權。此角力過程改變了文化中介者的內涵,同時讓時尚話語呈現多元發展。 研究者以2013年時尚圈掀起的「花朵浪潮」為例,檢視《VOGUE》美國版至台灣版(包含紙本雜誌與網站),以及其他時尚網站對此流行的報導做個案分析,歸納大眾媒體建構時尚的基本模式,做為後續參考標準。接著探究流行變遷理論與傳統時尚核心角色,了解在數位時代之前時尚話語的流動。另外,爬梳新型文化中介者-時尚部落客與網站時尚編輯的相關研究,歸納其獲取資本之策略與現行運作模式等。 與八位時尚文化中介者訪談後發現,在時尚多元化的背景下,雜誌內的文化中介者並不認為部落客與自己處於相同的時尚位階,但為維持雜誌的話語權,他們一方面鞏固傳統守門人之權威,二方面則透過編輯部落客化等策略,向線上社群靠攏。而部落客的轉譯策略則是以個人魅力為核心,並致力於自身象徵資本的累積,透過品味傳遞與強化使資本不斷增加,成為影響力足以與雜誌抗衡的意見領袖。在此資本轉換的循環過程中,由於部落客的籌碼、品味不盡相同,因此獲得的時尚話語權、詮釋權也會出現地區型、全球型之別。最後,網站編輯以多元品味出發,藉由突出的資訊能力與社群互動良好,同時,亦能開發經紀人等新的中介模式,不僅替網站爭取到時尚話語權,也使文化中介者的內涵產生新的意義。


林恩盈 Unknown Date (has links)
咖啡店的林立儼然成為台北市不可或缺的街景,咖啡的消費現象非亦成為一股風潮,取代了四年前的葡式蛋塔、兩年前的Hello Kitty,成為台北風尚無可取代的一環;在這樣的現象中,最引人注意的莫過於星巴克咖啡(Starbucks)。 星巴克創造出一具有差異性的象徵符碼,使得星巴克不但收編了精英客層(中產階級),亦同時在台北市中創造出一批在地的其他消費客層(青少年)---「星巴克人」於焉誕生。(蔡文芳,2000)這群「星巴克人」的誕生,正說明了星巴克在台北已經有某種隱藏的消費文化存在,而他們對於星巴克的獨特情感,也同時証明星巴克的確有某種特質吸引著他們。 消費活動本身具有文化意義,星巴克人到消費場域(星巴克)的意義,其消費的動機隱含著象徵價值的內涵意義,星巴克的空間設計,星巴克人的生活風格,與其感官經驗間的互動關係,藉由波迪厄(Bourdieu)、布希亞(Baudrillard)的相關理論為基礎,探討星巴克與星巴克人所呈現之不同的消費文化與現象;以消費文化的角度切入探討,藉以得知星巴克人的消費表情、消費實踐的脈絡、空間與星巴克人間的互動關係及感宮體驗。 關鍵詞:消費文化、文化消費、符號消費、空間消費、生活風格與品味、紮根研究法

台灣修煉文化與生活風格:以李鳳山及其梅門為例 / Cultivation culture and lifestyle in Taiwan: Lee Feng-San and Meimen Qigong Culture Center

梁孟涵, Liang, Meng Han Unknown Date (has links)
身體一直是生活世界中的感知與行動的載體,我們透過身體實踐搭建起心靈自我與社會的橋樑。因此藉由修煉身體的修養自我的工夫,使身體修煉承載了傳統文化底蘊與濃厚生命哲學,而牽涉了對生命、信仰乃至宇宙的道德情操。本文主要的研究命題是了解身體如何適應現代資本主義社會及實踐自我修養的技術,並且建立一套生活經濟的模型。本文的分析架構是關於修煉的內隱特質到外部身體實踐之間的互動過程。首先,透過考察修煉主體如何藉由卡理斯瑪的力量建構自身的修煉信仰與集體意識。同時,透過傅柯自我技術理論探討了修煉主體如何自我省察、鍛練以強化他們在日常生活中的身體感知與實踐,並且論述修煉主體如何將自我修煉進一步轉化於日常生活飲食的實踐。所以,藉由「梅門」研究個案,本文認為修煉的商品化是為了適應現代消費社會的世俗需要,而被外顯到美學鑑賞和階級品味的生活風格及在生命經濟當中的身體資本的積累與培塑。 / The body has always been the carrier of our perceptions and activities in the world. Through the bodily practice, the body bridges connections between spiritual self and society. By practicing the self-cultivation, the body inherits traditional cultural heritage and philosophy of life, and hence involves in life, faith, and moral emotion. My main problematics are to understand how body-cultivation adapts to the modern capitalist society, practices the technologies of the self-cultivation, and even builds a modality of life economy. The approach of my analysis is about interactive process between inner spiritual cultivation and outer bodily practice. First, it examines how the practitioners build their bodies based own faith of self-cultivation with collective consciousness formulated by charismatic power. Simultaneously, it explores how the practitioners reflect their inner selves by way of Foucauldian style of self-technology to sharpen their bodily perceptions and practice in everyday life. Then it turns to overview how practitioners realize their inner cultivation in dietary practice of everyday life. Taking the “Meimen Qigong Culture Center” as a case study, I argue that commercialization of self-cultivation is in response to earthly need of modern consumption society since it has been externalized to aesthetic judgement and life styles of social classes as well as bodily capital accumulation in economy of life.

