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電視新聞字幕對閱聽人處理新聞資訊的影響呂愛麗 Unknown Date (has links)
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懷舊圖像的消費——以小草藝術學院明信片為例吳靖雯, Jing-Wen, Wu Unknown Date (has links)
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年輕媽媽的壓迫與突破:母職的探究 / Oppression and transgression of teenagers mothers: the study of motherhood許雅荃, Hsu, Ya Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
1. 綜觀心路歷程的體悟:年輕媽媽皆在家中感受不到溫暖及關愛,選擇離家,對於愛情的懵懂意外懷孕,最終選擇生育。未婚的年輕媽媽則要承擔起一切的重擔;已婚的年輕媽媽則要適應公婆、迎合新生活。
2. 年輕媽媽的母職圖像:年輕媽媽因事件不同對於母職態度的呈現有積極與消極的區隔,在教育孩子層面以干預程度的高低分為高控制與低控制兩種類型。
3. 母職角色的挑戰:年輕媽媽會以生活經驗、被教養的經歷及子女的個別差異來決定代間傳遞的教養方式;代間傳遞的教養可區分為連續性、不完全性及不連續性代間教養這三種型態。
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毛澤東形象之建構黃淑嫆, Huang, Shu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
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網站文本中的符號運作:以房地產建案網站為例 / The Signifying Process of Real-estate Website Texts: A Structural Semiotic Analysis謝雅如, Hsieh, Ya-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
網路的普及使得大眾越來越依賴網站資訊,作為消費依據。網路的超鏈結功能可讓瀏覽者任意跳接文本,這使得網路文本的核心意義流動不定;對於把網站作為重要傳播銷售工具的企業來說,該如何將網站的訊息正確地傳達給瀏覽者是重要議題之一。本研究挪用並調整法國符號學者Roland Barthes提出的圖文兼具的廣告文本研究取徑,據以分析房地產建案網站的文本,希冀能發掘網站文本中的符號意義指涉及其運作形式。本文發現,經由刻意的設計,網路文本限制了意義可能的開展,運用圖文符號的預設意義功能、以及情境意義功能等,將建案網站的核心意義保持單一,以方便建案行銷人員進行行銷推廣活動。 / We have entered an era in which hypertext has become a major information source for the audience. Hypertext allows the Internet surfers customize reading path based on their personal interests. However, the infinite hyperlinks between web-pages pose a challenge to marketing and advertising professionals. The study intends to describe the signifying process of the website texts based on Roland Barthes’ image-text analytical approach. We first appropriate Barthes’ analytical method by taking the features of websites into consideration. Secondly, we choose three real-estate websites and analyze the signifying process of these web messages. We conclude that commercial websites frames website viewers’ perception by utilizing the anchorage and relay functions proposed by Barthes. That is, the meanings of samples under this study are limited to a single voice so as to strengthen the persuasion effects.
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背德的聖像---論恥感情緒對西方近現代繪畫美學之影響 / Immoral Icons:A Study of the Influence of Shame Emotion on the Aesthetics of Western Modern Painting李雅琪, Lee, Ya-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
此外,恥感圖像的意義遠遠超越現今世人的理解,它構成一種藝術家用以昇華羞恥、執筆表達複雜人生的特殊圖型語言。然而恥感圖像所顯現之恥感,並非真實之恥感,一如圖像並非即為真實,而是現實的再次呈現,以至於重複的再現。恥感圖像或非純然為描繪淫穢下流的現實存有,而是體現了諸如想像、壓抑、慾望、與顛倒夢想的奇異幻境與情色妄念。然而,足以確信的是:任何一種源自於恥感情緒的圖像,所見皆為人類意識所創生,並以獨立渠徑,或其它相互關聯的方式,在獨特的繪畫美學中顯現其存在,成為文化與藝術史中砂磧涓滴的一部分。 / This thesis studies the shame emotions as an important creative technique used by seven famous artists: Gustave Courbet, Édouard Manet, Gustav Klimt, Henri Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pablo Picasso, René François Ghislain Magritte, and Francis Bacon. The researcher aims to analyze the origin of this phenomenon in this period and the form of development of the shame images. The researcher also discusses the extensile sequence and ultimate goal of the shame images, and the special meanings to the process of the history of painting. By comparing the sources of the shame feelings of the specific creative images, realizing the social feedback of painters’ personalities and their works, the researcher tries to understand artistic effects created by the artists. Moreover, the researcher explores the artists’ important life events and the social atmosphere as the theoretical basis to learn the visual and aesthetic theories, painters’ documents, and this unique period of history of western modern art. And find that the shame image is the alternative linguist for artists to escape. Using the shame emotions to compose the picture had been influencing the western modern painting deeply, and becomes a popular art form contemporary.
