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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃久華 Unknown Date (has links)
1990年代學術圖書館面對內部與外部環境的競爭壓力與革新趨勢,圖書館聯盟的觀念與需求又再度受重視。本研究主要以1990年代興起且以電子資源共享為合作主軸的圖書館聯盟組織為研究範圍。採用個案研究法,選擇美國OhioLINK聯盟、大陸地區CALIS聯盟及國內CONCERT聯盟作為個案研究對象。 本研究目的旨在探討1990年代電子資源共享圖書館聯盟的營運特質、合作服務議題、營運策略規劃及營運模式。主要研究結果與貢獻:提出1990年代新興電子資源共享圖書館聯盟之策略規劃模式及營運模式架構,可作為圖書館聯盟實務營運規劃時之參考。電子資源共享圖書館聯盟營運模式包含三大營運構面、20項構面要件,以及14項合作服務項目及11項行動策略項目。 1.營運構面,包括:組織背景與資源、組織活動與成果,以及組織策略與管理等三大構面; 2.構面要件,包括:緣起背景與合作動機、聯盟會員、組織結構、組織資源、組織經費、技術與資訊基礎建設、服務對象與層級、合作服務項目、活動成果、外部環境評估與內部組織檢測、需求評鑑、共同願景、使命宣言、核心價值、任務目標、行動方案、領導管理、核心議題管理、組織變革,以及組織評鑑等20項; 3.合作服務項目,包括:資訊資源硬體/軟體合作開發及標準化發展、合作採購、合作館藏發展、合作典藏與管理、聯合合作編目、聯合目錄、館際互借、文獻傳遞、線上合作參考諮詢服務、教育訓練、技術支援、諮詢與顧問指導、數位化圖書館服務與管理,以及遠距學習與服務等14項; 4.行動策略項目,包括:強調關鍵技術或能力之轉移、強調資源有效分配、擴大資訊取用途徑、共同談判與合作協議、重視使用權處理與合約管理、強調市場合作策略、強調對內與對外夥伴關係之建立、重視行銷推廣、凝聚會員共識與組織承諾、擁有高度管理統籌權,以及強調成本效益分析等11項。 本研究建議:一為建議政府相關部會建立全國電子資源共享之總資源規劃與分配策略,以有效整合聯盟資源並進行整體化建設。同時,建立全國圖書館聯盟管理中心、編列專款預算科目、健全圖書館聯盟組織結構與功能發展以提昇聯盟營運效能;二為建議國內學術圖書館聯盟擴大資源共享合作服務範圍與夥伴關係經營範疇,以創造聯盟組織最大經濟效益。同時,重視領導管理與決策品質,並且建立組織營運績效衡量機制;三則呼籲凝聚聯盟會員的共識與團隊力,共同建立聯盟組織的自主性與自發性營運功能,將有限資源發揮最大效益。 / In the 1990s, academic libraries were faced with pressure to compete and a tendency towards renovation. The concept and demands of library consortium once again received serious attention. This study’s research scope is the rise and development of electronic resources sharing for cooperation with main library consortium organizations in the 1990s. The method of case study was used, and the United States’ OhioLINK, Mainland China’s CALIS, and the domestic CONCERT were used as the case research subjects. The purpose of this research is to investigate the special characteristics of the operation of electronic resources sharing library consortium during the 1990s and their cooperative service issues, strategic planning, and modes of operation. The primary research results and contributions addressed the structure of strategic planning and modes of operation for electronic resources sharing library consortium in the 1990s. This can then be used as a reference for when library consortium does practical service and operations planning. The modes of electronic resources sharing library consortium include: 1.Operational Structure: The three big aspects are background and resources of organizations, activities and achievements, and strategies and management. 2.There are twenty items of important structural documents: origins of backgrounds and motives for cooperation, consortium members, organization’s structure, organization’s resources, organization’s expenses, establishment of information foundations, service targets, cooperative service items, activities and achievements, evaluations of the external environment and examinations of internal organizations, demand reviews, common hopes and expectations, mission declarations, core value, assignment objectives, movement plans, leadership management, management of core issues, organization transformations, and reviews of organizations. 