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我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究 / A study of the staff-training model in Taiwan's university libraries.

黃坤隆, Hwang, Kuen Lung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的有三:(一)調查我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練之內容與方式。(二)探討美國有關圖書館館員在職訓練之模式。(三)針對我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練之模式提出建議,供有關單位參考。   本研究係普查我國台灣地區五十所大學圖書館,以五十位館長為研究對象。採用自編的「我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究」調查問卷為研究工具。並以FREQUENCY PERCENT分析大學圖書館現況,以CHI-SQUARE考驗本研究之各項假設驗證。   本研究依據研究結果,提出以下之意見。(一)、增加館員的員額以充裕人力資源,並定期或經常為其舉辦在職訓練,以影響大學的教學與研究功能之發揮。(二)、採用自動化作業,以提升服務品質,加速資料之處理。所以,應該經常不斷的辦理在職訓練,以配合圖書館自動化之發展。(三)、招募策略方面:若採內升方式,應進行在職訓練;若採外補方式,則應以對外公開招考為宜;晉升的標準,應由學校統一訂定晉升辦法。(四)、訓練經費方面:1、參加訓練費用,應完全由館方負擔;2、經費比例應寬列,每年以不低於5%為原則。但是,若正在進行自動化作業,則其館員之訓練經費比例,應酌予提高。(五)、訓練經驗方面:1、以配合業務發展為主。2、訓練需求:各大學圖書館多具強烈的在職訓練之需求,希有關單位能給予機會。3、訓練類別:應辦理編目館員訓練、光碟(CD-ROM)訓練、個人電腦訓練、網路訓練、圖書館綜合訓練、圖書館流通訓練、參考與採錄訓練、公用目錄(OPAC)等。4、辦理訓練方式:以自己館內訓練的方式為主,其次為:參加中國圖書館學會的訓練課程、指派館員參加其他訓練中心訓練班之訓練、委託廠商(vendor)代訓、補助館員自己進修、委託學校或政府訓練中心代訓。5、訓練方法:以參加短期管理訓練或講習為主,其次則可採用:實作示範法與館際相互訪問法、講述法、討論法、工作輪調法、練習法、個案研究、角色扮演法與自學教材法(如CAI)等。6、施訓時間:應利用寒暑假及上班時間。7、師資來源:宜由館內經驗豐富的資深館員指導新進館員訓練外,其次,對有關專業知識與技術,則應聘請專家學者。(六)、訓練成效方面:結訓時應撰寫心得報告。

台灣非營利映演機構經營策略分析 ─以新竹影像博物館與高雄電影圖書館為例 / A study of management strategy for nonprofit film exhibition institutions in Taiwan

陳庭舜 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣各地逐漸出現了以影像為主題的公部門展覽場館,至今台灣地區已有五間由中央或地方公部門成立,以電影為主題的影像場館。這同時也象徵著公部門對電影的認知,從過往純粹的產業面向轉向電影文化即歷史關懷的方向。電影作為曾經是與大眾娛樂產業,不僅帶來的是經濟上的收益,同時也是台灣民眾在成長歷程中的集體記憶。對於電影的認知,過往卻缺乏專職保存、研究、展示、教育的單位。電影文化的推廣與教育過往並不受到公部門的重視,對於影像文化與藝術的認知,也缺少專職機構進行展示與推廣教育的任務,也造成台灣影像教育的缺乏。然而各地影像主題場館的設立,填補了此一缺口。新竹影博館與高雄電影圖書館作為全台第一、第二間以影像為主題的地方藝文場館,不僅開創了台灣影像主題館的發展,其各項功能的發揮與實踐,皆為台灣影像場館運行的初次嘗試,其場館之經營狀況,將可作為未來其他影像主題館開設之仿效與借鏡。藉由分析兩者之經營現況,也能夠提供研究對象於場館營運上改進、提升的可能。本論文由新竹影像博物館館與高雄電影圖書館兩館之設館功能與經營現況為切入點,檢視其當前經營現況,以及未來場館之可能發展方向。 本文以國內管理學學者司徒達賢之CROPS模式為基礎研究架構,探討新竹、高雄兩館的經營現況著,重實務營運的研究分析。根據撰寫內容與分析方向各章節之主題分列如下: 第一章為緒論,由此兩場館之重要性與本論文之切入點出發,逐步闡明本研究之研究目的、研究範圍、限制,並說明章節架構之安排。第二章文獻探討,參酌博物館學專論,建立新竹影博館與高雄影圖館之博物館類型分類,並以CORPS模式關照非營利機構之經營模型,另外彙整台灣非主流映演通路之流變與分類,藉由多元面向關照台灣影像主題館之興起與發展條件。第三章研究方法,本研究所進行之研究方法整理,並說明本研究方法之進行方式與步驟。第四章設立背景與功能定位,深入理解新竹影博館與高雄影圖館之成立緣起、背景、沿革以及對自身定位及設館功能,分析其設立因素。第五章組織與經營現況,透過CORPS模式探討新竹影博館與高雄影圖館之服務內容、服務對象與範圍、專職人員與志工管理、財務與資源以及組織作業流程與運作。深入瞭解其經營管理之現況,並從中探討其場館經營問題和發展潛力。最後第六章為結論與建議,歸納本研究過程之發現,並提出相關建議,提供未來台灣地區影像主題場館於經營管理發展之參考。

