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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高速鐵路對土地使用之短期影響分析─台灣之實證研究 / The short-term impact of high-speed rail (HSR) on land use: the empirical study of the Taiwan HSR

關仲芸, Guan, Jhong Yun Unknown Date (has links)
多年來,交通運輸與土地使用之交互影響關係受學界所廣泛討論,本研究主要探討高速鐵路與土地使用之交互影響關係。關於高鐵對土地使用影響之研究,分為兩大類別,分別為建立模式預測未來地區發展狀況,以及實證分析高鐵通車後對地區的影響效果。過去研究指出,高鐵營運後,可能對土地使用產生之影響包括:無顯著之土地使用改變、地區間互動改變、聚集效果(Cluster effect)、離散效果(Disparties)以及「隧道效果(Tunnel effect)」或「廊道效果(Corridor effect) 」。   本研究為以階層線性模型分析高鐵通車後對台灣土地使用影響之實證研究。根據實證,高鐵站之有無以及高鐵站所在區位對鄉鎮市區土地使用有顯著影響,且相較其他控制變數,為影響鄉鎮市區土地使用之重要變數。有高鐵站之鄉鎮市區與無高鐵站之鄉鎮市區相比,土地使用可能成長較多,而位於高鐵一定服務範圍內之鄉鎮市區之土地使用,亦受高鐵所影響。另外,不同區位之高鐵站對土地使用之效果有所不同,而該區位效果隨產業特性可能有所差異。人口、及業人口以及三級產業及業人口可能因市中心區位之高鐵站聚集,但二級產業及業人口未有因市中心區位高鐵站而聚集的現象;郊區區位之高鐵站鄉鎮市區或縣市,則有人口、及業人口或三級產業及業人口流失的現象。由上述結果可驗證,高鐵服務範圍內有聚集效果之發生,而不同區位之高鐵站,聚集之效果並不同。 / For many years, the interactive relationship between transportation and land use has been widely discussed by scholars. This study is trying to assess the short-term impact of high-speed rail (HSR) on land use. There are two types of studies on the impact of high-speed rail on land use. One is establishing models to predict future land use development; the other is evaluating the effect of HSR empirically. Past studies have shown that possible impacts on land use after the operation of HSR include: no significant land use change, inter-regional interaction change, cluster effect, disparities, and "tunnel effect" or "corridor effect."   In this empirical study, the results of hierarchical linear model show that the existence of the HSR station and the location of the HSR station have a significant effect on the land use in the city. Controlling for other control variables, the existence and location of the HSR station are important factors influencing the land use in the city. Land use development in cities with the HSR station may be more evident than those without the HSR station. Cities within the HSR service area are also effected by HSR. In addition, there may be different land use effects due to different locations of the HSR stations, and these location effects may be different due to different industrial characteristics of the area. Population, employment, and employment of tertiary industrial sectors in a city may cluster due to the HSR station in central area location, but employment of secondary industrial sectors doesn’t. Otherwise, population, employment, and employment of tertiary industrial sectors in a city or county may lose due to the HSR station in rural area location. In conclusion, there is a cluster effect within the HSR service area, and this effect varies according to the location of the HSR station.