3.The cooperative service items include these 14 items: cooperative development and standardized development of information resource hardware and software, joint purchases, cooperative collection development, cooperative catalogues, union catalogs, interlibrary loans, document delivery, online reference desk services, education and training, technical support, advice and consulting guidance, digital library services and management, and distance learning and services. 4.The 11 items of movement strategy include: emphasizing the transfer of key technologies and abilities, emphasizing effective resource distribution, expanding access to resources, joint licensing and joint agreements, placing importance on using power to cope and contractual management, emphasizing market cooperation strategies, emphasizing the establishment of internal and external companion relationships, placing importance on popularizing sales, cohering to the members’ common consensus and organization agreements, possessing high level management powers for overall planning, and emphasizing cost-benefit analysis. This study recommends: 1.) In order to establish head resource planning and distribution strategies for nation-wide electronic resource sharing, establish nation-wide library consortium management centers, line up funding, and make sturdy library consortium organizational structures and capabilities. 2.) In order to make recommendations for the cooperative service scope and companion relationship operation categories of CONCERT expanded resource sharing, place importance upon leadership management and the quality of policy making. In addition, establish a measurement system for organization operation results. 3.) Appeal for the coherence to the common consensus of consortium members. Collectively establish the operational capability of consortium organizations to be autonomous and spontaneous to bring limited resources into full play with the greatest possible results.


林培勳 Unknown Date (has links)
圖書館除典藏當代文化外,亦負有發展教育、傳播文化、提供資 訊等功能(公共圖書館宣言)。隨著科技的進步,人類文明不斷向前推 展,尤以電腦科技的日益精進,網際網路的使用者快速成長,圖書館 無論是在資料蒐集、整理、資訊的提供等功能上,都面臨數位化的需 求。 關於數位化圖書館所涉及之著作權法問題,可分為二大部分探討: 一、紙本館藏數位化重製,及數位化後透過網路提供圖書館服務之著 作權法問題。 二、圖書館直接從市面上購置數位著作,其取得與利用之問題。 壹、圖書館數位化涉及之著作權法問題 一、重製概念是否包含「數位化重製」 貳、圖書館網路服務涉及公開傳輸權 一、新法對於線上文獻傳遞服務之影響 二、圖書館內部網路使用與公開傳輸權 三、線上列印之合理使用審查 參、可否經由網路出借數位館藏 肆、圖書館取得數位著作授權之困境 一、數位著作取得、利用之限制 二、相關著作權仲介團體之欠缺 四、解決機制 (一)相關著作權仲介團體之設立 (二)利用著作的送存制度 (三)電子資料庫市場的擴大 伍、修法方向 一、明文賦予圖書館數位化重製權 為了順應數位時代下圖書館數位化之時代潮流,並得以有效地保 存館藏著作,著作權法應於第四十八條明文賦予圖書館得將館藏著作 數位化之權限,為合理使用之部分。至於數位化之館藏,無須區分已 公開或未公開發行之著作,蓋即使未公開之著作,亦有以數位化重製 保存以及提供利用之必要。不過,對於數位化重製仍須有一定之限 制,亦即,若在市面上已有相關之數位化著作存在,則不得再就館藏 數位化,而應付費取得使用之權限。 二、限制圖書館數位化服務之範圍 基於數位著作保護技術措施尚未成熟,若直接賦予圖書館就數位 重製後之著作,可透過網路或類似管道提供公眾利用,將造成著作權 人之嚴重損害。因此,數位化後之館藏,在館內使用時,僅限於數位 化資料之檢索用途、全文內容閱覽,若讀者第四十八條第一款要求圖 書館重製著作,則僅能提供紙本的版本,不得將全文內容之數位化檔 案交與讀者利用;又就實體館外之使用者,圖書館僅得提供線上目錄 檢索,但不得提供線上資料全文內容閱覽及線上列印。