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歐美葡萄酒貿易協定與WTO規範合致性研究周紹偉 Unknown Date (has links)
歐美葡萄酒貿易協定最主要之爭議可分為兩大部分,一為歐盟關於葡萄酒釀造製程上之規範;另一是美國葡萄酒產品使用歐盟地理標示,本文主要將針對此二議題與WTO協定間之合致性進行探討,以了解該協定所妥協之部分與WTO協定間之合致性。由於歐盟與美國係為WTO內最具影響力之兩大會員,本文最後將探討該協定對於WTO多邊架構以及爭端解決機制上之所衝擊與影響。 / The EU-US agreement on trade in wine was signed on March 10, 2006, marking the end of a first phase in wine trading discussions began in 1983. The Agreement addresses several key issues, such as oenological practices, import certification, the use of European geographical indication on the wine label which produced in US and other labeling issues. This thesis is to analyze the most controversial parts of this agreement.
This agreement compromises 17 provisions, there are two parts most controversial: one is the mutual acceptance of the EU-US oenological practice regulations, which would facilitate the trading of wine between the two parties. And the other is that finally U.S. agreed to prohibit new brands from using these names on non-European wine and grandfather those existing uses.
The oenological regulation of EU is more strictly and conservative compare to the related international standard. Moreover, EU ban the import of wine which is not conform with its oenological regulation unless the exporting country meet the Derogation requirement to allow the wine to be imported and circulated in the territory of EU. This article is to analyses the consistency of the EU oenological regulation with the TBT agreement, and the MFN treatment with this derogation.
And the U.S. had allowed the use of specific EU geographical indications, which is called semi-generic names in U.S. regulation, on the wine label for the wine producing in the U.S in its labeling regulation. According to the TRIPS Agreement, the use of EU’s GI is in a continuous matter before 1994 can be excepted from the regulation of additional for GI. This thesis would like to clarify which part of the use of those semi-generic names may or may not except from the context of TRIPS agreement about GI.
Since the wine agreement settle down several issues which violate the WTO agreement, this thesis would like to discuss the impact of the wine agreement to the WTO multilateral system.
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世界貿易組織下對於地理標示之保護 / The protection of geographical indications under WTO楊珊妮 Unknown Date (has links)
Due to the globalization of economy, the protection of intellectual property rights becomes very important, not only on a national and local basis but also on an international basis. The evidence is coming from the negotiation and ultimately the inclusion of the TRIPS Agreement, or Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, into the World Trade Organization. In the TRIPS Agreement, one of the protections to a local intellectual property on an international level is the protection of geographical indications, and such protection can be found in Articles 22 through 24 of the TRIPS Agreement. Geographical indications identify goods as originating in a particular territory or region, and also indicate quality by letting consumers know that the goods come from an area where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the goods is essentially attributable to their geographical origin. The protection of geographical indications has always been on the table and been mentioned in various international treaties, and eventually came together under the TRIPS Agreement.
The different ways for geographical indications protection is examined in order to understand the different national regulations used in various countries as a tool to protect the geographical indications, hence, to protect intellectual property rights. The major issue regards the scope of protection is the extension of the TRIPS Article 23; diverse opinions and suggestions are coming from US and EU, the two biggest sovereignties. This also can be seen in the result of the WTO dispute case of EC – Trademarks and Geographical Indications.
The future developments such as the negotiations for a multilateral system of register for geographical indications, the progress of developing countries toward protection of geographical indications and the involvement of the traditional knowledge, all play very crucial roles on the enforcement of geographical indications protection. This paper will explore all these matters.