Furthermore, inner part of the shame images had deeper and more fascinating meanings and associations than we now realize. They made up a language of pattern used by artists to convey ideas about complex human life by the path of the sublimation of ashamed. The shame images show us the shame not the shame itself. Images are not the things shown but are representation thereof: re-representation. What shame images represent may otherwise not exist in the indecent reality and may instead be confined to the realm of imagination, depress, desire, dream, or sexual fantasy. And yet, of course, any image from the shame emotion exists as an object within the aesthetic of painting that it in one way or another engage, what we see is the product of human consciousness, itself part and parcel of culture and history of art.
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「門面」—戰後臺北城門的國族建構 / Façade : Nation-Building on Post-War Taipei City Gate柯惠于, Ke, Huei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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圖像輔助呈現時機對台灣國中生聽力之影響 / The Effects of Pictures at Different Time Periods on the Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students in Taiwan吳嘉容, Wu, Jia-rong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台中縣光正國中一個國三班級42位同學為對象,經過英語聽力能力測驗後,他們被分為高中低三組。實驗前,學生們先填寫第一份問卷。隨後,三組學生一起接受兩種實驗: (1)邊聽邊看圖片; (2)先展示圖片再聽。在完成所有實驗後,隨即填寫第二份問卷。本研究主要結果如下:
根據研究的結果,聽前呈現圖像輔助對不同程度的學生均有助益,尤其對中低程度者聽力理解的幫助更為顯著。因此,本論文呼籲,國中英語老師可在實施英語聽力測驗時,多善用圖像輔助以引發學生的學習動機並藉由聽前呈現圖片技巧來提昇學生們的英語聽力理解。 / The purpose of the present study is to explore the effects of pictures as cues supplied at different time periods, the picture before listening comprehension test (BLCT) and during listening comprehension test (DLCT). More specific, it is focused on the comparisons of the effects of BLCT and DLCT on the high, middle and low proficiency groups. Also probed are students’responses to two questionnaires on the following issues.
(1) The subjects’ previous English learning background as shown in Questionnaire One;
(2) The main listening problems the subjects encounter in the process of listening, including the oral text, the listener and external aspects;
(3) The subjects reactions to the listening comprehension with the picture format and their preference for the timing of picture-giving.
The subjects of this study are 42 students of nine-grade junior high school students in Kuang-cheng Junior High School in Taichung County. They are divided into three proficiency groups—the high proficiency group (HPG), the intermediate proficiency group (MPG) and the low proficiency group (LPG) according to the scores of the listening comprehension test in the subjects’ second mid-term examination. At the beginning of the overall experiment, they are demanded to finish Questionnaire One. After that, they are assigned to take two listening comprehension tests: a listening comprehension test with a picture before listening and during listening. After receiving the two treatments, the subjects are asked to complete Questionnaire Two to reveal their attitudes toward the listening comprehension tests with visual cues.
The major findings of the present study are summarized as follows:
(1) Although most of the subjects have learned English for more than three years, they do not establish much confidence in their own listening ability due to the limited time of practice in listening. Many of them do not support the idea of incorporating the listening comprehension test into the future high school entrance exam. However, they express their eagerness for obtaining the teacher’s guidance in listening.
(2) The worse the listeners achieve, the more listening difficulties they would come across, especially in the oral text and the listener himself/herself.
(3) BLCT is more effective than DLCT. This can be proved by the mean scores and standard deviation of BLCT and DLCT respectively.
(4) As the three different proficiency groups are taken into consideration, BLCT lends itself to the low proficiency groups (LPG) and the intermediate proficiency groups (MPG).
