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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

藥劑生體可用及相等性在兩個單尾檢定下樣本數之研究 / Sample Size Determination for the Two One-Sided Tests Procedure in Bioavailability/Bioequivalence

吳嘉翰, Wu, Chia-Han Unknown Date (has links)
藥劑生體可用及相等試驗,對於藥品的研發佔有非常重要之地位.如何在各種交叉實驗設計中選取適當的樣本,以達到我們要求的檢測能力,是本文的主要目的.Liu and chow(1992a)根據Schuirmann(1987)的區間假設檢定以正負20決策準則,針對二乘二交叉實驗設計,提出了一個簡易的樣本數計算方法.本文將對高階交叉實驗設計之樣本數計算方法,做進一步的研究.

交叉實驗設計之探討及分析 / A Study on Cross-over Design

呂怡瑱, Lu, Yi Jenn Unknown Date (has links)
在本文中,分別就四種不同參數組合(包括六個模式)的二維交叉實驗設計,採用一般線性模式法及二樣本t檢定法予以分析,並探討模式間與分析方法間的異同。此外,在二維重覆測量交叉實驗設計方面,我們也分別以單變量分裂區集變異數分析法及多變量變異數分析法進行探討。 / Four possible parametrizations ( including six models ) are considered in this study to clearify some ambigous issues related to a 2*2 cross-over design. Each model is analyzed using both the GLM procedure and two-sample t test. In addition, we also discuss issues related to the 2*2 repeated measurements cross-over design by using the univariate split-plot and multivariate analysis of variance techniques.

語料庫及心理語言學為基礎之研究: 以[Do/Make+Noun] 為例 / Investigating [Do/Make+Noun] constructions: a study based on corpora and psycholinguistic experiments

謝怡箴, Hsieh, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
大多數台灣英語學習者在進入大學前已經習得相當數量的英文字彙,即便如此,他們仍然會誤用常見的搭配詞 (例如: [do/make+noun])。本論文藉用兩種語料庫 (分別為台灣英語學習者語料庫及英國國家語料庫)來分析、觀察[do+noun]和[make+noun]的異同以及英語母語人士及台灣英語學習者使用[do/make+noun]狀況。結果顯示台灣英語學習者和英語母語人士最大的不同在[make+noun]:就語意層面而言,最常被英語母語人士使用的[make+noun]為 ‘to perform, to carry out’ (例如: make a speech, make a fine judge, etc.) 而台灣英語學習者偏好 ‘to create’ (例如: make a sushi, make a robot, etc.);就名詞特性而言,母語人士偏向使用抽象的名詞 (例如: comment, progress, etc.) 而學習者習慣使用具體的名詞 (例如: robot, sushi, etc.)。除了語料庫語料分析,本論文還透過心理語言學實驗測驗 (即圖片引述實驗-受試者描述他們不熟悉的動作) 觀察母語人士和學習者使用常見的搭配詞-[do/make+noun]-的差異。台灣英語學習者使用為數不少廣義的[do+noun] (例如:do exercise 或 do sports) 而英語母語人士傾向使用帶有具體意義的動詞 (例如:sit-up) 或搭配詞 (例如: do sit-up)。幾乎沒有母語人士使用[make+noun]而大多數學習者使用的是[make+noun]-當make做為causative的用法。根據此實驗分析,本論文提出一個模型來探討英語母語人士和英語學習者對[do/make+noun]的使用異同。 / Learners of English in Taiwan are estimated to reach a certain command of vocabulary size before they enter colleges. However, they still differ from native speakers in producing the commonly-used patterns, such as [do/make+noun]. In order to observe the similarities and differences of [do+noun] and [make+noun], as well as their uses by EFL learners, this paper inspects their senses using two types of corpus data, namely a Taiwan-based learner corpus and the British National Corpus. The results show that learners differ from native speakers mainly in their use of [make+noun]. For example, the most frequent sense used by native speakers is ‘to perform, to carry out,’ as in make a speech, make a fine judge, etc., whereas that used by Taiwanese learners is ‘to create’ as in make a sushi, make a robot, etc. With respect to the characteristic of the noun following make, native speakers tend to choose abstract nouns, such as comment, progress, etc., whereas learners prefer concrete nouns, such as robot, sushi, etc. A psycholinguistic experiment is also included in order to see whether learners use language with general meanings, such as [do/make+noun], more in describing situations unfamiliar to them. Results show that [do+noun] patterns with a more general meaning (e.g., do exercise or do sports) are more often used by the learners in our experiment while native speakers prefer language with a more precise meaning (e.g., sit-up or do sit-up). Few [make+noun] constructions are found in native speakers’ language whereas learners produce numerous [make+noun] constructions, mostly the causative uses of make.

