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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新北市公立國民小學圖書館空間改造與使用之研究 / The Study of Elementary School Library’s Space Reforming And Using in New Taipei City

陳沛雯, Chen, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市公立國民小學圖書館空間改造及使用符合度、不同學生背景變項及學校背景變項對國民小學圖書館空間改造及使用的符合度及差異性、國民小學圖書館空間改造與空間使 用的相關性及預測力情形。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以101-102年度已改造完成並使用一年以上之圖書館(不包含單純改造低、高年級圖書館),計有34所國民小學中、高年級學生為樣本對象,研究者自編的「新北市公立國民小學圖書館空間改造與使用調查問卷」為研究工具。本研究共計發送2,168份問卷,回收問卷2,030份,有效問卷1,630份,回收率達75.18%。資料分析採用描述型統計分析、獨立樣本平均 數t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé method、Pearson product-moment correlation、逐步多元迴歸分析法等統計方法。 本研究獲得以下結論: 一、新北市公立國民小學學生對圖書館整體空間改造(空間配置、管理服務、設備 更新、圖書充實)符合度屬於高符合程度,其中設備更新符合度的最高、圖書 充實的符合度最低 二、新北市公立國民小學學生對圖書館整體空間使用(圖書館利用、閱讀與查詢、 課程教學使用、動靜態展演)符合度屬於高符合程度,其中圖書館利用的符合 度最高、閱讀與查詢的符合度最低 三、學生背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間改造具有差異性,符合度以女生、三年 級、到館次數2-5次、16次以上較高,到館時數並無差異性。 四、學生背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間使用具有差異性,符合度以女生、三年 級、到館次數2-5次、6-10次、11-15次、16次以上、到館時數2-5時、16 時以上較高。 五、學校背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間改造具有差異性,規模25班以上高於13 -24班、12班以下高於13-24班。 六、學校背景變項不同對學校圖書館空間使用具有差異性,符合度以偏遠地區高於 非偏遠地區,規模12班以下高於13-24班。 七、學校圖書館整體空間改造及各層面(空間配置、管理服務、設備更新及圖書充 實)對於整體空間使用及各層面(圖書館利用、閱讀與查詢、課程教學使用及 動靜態展演)呈現高度正相關。 八、學校圖書館空間改造對空間使用的預測力情形,以空間配置最能解釋學校圖書 館整體空間使用及各層面(圖書館利用、閱讀與查詢、課程教學使用及動靜態 展演)。 最後,本研究依據以上結論,針對學校圖書館空間改造之規劃設計方法、學校圖書館空間使用以及未來研究等方面,提出具體建 議,以供相關單位及人員參考。 / This study topic is to research New Taipei City public elementary school library’s space reforming and using of conformity. The elementary school library’s space reforming and using of conformity and difference of the different student and school background variables. Elementary school library’s space reforming and using with correlation and predictive power situation.This study take questionnaires for the library has completed reforming in 101-102 year and used for more than one year (excluding transformation of low or high school library). This study investigated the middle and high grade students of the 34 elementary schools and took the " The questionnaires of the New Taipei City public elementary school library’s space reforming and using of conformity " as a research tool. In this study, the total of 2,168 questionnaires were sent, and the 2,030 questionnaires were recovered, the 1,630 valid questionnaires were returned. The rate was 75.18%. This study were using descriptive statistics, independent sample average t-test, One way ANOVA, Scheffé method, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression. The conclusion of this study: 1.The reforming of entire library space (spatial configuration, management services, equipment updating, books enriching) of the New Taipei City public elementary school students is a high degree of compliance. The compliance of equipment renew is the highest, and the books enriching is the lowest. 2.The using of library space (library using, reading and inquiry and teaching, performances) of the New Taipei City public elementary school students is a high degree of compliance. The compliance of library using is the highest, and the compliance of reading and inquiry is the lowest. 3.The different variables of student backgrounds in space reforming of school library are diverse; we get high compliance with the third grade female students, who attend library in 2-5 and sixteen higher times, but no difference of attendance hours. 4.The different variables of student backgrounds in space using of school library are diverse, we get high compliance with the third grade female students, who attend library in 2-5,6-10,11-15,and sixteen higher times; and high compliance in 2-5 and sixteen higher hours of attending library. 5.The different variables of school backgrounds in space using of school library are diverse, the class scale more than 25 is higher than 13-24, and the class scale less than 12 classes is higher than 13-24. 6.The different variables of school backgrounds in space using of school library are diverse, the compliance of remote areas are higher than non-remote areas, the class scale less than 12 class is higher than 13-24. 7.The reforming of library space (spatial configuration, management services, equipment updating, books enriching) and the using of library space (library using, reading and inquiry, curriculum and teaching, dynamic and static performances) are with high correlation. 8.The predictive power of circumstances of the school library space reforming to the school library space using(library using, reading and inquiry, curriculum and teaching, dynamic and static performances ) for the space configuration is the best explanation. According to the conclusion, this study took signicicant suggestions to the future of school library’s space reforming and using.

