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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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導入國際財務報導準則對我國租稅徵納之影響 / The effect of adopting international financial reporting standards on the income tax levy

姚筑云 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣為了降低企業於國際資本市場之籌資成本,且考量國際間之商業交易日趨頻繁,因此金管會宣布自2013年開始公開發行公司分階段採用國際財務報導準則(IFRSs)編製財務報表。導入IFRSs,不僅影響企業會計面財務報表之變動,亦對企業之稅務面產生重大影響,徵納雙方均面對一樣的改變,因此稅捐稽徵機關亦面對著衝擊。   目前已導入IFRSs之國家,隨著會計原則改變,稅法上多有相關修改。而此種修改,和該國係採財稅一致或財稅獨立皆有相關。此外,依循稅法原則的探討,我國稅法原則基本上係採量能課稅原則,即依納稅人之負擔能力課稅,而IFRSs的導入,則能協助稽徵機關了解企業之負擔能力。   本文透過文獻分析與比較分析法,對現行財務會計準則與IFRSs規定進行差異分析比較,藉由分別探討七個因我國適用IFRSs產生之徵納雙方須面對稅務議題,得出我國適合的財稅關係應採財稅一致處理,並建議主管稽徵機關在因應IFRSs的導入應適當的修正稅法,而非在不改變原稅法下,以解釋函令因應。 / In order to reduce the cost of financing in the international capital market and considerate the transaction of international enterprises more frequently, Taiwan's Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) announced that public companies must establish phased implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) for financial statements preparation starting in 2013. The introduction of IFRSs not only has influence on the financial statements of corporations but also have significant impact on the business tax. The levy and taxpayer both sides oppose each other are facing the same problem. The tax authorities also must deal with the influence of International Financial Reporting Standards. The countries adopting the IFRS have revised their tax laws correspondingly by changing of accounting principle. Polices of tax laws will influence by relationship between accounting and taxation. According to the ability to pay principle, the tax authorities can know the ability of companies by IFRSs. The study reviewed and analyzed literature related IFRSs and introduced our State blueprint for the promotion of IFRSs through literature review and comparative analysis, in addition to conducting different analysis comparisons between existing financial accounting standards and IFRS. The study further analyzed on seven taxation issues on the applicable IFRSs to tax payer and the levy. According to these analysis is recommended to solve the problems of the tax laws influenced by IFRSs. Finally, government authorities are recommended to modify related laws and regulations.

Form 20-F調節表對分析師盈餘預測之影響 / The effect of Form 20-F reconcilations on analysts' earnings forecasts

吳建宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討在美發行存託憑證之外國公司(ADR公司)採用不同會計準則編製財務報表,對於分析師盈餘預測之影響;以及美國證券交易委員會(SEC)於2007年11月15日免除採用國際會計準則之ADR公司編製Form 20-F調節表規定,對於分析師盈餘預測之影響。針對主題一實證結果顯示,相較於外國公司所屬國家之會計準則,國際會計準則(IFRS)與美國一般公認會計原則(US GAAP)在提供資訊能力上較佳,有助於分析師之盈餘預測;然而進一步的實證則顯示IFRS與US GAAP間在提供資訊能力上並無明顯差異。此外,研究發現當外國公司之所屬國家為法制力較高的國家時,較有助於分析師之盈餘預測。針對主題二實證結果,本研究實證結果支持SEC對於免除採IFRS公司編製Form 20-F調節表的預期,並未發現任何證據顯示SEC免除ADR公司編製Form 20-F調節表,對於分析師進行盈餘預測時會有資訊遺失(information loss)的現象,本文實證結果亦顯示對於分析師而言IFRS與US GAAP所編製的財務報表可以提供類似的資訊。

IFRS會計原則採用與專家會計師選擇 / IFRS-based standard adoption and choice of specialist auditors ifrs-based standard adoption and choice of specialist auditors