曼陀羅課程在國小學生創造思考力教學之實驗研究 / The Experimental Study of Mandala Method Curriculum and Creative Thinking Teaching in Elementary School Students

林恩如, Lin, En Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討「曼陀羅課程」與「創造思考力」之間的關係,設計一套適合我國國小學生學習的課程方案,最後依據研究結果提出建議。首先,針對「曼陀羅課程」與「創造思考力」進行文獻探討,俾作為研究立論基礎與分析之依據;其次,本研究採「準實驗研究法」,以國小甲校五年A班為實驗組進行共200分鐘的實驗課程,以國小甲校五年B班為對照組。研究工具包括研究者編製之「曼陀羅課程教材」、「曼陀羅課程學習成效評量」,以及「Torrance創造思考測驗圖形版」、「Torrance創造思考測驗語文版」;接著,以統計方法對實驗結果加以探討分析,包括描述性統計、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關以及逐步迴歸法;最後,依據結果形成結論與建議。茲將本研究之主要結論歸納如下: 壹、實驗組與對照組「Torrance創造思考測驗圖形版」後測分數有顯著差異。 一、實驗組在接受「曼陀羅課程」學習後,後測分數顯著高於對照組。後測分數包含標準分數平均數、創造力指數及創造潛能優異表現三個項目。 二、在本測驗包含的五項創造力特質中,實驗組在「獨創力」之後測分數顯著高於對照組;在「精密力」和「開放力」之後測分數與前測相比有提升。 貳、實驗組與對照組「Torrance創造思考測驗語文版」後測分數有顯著差異。 一、實驗組在接受「曼陀羅課程」學習後,後測總分顯著高於對照組。 二、在本測驗包含的三項創造力特質中,包含「流暢力」、「獨創力」、「變通力」,實驗組的後測分數皆顯著高於對照組。 參、實驗組學生多能充分理解「曼陀羅課程」,學習成效評量結果佳。 肆、「實-虛」課程對「語文創造力」具顯著相關及預測力。 最後,根據後續研究研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供對曼陀羅課程之內容設計、教學方式,以及對教育工作者與後續研究之參考。

