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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳崑玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究期盼透過高專業承諾教師的生命史研究,達成下列目的: (一)了解高專業承諾教師如何詮釋本身工作的成效和意義。 (二)探究高專業承諾教師如何面對生命中的困境。 (三)分析影響高專業承諾教師專業承諾的因素。 (四)提供培養專業承諾教師之相關建議。 本研究經由訪談與文件資料分析,獲致以下結論: 一、本研究之個案(葉老師)確屬「高專業承諾教師」。 二、教育工作對葉老師的具有三項意義:(一)是性向也是志向(二)是快樂和成就的泉源(三)是回饋社會的方法。 三、葉老師面對生命困境的態度和作為: (一)家庭的困境養成他強靭的挫折容忍力,讓他在往後的生命歷程中,很少感受到挫折和困境。 (二)葉老師面對家庭困境從不怨天尤人,並以「接受現實」、「認真讀書」、「盡自己本份」來回應困境的考驗。 (三)葉老師面對感情挫折,以默默承受的自我調適,不會遷怒也不會攻擊,並願意為愛犧牲,只要覺得對方還需要他,他就願意繼續付出,直到發覺自己並不真正被需要才會放下。 (四)葉老師對教育環境的要求不高,不容易產生挫折感;咎責他人之前,會先反省自己;敏於感知他人的處境,經常為他人著想。因此,他的教育熱誠能夠相當豐沛而持久。 四、影響葉老師專業承諾的因素: (一)堅強的生存意志:讓他任何事情都很願意去找尋它好的一面,有建設性的一面,所以可以長期保有教育的熱情和理想。 (二)對安全感的高度需求:為了避免孤獨,葉老師喜歡和任何人接觸,喜歡幫助別人;為了轉移孤獨的不安,葉老師養成專注的做事習慣,以及「一旦投入,就全力以赴」的個性。 (三)楷模的學習:一類來自母親和大哥對家庭無怨無悔付出的言教和身教;另一類來自教會,教會的修女和教友以及教會的儀式所匯聚的溫馨祥和氣氛。而這兩種類型楷模都蘊含了「犧牲奉獻」的精神,這種精神成為日後葉老師的人生價值。 (四)天職的召喚:從小受到教會及史懷哲等典範人物的影響,慢慢形成一種犧牲奉獻、渡化眾生的使命,進而在心中不斷召喚。 (五)成功的經驗:來自學生、家長、學校同仁的肯定和回饋所打造的成功經驗讓葉老師感受到生命的價值,因而不論遇到任何困難,都能持續努力而且樂在其中。