若有此需求, 仍須取得著作權人之授權或同意始得為之。 三、增訂法定授權制度給予著作權人補償 在賦予圖書館數位化重製權利的同時,應採取前述的法定授權制 度或其他類似著作權補償制度,對於著作權人經濟之不利益加以適當 補償,以衡平雙方利益。圖書館依法進行數位重製,須向著作權人給 付主管機關所制訂公布之使用報酬。 四、學術論文資料庫之建置 本文認為,為了促進學術交流與進步,或可賦予圖書館建立論文 數位化全文之資料庫,以提供檢索、網路傳輸及線上列印。為避免影 響層面太廣,其範圍應限於依照「學位授予法」取得學位之本國博碩 士論文。不過此種利用將對論文之著作權人造成影響,應增訂法定授 權制度,給予著作權人一定之補償,才不致於不合理地損害著作人法 定利益。 五、圖書館共同營運準則之制訂 本文建議,為著作權專責機關之經濟部智慧財產局,可仿照美 國之CONTU(National Commission on New Technogical Uses Cppyrighted Works),制訂供圖書館營運遵守的準則,以使圖書館在 進行重製或其他圖書館服務時有所依循。

我國大學圖書館網站網頁連結引用之研究 / The study on the sitatoin analysis of university library websites in Taiwan

方靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用網路計量法,尤其是網頁連引分析法,對我國大學圖書館網站網頁進行測量和分析。一方面、以EXtract URL蒐集大學圖書館網站網路資源之相關數據,並從國家/地區(top-level domain)、單位屬性(Second-level domain)、網域名稱(Domain Name)、一致性資源位址(URL)等四個網域層級,剖析我國大學圖書館網站所蒐錄之「網路資源」的數量、網站類型、網頁內容屬性等,從而比較各大學圖書館網站所連引網路資源的共通性與特殊性;另一方面,採用搜尋引擎A1taiSta檢索並分析這些大學圖書館網站綱頁在網網相連的虛擬世界中,為其他綱頁所連結引用的程度與情形,包括連引次數與網路影響係數的計算,以及連引網頁之語文,並透過跨時研究比較其在前後七個月的兩個時點上被連引情形的消長。 本研究所規範的「網路資源」範疇,乃依圖書館網站組織與呈現網路資源的方式與取向區別為三類,其中以「一般性網路資源」和「參性網路資源」居多,「專題性網路資源」則相對較少。研究結果發現39個大學圖書館網站中提供「網路資源」服務的佔有34個,共收錄了10,144筆網路資源,平均每個圖書館收錄298.35筆,其中靜宜大學圖書館以1,429筆奪得第一。實際上,這些網路資源來自於54個國家/地區網域;4,606個不同的綱域名稱;6,818個不同的網址。若將其網址依國家/地區網域做分析,我國(.tw)網域佔五成以上,而其中又有半數為學術網域所含括;居次者為美國,所佔將近四成,而商業網域又佔有其申四成;若依單位屬性網域做分析,以屬於學術網域的網路資源所佔達四成為最多,其中以我國與美國網域貢獻最多;屬於公司網域緊隨於後,佔有將近三成.,其申以美國與我國綱域貢獻最多。在被連引次數上,國內網站以被連引網頁次數累積達150次的中央研究院為最高,其次為教育部、行政院主計處、國家圖書館等網站;國外網站則以美國國家醫學圖書館與柏克萊數位圖書館SunSITE並列第一。大致上,可將我國大學圖書館網站所連引網路資源歸納為八類,被連引最多的類型是圖書資訊服務,其餘依次為政府機關、學術單位、研究機構、博物館/數位博物館、書店/網路書店、國際組織、其他等。" 外部連引可作為評估圖書館網站對外部網站的影響力之依據;而內部連引則反映了圖書館網站與校園網域內的其他網站的互動。本研究結果顯示,外部連引次數以成大、台大、央大等圖書館次數為領先;內部連引次數則以台大、交大、政大等圖書館居前。以連引數為分子,網頁數為分母所計算出的網路影響係數方面,所有大學圖書館網站的影響係數為0,33,亦即表示我國大學圖書館網站,平均每一個網頁被連引0.33次;外部連引的網路影響係數以逢甲、東華、中正等大學圖書館領先;內部連引的網路影響係數則以東華、南華、世新等大學圖書館居前。另外,在連引網頁的語文方面,我國大學圖書館網站被中文綱頁所連引的數量佔 93.57%;被英文綱頁所連引的數量佔9.46%,其餘語言則佔0、73%。 本研究建議圖書館應透過電腦軟體與人工定期檢閱連引節 點之有效性;並拓展專題性與特藏性網路資源的建置,以期建立各館之不可替代性的網路資源;同時深入連引網站內層之綱頁內容,以一個網頁或一個網頁片段作為一個連引單元,俾能強化其對使用者的實質效益。圖書館也能善用搜尋引擎以調查圖書館網站被內部和外部連引的情形,以自我評估圖書館網站與內、外部網域社群之間的互動和影響。另外,本土性的幾家中文搜尋引擎,加Openfind、Gais等,除應致力於擴展索引涵蓋的版圖興提升穩定性高的檢索結果外,還能豐富其相關檢索功能。 / The purpose of this study is to apply webometrics, especially sitation analysis, to examine and analyze thirty-nine university library websites in Taiwan. On one hand, the study utilized Extract URL to collect data aboutInternet resources of university library websites, and analyzed top-level DNS,second-level DNS, Domain Name, URL, respectively. The similarities and differences of the university library websites among each other were compared based on the analyses of number, types of websites and attributes of web pages of the "Internet resources". On the other hand, the study used AltaVista to retrieve and analyze the web pages of university library websites which interlinked by other web pages in the labyrinthine cyberspace. The Items