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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

醫師對圖書館線上參考服務需求之探討-以長庚紀念醫院圖書館為例 / The Physicians' Needs of Online Reference Services-- A Case Study of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Library

蔡寶卿, Tsai, Bao-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在調查長庚紀念醫院台北院區醫師對該機構圖書館網站提供之線上參考服務的使用情形及滿意度,並比較外科體系、內科體系以及專科體系等三種不同科別醫師資訊需求之差異。本研究主要採文獻分析法及問卷調查法收及研究資料,全體有效樣本為181分,問卷回收率60.9%,其中外科體系醫師38位,內科體系醫師52位,專科體系醫師91位。 本研究主要的研究問題有四點:1.醫師對目前使用的圖書館線上參考服務的滿意度;2.醫師使用網路資源及圖書館網頁資訊服務的情形;3.醫師對線上參考服務的需求;4.不同科別醫師對圖書館線上參考服務的需求之差異。 經研究結果發現長庚醫院醫師對該院圖書館線上參考服務普遍認為滿意,而且醫師平時使用網際網路資源的頻率高,有將近80%的醫師幾乎每天都使用網際網路;醫師利用網路資源時主要的考慮因素為資料之可得性,在尋求資訊時遭遇的問題主要是全文資料取得不易。長庚醫院醫師資訊需求主要的動機是研究與教學,至於醫師的資訊需求與其科別背景相關性不大,但是其職級的關係以及醫師兼任教職則有顯著差異。 本文研究結果可為醫學圖書館建置醫學電子館藏及提供線上參考服務之參考。

宜蘭縣國小教師對公共圖書館使用需求及滿意情形之研究 / A study of Yilan county elementary school teachers on the public library use needs and satisfaction

黃雅鈴, Huang, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館是文化與教育的機構,對教育改革而言,圖書館是提供資料與知識的資源站。教師和圖書館一樣,在教育的改革路上,影響力不容小覷。使用圖書館的習慣需從小培養,引領未來主人翁進入圖書館世界,為教師重要的責任,所以,教師本身是否了解圖書館,是否有善用圖書館習慣,則為重要的問題。 本研究之對象以宜蘭縣所有公立國民小學全體教師為調查對象,目的在調查國小教師對公共圖書館的使用需求及滿意情形,並探討其差異情形。再綜合教師對公共圖書館的意見提出建議,提供宜蘭縣公共圖書館擬定館藏及經營發展政策的基本方向,期望公共圖書館能提供更便利的服務來支援教學,讓教學和圖書館利用能更加緊密的結合。 本研究以問卷調查法為主輔以半結構式訪談進行研究,正式問卷統計分析後,整理欲深入探討之問題設計成訪談大綱,並進行半結構式訪談。研究結果摘要如下: 宜蘭縣國小教師在不同角色、任務、情境等會有不同的資訊需求,教師對於解決需求上,在增加新知的需求程度最高,資訊尋求的方式已經由網路取代由實體圖書館獲得所需要的資訊。 宜蘭縣國小教師在圖書館資料需求已圖書為主,最常使用的資料服務為借閱圖書資料;教師希望圖書館提供圖書館利用教育課程配合教學需要,認為圖書館應該主動提供資訊支援教學;在空間部分,教師最常利用的是閱覽空間,座位舒適度、空氣、光線品質為重視之項目;國小教師認為圖書館地點、圖書館人員態度、專業知能是影響使用公共圖書館意願之主要因素。 宜蘭縣國小教師對於宜蘭縣公共圖書館的公共圖書館整體滿意度還算尚可,將宜蘭縣國小教師對公共圖書館的意見與看法加以整理分析,教師對於館藏、管理、支援教學、位置與空間規劃以及閱讀推廣活動與人力資源方面期待很高,希望可以擁有一個完善的公共圖書館。 由研究結果歸納以下建議:建議地方行政機關增置公共圖書館專業人員及提撥固定經費,專款專用;輔導機關方面應該建立推廣公共圖書館與國小合作並辦理相關教育研習活動,培養專業人力;建議宜蘭縣公共圖書館加強宣導與服務並主動提供相關訊息、改善圖書館網站、統籌規劃圖書館利用教育、參與相關教育研習加強和學校合作、多舉辦推廣圖書館相關活動;建議各國小重視學校圖書館,加強其功能,鼓勵師生利用;建議國小教師培養利用公共圖書館之習慣、善用圖書館支援教學活動、培養圖書館利用教育知能、主動向公共圖書館提出建議。 / Public libraries are cultural and educational institutions and serve as the resource center for education reform. Teachers, together with libraries, exert indispensable influence on the process of education reform. The habit of using libraries should be created among children and it is the responsibility of the teachers to help children become familiar with the libraries. Therefore, how well the teachers understand the libraries and whether or not they have developed a habit of utilizing libraries are important issues. The participants of the study are all public elementary school teachers of Yilan County and the study aims to investigate the users’ needs and survey the user satisfaction of the elementary school teachers in their experience of using libraries. A suggestion synthesizing the study result is to propose to provide the public libraries a direction to establish their collection development policy and management policy. Thus, a goal of combining teaching and library utilizing can be achieved by the more convenient library service offered by the public libraries. The study conducts a questionnaire survey using method of semi-structured interviews. After analyzing the data collected by the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews were performed with an interview outline developed on the basis of issues to be probed into. The results of the study are summarized as follows: For the change of role, objective, and situation, elementary school teachers of Yilan County demand differently on the information provided by the libraries. The foremost need for the teachers in using libraries is acquiring the advanced knowledge, while the libraries’ function of data research has been replaced by the internet. The main need of elementary school teachers of Yilan County for library material is books, and the checkout service is the service used the most. Teachers wish that libraries can offer educational curse to work with regular teaching and actively offer information to support teaching. The space in libraries using most for teacher is the reading room; the evaluation standards includes the seat comfort, air quality, and the sufficient light. The teachers also consider that the location of libraries, attitude and the proficiency of the clerk are main factors influencing users’ willingness to use public libraries. The overall Satisfaction of elementary school teachers of Yilan County over public libraries of Yilan County is passable. Collecting and analyzing opinions and suggestions made by the teachers, they expect a complete and well functioned public library with sufficient collection, management, location, space planning, and human resource; and wish that libraries can support the teaching, and create reading habit among children. Further suggestions are made based on the result of the study as follows: local government should expand the professional staff and allocate funds earmarked for the development of the libraries only; guidance institution should develop and promote the collaboration between libraries and elementary schools, organizing the education and study activities and cultivating professional development; public libraries of Yilan County should make more introduction on the services and activities available in the libraries through improving the library website, mapping complete library utilizing educational course, participating in the education and study activities, strengthening the collaboration with the schools, and holding more activities aiming at promoting usage of libraries; elementary schools should place importance on their own libraries, enhancing the functions and encouraging the using among teachers and pupils; elementary school teachers should cultivate habit of using libraries, manage to utilize the resource in libraries to improve teaching, advance the library using skills, and should be willing to provide suggestion actively to the public libraries.

