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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林景福 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束,使得美國全球安全環境發生了歷史性的巨變,若不考慮戰略核武因素,美國在當時既無全球性的挑戰者,且贏得了夢寐以求的「戰略縱深」;而對於亞太安全的影響而言,主要意義是在兩極對抗的國際性因素的消失,一則使得亞太安全環境更為複雜和不穩定;另則使得亞太區域強權與集團國家的戰略安全政策取得更大的自主性。因此,各國為維持本身和整體環境的安全,霎時出現諸多有關亞太安全的政策設計與機制安排。 90年代中期,在中共快速崛起,區域軍力與經濟力的發展愈形失調之際,亞太的安全情勢也隨之丕變;從北韓核武威脅、台海主權爭議,到區域民族主義、分離主義與恐怖組織的推波助瀾,更使大國間的猜忌加深,並競相加強軍備,將原已嚴峻的亞太情勢推向更為複雜的形勢。基於前般世局的變因與發展,誘發吾人從事國際關係研究的動機,除期望取得一般性國際關係理論與實際知識之外,更希望就布希政府主政前後美國亞太戰略的主要政策內容,去嘗試發現亞太戰略之理論依據與其關聯性,俾助於政府政策制訂與國防戰略發展於萬一。 從冷戰後美國在建構其外交與國際安全戰略上面臨了「蘇聯威脅解除,全面性的挑戰不再;美國民意排拒大規模軍事介入海外衝突;以及在缺乏外在威脅下,現實主義難再提供主導美國外交與安全政策的解釋能力」之窘境。到「九一一事件」後復使現實主義理論再回歸到國際關係理論主流地位,持續支持美國遂行國際霸權的正當性止,無一不在詮釋國際關係動態發展的複雜和永無止息的變異。 嗣經研究發現,美國亞太戰略是其全球戰略與整體外交、安全戰略設計的一環。當冷戰結束,歐洲呈現安全穩定發展,亞洲則因中共國力竄升與北韓核武危機等新的威脅,既影響亞太區域的平衡穩定,且衝擊到美國的國家利益,連帶使得亞太戰略地位的不斷提升,迫使美國必須對其全球安全戰略作出因應的調整。特別是「九一一事件」後,對其亞太戰略的建構,已針對不同的威脅來源與挑戰,作出國家安全戰略與區域安全戰略的調整和強化。布希政府致力打擊全球恐怖組織與防止大規模毀滅性武器的擴散,以此作為外交政策與安全戰略的主軸,並積極利用反恐擴大其影響力和利益基礎,以持續維持美國在世界的領導地位。 而回顧美國國家安全戰略的發展,布希政府無疑是結構性與政策性改變最大者之一。然而,研究美國亞太戰略的轉變,無論是從理論面看,抑或從戰略的實質內涵觀之,其在不同時期的亞太安全戰略所顯示的意涵,也多能符合前開國際關係理論的論述主張。從國際關係理論架構探究布希政府主政前後美國亞太戰略轉變,90年代初老布希政府到柯林頓政府是由現實主義過渡到自由主義的性質中;至於到跨世紀後,柯林頓政府與布希政府的世代交替,則是從自由主義色彩再度回歸到現實主義的理論特色上。若以實質內涵觀之,則是從老布希政府的「國際新秩序」、「扇形戰略論」、「太平洋共同體」,到柯林頓政府時期的「新太平洋共同體」、「超越圍堵」、「擴大與交往」、「塑造、反應、準備」、「勸止、制壓、擊敗」戰略的推移;到進入21世紀伊始布希政府接續提出的「圍堵交往」、「區域安全」、「反恐擴張」、「先發制人」等系列戰略內涵的揭示。而具體的轉變則表現在由經濟轉向國安主導戰略發展、由守勢轉向攻勢主義戰略發展、由國際轉向內外兼顧戰略發展,以及由多邊轉向單邊主義戰略發展上。 美國是世界超強,故其國家戰略走向,自必動見觀瞻,牽動世局,影響全球的安全與安定。本文探討冷戰後迄今美國亞太戰略的變化情形,除對布希政府上任前後,據以分析兩個時期的不同戰略特色之外,嗣也發現促成其戰略轉變的根源係在不同時空的敵情威脅、全球政經安全情勢與美國內部的政治等因素上。故如何審時度勢,厚植實力,睥睨時局,就成為主導戰略發展的關鍵。 關鍵詞:亞太戰略、九一一事件、布希主義、圍堵交往、區域安全、反恐擴張、先發制人、美日安保。