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運用OpenGIS及免費軟體輔助國有公用不動產管理之研究 / Application of OpenGIS and free software for management of state-owned real estate陳志清, Chen, Chih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
自從1960年代加拿大地理資訊系統(CGIS)開始運作至今,雖然已有50年之歷史,但在早期,主要工作平台均為價錢昂貴之工作站電腦,其軟硬體價位極高,只有政府或大型研究機構才能負擔,所以GIS始終定位在專業用途,小老百姓一直無緣享受到GIS的好處。不過在近十年來的發展,使用者介面及軟硬體功能均已有長足進步,目前國際標準組織(ISO)與OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)分別致力於地理資訊系統相關標準制定,迄今已分別推出許多與地理資訊描述與應用之相關標準。且我國對於國土資訊系統(NGIS)之開發整合及流通亦已投注相當心力,種種跡象均顯示GIS之開發門檻已逐漸降低中,且其資料之流通性亦提昇許多,因此本研究將嘗試探討如何利用開放式地理資訊架構(OpenGIS)、免費軟體(Free Software)及開放源碼軟體(Open Source Software),結合Google Earth涵蓋廣闊之地理資源平台,用最經濟且符合實際需求之方式,以地籍圖、地形圖及現況照片,結合既有國有土地及建物的管理屬性資料及相關地理圖形資料,如臺灣基本圖及地形圖等,以GIS的圖形及地理分析功能,輔助國有土地及建物管理之運用。 / With the advance of technology, the management of the state-owned property has been shifted from using map and book to information-based management for some time. However, the property management system today can only get hold of the management of cadastral property information and property registration of producing agencies, yet the cadastral map is not able to integrate with the current land utilization and other spatial data to illustrate the location and to analyze spatial distribution of the lands or buildings. And the fact that cadastral maps cannot be updated in time to grasp the latest alterations has resulted in ineffective management and utilization of state-owned land and arbitrary occupation was not uncommon.
It has been fifty years since the operation of the Canadian Geographic Information System (CGIS) in 1960s. However, in the early stage, the working platform were mainly expensive workstation computers, and the prices of hardware and software were so expensive that only the government or large research institutions could afford. Therefore, GIS had been used only for special purposes; the pubic had no access to enjoy the benefits of GIS. However, from the development of the past decade, user interface as well as the function of hardware and software has made a great progress. At present, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) are separately dedicated to developing geographical information standards and they have launched many standards regarding the description and application of geographical information respectively.
Much effort on the integration and the circulation of our National Geographic Information System (NGIS) sees that the threshold of GIS development has been reducing and its circulation of data also has considerably raised. Therefore, this research attempts to combine OpenGIS, Free Software and Open Source Software with Google Earth, a platform that covers a wide geographical resource, with the most economical and realistic approach to integrate cadastral maps, topographic maps and present-day photos with the data of land and building management, and related geospatial data such as base map and topographic maps, etc. By using graphics and geographic analysis functions of GIS, it can support the management of state-owned land and buildings.
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以部分法修正地理加權迴歸 / A conditional modification to geographically weighted regression梁穎誼, Leong , Yin Yee Unknown Date (has links)
在二十世紀九十年代,學者提出地理加權迴歸(Geographically Weighted Regression;簡稱GWR)。GWR是一個企圖解決空間非穩定性的方法。此方法最大的特性,是模型中的迴歸係數可以依空間的不同而改變,這也意味著不同的地理位置可以有不同的迴歸係數。在係數的估計上,每個觀察值都擁有一個固定環寬,而估計值可以由環寬範圍內的觀察值取得。然而,若變數之間的特性不同,固定環寬的設定可能會產生不可靠的估計值。
為了解決這個問題,本文章提出CGWR(Conditional-based GWR)的方法嘗試修正估計值,允許各迴歸變數有不同的環寬。在估計的程序中,CGWR運用疊代法與交叉驗證法得出最終的估計值。本文驗證了CGWR的收斂性,也同時透過電腦模擬比較GWR, CGWR與local linear法(Wang and Mei, 2008)的表現。研究發現,當迴歸係數之間存有正相關時,CGWR比其他兩個方法來的優異。最後,本文使用CGWR分析台灣高齡老人失能資料,驗證CGWR的效果。 / Geographically weighted regression (GWR), first proposed in the 1990s, is a modelling technique used to deal with spatial non-stationarity. The main characteristic of GWR is that it allows regression coefficients to vary across space, and so the values of the parameters can vary depending on locations. The parameters for each location can be estimated by observations within a fixed range (or bandwidth). However, if the parameters differ considerably, the fixed bandwidth may produce unreliable or even unstable estimates.