學校圖書館利用與學童國語文能力之關聯性: 以新北市國小為例 / The Relationship between library instruction and student's literate ability:a study of elementary school in New Taipei City

張馨云, Chang, Hsin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之動機,起於發現參與圖書館閱讀活動頻率高的學童,其國語文能力會較頻率低的學童來得好,同時國語文能力好的學童在其他領域方面的學習都要比國語文能力差的學童有較好的表現。 然而,學校決策單位掌握了學校圖書館資源分配、管理和組織的實權,因此,學校行政單位對於圖書館經營、以及圖書館影響學童國語文能力的功效等看法,將會影響圖書館資源分配以及未來發展。如果學校行政單位認為圖書館的存在對於學童國語文能力表現不相關,則很容易犧牲圖書館應有的發展與利用。 因此,本研究之宗旨在於探討瞭解新北市的國小行政單位如何看待圖書館利用與推廣活動與學童國語文能力表現之關係,藉由問卷調查的方式,瞭解目前國小圖書館利用與學童國語文能力提昇之關聯性,從而探討如何透過圖書館利用教育與閱讀推廣活動相互結合,得以改善目前新北市國小圖書館經營的方式,以求獲得幫助學童提昇國語文能力表現之具體落實方案,進而提高學生國語文能力。 本研究所得之國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績關聯性表格,從關聯性的有效意義值(Correlation significant)可以歸納出11個有影響力且具意義的具體落實方案,明顯可以提升國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績: (1) 擴增國小圖書館平均館藏冊數; (2) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱人次; (3) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱冊數; (4) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀興趣」的培養; (5) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀動機」的培養; (6) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀意志」的培養; (7) 增加圖書館空間規劃:圖書館功能區的數目; (8) 增加圖書館開放服務時間:圖書館平日與假日開放時段的數目; (9) 學校應積極推展多元閱讀活動-例如:晨讀十分鐘、班級巡迴書箱、讀報教育、班級讀書會、親子共讀、愛的書庫、午間廣播劇、影片欣賞、戲劇展演等; (10) 圖書館應積極辦理宣傳行銷活動-例如:櫥窗展示定期更新、張貼學生自製書籍介紹海報、票選好書、選舉小小館長、圖書館命名票選 、館徽logo設計票選、好書交換、推廣4/23世界閱讀日、每年12月辦理「圖書館週」系列活動等; (11) 圖書館應多多結合社會資源辦理活動-例如:與作家有約講座、參觀公共圖書館 、與書商或出版社合作辦理書展。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between library instruction and students’ literate ability. Students who are highly involved in library reading activity are believed to have better literate ability than other students. Meanwhile, students with high literate ability have better academic performance than students with low literate ability. Students should be encouraged to use library resources as much as possible. However, the school is in charge of the distribution, management, and organization of the library. How the school values the influence of the library on students’ literate ability would decide the amount of library recourses and its future development. Therefore, questionnaires were used to find out how the administrators of elementary schools at New Taipei City view the relationship between the use of the library and students’ literate ability. The results may help us to combine education with library activities, improve the management of the school libraries at New Taipei City, and provide some specific plans to promote students’ literate ability. The results of this study show a significant positive correlation between students’ use of library and their literate ability. Therefore, we provide 11 influential and meaningful suggestions, which can significantly promote the literate ability of elementary school students in their junior and senior years. 1. Increase the general collections of books 2. Increase users of school libraries 3. Increase the number of borrowed items 4. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading appetite 5. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading motivation 6. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading willingness 7. Better space arrangement: the number of library divisions 8. Increase library service hours: weekdays and holidays 9. Schools should actively encourage various reading activities, including ten-minute morning reading, in-class book fair, newspaper-reading education, class study group, book collection, noon broadcast drama, film watching, drama exhibitions, and so on. 10. Libraries should actively hold activities to promote library functions, for example, regularly renew window exhibitions, put up student-made posters, introduce good books, elect little library director, name the library, design library logo, exchange good books, promote World Book & Copyright Day, and so on. 11. Libraries should combine social resources to hold activities, such as invite famous writers, visit public libraries, hold book fairs with publishers, and so on.

