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工程採購爭議仲裁程序公正性之研究 / On the fairness of arbitration in process of public construction陳良勇 Unknown Date (has links)
政府採購法下之工程採購較他類採購規模大,契約金額高,且因履約期長,履約之不可預期性增加,常造成履約過程中,對於契約無法明確釐清之事項及責任,在機關為維護公共利益,而廠商為爭取合理利潤,雙方立場不一致情形下,無法有效解決問題,遂產生履約爭議,而須透過履約爭議處理制度來解決雙方之紛爭。而仲裁係履約爭議處理的一種快速有效解決爭議之方式,由雙方當事人各自推舉仲裁人,再共推一名主任仲裁人組成仲裁庭解決雙方之紛爭。然現行情況機關多抗拒仲裁,不信任仲裁,質疑仲裁程序之公正性,進而提出撤銷仲裁判斷之訴訟,但幾乎皆遭法院駁回,機關最終必須接受仲裁判斷結果。本研究針對公共工程採購仲裁爭議案件,以深度訪談實際參與仲裁庭審理過程之機關與廠商兩造,就整個仲裁過程是否以公平公正、符合程序正義,有效合理的解決紛爭,並探究為何機關提起撤銷仲裁判斷之訴訟之原因。研究結果發現機關質疑仲裁制度公正性的原因係對工程採購履約爭議制度不熟悉,且仲裁人在處理過程有代理人之行為,加上機關的律師不若廠商的律師積極、仲裁結果輸多贏少,導致不信任仲裁。而機關除認為仲裁結果不公正外,又為避免遭受圖利廠商質疑遂提起撤銷仲裁判斷訴訟。因此研究建議機關可選任由具工程專業背景之資深公務人員擔任仲裁人,並提供聘任律師合理費用以提升機關參與仲裁之信心與意願。 另公開工程採購爭議仲裁判斷書供社會大眾閱覽、加強仲裁人訓練、推廣仲裁、相關主計、政風及審計等監督單位應尊重採購專業人員之判斷等建議,使當事人更能接受仲裁判斷結果。 / Under Government Procurement Law, the scale and amount of public construction procurement is usually much larger. The increased unexpected factors due to longer compliance period, and different standpoint from both sides could rise the possibility of disputes, which should be solved with a more systematic way. Arbitration, which solves disputes by selecting arbitrators and forming an arbitral tribunal, is a fast and efficient way to deal with disputes from public construction procurement. However, presently, most government agencies distrust arbitration and often file out a revocation of an arbitral, which usually be dismissed by the court. At last, government agencies have to accept the outcome of the arbitration.This thesis studies the cases of public construction procurement disputes. By interviewing both sides of the actual participants, the fairness, effectiveness and justifiability of an arbitral tribunal is carefully examines. The result indicates that the major reasons why government agencies distrust arbitration include the followings: First, government agencies are often unfamiliar with the system of public construction procurement arbitration. Second, arbitrators could assign delegates. Third, attorneys of government agencies could be less aggressive than that of contractors. Forth, government agencies often lose in arbitrations. Moreover, government agencies could file out a revocation of an arbitral preventing being suspected to be in favor to contractors. It is suggested by this study that government agencies could select senior staffs from government agencies with engineering background as arbitrators and provide them with reasonable subsidy. Other suggestions includes: arbitration award be opened for public reference, enhancing arbitrator's training, promoting arbitrator, other divisions of government agencies respect public construction procurement professionalism, et cetera.
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工程承攬契約中定作人協力之跨國比較—以日本公共工程標準承攬契約約款為核心 / A study of employer's duty of cooperation in construction contracts: from the perspective of the model form of Japanese public projects陳重安 Unknown Date (has links)
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設計建造統包工作範圍爭議研究 / The study on the scope of work in design&build contracts周孟璇 Unknown Date (has links)
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政府採購法減價收受制度之研究 / The study of the acceptance with price-reduction of the government procurement act許增如, Hsu, Tseng-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
從民法概念來看,減價收受無所謂過失責任,基本上肇因於廠商債務不履行,債務不履行可分為給付不能或不完全給付,二者區分實益在於給付是否可能,亦關係機關評估是否辦理減價收受及後續損害賠償問題。此外,減價收受亦關係工程承攬契約之瑕疵擔保責任與保固責任,以及減價收受之額度與違約金等相關問題。本論文希望藉由理論探討,及法院判決、調解建議及仲裁等相關實務案例,以釐清減價收受所遭遇之相關問題。 / The acceptance with price-reduction under Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, could be said an exceptional part of the inspection and acceptance under the Act. It is regulated to the interests and duties between the two parties of governmental purchasement. This study intentioally analyzes the “construction work”, which is used to focus on the completeness of definit work and to cope with the contract requirements. When it happens to be accepted with price reduction, what is the reason and what will be going on?
According to the Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, where the result of inspection indicates any non-conformity with the contractual requirements, but the non-conformity neither hinders the safety or use required nor decreases the general function or the function designated by the contract, an acceptance with price-reduction may be conducted under conditions that the entity has determined that there is no need or it is difficult to make replacement. Otherwise, the entity should require the suppliers make improvement within a time-limit according to the paragraph 1 of Article 72.
Based on the concepts of the Civil Code, the acceptance with the price-reduction does not depend on responsibility for intentional or gross negligent acts. It is caused by the suppliers’ non-performance, when the performance becomes impossible or imcomplete. The governmental entity will also transfer to claim conpensation for the injury. This issue also involves the obligation of suppliers to repair the defects within the specified period, not only after the inspection and acceptance. The reasonable amount of price-reduction and the penalties are also important to be disscussed. This study wants to clarify all the issues and the effects of the acceptance with price-reduction through the theory discussion and the reviewing of juridical cases, mediations and arbitrations.
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自國際規範FIDIC標準契約條款論我國工程保險—以保險責任期間為重心林幸頎, Lin, Hsing Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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