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影響新創公司長期表現之因素 - 以教育網絡為例 / What factors affect new ventures' long-term performance? A case of educational network項柏維 Unknown Date (has links)
司的長期表現有正向影響;然而當教育網絡連結和政府部門(本研究定義為國發基金)有關係時,其效果則延伸出許多議題,其一為政府部門與被投資公司產生教育連結時,其對被投資公司的長期績效表現效果為負向,顯示出產生政治連結時政府部門的投資行為會受到影響。另一方面,當創業投資基金和政府部門產生教育連結時,其對被投資公司的長期績效表現為正,解釋了政府單位在選擇創業投資基金時是以長期績效表現作為選擇依據。 / In this research, educational links are hypothesized as the key factors for solving
the information asymmetry problem. By using the uniquely constructed dataset with
key information of invested companies, venture capital firms and National
Development Fund (NDF) in Taiwan, we quantify the effect of network linkages on
invested companies’ long-term performance. Our empirical results show that a linkage
between invested companies and VCs positively affects invested companies’ long-term
performance. However, the political linkage formed with NDF has non-trivial two-fold
effects. While an educational link formed between invested companies and NDF impact
long-term performance adversely, the educational link between venture capital firms
and NDF in turn has positive effects on the long-term performance. We thus confirm
the existence of inappropriate investment decisions frequently taken because of the
political link between invested companies and National Development Fund.
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含有貝他值限制式之投資組合最佳化選擇模型 / Portfolio Selection Models with the Beta Value Constraint林佳緯, Lin, Jia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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平衡計分卡應用於就業安定基金運作及管理之探討 / A study on the application of Balanced Scorecard in the Employment Stabilization fund溫秀琴, Win, Shu-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
一、 就安基金之經費執行與成果和上級之使命、願景及施政目標的關聯性有待強化。
二、 就安基金管理會屬任務編組,組織層級低且欠缺專責經營團隊。
三、 就安基金經費運用符合法定設置目的,惟較欠缺中、長程之規劃,資源分配模式有待調整。
四、 就安基金之績效評核機制與績效衡量指標,欠缺考量非財務性之領先指標及顧客回饋指標,無法有效指引成員朝向使命達成的方向前進。
就前述研究結果,本研究嘗試引用平衡計分卡之觀念與精神,對於附設於政府組織下之就安基金管理會,提出建議性之績效評估及管理架構與策略地圖,以作為協助就安基金管理會建構「以策略為核心」運作機制與績效管理之參考。 / The Employment Stabilization Fund (the Fund) is a special fund under the category of governmental funds. The Fund has been an importance resource for the Council of Labor Affairs in promoting domestic employment. The economic downturn and financial tsunami in recent years has severe impacts on Taiwan’s economy. Th shutdown of companies has resulted in the decrease in sources for funding from taxation for government and an increase in domestic unemployment. The Management Council Employment Stabilization Fund (the Management Council), formed as a task force under the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, the Council of Labor Affairs (the Bureau), is responsible for the performance of the Fund. As an important resource for promotion of domestic employment, the effective and efficient use of the Fund is essential.
Using a case study approach, this thesis analyzes the operation and performance related issues with respect to the Fund. Literature review, the collection of secondary data and in-depth interview has contributed to findings in this study. The major findings of the current operation and management of the Fund are as follows.
1. The linkage between the allocation of funding and mission and policy of the Bureau needs to be enhanced.
2. Operation team should be formed with a higher hierarchy for the Management Council.
3. The allocation of funding is in compliance with the designated uses of the Fund. However, the mid-range and long-range planning is also required to enhance a more effective and efficient use of the Fund.
4. There appears room for improvement of performance management system. Non-financial leading measures such as feedback indicators from service recipients of the agency is not included in the current evaluation system.
Based on the findings above and the concepts of the balanced scorecard, this thesis provides a performance management framework for the Fund. The suggestions include a better link between the use of the Fund and the mission of the Bureau, the operation and management action strategy of the Management Council, and the strategy map for the Fund.