防丟器的剖面追蹤研究 / Profile Monitoring on the RSSI of Babyfinder

徐伊萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對防丟器的剖面進行追蹤分析。防丟器包含發射器及接收器,發射器會發射訊號,接收器會記錄RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Index)與發射點數,其中RSSI表示訊號的強度。在工程理論上,RSSI與距離具有函數關係;然而環境中的干擾及事件發生都會影響此函數關係,特別是事件發生會嚴重地改變此函數關係,因此論文主要目的在於區別事件是否發生。   所謂的剖面指的是變數之間的函數關係,而論文中的剖面追蹤是利用管制圖的概念,用管制圖來監控剖面的參數估計值。如果管制圖上的點子出界,則表示事件發生而導致失控。   本論文以腳踏車是否被偷為例,嘗試一些實驗後找出顯著影響的因子設計實驗,包含17種腳踏車未被偷之情境與18種腳踏車被偷情境;欲利用未被偷的實驗建立試驗管制圖,而以被偷之情境來追蹤,用以驗證管制圖之有效性。   論文中主要透過分析防丟器產生的RSSI與距離的剖面、距離與發射點數的剖面來探討事件是否發生。另外剖面追蹤其實是種事後追蹤的方法,為了能即時追蹤,本論文亦採用預測區間的方式,來追蹤事件是否發生。   本論文建議監控距離與發射點數的剖面,因該方法的表現最好,另外建議增加防丟器上能紀錄距離的功能,此方法會更加合適。   本論文提出的即時追蹤方式並沒有特別好,因此一個比較好的即時追蹤方法是未來值得研究的方向。 / The device of Babyfinder is designed to detect if an event occurs. The Babyfinder includes transceiver and receiver. The signal strength, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), generates once there are distances between transceiver and receiver. In wireless communication theory, the relationship between RSSI and distance should be expressed by the model that RSSI = a + b ln (distance) Nevertheless, some circumstance noises and user noises (or common causes), and/or events (special causes) may affect the variation of RSSI. Since the occurrence of events may change the functional relationship of RSSI and distance, to distinguish if the functional relationship is changed by the occurred events is the subject of this study. This study designs some events and noises experiments based on the real noise factors and special events. Two monitoring schemes are proposed to distinguish the occurred events and noise circumstance. One is the profile monitoring scheme, the other is the real time monitoring scheme. The two proposed approaches of profile monitoring scheme are considered to monitor the profile of RSSI and distance and that of distance and the number of transmitting points, respectively. The profile monitoring approach for distance and the number of transmitting points shows better performance. However, the profile monitoring is an after-event tracing approach. It cannot detect the occurred events in time. A better approach of real-time monitoring approach is worth to be proposed in the future study.

台大實驗林契約林地保育與利用之研究-以權力關係為論述中心 / A study of conservation and utilization on experimental forest lease forestlands of national TaiwanUniversity : expound on power relationship

李健豪, Lee, Chien Hao Unknown Date (has links)
台大實驗林管理處(以下簡稱林管處)認為轄內之契約林農有擅於林地從事農業使用等違規使用行為,擬對違規者加以處罰或收回其承租地;但部分違規之契約林農卻認為其利用土地的方式本是順應當地自然生物資源特性,並未破壞山坡地,且長久以來的栽種經驗早已建立起和其承租地之間的深厚情感,這種尊重自然的生產模式,理當不是破壞山坡地保育的元凶。然而,在這兩種不同思維的作用下,引發林管處和承租戶之間的衝突。按理而言,林管處秉持森林資源保育政策,意在引導林地利用的內涵與建立模式;但林農在生計與產業經營考量下,咸認林地利用自是以市場為導向,方可發揮使用權功能。然而,究竟此等權力關係的要素之間的相互作用為何?對於土地利用之影響又如何?凡此皆值得深入考察,以探究實情。 本研究藉2010年迄今以契約林地現場查勘、深度訪談和問卷調查林農、林管處承辦人員之方法,觀察當地林農對於契約林地的利用方式;另考察近數十年來林管處的經營管理政策措施、林農違規利用土地所造成之管理失靈的問題。以Walck and Strong(2001)提出的權力關係為論述中心,探析政府政策、社群的價值規範、市場經濟、財產資源等四大因素之間的相互牽扯,佐以Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011)應用需求層次概念在土地管理上的做法,考察近數十年來我國台大實驗林的經營管理政策措施,以及林地承租戶土地利用情形。用以分析林管處與契約林農在契約林地上違規利用之根源,探求林管處與契約林農對於利用契約林地的觀念差異,並探求現狀下契約林地違規使用問題的癥結。 本研究以權力關係兼採需求層次概念對於契約林地地影響模式,透過文獻分析、實地訪談及問卷分析,獲得以下結論(1)現行造林契約規範難以處理契約林地上違規利用狀況(2)造林契約目的無法兼顧保育森林與契約林農生計收入(3)契約林農無法落實保育之觀念。並依上述研究發現,本研究提出以下之政策建議(1)應盡速調整台大實驗林造林契約規範(2)有條件允許契約林地上種植非林作物(3)契約林地之管理應導入契約林農保育的概念。 / The Experimental Forest, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University (hereafter referred to as the Experimental Forest) thinks that the contracted forestry farmers have illegal behaviors, such as the use of agriculture, and plans to give penalty to those violators or regain the lease forestlands from them. However, some of the violators consider that their land use conforms to the feature of local natural resources, and they never damage the hillside because of the intimate relationship between the long-lasting agricultural experience and the lease forestlands. In addition, this kind of production is respectful to the nature and should not be accused of destroying the conservation of hillside. Therefore, these two opposite thoughts cause the conflict between the Experimental Forest and the contracted forestry farmers. The forest resource conservation policy, which the Experimental Forest adheres to, is to lead the direction of land use and to establish a model of land use as well. However, in consideration of livelihood and forestry management, the forestry farmers argue that the lease forestlands should be market-oriented in order to operate their right of land use. Therefore, it’s worthy of further investigation about how the power relationship works between the stakeholders, as well as its influence on the land use. In order to observe the management of the forestry famers and the utilization of the lease forestlands, this study applies field study, in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey for investigating the farmers and staff members of the Experimental Forest. Furthermore, this study also reviews the management policies of the Experimental Forest in the past decades, as well as the records of illegal use and the unsuccessful management of the farmers. Based on the theory of power relationship proposed by Walck and Strong (2001), the study probes the mutual interaction of four main factors---governmental policy, community values, market economy, and property resources, and complements with the method of land management with the concept of need hierarchy by Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011). The research findings go as follows. First, it is hard to deal with the violation of illegal use on the forestlands by the present contract and regulation. Second, the purpose of afforestation cannot include both the forest conservation and the livelihood and income of the famers. Third, the contracted forestry famers are unable to implement the concept of conservation. According to the above findings, the research proposes three suggestions. First, the Experimental Forest should modify the contract and regulation as soon as possible. Second, the Experimental Forest should conditionally permit the plantation of non-forest crops. Third, the management of lease forestlands should include the ideas of conservation of lease forestlands. In the end, this study provides some facts and thoughts about this topic in hoping to improve the problems of illegal use of the lease forestlands.