闕志峰 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區數十年來隨著社會經濟的快速發展,都市計畫地區內之人口數,自民國50年以來,平均每年約以7.45%的速度增加。為了滿足日益增加的都市人口活動需求,故需不斷地在有限的都市土地資源上進行開發活動。然而,由於在規劃、組織、管制等方面的不周延,導致土地開發常缺乏計畫性指導原則,產生例如交通擁擠、環境污染、公共設施與開放空間的不足、生態環境的破壞等許多不同性質的問題,而無法真正健全都市的發展,對於都市型態與都市機能亦產生許多的負面效果。 本研究以台灣地區目前公部門常實施之市地重劃與區段徵收為例,藉由文獻資料的整理分析與問卷深入訪談的方式,探討相關的政府承辦人員及專家學者們對於上述兩種土地開發方式所產生的土地開發問題性質之看法。期以美國成長管理理念為基礎,並透過管理的規劃、組織、指導、管制四大功能的分析,提出成長管理策略與相關配合措施之建議,俾指導土地開發活動的進行得以滿足促進都市發展,健全都市機能的目標。 本研究基於上述的理念,對於市地重劃與區段徵收所產生之土地開發問題的分析,研擬適當的成長管理策略,作為政府在土地開發管理上的參考。首先在規劃方面應建立明確的土地開發原則,配合相關技術工具的實行,以指導土地開發活動的進行;在組織方面應加強各相關單位之協調整合;在管制方面則是擬定適當的管制性計畫並透過電腦技術的運用,監測與掌控土地開發的速度與都市發展、公共設施之間的配合;在指導方面則是須有效整合土地開發各相關單位之意見及解決其發生之衝突,清楚界定土地開發相關單位間的權責以達成彼此間的共識。此外,亦須加強民眾在土地開發過程中的參與機制,以爭取民眾的支持而減少土地開發所受到的阻力。 / For decades, Taiwan has experienced rapid social and economic development. Since 1961, the population has increased about 7.45 percent annually in the urban planned districts. In order to accommodate the increasing urban population and activities, it has to develop scarce land resources. However, weakness in existing planning systems, government structure, policy context, and control strategies for managing development and growth has led to many problems, such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, public facility provision, open space deficiency, and ecological environment destruction. Those problems produce negative impacts on urban development, urban pattern, and urban firnction. Based upon the functions of management, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, this study investigates the problems of urban development in Taiwan, particular in the development by urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs. The approaches of literature review and questionnaire are adopted in order to understand deeply the problems of land development in Taiwan. Furthermore, the strategies of growth management of American experiences are discussed. Finally, some practical suggestions for land development in Taiwan are presented. This thesis explores the background of existing problems related to urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs and develop workable growth management strategies and suggestions. First, in planning aspect, government should establish clear land development principles associated with relative technical tools to guide development which is satisfactory in timing, location, and quantity. Second, in organizing aspects, government should bring more about integration and coordination among relative institutions to yield administrative efficiency. Third, as for controlling aspects, government should develop feasible land use plans and apply the computer techniques for monitoring land development pace and service level. Fourth, in leading aspects, government should regulate the clear responsibilities among relevant institutions and resolve the possible conflicts to bring more about consensus. Finally, government should strengthen citizen participation in the land development process to win public support.


鄭竹雅 Unknown Date (has links)
由於公、私部門進行土地開發時,常因土地使用分區管制之僵化性阻礙土地開發進行,故本研究之目的,為瞭解美國所實施之浮動分區是否適合實施於台灣,並希望能夠透過建立「浮動分區」之制度,增加國內實施土地使用分區管制之彈性,有效解決土地開發之問題,促進土地合理之利用目標。本研究由探討土地使用分區管制之發展、台灣土地開發過程中產生之問題,以瞭解台灣目前之發展現況,從而瞭解台灣未來實施浮動分區應具何種條件與配套措施,並獲致以下結論: 1.浮動分區是一種可隨現代社會發展需求,推動地方發展之土地開發方式,且可增加土地使用分區管制上之彈性,並配合社會動態之發展。 2.未來在實施浮動分區之初期,實施主體與區位之評選仍應以政府為主,在制度與配套措施皆建立完成後,始可進一步將民間開發業者納入浮動分區開發主體以實施開發。 3.浮動分區之開發計畫可交由實施者或開發者自行擬定,但須注意土地使用分區之相容性問題。 4.浮動分區開發計畫之內容,至少需包括合理之土地使用計畫、完善之交通計畫、公共設施計畫、防災計畫等。 5.實施浮動分區應建立完善之配套措施,如制訂實施法源、浮動分區開發許可審議規範、建立開發協議等。