大學圖書館「學習共享空間」服務品質指標建構之研究 / Developing the service quality assessment indicators for Learning Commons at University Libraries

侯淳凡, Hou, Chun Fan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位科技快速發展,大學的學生在校園內的各種學習需求變的多元,而校園的中心觀念也從教育(Teaching)轉變為學習(Learning),學習共享空間(Learning Commons)隨之成為大學圖書館的重要服務,它代表了大學圖書館的創新與轉型。在這個空間內,館方提供充足的設施以及各種科技工具與服務,讓使用者可進行各種學習活動。學習共享空間從資訊共享空間演變而來,發展至今已有20年的歷史,而臺灣的大學圖書館自2005年臺灣師範大學圖書館興建「SMILE 多元學習區」後,多所學校皆已在圖書館內建置學習共享空間。一項計畫須經由評鑑才能知道其目標達成與否,本研究將利用焦點團體法針對「學習共享空間」進行評鑑指標的建構與修訂,再針對各校的學習共享空間進行實際的評鑑,評估其表現與滿意度。 本研究的研究目的有五點:(一)探討大學圖書館學習共享空間的意涵與發展現況。(二)探討圖書館學習共享空間評鑑方法,建構適合的服務品質評鑑指標。(三)探討大學的學生在校園中的需求與希望圖書館提供的服務。(四)探討大學的學生對於圖書館學習共享空間的使用與滿意度,以期了解學習共享空間服務的效益。(五)分析使用與評鑑結果,做為圖書館學習共享空間未來改進之參考。 為獲得研究結果,本研究透過焦點團體法獲得臺灣的學習共享空間意涵,同時焦點團體參與者也認同利用服務品質評鑑方法來進行學習共享空間的評鑑,具體建構出3個評鑑構面、23個指標與評鑑問卷,做為本研究的評鑑工具。為確保指標的可用性,本問卷實際發放臺灣師範大學與政治大學圖書館學習共享空間,獲得以下結論:(一)網路使用頻率影響二校使用者實際進入圖書館的次數。(二)使用者認可圖書館的學習價值(三)使用者最常使用科技設備。(四)使用者認為學習共享空間最重要的服務為舒適的環境與資源的提供、(五)使用者認為最滿意的服務為服務人員的態度與回應。(六)使用者認為最需改進的部分為區隔討論區與自習區。(七)學習共享空間整體滿意度尚待提升,圖書館仍應著重資源的提供。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究也提出幾點建議,首先要提升學習共享空間的共識與認知,並增加其理念宣傳,才能讓更多的潛在使用者得知學習共享空間的存在價值。建造舒適的環境固然,資源提供的重要性仍不可偏廢,未來可增設數位資源學習設備與教材,並增加討論空間,但同時要明確區隔討論區與自習區,以符合臺灣使用者特性。學習共享空間強調一站購足的整合服務,單靠圖書館一己之力無法達成,應促進跨組織合作,提供資訊指導與教學指導等多元服務,期望能滿足使用者的各種需求。

公共圖書館兒童閱讀空間使用與滿意度研究 / Study on the Use and Space Satisfaction of Public Library Children Reading Space