臺灣偏鄉小學辦理學校型態實驗教育校務行政變革之個案研究 / Case Study of School Administration Reform on Public Experimental Elementary Schools

謝秉蓉, Hsieh, Ping Jung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著實驗教育三法的通過,公立學校發展實驗教育的新型態─「學校型態實驗教育」為偏鄉學校提供另類轉型的契機與出路。在《學校型態實驗教育實施條例》中,明文規定辦理此類實驗教育之學校可針對學校部分校務行政事項進行實驗,不受一般教育法規的限制。本研究旨在探討原本在面臨困境的臺灣公立偏鄉小學,在辦理實驗教育後在校務行政的運作有何實際的轉變與改進,並藉此了解學校型態實驗教育政策的內涵。 本研究透過深度訪談及田野調查之質性研究方法,探究偏鄉小學辦理學校型態實驗教育之校務行政變革與挑戰,得到的研究結論如下:(一)主管機關針對學校型態實驗教育政策無明確發展之目標;(二)辦理學校型態實驗教育之偏鄉小學行政業務量整體而言不減反增;(三)偏鄉小學部分行政業務並沒有因為辦理實驗教育而得到彈性發展的空間;(四)偏鄉小學因辦理學校型態實驗教育逐漸活絡校內課程討論與教學經驗分享的氛圍;(五)學校行政人員與教師在使用特定理念的教學方法時,面臨許多實際面上執行的困境,與主管機關所期望之理想情況有落差;(六)家長不夠清楚實驗教育的內涵,容易對實驗教育抱有過高的期望。最後,針對這些上述歸納之研究結論,提出對於主管機關實施學校型態實驗教育政策以及未來學校型態實驗教育相關研究的建議。 / As the Three-type acts of experimental education passed, the new type of experimental education for public schools-" Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education" encourages rural schools to change and transform. In "Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education," the act also expressly indicates that some administrative affairs of these school-based experimental schools could be experimented, not confined to normal education legislation. The aim of this study was to explore how school administration of Taiwan public rural elementary schools, which originally faced with challenges, actually change and improve, and to understand the school-based experimental education policy. Qualitative research method including an in-depth interview and field work were adopted to collect the data and to investigate how school administration change and what challenges they face. The conclusion of this study are as follow: (a) the authorities have no clear developmental aim on school-based experimental education policy, (b) on the whole, the amount of administration affairs for school-based experimental schools isn't less than before, is much more than before, rather, (c) part of administration affairs still have no flexible room for development, (d) the atmosphere of curriculum discussion and teaching experience share become more active, (e) specified teaching method used by school administrators and teachers is practically difficult, and doesn't meet expectations of the authorities, (f) parents who don't clearly comprehend the content of experimental education, tend to highly overestimate it. Finally, suggestions are given to the authorities and future researchers to improve the school-based experimental education according to conclusions above.

