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網路社會運動:以本土同志運動在網上的集結與動員為例陳錦華 Unknown Date (has links)
本文將網路的範疇聚焦在同志最活躍的BBS空間之中,以MOTSS連線版、LES版、同志BBS站等討論文章做為資料來源,並配合深度訪談、平面資料(如報紙、運動團體公關稿)內容分析等,以期完整補捉事件過程與參與者的動態資料。本文將觀察的事件範疇區分為兩部分:(一)來自線下社會的侵權事件(以97年「常德街事件」與98年「華視偷拍事件」為案例),以及(二)網路空間中的資源爭奪(包括MOTSS、LES開版、刪版、性版砍信等事件), 藉以勾勒出同志在網路空間集結與對外發聲的過程,及其展現的能量,並凸顯虛擬空間本身並非跳脫實體社會權力關係的同志天堂,其中亦充滿危機與反挫勢力。
第一章、 序論
第二章、 在網路上運動:社會運動與網路媒介特質相關理論探討
第一節 社會運動定義與理論探討
1-1. 什麼是社會運動?
1-2. 運動的萌生
第二節 當網路遇上社會運動
2-1. 網路做為一種媒介與社運的關連
•傳統大眾媒體VS. 社會運動
•小眾運動媒體VS. 社會運動
• 網路新興媒介與社會運動
2-2. 網路本身做為運動場域的可能性
第三節 網路社運在台灣
第三章、 本土同志運動之脈絡;從線下社群網絡到網路彩虹家國
第一節 台灣同志運動的發展與進程
第二節 網路與同志運動
2-1. 同志網路社群興起前同運之集結
2-2. 網路上的虛擬同志部落
2-3. 台灣同志BBS的發展與現況
2-4. 同志網路社群聚合之特殊性
2-5. 台灣網路上的同志群像
第三節 小結
第五章、 操兵演練:網路空間中的集結與對外抗爭
第一節 兩個網路動員事件
第二節 網路做為另類訊息傳散場域
2-1 大眾媒體的報導
第三節 網路做為共識動員與行動動員的場域
3-1. 不滿情緒之形成與處境的詮釋
3-2. 將更多的人納進來
3-3. 讓潛在動員者動起來
第四節 在行動中自我壯大
第六章、 反挫與反抗:同志網路空間內的權力運作與分化
第一節 空間權的爭奪、捍衛與分化
第二節 反挫:淨化排除與入侵騷擾
2-1. 排除與淨化—性版砍信
2-2. 踢館與性騷擾
2-3. 消失的版圖
第三節 來自線下的查禁與監控
第七章、 結語
第一節 網路空間中運動能量的展現與侷限
第二節 尾聲:關於研究、限制與建議
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選舉地盤 : 候選人票源凝聚程度之分析 / Electoral Bases: The Concentration of Candidates' Vote Coalitions鮑彤, Nathan F. Batto Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
壹 研究動機與目的
貳 文獻檢閱
參 研究性質與方法
第二章 地盤及其特徵
壹 分析方法
貳 各種自變數對地盤單獨的影響
參 交互作用
肆 「一般」地盤的例子
伍 小結
第三章 政黨與地盤
壹 分析方法
貳 地盤為配票的副產物
參 國民黨候選人地盤為責任區
肆 政黨票源的增減與地盤的關係
伍 1995年高雄縣立法委員選舉
陸 小結
第四章 地盤的穩定性
壹 分析方法
貳 地盤的穩定程度:以尋求連任的候選人為例
參 地盤的結構
肆 地盤的分類
伍 票源的移轉
陸 小結
第五章 結論
壹 研究發現
貳 檢討與建議 / The support of the overwhelming candidates is not evenly spread over all areas. Instead, most candidates have certain areas in which they reap a number of votes well above the average for the whole district. These strongest areas are the focus of this thesis.
We start by defining an "electoral base" as well as two indices to measure the scope of the base, "strength" and "importance." These concepts are used to describe the relationships between bases and several independent variables, including the demographic features of the electoral district and the particular attributes of the candidate. We find that bases are largest and most intense for winning, male, KMT candidates running in districts with high numbers of farmers and low overall education levels.