王春生, Wang, Chun-sheng Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學教育學院九十一學年度第二學期碩士論文摘要 研究所別:教育研究所 指導教授:邱錦昌博士 論文題目:台北縣國中教師校內同儕回饋 研 究 生:王 春 生 方式與教師專業成長之關係研究 摘 要 本研究旨在分析探討台北縣立國中推動同儕回饋方式對教師「專業成長」的助益。研究方法採文獻分析、問卷調查法。按台北縣教育局將現內國中分為九大區,問卷對象是現職北縣國中教師(包括教師兼行政之主任、組長)實施調查研究,分層隨機抽取樣本450人,回收樣本數419份。所獲得之資料以百分比次數分配與F檢定及事後比較統計分析。最後綜合文獻分析、問卷調查結果,歸納出以下的結論: 壹、 同儕回饋次數與專業成長的關係 不管教師參加導師會報、教學觀摩會、各學習領域教學研究會的次數越多,都無助於這三種專業成長(教學知能、班級經營、專業責任)的提升。其原因是一般老師認為同儕回饋方式流於工作分配、政令宣導。 貳、 基本資料對同儕回饋與專業成長的影響 以「性別」、「擔任職務」、「服務年資」、「學校規模」、「學校所在類型」為自變項來分析同儕回饋對專業成長有顯著差異。 參、 同儕回饋對專業成長的助益 一、教學觀摩會及各學習領域教學研究會這兩種同儕回饋方式對提升教學知能最有幫助。 二、導師會報這種同儕回饋方式對提升班級經營最有幫助。 三、各學習領域教學研究會這種同儕回饋方式對提升專業責任最有幫助。 根據上述結論,本研究分別對教育行政機關、學校、教師、後續相關研究提出相關建議。 關鍵詞:同儕回饋、專業成長 / Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze and discuss the positive influence of the ways of peer feedback activities that junior high schools in Taipei County had developed on teachers’ professional growths. The research methods of the research were literature review and questionnaire survey. The Educational bureau of Taipei county divided all its junior high schools into nine big areas. The parent population is junior high school teachers now in-service in Taipei county ( including teachers with double positions ). 450 junior high school teachers were sampled by stratified random sampling, which of the 419 were put into statistics. The raw data collected above were analyzed by percentage frequency distribution, F-test, and posteriori comparisons. Finally, inducing the conclusions as follows: First.The relationships between the frequency of peer feedback and profession growths No matter how many times the teachers join homeroom teachers’ meeting, teaching demonstration, and teaching for learning areas workshop, they would have no positive influence on promoting these three profession growths ( including instructional ability, the classroom management, professional responsibilities ). Secondary.The influences of background variables on peer feedback and profession growths The influences of peer feedback on profession growths were significantly different among levels of six independent variables respectively, including gender, position, service-years, school size, and school location. Third.The positive influences of peer feedback on profession growths a.Teaching demonstration and teaching for learning areas workshop, these two ways of peer feedback were the most helpful in promoting Instructional ability. b.Homeroom teachers’ meeting, this way of peer feedback was the most helpful in in promoting the classroom management. c.Teaching for learning areas workshop, this way of peer feedback was the most helpful in promoting professional responsibilities. The reason was that teachers thought this kind of peer feedback was nothing but task-allocation or commandment-delivery. Keywords:Peer feedback activities, Professional growth.

提供小型企業的人力資源專業服務公司 / People management partner: A human resources management total solution service provider to small size companines