綠色大眾運輸導向土地使用規劃模式 / A Land Use Planning Model for Green Transit-oriented Development

劉人華, Liu, Jen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨著永續發展思潮之興起,「大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-oriented development, TOD)」已成為都市規劃之重要理念。相關研究雖曾就TOD緊密、混合使用發展帶來之永續效益進行探討,然高密度之發展模式亦會加速都市內資源消耗,並影響生活環境品質。為解決前述課題,相關文獻因而提出「綠色大眾運輸導向發展(Green transit-oriented development, Green TOD)」理念,以期待在TOD與綠色都市主義(Green urbanism)之結合下,形塑更為友善環境發展之都市型態。國內外雖有相關研究對Green TOD之規劃理念進行探討,並建立評估架構與準則,然規劃上仍未以該理念建構土地使用規劃模式,以協助規劃者研擬規劃方案;此外傳統土地使用規劃模式建構亦較少將土地使用配置現況與變更限制納入考量,規劃模式因而無法反映實際之規劃問題,並使其應用受到限制。   基此,本研究係由通盤檢討面向切入建構「綠色大眾運輸導向土地使用規劃模式」,規劃上並以高密度發展、混合使用配置、親生物開放空間追求、非機動運具可及性提升、停車需求抑制、資源配置效益追求、都市機能健全發展為追求目標建構多目標規劃模式;模式考量限制則包含通盤檢討變更可行性、配置區位限制、規模與容量限制、預算限制、運輸場站自明性、自行車道連續性等;模式求解則修正最小偏差法,並設定不同之權重組合尋求非劣解集合;最後則模擬實例情境設計假想例,以測試模式之可用性,並透過敏感度分析探討規劃模式之應用特性。   研究結果發現,規劃模式部分目標因追求方向相同而不具有償付關係,然各目標規劃理念、衡量面向與決策內容皆有不同,規劃上因而有保留之必要性,規劃模式並可依據此特性追求整合性之規劃效益,且著重高密度發展策略之應用。而敏感度分析則顯示,預算額度多寡將影響模式之規劃彈性與償付關係之表現程度,規劃前應妥善分析土地使用配置現況後編列適當之預算資源,以確保規劃偏好達成。本研究建構之土地使用規劃模式可於Green TOD 理念下研提不同之替選方案,並輔助規劃單位進行土地使用、自行車路網、水資源配置之規劃作業。 / Transit-oriented development (TOD) has become a main concept of urban planning as the advocacy of sustainable development. Previous studies, though, have explored the benefit of TOD which features of compact development and mixed land use, excessive density would also accelerate the resources consumption in inner city and decrease the quality of living environment. To solve the aforementioned problems, studies have proposed the concept of “Green transit-oriented development (Green TOD)”, which combines the concepts of “TOD” and “Green Urbanism” in anticipation of shaping an environmentally friendly urban form. However, most of the studies about Green TOD mainly focus on defining the planning concept or establishing the evaluation framework and criteria of it, it still lacks a land use planning model for Green TOD which aims to generate planning alternatives objectively for planners. With regard to the land use planning model, prior studies seldom took the current zoning and rezoning restriction into consideration during the model formulation, which not only made the formulated model fail to represent the real planning problem but also decrease the application value. This study, therefore, develops a multi-objective land use planning model for Green TOD from the aspect of overall review of urban planning. The objectives of the model include “maximizing the development density”, “maximizing the mixed land use degree”, “maximizing the biophilic open space”, “maximizing the accessibility of non-motorized vehicle”, “minimizing the parking demand”, “maximizing the benefit of resource allocation” and “minimizing the rezoning scale of available land”. The constrains of the model include “the rezoning feasibility of overall review”, “the restriction of allocated location”, “the allocated restriction of minimum scale and maximum volume”, “budget limitation”, “identification of transit station area” and “connectivity of bikeway network”. The revised minimum deviation method with different weight settings was used to search the non-inferior solutions set for the simulated case to verify the applicability of the developed model. Besides, sensitivity analysis was used to explore the model characteristic. The result found that some of the objectives, which cannot be integrated due to the difference of planning concept, assessing aspect and decision contents, feature of non-trade-off relationship due to the same pursuing direction. The application of the model can therefore apply this characteristic to pursue the integrated benefit accordingly and focus on the planning approach of high density development. Besides, the sensitivity analysis showed that budget amount influences the planning flexibility and trade-off degree significantly. Budgeting should therefore be dealt appropriately after analyzing the current zoning to ensure the achievement of planning preference. The land use planning model developed by this study can be applied to generate planning alternatives under the planning concept of Green TOD and support the authorities for land use allocation, bikeway design and water resource allocation.