The next section of the thesis deals with the relations between bases and political parties. Through regression analysis, we find that the bases of New Party candidates are actually just a by-product of the New Party's vote rationing system. We consider the possibility that KMT bases also result from the KMT's responsibility zone vote rationing system. However, a case study shows that localism seems to be more directly related to the bases that eventually take shape than the responsibility zone system. Next, we look into the question of whether bases increase a party's votes. We find that if the overall performance of the party's candidates in the entire electoral district is controlled, parties do get increased amounts of votes inside the bases of their candidates. In effect, bases do increase the number of votes the party gets.
The final section of the thesis addresses the question of stability of bases over time. First, two indices, "defense" and "growth" are introduced to measure the stability of bases from one election to the next. We find that from the base of a candidate in one election to the base of the same candidate in the next election, there is a surprisingly large amount of instability; candidates' strongest areas in one election may not be their strongest areas in the next election. Faced with this finding, we look for the keys to stability. One key lies in the structure of the base. Most bases can be divided into three parts: "central areas," "adjacent areas," and "scattered areas." The central areas include the candidate's home town and are the most stable part of the base. The candidate's with the most stable bases tend to be those with large central areas. Finally, we look at the question of whether votes are transferable. Many different political forces are considered, including political families, local factions, and the KMT's military party branch. These forces all have a "core" of support which is stable and can be transferred among different candidates from the group.
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布希時期美國外交政策之研究 / The Anlysis of American Foreign Policy During the Bush Era郭漢丞, Kuo, Han-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
The Bush administration was at the transition period of the
world order: from cold war toward post-cold war era. During this period, many significant international events happened, which caused the structural change of international polictis. The purpose of this thesis is aimed at analysising the foreign policy desision making from 1989 to 1992. Through the building of decision making model, the author try to argure that the policy making pattern and process in this period has its features, and these factors influence the shape of American foreign policy.In this thesis, the author builded up the decision making model of Bush era. In order to test the model, the author put 8 cases to test the model. These cases are: the reunification of Germany; Beyond Containment; Tainanman Square case; the invasion of Panama; Gulf crisis; New World Order; the
collapse of USSR; and Yogoslavia case.At the end, the author
conclude that the foreign policy decision making is highly
concentric, and personal factors influence much on the foreign policy decision making. The rule " Presidential dominant" still exist. Due to President Bush's foreign policy experience, the decision making was mainly made in the white house.
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電腦中介傳播人際情感親密關係之研究探訪電子佈告欄(BBS)中的「虛擬人際關係」 / A study of emotional and intimate interpersonal relational - the exploration of virtual relationship in BBS.吳姝蒨, Wu, Shu-chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討現今人們透過電腦中介傳播系統(computer-mediated communication, CMC)發展出的人際情感親密關係。研究動機是基於網路目前的風行以及研究需要,並視網路為「虛擬情境」,稱此通道下之人際情感親密關係為「虛擬人際關係」,與親身接觸發展出的人際關係有相同與相異之處。
研究探討的重心有三:1. 欲了解「虛擬人際關係」的發展與組成,以及這種人際情感網絡對於現實生活中人際網絡具替代或互補作用;2. 了解「虛擬人際關係」與親身接觸人際情感關係的異同;3. 找出人們尋求「虛擬人際關係」的原因。
本研究以電子布告欄(Bulletin Board System, BBS)為研究情境,選擇清大電機BBS站心情類版為研究個案,採用俗民方法學的態度,以觀察、親身參與其人際互動、社會網絡分析、深度訪談、電子郵寄問卷等方式探討BBS中的人際親密關係與情感支持。
因此,「虛擬人際關係」可以使人發展親密關係並有情感互動,它無法替代實際人際情感親密關係,人們也不可能脫離現實的人際互動,但即是如此,由電腦中介傳播媒介建構的情境卻可以是一處情感交流與宣洩的地方,科技進步也可有溫情的人際效果。 / The study mainly attempts to explore intimate and emotional interpersonal relationship through the computer-mediated communication(CMC) ,orthe Internet, which is regarded as a "Virtual context". The relationship is named as "virtual relationship" which is different from face-to-face(FTF) one.