愛倫坡與柯南道爾偵探小說的布爾橋亞室內空間 / The Bourgeois Interior in Edgar Allen Poe’s and Conan Doyle’s Detective Stories

郭詩裴 Unknown Date (has links)
班雅明在拱廊計畫中專章探討布爾喬亞室內空間概念的思想理論啟發了本論文。在資本主義盛行工業革命興起的十九世紀,室內空間成為中產階級儲存財產、保障私人安全舒適、以及抵禦外在威脅的所在,然而班雅明不僅僅質疑這種布爾喬亞室內空間的穩固,他更直接點出中產階級表面上寄託於室內空間,潛意識卻也不信任其牢靠。而我將延續班雅明的論點解讀十九世紀偵探文類中屢屢發生的室內犯罪,這樣的劇情設計事實上就是投射了偵探文類中產階級讀者對於室內空間潛在的焦慮。本論文以班雅明為基礎,使用艾徳加.愛倫坡和柯南道爾的偵探短篇小說,探討這些作品如何呈現布爾喬亞室內空間,作者如何回應室內空間的議題,以及偵探在布爾喬亞室內空間中扮演什麼樣的角色,同時從十九世紀初的艾倫波到十九世紀末的柯南道爾,我也欲探討布爾喬亞室內空間從都市化初期到都市化末期中產階級移往郊區定居的過程中所發生的轉變。本文認為,愛倫坡和柯南道爾的偵探故事中藉由顯示室內空間的危險與不穩定挑戰了傳統的布爾橋亞室內空間觀。 / Walter Benjamin’s conceptualization of the bourgeois interior inspired this dissertation. As the nineteenth century witnessed capitalism and Industrial Revolution, the domestic interior served the bourgeoisie to store property, ensure comfort and security, and withstand the outdoor dangers. However, Benjamin not only questions the impregnability of this bourgeois interior but also directly points out the bourgeoisie’s unconscious anxiety over the interior despite their conscious confidence in it. Using Benjamin’s theory as my critical framework, I analyze the frequent occurrences of domestic crimes in the nineteenth-century detective genre. This formula, I argue, projects its middle-class readers’ anxiety over the domestic space as the domestic space is repeatedly invaded and disturbed by crimes. Based on Benjamin’s theory, I use Edgar Allen Poe and Conan Doyle’s detective stories to explore how these works depict the bourgeois interior, how their authors address the issues about the bourgeois interior, and what role the detective plays, a protector or a transgressor, when involved into the invasions of the bourgeois interior. From Poe at the beginning of the nineteenth century to Doyle at the end, I also examine the changes of the bourgeois interior during the process of the middle class’ migration from the city center to suburbs. I argue that both Poe’s and Doyle’s detective stories challenges the ideology of bourgeois spatiality by showing the interior is unsafe and unstable against the bourgeoisie’s imagination.

Foliage area distribution within a first-order branch in Cryptomeria japonica

YAMAMOTO, Kazukiyo, 山本, 一清, TAKIGUCHI, Hiroyuki, 瀧口, 博之 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Nuclear localization of proteins with a charge periodicity of 28 residues

SAKIYAMA, Noriyuki, 崎山, 則征, KE, Runcong, 柯, 閏聡, SAWADA, Ryuusuke, 澤田, 隆介, SONOYAMA, Masashi, 園山, 正史, MITAKU, Shigeki, 美宅, 成樹 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Principal’s Distributed Leadership and Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Elementary Schools in Taipei City