具知識建構工具支援之數位圖書館 在網路學習社群經營之研究 / The study of building web-based learning community based on digital library with support of knowledge construction tool

林憶珊, Lin, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
網路環境的轉變與網路社群網站的盛行,不但改變網路使用者的使用習慣,亦是發揮學習社群力量的時機。數位圖書館自發展以來,累積優質而豐富的典藏內容,強調多元讀者服務,並精進個人化服務與檢索功能,但針對讀者學習社群的經營則顯得不足且忽略發展可以輔助學習社群經營的機制,致使數位圖書館無法成為讀者長期駐足,甚至留下學習心得、交互分享學習成果及良性互動討論數位圖書館典藏內容的園地。 本研究以「提升使用者駐足於學習社群平台之意願」與「促進數位圖書館資源之利用」為目標,促成一個基於數位圖書館典藏內容為經營基礎之學習社群。發展有效的社群經營機制,營造學習者願意參與、交互分享學習成果及良性互動討論的優質學習環境,並支援數位圖書館資源的有效利用。 利用知識論壇(Knoewledge Forum)作為社群學習的討論平台,本研究透過準實驗研究法,從數位圖書館資源與學習社群之結合所促成的學習活動中,探討學習社群的互動歷程與知識建構情況。透過統計分析歸結出適合於發展有效輔助數位圖書館資源應用之學習社群經營工具與機制,提高學習社群的參與以及數位圖書館資源支援學習的機會與價值。 研究結果顯示:1. 研究活動歷程中,相較各階段互動機制,推薦機制與激勵機制對於學習社群參與具有較明顯的助益;2. 數位圖書館資源融入學習社群,有助主題資源與概念多面向的知識討論與擴張;3. 數位圖書館資源融入學習社群過程中,領域專家引導有助於資源的利用。 / As the rapid changes of on-line environment and prevalence of social networking websites, not only has the on-line users’ behavior changed, but also it implies the perfect time to develop better learning community with the advantages of technology innovation. Taking the Digital library (DL) as example, it has been developed into the perfect portal with accumulation of high quality information with and reader-centered services, including personalized information services and searching functions. However, comparing with other social networking sites, DL has been considered less value on building on readers’ learning communities, or not suitable sites to share information or communicate with other readers. The purpose of the study is to promote people cohesiveness at the web-based learning community platform and to improve the usage of digital library resources. Based on the advantage of web-based learning communities, the study analyzes the possible models and outcomes for learning communities on DL. In addition, the study attempts to survey ways to make better environment for readers actively interacting with others more; moreover, utilizing the digital libraries to construct knowledge. Taking the “Knowledge Forum” as web-based learning community platform, the study adopted the quasi-experimental methodology to investigate the social networks and knowledge construction behavior of the learning community on DL. The statistics analysis scheme was employed to evaluate the specific model of community building for web-based learning, and its effectiveness for promoting DL as learning support. The results of this study are concluded as following. First, compared with other methods for community building, the recommendation and motivation system are more beneficial for participation on web-based learning community. Second, integrating the resources of DL with web-based learning community is helpful for the diversity of subject topics and concepts in on-line discussion. Third, academic field experts for subject matter discussion are helpful for better DL resources utilization during the process of web-based learning.