何里仁, He, Li Jen Unknown Date (has links)
The adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has become one of the most important accounting issues around the world. Taiwan Accounting Research and Development Foundation (TARDF) since early 2000’s gradually released or updated a number of important accounting standards to comply with IFRS. This process provides a natural experimental ground for researchers to examine the impact of accounting principle changes on companies’ choice of auditors. The adoption of new accounting standards not only influences the asset evaluation process but also affects companies’ accounting information systems. Engaging a specialist auditor can send a signal of high-quality financial reporting to outsiders, and companies may gain positive market reactions as a result. For example, as more assets and liabilities are measured at fair value under the new standards, auditors must deal with the complexities of auditing fair value measurements, and their expertise of such a process may help companies overcome the difficulties in complying with new accounting standards. That is, the implementation of complex accounting standards may increase the demand for auditors who specialize in a certain industry, transaction, or even account. Hence, this study examines how the adoption of new accounting standards influences companies’ choice of specialist auditors. By testing auditor switches around the adoption of TSFAS No. 35, No.34 and No. 36, we find that the more a company is expected to be affected by IFRS-based standards, the more likely it may choose an account specialist auditor when it adopts these new standards. The results are more significant at the individual level since an individual auditor is more likely to possess expertise than audit firms as a group, since professional judgments rely on individual auditor’s knowledge and task-specific experience. Our results also suggest that companies with higher earnings management incentives are less likely to engage industry specialist auditors, even when they are influenced by the adoption of new accounting standards. However, the influence of companies’ earnings management incentives on their choice of specialist auditors is affected by the complexities of new standards adopted.


陳枝凌, CHEN, ZHI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
由於國際貿易興盛,國際間投資隨之增加,跨國公司已成為企業組織的新型態。跨國 公司之營業分怖在兩個以上國家,不同的國家各自制定其會計準則,故國際間會計準 則之紛歧,遂成為跨國公司財務報表無法比較之主要因素。近年來會計界已開始重視 此問題,故致力於發展一套國際會計準則,以『和諧』國際間會計準則之紛歧。國際 會計準則發展時間尚短,難免有所缺失,故本論文旨在參考發展會計準則歷史悠久而 成效宏著之美國,分析環境因素對其會計準則制定之影響,進而謀求改進國際會計準 則之制定。本論文共一冊,約九萬字左右,共分六章,第一章緒論,第二章美國會計 準則之制定,第三章國際會計準則之制定,第四章國際會計準則與美國會計準則制定 之比較,第五章國際會計準則制定程序之修正,第六章彙種與結論。

會計制度對壽險公司資產負債管理之影響 / The impact of international financial reporting standards on life insurance company's asset-liability management

廖伯軒, Liao, Po Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
壽險業所販賣之商品通常為長年期保單,此一商品特性使得壽險公司的責任準備金(負債)非常容易受到市場利率波動而產生變動,進而影響到公司的清償能力。因此,資產負債管理對壽險公司來說一直是非常重要的一個課題。 過去的會計制度並未強制要求保險公司在財報中反應出準備金對利率的波動,資產負債管理的好處便無法在這樣的會計制度之下產生原有的作用,進而可能導致保險公司不重視這樣的管理方式。近年來保險監理的國際趨勢致力於加強準備金公平衡量以及真實揭露保險業的負債價值,因此我們可以預期在未來準備金的波動對保險公司的影響會較現在來得顯著,資產負債管理對壽險公司也應該會有較為顯著的影響。 本研究採用模擬的方式,比較不同投資策略的壽險公司在不同會計制度之下的財務狀況,進而探討資產負債管理的策略是否確實能讓保險人在公平價值準備金下較不受利率波動之影響。本研究的結果顯示在公平價值準備金的架構下,採用資產負債管理的壽險公司其損益會較沒採用資產負債管理的壽險公司穩定;若是在帳面價值準備金的架構下,採用資產負債管理的公司反而因為做出了多餘的避險行為致使其損益較不穩定。另外,本研究發現若是保險公司在資產負債策略下所採用的避險指標不符合目前法規,對公司的損益也會造成不必要的波動。因此本研究認為保險公司在實行資產負債管理策略時,應該參照目前會計制度下所給定的方式來做避險,進而達到最大的效益。 / Life insurers' liability value is relatively sensitive to interest rate due to the long term characteristic of the policies. The high leverage ratio strengthens the impact on how interest rate can influence solvency.. Life insurer therefore should manage their assets and liability in a prudent way. In the past, supervisory authorities used to regulate the insurer to recognize their liabilities in book value, which makes the benefits of ALM insignificant. Under such regulation, the main purpose of asset allocation for most of the life insurers was to generate higher investment return instead of matching asset with the liability, nor to maintain risk at acceptable level under book-value reserving. The international financial report standard No.4 (IFRS4) suggests that insurers should measure their liability under fair value in the future. The new regulation may increases the volatility of the life insurer's liability and emerges the benefit of ALM The objective of this article is to compare the effect of ALM strategy on life insurer's financial statement under both accounting standards via simulation methods. The result shows that the insurers with ALM face more stable financial statement if they manage their interest rate decently. One of the results shows that the insurers who manage their asset based on fair value duration faces more volatility than insurers without ALM under book value reserve. This implies that the insurer with ALM still suffers higher volatility if the regulations do not support such behavior. We therefore suggest that the insurers should manage their asset based on their liability interest rate risk under the condition that they choose the appropriate interest rate risk indicator to fit different regulations.