數位時代大學媒體服務之研究—從圖書館與教學資源中心角色與關係探討 / A Study on Media Services of University and College in Digital Era :The Role and Relationship Between Library and Instructional Resources Center

邱昭閔 Unknown Date (has links)
美國大學與研究圖書館學會(Association of College and Research Libraries)於1999年制訂「學術圖書館媒體資源指南」(Guideline for Media Resources in Academic Libraries),為大學媒體服務提供一參考準則。William D. Schmidt與 Donald A. Rieck. 在其合著之[媒體服務與管理:理論與實務](Managing Media Services : Theory and Practice.)中亦曾列舉大學媒體中心之功能。由前述兩個標準與綱要可窺見大學媒體服務所應具備之基本規模與範圍,本研究之目的,即針對我國之大學圖書館與教學資源中心媒體服務進行瞭解,首先在於瞭解我國大學圖書館與教學資源中心或相關之媒體服務單位在大學環境中提供媒體服務的情況,其次探析大學環境與社群中所扮演的角色,最後歸納對兩單位彼此之間的各種互動、合作或競爭等關係、任務。 本研究以文獻分析法依據前段所述,彙整美國圖書館與教育領域針對大學媒體服務單位所制訂之媒體服務綱要,以(一)任務功能、(二)組織編制、(三)人員、(四)經費、(五)使用者服務、(六)館藏與設備、(七)資訊檢索、(八)與校園內其他媒體服務單位之關係、(九)遭遇問題、(十)數位科技對媒體服務的影響等十大方面,依據前述要件,對我國大學之圖書館與教學資源中心或媒體服務相關單位,進行半結構式的深度訪談。以立意抽樣之方式選擇訪談對象,共計有台大、交大、成大與淡江四所大學之圖書館與教學資源中心主管接受訪談。 本研究發現,在數位時代資訊技術與網路科技日漸普及之下,網路已成為大學圖書館與教學資源中心提供媒體服務的重要媒介之一,與其他新興與傳統視聽媒體同等重要,由受訪單位中多數單位均提供隨選資訊系統之服務可見一斑。此外本研究發現台灣地區目前之大學圖書館媒體服務,多以媒體資源之蒐集與維護為主,在教學、研究、學習上提供使用者媒體設備、閱聽空間以及隨選資訊系統,以支援大學社群各項媒體使用需求;教學資源中心之媒體服務主要以提供教學資料與教學相關軟硬體之支援服務,以及教學空間之維護與規劃,並定期進行教師之教學發展與訓練等。 本研究建議:積極研擬台灣地區大學圖書館之媒體服務指南、大學圖書館隨選資訊系統應擴展至全校園網路、大學圖書館之典藏資料系統與教學資源中心之典藏紀錄整合、大學應成立教學資源中心、媒體服務單位應積極解決人力資源問題、促進與使用社群間之良性溝通以提升媒體服務單位與其之關係、積極研究與評估新興視聽設備與資料格式、視聽資料編目專業人力分工與品質。

美國與澳洲國家圖書館數位保存計畫之比較研究 / Digital Preservation Projects of the National Library of Australia and Library of Congress: A Comparative Study

楊志津 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國家圖書館數位保存計畫之促成因素與相關問題,藉由比較研究之描述、解釋、併排與比較四步驟,研究美國與澳洲國家圖書館數位保存計畫之內涵,瞭解美國國會圖書館與澳洲國家圖書館在數位保存活動中扮演的角色、任務、法定寄存制度、數位保存計畫背景與促成因素等,歸納數位保存策略與典範,以提出我國發展數位保存計畫之建議與參考。 研究結果歸納促成美國與澳洲國家圖書館數位保存計畫發展的15項共同因素與3項不同因素。共同因素為:1.兩國皆因著作權法促成國家圖書館擔負法定寄存的責任;2.重視數位保存問題;3.重視數位資源法定寄存;4.數位資源採自願寄存協議;5.落實國家數位保存計畫;6.落實網站典藏保存計畫;7.採合作蒐集數位資源的策略;8.研訂所需描述性後設資料標準;9.採用多種Metadata架構;10.研訂保存性後設資料標準;11.數位保存技術策略;12.採用唯一的數位保存官方標準OAIS參考模式;13.採用HTTrack網站擷取工具;14.重視數位資源的永久取用;15.合宜的數位資源取用策略。不同因素為:1.國家數位保存計畫發展方式不同;2.網路資源典藏計畫不同;3.數位資源選擇決策不同。 本論文結論歸納發展國家數位保存應考量下列議題:1.國家圖書館數位保存的重要性;2.法定寄存制度與數位資源寄存問題;3.數位保存計畫推動;4.數位資源館藏政策與選擇指南;5.網路資源編目標準;6.Metadata標準;7.描述性後設資料;8.保存性後設資料;9.數位典藏庫;10.數位保存策略;11.數位保存取用與服務;12.數位保存成功因素與策略。 最後建議:1.加強原生數位資料研究;2.國家圖書館推動我國數位保存計畫;3. 建置我國網站典藏先導計畫;4.訂定數位館藏發展政策;5.訂定數位保存政策。 / The purpose of the study is to analyze the factors that helped to materialize the national library digital preservation projects. Through description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison, this study research the concepts of the digital preservation projects from Library of Congress and National Library of Australia, which include the role, the mission, the legal deposit policy, the background, and the relevant factors of the digital preservation standards and strategy. Finally come up with the suggestion of the digital preservation projects of our own. The results of this study include 15 common factors and 3 different factors. The common factors are: 1.The national libraries are responsible for the legal deposit policy due to the copyright act;2.Emphasize on the digital preservation;3. Emphasize on the legal deposit policy;4.There is no common agreement on digital resources deposit policy;5.Carry out national digital preservation projects;6.Execute the web capture projects;7.Adopt the strategy of collecting digital resources together; 8.Construct the descriptive metadata standards;9.Adopt several metadata schemas; 10.Construct preservation metadata standards;11.Digital preservation strategy;12. Adopt official digital preservation standard OAIS;13.Adopt HTTrack web capture tool;14.Emphasize on the permanent access of the digital resources;15.Appropriate digital resources access strategy. The different factors are: 1.The development of the national digital preservation projects;2.The collection of the web-based resources projects;3.The selection decision of the digital resources. The conclusions of the study are: 1.The importance on digital preservation of a national library;2.The issues of legal deposit policy and the deposition of the digital resources;3.Successfully promote the development of a digital preservation project;4.Digital resources collection policy and selection guidelines;5.Web resources cataloging standards;6.Metadata standards;7.Descriptive metadata;8.Preservation metadata;9.Digital repository;10.Digital preservation strategy;11.Access and services of digital preservation;12.Succesful factors of promoting digital preservation projects. The study makes final suggestions as follows: 1.Emphasis on the research of born digital materials. 2. Promote national central library to develop our national digital preservation projects. 3. Construct the web-archiving pilot project. 4. Establish the digital collection development policy. 5. Establish the digital preservation policy.

