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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣主要水泥公司之財務報表分析與企業價值衡量 / The financial statement analysis and business valuation of Taiwan's major cement companies

陳慧真 Unknown Date (has links)
水泥產業為內需型之區域產業,且高耗能、高資金及高污染,礦源蘊藏及開採權,受總體經濟環境榮枯影響深切等特性,其製造地與銷售地,基於成本及政策等因素考量,無法像有些產業只需幾個生產基地,行銷地就可佈及較廣。故水泥業的資產週轉效率、成本控制能力及業務對市場行銷及開發的能力就很重要。 本研究應用Penman(2009)所提之財務報表分析與證券評價架構,用普通股權益報酬率(return on commom shareholders’ equity,ROCE)及以應計基礎下之財務資訊,來分析台灣水泥業的龍頭廠商-A公司與B公司,2004年至2008年財務報表品質及獲利能力,並計算其企業價值。同時對其所處之產業發展及現況亦作分析與了解,期對個案公司提出建議。

地雷股盈餘管理行為之研究 / The Research on Earnings Management Behaviors of the Financial Distress Companies

王宏文, Wang, Hung-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
地雷股係因本土性金融風暴而產生,眾多的股市投資人因此受到巨額損失,進而質疑財務報表的允當性及會計師、主管機關的監督不夠周嚴。因此,本研究主旨在探討地雷公司在遭遇本土性金融風暴時,財務報表是否具有資訊價值以及地雷公司會採用何種模式來管理盈餘,以穩定股價或隱藏財務風險。 本研究以股價行為的模式來定義地雷股,研究樣本包括有地雷股和相對同一產業的非地雷股樣本,研究方法主要以Modified Jones Model推估裁決性應計項目,並依常態性檢定之結果,以t檢定及Wilcoxon Sign Rank檢定,分析地雷公司和非地雷公司的可裁決應計項目和營業外項目變動情形,以檢驗地雷公司是否有盈餘管理的情形。 實證結果顯示:(1)本研究以地雷公司在亞洲金融風暴後地雷爆發前會發生盈餘管理假說,在實證上獲得支持,但是非地雷股也會有盈餘管理的情形產生。(2)地雷股盈餘管理的時點大多發生在民國八十七年第一季、第二季時。(3)地雷股盈餘管理的工具是傾向於使用營業外損益項目,相較之下營業項目是較不顯著的。

我國上市公司財務報表公告日時間落差特性之研究 / Time Lag Study of The Financial Statement Announcement in Taiwan

施明宗, Shih, Ming Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以實證的方式,探討我國上市公司財務報表公告日之時間落差特性。研究主題包括:   1.我國上市公司財務報表公告時間特性為何?   2.公司財務報表的公告時點是否因公司規模、未預期盈餘、相對獲利能力、審計作業複雜度及會計師查核報告的不同而有所差異?   3.我國證券市場是否存有公告時間落差愈長,其資訊內涵愈少的現象?   4.我國上市公司財務報表是否有好消息提早公告,壞消息延遲公告的現象?   5.民國77年證交法的修訂,對上述特性有何影響?   本研究的測試期間為民國71年至民國82年,由於民國77年1月29日證交法修訂時對財務報表公告期限有了較明確的規範,故本研究依證交法對公告期限規範的有無,將樣本區分為二組。第一組(民國71年至75年)包括46家公司,共230個觀測值,第二組(民國76年至82年)包括85家公司,共595個觀測值。實證結果彙總如下:   1.不論從年度別或各公司別加以測試,證交法修訂前後年度之時間落差特性皆有明顯的不同。因此,民國77年證交法的修訂應可增進財務報表公告的時效性及可預測性,利於投資者及時取得會計資訊。   2.不論在證交法對公告期限有無規範,公告時間落差和公司規模皆呈反向關係。   3.在證交法修訂前,未預期盈餘和公告時間落差呈反向關係,而在證交法修訂後,則無法偵測出此現象。   4.在證交法修訂前,相對獲利能力和公告時間落差呈反向關係,但在證交法修訂後,其關係不若修訂前顯著。   5.未發現審計作業複雜度和公告時間落差有關。   6.未發現會計師查核報告型態和公告時間落差有關。   7.不論證交法對公告期限有無規範,皆無法偵測出財務報表的資訊內涵會隨著公告時間落差的增減而改變。   8.在證交法修訂前,當盈餘具好消息型態時,管理當局確有提早公告的傾向;在證交法修訂後,則無法偵測出此一現象。   9.就股價面而言,無論在證交法修訂前或修訂後,皆未發現有好消息提早公告,壞消息延遲公告的現象。   10.如以盈餘、股價綜合探討。在證交法修訂後,當盈餘具好消息且提早公告者,確會有正的異常報酬,除此之外,其他各組皆無法偵測出盈餘、股價及提早(延遲)時間落差三者間有任何關係。