沈宗霖, Shen, Zong Lin Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館是兒童主要獲取資訊及知識的場所,對於兒童而言,圖書館兒童閱讀空間閱讀氛圍的營造與空間規劃設計又為影響到兒童對於圖書館使用意願的關鍵。理想的兒童閱讀空間應該不論在閱讀空間設計、家具及設備安排、分齡分眾功能劃分上,都應該能呼應兒童及家長等使用者的需求,以吸引他們到圖書館來親近使用,並幫助兒童在利用圖書館的過程中培養閱讀的樂趣。本研究旨在建構適合公共圖書館兒童閱讀空間的原則及構面指標,以作為國內公共圖書館未來規劃及建置兒童閱讀空間時的參考。   本研究研究目的有四點:(一)以兒童需求中心探討圖書館兒童閱讀空間設計原則;(二)探討兒童與父母對圖書館兒童閱讀空間設計原則的認知;(三)探討兒童與父母對圖書館兒童閱讀空間的使用與滿意度;(四)探討影響兒童與父母對圖書館兒童閱讀空間滿意度的影響因素,以作為公共圖書館未來在兒童閱讀空間上的規劃參考。   為獲得研究結果,本研究首先分析國內外有關公共圖書館兒童閱讀空間規劃案例,並透過文獻分析法與訪談法具體建構出三構面19項指標,以及「公共圖書館兒童閱讀空間需求及滿意度調查問卷」作為研究工具。研究問卷並針對臺北市立圖書館總館及所屬分館的兒童閱讀空間進行發放,獲得以下結論:(一)兒童閱讀空間經過空間改善後多能滿足使用者期待;(二)兒童對圖書館服務需求多元,並非僅限閱讀;(三)安全性、共讀空間、閱讀氛圍營造會影響兒童使用意願;(四)安全性、家具樣式及哺集乳室的設置最受使用者滿意;(五)使用者認為圖書館應關注不同年齡的兒童及家長需求,增加團體討論室,區隔討論區與閱讀區。 / A public library is a major place where children can have access to information and knowledge. For children, the creation of a reading atmosphere and the spatial planning and design in the children's reading space at the library are the key to their willingness to use libraries. An ideal children’s reading space should be able to respond to the needs of children and parents and other users, whether in reading space design, furniture and equipment arrangement, or facilities for different age groups, so as to attract them to the library and encourage them to read for pleasure in the process of using the library. This study aims to establish the principles and dimension indicators for the children's reading space at the public library, which can serve as a reference for future planning and construction of children's reading spaces at public libraries in Taiwan.   The purposes of this study are to explore (1) the design principles behind the children's reading space at the library from the perspective of children's needs; (2) children's and parents’ perceptions of the design principles behind the children's reading space at the library; (3) children’s and parents’ use of and satisfaction with the children's reading space at the library, and (4) factors in children’s and parents’ satisfaction with the children's reading space at the library, in order to provide a reference for future planning of children's reading spaces at public libraries.   In order to obtain research results, this study first analyzed the cases of children's reading space planning at public libraries at home and abroad, and developed three dimensions and 19 indicators through literature review and interviews, as well as used as a research tool the Public Library Children's Reading Space Requirements and Satisfaction Questionnaire. The questionnaire was also distributed to the children’s reading spaces at Taipei Main Public Library and its branches, thereby reaching the following conclusions: (1) most of children's reading spaces can meet users’ expectations after the improvement of space; (2) children's demand for library services is diversified and not limited to reading; (3) safety, the family reading area, and the reading atmosphere have influence on children's willingness to use; (4) most users are satisfied with safety, the furniture style, and the establishment of a lactation room, and (5) users believe that the library should focus on the needs of children and parents of different ages, and increase group discussion rooms, and separate discussion areas from reading areas.

中美圖書館數位典藏管理與著作權法之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Library Digital Archiving Management and Copyright Law Between the United States and the Republic of China