電子圖書館多媒體資訊服務系統之研究 / Multimedia Information Services Systems for Electronic Libraries

蘇佩芬 Unknown Date (has links)
由於資訊科技的快速演進、國際網際網路資源的蓬勃發展,以及多媒體型態之應用日益普及,以紙本式圖書為主的傳統圖書館受到相當大的衝擊。本論文即嘗試在現有圖書館環境下,以整體性的發展與應用為重點,從電子圖書館多媒體資訊服務系統應具有之管理功能、整合架構為考量,引用適當的模式方法、發展流程與作業環境,來引導系統的開發、使用及管理,並在校園網路環境下發展一原形系統以為驗證。   本研究採用開放性層次結構(Layer Structure)方法,規範系統發展程序並設定系統規格與標準,採用物件導向(Object-Oriented)方法建立系統之概念及實體模式,使用超媒體(Hypermedia)方法,來設計使用者介面及畫面之組織與呈現方式,並使用多媒體資料庫(Multimedia Database)方法建立系統之資料庫結構及管理功能。同時以軟體整合(Software Integration)方法建立系統實體發展及作業環境。   本論文所發展之電子圖書館多媒體資訊服務系統,除具有目前一般自動化圖書館之功能,並提供較書目查詢更完整之多媒體文件檢索及全文瀏覽功能,同時為結合Internet網路資源,建置一個館藏WWW Server,更可結合其他Internet上之網路資源,進而將相關之網路資源,加入本地關鍵字索引範圍中。由於本研究結合自動化圖書館及未來虛擬圖書館作業之功能,為一適合現在並具未來發展之電子圖書館多媒體資訊服務系統,具有相當之彈性及擴充性。

臺北市高中圖書館人員之專業資格與任用研究 / A research on professional qualifications and appointments of senior high school library staff in Taipei City

呂睦卿, Lu, Mu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討目前臺北市高中圖書館人員具備專業資格之情形,以及學校相關人士對高中圖書館人員任用之意見,藉此分析高中圖書館人員任用資格及職系的適切性,以提出高中圖書館人員任用及專業知能提昇上之建議。本研究對臺北市28所公立高中圖書館進行問卷調查,瞭解各校圖書館業務分組、人員專業資格與任用之現況;並透過訪談瞭解學校人員對高中圖書館專業人力配置、人員任用、學校職系規劃、職員輪調制度及專業知能提昇之看法。 研究結果顯示,高中圖書館人員之主要任務為支援教學及協助學習,甚具專業性;人力的專業性在圖書館之經營管理上具有顯著差異,而積極與熱忱的個人特質更是為圖書館人員深化服務之要素。為達成核心任務、健全教學資源中心發展,實應明訂高中圖書館之分組編制及配置圖書資訊專業人員,但法規制度的不夠周延造成目前高中圖書館仍嚴重缺乏專業人力配置,且分組受限、職務權責劃分亦造成資訊人力配置之現況難以深入支援教學資源中心之發展。在人員任用方面,學校主管認為圖書館組長及職員應比照主任,具有專業知能規範,且圖書館專門科目20學分提供了教師兼任圖書館工作者獲得專業知識及資格之重要途徑;高中學校需落實圖書資訊職系設立,且不宜參與學校一般行政人員之輪調,以期專才專用,發揮人才培育的價值。在提昇專業知能方面,繼續教育之型態未來可朝向數位課程發展,以突破人力不足及進修管道缺乏影響人員專業知能提昇之困境。 最後建議,為解決高中圖書人員任用困境,現階段紓解專業人力資源不足之可行方式如下:透過人力資源整合,集眾人之力使知識技能互補而多元;善用數位學習方式及適時搭配實體課程,提供多元圖書資訊進修管道,並鼓勵圖書館工作人員參與進修、組織學習社群,以提昇專業知能、促進專業成長。而更積極的作為是:加強與校長進行溝通,使其瞭解圖書館的功能與價值,以獲得校長對圖書館專業發展的支持;最重要的是能由法規政策進行專業資格制度、圖書資訊職系設立的落實,以獲得圖書資訊專業人力的資源;考量高中圖書館的專業發展,未來建立認證制度以作為專業能力的證明將有其必要性。 / The purpose of reserach is to discuss the librarian’s qualification of senior high school in Taipei city and the current school staff’s opinion on librarian appointment of senior high school, so as to analyize the qualification and job relevance of librarian of senior high school then to make suggestion on librarian appoinment and their professional knowledge improvement. The research implements questionnaries to libraries of twenty eight national senior high schools to realize the library grouping, staff ‘s professional qualification and the appointment of each school; meanwhile, through interviewing and investigating school staff’s opinion on human resource arrangemnt , employment, grade planning, personnel rotation system and professional knowledge improvement. The result shown librarian’s major task is to support teaching, help learning, which combines profession, the professions of human resource in the library management have significant difference and the positive and sincere individual personality is the factor that deepens the service of librarian. For achieving core task and completing the development of teaching resource center, to set up a professional personnel arrangement in the library is needed; however, the regulation is not complete which causes the insufficient professional staff arrangement in the senior high school library; moreover, the current arrangement of information human resource is not able to develop in the supporting learning resource center due to limited grouping and job responsibility division. From personnel appointment; currently, school staff think librarian director and the staff should follow the precedent of director to have professional knowledge; furthermore, the library specialized subject of 20 credits provides teachers who also work at library an important access to obtain professional knowledge and qualification; it is necessary to set up a library and information job system and which is not allowed to have job rotation so that specialized staff can elaborate their profession well and the value of human resource can be developed. In the part of enhancing professional knowledge, further education could be developed toward to digital courses so as to break through the difficulty of insufficient human resource and the access of further education. The classified results suggest, in order to resolve the problem of librarian appointment of senior high school; currently, the available method are as followings: from integration of human resource to combine the power of the general public which enables the knowledge skill to be more complementary and diversified; making the best of digital learning method and properly collocating with substantive course to provide diversified further education accesses of library and information and also to encourage librarian to participate in further study and learning group to enhance their professional knowledge and facilitate their professional growth. The more positive ways are: to strengthen the communication with the school principal to make him more understand the function and value of library then to obtain his support to develop the profession of library; the most significant is to carry out the profession system and job system of library and information so as to obtain the professional human resource of library and information; to consider the professional development of library and to set up a certification system for certificating the profession in the future would be necessary.