企業導入知識管理策略之研究-以某LED封裝公司為例 / The Research of enterprise's implementation for knowledge management strategy-exampled

劉煥銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為探索性的個案研究架構,從「知識管理活動」觀點來看工廠的知識管理作法。並經由「知識管理關鍵因子」與「知識管理活動」相互關連性來探討「知識管理關鍵因子」對於個案LED廠的「知識管理活動」之影響。 對於知識管理流程的運作得到的結論有: (一)、外部知識與內隱知識同為個案企業在知識取得及創造重要來源 但由個案探討發現要讓知識取得及創造能更有效果的方法,有賴激勵制度及高階主管全力支持以促使團隊合作發展才能達到目的。 (二)、由個案跨國企業知識蓄積及分享而言,IT及網際網路科技應用是必要且影響甚鉅的,但必須搭配資深或技術人員為載體,知識蓄積及分享效果才為顯著。 (三)、教育、評核及激勵制度推動師徒制及專案團隊與跨廠區、部門合作,促進知識流通、移轉及轉換。 對於知識管理關鍵因子與知識管理流程關聯性得到結論有: 1. IT及網際網路可協助知識管理活動更加有效率及組織化。 2. 科技產品的應用對遠距離、跨區域公司的知識管理式可收事半功倍之效果。 3. 信任與自私為一體兩面,沒有相對高階的絕對支持及相對資源投入,就無以產生絕對信任。知識導入及轉移至同化是否能達效果,此為一大主因。 4. 高階主管的認知及全力支持是知識管理落實、有效執行的關鍵。 5. 相同制度用在不同地區未必可得到一致效果,因地制宜因勢利導方可收知識管理之功效。 6. 使命與榮譽感需配合評核及有效激勵制度才能成為知識傳承重要動力。 / The thesis architecture is base on exploratory case study . Base on the point view of Knowledge management to discuss the activities of factories . Base on the inter-related “ key factors of knowledge management ” and “knowledge management activities ” . We try to find the impact from“ key factors of knowledge management ” to " knowledge management activities ”in the case study. The conclusion of the knowledge management process: 1. External knowledge and implicit knowledge are equal important resource for the case company in the knowledge acquisition and creation. However, the case study found that to make knowledge acquisition and the creation can be more effective is depends on the incentive system and top managers full support to promote the development of teamwork to achieve the purpose. 2. For knowledge accumulation and sharing of multinational enterprises , IT and Internet technology application is necessary and a great influence .It will be more powerful if senior technical staff as a carrier of knowledge accumulation and sharing . 3. Education、assessment and incentive system encourage apprenticeship and project teams to work more powerful in cross-plant .That promote the circulation of knowledge, transfer and conversion. We study the relationship between key factors of knowledge management and knowledge management process . Conclusion as following: 1. IT and Internet can make knowledge management activities more efficient and organized. 2. the application of technology products on the type of long-distance, inter-regional knowledge management can get maximum effect. 3. Trust and selfishness is two side of the same coin. If there is no absolute support and the relative resources from top managers . There will be no absolute trust . It’s the main key point of knowledge import 、transfer 、 assimilation . 4. Top managers awareness and fully support to knowledge management will be the key to effective implementation. 5. The same system in different regions may not be obtained consistent results. Capitalize on the trend will be the best efficacy of knowledge management. 6. Mission and sense of honor must comply with the assessment and effective incentive system in order to become an important driving force of knowledge transmission.

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