To deal with the estimation of greatly varying parameter values, we propose Conditional-based GWR (CGWR), where a different bandwidth is selected for each independent variable. The bandwidths for the independent variables are derived via an iteration algorithm using cross-validation. In addition to showing the convergence of the algorithm, we also use computer simulation to compare the proposed method with the basic GWR and a local linear method (Wang and Mei, 2008). We found that the CGWR outperforms the other two methods if the parameters are positively correlated. In addition, we use elderly disability data from Taiwan to demonstrate the proposed method.
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大都市圏の成熟化と都市型中量交通システムの事業展開に関する地理学的研究林, 上 04 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:16520484 研究代表者:林 上 研究期間:2004-2005年度
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邱琪兒之《九重天》及《頂尖女孩》中顛覆性的時空策略 / The Subversive Spatial and Temporal Strategies in Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine and Top Girls陳逸欣, I-hsin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討英國劇作家凱洛•邱琪兒之《九重天》以及《頂尖女孩》兩劇中深具顛覆性的時空手法。本論文由五章組成。第一章回顧多年來相關的眾多評論角度。第二章援引巴赫汀(Mikhail Bakhtin)的時空型(chronotope)概念探討兩戲中時空融匯的現象,尤其是劇中人物心理、身體狀態,戲劇時空,以及外在社會文化時空背景,三者之間緊密的互動。兩齣戲各別有著兩個不同的時空型:《九重天》第一幕代表的是性別角色僵化的時空型,第二幕則代表了1979年當時社會上傳統性別角色開放且迅速轉變的狀態;《頂尖女孩》則透過一對姐妹Marlene與Joyce對映出當時兩種不同的女性生活,一個是典型八零年代柴契爾主義的事業女強人,一個則是在此種政經趨勢下卻相對更加弱勢的傳統女性。
第三章則探討兩劇第一幕呈現長久以來隱藏空間當中的性別歧視。透過女性地理學者(feminist geographical theorist)之觀點,筆者分析兩戲當中兩性間不同的空間體驗(spatial experience),以及公/私領域之分界(private-public distinction)所暗藏性別歧視的空間隱喻(spatial metaphor)。當男性與冒險及旅行等等充滿能動性(mobility)的字眼連結,女性卻總是被動地與家庭空間緊緊連繫。邱琪兒在此揭露空間亦為不公平的性別政治當中之一環。
第四章則著重於分析《九重天》第二幕當中的公園場景,以及《頂尖女孩》第二、三幕的辦公室與廚房場景。首先援引傅柯(Michel Foucault)的異質空間(heterotopia)概念來討論各場景間複雜的鏡像與補償關係。透過空間理論學者昂希.列菲弗爾(Henri Lefebvre)以及抵抗地景(geographies of resistance)的空間生產理論分析邱琪兒如何透過呈現特定社會族群佔領特定空間的手法,企圖激進地改變現實當中此類空間的社會意義。
雖然距兩齣劇作首演的年代已有二十多年,但其中所探討之議題依然常見於現今二十一世紀的社會當中。邱琪兒預見了現今複雜的家庭狀態以及大鳴大放的同性戀運動。即使越來越多女性在政治界或是企業界嶄露頭角,世界上多數的女性依然掙扎於找尋工作與家庭之間的平衡點。 / This thesis is to examine Caryl Churchill’s subversive temporal and spatial devices on stage in Cloud Nine and Top Girls. The chronotopes of the two plays articulate how people’s states of beings interact with the external social and cultural conditions, especially during the 1980s in London. Both plays crystallize the space politics full of gender discriminations in the patriarchal society. In addition, Churchill’s dramatic devices are the subversive spatial practice that transforms the gendered spaces into the sites of resistance in order to manifest her protest and seeks more possibilities for the gender roles in the future.
There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter One is an introduction, including the overview of two plays and the review of numerous analyses in the past two and half decades. In Chapter Two, Churchill’s theatrical temporal and spatial devices, including setting, synchronism, and anachronism in Cloud Nine and Top Girls construct chronotopes that lay bare the special social and cultural condition in a certain historical moment. Those chronotopes demonstrate how Churchill unifies people’s internal states of being and the external political structures together. Moreover, by presenting the chronotopes, Churchill criticizes the slowness of the progress in gender politics and the possible backlash about women’s right in the 1980s.