電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式應用於大學圖書館之研究 / E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries

張慈玲, Chang,Tze-ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於電子資源蓬勃興起,大學圖書館紛紛引進以滿足師生教學研究之需求,然同時預算規模卻未見增加,加以電子資源市場,尤其是電子期刊部份,每年皆以平均7%~10%漲幅成長,使得圖書館對電子期刊使用及其效益,需要有更清楚的了解與掌握,透過衡量網路化服務與資源品質的方法,除可作為圖書館人員決策參考,並能提供有利的理由以尋求經費支援。 本研究目的希能探討電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑相關理論與研究,以ARL E-Metrics計畫為基礎,對大學圖書館電子期刊提出績效評鑑模式芻議與實證分析。採用研究方法為文獻分析法、深度訪談法與電子計量(E-Metrics)分析法,以國立臺灣大學館藏西文電子期刊為對象進行研究。 經訪談與實證資料分析結果,本研究確認了館藏導向電子期刊的績效評鑑的目的、歸納出電子期刊資源與服務評鑑的程序及方法,並建構大學圖書館電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與要件,包含電子期刊資源、使用、成本與績效四大類型,合計14項指標,同時並獲得具體電子期刊績效評鑑結果,確認國內大學圖書館進行電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式之可行性。 最後,本研究根據結論,建議可以質化方式進行電子期刊評鑑研究,以獲得對電子期刊資源的全面性瞭解,並對電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與指標、資料蒐集方式等提出建議。而對於未來研究方向,建議可從朝以下四方面努力:(1)進行網路資源與服務導向電子期刊評鑑模式之研究;(2)開發電子期刊使用統計管理軟體;(3)進行電子期刊成本經濟學研究;(4)進行電子期刊使用紀錄分析之評鑑研究。 / Due to the fast growth of electronic resources, it has become a trend for university libraries to acquire such resources to meet the research needs for their users. The expenditures libraries have to spend for electronic resources, especially that for electronic journals have been raised at average rate of 7% to 10% each year. However, the yearly budget for libraries never has been increased as much. It thus has become important for libraries to identify the real usage of and institutional research outcomes from the acquired electronic journals. The assessment of networked information service and resources quality of it is useful for acquisition decision-making. If there is a positive assessment result, then it will also provide justification for seeking budget support. The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical study so as to enable formulating an assessment model for electronic journals a library has subscribed. The author firstly explores the theories and researches for the application of E-Metrics as assessment model for electronic journals. Taking the ARL E-Metrics project as a referential model, the author combines literature review, in-depth interview, and E-metrics in the research methodology to do researches about the western-language electronic journals subscribed by the National Taiwan University Library. This study has resulted in very useful assessment statistics for electronic journals. From analyzing the data collected from interviews and the related empirical study, the author is able to verify the purpose of assessment for electronic journals under collection development policy, to formulate procedures and methodology for the assessment of electronic journal resource and, the services based on it, to find out necessary components for E-Metrics assessment model for university libraries which comprises of fourteen indicators of four major criteria of (1) e-journal resources (2) its usage (3) its cost and (4) performance from it. The author concludes that the E-Metrics model is good for university libraries to assess their acquired electronic journals. Based on the findings of this study, the author recommends qualitative research to be the more adequate approach for the assessment of electronic journals and proposed the following four areas for future research: (1) investigation of Internet resources and assessment model for electronic journals under the library’s service policy (2) development of statistics and management tools for the subscribed electronic journals (3) cost study of electronic journals from economics point of view (4) analytical study of access logs of electronic journals.