The study examined several related researches from 1970s on "media choice theory" and "interpersonal interaction". The former includes social presence theory, media richness theory and social information processing(SIP) theory. The latter combs the differences in the interpersonal emotion, ve.rbal/nonverbal cues and human interaction between the CMC and FTF chanell. and interpersonal relationship .Besides, the author describes Walther's SIP theory a lot and suggests it can also be applied to the research of internet-based interpersonal communication. The study also suggests that the most important in the research of CMC is to undesrstand the connection among the users, especially in emotion and intimacy.
There are three points in the research:(1)the development and constitution of the virtual relationships, (2)the difference in between virtual and FTF relationships, (3)finding out the reasons why people come to virtual relationships.
The methods of the study include ethnographic participant observation, social network analysis, depth interview and E-mail questionnaire to discuss the internet- based interpersonal intimate relationships and emotion support. The "feeling", "manwoman" and "love" boards at NTHU were chosen to be the case study .
The results find that "virtual relationship" is most BBS-users's expansion of their social networks. The developing process of virtual relationship is similar to that of FTF relationship, including self-disclosure, sharing and understanding.The different, however, fall on nicknames, verbal interaction, image and anticipation in the BBS. In addition to the development, the constitution of virtual relationships is based upon nicknames, use of emotion, users' idiosyncrasy, BBS experiences and computer skills that are also the reasons why people need virtual relationships.
Virtual relationship, therefore, enables one to develop intimate relations and share each other's feelings. However, the interpersonal relationship under FTF remains unreplaceable. No one can do without the interaction. Even so, the "virtual context" still provides a space for the expression and sharing ones' emotions; therefore, technology progresses also promote the warmth in interpersonal relationships.
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西文資訊科學文獻被引用之分析研究 / Analysis of western cited literature on information science蔡玉紋, Tsai, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用書目計量學與引用文獻分析法分析引用1998年至2008年資訊科學重要期刊之特性。四種代表性期刊分別為Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology、Information Processing and Management、Journal of Information Science以及Journal of Documentation,研究樣本取自WOS資料庫,共計9579篇書目資料。希冀藉由分析探討引用資訊科學文獻之分佈現象與主題範疇,以觀察其他學科與資訊科學學科的互動關係。
本研究結果歸納如下:(1)資訊科學期刊被引用文獻篇數數量隨年代增長。(2)研究型文章為引用資訊科學期刊文獻最主要的資料類型。(3)本研究不完全符合布萊德福與布萊德福-齊夫定律,但可經由布萊德福-齊夫定律圖解,觀察出核心期刊有七種,核心期刊主題以圖書館學與資訊科學為主。 (4)引用資訊科學期刊文獻之學科大類分佈情況,以引用圖書館學門以及科學類為主,JOD是圖書館學門重要的參考期刊。(5)期刊及圖書主題分佈以被圖書資訊學主題和資訊檢索引用最多。(6)高被引用文獻以JASIST所佔比例最多,顯示JASIST是高生產力與高品質兼具的期刊,是資訊科學最重要且最受關注的文獻來源。(7)高被引主題以全球資訊網最多,其次為線上資訊檢索以及搜尋。(8)高被引作者共21位,目前皆任職於學校機構,以從事資訊科學、資訊研究領域為主,研究主題則是資訊檢索、資訊計量學等為多。這21位核心作者可以說是目前資訊科學界的核心領導作者。
本研究結果可應用於館藏發展與管理之參考,界定重要的期刊與圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位規劃、建立完整的資訊科學研究架構,以支援研究。同時,可將本研究之分析應用於資訊科學領域研究者,提供投稿之參考、了解目前研究主流以及未來的發展趨勢等,並可提供於資訊科學期刊編輯者,讓其了解該期刊之表現,適時調整,作為期刊長期追蹤的參考。 / Through bibliometric approach and citation analysis, this study analyzed the related disciplines and subjects of literature citing the important Information Science journals during 1998 to 2008. The four leading Information Science journals are Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Information Processing and Management, Journal of Information Science, and Journal of Documentation. A total of 9579 bibliographic data were from WOS database.