謝英彥, Hsieh ,Ying-yen Unknown Date (has links)
「智慧財產權」係指人類精神活動之成果而產生財產上之價值者,由法律所創設之一種權利。然而著作權是智慧財產權之一種,著作權法是為了保障著作人應有之權利而制定之法律,但並非所有著作均受到著作權法的保護,立法者於制定著作權法時,考量重點有三:著作人之權益、社會公共利益與國家社會發展三方面,然而著作人在創作時,往往會涉及先人文化之遺產,所以立法時仍顧及公共利益予以限制,再者著作權制度終極目標乃是促進國家文化發展,當面臨公共利益與著作權人權益保護衝突時,應特別注意兩者之平衡,考量使社會大眾能在合理程度範圍內,自由利用著作權人之文化創作,以促進國家社會發展。 隨著科技時代的來臨,過去人類所創造的文化資產與各類的知識,可以藉由科技來加以保存、整理、傳播及利用,一方面使得知識能永久保存下來,一方面使得知識與文化資源得以共享,繼而加速文明的進步。有鑑於此,各國也紛紛著手進行數位典藏計劃,我國擁有悠久的歷史背景、累積豐富的文化資產以及珍貴的文獻與歷史文物,現也正積極進行相關的數位典藏計劃,而圖書館的典藏受到資訊科技的影響,逐漸開始著手進行自動化的工作,並引進許多電子資源,這些資源建立了數位館藏,內容包含電子書、電子期刊、電子資料庫,也進一步參與了許多數位典藏計劃,但數位資源與數位典藏當中仍然有許多著作權相關的問題瀰漫著,而資源建立進而引發著作權的問題。 美國著作權法是全世界發展最為完善的國家之一,其使用各種方式來協助一些侵權問題嚴重的國家,而我國對於著作權法的修訂,與美國方面的淵源頗深,並由圖書館數位典藏管理的角度來進行分析,針對中美兩國圖書館數位典藏管理與著作權法之關係,擬就研究問題逐一進行分析與探討之。在兩國數位典藏管理與著作權法的議題之中,時常有相關性的議題產生,進而牽動整體修法的方向,需要相互比對。本研究藉由比較研究法的方式,瞭解兩國之間的差異性,並且透過描述、解釋、併排、比較的過程,最後進行分析之,將比較之結果做一結論,以驗證研究假設,得出具體性的建議。 / Intellectual property right is a priority protection based upon a compromise as an aspect of human spirit activities achievement. With respect of it creates a statutory and potential property right for writers of which does not cover for all of writings, the cardinal principle of establishing copying is writer’s rights and interests, public interest, and society development three factors. In respect of the writer as in creating to which may involved with culture inheritance affiliated rights that need to take both of upon factors into account on copyright system establishment. Particularly, how to negotiate the conflict rights to make balance for the public interest and writer’s copyright protection in terms of promoting society development by adopting the creations of writers’ copyright freely which under a legitimate range. Benefited from the help of high technique of science adoption for those cultural properties and correlative knowledge preservation, organization, broadcasting, and utilization of which make a possibility of sharing cultural resources by each other and to keep progressing for human culture constantly. Consequently, adopt a digital collection plan for national heritage become a current for the global nations. In concern of the long-standing historical background of Republic of China, have an abundant cultural heritage and plentiful valuable document and historical relics that engaged in a necessary planning project for processing correlative digital collection recently. However, a solemn concern emerged by the subject of copyrights as integrating the electronic book, electronic periodical, and electronic information bank into the respective sub-subject planning. United States as the world top faultless copyright law featured country, which providing assistance to help those countries that seriously infringed by copyright tort and implementing different methods to improve copyright revision. Especially, according to the reality of Republic of China has a long good relationship with United States that is necessary to make a comparison study for respective library digital collection management and copyright between two countries. Regarding the two study subjects of which interact debate revelation frequently that is necessary to make a comparative analysis and probe into the core of two correlative digital collection managements on the direction of integral law revision. In this study, implement comparative analysis to understand the differences between two countries and through the process of description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison to analyze the comparison result. At last, a specific proposal provided by the analysis conclusion and testify assumes in this paper.

英美圖書館學會館員繼續專業教育之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of CILIP’s and ALA’s Librarians Continuing Professional Education