李奕芸, Lee, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為之差異情形,且探討二者之間的關係,最後探討校長分布式領導對教師組織公民行為預測力情形。 研究採問卷調查法,以臺北市立國民小學教師為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣,抽取47所學校,發出788份問卷,回收688份有效問卷,問卷有效率達87.3%。資料處理分別以描述統計、t 考驗、變異數分析、相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析以及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、國民小學教師知覺校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為之現況屬中高程度。 二、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、職務的國民小學教師,知覺校長分布式領導有顯著差異,以男性、年齡51歲以上、服務年資21年以上、擔任職務為兼主任之教師,知覺校長分布式領導的程度較高。 三、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、職務的國民小學教師,知覺教師組織公民行為有顯著差異,以男性、年齡51歲以上、服務年資21年以上、擔任職務為兼主任之教師,知覺教師組織公民行為的程度較高。 四、國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為具有顯著正相關。 五、國民小學校長分布式領導對教師組織公民行為具有正向預測力。 六、國民小學校長分布式領導與教師組織公民行為的結構方程模式適配度良好。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,提供實務應用與未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior of the elementary schools in Taipei City, and to analyze the differences in different background variables are conscious of principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, and to explore the relationship between the two variables. Finally, to explore the prediction on principals’ distributed leadership to teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior. Questionnaire survey method is adopted. The data was collected from teachers of elementary schools in Taipei City by stratified random sampling. The samples include 47 schools and 788 questionnaires were distributed. There were 688 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistical analysis and the usable rate is 87.3%. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, multiple regressions and structural equation modeling. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The elementary school teachers’ perception of the principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is above average. 2.Regarding perceived distributed leadership, there was significant difference among teachers of different genders, ages, periods of service and positions in school. Teachers who are male, older than 51, more than 21 serving years, or as the chief of department were with higher degree of distributed leadership perception. 3.Regarding perceived teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, there was significant difference among teachers of different genders, ages, periods of service and positions in school. Teachers who are male, older than 51, more than 21 serving years, or as the chief of department were with higher degree of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior perception. 4.The degree of principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior was significant positively related. 5.The degree of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior could be predicted by the degree of principals’ distributed leadership. 6.The SEM constructed for principals’ distributed leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior showed goodness of fit. According to the findings and conclusions given above, some suggestions are provided for practical applications and future research.

Study on Porosity of Sediment Mixtures and a Bed-porosity Variation Model / 混合砂礫の空隙率と空隙率の変化を考慮した河床変動モデルに関する研究 / コンゴウ サレキ ノ クウゲキリツ ト クウゲキリツ ノ ヘンカ オ コウリョシタ カショウ ヘンドウ モデル ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