measured included the numbers of total sitation, external sitation, internal sitation, and self-sitation, as well as languages of linking web pages.Furthermore, the investigation ran through two time spots across seven months to observe the changes of the sitations. The "Internet resources" appeared on the library website were organized into three categories: "general resources" and "reference resources", came out to be the majority, whereas the "specific resources" was the minority. The study found that thirty-four out of thirty-nine university library websites had provided service of Internet resources, and the items of Internet resources were 10,144 in total, from 54 different top-level DNS, 4,606 different Domain Name, and 6,818 different URLs. The average number of Internet resources per library website was 298.35. The Providence University Library earned the first. The analysis of top-level domain showed that the Taiwan was in the majority, and USA got the second. The analysis of second-level domain also found that academic domain earned the first, and business domain was the second. TheInternet resources can be grouped into eight types: library and information services was the first, and the other included government institutions, academic organizations,reseah institutes, museum/digital museum, bookstores/Internet bookstores, international organizations and others. External sitation is seen as an indicator of significance and influence of a site for external websites, and internal sitation may respond interaction and effect between a university library website and other websites in web domain of campus. The findings of study revealed that the external sitations ofNational Cheng Kung Universe Library, National Taiwan University Library and National Central University Library were the first group; and the internal sitations of National Taiwan University Library, National Chengchi University Library and National Chiao Tung University Library were the top group.Besides, the Web Impact Factor of university libraries in Taiwan was 0.33. The number of Chinese web pages that linked to university library websites turned out to be 93.57% whereas the number of English web pages was only 9.46%.The number of web pages linked in other language was only 0.73%. Finally, the study suggested that libraries should better use computer software and human aids to check the validity of hyperlinks; and devote library staff's energies into the development of specific Internet resources; further,libraries should link the content of web pages of websites in depth. Libraries should also examine various sitations of self library website to evaluate the interaction and influence of the library website with inside and outside web domain. Local search engines, for instance, Openfind and Gais, should strengthen the scope of index, enhance the stability of searching, and improve the retrieval functions in the filture.