In Chapter Three, I analyze how the spatiality of patriarchy constructed by the private-public dichotomy in both Act Ones of Cloud Nine and Top Girls. The spatial experiences between men and women depicted in Act One of Cloud Nine illustrate the stereotypical masculinity and femininity in the Victorian age. The spatial metaphors about movement in Act One of Top Girls expose the strict boundary between the private and the public spaces, and foreshadow the importance of mobility as being a possible strategy to transgress the boundaries.
Finally, Chapter Four is the analysis about how Churchill subversively and politically explores the possibility of creating new social spaces in the park space of Cloud Nine and the office space of Top Girls. Her theatrical strategies are potential spatial practices that create the rupture to transgress the unfair restrictions and discriminations in the patriarchal and heterosexual society. The final chapter concludes that Churchill’s dramatic devices about time and space are the subversive strategies to conduct her observations and criticisms about the unfairness in society.
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臺北市公共自行車站點需求分析之研究 / A research in the demand of the public bike station in Taipei.張辰尉 Unknown Date (has links)
後續透過文獻分析,擷取影響公共自行車使用量之因素後,本研究嘗試運用一般線性迴歸模型與地理加權迴歸進行模型建立,並探討各影響因素對於旅運需求之影響情形。實證結果顯示,地理加權迴歸模型可以解決一般線性迴歸所產生空間自相關問題,使得模型解釋能力獲得改善。本研究並使用地理加權迴歸進行使用需求分析以及預測,對未來公共自行車營運以及站點擴張提出結論以及建議,期能提升公共自行車系統之使用量。 / Due to the climate change and aggravation of the greenhouse effect in recent years, the public bicycle system with the feature of low-carbon emission has raised more and more attention internationally, and has become one of the targets in developing green transportation policies of transportation departments of governments around the world. Meanwhile Big Data analysis issues, on the other hand, are currently a sought-after topic which has caused great concern as well. In this study, we utilize the rental data of the YouBike system in Taipei to discuss the public usage of YouBike tour at different periods. With the use of social network analysis, we discuss the relationships between different bicycle stops based on applying the number of travels between different sites as the weight. Eventually, the hotspot analysis will be carried out by operating the GIS system. In this way, we are able to discuss the hotspot distribution of YouBike rentals in different time and then visualize the result.
After that this study pick up the variables which will effect the YouBike usage by reference review. This research try to built models by utilizing the Least Squares Method and Geographically Weighted Regression. Then we will have a discussion with the result of the two models. The result shows that Geographically Weighted Regression can resolve the spatial autocorrelation problem which happened in the Least Squares Method and to gain a better result. With the analysis and prediction of public bicycle system from Geographically Weighted Regression, we hope to raise the usage of public bicycle system by concluding as well as making recommendations for the future operation of public bicycle and the expansion of bicycle stops.
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La transmission et l’assimilation des savoirs médicaux liés à la pratique de l’acuponcture et de la moxibustion au Japon (via la Chine et la Corée) et en Europe à l’époque pré-moderne (XVIe siècle - XIXe siècle) / The transmission and assimilation of acupuncture and moxibustion knowledge in Japan (via China and Korea), and in Europe in the early modern period (sixteenth century to nineteenth century) / 近世日本における鍼灸医学の形成とその普及―東アジアおよびヨーロッパの文化交流の一例として―Vigouroux, Mathias 04 December 2014 (has links)
