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電視新聞字幕對閱聽人處理新聞資訊的影響呂愛麗 Unknown Date (has links)
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精品手錶之平面廣告訴求研究 / The study on advertising appeal of luxury watches print advertisements王國宇, Wang, Kuo Yu Unknown Date (has links)
要充分認識到概念,研究開發了兩個環節的研究過程中。第一步是了解和分析所收集的刺激,以檢查不同的內容,在每個廣告訴求廣告訴求的頻率。分析顯示,高檔手錶不僅僅只是高端商品,他們被轉移到不同的符號,嵌入的平面廣告,引起讀者的情緒刺激時,。第二個步驟是採訪的目標消費者是如何處理這些刺激,他們的回憶和態度的變化。所闡明的結果不一致的廣告訴求具有不同程度的召回,根據特定的目標群體。豪華的吸引力,最常用的廣告訴求,可能不一定有回憶度,因為視覺競爭激烈,類似的困難。此外,強大的回憶度,例如性感手法並不一定會導致積極的態度。每個廣告訴求有其長處和短處在回憶和態度的變化,根據不同類型的消費者,促進精品手錶,以達到最大的效果,使用合適的廣告訴求的重要性。 / This study investigated the different advertising appeals that are applied in luxury watch print ads. With the expanding market of luxury goods, the studies on this category have become significant. However, most prior studies investigated consumer behavior to luxury goods and few of them focused on aspect of content. In fact, advertising appeals are indispensible elements for composing print ads since luxury watch advertisers attempt to lead the readers to process messages via central or peripheral route, arousing positive feeling without concentrating the only price itself.
To fully understand the notion, the study has developed research process in terms of two aspects. The first step is to understand the frequency of advertising appeals and analyze collected stimuli to examine different contents in each advertising appeal. The analysis demonstrated luxury watches are just more than high- end commodities; instead, they are transferred into various symbols, which are embedded in the print ads to arouse readers’ emotions while exposed to stimuli. The second step is to interview how target consumers process those stimuli, their recall and attitude change. The result articulated discrepant advertising appeals possess different degrees of recall based on specific target groups. Luxurious appeal, the most frequently used advertising appeal may have difficulty in being recalled because of fierce, similar visual competition. Besides, the strong recall, e.g. sex appeal does not necessarily lead to positive attitude. Each advertising appeal has its strengths and weaknesses in recall and attitude change based on various types of consumers, which shows the importance of making use of suitable advertising appeal for promoting luxury watch to reach the greatest effect.
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感恩、生命回憶形式對高齡者幸福感的影響 / The Effect on Older Adults' Well-being of Gratitude and Types of Life Reminiscence陳貽照, Chen, Yi Chao Unknown Date (has links)
綜合上述兩個研究的結果,研究者認為,感恩及正向回憶形式對高齡者是否能有較佳的幸福感確實有一定程度的影響,且若能引導高齡者多注意其日常生活中值得感恩的事情或是正向事件,將能使其感受到更多的正向情緒,也有助於幸福感的提升。換言之,即使到了老年階段,只要用對了方法,要擁有幸福快樂的銀髮生涯其實並不難! / This research, adopting positive emotion, negative emotion, and life satisfaction as the criteria of subjective well-being, tried to examine the effects of grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence on successful aging.
In study1, the researcher proposed that grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence, among other life situation variables which changed with age (e.g., health condition, functions of daily life, economic status, and social activities), could predict the well-being of the elderly. Three hundred and thirty five participants who are over the age of 55 were surveyed in groups or individually. The results were as predicted, grateful disposition and the positive type of reminiscence could predict the well-being of the elderly, even after controlling for some basic life situation variables, they still could explain 6.0% and 9.6% of variance respectively. The mediation effects were also examined and results indicated that, (1) "the positive type of reminiscence” could completely mediate the effects of grateful disposition on positive and negative emotion, but only partially mediated the effects of grateful disposition on life satisfaction; (2) “grateful emotion” completely mediated the effect of grateful disposition on positive emotion, and partially mediated the effect of grateful disposition on life satisfaction, but did not mediate the effect of grateful disposition on negative emotion. Furthermore, these two mediator variables, the positive type of reminiscence and grateful emotion, had its own specific mediating effect, and could not replace each other.
In Study 2, an experiment was conducted to examine the causal relationship between grateful emotion and well-being of the elderly. Seventy five elders who actively participated in life-long education classes were recruited. They were assigned to one of four different experimental conditions and received different instructions. The first condition was called the daily gratitude condition and participants were told to write down the grateful experience from their current daily lives. The second condition was called the life gratitude condition and participants were asked to recall the grateful events from their past. Participants in the third condition were told to write down their daily important events. In the last condition, which is also the control condition, participants were asked to fill up questionnaires only. The results indicated that, after seven weeks of writing, the elderly in the daily gratitude condition had significant more positive emotion than those who in the control condition. However, the effect was quite short-lived and it disappeared one month later after the writing manipulation. The results also indicated that writing down grateful events from the past did not enhance the subjective well-being, the elderly in the condition showed neither significantly higher positive emotion nor higher life satisfaction than those who in the control condition. It might be because these events were too far away to elicit the present emotion and feeling effectively. In addition, the result also revealed an interesting finding about the daily important events group. The elderly in this condition showed same degree of positive emotion and well-being as those who in the daily gratitude condition. It might be due to the fact that the elders who were asked to write down important daily events did record more positive events than negative events.