許弘毅 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來私立大專院校的弊案層出不窮,引起社會大眾的高度重視,本研究即針對私立大專院校之財務結構現況與會計處理作探討。本研究採用財務項目組成要素與相關財務比率,進行財務結構現況分析,並透過規模大小、組織型態、系所類別與正常異常等劃分,作進一步的探討;另外,本研究探討我國目前對於私立大專院校財務報表編製之規定與會計理論相違之處,以提供改進之建議,並建立適當假設,針對折舊性固定資產提列折舊,檢視相關財務比率變動的情形。   研究結果發現,私立大專院校的收入來源,主要為其學雜費收入,其次為補助及捐贈收入。而經常性支出項目,主要為其教學研究及訓輔支出,其次為行政管理支出。資產組成結構係以固定資產比重最高,其次為流動資產及長期投資與基金;而折舊性資產佔總資產的比率約為50%。就整體而言,其流動性尚稱良好,負債比率約為14%;資產報酬率約為10%,權益報酬率約為11%;經常性支出佔總收入之比率約為70%。在本研究所建立之假設下,試提折舊發現變動程度較大的項目為當期餘絀佔總收入的比率與負債比率。且改編前後達顯著差異水準的有經常性支出及當期餘絀占總收入比率、固定資產比率、長期資金佔固定資產比率等。   本研究根據上述研究結果,建議私立大專院校的折舊性固定資產,應於使用期間內提列折舊,及私立大專院校的會計處理應儘量與我國一般公認會計原則一致,並儘速制定非營利組織適用之一般公認會計原則。 / Recently, the corruptions of private universities and colleges have emerged, and attract much concern from the public. This study evaluates the current financial structure of and the financial accounting standards for private universities and colleges. The current financial structure is evaluated by using percentage analysis and relevant financial ratio analysis. To explore this issue more in depth, the study discuss the financial structure based on the scales of size, the organization types, the operating natures, and normal-abnormal separation of private universities and colleges. Besides, this study compares the accounting standards of private universities and colleges with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and provides revise proposals. This study also establishes proper assumptions for private schools’ depreciable fixed assets and observes the effect of the change on the depreciation accounting on the financial ratios.   Empirical results show that tuition revenues are the primary income resources of private schools. The subsidies and donations occupy second big share. The expenditures of the instruction and the administration are the major items of the regular expenditures. Fixed assets have the biggest percentage of the total assets, and the current assets and long-term investments are the second and the third respectively; the depreciable assets are about 50% of the total assets; As a whole, the fluidity of the private schools is sound, and the debt ratio is about 14%; ROA is about 10%, and ROE is about 11%; regular expenditures are about 70% of total incomes. Under the assumptions of this study, we found that current surplus/ total incomes ratio and debt ratio are greatly affected, and regular expenditures/total incomes ratio, current surplus/total incomes ratio, fixed assets/total assets ratio, and long-term capital/fixed assets ratio are significantly different.   According to the results above, this study suggests that the depreciable fixed assets of the private universities and colleges be depreciated during the useful life, and the accounting standards be accordant with GAAP. Last but not the least, we should establish GAAP for the non-profit organizations as soon as possible.