À partir de la fin du XVIe siècle, l’acuponcture connut un renouveau au Japon sous l’impulsion de Manase Dôsan (1507-1594) et la mise en place de nouvelles écoles d’acuponcture qui commencèrent à se détacher de la tradition chinoise. Ils représentaient deux tendances qui n’étaient pas nécessairement antinomiques — à savoir d’un côté, une fidélité aux savoirs chinois, et de l’autre côté, l’apparition de nouvelles techniques et théories indigènes — et qui se retrouvèrent tout au long de la période d’Edo (1603-1858). Le développement de l’imprimerie et les stratégies de vulgarisation et de diffusion du savoir médical sino-japonais adoptées par de nombreux médecins lettrés à cette époque favorisèrent par ailleurs la circulation des connaissances. Ainsi, aux traités de médecine importés de Chine ou de Corée, s’ajoutaient leurs rééditions japonaises commentées ou non, les traités de médecine sino-japonaise écrits en chinois classique (avec ou sans signes de lecture) ou en langue vernaculaire et les traités de vulgarisation. Ces livres véhiculaient un savoir issu de différentes traditions, chinoise, coréenne, ou indigène, faisant du Japon pré-moderne un pays à la confluence des savoirs médicaux. Le XVIe et le XVIIe siècles correspondaient aussi à l’arrivée des puissances européennes et aux premières descriptions européennes de l’acuponcture et de la moxibustion, deux pratiques thérapeutiques qui continuèrent d’intéresser les médecins européens en poste à Dejima tout au long de l’époque d’Edo et plus généralement ceux en Europe qui avaient accès à leurs descriptions. Notre travail s’inscrit dans la problématique de la circulation des savoirs en Asie orientale et entre l’Asie orientale et l’Europe. Circulation des savoirs qu’il faut non seulement entendre au sens de transmission et de diffusion des savoirs et des savoir-faire, mais aussi en considérant l’impact de ces savoirs sur le pays récepteur. Nous analysons ainsi la nature des transformations qui se sont opérées au cours des processus de transmission, la manière dont les savoirs ont été compris et décrits par ceux qui ont pu les observer directement et la manière dont ils ont été assimilés par des individus d’un milieu différent de celui dans lequel ils ont été produits. La dynamique médicale de l’époque est restituée par une analyse combinée de la théorie et de la pratique clinique. Ce travail met notamment en lumière l’indissociabilité de la production des savoirs et de leur circulation en montrant comment une pratique se construit à partir des textes transmis. Notre approche méthodologique quantitative et qualitative des sources primaires laisse aussi apparaître le rôle limité de la mobilité humaine dans la transmission des savoirs liés à la pratique de l’acuponcture entre la Chine, la Corée et le Japon. Plus généralement, elle rend compte d’une transmission systématique de tout un système médical de la Chine vers le Japon et d’une transmission parcellaire de ce système du Japon vers l’Europe. L’analyse de la réception de la moxibustion et de l’acuponcture en France à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et au début du XIXe siècle révèle enfin l’importance des institutions médicales dans la soudaine popularité de ces thérapies et la manière dont les médecins français se les approprièrent en ne