呂學蘭, Leu, Sally Unknown Date (has links)
提供小型企業的人力資源專業服務公司 / None


陳韋伊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學教師專業共同職能之探討。進一步瞭解背景變項因素之影響,最後根據研究結果提出具體建議。 本研究首先採用問卷調查法,從職能之理論出發,推導教師專業共同職能之內涵,並且應用問卷調查與訪談之方法,以獲知國民中學教師對專業共同職能之看法。本研究工具採自編之「國民中學教師專業共同職能之調查問卷」,研究對象為新竹縣、桃園縣等兩個縣巿之公立國民中學教師,問卷計發出600份,回收402份,有效問卷402份,可用率67%,調查結果應用SPSS/12.0統計套裝軟體進行分析,並與新竹地區共5位教師進行訪談,根據研究結果之分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、國民中教師專業共同職能計有6個向度、58個題項。 二、教師專業共同職能最重要十大職能:依續為教師能營造互動良好的班級氣氛;教師能建立有助於學生學習的班級常規;教師在教學時能由淺入深、具邏輯性呈現教材;教師教學能引起學生並維持學生學習動機;教師能妥適處理任教班級偶發事件及問題;教師對任教班級能建立良好的溝通方式;教師能激發班級榮譽感與凝聚力;教師能依據課程的性質規劃適切的教學活動及教法;教師能適當調整自己情緒,不遷怒他人並經常反思察納雅言;教師處理事情能從不同的角度看問題。 三、對國民中學教師專業共同職能之差異分析,本研究背景變項有性別、年齡、職務、年資、學歷、學校規模及學校所在地。在性別、年資、學歷、職務上對職能上都沒有差異,但在年齡、學校規模、學校所在地上出現了差異。 四、另外,就潛在變項為「教師專業共同職能」對觀察變項「教師教學職能」、「班級經營職能」、「人際溝通職能」、「創新職能」、「態度職能」與「學生本位職能」之解釋變異百分比 (r-square)分析,其原始模式之R2為.64、.74、.73、.71、.84與.79,修正後模式之R2為.63、.73、.75、.72、.80與.75。就修正後模式而言,以「態度職能」最能被教師專業共同職能所解釋,其解釋變異量達80%,其次依序為「人際溝通職能」、「學生本位職能」、「班級經營職能」、「創新職能」與「教師教學職能」,其被解釋變異量介於.63至.75間,顯示教師專業共同職能對六大職能具有良好之解釋力。 根據上述結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)教育行政機關早日全面執行教師專業發展評鑑提升教師專業職能 (二)師資培育機構加強教師職前專業職能課程,使教師專業共同職能成為職前教師師必備能力 (三)各縣市教育局處推展教師職能工作坊增進教師職能 (四)城鄉差距問題仍然呈現,宜增加小型或偏遠學校資源挹注 二、對國民中學的建議 (一)問卷可提供教師專業共同職能初評之使用 (二)落實教師專業發展評鑑制度 (三)定期舉辦教學觀摩及班級經營檢討會 (四)鼓勵教師增進自我專業成長,提升教學品質 / This paper inquires the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools and the further realization of the impact of background variables and thence proposes the suggestions in terms of the results. The contents of the teachers’ joint professional competences are generalized by the competence theory via the questionnaires survey. The perspectives of teachers in junior high schools on joint professional competences are collected by the questionnaires and interviews. The tool is the self-edited Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools Questionnaires and the subject is the teachers in public junior high schools in Hsinchu and Taoyuan Counties and Cities. There are 600 questionnaires delivered and 402 retrieved with the valid retrieved ratio at 67%. The analysis of survey results is processed by SPSS/12.0 with the interviews with 5 teachers in Hsinchu County and City. The conclusions through the analysis and discussion are: 1. There are 6 categories with 58 items of the Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools; 2. There are 10 key competences of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools: (1) manage class atmosphere with good interaction, (2) build class rules helping students learn, (3) present instructional materials from easy to hard ones logically, (4) lure and maintain students’ interest by teaching, (5) deal with class contingencies and problems properly, (6) build a good communicative manner with students, (7) initiate the sense of honor and unity of class, (8) plan adequate teaching activities and methods pursuant to the curricular natures, (9) adjust personal emotions properly, prevent from transferring personal anger to others and reflect and accept advices, and (10) view things from diverse perspectives; 3. There are the background variables including gender, age, post, seniority, education, school size and school location concerning the difference analysis of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools. There is no difference for gender, seniority, education and post whereas there is a difference for age, school size and school location; and 4. The latent variable “joint professional competences of teachers” and observable variables “teachers teaching competence”, “class management competence”, “interpersonal communication competence”, “innovation competence”, “attitude competence” and “student-based competence” are processed by the r-square analysis. The corrected R2 is respectively .63, .73, .75, .72, .80 and .75. Thus, “attitude competence” with 80% is the highest explanatory power of teachers’ joint professional competences; others in order are “interpersonal communication competence”, “student-based competence”, “class management competence”, “innovation competence” and “teachers teaching competence” with the R2 at .63-.75, indicating the good explanatory power of the categories on teachers’ joint professional competences. According to the conclusions, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. Suggestions to educational administrations (1) Educational administrations perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation so as to advance teachers’ professional competences; (2) Teachers educational organizations enhance pre-service courses of professional competences in order to equip teachers with the joint professional competences as the essential competence; (3) County and City educational departments promote the teachers competences workshops to advance teachers’ competences; and (4) Support and add resources to small or remote schools to shorten the gap between urban and rural areas. 2. Suggestions to junior high schools (1) Make the questionnaires available to the initial assessment of teachers’ joint competences; (2) Perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation system; (3) Hold regular instructional observational meeting and class management review; and (4) Encourage teachers to improve self professional growth for advanced teaching quality.


