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高階主管資訊系統發展架構及實施策略洪敏育 Unknown Date (has links)
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限制農地移轉法令與實施成效之研究陳奉瑤, CHEN, FENG-YAO Unknown Date (has links)
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校長教學領導行為與九年一貫課程實施之研究 ─以桃園縣國民中學為例─羅新炎 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
關鍵詞:校長教學領導行為、九年一貫課程實施 / A Study of Principals’ Instructional Leadership and Nine-Years Integrated Curriculum Implement
- A Case Study for Junior High Schools in
Taoyuan County
The purpose of this research is to investigate principals’ educational leadership behavior in relation to issues regarding nine-years integrated curriculum practice and also to further investigate the perception differences for teachers with different background variables regarding principals’ educational leadership behavior on nine-years integrated curriculum practice.
The investigation took Taoyuan County junior high school teachers as population and selected 768 teachers as samples and through self-made “Principals’ instructional leadership questionnaire” and “Nine-years integrated curriculum practice questionnaire” to do research. 712 valid questionnaires were analyzed and explained via descriptive analyses, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression statistic methods by conducting SPSS10.0 statistic software. The study results are as follows:
1.Teachers in junior high schools perceived that principals’ educational leadership behavior was best at enhancing a student-learning atmosphere and was worst at ensuring the quality of teaching courses.
2.Based on different teachers’ background variables (gender, age, educational background, appointed position, number of years of service, school scale and school location), there were differences in teachers’ perception to principals’ educational leadership behavior.
3.There was no discrepancy between different practical circumstances to the middle school teachers’ perceptions of principals' instructional leadership.
4.The middle school teachers have high perception of nine-years integrated curriculum practice on “School-based curriculum” and have low perception on “collaborative teaching”.
5.Based on different teachers’ backgrounds (gender, age, educational background, appointed position, number of years of service, school scale and school location), junior high school teachers perceived that there were differences in the nine-year consistent course implementation.
6.There were no differences in junior high school teachers’ perception on nine-years integrated curriculum practice in schools with different implementation conditions.
7.There was a positive correlation between junior high school principals’ educational leadership behavior and nine-years integrated curriculum practice.
In addition, this research proposed several recommendations based on our results for reference.
Keywords:principals’ educational leadership behavior, nine-years integrated curriculum practice.
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我國加值稅實施績效之探討 / A Study of VAT Performance in Taiwan蔡義明, Tsai, Yi Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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都市更新單元規模之研究 / The Study on the Scale of the Urban Renewal Unit楊棻糸, Yang, Fen-Mi Unknown Date (has links)
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政府機構實施e化整合服務之探討 / Study on the government's implementation of integrated electronic services楊錦諒 Unknown Date (has links)
科技進步迅速,電腦技術不斷推陳出新,資訊日新月異,網路化時代來臨,改變資訊應用系統的服務模式,網路已成為民眾與政府溝通互動及提供服務的主要管道,從web 1.0靜態網頁系統到web 2.0個人化、互動式的網路系統,許多應用系統逐漸汰舊換新。
根據聯合國 2005 年全球電子化政府準備度的調查報告,94% 的聯合國會員都已導入電子化政府,我國政府從1996年開始起啟動電子化政府計畫,即以每四年為一計畫階段,從基礎資通環境到網路線上應用系統,逐步規劃執行電子化資訊系統,目前電子化政府計畫正邁入互動與整合的階段,結合web 2.0 的理念,以民眾與企業的需求為導向,跨機關橫向與縱向的整合,提供民眾更優質的網路服務,滿足人們對政府資訊系訊的期許。
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台灣實施浮動匯率之研究李嘉田, Li, Jia-Tian Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,本章略述研究動機與目的、研究方法與限制以及全文之結構。
第二章 浮動匯率之一般檢討,本章包括四節
第一節 浮動匯率之意義與類型
第二節 實施浮動匯率之利益
第三節 實施浮動匯率之問題
第四節 結論
第三章 台灣實施浮動匯率之研究
第一節 實施技術之考慮
第二節 基本原則之考慮
第三節 市場調節機能之考慮
第四節 遠期外匯市場
第五節 結論
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我國綜合高中課程規劃與實施現況之研究呂昆娣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要研究目的在於探討我國綜合高中之課程規劃與實施之現況、相關問題及具體改進建議,包含綜合高中教育基本理念之相關問題、課程規劃之相關問題以及課程實施之相關問題三個部分。為達成上述研究目的,研究者採用文獻分析法以及問卷調查法;首先探討課程規劃與實施的理論基礎與相關研究; 接著探討我國辦理綜合高中的相關理論基礎與研究;之後分析美國、英國與我國綜合高中的沿革與發展現況;最後編制『我國綜合高中課程規劃與實施現況問題之分析研究問卷』,針對2003學年度接受教育部綜合高中輔導訪視150所學校進行調查研究;然後依問卷回收後分析之結果,建議我國綜合高中課程規劃與實施可行之改進途徑,以提供相關單位決策及後續之研究。
(三)接受教育改革挑戰,行政上不宜方便行事 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the current situation, related issues and concrete suggestions of the curriculum planning and the curriculum implementation of Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan. This study had three parts: the related issues of basic educational ideals of Comprehensive High Schools, the curriculum planning and the curriculum implementation. To achieve above-mentioned goal, the researcher adopted literature review and questionnaire survey as research methods. First, the theories and related researches of the curriculum planning and implementation were reviewed, and then the development and current situation of Comprehensive High Schools in America, England and Taiwan were discussed. Finally the researcher made “Current Problems Analysis of the Curriculum Planning and Implementation of Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan Questionnaire” and took 150 schools interviewed and guided by the Ministry of Education in 2003 as samples to conduct the survey. According to the result of analyzing these questionnaires, suggestions of the improvement about Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan were offered for related authorities' execution and the following researches.