Muhammad, Sulaiman 24 March 2008 (has links)
The sediment movement system in a river basin consists of sediment production process in the mountainous region, sediment supply process to the torrents and sediment deposition process in the lower reach and coastal area. There are human impacts as well as natural impacts in the system. These impacts affect the topographical feature and ecosystem in the basin including the coastal area. Bed variation model is one of the tools for assessing the topographical feature of river. In previous riverbed variation calculations, engineers or researchers conventionally assumed that the porosity in riverbed material is a constant, regardless of whether the grain sizes of the riverbed material was uniform. Since there is no doubt that the porosity depends on the grain sizes distribution, fixing the porosity at a constant value is inadequate for simulating practical sediment movements, such as the removal of fine materials out of the riverbed material or the deposition of fine material into voids between the coarse material. Voids in a riverbed themselves are also important as habitat for aquatic biota. Not only natural sediment transport phenomena, such as floods and debris flows induced by heavy rainstorms, but also artificial impacts, such as the construction of dams or sediment flushing from reservoirs, seriously affect the voids in the riverbed. So far no bed variation model has been available for the analysis of the change in porosity. As the void of bed material plays an important role in fluvial geomorphology, infiltration system in riverbeds and river ecosystem, a structural change of the void with bed variation is one of the concerned issues in river management. Thus, a bed-porosity variation model is strongly required and it is expected that the model contributes the analysis of those problems as a tool for integrated sediment management. The objectives of this work are: 1) to point out recent problems in a volcanic river basin, as well as the impacts on riverbed variation and ecosystem; the problems in Merapi volcano area and Progo River, Indonesia were chosen as case studies; 2) to develop a method for identifying the type of grain size distribution and two methods for obtaining the porosity for the different type of grain size distribution; 3) to develop a framework and a bed variation model available for the analysis of the change in porosity of bed material as well as the bed variation. The report consists of four subjects and organized into six chapters as shown in the diagram below (Figure 1). The following diagram shows the framework of proposed bed-porosity variation model and the correspondence of each chapter of this report. In Chapter 2, the sediment-related problems in volcanic area, particularly in Mt. Merapi and Progo River, Indonesia and the impacts on bed variation and ecosystem were pointed out. The sediment-related problems persist in the upper reach, middle reach, also in lower reach. Some problems are triggered by natural activities such as volcanic activity of Mt. Merapi and heavy rainfall, and many others are occurred due to the human interfere such as deforestation, construction of sabo dam and sand mining. Uncontrolled sand mining is the serious problem in this area. Those problems are increasing the susceptibility in the downstream and deteriorating the watershed. A flume experiment was conducted to realize the impact of mining pit on bed variation. Countermeasures of sediment problems, which have been done in Mt. Merapi area and Progo River, were also presented. Finally, the necessity of a tool for integrated sediment management in consideration of the ecosystem in river was indicated. In Chapter 3, the method for classifying and geometrically identifying the type of grain size distribution was presented. First, grain size distribution was classified into some typical types and those characteristic parameters were found out. Then a method for geometrically identifying the type of grain size distribution by using geometric indices .. and .. was presented. Based on the geometrical analysis of typical grain size distributions, a diagram on classification of grain size distribution type was indicated. The presented identification method was then applied to the natural grain size distribution data and the validity of the method was verified. In Chapter 4, two methods for estimating the porosity of sediment mixtures were presented. One was based on a particle packing simulation model and the other was based on a measurement method. The porosity of particle mixtures depends on not only the grain size distribution but also the compaction degree. However, the compaction degree could not be intentionally controlled in the model. Both of the methods were applied to estimate the porosity of three typical grain size distributions, namely lognormal distribution, modified-Talbot distribution and bimodal distribution. Particularly in the measurement, it was very difficult to mix the sediment evenly. Consequently, the coarser particle lies at higher position than the finer particle. This grading process made the porosity larger, while in the simulation the particles were mixed evenly. Thus, the particles packing in the simulation might be denser than the packing of particles in the measurement. The results showed that the relationship between grain size distribution and porosity could be determined by using the characteristic parameters of typical grain size distribution. This relation could be introduced into the bed variation model. In Chapter 5, a one dimensional bed-porosity variation model was developed for simulating the changes in porosity of bed material as well as the bed variation. Analytical model for binary mixtures with much different grain sizes and the relationship between the characteristic parameters of grain size distribution and porosity presented in Chapter 4 were introduced into the bed variation model. Two numerical methods were employed to solve the governing equations, i.e., standard successive approximation and MacCormack scheme. A flume experiment was conducted to realize the transformation processes of void structure for two conditions; one was the only fine sediment was removed from a sediment mixture and another was the fine sediment deposited into a coarser bed material. After the validity of the presented model was verified using a data set provided by the experiment, the model was applied to the bed and porosity variation process for bed material with binary mixtures and continuous grain size distribution. Its performance was examined in detail for two conditions; (1) no sediment supply condition and (2) sediment supply condition. The simulation results showed the model could produce a reasonable distribution of porosity of the riverbed material in the longitudinal and vertical directions for both conditions. A one-dimensional bed-porosity variation model proposed in this study is different from the previous model from a viewpoint of considering the porosity of bed material. Hence, the proposed model is available for the analysis of the change in porosity of bed material as well as the bed variation. The model contributes in two aspects; from the hydraulics point of view, the model provides an improvement of the accuracy in the riverbed variation calculation and from ecological point of view, the model provides the changes in porosity with the bed variation. In the case of binary mixtures, the validity of the model has been verified using a data set provided by the experiment and the simulation result showed that the model produced a reasonable result on the change in porosity as well as the bed variation. In the case of sediment mixtures with continuous grain size distribution, although the validity of the model has not been verified yet, the simulation result showed the model available for analysis of bed and porosity variation. / Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第13795号 / 工博第2899号 / 新制||工||1428(附属図書館) / 26011 / UT51-2008-C711 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤田 正治, 教授 中川 一, 教授 戸田 圭一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導、 兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為關係之研究 / The study of the relationship among the elementary school principal's distributed leadership, emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior of administrative teachers in Taipei city.