高雄市 埕區都市更新可行性分析之研究

謝俊傑, XIE,JUN-JIE Unknown Date (has links)
高雄市 埕區曾長期據有中心商業區之地位,然近年來本區的商業機能大幅衰退沒落 ,新近崛起的商業地帶迅速取得優勢,以致本區的商業地位日益滑落;但在面對高雄 市朝向都會化發展的趨勢中,許多規畫報告和法定計畫卻仍冀望本區扮演中心性商業 機能,漠視本區內有衰退外有強大競爭的雙重壓力,且對本區之未來發展亦缺乏具體 對策,此種規畫與現實有所歧異的矛盾必須加以修正,又為挽救本區之機能免於頹敗 之命運,則本區需要一套完整的復甦計畫,於是引發了本論文之研究動機,希望能對 埕區之更新問題進行初步的探索。 本論文先檢討各階層法定計畫的內涵,以知曉本區之定位;透過現況發展資料之分析 並配合問卷調查以瞭解本區之特性;再由都會區之整體觀點對本區未來發展潛力進行 評估,綜合歸納出本區衰退的原因,並掌握本區實施更新將面臨的課題。而後根據“ 機能置換”的更新理論,以“強化土地使用強度”、“改善土地利用效益”為更新之 基本原則,期望在不損傷現有商業機能之前提下,加強本區其他都市機能活動,尤其 是住宅機能之重整,以建立高品質住宅區域,促使本區經由機能之更新轉換,避免沒 落之命運。 本論文共計六章,主要分為理論回顧、實證研究和更新規畫三部分,玆分述如下: ※第壹章為緒論,闡述研究動機、目的,界定研究範圍、內容,說明研究方法和程序 。 ※第貳章對更新理論作回顧檢討,含更新之意義與內涵,實施之型態與方式,並討論 更新方式之選擇。 ※第參章進入實證研究之部分,先自 埕區之沿革探討其變遷過程,後檢討各法定計 畫之規畫內容,以明確掌握本區在都市發展歷程中所扮演之角色;再根據現況資料, 對本區人口、產業經濟活動、土地使用、居住環境等發展現況加以分析。 ※第肆章則以整體性觀點對 埕區之未來進行評估,在這一章中以高雄市的發展趨勢 、現代化產業之傾向、土地利用效益和本市各商業中心競爭力之分析為主要內容,藉 以評估本區機能之發展途徑,由此而掌握本區的特性和課題。 ※第伍章進行更新之規畫,首先藉前途二章之分析對本區之更新提出基本構想,在參 考本區重大公共投資活動的影響程序後,擬定本區初步的更新內容,再依據理論和實 際狀況擇定恰當的更新方式,而後進行可行性分析。 ※第陸章提出本論文之結論和建議事項。

土地價格對土地使用分區管制決策影響之研究 / Study of land price influence the descision making of zoning control