張皪元 Unknown Date (has links)
SNG衛星製播作業利用衛星傳輸訊號,克服時間空間障礙,為電視新聞產製過程帶來革命性的轉變。以SNG進行即時新聞傳輸的作法即為俗稱之現場連線,過去文獻關於SNG現場連線對電視新聞影響之探討包括主管決策面的轉變、新聞內容層次的轉變,電視新聞產製流程的轉變、編輯台地位的轉變及記者個人角色的轉變等等。 本文由新聞專業性的角度切入,探討SNG現場連線後,電視新聞記者在專業性上的轉變為何,研究結果發現電視新聞記者認為SNG現場連線後,最受衝擊的首為新聞專業能力應予提升,其次為新聞專業自主與新聞專業知識在SNG現場連線出現後,更為電視新聞記者強調,最不受重視的則為新聞記者社會責任的提升。在媒介組織對SNG的後勤支援方面,研究發現新聞專業性與記者對媒介組織後勤支援的要求成正比,專業性程度愈高的電視新聞記者,愈期待媒介組織在SNG現場連線時能給予相關的配套措施。


黃少梅 Unknown Date (has links)
由於風險與不確定性在人類的決策過程中扮演著重要的角色,而會計師所面臨之執業風險與日俱增,因此會計師處理風險的態度如何,在在影響著決策。會計師專業保險原是提供執業安全的保障,在我國卻不普遍,原因何在?   本論文係對我國執業會計師風險態度、專業責任的看法及專業保險意願與影響因素作一探討,以了解會計師的風險態度及執業環境之看法。研究結果發現會計師處理三種風險的態度並不一致。會計師間對純粹風險較冒險,對投機性風險下不與確定性則較為保守。會計師的學歷會影響純粹風險及不確定性的風險態度;而性別會影響投機性風險態度。   事務所規模較大者,較同意立法強制投保及事務所改以有限公司經營;學歷愈高,愈不同意設賠償上限;事務所經營型態會影響事務所是否已投保。純粹風險愈冒險者,事務所愈是已投保的。投機性風險愈冒險者,愈不同意設賠償上限,也比較不願意投保專業保險。對不確定性風險態度愈冒險者,愈同意事務所改以有限公司經營。

公共組織專業化之研究 / The Research of Professionalization of Public Administration Organization

巫秋燕, Wu, Chiu Yen Unknown Date (has links)
現代的社會已逐漸從工業社會中,步入後工業社會,亦即代表著資訊時代的來臨。每天我們可以從各種不同的傳播媒體、通訊設備中,接收到許許多多的訊息。這些訊息數量之多,種類之繁複,已遠非一般人能夠消化吸收。於是,邁向專業化之呼聲愈來愈高,也愈來愈需要各種不同的專業人才,幫助人們將許多不同的資訊分類整理。只有各種專業人士各盡其才,各司其職,社會才能如常運作下去。二十世紀是一個變動不居,從傳統到現代的時代,官僚制度的性質亦由消極的保障,步入了積極服務的行政時代,因此政府組織也不斷地擴充發展,加以官僚人員所要處理的事務日益專精,未具備專門知識與技能的人就無法勝任。因此專家行政也因而興起,經由考試、教育及訓練制度的種種配合,使得欲擔任現代政府公務職位者,必須具有專門知識與技能才行。專業人士的增加,既是不可忽視的事實,在公共行政組織中,是否就意味著需要讓更多職位更加專業化?或是引進更多專業人才?而一旦引進這些專業人士之後,對原來官僚化的組織會造成何種衝擊?產生何種影響呢?且在民主參與呼聲高漲的今日社會,公共事務交由專家來決定,是否有違民主精神?民眾又該如何監督呢?凡此種種問題,都在本篇論文中有所述及。是以本篇論文的研究範圍,即鎖定在公共行政組織不斷地引進專業人才,愈來愈專業化後,對於原來之科層組織,及組織外在環境(例如民主環境、公共問題的解決,及環境的變遷等)之影響。其架構如下:   第一章:緒論。   第二章:理論之探討。首先,先從組織理論發展的歷程,說明在這些組織理論中,對專業化的概念如何?了解專業化在組織理論中之演變後,再探討專業主義興起的背景與其內涵何在?最後,再略述美國專業化之發展狀況。   第三章:專業化對官僚體系之影響。本章主要是針對專業化對組織本身之影響,是以先對官僚組織的結構面、功能面、及心理面等,提出一些討論及看法,再試圖比較專業取向的組織和官僚組織的不同之處。並且組織中的權威對組織目標的達成、組織人員的互動、及合法性、正當性都有很大的影響,是以第二節將探究官僚權威和專業權威的問題。接著再探討組織中的管理人員與專業人員互動之情況,首先會先探究專業人員在一般組織,或公會中之角色,再討論專業人員與管理人員的衝突問題。最後,再探究專業化對官僚組織產生的優缺點。   第四章:專業化對組織外在環境之影響。公共行政組織的一大特色,就是它必須服務一般民眾,對社會大眾的要求要有所回應,是以本章就是針對專業化之後,其對組織的外在環境所產生的影響。首先先討論與環境有關的相關理論後,再來研究所謂的「專業知識」,是否真的對公共問題的解決有幫助?接著探討在目前不斷倡議民主政治、公民參與的現代社會中,專業化對其有何影響?是否真有害於民主政治?最後再提出專業化對外在環境影響之優缺點。   第五章:結論。首先提出一些個人的建議與看法,從專業人員的教育與訓練、對專業人員之激勵及專業倫理方面,探究要如何建立專業形象以改善服務品質,最後再總結全文並對未來提出一些看法及期許。