從著作權法探討學術圖書館參與Google Book Search 計畫之研究 / Study on Academic Libraries Join the Google Book Search Project under Copyright Law

陳泓翔, Chen, Hong Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從著作權法探討國外大學圖書館參與GBS計畫之動機、內涵與著作權法問題,藉以瞭解數位圖書館相關的數位著作權法;並以深度訪談方式探究我國學術圖書館對GBS計畫之意義與價值,以及合理性與問題。本研究以文獻分析瞭解相關數位著作權議題,從個案研究中瞭解國外大學圖書館的觀點與做法,最後以深度訪談瞭解我國學術圖書館對其看法與意願。 本研究結論可歸納以下:(1)數位圖書館計畫相關之著作權主要在於有無授權、重製、公開傳輸與合理使用的議題上;(2)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫具有相當理由與動機;(3)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫採取全部、部分混合與無著作權模式;(4)英美圖書館考量著作權,而採取合理使用限制措施;(5)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫有制定其數位化程序與責任;(6)國外作者與出版社對於GBS計畫所侵犯的權利為重製、散布與展示;(7)我國學術圖書館對於參與GBS計畫看法兩極;(8)我國學術圖書館參與GBS計畫擔憂涉及著作權問題;(9)我國圖書館認為參與GBS計畫部分合法性不足;(10)我國學術圖書館對參與GBS計畫傾向採取無著作權保護之著作模式。 最後建議為:(1)政府宜制訂法定數位送存制度;(2)大學或圖書館應設置有關著作權管理權責中心以利處理智慧財產權問題;(3)Google應強化安全保護措施機制與保證,以維護其形象;(4)Google應積極與作家與出版社協商對談以及取得授權來降低爭議;(5)對著作權權利人之建議應勇於嘗試新的商業模式。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons that why foreign university libraries join the Google Book Search Library Project and copyright issues, so that conclude the issues related digital copyright law in digital library. Furthermore, the study used interviews for investigating the meaning, value, and legitimate issues of GBS Library Project from the viewpoint of academic libraries in Taiwan. According to the literature review, the study clarified digital copyright issues. In addition, the study obtained the views of foreign university libraries toward GBS Library Project by case studies. Finally, the study used interviews to understand the opinions of GBS Library Project from academic libraries in Taiwan. The results of the study are summarized below: (1)The key copyright issues that related to related to Digital Library Project are copyright authorization, reproduction, the fair use, and the right to public transmission. (2)There are legitimacies and motivations for UK and USA libraries participate in GBS Library Project. (3)There are three models that adopted by UK and USA libraries for participating in GBS: all collection or part of collection and no copyright works to scan. (4)Considering copyright issues, UK and USA libraries take reasonable measures to restrict the use of digital copies. (5)UK and USA libraries contract with Google for its procedures and responsibility. (6)Foreign authors and publishers consider that GBS is accused of violating for their rights of the reproduce, distribute and display. (7)The academic libraries in Taiwan have bipolar view for joining GBS. (8)The academic libraries in Taiwan worry about copyright issues for joining GBS. (9)The academic libraries in Taiwan consider that the GBS project is lack of legitimacy to join it. (10)If the academic libraries in Taiwan join the GBS project, they would be inclined to put in out-of-copyright works. Based on the final results of this study, several suggestions are as follow:(1)Government should establish a legal policy of digital deposit, (2)University or library should set up a copyright management center which has right and responsibility to deal with intellectual property rights issues; (3)Google should strengthen safety measures and guarantee mechanisms to protect it’s image. (4)In order to reduce the controversy, Google should consult with the authors and publishers actively to obtain authorization (5)The copyright owners should be willing to try a new business model.