數位典藏資源支援專題式學習模式研究:以臺灣百年圖書館史數位圖書館為例 / A Study on project-based learning supported by digital archive resources–case study of Taiwan libraries’ history digital library

陳佳琪, Chen, Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的快速發展,網路資源對於支援數位學習的重要性正與日遽增。本研究旨在探討學習者在利用專題式學習的網路學習歷程中,使用台灣百年圖書館史數位圖書館(經組織後的資源)以及網路搜尋引擎(開放式、未經組織整理的資源)的數位資源之學習歷程及學習成效差異。藉以探討數位典藏資源對於支援專題式學習的優點與特質,並歸納數位典藏資源支援專題式學習模式的價值與定位,以提出發展數位典藏資源支援數位學習模式之建議與參考。 本研究在研究實證部份將學習者劃分為實驗組與控制組,分別使用前述兩種不同組織方式的數位資源進行專題式學習。經由學習者學習活動而產生的電腦歷程紀錄、作業成果及問卷分析等,透過統計分析了解不同組織方式的數位資源對於學習者解決專題式學習任務的影響,進而驗證數位典藏資源支援專題式學習的價值與定位。 本研究獲得以下幾點結論:1、數位典藏資源在支援專題式學習模式上,相較於網際網路中開放式資源具有較高的學習成效;2、對於學習者輔以不同組織方式的資源進行專題式學習而言,數位典藏資源較開放式網路資源具有較高的資源使用滿意度;3、數位典藏資源在支援專題式學習過程中,相較於開放式網路資源,對於知、行、思三階段學習中的「行」階段具有較明顯的助益;4、在支援專題式學習歷程中,相較於Google開放式網路資源,數位典藏資源應提昇資料檢索效能,以增加學習者的使用意願。 / With the rapid development of the Internet, how to apply Internet resources to support e-learning is becoming a more and more important issue in the e-learning field. Therefore, the study mainly focuses on assessing the differences of learning processes and performance of learners who respectively use the digital resources from Taiwan libraries’ history digital library (structured digital resources) and Google search engine (open ended and unstructured digital resources) to perform problem solving learning for a same target subject via the project-based learning mode. The study aims at exploring the advantages and characters of using digital archives to support project-based learning and proposing conclusions and suggestions that are helpful to using digital archives to support e-learning. The study adopted the quasi-experimental design method to separate all participators into the experimental and control groups in order to evaluate the differences of learning processes and performance of learners who respectively use different digital resources to perform project-based learning processes. The statistics analysis scheme was employed to evaluate the learning performance of learners who perform project-based learning supported by different digital resources based on learning processes, project-based learning outcomes, and questionnaire investigation. Based on the research outcomes, the study confirms the value of digital archives in terms of supporting the project-based learning, and further indicates the role-playing of digital archives in supporting e-learning. The study obtains the following conclusions: 1. The learning performance of the experimental group learners who perform project-based learning processes supported by digital archive resources is superior to the control group learners who perform project-based learning processes supported by search engine resources; 2. The learning satisfactory degree of the experimental group learners who perform project-based learning processes supported by digital archive resources surpasses the control group learners who perform project-based learning processes supported by search engine resources; 3. Compared to the search engine resources, the digital archive resources obviously provide benefit in the action procedure in the proposed project-based learning mode with three learning procedures; 4. Compared to Google search engine resources, performing project-based learning supported by digital archive resources should enhance search performance to promote the user’s willingness while using digital archive to support e-learning.