曹萃栩, CAO, CUI-XU Unknown Date (has links)
主要內容是針對國內技術專業人員的離職意願與其心理各構面的前因,來探討彼此間 的關係,欲以實證結果提供企業界人士做為技術專業人才的選用、訓練及發展時的參 考。 在論文中先對離職行為的理論及實證,做一初步的研究;再提出修正後的研究架構。 而研究過程則以交通工具業、電工器材業、營建業、橡膠業、化學業等五業十九家公 司為對象,以問卷方式進行調查;而後利用這些資料進行電腦之統計分析:以相關分 析檢定各構面之相關程度,以單因子變異數分析及正準相關分析檢定研究假設,最後 則以逐步迴歸來進行預測,並經由以上的分析結果,提出結論說明,並建議進一步研 究努力的方向。


趙翠麗 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼稚園園長持續專業發展與園長專業能力的關係。本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及同步訪談。問卷調查樣本以台灣地區宜蘭縣、基隆市、台北縣、台北市、桃園縣之公私立幼稚園園長為研究對象,共592人,樣本回收297份,可用296份,可用率達50%。訪談對象為3位現職之公私立幼稚園園長。研究工具包含「幼稚園園長持續專業發展調查問卷」、「幼稚園園長專業能力調查問卷」「幼稚園園長持續專業發展之研究訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析及內容分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果及分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、幼稚園園長持續專業發展,以「確認及分析持續專業發展需求」向度得分最高,而「監控及評估持續專業發展後之影響」向度得分最低 二、幼稚園園長專業能力的現況得分程度佳,並以「專業責任」能力表現最佳 三、園長背景變項中,年齡、園所性質對知覺園長持續專業發展的差異達顯著水準,但最高學歷、服務年資、園所區域未達顯著差異 四、園長背景變項中,年齡、服務年資、園所性質,對知覺園長專業能力的差異達顯著水準,最高學歷、園所區域未達顯著差異 五、幼稚園園長對持續專業發展得分程度高分組者,在園長專業能力的得分顯著優於中、低分組,中分組又顯著優於低分組 六、園長持續專業發展與園長專業能力間呈顯著正相關 七、園長持續專業發展對園長專業能力具有預測作用 最後,本研究依研究結果,提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、依班級規模建立園長專任制度,走向專責專職 二、建立園長儲訓制度與持續專業發展評估輔導機制 三、與學術機構合作,暢通持續專業發展管道 貳、對幼稚園園長的建議 一、檢視自我專業能力之優劣勢,作為進修研習之參考依據 二、組成參與園長專業社群,以增進經驗交流、互動與成長 / The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship of kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development and professional competence. The research methods used was literature analysis, questionnaires investigation, and synchronal interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 592 kindergarten directors in Yilan Country, Keelung Country, Taipei City, Taipei Country and Taoyuan Country and 296 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Multiple Regression and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. Kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development “identifying and analyzing the need of continuing professional development” rank first and “monitoring and evaluating effect of continuing professional development” rank last. 2. All the kindergarten directors’ professional competence received a positive outcome and “professional responsibility” ranks the highest. 3. The kindergarten directors’ background demography age and kindergarten category of public or private incurred a significant difference with all the directors’ continuing professional development. 4. The kindergarten directors’ background demography age, years of service and kindergarten category of public or private incurred a significant difference with all the directors’ continuing professional development. 5. Kindergarten directors who got high score on the continuing professional development were gotten better score in the professional competence than low and middle ones, who got middle score on the continuing professional development were gotten better score in the professional competence than low ones. 6. The kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development is positively correlated with the professional competence. 7. The kindergarten directors’ continuing professional development could positively predict. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “kindergarten directors”, hoping to benefit the of the school principal preparation systems in the future.