遊戲互動式擴增實境支援國小圖書館利用教育之研究 / The Study of the Game-based Interactive Learning with Augmented Reality that Enhances Elementary School Library User Education

蔡雁農, Tsai, Yen-Nung Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,國小圖書館受限於經費及人力的不足,使得其功能無法充分發揮,有些學校圖書館甚至沒有規劃圖書館利用教育的課程,學生雖可到圖書館中自由閱讀,但若不具備找尋圖書的能力,常會因而無法找到自己有興趣的書籍而在廣大的書海中迷失,使圖書館的功能逐漸喪失,因此如何藉由圖書館利用教育課程教導學生找尋書本的能力也就越顯重要。 隨著電腦科技日益發達,學習教材和學習方式也變得多元化,近年來利用遊戲方式進行學習的研究有愈來愈多的趨勢,學者認為若能將遊戲融合教學,將能達到寓教於樂的教學目標。本研究透過實際開發遊戲系統的方式,嘗試以情境學習理論為發展基礎,將擴增實境互動技術應用到圖書館的學習環境上,透過「遊戲互動擴增實境圖書館利用教育學習系統」的建置,來發展創新的圖書館利用教育學習模式,並藉此系統的發展來支援國小圖書館利用教育的實施。 實驗結果顯示利用「遊戲互動擴增實境圖書館利用教育系統」進行學習,各方面成績皆有顯著的進步,且學習成效可排除授課者個人因素之影響,具有穩定的教學品質。另外,本研究所發展的系統,對於高、低分群和場地相依的學習者來說,使用本系統進行學習,其學習成效在「應用型題目」上明顯優於傳統圖書館利用教育,並且可以加強學習者學習動機。除此之外,使用本系統之教學成效不會受到個人使用電腦的熟悉度所影響,因此未來在發展和推廣本系統的同時,不需要考慮學生是否具備良好之基本電腦使用能力。 / Due to the limited budgets and human resources, most libraries in the elementary schools of Taiwan have been unable fully functioned and utilized as its role should be in school organization. Some schools do not plan and provide library utilization education for children. Although students can go to libraries enjoying readings, they are not well trained for search library collection and resources. As a result, they are usually unable to find the books they are interested and easily getting lost in enormous information environment. This study proposes the importance of library usage training as a significant program in elementary school; promoting students’ abilities of finding books they need both for school works and personal interests. With the advance in computer technology, the learning materials and learning methods have become diversified in recent years. In particular, the instruction method of game-based learning has drawn much attention in education research. Many education researchers and scholars think the integration of teaching and games will promotes students’ performances while the learning activities are also functioned as entertaining process. This study attempts to develop educational gaming system on the basis of situated learning theory, adopting the innovative augmented reality interactive technology on the library's learning environment. This study hopes students’ library knowledge of library usages could be promoted through the "Interactive Augmented Reality Games Library Education Learning System." Moreover, the study could develop innovative learning model for elementary schools in library usages as well as to support future implementation programs for elementary library usage education. Experimental results show that students have significant improvement on learning performance after using "Interactive Augmented Reality Games Library Education Learning System." The assessment also showed improvement based on the exclusion of personal factors from teachers. In addition, this system promotes better learning performance and motivation for learners of high and Low graded groups as well as the field-dependent learners in the “application questions” tasks. Moreover, the education effectiveness of this system will not be affected by personal factors such as familiarity on computers skills. Therefore, there would be less consideration on students’ computer skills needed for future adoption on this system in library usage programs.

完全中學圖書館服務品質評量之研究-以台中市為例 / Service quality assessment of comprehensive high school libraries : Taichung City case studies

羅玉青, Lo, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法了解完全中學學生使用圖書館之期望與實際感受之服務品質,藉以瞭解學生對圖書館的滿意度,作為圖書館改善服務之參考。研究首先透過文獻分析,參考圖書館的服務品質評量工具LibQUAL+,並研究國內針對高中職圖書館之相關理論,修改發展出適合高中生與國中生之圖書館服務品質評量指標,並經與學校圖書館人員及使用者進行共三場焦點團體訪談後修正指標並進一步發展為問卷。本問卷以抽樣之台中市四所完全中學學生為實證研究對象,共發出1,142份問卷,回收1,138份,回收率高達99.64%,其中有效問卷1,133份。本服務品質評量問卷共分為「空間環境」、「館藏資源與利用」、「圖書館服務」及「圖書館教育與推廣」等四大構面,共有29項指標,並採用期望服務品質及感受服務品質兩種滿意度評分差距。 本論文研究結果顯示:(一)完全中學學生期待圖書館有更豐富的館藏及提供電子資源。(二)學生到館頻率每週少於一次的高達57.8%,顯示完全中學圖書館的利用率偏低。(三)學生對圖書館感受之服務品質平均值大都在3.5以上,顯示學生對圖書館的服務大致可接受,但均未達優質服務。國中生及高中生均對「圖書館所在便利性」最不滿意。(四)不同性別對圖書館感受服務品質差異性較小,國中生及高中生對圖書館感受服務品質差異性大;國中生感受的服務品質大都高於高中生。(五)完全中學圖書館需針對國中生及高中生提出不同的服務策略。 根據上述研究結果,本論文提出以下建議:(一)運用圖書館服務品質評量加強圖書館評鑑,做為圖書館經營管理之參考。(二)加強推展圖書館利用教育,發揮圖書館功能。(三)擴充圖書館編制提升專業形象,並擴大服務範圍。(四)提昇圖書館軟硬體設備,發揮圖書館資訊服務的功能。 / This study uses the method of Questionnaire to measure the expectations and degrees of satisfaction of comprehensive high school students toward libraries. Using the method of literature review, also taking reference from Library Service Quality Assessment LibQUAL+ and relevant theories concerning high school or professional high school libraries, this study comes up with a revised index of service quality assessment suitable for junior and senior school students. After conducting three focus group interviews with school librarians and users, the researcher then revises the above-mentioned index and transformed it into a Questionnaire. This study, using students from four comprehensive high schools in Taichung City as subjects of empirical studies, issued 1,142 questionnaires, among which 1,138 were returned (the return rate was as high as 99.64%), and effective ones amounted to 1,132.The questionnaire consists of four aspects: space and environment, library resources and usages, library services, and librarian education and promotion. It includes 29 indicators, and is rated by the expected and perceived service qualities. The study shows the following results: 1.Comprehensive high school students look forward to more comprehensive library resources as well as resources in electronic forms. 2.The percentage of students visiting libraries less than once in a week is as high as 57.8%, meaning the usage rate for comprehensive high school libraries is low. 3.The perceived quality for library service, on average, is generally above 3.5 points in a score ranging from 1-5, but not reaching the expected service qualities. Such result manifests that students find the library service mostly acceptable, but not preferable. Both junior and senior high students find ‘the accessibility of libraries’ most unacceptable. 4.Gender has relatively little effect on the difference of perceived quality of service, whereas there’s a big gap between junior and senior high school students. Junior high students tend to score higher than senior high students on perceived service quality. 5.It is imperative for comprehensive high school libraries to provide different service strategies for junior and senior high school students. Based on the result of the above study, the thesis suggests the following: 1.Libraries should use service quality assessment as a way to enhance their evaluation, whose result should be taken as managerial reference. 2.It is imperative to strengthen the promotion of the usage of libraries. 3.It is imperative to enlarge the organization scale of libraries so as to promote professional image and to enlarge service range. 4.It is imperative to upgrade soft, as well as hardware equipment of libraries to enhance information service of libraries.