The investigation took heads of programs, heads of subjects, the section chiefs or directors of academic affairs who are responsible for the affairs of the Comprehensive High School and the counselors. 900 teachers in 150 schools were randomly chosen as research samples and 530 valid copies were retrieved. The questionnaires were analyzed by conducting SPSS10.0 statistic software.
The conclusion according to the result of this survey and findings of literature review are as follows,
1.The Incomplete Implementation of Educational Ideals of Comprehensive High Schools
(1)Class Assignment:The implementation of integrating the academic and vocational programs for the first-grade students was incomplete and students were not grouped according their willing.
(2)The Beginning Time to Teach the Professional Subjects:Students didn’t learn the professional subjects in the first semester of their second-grade years but during their first-grade yeas without accepting the aptitude tests.
(3)The Subjectivity to Planning the Curriculum of Comprehensive High Schools:The implementation of the Curriculum didn’t follow the procedures of subject teachers’ discussion in the teaching committee, negotiation in the curriculum development committee and approval in the school affair conference.
(4)The Conferences to Discuss and Approve the Curriculum of Different Programs:Some school staff didn't realize it clearly.
(5)The Implementation of the Occupation Exploration Curriculum for the First-grade Students:Some schools didn’t provide it or taught students the subjects directly.
(6)The Academic and Vocational Programs Integration during Students’ first year in High School, the Multiple Curriculum Offering and Adaptive Course Election:Schools had vague ideal and didn’t correspond to the spirits of the Comprehensive High School.
(7)Curriculum Election for the Second and Third-Grade Students:Students couldn’t elect courses but programs.
2.The Analysis of the Survey about the Curriculum Planning of the Comprehensive High School
(1)The Credits of the School Required Subjects:Some schools regarded the credits of school required subjects as the level of programs, ill-defined or not established.
(2)The Exam-oriented Curriculum Planning:The curriculum planning relied on the exams.
(3)The Subjectivity Deciding the Revision and Adjustment of the Curriculum of the Comprehensive High School:Some couldn’t put the ideal of Comprehensive High School into practice.
(4)The Members of the Curriculum Development Committee:The participation rate of the representatives of parents and scholars in the curriculum development committee was low.
(5)The Teachers Responsible for the Career Planning Curriculum:The career planning curricula were taught by teachers of different subjects and students didn't accept the professional counseling and guidance.
(6)The Responsible Administration and Teachers of the Alternative Learning Period:The offices of academic affairs in schools were assigned.
3.The Analysis of the Survey about the Curriculum Implementation of the Comprehensive High School
(1)The Number of Students' Alternative Learning Periods:Most school didn’t provide the null learning periods.
(2)The Main Procedures of Students’ changing elective subjects:The counseling and guidance mechanism were not put into practice.
(3)The Dimensions of the Subjects:The implementation of the curriculum was confined to the exam-orientation.
(4)The Announcement to the First-grade students about the Ideal and Concrete Methods of the Comprehensive High School:The schools acted in haste and it turned out inefficiency.
Suggestions according to the literature review, findings of the survey and the conclusion are as follows,
1.Strengthening the ideals of the Comprehensive High School
(1) announcement of the ideal of the Comprehensive High School
(2) to realize the meanings of the alternative learning periods and the occupation exploration curriculum
2.The Analysis of the survey of the Curriculum Planning of the Comprehensive High School
(1)the curriculum planning according to the spirit of the school-based curriculum, teachers’ active participation and scholars, communities and parents’ suggestions adopted
(2)flexibility of students’ selecting the elective courses
(3)counselors’ deeper realization about the curriculum planning.