retenant que le terme (moxa et acuponcture) et le principe (combustion directe sur la peau et insertion d’une aiguille dans le corps). / This dissertation investigates the circulation of acupuncture knowledge between China, Korea and Japan, and between East Asia and Europe in the early modern period (16th century–19th century). In the first part, I analyze the sixteenth and seventeenth century revival of acupuncture focusing on Manase Dôsan (1507-1594) and the emergence of new indigenous theories and techniques. Using the archives of the Nagasaki trade and the transcript of the conversations between Chinese, Korean and Japanese physicians, I also identify the Chinese and Korean acupuncture textbooks transmitted to Japan during the Edo period (1603-1868), their reception by Japanese physicians, and the role geographical mobility played in the transmission of theoretical and tacit medical knowledge. In the second part, I first review the transmission of acupuncture and moxibustion to early modern Europe, and then I analyze their reception in the late eighteenth early nineteenth century France, focusing on the reasons of their sudden vogue in French hospitals, the way French physicians investigated these two therapies, and the reasons of their failure to deeply integrate medical practices. / 本論文では日本の鍼灸医学を研究対象にして、古い伝統をもつ中国医学と近世に発達した日本の医学とを比較軸にしながら、江戸時代の社会、および同時期のフランスにおいて日本医学の知識と技術がどのように形成され、そして普及したかについて、論述している。つまり、当該時期の中国・日本、およびフランスの医学文献・非医学文献に基づき、社会的・政治的な背景に配慮しながら、日本の鍼灸が近世期に入って中国医学から独立した新しい技術と理論を形成した過程を整理・考察し、また日本国内および国外にその日本の医学知識が普及した過程をも検討した。第一部前半では、五世紀以来これまで中国の鍼灸医学が絶対的な尺度であったのに対して、十六世紀後半の安土・桃山時代に入ると、鍼灸の流派が急増し、内容的にも独創的な気運が見え始める。それらは、打針、管針、腹診などのような中国の鍼灸医学に見られない新技術や新理論をともなって登場した。そこで、日本鍼灸の中国からの独立の過程に関して、技術および理論の両面から具体例に基づいて、中国医学・医術の摂取と独自化について述べる。この独立がどの程度のものであったのか、技術のみの独立か、理論のみの独立か、あるいは両方の独立かを明らかにする。例えば、道三流や杉山流のように、理論面では中国鍼灸医学に基づきながら、臨床面では針より灸を頻繁に使う点に日本鍼灸の特徴が見られる流派があった。打鍼流のように、理論・技術ともに中国鍼灸医学を離れ、新しい針術と理論を形成した流派もあった。砭針のように、古代中国医術の名を借りてはいるが、実際の臨床では全く違った技術もあった。第一部後半では、中国や朝鮮からの医書の輸入とその日本における覆刻の問題を取り上げ、併せて長崎経由で来日した中国人や朝鮮人の医師に注目しながら、鎖国といわれる体制のなかで日本と通商を許された限られた国々との医学上の交流を考察する。広く知られているように、江戸幕府は貿易相手国を三国に限定し、日本人の国外渡航を禁じて、出入国を厳重に取り締まる鎖国政策をとっていたが、この閉鎖的な政策にもかかわらず、輸出された医書の量や日本に渡来した医師の数を見ると、医学的・文化的な交流はかなり盛んであったことがわかる。そのうち本研究では、中国からの輸入医書を通した医学知識の摂取と、朝鮮からの来日医師を通した直接的な医術の摂取を明らかにする。特に、朝鮮通信使の参府に際しては、信使一行と接触した日本人の中には医師も含まれ、朝鮮人医師との間に医事に関する質疑も交わされている。その時の筆談記録『医事問答』等を中心に、来日朝鮮人医師、およびその日本への影響に関して検討する。結論としては、江戸時代に輸入された医書は、覆刻によって全国的な規模で医学知識の普及と形成に影響を及ぼしたのに対して、来日医師たちは地域的な規模でしか影響を及ぼさなかった。第三部では、同時代のフランスにおける日本の鍼灸医学の受容過程について論じる。中国由来の東洋医学とは異なる歴史と体系を持つ西洋医学は、十六世紀にポルトガル人の渡来とともに日本に伝えられ、江戸時代には長崎に滞在したオランダ東インド会社の医師たちを通して導入された。そのオランダ人の医師の中では、テン・ライネ、エンゲルベルト・ケンペル、フォン・シーボルトが日本の医学、特に鍼灸医学について興味を持ち、日本人医師に教わった鍼灸医学の理論と技術をヨーロッパの医師たちに紹介した。五世紀における中国医学の伝来以来、日本は常に医学知識の受信国であったが、オランダの医師を媒介として日本が初めて医学知識の輸出国になった。しかしながら、西洋医学に見られない経絡・陰陽のようなヨーロッパ人には理解しがたい理論が多かったので、理論よりも日本独特の管針・打針などの技術が受け入れられた。特にヨーロッパの国々の中でもフランスの医師が日本の鍼灸医学について強い関心を示し、十九世紀初から十九世紀の半ばにかけては『鍼灸極秘伝』などの日本の針灸書がフランス語に翻訳されたり、パリの公的な病院でも鍼灸医学の研究が行なわれたり、日本の鍼灸医学は盛んであった。そこで、フランスで出版された鍼灸医学について書かれた医学書、および大学に提出された博士論文に見える日本鍼灸医学-その拒否感・肯定感・再評価について述べる。
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オブジェクト指向GISによる地盤DBと微動記録の融合に基づく名古屋地盤構造の解明福和, 伸夫, 今岡, 克也, 石田, 栄介, 森, 保宏, 飛田, 潤, 西阪, 理永 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:08455251 研究代表者:福和 伸夫 研究期間:1996-1998年度
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科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:11555149 研究代表者:都市域の総合的地震被災ポテンシャルの定量化に基づく地域防災カルテの作成 研究期間:1999-2001年度
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