基隆青年的都市改造運動 / The Urban Renaissance Movement of Youth in Keelung

余睿柏, Yu, Rui Bo Unknown Date (has links)
基隆港市1980年代後期經濟衰退,以及台灣青年面臨崩世代的情境,基隆都市治理失能如同台灣發展的縮影,全球化下艱困的大環境,讓青年世代無法追求「大幸福」而轉向「小確幸生活」,看似微小的幸福,卻也是個體能動性的所在;青年對於國家施政的不滿,透過新媒體串聯,興起2014年318太陽花運動,新世代青年開始展開行動,訴求返鄉或在地紮根,醞釀政治上的第三勢力和青年參政風潮。 2014年基隆老中青三代文史工作者集結,展開C23行動聯盟抗爭運動,訴求保留西二三碼頭倉庫,要求經濟與文化發展並存。而後基隆各青年團體相繼成立,依持他們的秉性、習癖和握有的各類資本,依照旨趣分別關注在政治、文史、新公民運動等面向,將台北的現代性發展、社運精神帶回基隆操練,像是基隆青年陣線的民主小草青年參政的政治實驗;黑鳶之都與基隆青年陣線的許梓桑古厝打掃運動,以行動介入,翻轉地方空間,舉辦梓桑文化祭與「影.響.台.灣」活動;雞籠霧雨則關注地方文史和社會議題,深具批判意識的犀利文筆,持續展開新文史運動;阿普蛙工作室形塑的「新公民運動」,誓言立足基隆,創辦社會企業,走入學校、團體與社區,目標形塑寰宇主義的世界公民,不斷積累社會資本,在都市或台灣各地社區不斷行動,是進行社區(會)場域的改造與復興的「遊戲世代」。 基隆青年的都市改造運動,間接促使2014年民進黨籍林右昌市長的當選,而基隆青年都市改造運動持續與「新政治」的交互影響。最後,本研究認為「世代共融」乃是尋覓理解台灣都市新政治的解藥。 / Since the economy of Keelung city had declined in the latter mid of 1980’s, the youth in Taiwan is now experiencing the situation of the “declined generation”.(崩世代) In 2014, through the connection of new social media, the youth had took the streets and stepped forward defending the importance of local development in Taiwan, which is called “the Sun Flower Movement”. In this study, one can see how the trend of youth participation was formed, and the path of “the third power” in politics to be deliberated. In 2014, the culture workers from every ages in Keelung gathered together for the movement of C23 action, fighting for reservations of the west no.2 and no.3 wharf warehouse and asking for the coexistence between economic and cultural development. And lots of youth people groups have sprung up in Keelung since then, bringing back into Keelung the essence of modern developments and social movements in Taipei. These youth people groups, such as Keelung Youth Front(基隆青年陣線), KeelungRain(雞籠霧雨), and Wa’s up studio(阿普蛙工作室), etc., have different dispositions, habiuts and capitals, and they have divergent interests in political, cultural, new civil movement fields. The youth people group in Keelung give rise to the youth movement of urban renaissance in Keelung, and it also indirectly contributes to the rotation of ruling parties in Keelung. The youth movement of urban renaissance is continuously interacting with the “new politics”. This article considers that “the integration of ages” is the key to understanding the new politics in cities of Taiwan.