丁秀吟, Ding, Hsiu-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關土地使用分區管制與地價兩者間關係之研究,往往假設地價在實施規劃管制過程中呈中立性,且過去在探討土地使用分區管制與地價二者間關係之研究時,多著重在探討土地使用分區管制施行後對地價之影響上,對於土地使用分區管制決策是否受到土地市場中地價之影響,則僅在少數的研究中被探討。故本研究首先透過國內外相關文獻之回顧與分析,得知規劃管制決策者有時為求得最大之政治支持,有可能會以規劃管制為其尋求最大政治利益之工具,而扭曲規劃管制之原意,使得土地使用分區管制決策可能受到土地市場中地價之影響,然而地價於實際經濟社會中是否會影響土地使用分區管制決策,則有待進一步的探討與驗證。 是以本研究以公共選擇理論與消費者效用理論為基礎,透過台北縣市土地使用分區管制決策過程與內涵之探討,利用羅吉特(logit)迴歸分析模型,以台北市為實證範圍,並以其72至81年度之房地移轉買賣實際調查資料,進行分年橫斷面分析方式,求取選擇性偏誤訂正項後,再納入地價方程式中估計,以求地價函數一致性估計,據以逐年檢驗地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。再以台北市信義計畫區為個案分析之對象,檢視於現實社會中地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。 經由上述之實證與個案分析,得到以下之結論: 一、土地使用分區管制決策在執政者追求最大政治利益之假設下,將可能受到利益團體等相關者之壓力,而做出只利於少數人之土地使用分區管制決策。 二、土地使用分區管制決策可能會受土地市場中地價之影響。 三、地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響不穩定。 四、對土地使用分區管制決策時應有制度性之建立以審慎考量規劃管制之旨意。 / In the literatures, the study on. the relationship between land price and zoning control was assumed that land price is neutral. Moreover, the studies of land price and zoning control are more on the impact of land use control upon land price. The issue that impact of land prices upon the decision making of zoning control is rarely investigated. Based upon the theories of public choice and consumer's utility, this study discusses the process and content of zoning control decision-making. Then, by Logit model, the transaction data of property in Taipei City from 1983 to 1992 are employed to test the impact of land price upon the decision making of zoning control. Furthermore, a case study of Shin-I Planning District in Taipei City is analyzed so as to examine the impact of land price upon zoning control decision-making in the real operation. The major findings of this study are that, land price may affect the decision making of zoning control in the long term. However, the impact of land price upon the zoning control decision-making is unstable. Finally, based upon the public choice theory, the empirical results are discussed so as to apply the findings to the land policy.

臺大實驗林契約林地管理制度之研究 / A study of management institution on experimental forest lease forestlands of Nation Taiwan University