審計委員會與財務報表品質之關聯性 / The relation between the audit committee and the quality of financial reporting.

李奕萱 Unknown Date (has links)
我國為改善公司治理制度,於2005年12月20日立法院三讀通過大幅修正證券交易法,引進審計委員會制度。審計委員會較獨立董事更專注於財務面之監督,故本研究之研究期間為1998年至2010年,以設置審計委員會之企業為樣本,進行配對,以探討審計委員會與企業財務報表品質之關聯性。 研究結果顯示,假說一:設置審計委員會或準審計委員會之企業財務報表品質優於未設置者;及假說二:設置審計委員會或準審計委員會後之企業財務報表品質優於設置前,二者皆不成立。 設置審計委員會目前已是公司治理發展的趨勢,我國既已立法引進審計委員會制度,主管機關應評估企業設置審計委員會後實際之運作情形,是否達到預期之效果,並做必要之修改或配套措施,以使審計委員會之設置不流於形式。 / In Taiwan, for the purpose of improving the corporate governance and introducing regulation of the audit committee, the Securities and Exchange Act was revised and passed by the Legislative Yuan for the Third Reading on 20 December, 2005. This study takes companies had established the audit committee between 1998 and 2010 as a sample so as to discuss the relation between the audit committee and the quality of financial reporting. The result of our research revealed that, the first hypothesis: “the quality of the financial reporting of the company with the audit committee is superior” and the second hypothesis: ” the quality of the financial reporting of the company after establishing the audit committee is superior” were both not sustained. Establishing the audit committee has become the trend in the development of corporate governance. Besides the regulations enacted, it’s of greater importance to evaluate the substantive effectiveness than the surficial form of the audit committee in companies.

採行IFRS下綜合損益總額、其他綜合損益及其組成項目 之價值攸關性 / The value-relevance of comprehensive income, other comprehensive income and its components under IFRS

張惠雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在依財務資訊揭露之立意,以Ohlson(1995)評價模型為基礎 ,探討採行IFRS下,綜合損益相關資訊之價值攸關性;另以採行IFRS前後之期間,探討財務報導格式改變對其他綜合損益資訊價值攸關性之影響。實證結果如下: 1. 採行IFRS下,綜合損益總額具顯著正向價值攸關性,但與當期損益相較 ,綜合損益總額並未發現具有較高之相對價值攸關性。 2. 採行IFRS下,當期其他綜合損益總額具顯著正向增額價值攸關性;其組成項目中,換算對國外子公司之淨投資產生之外幣兌換利得或損失與其他綜合損益項目─其他具顯著負向增額價值攸關性,再衡量備供出售金融資產之利益及損失與採用權益法認列之關聯企業及合資之其他綜合損益份額具顯著正向增額價值攸關性。 3. 相較於ROC GAAP之報導格式,採行IFRS下,當期其他綜合損益總額及其大部分組成項目更清楚地揭露於綜合損益表,而具較高之增額價值攸關性。 / 本研究旨在依財務資訊揭露之立意,以Ohlson(1995)評價模型為基礎 ,探討採行IFRS下,綜合損益相關資訊之價值攸關性;另以採行IFRS前後之期間,探討財務報導格式改變對其他綜合損益資訊價值攸關性之影響。實證結果如下: 1. 採行IFRS下,綜合損益總額具顯著正向價值攸關性,但與當期損益相較 ,綜合損益總額並未發現具有較高之相對價值攸關性。 2. 採行IFRS下,當期其他綜合損益總額具顯著正向增額價值攸關性;其組成項目中,換算對國外子公司之淨投資產生之外幣兌換利得或損失與其他綜合損益項目─其他具顯著負向增額價值攸關性,再衡量備供出售金融資產之利益及損失與採用權益法認列之關聯企業及合資之其他綜合損益份額具顯著正向增額價值攸關性。 3. 相較於ROC GAAP之報導格式,採行IFRS下,當期其他綜合損益總額及其大部分組成項目更清楚地揭露於綜合損益表,而具較高之增額價值攸關性。