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超越指數績效的投資組合最佳化模型 / Portfolio optimization models for enhanced index investment朱志達, Chu, Chih Ta Unknown Date (has links)
建立指數基金時,通常是利用追蹤指數的技巧,選取少量的股票建構指數基金使得報酬率與標的指數(benchmark index)報酬率同步的投資組合。如果能建立包含少量股票的投資組合,就可達到指數追蹤的效果,那麼也能利用少量的股票建立績效可以超越指數基金的投資組合。本論文利用建構指數基金的方法以及大中取小的概念,挑選出一個績效可以超越標的指數的投資組合。本論文提出的模型亦考慮實務上交易所需的各項成本、整數交易單位與資產總類數等限制。因此,模型包含整數變數與二元變數。最後以台灣加權股價指數的相關資料做為實證研究的對象,實證結果顯示本論文提出的模型所建立的投資組合超越標的指數的績效平均年化報酬率25%。 / Setting up an index fund usually uses techniques of index-tracking that choosing few stocks forming a portfolio to obtain the same return rate as the benchmark index. Similarly we can use the same concept to set up a portfolio such that the performance is better than index’s. In this thesis we use index-tracking methods and minimax rule to obtain a portfolio which outperforms the benchmark index. In the proposed mathematical model we will consider the transaction costs, integer trading unit volume, and the total number of assets in the portfolio. Therefore the resulting model is a mixed integer nonlinear programming including integer variables and binary variables. Finally, the empirical study will be performed by using the data from the Taiwan stock market to verify the performance of our model. The empirical study shows that the portfolios created by our models outperform the benchmark index up to 25% in average.
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IMF的援俄計劃與俄羅斯政經發展關係之研究(1992-1999) / The Interacting Relationships between the IMF’s Aid Program and Russia's Political and Economic Developments張瀚心, Chang, Han-Shin Unknown Date (has links)
1991年底蘇聯的解體,使得俄羅斯的政治體制由一黨專政走向多元民主,其經濟體制也從過去以社會主義所有制轉變為市場經濟體制。在俄羅斯進行政經轉型的初期,國際貨幣基金會(International Monetary Fund;以下均簡稱為IMF)以龐大的金援為後盾,介入俄羅斯的政經發展,對俄羅斯的制度抉擇有著深遠的影響。因此,本文旨在透過剖析IMF1992年至1999年間援俄計劃的形成過程、內容、俄羅斯決策當局對IMF援俄計劃的回應,以及影響俄羅斯決策當局的因素,探究IMF援俄計劃與俄羅斯政經發展的互動關係。
本論文主要採用「系統理論」(the Systems Theory)的研究途徑,探討IMF的援俄計劃與俄羅斯政經發展的互動關係。其中,以「議價模式」(the Bargaining Model)說明在IMF援俄計劃的形成過程中,IMF的組織成員,主導IMF政策走向的美國、英國等已開發國家,以及俄羅斯當局三者的角力過程。最後,再以「克里姆林宮政治研究途徑」(Kremlin Politics approach)敘探俄羅斯決策當局回應IMF要求時的考量因素。在此研究架構下,本論文第一章除說明研究動機與目的、研究架構與途徑、研究限制外,還介紹與研究題目相關的文獻,並指出過去文獻所未考量之處,以做為論文研究之基礎;第二章續述IMF的運作概況,探討影響IMF援俄計劃形成的可能因素;第三章闡述俄羅斯的初始條件、IMF援俄計劃的內容、俄羅斯當局的回應,以及IMF援俄計劃所帶來的成效與弊端;第四章則論述1992年至1999年俄羅斯的政經發展,並指出IMF的援俄計劃對俄羅斯政經發展的影響;第五章為結論。
本論文的結論是,雖然俄羅斯的政經發展會相互影響,但是對俄羅斯的決策當局而言,政治的穩固比經濟發展路線的選擇更為重要。IMF在1992年至1999年間許多關鍵時刻對葉爾欽表示支持,使葉爾欽在多次的政爭中仍得以保有政權;而葉爾欽為獲得IMF的金援,自然會推動其所要求的市場經濟體制。因此,儘管俄羅斯的經濟改革迭有波折,但是市場經濟體制在俄羅斯生根已是無庸置疑。 / The collapse of the Soviet Union has led Russia from one-party dictatorship to plural democracy in politics and from socialistic ownership to free-market system in economy. During the initial period of Russia’s political and economical transformation, International Monetary Fund, backed up by the huge-amount loans, interfered with Russia’s political and economical developments, giving impact upon the choice of institutions in Russia. Therefore, this thesis is aimed to understand the interacting relationships between IMF’s aid program and Russia’s political and economical developments, by analyzing the forming process and content of IMF’s aid program toward Russia from 1992-9, the response of the Russian authorities toward IMF’s aid program, and the factors that influenced the Russian authorities to make their policies.
The thesis adopts the Systems Theory as its research approach to discuss the interacting relationships between the IMF’s aid program and Russia’s political and economical developments. Meanwhile, I use the “Bargaining Model” to explain the wrestling process among IMF’s staff and personnel, the countries dominating IMF’s direction of policies, like the US and the UK, and the Russian authorities. Finally, I further focus on the factors that the Russian authorities considered in response to IMF’s demands. The first chapter includes the research motives and objectives, the research frameworks and approaches, the research restrictions, and the relevant literature. The second one mentions the general situation of IMF and the factors that may influence the forming of the IMF’s aid program toward Russia. The third one specifies the initial conditions in Russia, the content of the IMF’s aid program, the Russian authorities’ responses, and the effect and the problems that the IMF’s aid program may bring out. The fourth one points out the impact that the IMF’s aid program put upon the Russia’s political and economical developments. The fifth one is the conclusion.