我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力之研究 / Study on Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan

黃思穎, Huang, Ssu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國數位典藏館員專業能力,以深度訪談法了解數位典藏計畫、數位典藏工作範圍、功能、角色與能力之看訪,並了解數位典藏館員在數位典藏工作上所遭遇的困難與教育需求。本研究之研究目的為:(1)探討數位典藏的意涵、功能與數位典藏計畫;(2)探討數位典藏館員角色、工作範圍與專業能力;建構數位典藏館員專業能力清單,包括:館員工作範圍、能力領域與能力指標。 本研究透過內容分析與深度訪談探討我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力,透過內容分析建構十領域36項指標,以作為意見調查之基礎,經過深度訪談與意見調查,獲得以下幾點結論:(1)定義數位典藏係將有保存價值之實體或非實體資料,透過數位化技術予以保存以提供服務與應用。其範圍涵蓋技術、內容、服務及社群四方面,主要目的在於確保所有數位資料的可用性、持久性、及智慧整合,其具有文化典藏、學術研究、教育與學習、以及加值應用等價值;(2)數位典藏的功能以典藏、加值應用、教學最受受訪者認同;(3)受訪機構大部分仍持續進行的數位典藏;(4)數位典藏館員角色以數位典藏推廣者、文化保存者、資訊服務提供者最受受訪者認同;(5)數位典藏工作部分以委外工作人員、聘請計畫助理與工讀生等方式進行進行;(6)數位典藏館員意見調查修正數位典藏館員專業能力清單提出十領域39項能力指標;(7)數位典藏館員對於能力領域劃分較無太大更動,能力指標以metadata基礎編目能力、溝通協調能力、了解數位典藏理論基礎、具備法律相關知識、對典藏品主題背景應具備了解能力、具備文物保存的基礎知識最受認同;(8)數位典藏館員能力指標依據數位典藏館員類型不同而有所差異;(9)數位典藏館員的困難大多來自於經費、人力與授權;(10)數位典藏館員的教育需求對於透過定期教育訓練培養、和透過工作坊、研討會論壇培養、與經驗的傳承,最受認同。 針對所獲得之結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)本研究建構之數位典藏館員專業能力清單建議應用在圖書館數位典藏工作能力參考與教育訓練;(2)數位典藏館員加強資訊與數位技術領域方面能力的基礎知識;(3)數位典藏館員遭遇經費與人力困難,希望圖書館能有不同管道獲取經費;(4)數位典藏工作相關教育單位應經常定期開設數位典藏相關教育課程。 / The topic of this study is to examine Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) To investigate the meaning, function of Digital Archives and Digital Archives Program; (2) to examine the role, scope of work and competence of Digital Archives Librarian; (3) Construct Digital Archives Librarians’ elements of proficiency competence, including: scope of work, range of capacity and capability indicators. The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) Digital Archives is the entities preserves valuable information, and is maintained through the technology of digitalization to provide services and applications. Its’ ranging from the aspects of technology, content, services and the community, the main purpose is to ensure the availability, persistence, and intelligent integration of all digital data, which has cultural the value of reservation, academic research, education and learning, and reservation value-added applications. (2) Digital Archives featuring to collection, value-added applications and teaching are accepted by the most of the respondents archiving. (3) The majority of respondents are still archiving Digital Archives. (4) The roles of the Digital Archives Librarian as reservation, culture preserver and information service provider are agreed by most of the respondents promoter. (5)Preserver and part of the work of Digital Archives to commission contracted sustainability staff, hire project assistants and students part-timers and other ways to attain carry on. (6) Digital Archives Librarian’s opinions amended digital Archives librarian’s list of 10 fields of professional competence of the proposed capacity of 39 indicators. (7) Digital Archives Librarian does not respect the areas of capacity divided much changes, capacity indicators for metadata-based cataloging capabilities, communication skills, understanding of digital Archives theoretical foundation, with legal knowledge, for collection of product themes should have the capacity to understand, with a heritage preservation foundation knowledge of the most recognized.(8) Capacity index digital Archives librarians vary according to their type. (9) Most Digital Archives Librarian’s difficulty came from the funds, manpower and authorization. (10) Digital Archives Librarian’s educational needs of the most recognized are education and training for the periodic training, and through workshops, seminars, forums culture, heritage and experience. Four conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Listing Digital Archives Librarian’s capabilities advice can be applied to the library’s digital Archives’ work and as work reference with education and training. (2)Digital Archives Librarian strengthen basic information and knowledge in the field of digital technical capabilities. (3) Digital Archives Librarian encounter difficulties in funding and manpower, hoping to have a different library to obtain funding for the pipeline. (4) Digital Archives’ related educational institutions should regularly open Digital Archives related educational programs.