學校型態實驗教育家長選擇權與學校滿意度之研究 / A study of school choice and satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education

宋承恩, Sung, Chenen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究指在探討學校型態實驗教育學校之家長選擇權與學校滿意度,採用「學校型態實驗教育家長選擇權與學校滿意度之調查問卷」,以臺灣地區學校型態實驗教育學校之家長為研究對象,有效問卷共564份。資料回收以描述性統計、因素分析、項目分析、交叉分析、皮爾森積差相關、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,其研究結果如下: 一、 學校型態實驗教育學校之家長的入學資訊來源重要性依序為親身觀察學校、依孩子學習狀況與取向共同討論、學校辦理實驗教育情形、參與該校活動等為主要參考訊息。 二、 家長選擇權首重為學習與適應,接著為教育專業及行政與環境。 三、 家長對學校滿意高低依序為教師教學與學生表現、行政服務與家長參與。 四、 不同教育程度、家庭收入、職業、學區、是否為轉學生的學校型態實驗教育家長,在家長選擇權的知覺上有差異。 五、 不同教育程度、家庭收入、職業、學區的學校型態實驗教育家長,在對學校滿意度的態度上有差異。 六、 學校型態實驗教育的家長在家長選擇權與對學校滿意度具有高度正相關。 七、 學校型態實驗教育學校的家長在家長選擇權對學校滿意度具有預測力。 根據研究結果,對學校型態實驗教育之實務、規劃、未來研究提出相關建議。 / The purpose of this research was to understand a study of school choice and satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education. “Questionnaire of school choice and satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education” was delivered to the parents, whose children were studied in of school-based experimental education in Taiwan. There were 564 valied questionnaires. Statistical techniques used to analyze the collected data are descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis methods. The results were as follows: 1. As to admission information, parents put an emphasis on four factors, the degree in order is: personal observation, according to the child learning situation and orientation to discuss, view on school-based experimental, participate in school activities. 2. As to school choice, the degree in order is: student learning and adaptation, school education concept and teacher 's teaching, school administration and parental communication and environmental equipment. 3. As to satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education, in descending order is: teachers' teaching and student learning, school administration and parent-teacher communication. 4. Parents with different background showed significant differences on decision making for choosing school. 5. Parents with different background showed significant differences on school satisfaction. 6. There was significant canonical correlation between decision making for choosing school and school satisfaction. 7. The choosing school variables can significantly predict the parent’s satisfaction of school. The research findings and suggestions can serve as reference for educational authorities, elementary school principals and subsequent related studies.

親師生信任連結的家校生活:一所台灣另類國民小學教育實踐之個案研究 / The Home-school Life of Trustful Coupling Relationship among Parents, Teachers, and Students: a Case Study on an Alternative Elementary School in Taiwan