The conclusion is that though politics and economy influence each other in Russia, the stable political situation is more important than the choice of economic developments for the Russian authorities. IMF’s support for Boris N. Yeltsin on many key occasions from 1992 to 1999, allowed him to retain his power. And Yeltsin naturally promoted the market economy that IMF required for getting its loan. Therefore, despite the continuing difficulties in Russia’s economic reform, it’s no doubt that the market economy has taken root in Russia.
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國立大學預算制度變革之分析高明裕 Unknown Date (has links)
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固定給付制退休金之最佳控管:隨機模擬方法之應用張乃懿, Chang, Nai Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中以隨機模擬的方法應用於退休金最佳控制理論中,並將下跌風險(Downside Risks)加入二次最佳化函數中作為最適化準則,再以英國與美加地區不同提撥率模型做為研究對象,觀察不同情境下之結果。Haberman(1994)首先提出以最適化方法應用於固定給付制退休金基金上,並具體建立二次最適化準則,以提撥與資產的變異作為控制因子。Chang(2003)以下跌風險的觀念,指出退休金基金經營時管理人常較注意提撥過多與資產不足風險,若經營時考慮下跌風險,則會產生與原來考量不同之結果。本文以Chang(2003)之研究為基礎,將其建議之最佳化函數做為考量下跌風險之依據,並提出改良英國與美加地區之提撥率模型,採模擬的方式進行最佳化,探討其對不同提撥率模型之影響。研究結果發現若以隨機模擬作為最佳控制方法,在不同人口假設及精算模型下,會產生相同之結果,且發現下跌風險對於不同提撥率模型有不同之影響,其中建議的英式模型有效降低風險,而美式提撥率模型對於提撥率比例與資產負債比例在最佳化下有較理想之結果。最重要的,退休金基金管理人可利用隨機模擬的方式進行最佳化控制,以提供決策之參考依據。
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台灣共同基金費用之規模經濟探討張中伍 Unknown Date (has links)
我國投信在93年底時共發行有466支基金,資產淨值達新台幣貳兆肆仟捌佰餘億元,已成為一般投資人主要的投資工具。 共同基金的報酬具有不確定性,費用卻需持續支付,對基金績效造成負面影響。
本研究利用超對數成本模型,對91年至93年均存在之238檔開放式股票型、平衡型及債券型基金的費用作實證分析,基金費用包括經理費、保管費及其他項費用。 研究結果顯示基金的費用存在規模經濟的效果,且經理費為主要的規模經濟來源。 研究結果同時顯示基金費用具學習曲線的效果,且隨投信公司同類型其他基金規模的增加而下降。
本研究因此建議投資人在選定投資之基金類型後,在該類型基金中挑選規模較大者,應是較有利的選擇。 同時建議基金公司應考慮對旗下同類型之基金加以合併,使基金規模擴大後費用率得以降低,以嘉惠投資人。
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政府政策對失業保險信託基金餘額之影響─以美國為例秦可欣 Unknown Date (has links)
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管理主義下的課責-以蘭陽文教基金會為例 / Accountability under managerialism: a case study on Lanyang Cultural and Educational Foundation林傑文, Lin, Jie Wun Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,即便公設財團法人一開始成立目的是為了避免過多的政治干擾,達到行政彈性。然而,從個案研究發現,基金會面對不同時期的課責時,這些課責的背後仍存在著政治因素的影響。課責系統中的政治力量足以讓這類組織面對課責,接受應有的規範,並且讓這類組織進入到課責體系裡。 / Under the trend of managerialism, government-sponsored non-governmental organizations have been widely used to take advantage of their flexibility and efficiency. Many, however, have concerned with the accountability of these organizations. Since they were created to escape regulatory control of existing governing system, a legitimate question to ask is the governability of such governing device.
This research uses Lanyang Cultural and Educational Foundation as a case to examine how such organization actually can be held accountable. After several years of undertaking the contract of such the big event as Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folklore Game Festival (YICFFF), the organization evolved over years to internalize into the political system and thus was more scrutinized by the governmental agencies.
Details about institutional evolution and the political factors behind such change are revealed through in-depth interviews in field studies.While the original purpose of such device is to avoid excess politics, politics was eventually brought back in to meet the need of holding the system more accountable.
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