台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館閱讀推廣活動之研究 / A Study on Promote Reading Activities in Taiwan Rural Libraries

饒梅芳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,推廣終身學習與培養資訊素養日益受到重視,國內外政府均將推廣閱讀視為重要的課題。由於文化建設成果,台灣各鄉鎮普設圖書館,由於鄉鎮圖書館直接接觸鄉鎮居民,成為推廣閱讀活動第一線角色。 本論文旨在探討台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館推動閱讀活動之現況。首先就閱讀與閱讀活動之意涵、各國的閱讀活動與政策、圖書館推動閱讀的任務與功能、公共圖書館推廣閱讀活動之類型與策劃、台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館閱讀推廣之相關文獻進行研討,並簡要回顧台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館的設置起源與歷年來閱讀推廣活動的概況。 採用深度訪談法,以立意抽樣之方式選擇訪談對象,共計有台北縣深坑鄉立圖書館、南投縣埔里鎮立圖書館、台南縣歸仁鄉立圖書館、屏東縣長治鄉立圖書館等四所圖書館,藉由訪問承辦閱讀活動之鄉鎮圖書館員、閱讀活動中的帶領人、以及參與閱讀活動的讀者等,匯集多方的想法與建議,從圖書館所辦理閱讀活動的類型、內外資源的運用、所遭遇到的困難與問題、民眾參與的程度等面向,分析台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館閱讀推廣活動辦理概況,並探討其成功模式。 根據文獻與訪談結果,建議政府及圖書館上級主管機關應:1.訂定閱讀相關法案與政策;2.輔導鄉鎮圖書館推廣閱讀;3.利用全球性的閱讀節日加強宣導;4.加強應用網路資源推廣閱讀;5.鄉長應慎選熱心館長;6.加強閱讀培訓課程;7.出版閱讀推廣之策劃等相關出版品;8.辦理閱讀推廣有成的圖書館觀摩與交流活動,建議鄉鎮圖書館應:1.積極地舉辦閱讀推廣活動;2.結合教育單位與民間團體,善用社會資源共同推展閱讀;3.倡導愉悅的閱讀;4.利用獎勵推廣兒童閱讀;5.行銷館藏與推薦好書;6.加強購買新書以即時供應閱讀需求。 / In recent years, the promotion of lifelong learning and the training of information literacy have been bestowed a gradual increase in attention. Both local and international governments regard reading promotion as an important subject. Due to Taiwan’s elaborate cultural infrastructure, widespread rural libraries establish direct contacts with nearby residents, playing a major role in promoting reading activities. This thesis aims at exploring the situations of rural libraries’ reading promotion activities in Taiwan. This research discusses the following issues: the definitions of reading and reading activities, the different reading activity policies of various countries, the mission and function of public libraries in promoting reading activities along with the types of promotions and their planning, a discussion of relevant documents regarding the promotion of reading by rural libraries, and a brief review of the establishment of rural libraries and their general situations in reading promotion. The methods of this study are literature analysis and in-depth interview. Chosen through purposive sampling, interviewees include the Shenkeng Township Library of Taipei County, the Puli Township Library of Nantou County, the Gueiren Township Library of Tainan County, and the Changjr Township Library of Pingdong County. By interviewing the rural libraries that hold reading activities, their activity leaders, and activity participants, this thesis gathers different ideas and suggestions. Through rural libraries’ reading activity types, their application of internal and external resources, the difficulties and problems they confronted, and the participation level of local residents, this thesis analyzes the situation of the promotion of reading activities in Taiwan’s rural libraries’ and investigates their successful models. According to research results, this study suggests that the government and the authorities at the ministry of library: (1) institute relevant reading bills and policies; (2) guide and assist rural libraries in reading promotion; (3) utilize the international reading festival to establish recognition; (4) use the internet and the information & communications technology to promote; (5) select enthusiastic library directors by the head of the local government; (6)strengthen the training courses of reading promotions; (7)publish relevant publications on reading planning; (8) inspect and learn from outstanding libraries. This study suggests that rural libraries: (1)actively hold reading activities; (2)combine educational organization and community resources to promote reading conjointly; (3) advocate pleasure reading; (4)utilize rewards to promote children’s reading; (5) market library collections and recommend good books; (6) enhance new book purchases in order to immediately supply the demand of reading.