(4)planning the alternative learning periods and the occupation exploration curriculum
(5)emphasizing the subjects for the entrance examination, skill tests and humanities cultivation at the same time
3.The Analysis of the survey of the Curriculum Implementation of the Comprehensive High School
(1)enriching the content of the alternative learning periods and broadening the occupation exploration
(2)the close cooperation among offices in school
(3)taking the challenges of educational reform
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臺北縣市新制校務會議組織運作與實施成效之研究 / New system of school council operating and effectiveness using in Taipei city and Taipei county許志明 Unknown Date (has links)
至於本研究對於教育行政單位、學校工作團隊與未來相關研究的建議,則詳如內文。 / The revision of law in national education executed in Feb 1999. The main purpose of this paper focus on the relationship between organization operating and effectiveness using of school council. And it will give some advices clearly to the junior high school council.
This paper adopted literature review and questionnaire survey to arrange a questionnaire about "the new system of school council operating and effectiveness using in Taipei City and Taipei County". And stratified random sampling, which send out 1140 questionnaires and retrieve 720 ones, and took ten members of school council from 117 junior high schools in Taipei, was been adopted.
The evaluating result by statistics shows that:
1. We gave medium appreciation about the organization operating and effectiveness using.
2. The evaluating result of junior high schools in Taipei City was better than in Taipei County.
3. The middle-scale schools, owns twenty five to forty nine classes, had better performance in democratic participation.
4. The schools between 11 and 20 years had better performance too.
5. The performance of male samples are remarkable than female.
6. The samples working more than sixteen years are better than any other.
7. The householders had a good performance, and full time teachers had the bad performance on the contrary.
8. Organization operating has a right prediction to the efficiency.
The detail about educating administrative unit, working group of junior high school and ongoing research were in the context.
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高級中學親職教育家長態度與實施做法之研究 / Study of attitudes and needs of high school students' parents on parent education馮潔瑩, Feng, Chieh-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
六、未來研究上的建議。 / The major purpose of this study is to explore the different attitudes and needs of high school students' parents on parent education based on their background variables such as sex, marital status, education background, age, and other related variables.
The purposes of this study are:
1. To understand the degrees of recognition and participation of high school students' parents on parent education.
2. To examine the participating conditions and satisfactory level of high schools' students' parents on parent education.
3. To explore the parents' opinions regarding curricular contents and implementing methods on parent education.
4. To propose recommendations based on the findings for future study and implementation of parent education.
This study is conducted by the survey method. Questionnaires are sent to 21 high schools and vocational high schools' parents of students. Frequency distributions, Chi-square test, and ANOVA are used for data analysis. The major findings of this research are as follows:
1. Most of the parents give positive recognition and response to parent education sponsored by senior high schools.
2. Most of the parents have positive and supportive attitude on parent education. There are significant differences among parents' opinions based on different background variables, including education background, marital status, and attitude on parent education.
3. The involvement extent of the parent education activity is beyond expectation. Especially the participation frequency is less than pre-school education's parents; most of the participators are mothers.
4. The majority of parents feel satisfied about the education patterns, contents, studying time arrangement; but less satisfied in studying time arrangement since they are not able to synchronize themselves with it.
5. Parents are eager to learn the topic of "The physical development and communicative techniques of young adults".
6. Parents show theirs preferences when implementing in individual method and group format. In individual format, "phone-call interview by class advisors" is preferred; In group format, "parent meeting teacher" is preferred.
7. Parents prefer the school to progress the parent education activities twice a semester at the daytime of holiday. Parent education publication is prefer to be published monthly and the place of holding is hoping to be indoors.
8. There are several significant differences about implementing methods among parents under different background. Parents that with different ages have difference opinions on time arrangement. Parents with Children studying in different kind of schools have different opinions on time arrangement, progressing hours, publication, and activity holding locations; parent with children in different grades have different opinion on curricular content and time arrangement.
Based on the findings above, suggestions for future high schools' parent education implementation are as follows:
1. The school should make whole planning ahead before parent education implementation.
2. The teachers should be reeducated for purposing professional knowledge and communicative skills of parent education.
3. Parents should be encouraged to involve more frequently in activities of parent education.
4. Parents should be encouraged to participate in deep group discussion activities.
5. Parents should be motivated to join the parent education activities that hold by school.
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