強制採用國際會計準則對銀行聯貸市場的影響 / The effects of mandatory IFRS reporting on the syndicated loan market

姚畯, Yao, Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討強制採用國際會計準則(International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS)對銀行聯貸組成結構(ownership structure)與債務契約條款(debt covenants)的影響。研究發現結果如下:第一、當借款公司強制採用國際會計準則報導後,主辦銀行的持有比例將增加。第二、當借款公司強制採用國際會計準則報導後,外資銀行參與聯貸案的家數將下降。第三、當借款公司強制採用國際會計準則報導後,債務契約條款中將降低採用以會計數字為基礎的債務契約條款(無論以損益數字為基礎、或以資產負債表數字為基礎)。本研究之發現符合Schipper [2003]之論點:當債務人採用以原則式準則之會計報表作為借貸契約之基礎,將降低債權人與債務人以此報表訂契約的誘因。主要是因為原則式準則提供有限的會計處理程序與解釋指引,將導致會計數字在專業判斷下,報表數字可能增加主觀或偏誤,進而降低債務契約訂定的功能。最後,本研究發現前述採用國際會計準則的負面影響,在普通法國家(法律執行強度高的國家)比成文法的國家(法律執行強度弱的國家)有減緩的趨勢。 / In this dissertation, I examine how the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) affects ownership structure and debt covenants in the syndicated loan market. I hypothesize and document that the proportion of the loan retained by syndicate lead arrangers increases after a borrower adopts mandatory IFRS reporting. Further, I document that foreign lenders are relatively less likely to be involved in syndicated loan deals after the adopting of mandatory IFRS reporting. Finally, I find that syndicate lenders are less likely to use financial covenants in debt agreements after the mandatory IFRS adopting, regardless of income statement-based or balance sheet-based covenants. Overall, these results are in line with the argument by Schipper [2003]. Specifically, the adoption of a principles-based accounting system (e.g., IFRS), characterized by limited interpretation and implementation guidance, increases the difference in professional judgment among debt contracting parties, which in turn reduces lenders’ and borrowers’ demand for accounting information in signing debt contracts. Finally, the negative effect of the mandatory IFRS adoption on the syndicated loan market is weaker in common-law countries (in countries with stricter enforcement regime) than in code-law countries (in countries with weaker enforcement regime).