Results show that:(1) The cited times of Information Science journals increased steadily. (2) Journal article is the main documentation type citing Information Science journals. (3)The distribution of literature citing Information Science journals does not exactly fit Bradford’s Law and Bradford-Zipf Law. However, by observation on Bradford-Zipf Law graph, there are seven core journals. The chief fields of core journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Information Science. (4) Primary disciplines of literature citing Information Science journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Science. JOD is the important reference journal in Library Science & Information Science discipline. (5) The subjects of journals and books highly citing Information Science journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Information Retrieval. (6) JASIST is highly cited, showing that it is both a high productivity and high quality journal. (7) The highly cited subject is World Wide Web, and followed by information retrieval and search. (8) The highly cited authors, who mainly serve in college and most of whom hold the post in the related Information Retrieval and Information Study departments, defined in this study amount to 21. Most of them specialize in information retrieval and informetrics.
Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection development and management, and identify the core journal and books. It assists libraries or information centers in planning and establishing complete research framework on Information Science.
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山中百合花:原住民生涯復元之敘事研究 / A narrative research for indigenous people who made a recovery from career traumas吳健瑋, Wu, Chien Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採以「復元」概念,試圖瞭解原住民在經歷到生涯發展中的阻礙與創傷後,如何進行調適與重新得力的經驗。研究設計採取敘事研究法對四位布農族原住民的生涯故事進行蒐集與分析,並有四點發現:首先,原住民的生涯發展可區分為「家庭生活」與「自我實現」兩條軸線,且均呈現螺旋攀升的形式發展;其次,原住民在生涯故事中的敘說風格採以「開拓家」、「悲劇英雄」、「幸運份子」與「被犧牲者」四種建構位置的交替,並在單一生涯主題上,會隨時間與情境而有位置的改變,或因為不同的生涯主題,而同時擁有複數的位置;第三,原住民生涯故事中的創傷主題具有族群的特殊性,共包括「貧窮」、「父係社會下的角色規範」、「學校與部落價值觀的脫節」、「原漢關係的衝突」、「酗酒問題」、「家庭暴力」,以及「其他生涯議題」等七項;最後,促進原住民從生涯創傷中復元的因子,則可歸納出「個人優勢」、「人際關係」、「環境資源」與「文化與靈性」四類,而類別當中的個別復元促進因子會隨情境而被激發或發揮不同功能,且單一因子即可能觸發不同類別間因子的連鎖反應。作者根據研究結果,對原住民族助人工作提出實務上和政策上的建議。 / This research takes “Recovery” concept to describe and understand experiences of Taiwanese indigenous people who made a recovery from career barriers and traumas. Research design takes narrative research to collect and analyze four indigenous Bunun persons’ career development stories. And main findings are as follows. First, axes of indigenous persons’ career development stories could be generalized to “Family life” and “self-fulfillment” two topics, and both development forms tend to spiral upward. Second, interviewees take four narrative positions to construct self in their stories, including “Pioneer”, “Tragedy hero”, “Lucky guy” and “Scapegoat”, but these positions are often shifted because of the time or situations changes, and one person could have plural positions on different topics at the same time. Third, career traumas in stories include “Poverty”, “Role norms under the patriarchal society ”, “Values disconnection between the schools and the tribes”, “Relationship conflict between the Hans and indigenous peoples”, “Alcoholism”, “Domestic violence” and “Other issues”, the specific effects from ethic group background are appeared on all of these trauma issues. Fourth, the conducive factors to recovery from career traumas are widely distributed over “Personal strengths”, “Interpersonal relationships”, “Environmental resources” and “Culture and Spirituality” areas, each factor could be aroused or created by situations, and every single factor can leads others to make chain reaction. Base on above findings, author gives advice on policy making and practice work for indigenous people’ career development.