重編對審計公費之影響-中國之實證研究 / The impact of financial restatement on audit fees

嚴珮珊 Unknown Date (has links)
審計公費係影響審計品質之一大因素,且中國事務所家數眾多,更易產生低價攬客的惡性競爭行為,再者,中國上市公司重編狀況近來層出不窮,因此本文以2004-2008年中國大陸A股上市公司為研究對象,欲研究重編事件對中國企業審計公費之影響。財務報表重編事件可以分為三個時間點:財務報表錯誤年度、財務報表執行重編年度以及重編後的次一年度。就財務報表發生錯誤年度而言,本研究發現該事件會伴隨較高的審計公費,但是無論是執行重編年度或次一年度,均未發現顯著提高公費的證據。除此之外,本研究也未能獲得審計委員會之設立與審計公費有統計關聯性的證據。具體而言,除了傳統審計公費的解釋變數之外,本文未能發現財務報表重編及審計委員會與審計公費有關之證據。 / Audit fees is one of the major factors affecting quality, and there are many audit firms in China, so it is easier to produce vicious competition . Furthermore, the number of Chinese listed company which has restated financial report is increasing in recent years. So, with a sample of A-share listed corporations in China from 2004 to 2008 , this dissertation develops a conceptual model for studying the relationship between financial restatement and audit fees. Financial restatement can be divided into three time points: the year when an error occurred in the financial report , the year when the financial report is restated ,and the year after the financial report is restated .In terms of the year when an error occurred in the financial report , this dissertation find the event associated with higher audit fees ,but in other two time point , this dissertation doesn’ t find the evidence of significantly increased audit fees. Moreover ,there is no statistical significant relationship between setting up an audit committee and audit fees. Specifically, in addition to the traditional explanatory variables, this dissertation can’t find the evidence that financial restatement and setting up an audit committee are related to audit fees.

Clawback條款、權益基礎薪酬和審計委員會之監督效率性 / Clawback provisions, equity-based compensation, and audit committees' oversight effectiveness

林玉君, Lin, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
This study first examines whether equity-based compensation (i.e., stocks and options) is associated with audit committees’ oversight failures. I then examine whether this association between equity-based compensation and oversight failures is affected when firms initiate the clawback provisions in their compensation contracts. I use the likelihood of restatements, the incidence of internal control weaknesses (ICW), and earnings management measures to proxy for audit committees’ oversight failures. Based on a sample of 129 firms that voluntarily adopt the clawback provisions during 2003-09 and a matched sample created from the propensity score matching technique, I find several important results. First, larger amounts and portions of stocks and options are associated with higher restatement and ICW likelihood and greater earnings management. Second, equity-based compensation appears to harm audit committees' oversight effectiveness. However, the adoption of the clawback provisions significantly mitigates such negative effect. Finally, the clawback provisions are effective in reducing restatements, ICW, and earnings management only when these provisions are triggered by "bad faith" rather than restatements. Overall, my empirical results bear policy implications on audit committees’ compensation practice and the mandatory adoption of the clawback provisions.