採用國際會計準則對服務特許權公司財務報表及經營績效報導之影響-兼以個案公司探討 / The impact of IFRS on the concession operator’s financial statements and operating performance reporting – with a case study

張淑瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
國際會計準則IFRIC 12「服務特許權協議」 係對營運者之公辦民營服務特許權協議之會計處理提供指引,解釋範圍內之公共建設不應認列為營運者之不動產、廠房及設備,因合約形式之服務協議並未轉移公共服務公共建設之使用控制權予營運者。營運者建造或升級用以提供公共服務之公共建設,並在約定期間內營運並維護該公共建設,應依據國際會計準則第11號及國際會計準則第18號認列與衡量所提供服務而產生之收入。 而我國財務會計準則對於民間參與公共建設之會計處理,除87.07.20基秘字第150號係解釋投資方於投資BOT之會計處理外,僅93.12.23基秘字第321號針對民間廠商出資興建政府各項設施之會計處理做出解釋,解釋內容規範興建期間所投入之建造成本應列為特許權取得成本,且自硬體設施興建完成,開始經營特許業務時起,於受委託經營期間攤銷,此與IFRIC12之規範大相逕庭。 本研究針對個案公司就轉換國際會計準則前後之財務報表進行分析,研究結果發現轉換國際會計準則後對特許公司財務報表及經營績效報導,如財務結構、償債能力、經營能力及獲利能力等皆有顯著正向之影響,尤其是當特許公司對各項假設判斷不同時,其經營績效報導則呈現不同結果。兩種準則相較之下,我國財務會計準則對BOT之會計處理相對較為保守,BOT計劃期間內經營績效報導呈現較為穩定。另特許公司之利害關係人,除投資人應注意不同準則下特許公司財務績效報導差異之影響外,轉換為國際會計準則後之特許公司財務報表對主辦機關財務檢查及聯合授信金融機構所訂財務比率限制尚無顯著不利之影響。

國際會計準則下功能性貨幣之研究 / The Study of Functional Currency under IFRS

郭紹彬 Unknown Date (has links)
國際會計準則第21號「外幣換算」(IAS 21)係針對外幣交易之入帳及財務報表之表達進行規範。IAS 21定義功能性貨幣係指個體營運所處主要經濟環境之貨幣。IAS 21提供了一些指標,以協助企業判斷功能性貨幣。IAS 21又規定,外幣交易之原始認列,須以交易日之即期匯率換算為功能性貨幣記錄。續後衡量則區分為外幣貨幣性項目、以歷史成本衡量之外幣非貨幣性項目及以公允價值衡量之外幣非貨幣性項目,而分別依報導期間結束日之收盤匯率、交易日匯率及決定公允價值當日之匯率換算。對於使用非功能性貨幣為表達貨幣之財務報表,IAS 21亦有詳盡之換算程序規範。 我國會計原則有關「外幣換算」這部分係規範於財務會計準則公報第14號(SFAS 14)。SFAS 14之規範與IAS 21大致相同,國內企業在導入國際會計準則時,有關「外幣換算」原本不應該有轉換之特殊問題,惟我國實務上另有會計研究發展基金會(94)基秘字第057號函規定,在台母公司無須判斷功能性貨幣,而逕以台幣為功能性貨幣,導致我國公司實務上幾乎未曾做過功能性貨幣之判斷工作。 本研究針對三個個案公司,分析實務上企業如何依據自己本身之情況判斷功能性貨幣。研究發現企業如果僅依各項指標之字面意思以勾選檢查表之方式決定功能性貨幣,則有可能導致錯誤的結論。企業必須蒐集所有適切之證據,綜合所有指標,以判斷最能忠實表達標的交易、事項及情況之經濟效果之功能性貨幣。