張玉靖, Chang ,Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
資訊時代的來臨,使得館員自身的工作範圍變得更多元,而館員的工作不在侷限於傳統的流通、編目以及傳統的參考服務。讀者對於館員的要求也不再只是「借還書的圖書館員」,對於圖書館的要求也不再只是「借還書的地方」,讀者對館員的要求是,多元的資訊服務,以提高圖書館整體的服務品質。因此,在此種環境下,館員必須利用不斷地自我學習及接受繼續教育等管道獲得新知,增加自我的工作能力,跟上時代的需求,滿足讀者的資訊需求,因此繼續教育對館員的成長非常重要。 本研究採用文獻分析與比較研究法,研究的目的,是希望藉由英美兩國圖書館學會對於館員的繼續教育情形作借鏡與整理,讓我國圖書館學會能根據英美圖書館學會的先例以及方式,選擇適合我國圖書館學會舉行繼續教育的方式與課程。 英國圖書館學會在西元2002年與資訊科學學會合併,對於英國圖書館學界來說,是一個很大的轉變,其中對於研習班與特殊興趣小組而言,更是增加了一些與資訊科學相關的研習班與興趣小組,因此,讓圖書館學不再只是傳統的圖書館學,而是因應時代成為資訊化社會的圖書館。美國圖書館學會對於繼續教育十分的重視,除了每年藉由年會所舉辦的各個主題的研習班之外,更在西元1999年開始了專業教育會議(Congresses on Professional Education,簡稱COPE),在近幾年已經舉辦三次,每次所探討的重點不一,其中以第二次專業教育會議(COPE II)對於專業館員的繼續教育作了很深刻的討論,並將討論的結果交付美國圖書館學會實行與研議。 英美圖書館學會對於繼續教育的比較,可分成四個部分作比較,由於國情的不同,因此兩國對於館員繼續教育的方式除了一般的研習班之外,英國多了所謂的特殊興趣小組,讓會員們能根據自己的喜好而加入與學習,而美國則是對於繼續教育的政策與實行的方式舉辦了專業教育會議,讓圖書館專業人員對於繼續教育的認可、與制度有重新的認識與方針。 最後就英美圖書館學會的繼續教育的優點,向中國圖書館學會提出的建議為:(一)建立中國圖書館學會的領導地位;(二)制定館員的繼續專業教育計畫;(三)擬定圖書館員的繼續專業訓練手冊;(四)加強研習班的內容多元化;(五)研擬圖書館員繼續教育的認可制度。 / In the information age, the librarians can not be traditional librarians. Just working for the traditional circulation、cataloging and traditional service. Facing the information technology evolution, librarians must adopt new strategies and educate themselves through continuing education. This thesis presents the continuing education policy and workshop in the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and in the American Library Association (ALA). CILIP’s aim is to provide the highest quality workshops, onsite training and executive briefings for all library and information staff. All our workshops are tailored to meet the learning, training and developmental needs of the modern library and information community. And every Member of CILIP is entitled to join two Special Interest Groups free of charge. In the ALA, 1999 Annual Conference meeting the ALA Executive Board, decided to set up for a subcommittee with developing a preliminary outline for a 2nd Congress on Professional Education. The appointment of a steering committee to plan such a congress was approved at the Board’s Fall 1999 meeting with the 2nd Congress to be held late in 2000. Finally, according to the results of the study, several suggestions are provided: 1.Establishing the leader position for the Library Association, R.O.C.;2. Drafting the Librarians Training Headbook for the continuing education; 3. Diversifying the contents of workshops; 4. Formulating the plan for the continuing education of the librarians; 5 Drafting a system for the accreditation of the continuing education of the librarians.

英美圖書館專業人員認可與檢定之比較研究 / A comparative study on the accreditation and certification for library professionals in the U.K. and the U.S.A.

黃美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討英美圖書館專業人員認可與檢定制度以及比較兩者之異同。主要研究目的為:1.敘述英美圖書館專業人員之定義;2.描述英美圖書館專業人員認可之途徑;3.探討英國圖書資訊學教育認可制度及圖書館專業人員檢定制度之意涵、歷史、現況與標準;4.探討美國圖書資訊學教育認可制度及圖書館專業人員檢定制度之意涵、歷史、現況與標準;5.比較英美圖書資訊學教育認可制度及圖書館專業人員檢定制度之異同。 本研究以英美兩國之圖書館專業人員之意義、圖書資訊學教育之認可制度以及圖書館專業人員之檢定制度為主題,研究範圍與限制為:1.本研究以英美圖書館專業人員之定義、認可途徑、認可制度與認可標準為主,其餘主題皆不在本研究範圍內;2.美國圖書館與資訊服務教育與人力資源利用政策所指專業人員有圖書館員與專家人員,本論文僅限於圖書館員之探討;3.本論文研究認可途徑係以英美兩國圖書資訊學教育機構認可制度與圖書館專業人員撿定制度為主,執照制度以本論文相關與必要者為度。 本論文採用文獻分析法與比較研究法,比較研究法為本論文主要採用之研究方法,其步驟有四:資料收集與描述、解釋、併排與比較。首先就英美兩國圖書館專業人員之意義、圖書資訊學教育之認可制度及圖書館專業人員之檢定制度描述,包含兩國圖書館專業人員之定義與層級、認可與檢定之意義、發展歷史、管理機構、原則、標準、程序做說明。 其次,將描述所獲得之資料加以併排,分成三部份,第一部份將兩國圖書館專業人員意義資料予以併排陳現,包括:圖書館專業人員之意義、層級、專業取得途徑、及專業授予組織等。第二部份是英美圖書資訊學教育認可制度之併排,包括:認可之意涵、認可制度之發展與認可機構、認可標準與程序等。第三部份是英美圖書館專業人員檢定制度之併排,包括:檢定之意涵、檢定制度之發展歷史與檢定機構、檢定標準與程序等。 最後,進行比較,將前述併排資料分為三部份進行解釋與比較:英美圖書館專業人員之意義、英美圖書資訊學教育之認可制度、英美圖書館專業人員之檢定制度,分別比較其相同或相異,並解釋差異之原因。 根據比較結果,證明英國圖書館專業人員之檢定制度係以國家職業資格體系為主,體系完善且全國統一;美國圖書資訊學教育之認可制度行之有年,制度、標準及程序為英國圖書資訊學教育認可制度仿效之對象,兩國之經驗皆可提供我國做為參考。最後,本論文對我國圖書館專業人員認可與檢定制度提出建議如下:1.建立圖書館專業人員層級:建議仿效美國圖書館學會圖書館人員制度,區分為資深圖書館員與圖書館員兩級,且釐訂圖書館專業人員之意涵;2.建立我國圖書資訊學教育認可制度:建議由我國圖書館專業學會推動我國圖書資訊學教育認可制度,首先應對圖書資訊學之界定與應包括之內涵與領域,建立共識,且研擬圖書資訊學核心專業課程或基礎課程,以及各校認可制度之推行與標準之建立,以提昇專業訓練,並建立社會認同;3.訂定圖書資訊學教育之認可標準:建議師法美國圖書館學會訂定之「圖書館與資訊研究碩士學程認可標準」,以學士為要求資格,採六大要件擬訂,包括任務及目的、課程、教師、學生、管理及經費支援、硬體資源及設備等;4.建立圖書資訊師制度:建議師法英國資訊與圖書館服務之國家職業資格制度,訂定不同層級之資格要求與檢定,藉由職業晉升途徑取得圖書館專業人員資格,惟需配合相關考試機關或行政單位之考量,制定完善之配套措施。