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現實主義國際關係理論之傳統 / Traditions in realist international relations theory劉金讓, Liu, Chin Jang Unknown Date (has links)
當今現實主義理論學派正面臨著一種淺碟化的危機,伴隨而來的是現實主義深遠的傳統根基遭受簡化以及忽視。本文企圖藉由重新檢驗現實主義傳統的古典文獻,提出在現實主義中的許多被忽略的問題。本文重新定位與評析現實主義之主要理論傳統,包括修昔底德傳統、奧古斯丁傳統、馬基維利傳統、以及霍布斯傳統等四大傳統。此外,本文亦將討論上述四項傳統理論的遺緒。吾人以為,當今現實主義學派的主流理論途徑,存在著嚴重的內在邏輯問題,同時這些問題影響著當代的國關研究。主流學者過度關注於特定版本的霍布斯傳統,因而輕視其它於此理論學派中同等重要的途徑之可能性。同時,透過本文對於現實主義理論傳統多元性與豐富性之展現,本文也指出部分擁簇常識現實主義(commonsense Realism)的學者們,事實上已模糊化現實主義的理論本質。針對上述各種內在的理論問題,作者冀望以本文採一種重新詮釋、重新定位現實主義理論根基的途徑來展現並反省。 / Political Realism is suffering from a crisis of superficialization. The profound traditional roots of Political Realism are being simplified or ignored. This thesis attempts to re-examine the classical texts of Political Realism’s traditions and thus raise questions about some problems in this theoretical programme. Four major traditions which are the Thucydidesian, the Augustinian, the Machiavellian, and the Hobbesian tradition will be re-envisioned and re-appreciated, and their legacies to modern Realists will also be expounded. As this thesis would show, serious inherent logical problems exist in the dominant theoretical approach to Political Realism, which has become pertinent to international relations theory study. Mainstream scholars put too much undue attention on a certain version of the Hobbesian tradition and thus overlook other possibilities which are equally important in formatting this vast theoretical school. By showing the richness and diversity of Political Realism’s tradition, this thesis also suggests that the nature of this theoretical programme is being obfuscated by commonsense scholars. All these inherent theoretical problems will be exhibited in this thesis with an approach to re-appreciate and re-envision the traditional roots of Political Realism.
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苗栗縣國民小學校長分布式領導、教師組織公民行為與教師工作滿意度關係之研究 / The study of the relationship among the elementary school principal’s distributed Leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction in maioli county江志軒 Unknown Date (has links)
最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與教師以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current development of the elementary school principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction in Maioli County, and to analyze the differences in teachers of different background variables are conscious of the principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction, and to explore the relationship among the three variables. Finally, through principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ organization citizenship behavior forecast the teachers’ job satisfaction.
Questionnaire survey method is adopted. The samples include 61 schools and 708 questionnaires were distributed. There were 569 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistic analysis and the usable rate is 80.37%. All data collected were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, Multiple regression etc.
The conclusions are as follows:
1.Elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership is above average while “construct clear vision and purposes” was the highest, and “shared responsibility” was the lowest.
2.Elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organization citizenship behavior is above average while “helping others voluntarily” was the highest, and “self-disciplined” was the lowest.
3.Elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ job satisfaction is above average while “work” was the highest, and “administrative management” was the lowest.
4.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of principal’s distributed leadership in terms of sex, duty, and the scale of school.
5.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ organization citizenship behavior in terms of age and duty.
6.There are significant differences in the elementary school teachers’ perception of teachers’ job satisfaction in terms of sex and duty.
7.There is a positive correlation among the principal’s distributed leadership, teachers’ organization citizenship behavior and the teachers’ job satisfaction.
8.Both of the principal’s distributed leadership and teachers’ organization citizenship behavior in Maioli County have a predictive effect on teachers’ job satisfaction.