In summary, it can be concluded that, gratitude and the positive type of reminiscence did have impact on the well-being of the elderly. We can successfully promote the elders’ well-being by leading them to savor their daily grateful events. We believe, even stepping into elderhood, people are still capable of pursuing their own well-being and can live a good life, if only they choose the right way!
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最低購買金額門檻促銷對消費者購物決策與價格認知之影響 / The effects of minimum purchase requirement promotion on consumers' purchase decisions and price perceptions葉乃綺, Yeh, Nai Chi Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述兩大研究主題,本文中進行了三個實驗,皆同樣以提供10%折扣幅度,但未設定購買金額門檻的「九折優惠」促銷來做為控制組:研究一實驗在實際書店賣場舉行,以賣場門口發放三種促銷 (滿一千送一百、滿五百送五十、及九折優惠)折扣券方式,購物結束後再透過購物發票、賣場銷售資料及問卷衡量,瞭解消費者當日購物行為結果。
研究二則透過實驗室實驗法,以商品型錄模擬購物來瞭解消費者在「滿千送百」與「九折優惠」促銷下回憶商品價格正確性之差異;研究三實驗以電腦網頁模擬百貨公司購物,先讓受測者在兩種促銷 (滿三千送三百、九折優惠)情境下購買商品,觀察他們購物接近促銷金額門檻時,購買最後一件商品的選擇結果,之後再請受測者賣回所購買商品,並藉由訂價過程瞭解其內部參考價格水準。
本研究的主要發現,對於消費者購物行為影響方面:(1)「最低購買金額門檻」促銷確實能夠提高消費者購買的金額,符合定錨調整理論 (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974)推論之結果;(2)兩種促銷下的知覺交易效用結果則無法證實,推測由於實驗中「滿千送百」贈送的現金是緊接著消費決策後發生,延遲得到小額利得的感受不夠明顯,使得銀線原則 (Thaler, 1985)無法被驗證。
對於商品價格認知影響方面:(1) 當購買金額超過促銷門檻時,「最低購買金額門檻」促銷下的內部參考價格高於「直接折扣」促銷者;(2)在該促銷下消費者在心中計算總價格的比例明顯高於「直接折扣」促銷;(3)在該促銷下消費者因為必須計算總價格,使得價格回憶的正確性提高;(4)透過內部參考價格間接推估「最低購買金額門檻」促銷在購買金額超過促銷門檻時,有較高之交易效用。 / The present research explores the effects of “the minimum purchase requirement promotions” on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Study 1 examined consumers’ purchasing decisions in a field experiment with three types of promotional coupons randomly handed to customers: Purchase over $1000 and get a $100 cash reward, purchase over $500 and get a $50 cash reward, or 10% off price discount. Consumers’ invoices from the bookstore’s database were recorded, and questionnaires were used to measure transaction value and how these promotions influenced consumers’ shopping spending, and tendency to calculate total expense.
Study 1’s findings show that consumers tend to calculate total expense under “the minimum purchase requirement promotion”. Study 2 and Study3 explored how this promotional type influences on consumers’ price cognition, including price recall accuracy and internal reference price. In Study 2, laboratory experiment was used: (a) purchase over $1000 and get a $100 cash reward and (b) 10% off price discount through manipulated catalog shopping. Study 3 was a computer-manipulated shopping experiment, with participants purchasing product in the shopping stage of experiment and selling the products in a later auction to ascertain their internal reference price under two different promotional frames (purchase over $3000 and get a $300 cash reward, and a 10% off price discount).
Major findings about consumers’ purchasing decisions were: (a) as the inference of anchoring and adjusting heuristic theory (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974), consumers increase their spending; (b) the “requirement promotion” improvement of consumers’ transaction value cannot be proved as the inference of silver linings principle (Thaler, 1985) because the time delay was not obvious in the experiment.
The results of the influence on price cognition were: (a) “the minimum purchase requirement promotion” had a higher internal reference price than regular price discount with total expense over the promotional threshold; (b) this promotion will increase consumers’ tendency to calculate total expense; (c) consumers have higher price recall accuracy in this requirement promotion; and (d) the internal reference price was used to infer that this promotion might have a higher transaction value with total expense over the promotional threshold.
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《蘇聯遺失的小孩》多媒體時代記錄 / A Story of 90’s USSR Kids in Multimedia Forms麗娜, Markova Irina Unknown Date (has links)
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論胡塞爾現象學之主體性悖論 / ON PARADOX OF SUBJECTIVITY IN HUSSERL’S PHENOMENOLOGY江偉峰, Chiang,Wei-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
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