農漁會家政推廣人員使用圖書館資源之研究 / A study of library resources using on the home economics extension agent

柯文仁, Ke, Wen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國致力於改善公共圖書館的資源與環境,希望能夠提供更好的服務給讀者,且提升公共圖書館的使用率,但從一些圖書館使用者的相關統計獲知,農業背景使用圖書館的比例皆不達百分之一。另外對於許多政策上的變革,增添農業推廣發展的難度,其中農業推廣人員,也因自認專業知識的不足,無法完善服務農民多變的需求,產生工作上的許多壓力。 基於以上的原因,且在農業推廣的體系中,家政推廣的內容較貼近於一般民眾,所以本研究針對家政推廣人員進行探討,瞭解其資訊需求,以及圖書館要如何提供良好的服務與館藏,吸引並協助家政推廣人員為主要的目的。 問卷調查的對象,以我國農會與漁會的家政推廣人員為主,分作資訊需求、閱讀習慣以及圖書館使用狀況三方面,根據問卷調查結果,發現到家政推廣人員,多基於工作上的需求,透過網際網路獲取所需資訊,所需的資訊內容也多與工作相關;最多家政推廣人員選擇閱讀的地點,是自家與工作的場所,閱讀資料的來源多是農漁會機構所提供,另外在每週閱讀的平均時數以及每年夠書金額,都高於我國國民平均。分析有使用圖書館習慣的家政推廣人員,大部分是平均每週去圖書館一次、一個月平均借書量為1-5本,鄉鎮圖書館是最多人使用的,使用圖書館的主要目是借還圖書,而一般圖書也是最多人使用的館藏,對於圖書館的最滿意的地方是地點設立的便利性,最不滿意的是圖書館的檢索系統。 依據問卷所得結果,提出鄉鎮圖書館改進的項目,以提升家政推廣人員的圖書館使用率,例如:改善開閉館時間、根據家政人員的推廣活動提供適當館藏、加強宣導圖書館服務項目、舉辦兒童教育與醫療保健相關的推廣活動、改善圖書館的檢索系統、與家政推廣人員合辦社區活動。並且建議我國能夠設立農業專門圖書館以及博物館、農業資訊服務中心應彙整網路資源以及農業推廣充電站可導入知識管理的技術,藉以提昇我國農業推廣的發展。 / In recent years, Taiwan government makes efforts to improve public libraries, and hopes to provide better services and environment to the readers for promoting library usage, but a number of library users studies showed that the users with agriculture background did not reach to 1%. Many policy changes make developments of agricultural extensions harder. Even some agricultural extension staffs feel lacking of professional knowledge to serve farmers, and that results in their pressure at agricultural extension work. Based on the above reasons, and the Home Economics’ services are closer to the general public’s life, so this study aimed at Home Economics Extension agents to explore and understand their information needs, and find out how to provide good library services and collections, in order to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents. The questionnaires survey aimed at the home economics extension agents in the framers’ association and fishers’ association. It includes three parts: information needs, reading habits and library usage. According to survey findings, the home economics extension agents would like to obtain the required information about working via the internet, most Home Economics workers prefer reading at home or the offices, and the most sources are from the farmers’ associations or fishers’ associations. Home economics extension agents’ average reading hours per week and spending on buying books every year are above the average of Taiwan populace. Analysis of the home economics extension agents with the habit of using libraries demonstrates that most of them go to the library once per week, every month borrow 1 to 5 books from the library, and primarily use the township libraries. They go to the libraries for the circulations as mainly goal, and feel most satisfied with the location of the library, and most dissatisfied with the library's OPAC system. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the township libraries could improve the following to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents: regulating the open hour, according to agents’ needs to provide adequate collections, enforcing marketing the services, conducting extension activities about education and health, improving the OPAC system, and organizing community activities with home economics extension agents. The study makes final suggestions to enhance the promotion of Taiwan's agricultural development as follows: establish the agricultural libraries and museums, agriculture science information center shall collect network resources about agriculture, and use knowledge management technology to manage agricultural resources in Council of Agriculture.