詹家惠, Jan, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質性研究方法,以開放系統理論為架構,從組織運作的角度來探究個案學校─種籽親子實驗國民小學之日常生活和教育實踐,從而描繪出這所另類學校的學校圖像,並分析該校穩健存續的因素。本研究之研究結果如下: 一、本研究分別以「學生學習的制度」和「學校運作的制度」來描繪種籽親子實驗國民小學之學校圖像。前者包含課程學習及生活學習的各項制度,開展出師生自由自主、和諧共融的家校生活;後者敘述親師合作辦學治校,以及攸關教師成長的各項制度,開展出親師互信互賴、共同成長的家校生活。這兩個圖像共同呈現該校特殊的「家校生活」面貌:親師生皆能自在地以其本然面貌所展現的個別性,在學校共同生活。親師生和諧共融、互信互賴的基礎正在於鼓勵個人真實呈現自我的制度與文化。「家校生活」不僅意味著親師生在學校能延續著各自在家庭裡個人化的樣貌,更顯示家庭與學校之間資源互通、成員交流,學校呈現出由一個個學生家庭及教師團成員的家庭所組成的共同體。學校生活能自然融合、連結個人生活的其他面向,個別親師生因而在學校展現出一個個自主自在的完整學習個體的面貌。 二、種籽親子實驗國民小學的內部系統特性及其外部環境關係,如下數端: (一)結構系統呈現低度科層體制特性 (二)討論文化的底蘊是「支持個別差異的開放文化」與「有機體的合作文化」 (三)教師個人系統與家長、學生個人系統彼此協調而互有影響 (四)政治系統顯現個人範疇權力的運用與組織需求的轉化能解決衝突 (五)學校與地方教育主管機關互動良好但疏於經營與所在社區的關係 三、自我組織(self-organization)的組織本質是種籽親子實驗國民小學穩健存續的因素。以內部系統來看,該校的文化系統強韌並與個人系統協調,使其維持低度科層結構並得以化解組織衝突,內部系統顯現調和一致性。以學校組織的整體系統來看,該校是文化系統運作顯著的開放系統,文化系統具自主性的「調節回饋」本質,使學校形成「自我組織」,能因應內部系統與外部環境的擾動或壓力,得以穩健存續。 四、對於種籽親子實驗國民小學的建議: (一)親師生合力建構「種籽學」論述,做為自我改革學校變革的系統性基礎 (二)建立師資培育模式,踐行公共化使命 五、本研究對於國民教育的啟示: (一)朝向彈性的「自我組織」發展,學校更具創新變革能力 (二)建立有利於「自我創化教師」生成的學校環境 (三)親師生共同建構學校信念,形成「信任連結」關係為學校發展基礎 (四)以種籽親子實小的經驗看「實驗教育」的挑戰與因應 1. 「學校評鑑」方式應以協助學校發展為目的,宜更具彈性、因校制宜 2. 主管機關宜促進另類學校與一般學校深度交流或彼此成果分享 3. 種籽親子實驗國民小學的學校運作模式可為偏地小校轉型再生的參考 / This dissertation applies qualitative research method and the “open systems theory” to amplify on an alternative school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School, and inquiries the elements on the sustainable development of the alternative school. The results of this dissertation upon the case study on Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as follows. 1. By describing and analyzing the manners and systems of student learning and school operating, this dissertation points out that the school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is home-school life of trustful coupling relationship among parents, teachers, and students. 2. The organizational characteristics of Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as below. (1) It seems as if Seedling Experimental Elementary School is a bureaucratic organization, but just at a modest rate, is not typical bureaucracy. (2) The intrinsic qualities of discussing culture are supporting individual differences and cooperation. (3) The individual systems of parents, teachers, and students are congruent. (4) Invoking individual power and transferring the need for organization can reconcile conflicts in the political system of organization. (5) Seedling Experimental Elementary School has the good relationship with the authorities, but has the aloof relationship with the local community. 3. The innate character of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is “self-organization” that can reconcile the inner systems of the school organization and embrace the challenges or stress come from outer systems. Seedling Experimental Elementary School as a self-organization can be developing steady. 4. This dissertation makes two suggestions to Seedling Experimental Elementary School. First of all, parents, teachers, and students can collectively build the “Seedling knowledge”. Secondly, Seedling Experimental Elementary School can accomplish educational mission for the public by establishing the method and program of teacher education based on “Seedling knowledge”. 5. This dissertation makes some suggestions for national education. (1) The authorities could assist schools to be “self-organization-orientated” school organizations. (2) The authorities could assist schools to cultivate teachers to be “self-creation-orientated” teachers. (3) A school principal could lead parents, teachers, and students to work up the school belief and vision, which may develop trustful coupling relationship that could be the base of school. (4) Three suggestions for experimental education: first, school evaluation for schools which are proceeding with experimental education should be flexible and expediential; secondly, the authorities can boost the communication and promote the cooperation between alternative schools and common schools; finally, the school operating model of Seedling Experimental Elementary School could be the reference and resource for the transformation of small schools in rural.

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