徐鳳嬌, Hsu, Feng Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於全球經濟整合時代之來臨,資本市場全球化已是一股不可逆轉的趨勢,而資訊的及時、公正及充分公開係證券市場健全之基石。政府為協助及促進企業國際化,以利吸引外資投資國內企業,同時降低國內企業赴海外籌資之成本,進而提升企業全球競爭力,故致力於建構與國際接軌的資訊公開制度,並宣告自2013年起我國分階段採用國際會計準則(簡稱IFRS),金融業已自2013年開始採用IFRS編製財務報表。 因IFRS的主要精神架構係原則性基礎、公允價值、資產負債表法及組成要素等觀念,與國內現行適用之會計準則與實務有所差異。是以,二個準則轉換,企業原所認列資產、負債與權益若與IFRS規定認列不同者,須追溯調整,亦引發課稅議題,因此本研究為探究銀行業首次採用IFRS,依規定於轉換日追溯調整未分配盈餘,基於租稅公平原則及中立原則下之未分配盈餘課稅問題,並分別從國庫稅收及對企業稅負影響提出研究發現及建議。 本研究以銀行業於民國101年6月30日財務報告所預先揭露之民國101年初IFRS開帳日主要影響項目及數字分析,本研究結果發現: 一、銀行業首次採用IFRS於開帳日追溯調整,對未分配盈餘及淨值之影響多為調整減少,屬負面衝擊。 二、銀行業首次採用IFRS於開帳日追溯調整未分配盈餘,該等調整雖非屬依規定處理之當期損益,惟就以可分配盈餘觀點,及基於未分配盈餘課稅之立法意旨、租稅公平與租稅中立原則考量,該等調整於依法扣除主管機關及法令規定不得分配後之淨調整數,應併同計入作為未分配盈餘加計或扣除項目計算未分配盈餘課稅。 三、前述依法規定限制分配部分,於限制原因消滅轉回保留盈餘而企業不作分配時,應明確規範須併同計入未分配盈餘課稅,方屬合理。若無明確修法規範已提特別公積部分於實現轉回保留盈餘,應併計入未分配盈餘課稅之計算時,現行所得稅法第66-9條規定未將其納入加項範圍,可能導致企業開了可以永遠保留該部盈餘不分配亦不被課稅的大門。此結果將與未採用IFRS企業有不一致課稅標準,除不符合租稅公平原則,且有違租稅中性原則,也造成國家稅收的不合理損失。 關鍵詞:銀行業國際財務報導準則、首次採用國際會計準則、未分配盈餘課稅

各國反自有資本稀釋稅制與我國採用國際會計準則後對該稅制影響之研究 / The study of anti-thin capitalization rules and the impacts of IFRS on anti-thin capitalization rules in Taiwan

李欣, Lee, Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討我國反資本稀釋稅制在國際會計準則導入後之影響,並以各國目前對於金融工具應分類為負債或權益的規定,以及相對應之股利收入與利息收入課稅方式,了解各國對防止自有資本稀釋的規範,並提出因應國際會計準則導入,我國之反自有資本稀釋條款的可能調整方向。 研究結果分為兩部分:在各國相關稅制上,主要以固定比率法作為反避稅的方法,而美國與德國則以盈餘減除法計算超額利息,英國藉由常規交易原則判斷經濟實質;導入國際會計準則影響上,主要係因具有融資性質的融資租賃分類標準從我國會計準則的規則基礎轉換為國際會計準則的原則基礎,而產生租賃交易的分類變動。另外金融工具在國際會計準則下以該工具的經濟實質予以分類,也與我國過去規定不甚相同,例如特別股、可贖回公司債或附賣回權之金融工具等。此外,對於關係人的認定方式,我國目前現行反自有資本稀釋法規亦與國際會計準則之範圍不同。這些項目在導入IFRS皆有稅法適用上是否配合改變之問題須待釐清。 / This study focused on thin capitalization rules and the impacts of adopting IFRS. It also emphasized the classification of debt and equity instruments of foreign countries, as well as the taxation issues of dividend and interest revenue, to introduce thin capitalization rules of other countries, and the available adjustment of Taiwanese thin capitalization regulation as to respond the adoption of IFRS. The conclusions of this study are divided into two parts. The first part is for other countries’ related regulations. Most countries employ fixed debt/equity ratio approach as the way of anti-avoidance. United States and Germany employ earnings stripping rules approach, while United Kingdom use arm’s length approach. The second part is for the impacts from adoption of IFRS. The impacts are mainly from finance lease and financial instruments’ classification due to the transfer from rule-based to principle-based under IFRS. In addition, financial instruments may have to reclassify with the economics substance, such as preferred stock, callable bonds, and puttable bonds, which are different from Taiwanese original rules. The definition and scope of related party in IFRS are also different and should be clarified.

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