王政暘, Wang, Chen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在於瞭解臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導、兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為之現況,並分析不同背景變項之教師在知覺校長分布式領導、兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為時產生的不同差異情形,且探討三者之間的關係,最後藉由校長分布式領導與兼任行政教師情緒勞務對其組織公民行為進行預測。 本研究採調查研究法,共計抽樣84所學校,發出540份問卷,回收451份問卷,其中有效問卷414份,問卷有效率達91.8%。資料處理分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。 本研究獲致以下之結論: 一、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師知覺校長分布式領導為中高程度,以「校長專業自信與謙遜」之知覺程度為最高,「營造適當的變革時機」之知覺程度為最低。 二、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師在其情緒勞務的知覺為中高程度,以「真誠演出」的知覺為最高,「深層演出」之知覺為最低。 三、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師有中高程度之組織公民行為表現,以「敬業行為」之表現為最高,「工作要求高標準」的表現為最低。 四、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師,因其性別、擔任職務、教育程度、學校規模、學校歷史之不同,而有不同的校長分布式領導知覺感受,以男性、擔任主任、研究所以上、學校規模在49班(含)以上、學校歷史在41-60年之教師知覺程度較高。 五、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師,因其服務年資、擔任職務及學校規模之不同,而對於其情緒勞務之知覺感受有所不同,以服務年資21年(含)以上、擔任主任及學校規模在49班(含)以上之教師知覺程度較高。 六、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師,因其年齡、服務年資、擔任職務及學校規模之不同,而展現出不同程度的教師組織公民行為,以51歲(含)以上、服務年資為21年(含)以上、擔任組長及學校規模為49班(含)以上之教師表現程度較高。 七、臺北市國民小學校長分布式領導、兼任行政教師情緒勞務與組織公民行為之知覺及各層面,彼此間具有正相關的關係。 八、臺北市國民小學兼任行政教師情緒勞務對教師組織公民行為整體及各層面具有預測作用,而校長分布式領導之層面「建構明確的績效責任」及「校長專業自信與謙遜」則對教師組織公民行為之「尊重學校體制」、「工作要求高標準」具有預測作用。   最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與兼任行政教師以及未來研究的參考。 關鍵字:分布式領導、教師情緒勞務、組織公民行為 / The study aims to investigate the current situation of the elementary school principal’s distributed leadership, administrations teacher’s emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior in Taipei City, and then analyze the administrative teachers in different background variables when they are conscious of the elementary school principal’s distributed leadership, administrations teacher’s emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior, and then explore the relationship among the three variables. In the end, the study through principal’s distributed leadership and administrative teachers’ emotional labor forecast the organization citizenship behavior. Questionnaire survey method is adopted in this study. The samples include 84 schools and 540 questionnaires were distributed. 451 questionnaires were returned. There were 414 valid questionnaires used in the statistic analysis and the usable rate is 91.8%. All data processing were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation , Multiple regression. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Elementary school administrative teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership is above average , in which the item “principals’ self-confidence and humility” was the highest, and “creating a timing of trust” was the lowest. 2. Elementary school administrative teachers’ perception of teachers’ emotional labor is above average, in which the item “sincere performances” was the highest, and “deep acting” was the lowest. 3. Elementary school administrative teachers’ perception of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is above average and then the “dedication to the work” was the highest, and “highly working standards” was the lowest. 4. There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership in terms of sex, position, bachelor of science, scale of school, and age of school. 5. There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ emotional labor in terms of years of service, position and scale of school. 6. There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in terms of age, years of service, position and the scale of school. 7. There is positive correlation among the principals’ distributed, administrations teacher’s emotional labor and organization citizenship behavior. 8. Administrations teacher’s emotional labor have a predictive effect on teachers’ organization citizenship behavior. Keywords: distributed leadership, teacher’s emotional labor, organization citizenship behavior

天空放射輝度分布のモデル化とそれを利用した熱負荷計算手法に関する基礎的研究 / テンクウ ホウシャ キド ブンプ ノ モデルカ ト ソレ オ リヨウシタ ネツ フカ ケイサン シュホウ ニ カンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ

細淵, 勇人 23 March 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14604号 / 工博第3072号 / 新制||工||1457(附属図書館) / 26956 / UT51-2009-D316 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科環境地球工学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉田 治典, 教授 髙橋 大弐, 教授 鉾井 修一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

為娃做個娃-探究母親與媧豆兒布娃娃的邂逅 / Make a Doll for Children-Explore the Enconter of the Mother and Handpuppen.

葉立文, Yeh, Li Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採經驗敘說內涵的探究,以探究兒童的世界及文化為出發點,將手製娃娃作為對象,透過它的製作經驗來探討其在童年親子關係上之意涵。除從歷史文獻檔案資料中爬梳理解其意涵,主要選取在1993年從臺灣社會中發展的「媧豆兒布娃娃工作坊」參與媽媽為對象,進行其縫製歷程當事人對此經驗敘說內涵的解讀,從中理解詮釋出媧豆兒布娃娃在母親意義世界中的畫面及在童年親子關係之建構。 / This study is to explore the connotation of experience, it is a starting point based on the world of children and culture, the handmade dolls as the object, through its production experience to explore their meaning in the childhood parent-child relationship. In addition to understanding the meaning of the historical documentary information, mainly selected the mothers of participants from the “handfpuppen workshop", which was developed from Taiwan society in 1993, to explore the subject matter and the study. To the sewing process of the parties to this exploring the connotation of experience. Try to understand the handfpuppen in the mother’s world meaning and to construct of the childhood parent-child relationship.


劉, 天野 25 May 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第22668号 / 人博第954号 / 新制||人||227(附属図書館) / 2020||人博||954(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 小島 泰雄, 教授 小方 登, 教授 山村 亜希, 教授 太田 出 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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