劉濟慈 Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代網際網路盛行,受到民眾喜愛但也改變了對圖書館的使用習慣,OCLC 在2005年《圖書館與資訊資源看法》(Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources)的報告中,調查讀者的資訊尋求行為和習慣,發現讀者使用網路搜尋引擎的頻率和滿意度等各方面評價遠高於圖書館資源。此調查結果帶給圖書館事業一大衝擊,反思是否讀者並不瞭解圖書館的價值?圖書館能提供什麼資源與服務?以及圖書館員的能力可提供什麼協助? 因此本研究旨在從圖書館的核心價值探討圖書館存在目的、功能和服務目標,從價值延伸出圖書館員的職責和角色,為以背負及擔任這些的任務和角色,進一步探討圖書館員需要哪些專業能力範圍與指標。本論文主要參考美國圖書館學會2004年擬定圖書館的11項核心價值,以及2008年擬定的《圖書館事業核心能力》作為焦點團體訪談議題的參考,經過三場焦點團體訪談後,擬定《我國圖書館價值和館員基本專業能力清單草案》,然後將此草案藉由問卷調查進行項目確認。 本論文研究結果產出我國圖書館價值共12項、圖書館員角色11項、圖書館員基本專業能力共8大範圍55項指標、數位時代圖書館新業務功能14項。研究建議包括提供中華民國圖書館學會作為圖書館價值與館員專業能力宣示文件之參考、提供國內圖書資訊學系所訂定學生專業能力之參考、提供圖書館任用新進館員與評鑑現有館員標準參考、對中華民國圖書館學會館員教育訓練之建議、提供我國圖書資訊學教育規劃之參考、提供我國圖書館人力資源規劃的指南、提供我國圖書館員繼續教育課程規劃之參考。 / Internet became more and more popular in the digital age, but it also changed the habits of library use by people. In 2005, there was a report from OCLC, “Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources”, which investigated users’ information-seeking behavior and habits ,and found that the frequency and satisfaction in using the Internet search engine by users was much higher than library resources. The result of this investigation made a great impact on the librarianship to reflect that maybe users don’t really understand the values of libraries, and what resources and services can libraries provide, and the competencies of librarians can offer any assistance? This study aims to explore the core values, purpose, functions and objectives of libraries, and then extends to research the roles and the core competencies of librarians. This study used two research methods ,which were focus groups and questionnaire survey. There were two main references to focus group, the first one was “Core Values of Librarianship” from ALA in 2004, and the second one was “Core Competencies of Librarianship ” from ALA in 2008. After three interviews with focus groups, drew up “Draft Statement of Library Values and Core Competencies in Taiwan”. And then the draft was confirmed by questionnaire survey. The research findings are as follows:(1)summed up twelve library values; (2) summed up eleven roles of librarians; (3)summed up a list of core competencies of librarians in Taiwan including eight categories and fifty-five indicators; (4) summed up fourteen new functions of libraries in digital ages. Based on the final results of this research, several suggestions are as follows: (1)to provide a reference document as “The Declaration of Library Values and Core Competencies of Librarians” for Library Association of the Republic of China(Taiwan); (2)to provide a reference document for the college department of Library and Information Science to draw up core competencies of students;(3) to provide a reference standard for libraries to evaluate new librarians and existing librarians;(4) to provide some suggestions of education and training courses for Library Association of the Republic of China(Taiwan);(5)to provide a reference plan of education and training for the college department of Library and Information Science;(6)to provide indicators to human resources plan for libraries;(7)to provide reference plans of continuing education courses for librarians.

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