日治時期臺灣總督府圖書館之研究—以閱覽者為中心 / The study of Readers in the Library of Office of Taiwan Governor-General During Japanese Colonial Period

黃慈怡, Huang, Chi Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖釐清總督府圖書館建立之歷史脈絡,同時以「閱覽者」為問題中心而出發,透過統計與史料呈現,試圖勾陳出閱覽者的身分,以及閱覽者如何與為何使用圖書館,進一步讓該館閱覽者使用圖書館的歷史,得以呈現。   經由本文,發現下列五點,茲陳列如下。首先,該館藏書與閱覽者使用藏書方向,出現些微差異。該館藏書以和漢書為主。觀察和漢書的歷年度藏書部分,主要以「總類」、「文學、語學」等類為主;然而,依照歷年閱覽借閱累計總量排序,最受館內成人閱覽者愛好之分類,依次為「文學、語學」、「總類」等類。可發現,藏書方向與閱覽者使用方向,呈現不一致的結果。 其次,館內閱覽者以內地男性學生為大宗,館外閱覽者則量上最高者為本島男性。閱覽者職業表現方面,館內閱覽者中,以學生占絕對多數,館外閱覽者則未見資料。   再者,閱覽者實際使用表現中,「準備考試」是館內閱覽者使用該館的主要行為,可以看到許多內地男學生以預備考試為目的,來使用圖書館硬體和館藏中的參考書籍。館外閱覽者則暫時未得見普遍動機。   還有,在硬體部分,在圖書館初期,閱覽者使用圖書館時,常得面臨到座位不足的問題。同時,在圖書館營運後期逐漸嚴重的藏書區不足之問題,乃至該館缺乏餐廳和休息室,加上採光和通風不良,及缺乏防火設備等,都是閱覽者使用時所面臨到的困難。特別是營運後期進館人次屢創高峰,當閱覽者湧入時,人聲、木屐、鞋子所造成的聲響,產生整體圖書館整體閱讀環境水準不良的情況。   最後,自本文研究中,總督府圖書館閱覽者在該館營運期間,由於「閱讀」的行為,因而與圖書館產生了相應的互動結果。對大部分的圖書館閱覽者而言,欲使用的只是圖書館的設備,以幫助自己通過考試,而圖書館館藏或者活動,是其自身動機獲得滿足後,空閒時才考慮是否使用。也就是說,閱覽者在其總督府圖書館的使用歷程中,擁有一定的主動空間,可以選擇使用該館的方式,而非服膺圖書館自社會教育出發,必然存在教化功能的命題,或純然而無條件接受社會教育之教化。在此,歷史行動者的主體性似乎隱約得見。 / This study aims to uncover the history of the readers in the library of Office of the Taiwan Governor-General during Japanese colonial period. We want to investigate the readers in this library would be consisted of whom and what reason. By analyzing the tones of statistics data and historical material from the library, we find out the readers’ occupations and motivations eventually. With this reach, there are five points need to be mentioned. First, collection of books which stored by the library are indirect to readers’ favorite categories. Observing the data, we exposed the library had collected the category “General” most, and then is “literature and language”. In contrast, the most favorite books in this library are “literature and language”. It would be known that there is different between collection in library and readers’ favorite books. Second, in this library, most readers are Japanese male students. Comparing to this, most outside readers who use the circle service(巡迴書庫) were Taiwanese male, and it is pity that we don’t know the exactly occupation of these outside reader because of data locking. Furthermore, what were the real activities when readers were in the library?It is very interesting that preparing examinations were the main behavior. Most of Japanese male students used the equipment and the books to prepare the subjects for examinations. Unfortunately, the circle service readers’ purpose had not been discovered yet. Fourth, this building of library did not build as a library’ standard in the beginning. Therefore, readers faced the problem that they would not find enough seats inner the library. As time pass by, problem got worse. The library had been confronted with more locking problems as storage for collection, restaurants, restrooms and fire-avoiding equipment. In addition, the library was not well-ventilated and without plenty of light. Based on these conditions, readers had experienced the uncomfortable environment when they entered the library. Especially in the busy day, there were a lot of noises from human voices and stepping sounds. In the end of all, the behavior of the readers in this library did not follow the rules designed by the library officers specifically. However, to most readers, they used the equipment and books in order to pass examination they faced. After their purposes were fulfilled, they would consider using the services and other books in their second choices. The exactly readers were not a lot, it made a space that readers in this library not just purely obeying the intention which was from the library officers or the government policy. On the whole of our analyzing result, readers owned their subjective to complete their personal objective, in this view of part, we would have one more peek of the readers as the real subjective in history.

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