黃慧娟, Huang, Hui-Jan Unknown Date (has links)
由於數位時代來臨,網路科技興盛,人類生活中許多事物漸漸被數位化、電子化的產品所包圍或取代,資訊和服務更透過網路的便利性快速傳達。而圖書館館藏類型也隨著這股潮流與需求的影響產生了相當大的轉變。其中大量的電子資訊資源進入圖書館,不但改變了館藏的類型、服務的形式、館員專業技能的培訓、圖書館軟硬體設備等,也改變了圖書館在採購經費上的分配。網路行銷是目前國內外電子商務大量應用的新行銷模式,而圖書館也逐漸注意應用網路進行館藏資訊與服務的行銷。 本研究主要目的在探討國內網路行銷在大學圖書館電子資訊服務之應用,瞭解大學圖書館應用網路進行圖書館電子資訊服務的行銷現況,以及從研究結果中擬定出適用於圖書館電子資訊服務網路行銷之模式。 本研究採用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,參考蒐集之國內外文獻,進行圖書館與網路行銷理論的歸納整理,撰寫出圖書館網路行銷理論,並以此一理論架構作為設計訪談問題綱要之基礎。 本研究發現,大學圖書館電子資訊資源與電子資訊服務的類型豐富且多元。目前圖書館應用了許多網路行銷之工具進行電子資訊服務的行銷推廣,例如:網站、e-mail、BBS、電子報、線上學習等,但多未實際進行圖書館網路行銷規劃,也未針對館員進行網路行銷與相關技能的培訓或與校內系所進行合作計畫。 根據研究結果,歸納出圖書館網路行銷規劃架構應包含六項步驟:(1)情境分析;(2)數位任務與目標;(3)網路行銷組合;(4)行銷預算;(5)執行與評估;(6)顧客關係管理。其中網路行銷組合採用Eileen Elliott de Saez所提之5ePs做探討,分別是電子化產品、電子化通路、電子化推廣、電子化價格、以及電子化的公共關係。 最後本研究提出六項建議:(1)圖書館應積極從事網路行銷;(2)圖書館應對不同電子資訊服務進行網路行銷的區分;(3)圖書館網路行銷應區分社群並多加經營;(4)加強館員網路行銷教育與訓練;(5)應積極建立電子資訊資源使用量統計標準;(6)應進行圖書館網路行銷使用者研究評估。

台灣地區公共圖書館危機管理之研究:以人為誘發型危機為例 / A Study on Crisis Management of the Public Libraries in Taiwan: Based on the Human-induced Crisis