大學圖書館電子資源服務品質評鑑:以國立政治大學為例 / Service Quality Evaluation of Electronic Resources at University Libraries:A Case Study of National Chengchi University

李函儒, Lee, Han Ju Unknown Date (has links)
電子資源館藏與服務在目前的大學圖書館佔有重要地位,大量且廣泛使用的對象為教師與研究生。雖然電子資源受到使用者的喜愛,但是也帶來許多複雜問題,因此,有必要從使用者的角度針對大學圖書館電子資源進行服務品質評鑑研究,有助於圖書館管理者未來發展出更符合使用者期待的電子資源服務。本研究之研究目的包含以下幾點:(1)探討大學教師與研究生對於圖書館電子資源服務的認知、重要性及使用現況;(2)探討電子資源服務品質評鑑意涵及可評鑑項目;(3)建構電子資源服務品質評鑑指標與測量工具;(4)實施電子資源服務品質評鑑以改善其服務品質,進而提供最佳電子資源服務。 本研究透過焦點團體法具體建構出大學圖書館電子資源服務品質評鑑指標,共包含三個構面與28項指標,訪談結果亦作為發展問卷之基礎。為確保指標的可行性,研究者實際發放問卷予政治大學的教師與研究生,獲得以下結論:(1)網路使用時間會影響使用者使用圖書館電子資源的頻率;(2)使用者使用圖書館中文資料庫的使用率明顯高於西文資料庫;(3)使用者使用圖書館資料庫的主要目的為「學術研究」與「課業學習」;(4)「圖書館電子資源指南」與「圖書館學術資源探索系統」為使用者查找圖書館電子資源的主要管道;(5)使用者的圖書館資料庫檢索方式以「基本檢索」與「進階檢索」為主;(6)使用者偏好將電子期刊或電子書列印紙本閱讀;(7)使用者肯定圖書館電子資源對於「完成論文計畫書/論文」、「完成作業/報告」、「提升學術研究效益」的價值;(8)沒有圖書館資料庫推廣活動參與經驗的使用者高達六成;(9)使用者認為圖書館最重要的電子資源服務為電子資源的全文提供與權威性;(10)使用者認為圖書館最滿意的電子資源服務為電子資源的權威性;(11)使用者認為圖書館最不重要的電子資源服務為館員回應線上諮詢服務的速度、館員對於使用者電子資源需求的掌握;(12)使用者認為圖書館最需要改進的電子資源服務為電子資源的全文提供、電子資源網站取得全文的易用性;(13)整體滿意度尚待提升,政大圖書館應著重電子資源館藏的提供。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究提出幾點建議:(1)圖書館應深入了解教師及研究生的需求,充實電子資源館藏的數量與品質;(2)在電子資源網站上放置清楚的圖示或連結、提供完整的資料庫說明;(3)圖書館與資料庫廠商應定期舉辦使用者滿意度調查;(4)配合課程提供教師相關的資料庫清單與資料庫講習訊息、提前於暑假期間針對碩一生開設電子資源基本搜尋課程。 / Electronic resources collections and services occupy an important position in current university libraries, a large number of teachers and graduate students use them widely. Although electronic resources are popular with users, they also bring a lot of complex issues. Therefore, it is necessary to use point of views of users to conduct service quality evaluation for electronic resources in university libraries. It can help library managers to develop electronic resources services more in line with user expectations in the future. This research has four purposes: (1) to investigate the cognitive, the importance and current use of library electronic resources services for teachers and graduate students ; (2) to explore implications and availability of electronic resources service quality evaluation; (3) to construct indicators and measurement tools of electronic resources service quality evaluation; (4) to implement electronic resources service quality evaluation to improve service quality, then providing the better electronic resources services. This paper had formed focus groups to construct electronic resources service quality evaluation structure which is including three dimensions and 28 indicators. Interview results also use as a basis for the development of questionnaires. In order to ensure the feasibility of indicators, questionnaires have been collected from teachers and graduate students of National Chengchi University, and obtained the following conclusions: (1) Internet usage will influence the use frequency of library electronic resources; (2) the usage of Chinese databases significantly higher than the Western languages databases; (3) the main purpose of the library users to use databases are “academic research” and “learning”; (4) “E-Resource Gateway” and “Discovery Services System” are main channels of users to find the library electronic resources; (5) “Basic Search” and “Advanced Search” are main retrieval methods of library databases of users; (6) users prefer print out electronic journals or e-books to read; (7) users affirm Library electronic resources are good for the value of “complete proposal and thesis”, “finish homework and report”, and “enhance effectiveness of academic research”; (8) users who did not participate in promotional activities of library databases up to 60%; (9) users consider the most important electronic resources services are full text and authority of electronic resources; (10) users consider the most satisfying electronic resource services is authority of electronic resources; (11) users consider the least important electronic resources services are response speed of online consulting services of librarians and grasping of user requirements of electronic resources of librarians; (12 ) users consider provide full-text of electronic resources and the usability to get the full-text in electronic resource websites are electronic resources services that most need to improve; (13) overall satisfaction has yet to improve, National Chengchi University Library should focus on providing electronic resources collections. According to the research results, this paper also proposed several suggestions: (1) the library should understand the needs of teachers and graduate students, and enrich the quantity and quality of electronic resources collections; (2) the library should place a clear icon or link in electronic resource websites, to provide complete descriptions of databases; (3) the library and database vendors should conduct user satisfaction surveys regularly; (4) the library should provide teachers with related databases lists and databases workshops messages, and offer basic search courses of electronic resources during summer vacation for freshmen in master’s program.