探究反向收購公司之財報品質於上市規則修訂前後 / Examining the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms prior and post listing rules revision

郭容華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討借殼上市公司之財報品質是否與差異一般上市公司有明顯差異,分析中國借殼上市公司財務報表品質是否較其他公司差,並進一步驗證借殼上市規則修訂是否對公司之財報品質造成顯著影響。研究樣本以2005年至2015年在美國紐約證券交易所(NYSE)、全美證券交易所(AMEX)與那斯達克證券市場(NASDAQ) 159家借殼上市公司為研究對象,並以相同產業、相同公司規模配對159家一般上市公司。本研究以裁決性應計項目作為財報品質的代理變數,並將借殼上市公司拆分成中國借殼上市公司及非中國之借殼上市公司,再加入規範修訂因子,藉以衡量中國借殼上市公司於修訂借殼上市相關規範後財報品質提升幅度是否大於非中國之借殼上市公司。實證結果顯示借殼上市的財務報表品質明顯差於配對公司,且中國借殼上市公司的財務報表品質明顯劣於非中國之借殼上市公司。在加入借殼上市規則修訂因子後,借殼上市公司財報品質改善幅度明顯大於配對之一般上市公司;比較中國借殼上市公司、非中國之借殼上市公司及配對公司在借殼上市規則修訂前後本身財報品質變化,發現三類公司前後財務報表品質皆有顯著提升,然而在提升幅度上中國借殼上市公司與非中國之借殼上市公司並無顯著差異。 / Based on a study sample consisting of 159 reverse merger firms and their matching U.S. public companies (according to industry and firm size) listed in NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ from 2005 to 2015, we study the impacts of the 2011 listing-rule revision on the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms in the US. More important, using discretionary accruals as the proxy of financial reporting quality, we ask if the financial reporting quality of Chinese reverse merger firms is worse than the non-Chinese reverse merger firms. Our empirical results show that the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms is out-performed by their matching U.S. counterparts, and the financial reporting quality of Chinese reverse merger firms is, in general, inferior to the non-Chinese reverse merger firms. Post the 2011 listing-rule revision, we find that the financial reporting quality of reverse merger firms is better than their matching U.S. firms after controlling for the regulatory factor; in particular, we find that the China reverse merger firms, the non-Chinese reverse merger firms, and the matching U.S firms, all exhibit significant improvements in their financial reporting quality. However, this incremental gain in financial reporting quality seems indifferent between the China reverse merger firms and the non-Chinese reverse merger firms.


葉家伶 Unknown Date (has links)
企業之股價崩跌對企業本身以及投資人都會造成嚴重的影響,企業之經理人可能因為了私人利益而暫時延後揭露壞消息。在此情況下若企業財務報表品質較差、資訊透明度不佳,於公司有壞消息時管理階層便同時具有動機及機會隱藏或延後公布此壞消息使企業之股價短暫的被高估,當過了某特定時點企業發布壞消息或壞消息累積至一定的程度無法再隱瞞而突然公開時,企業之股價就會有較高的崩跌風險。 財務報表中存有重大錯誤時,代表較差的財報品質且資訊透明度不佳,因此本研究針對財務報表中存有重大錯誤與股價崩跌風險之關係進行探討。由於過去在政治關聯性企業與股價崩跌風險之文獻呈現不一致的研究結果,因此本研究採用與過去研究不同的政治關聯性定義研究其與股價崩跌風險之關係,期望能得出進一步的結論。最後,本研究欲探討重大會計錯誤與政治關聯性之交互影響,以企業當財務報表中存有重大錯誤,且該企業具有政治關聯性時,是否會有較高之股價崩跌風險進行研究。 研究結果發現,以NCSKEW_F1作為股價崩跌風險之衡量時,企業財報中存有重大錯誤時股價崩跌風險較高,表示當財務報表中有重大錯誤時代表財務報表品質較差,無法有效地降低內部人與一般投資人之資訊不對稱問題,財務資訊透明度較差,企業會有較高之股價崩跌風險。在企業之政治關聯性方面結果顯示,以NCSKEW_F1作為股價崩跌風險之衡量時,具政治關聯性企業可能有較高之股價崩跌風險。最後,本研究未發現當企業財務報表存有重大錯誤且此企業具政治關聯性與股價崩跌風險之關係。

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