劉家寶, Lau, Ka-po Unknown Date (has links)
任何開放性的公共服務組織,都必須承擔由環境或其他因素帶來的風險。隨著社會環境日趨複雜,不確定因素提昇,增加了危機發生的機會,對組織或個人的緊急應變及管理能力造成嚴峻考驗。公共圖書館作為開放性的全民社區資訊中心,除了肩負起文化傳承、推廣教育的任務外,確保所有讀者能在安全、舒適的環境下安心地使用各項圖書資源與服務,亦是所有圖書館的責任。如何在緊急或突發的危機狀況下及時作出適當的控制及處理,並迅速進行善後及復原措施,皆顯示出危機管理的重要性。 本研究旨在瞭解國內公共圖書館發生人為誘發型危機的經驗及危機管理相關發展概況,以期結合實務需求與文獻理論,提出適用於公共圖書館危機管理的參考模式,作為未來相關單位修訂或規劃危機管理工作,以及圖書資訊相關專業學會與系所規劃相關教育訓練及課程之參考指引。 本研究首先透過問卷調查法,探討目前國內公共圖書館的危機管理實施概況、曾發生的人為誘發型危機及管理階層的危機管理經驗與態度。接著針對管理階層進行深度訪談,以進一步瞭解國內公共圖書館危機管理相關工作的執行概況,並探討相關人員對危機管理的看法及建議。最後結合文獻與上述研究發現進行分析與歸納,提出適用於公共圖書館的危機管理模式。 根據本研究發現,提出的結論如下:一、讀者與館員素質的良莠不齊,雙方在危機意識上的不足,加上公共圖書館本身的服務性質、軟硬體設施、管理政策上的限制,都是構成國內公共圖書館人為誘發型危機之相關因素;二、國內公共圖書館管理階層的危機意識及處理態度仍有待加強及改變;三、國內公共圖書館己規劃並實施危機管理的公共圖書館仍屬少數,相關教育訓練、違規處理措施之規劃與執行上,未能發揮應有功能;四、國內公共圖書館較著重危機處理,在危機偵測及預防工作上略顯不足。故在安全及違規管理政策不清的情況下,未能發揮危機管理應有的效能;五、國內公共圖書館在進行危機管理工作時所面臨的困難與障礙,主要為:(1)缺乏足夠經費與人力(2)缺乏足夠的危機管理教育訓練及危機處理經驗(3)公共圖書館人員流動率高,危機處理經驗傳承與培訓不易(4)民眾公權利的意識上昇,申訴浮濫構成的壓力 (5)公共圖書館屬社教單位,基於教育觀點與服務立場的不同,往往容易造成執法上的衝突。 最後,根據前述之研究結果提出下列建議:一、政府相關單位及圖書館主管機關應為公共圖書館提供適當支援、輔導與補助,儘速將安全管理納入圖書館法及營運標準,並協助建置相關合作交流機制;二、公共圖書館應就現行的危機管理政策進行適當檢討及調整,並定期切實執行危機管理教育訓練,提高人員的危機意識;三、國內圖書資訊學系所及專業學會,應儘速規劃危機管理相關課程,以強化圖書資訊人員的危機意識及素養。 / Public libraries are the public access institutions, which always face lots of different risks that arose from the social environment. As the uncertain factors have been rising, which made the society became more complicated, and increased the probability of crises, it also caused the ordeals and challenges for organizations and individuals. Public libraries are the community information centers for the whole people, undertaking the mission of preserving culture and promoting education, which also have the responsibilities to ensure and provide a safe environment for the readers. Therefore, how to deal with the crisis and emergency situations, revealed the importance of the crisis management for each library. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the general situation of the human-induced crisis which occurred on the public libraries in Taiwan, and also expected to combine the theory and practical needs. The result of this study would provide a reference model of crisis management for the public libraries. In addition, it could also give suggestions for on-the-job training and curriculum development to the Library Association and the schools of Library and Information Science. This thesis applied a questionnaire investigation associated with the in-depth interview approach. The interviewers included library directors and decision supervisors of the public libraries. This study further expected to gather the attitude, experience, crisis management plan, related strategies, and the comments from the administers in the public libraries. The findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) both the characteristics of the readers and librarians were different, and both of their consciousnesses of crisis were not enough. Furthermore, the nature of the public libraries service, the inappropriate facilities, and management strategies also became the related factors of the human-induced crisis of the public libraries. (2) The administrators of public libraries in Taiwan need to be conscious about crisis. (3) Only a minority of the public libraries in Taiwan had drawn up the crisis management plan, and the implementation of the training courses and costumer charters also couldn’t fully accomplish the purposes desired. (4) The public libraries in Taiwan paid much attention on the crisis handling, but usually neglected both the detection and prevention works of the crisis, which also lowered the whole efficiency of the crisis management plan. (5) The main difficulties and obstacles confronted with the public libraries were: (i) Lack of sufficient funds and human resources. (ii) Lack of sufficient crisis management training courses and related experience. (iii) For a long time, the position of the librarian of public libraries in Taiwan was instable. The staffs turn over also made the crisis management training courses not easy to conduct, either of the impartation of related experiences. (iv) As the sense of the public rights had increased recently, the abusive complain also brought serious stress and anxiety to public libraries. (v) Public libraries were a part of social education institutions, based on their service and education standpoint, which always brought conflicts when they enforced the rules and laws. The suggestions included: (1) The government and the chief administers of the public libraries should provide supports and funds to all public libraries, and must take the security issue into account of the library laws and operational standard as soon as possible. Thus, related units must help the public libraries to share experience and form cooperative partnership. (2) The public libraries should review their current crisis management strategies, and make an appropriate revision and augment. Moreover, the public libraries also need to put the trainings into effect, and must enhance the consciousness of crisis for each staff. (3) Both of the association of library and schools of library and information science should try to put the crisis management issues into the library management curriculum to fulfill the practical need of the public libraries, and reinforcing the crisis management knowledge and capacity for the librarians.

空間改造後青少年公共圖書館空間使用與滿意度研究 / Public Library Space Use and Satisfaction from Perspectives of Young Adults after Space Reconstruction