臺灣地區公共圖書館新住民閱讀推廣活動之研究 / A Study on Public Libraries Reading Promotion to New Immigrants in Taiwan

鄭有容, Cheng, Yu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨多元文化洪流之推演,臺灣社會人口結構正產生改變,新住民已成為臺灣第五大族群,是公共圖書館重要服務對象。推動閱讀素為公共圖書館之專業與職志,如何運用並宣傳閱讀活動,培養新住民及其下一代之閱讀能力與習慣,是公共圖書館應兼負之重要任務與挑戰。 本研究運用深度訪談方式,調查越南籍、印尼籍新住民以及國內大型公共圖書館新住民服務,蒐集新住民實際閱讀現況與對於圖書館之看法,歸納公共圖書館推廣、辦理方式與特色,提出我國推廣新住民閱讀活動之策略與建議。 越南籍、印尼籍新住民閱讀時偏好休閒、新聞、親子、課業輔導、家庭關係等主題;越南籍、印尼籍新住民在閱讀偏好上有所差異,印尼籍新住民較偏好閱讀臺菜食譜,而越南籍新住民則有閱讀佛學類資源的需求;除閱讀中文認知困難外,尚存在無法與下一代共同閱讀、閱讀非主要休閒活動等阻礙。 目前我國大型公共圖書館新住民閱讀活動,讀者國籍以越南、印尼籍配偶或移工為主,且分布受地緣關係影響;活動以親子閱讀、圖書館利用、主題書展、文化講座、專題展覽、電影欣賞、讀書會形式呈現,包含異國文化、美食、傳統藝術、童書、旅行等主題,其中親子閱讀活動最受新住民青睞、書展最為常見、圖書館利用活動則有其必要性;特色則有運用獎勵機制鼓勵借閱、開放護照或居留證借閱館藏、聘請專業師資進行原生國家母語專書導讀、出借多元文化書箱或專櫃,將資源遍及各鄉鎮、運用雲端裝置與通訊軟體打造雲端閱讀。 歸納新住民與公共圖書館看法,建議未來國內公共圖書館推廣主題應推陳出新且融合原生國家元素;推廣方式應主動至新住民聚集區域宣傳;推廣對象應廣及新住民家庭成員;推廣管道宜運用紙本、社群媒體等雙重途徑;並建立合作機制,使服務更臻完善。 / Population structure is changing by the multicultural communities in Taiwan. New immigrants have become the fifth largest ethnic group, and an important target that public libraries serve to. Reading promotion is the professional and aspiration of public libraries, how to apply and promote reading activities, to develop the reading ability and habits of the new immigrants and their next generation, is important task and challenge of public libraries. The study conducted in-depth interviews to investigated Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants current reading situation, and point of view toward public libraries, organize the way and characteristic on large public libraries multicultural service department, to discuss the development of reading promotion to new immigrants in Taiwan. The study found that Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants prefer the topic of leisure, news, parenting, tutoring, and family relationships when reading. Indonesian new immigrants prefer to read the Taiwanese cuisine recipes; Vietnamese new immigrants prefer to read the resources related to Buddhism. Generally, new immigrants have difficulties with cognitive when reading Chinese; unable to guide the next generation to read; and have reading barriers such as low motivation. In Taiwan, reading promotion to new immigrants in public libraries have some common circumstances, Vietnamese and Indonesian spouses or workers are the major public library readers, distributed by the geopolitical relations. The common types of activities are parent-child reading, library use, topic book fair, culture lecture, thematic exhibition, screening of films, book club meeting, and other forms of presentation. The topics of activities include the exotic culture, cuisine, traditional art, children's books, travel. New immigrants’ favorite activity is parent-child reading, topic book fair is the most frequent type, library use is indeed a need; and the features of reading promotion are incentives like encouraging readers to borrow books by giving gift, simplifying application procedures of library card by using passport or residence permit, hiring professional teachers to held book reviews by native country’s language, lending multicultural book or counter to every corner throughout the township, applying cloud devices and communication application to create cloud reading. Generalize new immigrants’ experience of participate and the actual promotion situation of public libraries, there are some recommendations to domestic public libraries: The theme of the reading promotion should innovate and integrate native country elements, The approaching of the reading promotion should take the initiative to where new immigrants gathered area, The target audience of the reading promotion should be expanded to new immigrant family members, The channel of the reading promotion should adopt composite ways, such as social media and paper declared, Reading promotion should cooperate with the new immigrant organizations, enabling the service perfect.