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校長分布式領導、教師專業社群運作與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / The study on the relationships among principals’ distributed leadership, teacher professional learning community, and school innovative management effectiveness李重毅, Li, Chung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用問卷調查法,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸、結構方程模式等統計方法,探討高中職學校分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能之關係及模式驗證。透過文獻的蒐集與探討,提出本研究的研究架構和徑路關係模式圖。研究對象為國立高中職學校995 位教師;研究工具為研究者自編之校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能關係之調查問卷。
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國際級工程公司設計能耐提昇個案研究-以人才培育與專業強化觀點 / The Research on Competent Promotion in Engineering of an International Engineering Company簡錫雲 Unknown Date (has links)
國際級工程案競爭越形激烈,尤其有韓國工程公司競爭性策略搶標及大陸崛起積極跨入國際市場之隱憂,加上客戶在維持高品質及持續壓縮工期之需求,個案公司(簡稱以下A公司)成長及獲利空間均受到嚴苛的挑戰。為提昇在國際上競爭力,A公司設計部必須面對培植具豐富工程經驗及國際級之設計人才問題。而目前面臨5年以下經驗工程師達人數比例佔42%以上(即年輕工程師比例偏高) ,7~15年經驗工程師人數佔10%相對偏低之M型人力結構及未來幾年面臨退休潮,如何加速培育年輕工程師須具備世界級的專業技術及落實資深工程師經驗傳承,達成各職級人力結構合理化,提升設計品質,為A公司當務之急。
對跨部門訓練、管理課程與英文能力等問項,則以同意度與人口統計交叉分析結果,根據其滿意度程度及卡方檢定(Chi-Square Test)結果有統計上顯著差異關係之受訪者基本資料提出改善建議。 / Enterprises need to continuously enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities of their employees for sustainable business development and adapting to rapid changing environment as well as fierce international competition. The importance of developing short-term and long-term talent training programs is thus recognized.
Under some unfavorable conditions, which include keen competition in global EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) industry, Korean engineering companies’ strategic bidding, mainland China contending in international markets, clients’ request for quality and compressed work schedule at the same time, etc…, the case company (designated as company A) is facing severe challenges in achieving profitable growth. The company A must cope with the problem of cultivating world-class and experienced talent to promote its competitiveness in international markets. It’s the company A’s top priority to tackle the engineering talent gap at the range of seniority between 7 to 15 years (10%) whereas the young engineers with less than 5 years of experience account for more than 42% of its talent pool and engineers will retire that are increased in near future year. It’s important for the company A to professionalize young engineers, facilitate knowledge transferring, and optimize its staffing structure.
A questionnaire survey research was undertaken to understand the effectiveness of the training programs and reveal the employees’ opinion or request on the training activities of the company A. The questionnaire variables were classified into five categories: 1. degree of agreement and importance of professional skills training; 2. degree of agreement and importance of intergenerational transfer of experience; 3. degree of agreement on cross-disciplinary training; 4. degree of agreement on management training; 5. degree of agreement on English competency requirements. Demographic variables were used to cross analyze the survey result. The analysis was also used to find the causes of training deficiency and to explore improvement ideas.
The survey results of questionnaire variables in the first two categories, degree of agreement and importance of professional skills training and intergenerational transfer of experiencewere, were used to develop two-dimensional scatter diagrams (IPA matrices). The mean ratings of degree of agreement and importance were plotted in a two-dimensional grid to produce a four-quadrant matrix that identifies areas of Keep Up the Good Work, Possible Overkill, Concentrate Here, and Low Priority. Causes and improvement plans were further investigated for variables situate in the quadrant Concentrate Here, Low Priority, and Possible Overkill.
For the survey results of questionnaire variables in the other three categories, degree of agreement on cross-disciplinary training, management training and English competency requirements, cross tabulation analyses using demographic variables were performed. According improvement plans were proposed for the respondent demographics when statistically significant differences between the degree of satisfaction and chi-square test result were observed.
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