江瑞雄, Chiang, Jui Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 臺大實驗林因其特殊歷史背景,與契約林農訂立之三種契約,歷經社會與經濟變遷後,漸生契約林農基於經濟因素而違規利用契約林地、林管處無法具體落實造林管理政策、契約林地利用契約規範與實際利用現況不甚相符等諸多問題。按非都市土地使用管制規則予以檢視,臺大實驗林契約林地係編定為林業用地,惟依臺大實驗林「被墾地合作造林辦法」、合作造林契約書規定,造林地可於單筆總面積的三成內從事森林特產物或果樹之種植,此與上開規則規定林業用地容許使用項目不得作農業使用之規範有所牴觸,除人為的利用,以保存自然資源?還是兼顧人們需要和環境保育,得積極介入以亟待研析解決辦法。 從自然資源利用的歷史角度以觀,除天然災害影響之外,人為干擾似乎是造成土地健康受損的根源。然而,究竟要完全排負責保育自然資源?凡此引發激烈的辯論。若從林地利用究屬保存與保育觀點檢視,林管處秉持林地林用的概念,是希望避免林地農用與干擾,以達成完全造林的目標,近乎保存的概念;而林農希望契約林地做混農利用,並希望透過在地知識以人為方式主動管理,且在不破壞林地健康的前提下,以提升經濟收入與環境健康,似屬保育的概念。然為落實維護林地資源,採取何種觀念為宜? 本研究從臺大實驗林契約林地土地使用管制機制,藉由混農林業理論、保存與保育理論、土地使用管制等文獻評析,並透過深度訪談,分析臺大實驗林契約林地土地利用相關問題,最後得到以下結論:(1)臺大實驗林契約林地租地造林契約應予修正;(2)修正非都市土地使用管制規則之林業用地容許使用項目;(3)臺大實驗林繼續辦理國土復育計畫及獎勵造林計畫。本研究對於臺大實驗林契約林地土地利用,提出以下之建議:(1)修正臺大實驗林契約林地三種租地造林契約內容不適宜之規範,以符合現今法令規範;(2)重新查定臺大實驗林契約林地可利用限度並編定合適用地類別,以符土地使用管制規範;(3)修正非都市土地使用管制規則之林業用地容許使用項目,以利林地保育並導正使用;(4)臺大實驗林繼續辦理國土復育計畫及持續宣導獎勵造林計畫,以維護國土保育安全。最後,從導正土地使用管制機制,以利有效管理臺大實驗林契約林地,最終達成森林資源永續發展的目標。 關鍵詞:臺大實驗林契約林地、土地使用管制、保育與保存、混農林業、林業用地、違規使用 / Abstract Due to the unique historical background of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University (NTU), three types of contracts were signed with users of leased forest land. Many issues have now arisen after several social and economic changes. Such issues include the illegal use of the forest land, failure of the Forest District Offices to fully implement the relevant forestation management policies, and the inconsistency between the provisions of forest land use contracts and the conditions of actual use. According to the Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control, the NTU experimental forest is defined as forest land. On the other hand, however, according to the “Cooperation Guideline for Reclaimed Land Forestation” and the “Forestation Contract,” 30% of the total area of a parcel of forestation land may be used for the plantation of special forest products or fruit trees, which is inconsistent with the rule under the Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control prohibiting any agricultural use of forest land. As a result, a solution was to be analyzed and discussed to see whether the natural resources shall be preserved either without human use or with active intervention to balance human needs with environmental conservation. From the historical perspectives on natural resource use, human interference seems to be the main cause of damage to land. Heated discussions have been had regarding how to conserve natural resources. This issue might be viewed from the two points of view, i.e. preservation and conservation. The Forest District Office holds the view that forest land shall be used for the purpose of forestry to avoid agricultural use or interference and to achieve the goal of complete forestation. This is more of a concept of preservation. On the other hand, users of forest land would prefer agroforestry use of forest land and manage the land through local knowledge to improve economic returns and environmental health without destroying the forest land. This is more of a concept of conservation. Which concept is more ideal in terms of protection of forest land? In this study, we referred to publications in connection with agroforestry, preservation and conservation, and use control of land, along with in-depth interviews conducted to analyze the relevant issues regarding the use of the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest and concluded that: (1) the forestation contracts regarding the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest shall be amended; (2) the allowed use of forest land under the non-urban land use control regulations shall be revised; and (3) NTU experimental forest shall continue to participate in the national land recovery plan and encouraging plan for forestation. The possible measures for the use of leased forest land at NTU experimental forest as suggested by this study include: (1) amending the three types of forestation contracts regarding the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest for the purpose of legal compliance; (2) reinvestigating the scope of use of the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest and stipulating appropriate use types to be in conformance to the land use control regulations; (3) revising the allowed use of forest land under the non-urban land use control regulations for the purposes of forest land conservation and corrective use; and (4) the continuous participation of NTU experimental forest in the national land recovery plan and encouraging plan for forestation to maintain national land conservation. Finally, by correcting the mechanism of land use control, the leased forest land at NTU experimental forest will be effectively managed and the goal of perpetual development of forest resources achieved. Key words:Experimental forest leased forest land of National Taiwan University, Land use control, Conservation and preservation, Agroforestry, Forest land, Illegal use

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