應用品質機能展開發展使用者導向之圖書館館藏評鑑系統 / Applying Quality Function Deployment to Develop Library Collection Evaluation System based on User Needs

陳廣宗, Chen, Kuang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
館藏評鑑是圖書館館藏發展中重要的一環,圖書館透過館藏評鑑了解館藏的現況優劣,包括內容品質、使用情形、使用者的需求差異等層面,作為修正採訪策略或讀者服務的參考。然而基於人力、成本等因素,館藏評鑑常成為圖書館的負擔,對於資源不足的中小型、基層圖書館而言,更是艱難的工作,所以尋求一套相對簡易的方法,以節省人力物力的方式進行館藏的評估,是有其需求的。 因此,本研究嘗試以「品質機能展開(Quality function deployment,QFD)」為基礎,發展一套半自動化的「使用需求導向館藏評鑑系統」,希望以系統化和新的不同評鑑模式來輔助館藏評鑑。本系統所應用之資料來源為使用者問卷調查以及圖書館自動化系統的各種紀錄,透過品質機能展開,以量化的方法將兩者做矩陣式的對應和計算並求得結果,作為輔助館藏評鑑時的參考。 本研究以台北市木柵高工圖書館為對象,研究方法及流程依次為:問卷調查、系統實作分析、訪談。首先以問卷調查法訪問學校圖書館使用者,取得使用者之需求;再將這些需求的數值輸入系統中,與圖書館自動化系統的紀錄合併進行品質機能展開計算;最後,將系統運算分析出來的結果,用訪談的方式訪問木柵高工圖書館員,檢視本系統之有效性與館員對本系統之看法。 研究之發現有以下幾點:1.應用品質機能展開所開發之系統,確實可應用於館藏評鑑,但較適合觀察長期趨勢;2. 不同使用者族群對圖書館館藏重視之層面可能有差異,此差異在本系統中會對結果造成影響,影響幅度由需求差異大小決定;3.無法量化計算的質性使用者需求,仍然受到使用者重視,在館藏評鑑中亦相當重要;4.本研究所開發之系統,有助於資源不足之基層圖書館館藏評鑑作業的推動。 / Library collection evaluation is one of important part of collection development, to understand the goodness or weakness of collection. It includes quality of content, analyzing of use, user needs, etc. But because of lake of staff and funds, collection evaluation becomes a burden to many libraries. To small libraries, it is more difficult. So it is necessary to develop a simple method to save the cost and labors for libraries. This study applies the Quality Function Deployment to develop a half-automatic library collection evaluation system, hoping to help collection evaluation works in a systematic, efficient way. The system in this study uses two kinds of data for computing: questionnaire survey of user needs and library automation system records. By applying the Quality Function Deployment, the system can combine above data and records, and generate analysis of collection and user needs in graphics. Finally, it can help decision making according to this information. This study takes Taipei Muzha vocational high school as the object, the method and procedures would be: questionnaire survey, system developing and analyzing, interview with librarians. The study obtains following conclusions: 1.Applying QFD, this system can help collection evaluation in practical, but it is more suitable to observe long-term trends than short-term; 2. Different group of users concern different needs in using library collections, those differences will affect the result of this collection evaluation system; 3. Some user needs can not be quantitated for system progressing, part of those needs are important in users’ opinions, so in a practical collection evaluation work, libraries can not ignore them; 4. This collection evaluation system can help some small-scale, basic-level, insufficient-resource libraries to accomplish their collection evaluation work.

視覺障礙者讀書會推廣模式與策略之研究-以臺北市立圖書館為例 / A Study on the Reading Group’s Popularize and Strategies of Visual Impairment in Taipei Public Library.

邱明宇, Chiu, Ming-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所使用之研究方法為質化訪談和實況觀察。從而分析公共圖書 館面對弱勢族群之角色定位和策略以及舉辦讀書會需求。 圖書館也可以證明自身的價值,幫助弱勢族群充分使用資源提升 閱讀風氣。以下為本研究目的 : 1.瞭解視障者參與讀書會的動機。 2.瞭解視覺障礙者進行讀書會的方式。 3.瞭解圖書館協助視障者經營讀會的規劃與瓶頸,提升對於相 關弱勢族群的服務。 / The research methods used in this paper are qualitative interviews and observational Method. It analyzed the role and strategies of public library in the face of the underprivileged groups as well as the needs of disadvantaged groups organized the book club. The library can also prove its value. Helping the disadvantaged groups make full use of the library, which provide a friendly, and safe reading atmosphere. The following is the purpose of this study: 1. To understand the reading motivations of visually impaired. 2. To understand the reading patterns of visually impaired. 3. Understanding the library's business planning and bottlenecks in helping the visually impaired, and also, to enhance the library for the visually impaired related vulnerable groups of services.

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