台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館行政體制之研究 / A Study of the Administrative System of Rural Libraries in Taiwan

張惠真, Chang, Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析並歸納出目前台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館的行政隸屬、組織、人力與經費的機制;瞭解各鄉鎮圖書館在人力及經費的需求與現狀之間的差距以及各鄉鎮圖書館期許的行政體制和實際狀況的差距,並針對目前台灣地區的鄉鎮圖書館行政體制提出建議,作為政府及相關單位在規畫全國圖書館事業時的參考。 為達成研究目的,首先收集國內外文獻,分析鄉鎮圖書館行政體制相關資料;並針對16縣309鄉鎮之337所鄉鎮圖書館,以分層隨機抽樣方式抽出155所鄉鎮圖書館進行問卷調查,以瞭解鄉鎮圖書館的行政體制現況、問題及其對行政隸屬模式的看法;最後以立意抽樣方式挑選台北縣、宜蘭縣與桃園縣的文化局圖書資訊課以及由文化局圖書資訊課所推薦縣內營運較有規模之鄉鎮圖書館,共計16所圖書館進行深度訪談。 研究結果發現,就制度面而言:鄉鎮圖書館的行政隸屬有三種情況、鄉鎮圖書館之發展仰賴鄉鎮(市)長之重視、公共圖書館輔導體系有責無權、鄉鎮圖書館之發展缺乏統籌規劃、行政隸屬模式需重新規劃、法規不合時宜,鄉鎮圖書館之編制缺乏擴充空間;就人力資源面而言:人員數量現況與需求的差距大,目前鄉鎮圖書館的編制遠低於圖書館實際運作之人力需求、鄉鎮圖書館的館員普遍缺乏專業訓練、鄉鎮圖書館之人員流動率偏高;就經費資源面而言:鄉鎮圖書館之經費現況與需求之間差距大、鄉鎮圖書館之經費來源仍以鄉鎮(市)公所為主。 本研究提出以下建議作為政府及相關單位在規畫全國圖書館事業時之參考。1.鄉鎮圖書館之行政及輔導機關合一。2.整體規劃公共圖書館事業之發展。3.重視鄉鎮圖書館人員遴用與專業訓練。4.落實圖書館法之專業領導之相關規定。5.重新檢討鄉鎮圖書館組織結構及人員編制。6.立法保障文化建設之基本預算比例。7.積極研擬公共圖書館營運基準。8.儘速修訂鄉鎮圖書館經營之相關法令。

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