江宜蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年,青少年在國內圖書館逐漸受到重視,臺灣許多公共圖書館分別成立規劃出青少年空間,有的是圖書館新建立的,有的是重新整建後的。由於臺灣公共圖書館目前尚未有針對圖書館規劃的青少年空間設計指南,因此本研究將從美國青少年圖書館服務學會出版的〈國家青少年空間指南〉作為公共圖書館在規劃青少年空間的參考依據。希望能了解青少年使用專屬空間的需求與滿意度,規劃出我國青少年空間設計指南,除了提供公共圖書館未來在規劃青少年專屬空間時的參考依據,也能讓圖書館更加重視青少年族群之需求,規劃出更為完善的服務,提高青少年對公共圖書館青少年空間的滿意度,吸引更多潛在的青少年使用者利用圖書館。本研究之研究目的為:(1)探討青少年需求與圖書館青少年空間設計原則;(2)探討青少年對圖書館專屬空間之使用情形與滿意度;(3)探討青少年使用圖書館專屬空間的滿意度影響因素;(4)探討青少年空間改造後的成效。 本研究透過深度訪談及問卷調查探討青少年利用公共圖書館專屬空間之需求與情形,以及其對專屬空間之滿意度與影響因素,建構出四構面28項指標,作為公共圖書館未來在規劃與評估青少年專屬空間時的參考。本研究提出之研究結論如下:(1)最多青少年閱讀的課外讀物類型為小說、漫畫與期刊/雜誌;最多青少年喜愛的資訊主題為休閒娛樂、流行文化與旅遊;(2)青少年每月平均閱讀課外讀物的數量以1-2本最多;平均閱讀時間以1-2小時為主;最多人閱讀課外讀物原因為個人興趣、打發時間、休閒娛樂;(3)青少年使用圖書館的頻率以每週一次最多;使用圖書館青少年空間的頻率以每月至少一次最多;使用青少年空間的原因多為讀書自修或準備考試、閱讀與借閱書籍、環境舒適;(4)青少年最常使用的書籍主題以小說、漫畫、文學/散文為主;最常使用設施與服務為閱讀桌椅與沙發;(5)四館青少年認為青少年空間最重要的服務前五名為滿足我安靜閱讀學習、光線照明充足、安全的場所、乾淨舒適、書籍陳列方式讓我容易找到、書籍種類及數量滿足我的需求;(6)分析四館青少年最滿意的服務項目前五名,發現四館青少年皆滿意青少年為安全的場所、及時找到館員協助;四館青少年皆不滿意青少年空間提供的娛樂項目與飲食需求,以及進行藝術創作;(7)透過四象限圖分析,四館使用者皆迫切需要改善的項目為書籍陳列方式讓我容易找到;(8)28項指標中,尤其在青少年空間的規劃與設計,國中皆較高中(職)認為重要;國資圖使用者特別在青少年空間滿足我飲食需求較其他三館認為重要;(9)級別與館別是影響青少年空間使用滿意度的因素之一;(10)與2012年朱懿幰以及2013強美玟的研究比較,整體來看發現青少年仍希望青少年空間能滿足其在安靜閱讀學習與社交的需求。埔里鎮立圖書館青少年對於空調、閱讀桌椅、資訊查詢仍感到不滿意;(11)四館青少年對圖書館空間改造後感到滿意。 針對本研究的結論,提出以下幾點建議:(1)四間圖書館皆應加強青少年空間的書籍陳列方式;(2)國立臺灣圖書館應重新審視青少年空間提供的環境動線與空間設計;(3)新北市青少年圖書館應加強改善青少年空間的隔音設備,確保能滿足不同使用者的需求;(4)國立公共資訊圖書館應加強青少年空間網路的穩定性;(5)埔里鎮立圖書館應加強青少年空間的空調溫度。 / In recent years, young adults are getting increasingly attention in Taiwan’s libraries. Many public libraries in Taiwan have set up space for young adults, some of which are newly established, and some are re-established. Because there are not space design guidelines about library arrangement for young adults in the public libraries in Taiwan, this research will be based on “The National Teen Space Guidelines,” published by Young Adult Library Services Association in America to arrange young adult spacein public libraries in Taiwan. This study hopes to understand the needs and satisfaction of young adults using young adult space, and to contribute to space design guidelines for young adults in Taiwan's libraries. In addition, this study hopes to provide reference of future arrangement of young adults’ space to public libraries, and to let libraries turn more attention to the needs of young people, and design more comprehensive services to gain young people's satisfaction and to attract more potential young people to use library. The main purposes of the research are as follows: (1) to investigate young adults’ needs and establish principles behind young adult space in libraries; (2) to inquire into satisfaction and circumstances of young adult readers using young adult space in libraries; (3) to investigate the influencing factors behind young adults’ satisfaction with young adult space in libraries; (4) to investigate the effect of the reformation of young’s space. Through questionnaires and interviews, this study investigates young adults’ needs and usage of young adult space in public libraries, their satisfaction with young adult space, and influencing factors behind their satisfaction with young adult space to build four dimensions including 28 indicators for reference to future design of young adult space in public libraries. The statistical analyses of the retrieved questionnaires indicate the following conclusions: (1) the types of books young adults read most frequently are novels, comics and journals/magazines; their favorite topics are recreation, popular cultures and tourism; (2) teenagers usually read two books for extracurricular reading monthly; their average reading time is one or two hours; most of their purposes are personal interests, killing time, and entertainment. (3) the frequency of young adults' use of libraries is once a week; the frequency of young adults' use of young adult space is once a month; the reasons for young adults using young adult space are self-studying or preparing for examinations, reading and borrowing books, and its comfortable environment; (4) the categories of books young adults read most frequently mainly are fiction, comics, and literature/prose; the mostly-used facilities and services are reading tables and sofas; (5) the top five satisfaction items among the four public libraries are “It can satisfy my needs of reading/learning without any disturbance,” “It can provide sufficient light,” “It is a safe, clean and comfortable place,” “Its book arrangement lets me easily find books,” and “The categories and quantity of books can meet my needs.” (6) The analysis of the top five satisfactory services shows that teenagers of the four libraries unanimously agree with the items of “It is a safe place,” and “I can seek help from librarians in time;” on the other hand, they are unanimously unsatisfied with the recreation service, dining space as well as artistic creation; (7) through the four-quadrant map analysis, users of four libraries are in urgent need of the improvement in the item “Its book arrangement lets me easily find books.” (8) among the 28 indicators, junior high school students consider “plan and design of young adult space” more important than senior ones; users of young adult space in National Library of Public Information especially think “It meets my dining needs” more important than users of the other three libraries; (9) "different levels of school and different libraries" is one of the factors that influences the satisfaction of young adults; (10) compared with the study of Chu, Yi-Hsien (2012) and Chiwang, Mei-Wen (2013), teenagers generally hope that young adult space can meet their requirement for studying without any disturbance and socializing. Teenagers in Puli Library are still unsatisfied with air conditioning, reading tables and chairs, and searches for information; (11) teenagers in four libraries are all satisfied with the library space after rearrangement. According to the conclusions, the study suggests as the follows: (1) the four libraries should rearrange the displays of books in youth space; (2) National Taiwan Library should re-examine the environment and space design of its youth space; (3) New Taipei City Teenager Library should improve sound insulation of its youth space, to meet users needs; (4) National Library of Public Information should improve the stability of networks in its youth space; (5) Puli Library should reducethe temperature of its youth space.

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