(5) Most of the subjects prefer the listening comprehension test with the picture format, particularly the visual cue before the listening activity.
Based on the results of the study, the picture before listening benefits all of the three proficiency groups, especially the lower achievers. The researcher suggests that English teachers in junior high school try to make good use of visual cues in constructing listening comprehension tests to arouse students’ motivation and thus improve students’ listening comprehension.
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以眼動資訊增進基於內容的圖像檢索效能 / Improving the Performance of Content Based Image Retrieval by Eye Tracking張京文, Jhang ,Jing Wun Unknown Date (has links)
在現今的基於內容的圖像檢索的研究中,會將人的主觀認知考慮進去。因為傳統的圖像檢索中採取低階特徵來找出圖片上可能的重要區域的方法和人的感覺還是有著相當大的語意上的鴻溝。然而藉由考慮人對圖片的主觀認知,可以讓人找到對它而言圖片上重要的部分,再去做圖像檢索,找出使用者想要的圖片。這樣的作法是比較自然且直觀的。還能達到個人化的效果,因為每個人對同一張圖片上覺得重要的物體可能不盡相同。在本論文中的圖像檢索系統採用眼動軌跡當作人的主觀認知來輔助檢索。因為在心理學的研究中有提到,人在看圖片的時候會有較多的凝視點落在他覺得重要的區域上。所以藉由這個理論,本論文利用使用者看圖片的眼動軌跡即時的調整圖片上物體的重要性。最後將重要性高的數個物體去做圖像檢索,找出含有這些對這個使用者是重要的物體的圖片。經由實驗證實,眼動軌跡輔助圖像檢索的確可以減少不重要的物體對圖像檢索的干擾,繼而可以提升圖像檢索系統的效能。 / Recently, researches in Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) focuses on incorporation of knowledge about human perception in the systems’ design and implementation process. This enables the design of more natural and intuitive image retrieval techniques in order to overcome some of the challenges faced by modern CBIR system such as the difficulty to extract important regions of an image. By researches of psychology, user’s eye tracking reflects his interest. So, in my CBIR system, user’s eye movements were used online to adjust the importance for objects in query image. Thus in my system, only those images with important objects will be retrieved. One experiment was performed: record the eye movement of participants on query images. Then compare my approach with a classic CBIR system according to performance. The results reveal that higher retrieval performance of my image retrieval system because of decreasing the influence of not importance objects to image retrieval system.
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華德福教育神話教學蘊義之研究王士誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採德國學者Danner的「教育詮釋學」為研究方法,首先闡明神話學中各重要學派的神話觀,與人智學人類圖像的「四體」,進而分析Rudolf Steiner的神話觀點及其教育意涵,以回應前列問題。準此,本研究提出四項結論:
最後,由對本研究的省思出發,提出後續研究的建議。 / Myth education is a perculiar educational activity by Waldorf Pedagogy. It suggests that accessing myths at the right time is helpful to the development of children. Base on the theory of Anthroposophy, this study explores this educational activity to expose its significance. To be specific, the study explores following questions:
1.What is the myth from the viewpoint of Anthroposophy?
2.Why is the myth helpful to the development of children?
3.How does the myth facilitate the development of children?
Taking the German Scholar Danner’s “Pedagogic Hermeneutic” as reschearch method, this study illuminates the viewpoints of myth of various important schools of mythology and the “four bodies” in the human picture of Anthroposophy at first. Futhermore, this study analizes Rudolf Steiner’s viewpoint of myth and its educational meaning to answer the questions listed above. Accordingly, four conclusions are put forward:
1.The myth is taken as the connection between human beings as a small cosmos and the big cosmos according to Steiner’s Anthroposophy.
2.The spiritual meaning of the development of the body, the spirit, and the soul of human being could be traced in the myth.
3.The myth could affect the development of the body, the spirit, and the soul of human directly .
4.The myth makes man reconnected to the world and regain the spiritual meaning of life. It is what Waldorf Pedagogy attempts to achieve.
Finally, according to the reflection on this study, the researcher makes some suggestions for follow-up researches.
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